Massage Therapy State Continuing Education Requirements


Alabama massage therapists are required to to complete 16 Massage Therapy Continuing Education hours every two years. For more information on Alabama Massage Therapy continuing education requirements, visit the board website at:



Massage therapists in Arizona are required to complete 24 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Hours every two years. Out of the 24 hours, only 12 hours can be obtained through online or home-study courses. For more information, visit the board website at:



Massage therapists in Connecticut are required to complete 24 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Hours every two years. Out of the 24 required hours, no more than 6 hours can be obtained through online or home-study courses. Also, no more than 12 hours can be obtained from programs that are not approved by the NCBTMB. For more information, please visit the board website at:–Investigations/Massagetherapist/Massage-Therapist-Licensing-Requirements



Delaware massage therapists must complete 24 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Hours biennially on even numbered years. Out of these 24 hours, 3 credit hours must be in ethics, 12 hours can be elective or core credits, and only 15 hours can be obtained online. For more information, visit the board website at:




Licensees are required to complete 24 Hours of Massage Therapy Continuing Education every two years. Out of these 24 hours, 2 hours must be in professional ethics, 2 hours must be in laws & rules, 2 hours must be in the prevention of medical errors, 12 hours must be complete LIVE, and only 12 hours may be obtained online. For more information, please visit the board website at:




Georgia massage therapists are required to complete 24 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Hours every two years. Out of these 24 hours, only 12 hours can be obtained online. For more information, please visit the board website at:




Illinois massage therapists are required to complete 24 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Hours every even numbered year. Out of the 24 hours, 2 hours must be in ethics. Only 12 hours may be obtained through distance learning, self-study, or online courses. For more information, visit the board website at:




Iowa massage therapists are required to complete 16 hours of Continuing Education biennially. Out of those 16 hours, only 8 hours may be obtained through online courses. For more information, please visit the board website at:




Kentucky massage therapists must complete 24 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Hours every two years. 3 of those required hours must be in ethics. For more information, please visit the board website at:




Maryland massage therapists must complete 24 hours of Massage Therapy Continuing Education biennially. Out of the 24 hours, 3 hours must be in HIV/AIDs, 3 hours must be in ethics, 1 hour must be in cultural diversity, and 17 hours must be massage related. For more information, please visit the board website at:



Massage therapists in Michigan are required to complete 18 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Hours every three years. For more information, please visit the board website at:,4601,7-154-89334_72600_72603_27529_53660—,00.html



Massage Therapists in Missouri must complete 12 Hours of Continuing Education every two years. For more information, please visit the board website at:




Licensees in Montana are required to complete 12 Hours of Massage Therapy Continuing Education every even numbered year. For more information, please visit the board website at:




Licensees must complete 24 Hours of Massage Therapy Continuing Education every two years. Out of these 24 hours, 14 must be Live and 3 hours must be in ethics. Only 10 out of the 24 hours may be obtained online. For more information, please visit the board website at:




Massage Therapists in Nevada must complete 12 Hours of Massage Therapy Continuing Education per year. For more information, please visit the board website at:



New Hampshire

New Hampshire massage therapists must complete 12 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Hours every two years. For more information, please visit the board website at:


New Jersey

New Jersey massage therapists are required to complete 20 Hours of Massage Therapy Continuing Education every two years. 2 of the 20 required hours must be in ethics and only 6 hours may be completed through online courses. For more information, please visit the board website at:


New Mexico 

New Mexico massage therapists are required to complete 16 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Hours every two years license renewal. Four hours must be in ethics. Only 8 of those 16 hours may be obtained online. For more information, please visit the board website at:



New York

Massage Therapists in New York are required to complete 36 hours of Massage Therapy Continuing Education every three years. A maximum of 12 hours may be self-instructional coursework. For more information regarding New York Massage Therapy Continuing Education Requirements, please visit the board website at:



North Carolina 

Massage therapists in North Carolina are required to complete 24 Hours of Massage Therapy Continuing Education every two years for license renewal. Out of these 18 hours, only 12 hours may be obtained through distance learning and a minimum of 3 hours in ethics is required. For more information, visit the board website at:



North Dakota

Massage Therapists are required to complete 32 Hours of Massage Therapy Continuing Education for license renewal. Only 12 out of the required 32 hours may be obtained online. For more information, please visit the board website at:



Massage therapists in Oregon are required to complete 25 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Hours each year. 4 hours must be in professional ethics, boundaries and/or communication. Only 10 of the 25 hours may be obtained through distance learning. For more information, visit the board website at:




Massage therapists are required to complete 24 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Hours each biennial renewal period. Out of the 24 hours, 4 hours must be in ethics and 2 hours must be in child abuse. A minimum of 16 hours must be Live contact hours. Only 8 hours may be obtained through distance learning. For more information, please visit the board website at:



South Carolina

Massage therapy licensees are required to complete 12 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Hours per two year renewal cycle. For more information, please visit the board website at:



South Dakota

Massage therapy licensees in South Dakota are required to complete 8 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Hours per 2 year renewal cycle. For more information, please visit the board website:




Virginia massage therapy licensees must complete 24 Hours of Massage Therapy Continuing Education every two years for license renewal, along with maintaining NCBTMB Certification. For more information, please visit the board website at:




The state of Washington requires 24 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Hours every two years. Only 12 out of the 24 hours may be obtained through distance learning. 8 hours of continuing education must be LIVE. Out of the 24 hours, 4 hours must be in ethics and 2 hours must be in rules & boundaries. For more information, please visit the board website at:



West Virginia

West Virginia massage therapists must complete 24 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Hours every two years. 3 of the 24 hours must be in ethics. For more information, please visit the board website at:




Licensees must obtain 24 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Hours every two years. For more information, please visit the board website:

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Ethics for massage continuing education

Key Topics in Healthcare Ethics Lesson

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Key Topics in Healthcare Ethics
3 Credit Hours

Course Overview: “Key Topics in Healthcare Ethics” will cover a broad array of important topics healthcare providers and massage therapists alike should have a basic understanding of in order to successfully navigate the landscape of healthcare ethics, laws, rules and morals in the industry today.

Confidentiality & Privacy

From past to present, confidentiality has come a long way and some would even say that we are even more at risk now for breach of confidentiality than we were in the past. Now let’s think about this. Several years ago, your medical record was one of hundreds, if not thousands of files, most of them going untouched in a doctor’s office until you come in for an annual checkup, or if you happen to randomly be sick. Your record is only available to one person at a time (because there is no copy machines), and when your doctor is finished viewing, back on the shelf it goes with all the others.

Of course, this is not all encompassing for every circumstance. There is always risk for breach of confidentiality especially in larger, more urgent-care related facilities.  This system may have its cons in the respect that one could make the argument that this is in fact less secure because tons of private health information is merely secured by locks and doors. If an unauthorized individual were to dig around in your medical records, no one would know, and no “alarms” or “notifications” would go off to alert you or other personnel who would protect your information and take legal action against this person. Nor was there any sign out protocol.

But let’s take a look at the set-up we have now, which is much more integrated. Our medical records are now becoming electronic and easily accessible between health care providers allowing for a more integrated health care experience. For example, if you get blood work done in one office, that information on your medical record is now accessible to your primary care physician’s nurse, medical assistant, or physician assistant in another office. Because of integrated care, more and more people lay eyes on pertinent and private medical information. The same goes for an medical spa with receptionist, billers, and other personnel having access to medical health information.

Once way to protect yourself as a provider is to have the colleagues you work with to sign an ethical code of conduct stating the repercussions of breaching confidentiality and sharing someone’s personal health information (PHI) for reasons unrelated to patient care. Personal Health Information (PHI) constitutes information that identifies the patient, diagnoses, treatment, medications, clinical notes from physician-patient visits, and any blood work or lab results conducted. In addition, many health care institutions provider user-specific based access to individuals who need to access patient care. For example, user names and passwords are provided for specific access based on what the employee needs to look at in the patient file, to do his or her job. To improve security, biomarker logins may be used such as with a finger-print or face scan.

The electronic health record (EHR) is much more active today than it ever was. Although patient medical records are mostly online based as of now, it is important to note that there must be proper disposal of any printed patient medical records through a paper shredder. Hard copies of medical records should not be left out in the open for unauthorized personnel or other patients to see. This means that paper records with personal health information on them should not be thrown in the trash.

The reason being is because anyone can have easy access to see what is in the trash, which may contain a glimpse of information that is sensitive to your patient. Protect your patients by shredding all papers and records that are not in use. Should your practice need printed copies of health records, please be sensitive to this information and either shred hard copies that are going un-used or keep them in a secure environment. The same thing applies to computer based medical record systems where files can be opened and closed. Usually medical record system software has a time-out and logs the user out after several minutes of no activity. Although the software itself has good preventive measures to keep records confidential, it is important to check ourselves and log out of any un-used files and close the screen.


The main reasons for medical record keeping is for the purpose of patient care, research, and also for insurance companies. For every patient there are many viewers of the medical record for insurance and care purposes. While the health care company/hospital/ or clinic may own the medical record and can be held liable for keeping in confidential from purposes other than patient care, it is the patient who owns the information in the document. Patient information can only be released by written consent of the patients themselves.

For other medical uses such as administration, diagnosis, insurance coverage/payment, medical records can be issued without the patients consent because this process is directly related to patient care. The medical record essentially represents the person. Regarding electronic health records, there are three components that are vital to understand when running a health care operation, and those are confidentiality of patient records, keeping them secure, and the data availability.

Confidentiality standards and adolescents

In most states, teenagers may seek treatment without the consent of their parents for specific conditions, such as for aborting pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, mental health concerns, and substance abuse. It is better to get familiar with what the rule of the state, the local laws, and the institutional policies are with regards to adolescents and healthcare.


Case Study

In the court case Emily Bryne v. Avery Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology, P.C. argued March 12, 2013, the State Supreme Court ruled that patients will now be able to sue for negligence if a medical office violates regulation that dictate how medical offices must maintain patient confidentiality. In the appeal to the State Supreme Court, the ultimate goal was to determine if HIPAA lacks a private right of action and preempts state law claims for negligence and negligent infliction of emotional distress against a health care provider who has breach confidentiality of a patient’s medical record.

The story of this case goes as follows… Emily Bryne went for a visit to Avery Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology, where upon her first appointment she received gynecological care and signed a privacy policy, from the health care provider, stating that her personal health information would not be disclosed without her authorization. Within the months to follow, Bryne developed a romantic relationship with a man named Andro Mendoza, which lasted 5 months.

Upon conclusion of the relationship, she instructed the Avery Center to not release her medical records to Mendoza. Shortly thereafter Mendoza filed paternity actions against Bryne, and the Avery Center was given a subpoena (an order for a person to attend court) to provide Bryne’s medical records at the New Haven Regional Children’s Probate Court. The main issue arises in this case because the Avery Center did not alert or notify the plaintiff (Bryne) of the subpoena to provide her medical record to the court. Instead, the Avery Center simply mailed a copy of her medical records to the court. Shortly thereafter Mendoza informed Bryne through phone that he reviewed her medical record in the court file, and Bryne claims that she received extortion threats and was harassed since he viewed the record.

Bryne ended up taking the Avery Center to court on the claims that they breached their contract with her on the privacy agreement by disclosing her protected medical records without her authorization, and also acted negligently by “failing to use proper and reasonable care in protecting her medical file, INCLUDING disclosing it without authorization in violation of General Statues and the Department’s regulations implanting HIPAA.”

Additional claims she made against the Avery Center include negligent infliction of emotional distress and that the Avery Center was negligent in abiding her requests that her medical file be protected in accordance with law; in other words, that her records would not be shown to Mendoza.

Ultimately, the State Supreme Court has ruled that patients can sue for negligence if a medical office violates regulations that dictate how medical offices must maintain patient confidentiality. This case is the first time the state’s highest court has ruled regarding this particular HIPAA issue. According to lawyer Bruce Elstein, “Before this ruling, individuals could not file a lawsuit claiming violation of their privacy under the HIPAA regulations. It was for that reason that we filed a negligence claim, claiming the medical office was negligent when it released confidential medical records contrary to the requirements set forth in the regulations.” (Tepfer, 2014).

The main take away of this court case is to comply with HIPAA forms and policy’s you implement within your practice. For example, if you have our patient sign a privacy agreement that states you will not disclose their medical records without their authorization for reasons other than pertinent medical care, then you must inform them. In this case, a court of law wanted Bryne’s medical records. What should have happened- The Avery Center should have informed Bryne of the subpoena (per the privacy policy she signed, letting her authorize/or not authorize the distribution of her medical records), so she could file a motion to protect her records and take appropriate legal action against Mendoza.


Here are some ways providers can hold staff accountable to patient confidentiality laws and regulations.

  • Have all staff read and sign an ethics code of conduct with a specific section on Patient/Client Confidentiality Laws & Rules.
  • Have strict office protocol for how PHI is to be handled. Ex: no papers with PHI are to be left facing up on office desks during business hours, if not being used for any purpose patient files should be paper shredded and disposed of.


Purpose of HIPAA

In 1996, President Clinton signed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).  this new law was enacted as part of a broad congressional attempt at incremental healthcare reform.

HIPAA stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability act and has two primary purposes.  One is to provide continuous insurance coverage for workers who change jobs, and the other is to “reduce the costs and administrative burdens of health care by making possible the standardized, electronic transmission of many administrative and financial transactions that are currently carried out manually on paper.

It is important to hold regular meetings with staff to discuss the importance of confidentiality so your clinic stays up to date on laws, rules and regulations regarding this subject and so your staff continues to be mindful of their practice and to safeguard information. A code of ethics in your practice is a great way to remind patients and colleagues of your standards of care and how you respect patient rights.


Benefits of having code of ethics in plain view of patient

  • Provides the patient/client a sense of trust
  • Plays into informed consent
  • So the staff knows the standards to which they are held

Confidentiality is usually useful in handling the discussions that healthcare providers have with their patients. This conception is generally referred to as provider-patient privileged information. There are regulations that mandate healthcare providers not to reveal their discussions with patients, even when they are under oath in court.

Confidentiality is authorized in the American HIPAA laws, particularly the Privacy Rule, and many other state laws. Some of them are more stringent than the HIPAA. Nevertheless, there are a number of exceptions that have been structured down the years. For instance, majorities of states need doctors to report wounds caused by gunshot to the police. There are also required to report drivers who are impaired to the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Confidentiality is as well challenged in situations that involve the diagnosis of a sexually transmitted disease in a patient who fails to inform the spouse, and in an underage girl who visits the hospital to terminate the pregnancy without informing the parents. There are various state laws in the US that govern how healthcare practices should handle instances like this.

The Security Rule in the HIPAA law stipulates the regulation that protects the data of an individual and also explains the how the rules can be made compulsory if needed. The security rule describes the way covered bodies must work together to guard patient medical data.

Part of this relationship involves the production of computerized physician order entry (CPOE) schemes and electronic healthcare records (EHRs) which medical billing and coding specialists utilize daily to file and process medical claims.

The Security Rule as well stipulates that the technologies formulated by covered entities to make their administrative work easy must be protected. It must as well meet the standards established by HIPAA.

Who does HIPAA Apply to?

The HIPAA act covers both organizations and individuals.  Those who are required by law to comply with HIPAA are often called HIPAA covered entities.

It is important to know if you and/or your business practice falls in the requirements of HIPAA, so you can take appropriate action and conduct your operation lawfully and ethically.  To provide some more background on understanding HIPAA and how it may be connected to your massage therapy practice, here is some info from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services website, which provides a wealth of information on the topic.

What are the HIPAA Covered Entities?

Health Plans

For HIPAA purposes, health plans include:

  • Health insurance companies
  • HMOs, or health maintenance organizations
  • Employer-sponsored health plans
  • Government programs that pay for health care, like Medicare, Medicaid, and military and veterans’ health programs (CMS, 2016)


Clearinghouses include organizations that process nonstandard health information to conform to standards for data content or format, or vice versa, on behalf of other organizations (CMS, 2016).


Healthcare providers who submit HIPAA transactions, like claims, electronically are covered. These providers include, but are not limited to:

  • Doctors
  • Clinics
  • Psychologists
  • Dentists
  • Chiropractors
  • Nursing homes
  • Pharmacies (CMS, 2016)

About Business Associates

If a covered entity engages a business associate to help carry out its health care activities and functions, the covered entity must have a written business associate contract or other arrangement with the business associate that:

  • Establishes specifically what the business associate has been engaged to do
  • Requires the business associate to comply with HIPAA

Examples of business associates include:

  • Third-party administrator that assists a health plan with claims processing
  • Consultant that performs utilization reviews for a hospital
  • Health care clearinghouse that translates a claim from a nonstandard format into a standard transaction on behalf of a health care provider, and forwards the processed transaction to a payer
  • Independent medical transcriptionist that provides transcription services to a physician (CMS, 2016)

Also, a covered health care provider, health plan, or health care clearinghouse can be a business associate of another covered entity (CMS, 2016).

What does HIPAA deem as covered transactions?

It depends on how you are using computerized transactions.  Under HIPAA, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services adopted certain standard transactions for the electronic exchange of health care data. These transactions include:

  • Claims and encounter information
  • Payment and remittance advice
  • Claims status
  • Eligibility
  • Enrollment and disenrollment
  • Referrals and authorizations
  • Coordination of benefits
  • Premium payment (CMS, 2017)

HIPAA-covered entities who conduct any of these transactions electronically must use an adopted standard from ASC X12N or NCPDP (for certain pharmacy transactions) (CMS, 2017).

If you are not using these types of transactions in your practice then you are most likely not a “covered entity”.

Depending on how you conduct your business operations, and if you notice on this list certain procedures your practice might engage in, it is recommended to visit the HIPAA website to investigate your situation further.  Also, be sure to check your state board requirements on the laws and rules your profession must adhere to. This includes how to handle patient/client records, and how long by law you are required to keep them for.   Every massage therapy practice may do things slightly differently which is why it is important to do the research to find out.  Your practice could be a covered entity under HIPAA, or it may not be.

One thought leader on the subject, Gael Wood, states the following opinion about HIPAA:

“It is probably a very good idea for most massage therapists to follow HIPAA guidelines (Wood, 2018). However, knowing what is required of you by law can help you to make a logical plan to implement your procedures. I hate to think of a therapist going through a lot of stress and expense, for something that is not required of them. Purchasing a filing cabinet that locks and a good computer firewall system may be sufficient. Spas and in-home massage businesses may just need to use good old fashioned common sense (Wood, 2018),”

Keeping Medical Records Private & Confidential

When medical professionals respect patients’ privacy and confidentiality, it helps to build trust, promote selfless decision making and boosts care. Protecting data collected in connection to the patient care is a central value in health care.


Patients must be able to trust that healthcare providers will protect, and be respectful of, the data collected from them.  In the case of ‘respect’, for example, this includes the patients choice to have a provider leave (or not leave) a voicemail on a personal cell phone or home phone.  Have you ever noticed in your healthcare providers office, they ask you to check off a box or two, essentially granting or declining the provider permission to leave a voice mail, or to speak to you directly?  This is just one good example of how healthcare providers today can respect patient/client confidentiality.

Confidentiality is imperative in handling the discussions that doctors have with their patients. This conception is generally referred to as a patient-physician privilege. There are regulations that mandate doctors not to reveal their discussions with patients, even when they are under oath in court.  Confidentiality is authorized in the American HIPAA laws, particularly the Privacy Rule, and many other state laws. Some of them are more stringent than the HIPAA. Nevertheless, there are a number of exceptions that have been structured down the years. For instance, majorities of states need doctors to report wounds caused by a gunshot to the police. There are also required to report drivers who are impaired by the Department of Motor Vehicles.

We see this concept also challenged in situations that involve the diagnosis of a sexually transmitted disease in a patient who fails to inform the spouse, and in an underage girl who visits the hospital to terminate the pregnancy without informing the parents. There are various state laws in the US that are related to how the parents of under-aged girls seeking an abortion must be notified.

When healthcare professionals respect patients’ privacy and confidentiality, it helps to build trust, promote selfless decision making and boosts care. Protecting data collected in connection with the patient care is a central value in health care.

Patients must be able to trust that providers will protect data collected from them with confidence

Confidentiality is, above all, an instrument of protection of privacy, which it has an additional value insofar as it serves to promote other values (trust, security, friendship, respect …), or because it protects other rights (equality, non-discrimination), or because it avoids certain ills (damage to reputation and to honor, loss of jobs and opportunities).

In this way, the value of confidentiality can be greater or lesser depending on the case, depending on the purposes it serves. For what is only defensible to the extent that it contributes to achieve goals that are desirable in themselves and confidentiality that is at the service of undesirable or criminal objectives should not be protected.

Confidentiality protects the patient and his or her well-being.  It is crucial to not reveal confidential data for purposes other than as it relates to or is needed for the patient/clients direct treatment or care.  Additionally, confidential health information should not be shared with un-related personnel unless it is required by law and under very specific legal circumstances.  Even in cases like this, the patient has a right to know that their data is being shared.

But it has not always been like this. Throughout history professional confidentiality has gone through three phases:

1. Unilateral professional duty: The beginning of this phase can be seen in the Hippocratic Oath that requests the healthcare practitioner to keep patients’ lives a secret. But it was the healthcare practitioner who decided what things should remain secret, his duty was not matched or derived from any right of the patient.

2. It is a right of the patient: The patient’s right to confidentiality has been recently recognized and imposes on the professional a duty of secrecy that can only be dispensed by the patient himself.

3. Institutional and collective obligation to protect confidential data: This expanded way of understanding the secret arose because the computer systems for recording and storing data allow access to the patient’s privacy in other ways and require extreme precautions and impose standards on all the levels.

Confidentiality in professional conduct has an added value because it promotes important specific assets, among them:

1. Confidentiality enables an effective therapeutic relationship, based on truthfulness and trust. Without confidentiality, patients would stop disclosing potentially relevant information for diagnosis and treatment; some may even stop seeking medical or therapeutic help.

2. Facilitate the reliable and complete medical records, which may also be useful for scientific research and quality control.

3. Promote other values (trust, security, respect …).

4. Ensure the protection of other rights (equality, non-discrimination …).

The requirements of confidentiality have never been considered absolute. The following circumstances may justify exceptions:

1. The patient gives his or her written consent for the permission to use or share certain information.

2. When it is in clear benefit of the patient and it is impossible to request their consent due to a life threatening incident.

3. Legal obligation: in diseases of obligatory declaration, child abuse, elderly abuse, sexual abuse, injuries, illegal abortions, suspicious deaths, etc.

4. Judicial requirement, made by a judge that instructs a process.

The medical profession has always felt obliged to keep the privacy of the patient secure. The Hippocratic Oath expresses this ancient tradition: “What in the treatment, or even out of it, sees or hears in relation to the life of men, that which should never be divulged, I will keep it secret.”

However, it is up to the legislative and administrative authorities to set the limits and the rules. This is the reason why a judge, in a judicial investigation, can request data and exempt a medical secret professional.

The new demands of medical confidentiality

The patient’s privacy is maintained while the health professional, does not disclose what he knows. But now medical care is provided by teams of professionals who need to share information, and medical records are stored in computerized and interconnected data banks. In these new circumstances, it can become increasingly more complicated to keep data secure and personal health information in the hands of only the personnel who require it to perform their jobs.


Patient privacy includes some aspects like personal space or physical privacy, personal data or informational privacy, personal preferences like cultural and religious association or decisional privacy, and personal relationships with family members and other intimates or associational privacy.

Medical Records

Medical records provide significant data that assures the continuity of care of the patient and are essential both for present treatment and for the treatment of the patient in future cases. It is also significant for insurance, job and other uses.

Health care practitioners are obliged to take reasonable steps to protect medical information and keep them confidential according to the wish of the patient. For instance, a discussion between the doctor and the patient regarding the care of the patient must be done in private. The preference of a patient may be that the doctoring their mobile phone instead of the homeland phone. The data of a patient is not supposed to be revealed to even well-meaning members of the patient’s family.

Every patient’s right to confidentiality must be maintained except the individual permits the disclosure of such information or in a situation where they can no longer state their preference like when they are seriously confused or comatose. The federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA act are applicable to the majority of healthcare practitioners and its law referred to as the Privacy Rule, stipulate in detail regulations that must be followed with regards to privacy, access, and disclosure of patient’s data. Some of the regulations that must be followed in handling patient’s information as stipulated in the HIPAA acts include the following:

  • Patients have the right to see and acquire copies of their medical records. They can as well request for corrections to be made if they discover any oversight.
  • Individuals who are legally approved to make health care decisions for an individual who lacks the capacity also have equivalent right like the sick individual to access medical records of such individuals.
  • Health care practitioners must regularly reveal their practices about the privacy of private medical data.
  • Health care providers may share a patient’s medical data but only among colleagues in so far as it is necessary to care for the individual.
  • Personal health data must not be disclosed for the sake of business promotion or marketing efforts.
  • Health care providers must take realistic precautions to make sure that their conversations with the patient are confidential.
  • Patients may file complaints regarding privacy breaches by healthcare practitioners straight to the health care practitioner or to the Office for Civil Rights in the US Department of Health and Human Services.

The HIPAA Privacy Rule does not imply barriers to the standard communications between medical providers and members of the patient’s family or their friends. The rules allow doctors or other health care providers to reveal data that is immediately required for the participation of a spouse, family members, friends, or other individuals allowed by the patient. If the patient is able to make health care decisions, the doctor may talk about this data with the family or others present if the patient gives the consent or when it is necessarily required by law.

Even in the absence of the patient or when it is not logical to ask the patient’s permission due to emergency or incapacitation, a doctor may share a patient’s data with the family members or friends if the doctor thinks that such would be to the interest of the patients while exercising professional judgment.

Health care providers are occasionally required by law to reveal specific data, normally due to the fact that the condition may be dangerous to others. For instance, the health providers must report specific infectious diseases like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, syphilis, and tuberculosis to state or local public health agencies. Health care practitioners who notice medical signs of child, adult, or elder mistreatment, abuse, or neglect normally must report such information to protective services. Conditions that might seriously impair a person’s ability to drive, such as dementia or recent seizures, must be reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles in some states.

Difference between confidentiality, privacy, and security of health data

When it comes to the concepts of privacy and confidentiality of health data, there are three different essential and similar concepts that are frequently mistakenly used as one concept while investigating protection of health data in the U.S. healthcare system. However, they have different basic meanings.

Whenever the issues regarding the privacy of health information are being discussed, the first law that comes to mind is the “HIPAA. This part of the guide discusses these three concepts vary from each other.

 Confidentiality is the mandate of health professionals who have access to patients’ health records or discussion to keep the acquired information confidential. The professional obligation of health professionals to hold these data in confidence is implied in professional association codes of ethics, as represented in the American Health Information Management Association Code of Ethics. Confidentiality is legally identified as advantaged contract between two parties in a professional relationship like the patient-physician, a nurse or other healthcare professional. Patients anticipate that the healthcare professionals must keep that information about them confidential. However, during legal lawsuits, the cases are judged on a case by case basis given the evidence on the ground and factoring the public good or need for the same information with support for the privileged discussion.

When handling sensitive health data that requires particular layers of confidentiality, like those involved in mental health treatment, the state laws offer assistance for health data management expert. In Illinois, for instance, the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act provide thorough requirements for right of entry, utilization, and disclosure of confidential patient information which includes legal proceedings.

Professional persons in health care delivery fields (including those working in the public schools) have legal and ethical responsibilities to safeguard the confidentiality of information regarding the clients in their care. Scholars and those involved in human research have legal and ethical obligations to protect the privacy of persons who agree to participate in clinical studies and other research projects. Children and adults who are legally incompetent have the same right to privacy enjoyed by adults who are competent, though their rights will be mediated by a designated family member or a legal guardian.

There are federal statutes binding on all ASHA members who treat clients or patients, whether they work in healthcare facilities (where the HIPAA privacy and security rules apply), schools (which operate under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, as well as HIPAA), or private practice. There are also stringent federal statutes governing the treatment of human subjects in medical and other forms of scientific research. Individual states also have statutes governing the confidentiality of patient and client information, the protection of data gathered in research, and the privacy of students.

If there is variation among the different sources of rules on privacy, the professional should follow the most restrictive rule; for example, if the law seems to allow an action that the Code of Ethics seems to prohibit, follow the Code of Ethics. If there is a conflict between sources, do what the law requires; for example, if workplace policies conflict on some point with legal requirements for confidential handling of records, the law takes precedence.

Privacy, different from confidentiality, is the right of the patient to be allowed to make decisions regarding the way personal data is shared. Although the U.S. Constitution does not state a “right to privacy”, privacy as regards to a person’s healthcare decisions and health data are specified in court decisions, in federal and state statutes, licensing organization guidelines and professional codes of ethics.

The greatest among them is the federal HIPAA Privacy Rule that set up the national standards for privacy of health data and defining “protected health data. The purpose of the HIPAA Privacy Rule is to identify and mark the frontier of the scenarios where a person’s protected health data may be utilized or disclosed.

The privacy rule as established in the broader Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) as expressed in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), strike a balance that allows significant utilization information even as it protects the privacy of individuals who search for medical care and healing.

People are offered some elements of control like the right to access their own health data in a number of instances and the right to ask that any erroneous health info should be amended. Nevertheless, while trying to maintain a balance; the Rule makes provision for a number of exceptions regarding the utilization and disclosure of protected health data without patient authorization. Some of these exceptions include treatment, compensation, health care providers’ operations and for specific public health activities.

Even as there continues to be a debate about if the HIPAA Privacy Rule has significantly boosted people’s privacy rights, it has surely enhanced understanding of the topic of privacy of health data, issues that concern its protection and what the patient’s duty is in the process. The duty of the health information management professionals has clearly been significantly impacted by tasks for HIPAA Privacy Rule compliance.

HIPAA has developed during the last ten years and was significantly strengthened by the 2009 HITECH Act and the HIPAA amendment regulations published in January 2013. Whatever is your view about HIPAA, it is difficult to argue that it has had a huge impact on patients, the healthcare industry, and many other industries and would control the operations of healthcare and HIM professionals for many years to come.


Security means protection directly, and particularly to the method that is employed to keep the privacy of health information intact and support experts to hold such information in confidence.   The concept of security has over the years been applied to health records in manuscript from like locked file cabinets. While the utilization of electronic health record systems broadened and when the issue of transferring health information to support billing started, there arose the need to come up with regulatory guidelines that relate to the electronic health information.

The HIPAA Security Rule offered the first national standards for the safeguard of health information. In handling technical and administrative safeguards, the HIPAA Security Rule’s specified that the objective is to keep independently identifiable electronic health data safe-a part of information covered by the Privacy Rule while giving healthcare providers suitable access to information and flexibility to adopt technology as enshrined in the HHS, 2003b. Once more, that concept of balance exists in the law: necessary access by healthcare providers vs. protection of individuals’ health information.

A HIPAA violation case example is sending patient bills, that contain identifiable health information, to collections firms.  In one case concerning an ardent patient privacy advocate, the psychologist regularly had employees forward overdue patient bills to a collections firm.  Unfortunately, the bills contained protected health information, such as CPT (Current Procedural Terminology), DSM/ICD codes, that can identify a patient’s diagnoses.  After catching wind of the issue, the state sought to suspend and revoke the psychologists license.  The personal health information on any documentation of bills sent to the collections agency should have been redacted before sending.

Another example of a HIPAA violation is viewing patient or client medical records when not indicated or related to care.  In one case from 2008, there were 13 hospital workers terminated for viewing Britney Spears’ medical records during her hospitalization at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Medical Center. 

With the advent of social media, HIPAA and privacy violations are unfortunately becoming ever-more common, which is why it is important for healthcare providers to know what is acceptable to post, and what is off limits.

First, let’s start with a definition.  A violation, as defined by HIPAA, is a breach that is an impermissible use or disclosure under the Privacy Rule, that compromises the security or privacy of the protect health information of the individual. 

Examples that constitute a HIPAA violation:

  • Posting images or gossiping about a patient to individuals not related to patient care, even if the name is not mentioned.
  • Posting images of patient files, such as x-rays, pictures related to care, or other health records, with identifiable health information without consent provided by the patient.
  • Discussing the personal health information (PHI) of a patient, such as a diagnosis, within earshot of other individuals not related to patient care.
  • Disclosing PHI to individuals associated with the patient but have not been authorized by the patient to be privy to their health information.

Medical professionals who breach confidentiality presently face more stringent penalties due to the adjustments made to the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules during the publication of final ruling of the HITECH Act.   The publication of these alterations is referred collectively as Omnibus Rule and was meant to make a great impact on health care and protect patient privacy. It would as well keep patient’s health data safe especially as we see escalating innovations in technology.


What is it?

The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, also known as HITECH, was signed into law on February 17, 2009 to advocate the adoption and purposeful use of health information technology.  The HITECH Act was enacted as part of the American Recovery and reinvestment Act of 2009, modified the Department of Health and Human Services Secretary’s authority to impose civil money penalties for violations occurring after Feb. 18, 2009.

A certain section of the HITECH Act, subtitle D, acknowledges the security and privacy concerns associated with the electronic transmission of health information and through a few provisions, strengthens the criminal and civil enforcement of the HIPAA law (OCR, 2017).

Essentially, the HITECH Act revisions significantly increase the penalty amounts the Secretary may order for violations of the HIPAA rules (HHS, 2009). 

The director of the Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights, Georgina Verdugo, commented on the HITECH Act, stating that, “the strengthened penalty scheme will encourage health care providers, health plans, and other health care entities required to comply with HIPAA to ensure that their compliance programs are effectively designed to prevent, detect, and quickly correct violations of the HIPAA Rules.  Such heightened vigilance will give consumers greater confidence in the privacy and security of their health information and in the industry’s use of health information technology, (HHS, 2009)

The Omnibus Rule

The purpose of this rule was to make modifications to the HIPAA rules that enhance public protection in regards to electronically transmitted health data.  There are 4 key rules included.  In short, they go as follows:

  1. Final modifications to the HIPAA privacy, security, and enforcement rules mandated by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, and certain other modifications to improve the Rules.  One of these modifications, among several others listed on the document, include holding business associates of covered entities directly liable for compliance with certain HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules’ requirements.
  2. Changes to the HIPAA Enforcement Rule to incorporate the increased and tiered civil money penalty structure provided by the HITECH Act.
  3. Breach Notifications for Unsecured Protected Health Information under the HITECH Act, which replaces the breach notification rule’s “harm” threshold with a more objective standard and supplants an interim final rule published on August 24, 2009.
  4. Final rule modifying the HIPAA Privacy rule as required by the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), to prohibit most health plans from using or disclosing genetic information for underwriting purposes which was published as a proposed rule on October 7, 2009 (Federal Register, 2013). 

The Omnibus Final Rule, which began enforcing compliance on September 23, 2013, contained the most significant changes to the HIPAA Privacy and Security rules since their start.  Additionally, the Omnibus Final rule also extends to the Office of Civil rights the capability to enforce the rules and render fines (Stryker, 2013).

Data and the private data of patients who take part in research studies must also be kept confidential. There must be watchful supervision of employees to make sure that they keep to the recommended research protocol required to ensure the data of all individuals involved are kept safe. Some practical precautions to safeguard and maintain the confidentiality of the participant include the following:

  • Transferring research findings without revealing private data that could easily be recognized.
  • Ensuring the safety of saved research records and minimizing access to un-authorized personnel alone;
  • Taking away, camouflaging, or coding individual information that could be easily identified, such as names, medical record numbers, or date of birth.
  • Getting consent from the research participant and if the participant is a child the consent of the parent or the guardian must be sought before transferring results that include photographs, videos or audio voice recordings that may make it easy for the individual to be identified.

Due to the fact that the legal requirements in this regard are very strict and given that health institutions monitor research on human subjects very cautiously, professionals must get additional guidance straight from the correct personnel in their home institutions.

In a research study that involves the peer review of tendered manuscripts, all results, information, and images in the manuscripts ought to be handled as highly confidential, and reviewers and editors are obliged to protect findings from any form of untimely disclosure. In a blind-review process, the personal data of the researchers must be protected. In a double-blind review procedure, the vagueness of authors and reviewers similarly must be thoroughly maintained. Editors and reviewers must not publish any information they gathered from the manuscripts.

If a patient is a competent adult, he or she is the only person with the authority to grant access to his or her medical information. If the case has to do with a minor, only the parent or the guardian can grant such right of access. However, there are instances, such as custody disputes or under custody agreements where both the biological and adoptive parent do not have right of access to the patient information or the right to give permission for such information to be disclosed.

In the case of minors, the right of access to the medical data of the patient is only granted to the designated family member(s) or legal guardian of the patient. The standard for good practice in this regard includes the following:

  • In every form of treatment situations, a written form that stipulates disclosure of information must be provided to and signed by, the patient/client or the patient’s representative before the commencement of the treatment of the individual.
  • Every patient/client record must be made up of a clear, precise, up-to-date, and easily situated statement of the person who is authorized to have access to the patient’s data and the person who has the right to give the right of access to a third party who has the right to view client information and who may authorize the release of such information to other parties related to care.

For any disclosure of information apart from the one that is contained in the first round of privacy agreement or as the law requires, the doctor needs to get a release of information agreement from the patient/client or their assigned representatives. This involves getting permission to share information with a second healthcare professional. The permission to do so should be obtained in writing, instead of verbal consent, for documentation purposes and legal reasons.

Printed records of a patient’s data have a durability and reproducibility that differs from spoken information. There are thus extra concerns regarding the protection and management of paper files or automated records. These fears and challenges continue to get more complex and intense due to the electronic media and the use of laptops and smart phones.  While this can be rare, breaches of confidentiality through computer or software hacks can happen due to how the records are produced, stored, or transmitted.

For example, around May of 2017 the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Civil Rights (OCR) announced a $2.5 million dollar settlement in connection with an employee’s stolen laptop with electronic personal health data on it (Day, 2017). 

The settlement was reached with CardioNet, Inc., covered entity and provider of remote mobile monitoring services, after CardioNet’s disclosure of multiple discontinuities of data taking place of electronic protected health information in 2012.  The breach affected more than 1,300 and 2,200 people, respectively, and both involve stolen laptops (Day, 2017).

Typically, professionals should not produce, update, or save patients records on their personal electronic devices like computers and flash drives or personal online accounts. If the workplace permits such off-site management of health records, there must be the implementation of privacy and safety measures like password protection and anonymized client data representations. Staff must not open or read patients records on portable devices should when they are in public places like coffee shops or on a public transport system.

All therapists who practice autonomously and all healthcare organization must have clearly written policies that address the safety and security of client records.  This includes a detailed risk analysis of vulnerabilities, a risk management plan to handle and reduce any potential security risks, implement HIPAA security rule procedures and policies, with a specific focus on hand held devices and other media controls, and/or implement a “HIPAA security rule training program” with a focus on encryption of personal data, security, and handling of devices and out-of-office transmissions (Day, 2017).

Ethical Workplace Policies – maintaining secure patient/client health records.

  • Record accurate patient health data;
  • Electronic and paper record storage system
  • Record logging in and out into the health data system to prevent access by workers who may want to read and influence the record and with regard to the right of access by clients;
  • Record, review and maintain records according to relevant state laws and regulations.
  • Secure and encrypted transfer of data (if needed) which includes transfer by electronic means;
  • Procedures for managing requests for data by an individual other than the client or the client’s spokesperson;
  • Have employees sign off on a confidentiality agreement as it relates to their interactions with clients and client health information.

Failure to comply with the requirements planned to defend patients’ records not only puts patient welfare at risk but as well makes the practitioner susceptible to ethics complaints and legal action.

Suitable steps must be taken to make sure that the confidentiality and protection of electronic and automated client records and data. All data must be password protected, and only authorized individuals should be given access to the records and information. Automated records must be backed up regularly, and there must be plans for protecting computer systems in the event of emergencies.

Ethics & Electronic Health Records (HER)

An electronic health record (EHR) is a record that contains a patient’s healthcare information which includes history, physical examination, investigations, and treatment in digital format. Doctors and hospitals are currently making use of electronic health record because they have many advantages over paper records. They boost access to health care, enhance the quality of care and reduce costs.

The office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (IT) sees the patient’s health record as not merely a range of data, but that you are protecting the individual’s most personal information. The information that is in the patient health record is owned by the patient. The doctor and the organization own the physical medical record. Nevertheless, ethical issues that consign the EHRs are challenges to the health personnel. When patient’s health data are transferred from place to place or from individual to individual or connected to without the knowledge of the patient, it puts the individual’s autonomy at risk and can breach HIPAA if not directly related to care..

The patient may cover up and conceal some information because of fear regarding the degree of security of the electronic system on which the data is stored. This could significantly affect their treatment due to the compromise regarding the incomplete disclosure of information. There is the risk that healthcare data of thousands of patients’ can be misplaced in error or be stolen. Leaders, health personnel, and policymakers must be aware of the ethical implications of using EHRs and set up strategies to ensure that the healthcare data of patients in electronic forms are properly safeguarded.

The advantages of electronic health records over the traditional paper records

In the past, the health record of patients was documented on paper for the purpose of research, medical, administrative and financial uses. Its major disadvantage was in the difficulty of accessing the information. Again, it can also be accessible to one individual at any given time. It takes about one month to six months to complete such data or even more time because the update of paper documentation of health records is required one once every year.

The aim of documenting health data through the electronic media is still equivalent to that of the standard paper storage. However, the electronic health record is more beneficial than the paper records.

Some of these advantages include the following:

  • EHRs are more legible and this eliminates issues of wrong prescriptions, doses, and processes.
  • Furthermore, unpleasant drug reactions can be minimized greatly when the EHRs are linked to drug banks and pharmacies. This can be achieved by not allowing prescription and order for drugs which has a recognized adverse reaction for a specific patient.
  • It allows easy access from anywhere at any given time.
  • Electronic records require less storage space and can be stored forever. They lessen the number of lost records, assist in research activities, assist in the production of a whole set of backup records at low cost, speed data transfer and are money-spinning.
  • EHRs boosts patient compliance, aids quality assurance and minimize medical errors.

Four key ethical priorities for electronic health records (EHRS):

  • Privacy and confidentiality
  • Security Breaches
  • System implementation,
  • Data errors

Privacy and confidentiality

The health care data of a patient ought to be provided to others only when it is allowed by the patient or the law. When a patient can no longer give such consent as a result of age or mental inability, the decisions about sharing their healthcare information can be made by the legal representative or legal protector of the patient. Healthcare data shared due to clinical interaction is taken as confidential and need to be protected. Data from which the uniqueness of the patient cannot be discovered, for instance, the number of patients with breast carcinoma in a government hospital, is not covered by this category.

Healthcare organizations, insurance companies, and others will need access to the data if EHRs are functioning as planned. The major reason for protecting confidentiality is to permit just authorized individuals to access the data. This starts with authorizing users. The user’s access must be based on pre-established role-based privileges. The manager of the electronic health data discovers the user, decides the level of information shared and designates usernames and passwords.

The user must be informed that they would be made accountable for the use and misuse of the healthcare data revealed to them. Their access to the information is limited to merely what they require to fulfill their obligations. Therefore, transmission of user privileges is a key aspect of the security of medical record security.

Despite the fact that it is significant to control access to health information, it is not enough to protect the confidentiality. There must be additional security steps in a place like a robust privacy and security policies to ensure that patients’ health care data are adequately protected.

Addressing Electronic Health Record Security Breaches

Security breaches are committed against patient privacy when confidential health data is provided to others without the consent or approval of the person. Two incidents of security breaches that occurred at Howard University Hospital, in Washington demonstrated that insufficient data security can affect a large number of people.

On May 14, 2013, one of the hospital’s medical technicians, Laurie Napper, was charged with violating the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The technician for a 17-month period used her role in the hospital to access the names of patients, their addresses and Medicare numbers for trading purposes. The hearing of the case conducted on the 12th of June 2013 found the technician guilty and she was imprisoned for months in a half-way house with an additional fine of 2,100 dollars.

Before that incident, the same hospital notified more than thirty-four patients in their database that their medical data had been compromised. A contractor working with the hospital downloaded the patients’ data to a personal laptop that got stolen from his car. The data was password protected but was not encrypted. This implies that anyone who guessed the password correct could have access to the patients’ data without an arbitrarily generated key.

The information contained in the patients’ file that was compromised included the names, addresses, and Social Security numbers and in some instances, diagnosis-related data.

Another hospital chain by name the Prime Healthcare Services Inc. has accepted to pay two hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars to settle a federal investigation that alleged violation of patient privacy. The security breaches are constantly becoming a major challenge faced by doctors, public health officials and federal regulators.

Cloud storage, password protection, and encryption are all procedures health care providers can take to keep their portable EHRs additionally secure. A survey carried out discovered that roughly seventy-three percent of doctors send a work-related text to colleagues.

Mobile devices are meant for personal use. They are not structured to be managed by the central IT Department. Mobile devices can readily be misplaced, spoilt, or stolen. There must be a great emphasis on encrypting mobile devices that are utilized in the transmission of confidential information. Portable EHRs can be made more secure with the use of cloud storage, password protection, and encryption.

The use of two-factor validation system with security tokens and password are essential in securing EHRs. Security means like firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection software have to be included to protect data integrity.

Specific policies and measures must be set to maintain patient privacy and confidentiality. For instance, staffs must not share their ID with anyone and they must constantly log off when leaving a terminal and make use of their assigned ID to access patient electronic records.

A security officer must be chosen by the healthcare provider to work with a team of health IT experts.

Regular random audits ought to be carried out on a constant basis to ensure that the staffs comply with the hospital policy. The whole system activity can be tracked by audit trails. This is detailed listings of content, length of use and the user; generating date and time for entries and logs of all s to EHRs.

When there is improper access to a medical record, the system should be structured to provide the name of the individual gaining access; the time, date, the screens from which the access is gained and the duration of the review. This data is essential to determine if the access is the result of an error or just an intentional, unauthorized view.

The HIPAA Security Rule needs organizations to carry out audit trails. This requires that they document information systems activity and have the hardware, software, and measures to record and scrutinize activity in technological systems where health information is stored.

Outside contractors constitute specific privacy issues. There should be the implementation of employee-only access to the EHR. This implies any external contractor should only gain access to the healthcare information under the approval and supervision of a staff of the organization.

System implementation

Healthcare providers face a lot of challenges while making use of the EHRs. These challenges result in a waste of resources, frustrated providers, breach of confidence of patients and patient safety issues. To set up, carry out, and maintain the EHRs needs adequate funds and the participation of a number of individuals which includes physicians, other healthcare professionals, information technologists, educators, and consultants.

Hospitals and healthcare providers are improving greatly without so much engagement by the clinicians. Most EHR execution projects do not succeed due to the fact that the health organizations undervalue the significance of getting one or more clinician to act as opinion leaders for providers in the healthcare institution. Therefore, the clinician must develop strategies to let their colleagues understand what roles they have in the implementation of the EHR. They must enlist their participation in duties like as EHR choice, workflow design, and quality improvement.

Data error

Maintenance of integrity helps to keep the data accurate and non-manipulated. EHRs help to boost the patient’s safety by minimizing healthcare errors, minimize health disparities and boost the health of the public. Nevertheless, concerns have been raised about the correctness and consistency of data keyed into the electronic record.

Erroneous representation of the patient’s present condition and treatment takes place as a result of improper utilization of options like “cut and paste”. This practice is offensive due to the fact that it boosts the risk for patients and liability for clinicians and organizations.

Another thing that can result in an issue in the data integrity is the drop-down menu and disposition of relevant information in the trash. Such menus minimize the choices accessible to the clinician who may hurriedly select a wrong data which may result in a great error. Doctors and contractors have been working to find a solution to software issues to make EHRs both user-friendly and correct.

Loss or destruction of data happens during data transfer. This raises concerns regarding the accuracy of the database since patient care decisions are based on those data. An increasing issue is of medical identity theft. This results in the incorporation of incorrect data into the record of the victim. The individuals’ insurance company would be billed for medical services that were not received by the actual policyholder and the patient’s future treatment is structured on that wrong information from thief’s health record without the immediate knowledge of the patient or the healthcare provider.

Management of electronic health data comes with a lot of regulatory compliance challenge, for ethical consideration and eventually for the quality of care. While the need for electronic health record system continues to increase, and additional data are gathered from mobile health devices, for instance, it comes with additional challenges for healthcare providers.

All employees in healthcare organization including professionals that manages health informatics and health information, clinicians, researchers, business managers and the rest people that work in a medical setting are all obliged to keep the collected health information private. Patients’ privacy rights with regard to their health information and confidentiality must be maintained and protected.

The public interest of citizens in health information, however, subsists in issues that relate to public health or crime. It is essential to balance the entire interests in health data. Maintenance of the confidentiality, privacy, and security of healthcare data present constant and significant challenges in the U.S. healthcare and legal systems and at the same time, it presents a prospective career choice for health IT management professionals.

Different healthcare professionals need the help of the computer to carry out their work effectively. Producing a practical EHR system will need the expertise of doctors, technology professionals, ethicists, managerial personnel, and patients. Despite the fact that electronic health records are more beneficial than the paper records, the future of healthcare requires that the healthcare professionals recognize that there are risks inherent and must properly manage the system to surmount the obstacles it poses to the health and safety of individuals under medical care.

There are a lot of strategies that can be implemented to minimize the risk of overcoming the barriers inherent in the execution of digital health records. Leadership, teamwork, suppleness, and flexibility are the main ways to arrive at some solutions. EMRs capacities ought to be maximized to be able to boost the quality, safety, efficiency, and efficiency of health care and health care service systems.


“No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference in his private life, his domicile or correspondence, or damage to his honor or reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or damage. “

Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948

Ethical Research

Attention to the protection of privacy begins with the planning of a research project, is crucial to the way research on human subjects is conducted and extends through the review of research results (on both human and animal subjects) for publication and the sharing of data sets. Everyone involved—researchers, human subjects, support personnel, editors, reviewers, and data managers—should be aware of the ethical and legal requirements regarding privacy and should not compromise confidentiality for any reason.

Understanding the IRB

To ensure ethical research is conducted with human subjects, the APUS Institutional Review Boards must be consulted to review and approve the research study.  The IRB performs these reviews to certify that the research is conducted in conformity with federal, institutional, and ethical guidelines. 

For the purposes of APUS IRB, research is defined as being both:

1.  Systematic
2.  Generalizable (APUS, 2016)

Systematic research includes research development, testing, and evaluation, and it is designed to create generalizable knowledge. Generalizable knowledge involves the creation of new knowledge that may be the basis for scholarly publication, including a capstone thesis or project. In summary, if the project is designed to include human subjects, create new knowledge and may be published, an IRB review will be required prior to conducting any research (IRB, 2016).

All human subject research under the backing of the American Public University System (APUS), regardless of funding source, must be reviewed and approved by the IRB before research can commence. 

To ensure ethical standards are followed in research, there are certain criteria the research needs to meet before it can be reviewed or approved by the IRB. 

For example, the APUS IRB reviews research studies proposed by colleges and universities and follows the below criteria. 

  • The research is conducted or directed by an employee or trainee of the university in connection with his or her APUS responsibilities
  • The research is sponsored by the American Public University System
  • The research involves access to any property or facility of APUS
  • The research involves APUS faculty, staff, and/or students.  This research may also need approval of the Internal Research Review Board (APUS, 2016).

Some research the IRB would declare it as exempt since it is a considered-low risk involvement of human subjects.  For example, this would include research involving the collection or study of existing data if it is publicly available or if subjects cannot be identified. Here are some other criteria for studies that would be exempt.

  • Research conducted in established or commonly accepted educational settings, involving normal education practices
  • Research using anonymous or no-risk tests, surveys, interviews, or observations. 
  • Most research involving public officials
  • Research examining public benefit or service programs
  • Taste and food quality evaluation and consumer acceptance studies (APUS, 2016).

Human subjects have a right to expect that their personal information will not be divulged when the results of a study are published or when data sets from a research project are shared with other investigators. Protecting the privacy of research subjects is an obligation for all those who are involved in the research.

Clinical research is a scientific activity designed with the objective of achieving specific knowledge pertaining to medicine and health. We know that methodical clinical research is absolutely essential to obtain evidence to validate the effectiveness & safety of medical procedures and implement best practices.

Validated clinical practices are those that have scientifically proven their efficacy and safety. On the contrary, the practices that have not been validated can be ineffective and harmful, in any case, their benefit / risk ratio is unknown. For all these reasons, clinical research can also be defined as an activity designed to validate clinical practices. After all, a practice, treatment, or procedure, not based on scientifically validated practices can be unsatisfactory, misleading and dangerous. It is necessary to investigate to produce maximum benefit and minimum damage to the patients.  The necessity of research lies in its ability to determine the best way to do something; is this something effective at producing positive outcomes; and is it safe.  To perform treatments or procedures on patients/clients without prior evaluation the safety and effectiveness of the event, can cross certain ethical lines of care.

The validation process of research becomes highly unethical if it involves the misleading or coercing of individuals, with or without their consent, to participate in a clinical research study that has potential risks and side effects.  As we can see from history, medical research has not always followed ethical considerations and guidelines with human subjects.

A Brief History of Unethical Human Research

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

The study began in 1932 when the Tuskegee Institute and the Public Health Service, working in conjunction, initiated a research study to document the natural history of syphilis, in hopes of justifying treatment programs for African Americans.  The research study was called the “Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male.”

Six hundred African American men were involved in the study; 201 without the disease, and 399 with the disease.  The study started on its way without proper informed consent and disclosure to the individuals.  Researchers told the men they were being treated for “bad blood”, a local term used to describe multiple ailments, such as syphilis, anemia, and fatigue.  In actuality, the men never received proper treatment to cure their ailment.  To compensate for their time and partaking in the study, the men were given free meals, medical exams, and burial insurance.  The study was supposed to last 6 months, but dragged on for a long 40 years, wreaking havoc on the health and lives of these men (CDC, 2017).

Then, in 1972 a news article broke the story of the Tuskegee Syphilis study which caused major public concern and uprising.  Due to the reaction, the Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs appointed an Ad Hoc Advisory Panel to examine the study.  Contained in the panel was 9 individuals from various fields, such as public affairs, religion, law, medicine, labor, education, and health administration (CDC, 2017).

There was zero evidence found that indicated the researchers had informed the individuals of the true intention and purpose of the study.  Even though the men had agreed willingly to be examined and treated, they had been utterly misled, without having all the facts required to give them informed consent.  On top of this, when penicillin quickly became popular in 1947 for the treatment of syphilis, the men were never offered nor given this treatment for their disease.  The Ad Hoc Advisory Panel found no evidence showing that subjects were every given the freedom to leave the study, even when this highly effective treatment became used throughout the U.S (CDC, 2017).

In light of this new information about the study, the advisory panel deemed the study to be “ethically unjustified” – meaning, the knowledge gained was minimal when compared with the damages and health risks the study brought for its subjects.  In October of 1972, the panel ordered the study to a halt.  The Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs announced the end of the Tuskegee Study a month later (CDC, 2017). 

A class action lawsuit, filed a year later, was filed on behalf of the research study individuals and their families.  Then in 1974, an out-of-court settlement was reached of $10 million.  Included in the settlement, the United States Government guaranteed a lifetime of medical benefits and burial services to all living individuals from the study.  Established to offer these services was the Tuskegee Health Benefit Program, or the THBP.  Wives, widows, and children were added to the program in 1975.  Twenty years later, the program was expanded to include health as well as medical benefits.  The Centers for Disease Control was given responsibility for the program, where it is held today. The last study participant died in January 2004. The last widow receiving THBP benefits died in January 2009. There are 12 offspring currently receiving medical and health benefits (CDC, 2017).

In 1974, due to the Tuskegee scandal, the United States Congress appointed the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, with the ultimate goal of placing research under public control.

In 1978, the Commission presented the ethical principles of research with human beings in the so-called Belmont Report, many recommendations of the National Commission became law, becoming part of the Federal Regulations of 1981. Finally, investigations with human beings were subject to the regulation and control of laws, standards and ethics committees.

Misuse of Research & Human Study

The health practitioners, to know the efficacy of the remedies, had to try to cure the diseases and observe the results, they could only change the usual treatments when they had reason to think that this would benefit their patients more. Also, to observe the interior of the body had to wait for the chance of having to treat open wounds.

In this way it can be said that the “doctrine of double effect” was the guiding principle of clinical research until the nineteenth century. Knowledge could only be a second effect, not directly sought, in a treatment whose intended effect was the healing of the patient.

While not ethical according to today’s standards in healthcare, below is a brief explanation on the doctrine of double effect:

The doctrine (or principle) of double effect is often invoked to explain the permissibility of an action that causes a serious harm, such as the death of a human being, as a side effect of promoting some good end. According to the principle of double effect, sometimes it is permissible to cause a harm as a side effect (or “double effect”) of bringing about a good result even though it would not be permissible to cause such a harm as a means to bringing about the same good end.”

  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2014

Recall that the ancient medical ethic, as it appears in the Hippocratic Oath was guided by the principles of beneficence and individual non-maleficence. Today we would qualify it as a principle ethic of individual benefit. In this it was impossible to carry out investigations that did not have intention to cure, and that in addition they could produce damages.

Experimentation with the exclusive purpose of acquiring knowledge could only be carried out on animals, relying on their analogy with man.

At the end of the eighteenth century, some doctors began to realize that to obtain certain knowledge it was not enough to simply observe the results of the treatments, and that it was necessary to carry out experiments whose design was not designed to maximize the benefit of the treated patients, but to obtain reliable evidence of the effectiveness of the treatment. Thus, control groups emerged that left certain patients untreated in order to compare results. James Lind, in 1747, was among the first to leave some patients untreated to demonstrate the efficacy of citrus in the treatment of scurvy. It came also the need to experiment with healthy subjects, such was the case of the first virilizations, which subjected healthy people to the risk of contracting smallpox.

There began to be talk, on the other hand, of the necessary voluntary consent of the sick, it was thought that this was enough to justify any intervention. William Osier, in 1908, justified the experiments of inoculation of yellow fever that Walter Reed had carried out, claiming that “any man is free to submit to experiments”, and that voluntary consent changes “entirely” the problem of morality of subjecting human beings to risk.

During the first half of the twentieth century, experiments with humans were increasing and the requirement of consent was repeatedly violated. In Europe and America, mainly institutionalized patients were used, without their consent, to study the natural course of certain diseases and to try remedies, vaccines or diagnostic tests. Sometimes they were inoculated with germs, they were caused nutritional deficiencies, or they were administered dubious treatments with undesirable effects.  Despite the unethical experiments, it did not raise legal complaints or initiate corrective laws or convictions in professional codes. The medical profession and public opinion did not react to it, silenced by the prestige of science and because these practices affected only marginalized populations. It was during the Second World War when the experiments with human beings reached extremes of atrocity and shame for humanity. These experiments they were most notorious in Nazi Germany. But today we know that shameful experiments were also carried out in Japan and in the United States, as well as in other countries.

Some German researchers conducted a large number of experiments using concentration camp prisoners. They investigated ways to sterilize prisoners more efficiently and kill them more quickly.

They also conducted experiments to find solutions to the health problems of German soldiers. One of those problems was the freezing, for that reason they conducted hypothermia experiments in which they congealed until the death to the prisoners. To improve war surgery, they were wounded and mutilated, or bled to the limit.

They also inoculated germs to try treatments and studied the limits of resistance of the human organism depriving them of oxygen or exposing them to lethal gases.

Other Japanese researchers during the Second World War conducted experimental attacks with biological weapons in at least eleven Chinese cities.

In the United States, experimentation with human beings also changed radically during the war. The research was carried out on a large scale, coordinated and financed by the government, it was oriented primarily for the benefit of soldiers and military needs, the urgency and seriousness of the situation eliminated the requirement of consent of patients. President Roosevelt created a “Medical Research Committee” to combat health problems that compromised the efficiency of American soldiers.

This committee recommended more than 600 research projects, they were interested in dysentery, malaria, flu, wounds, venereal diseases and physical alterations such as freezing and sleep deprivation. Dysentery was investigated in asylums of orphans and mentally retarded, to study malaria were tested inmates of mental hospitals and prisons were infected.

Influenza vaccines were tested in the homes of the sick and mentally weak, to whom the flu was subsequently inoculated. More than 60,000 people were forcibly recruited in exposure studies to chemical warfare agents (mustard gas and Lewisite), at least 4,000 were exposed to high concentrations of them.

In the period of war, a utilitarian ethic prevailed with hardly restrictions it sought the good of the social group at the expense of a few, But over the next twenty years, many investigators continued to apply the same tactics under the pretext of the Cold War. It was secretly irradiated to the terminally ill and to prisoners to know the effect of the radiation on the soldiers in a possible atomic war. Radioactive plutonium was injected to mentally handicapped people. Psycho-pharmaceuticals and techniques for interrogation were tested.

Many investigations were carried out against ethics, which led to the implementation of controls and regulations at all levels.

The codes and general statements initially had little impact on clinical research. The governing bodies of scientific research did not require practically any safeguards for the experimental subjects, the researchers continued to have complete freedom to make decisions adjusting only to their own conscience.

In 1962 it was discovered that an epidemic of facomielia that had affected thousands of newborns worldwide was produced by thalidomide (an antiemetic that taken by pregnant women produces agenesis of the limbs). This discovery was what prompted the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to implement regulations that required evidence of safety, efficacy and consent of research subjects.

In the face of evidence on the misuse of research and human subjects, the National Institute of Health (NIH) appointed a committee to review research with humans. This committee concluded that “the researcher’s judgment is not sufficient as a basis to reach a conclusion on the set of ethical and moral issues.” Consequently, in 1966, the US NIH published guidelines that called for control of the experiments by independent committees: the so-called Institutional Review Boards (IRB). Initially, they were only required to be reviewed by a committee the projects that had public funding. But this demand soon spread to all research with human beings. In this way, the decisions traditionally left to the doctors’ conscience were subjected to external control for the first time.

The ethics resulting from this whole process has become an ethic of responsibility towards all those affected, which recognizes certain principles and weighs benefits and risks, harmonizing maximum protection of the experimental subject with a reasonable defense of the collective interest.

In short, the public scandals aroused by biomedical research in the first two thirds of the twentieth century moved public opinion and prompted the emergence of laws, regulations and ethical analyzes that are at the origin of current bioethics. It has managed to monitor scientific research without suppressing or undermining it. This has shown that scientific progress and ethical improvement are compatible.

Codes and declaration of principles

To ensure the ethics of research with human beings, it is necessary to establish controls at three levels.

1. Statements of general principles: made by organizations or institutions, National and international

2. Systems of detailed rules: laws and regulations that regulate specific aspects.

3. Ethical review committees: they must previously authorize and supervise each research.

Experience has shown that if any of these levels fails, the ethics of the research may be broken.

The Nuremberg Trials Resulting in the Declaration of the Nuremberg Code
A Brief History

The Nuremberg Trials were held with the intent of bringing Nazi war criminals to justice for the ethical atrocities against humans committed during World War II.  There were 13 trials carried out in Nuremberg, Germany, between 1945 and 1949. The defendants, who included Nazi Party officials and high-ranking military officers along with German industrialists, lawyers and doctors, were indicted on such charges as crimes against peace and crimes against humanity, such as the cruel research they performed on human subjects, against their will (History, 2010).

Nazi ruler Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) committed suicide and was never brought to trial. Although the legal grounds for the trials and their procedural innovations were controversial at the time, the Nuremberg trials are now regarded as a milestone toward the establishment of a permanent international court, and an important precedent for dealing with later instances of genocide and other crimes against humanity (History, 2010).

The Allies eventually established the laws and procedures for the Nuremberg trials with the London Charter of the International Military Tribunal (IMT), issued on August 8, 1945. Among other things, the charter characterized three categories of crimes:

    1. Crimes against peace:  Including planning, preparing, starting or waging wars of aggression or wars in violation of international agreements.
    2. War crimes:  Including violations of customs or laws of war, including improper treatment of civilians and prisoners of war.
    3. Crimes against humanity:  Including murder, enslavement or deportation of civilians or persecution on political, religious or racial grounds.

It was determined that civilian officials as well as military officers could be accused of war crimes (History, 2010).

Nuremberg Code

After the Nuremberg trials of Nazi medical experiments, this code promulgated ten principles for research. It requires voluntary consent, with sufficient knowledge and understanding, as well as the expectation of fruitful results not achievable by other methods.

Below is the Nuremberg Code from the Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10″, Vol. 2, pp. 181-182. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1949.


1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that, before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject, there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person, which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity (Trials, 1949).

2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.

3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study, that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.

4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.

5. No experiment should be conducted, where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.

6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.

7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.

8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.

9. During the course of the experiment, the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end, if he has reached the physical or mental state, where continuation of the experiment seemed to him to be impossible.

10. During the course of the experiment, the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgement required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject (Trials, 1949).

Understanding Research Ethics & the Declaration of Helsinki (1964)

The Declaration of Helsinki, also sometimes abbreviated as “DoH”, contains ethical principles for medical research in humans, published by the World Medical Association. They have been revised several times: Tokyo 1975; Venice 1983; Hong Kong 1989, Somerset 1996, Edinburgh 2000, with clarifications in 2002 and 2004.

It distinguishes clinical research with patients, from non-clinical research without benefits for the subjects, it adds the important requirement that the participation of a subject in a research study should not put the participant at a disadvantage in anything that refers to his medical treatment.

On a more recent note, the South African Journal of Bioethics and Law published an article explaining the FDAs discontinued compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki (specifically referring to the 2000 revision and all subsequent revisions) for conduct of clinical trials outside its borders (Burgess, 2012).

It instead ruled that compliance with the Good Clinical Practices (GCP) of the International Conference of Harmonization (ICH) is sufficient. However, the ICH-GCP guidelines do not address certain ethical requirements stipulated in the Declaration of Helsinki, such as the use of placebos v. standard therapy, post-trial access to treatment and other benefits for participants; public disclosure of trial design; publication of trial results; and disclosure of conflicts of interest (Burgess, 2012).

To view this from a more analytical standpoint, the FDA’s adoption of a less ethically demanding guideline may encourage pharmaceutical companies to take ethical shortcuts in their research and drug development.  Additionally, it could also have practical repercussions for trial ethics in developing countries, especially where research ethics committees may not be establishing and promoting high standards of protection for participants in clinical trials because of lack of financial and human resources (Burgess, 2012).

Pharmaceutical companies may also burden research ethics committees to relax guidelines and legislation, in order to facilitate future clinical trials in developing and emerging countries that lack the resources to conduct their own clinical research on epidemics such as HIV/AIDS, which have calamitous effects on their populations (Burgess, 2012).

In April of 2008, the FDA released its contestable decision to abandon the Declaration of Helsinki as an ethical guideline when conducting, and reviewing data from, clinical trials performed outside the USA.

Another point of controversy was earlier in 2006, when the FDA stated it would eliminate all reference to the 2000 and revisions hereafter of the Declaration of Helsinki.  On the flip side, the FDA said it would still recognize the 1989 revision, which is considered invalid by the World Medical Association, the authors of the first declaration.

Accordingly, the FDA now considers it adequate that a trial performed outside USA soil adhere to the Good Clinical Practices of the International Conference of Harmonization (ICH-GCP). The reasons for this decision include the need to protect human subjects and to assure the quality and integrity of foreign data obtained from studies performed outside the USA (Food, 2008).

The surprise behind all of this is that the DoH is considered to be the ethical benchmark of medical standards in clinical trials worldwide.  Even though it is not a legally binding document in international law, the DoH was authored by the World Medical Association, which includes 85 national medical societies from around the world.

The ICH, on contrary, contains only voting members from Japan, the European Union, and the United States. 

In 2008, the WMA General Assembly met in South Korea and voted to adopt the latest revision of the DoH after completing an 18-month revision process (Williams, 2008). The 2008 DoH is considered the only official revision and is regarded as internal policy and a universal statement of medical research ethics (Williams, 2008).

The 2008 edition of the DoH has more ethical demands than the ICH-GCP and cover moral issues that the ICH-GCP framework does not.

Here is what the 2008 edition of the DoH covers:

  1. The restriction of placebo controls in clinical trials in developing countries.
  2. The disclosure of the trial design to the public.
  3. The requirement that the population in which the research is conducted should benefit from it, particularly in developing countries.
  4. That participants should have post-trial access to treatment.
  5. The need to publish results.
  6. The disclosure of conflicts of interest (Kimmelman, 2009).

There are concerns that the FDA’s dismissal of the DoH might cause other regulators and organizations to do the same.  Certain individuals are concerned about the implications in the collapse of ethical standards in patient safety in Third-world countries if this becomes the case.


The clinical research testing of new ways for the deterrence and treatment of epidemics, such as HIV/AIDS, has become a critical necessity, yet, developing countries, which stand to benefit the most from such research, lack the many of the resources needed to conduct their own clinical trials (Moffett, 2009).  The health infrastructure may be limited, or citizens may not have access to basic medical services.

According to Article 32 of the DoH, it provides for the limited use of placebo arms in clinical trials. While a new test drug should be compared with the available golden standard of treatment or therapy instead of a placebo, placebo-controlled trials are allowed where no standard therapy exists, or, according to the ICH-GCP,

“where for compelling and scientifically sound methodological reasons the use of placebo is necessary to determine the efficacy or safety of an intervention and the patients who receive placebo or no treatment will not be subject to any risk of serious or irreversible harm, (International, 1996)”

Beginning in the 1990s, debate began over the use of placebo-controlled trials in developing countries and applying research ethics, particularly involving the early prevention of mother to child transmission (MTCT) of HIV (Landes, 2005). 

Then, in 1994, existing protocol for preventing MTCT from the AIDS Clinical Trial Group 076 was established yet due to the high costs of antiretroviral (ARV) and scarce infrastructure, this treatment was placed out of reach for most of the HIV-infected population in the developing world (Burgess, 2012).  The trial had an almost 70% reduction in the risk of HIV transmission and the ARV zidovudine became the standard of care.

To get applicable treatment at a better price-point for resource-poor settings, randomized placebo-controlled trials were initiated to investigate a short-course ARV regimen (Landes, 2005), but these trials ended up causing some controversy.  The controversy stemmed over the matter that the trials were viewed as being exploitative, since they violated the condition of equipoise, or equality.  Meaning, placebo groups are surmised as ethical only if the benefit of the intervention is amply uncertain.

On the opposite end, some individuals took note of the benefits of the study using the placebo, stating that without the short-placebo-based trial, countries such as South Africa would not have refined a low-cost intervention to prevent MTCT. 

The CDC (Center for Disease Control, U.S.) and the NIH (National Institutes of Health) funded the initiation of these trials, and raised questions when people realized that patients taking part in United States trials had unfettered access to ARV zidovudine (Burgess, 2012).

The defense from the CDC and NIH stemmed from the rational that the developing countries had a low standard of care, and pregnant women in these countries were not accessing care early enough (Landes, 2005).  Even with the early hesitation of the trials’ design, they began in 16 countries and included over 12,000 HIV-infected women.

Additionally, ethical complications continued to arise because the trials also appeared to be in direct contention with the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences’ guidelines for international research.

Herein, it states that “ethical standards should be applied no less exactingly than they would be in the sponsoring or initiating country,” (Levine, 1993)

In South Africa, clinical trial investigators and pharmaceutical companies need to adhere to the South African Good Clinical Practice (SAGCP) guideline, published by the Department of Health in 2000 and revised in 2006 (SA, 2006).  That is on top of meeting international regulatory requirements. 

The South African Good Clinical Practice guideline connects to the National Health act in its documents and is additionally based on the ICH-GCP and Declaration of Helsinki (2004). Ultimately, the SAGCP states that,

“the use of placebos should be justified, and only when there is no known effective treatment should it be considered ethical to compare a potential new treatment with a placebo,” (SA, 2006).

In this case, we truly see the ethical complications that can arise out of ethics and research.  The use of placebos in the studies where known and effective treatment is available does more harm than good, because the individual could be successfully treated.  Why prolong someone’s suffering, disease, or condition, if a viable solution is available?  That is the key question here, and also a reason why the use of placebos has sparked much controversy in research ethics.  Today, the grounds for using placebo-controlled trials is founded on compelling methodology and strong scientific justification, and even this can be on flexible grounds. 

The Declaration of Helsinki discusses that clinical trial protocol should have a statement of ethical considerations, and it should also report how participants can receive appropriate care or benefits resulting from the trial.

“In advance of a clinical trial, sponsors, researchers and host country governments should make provisions for post-trial access for all participants who still need an intervention identified as beneficial in the trial. This information must also be disclosed to participants during the informed consent process.”

  • The Declaration of Helsinki, Post Trial Provisions, 2018, WMA

However, this demand is vacant from the ICH-GCP. SAGCP also stipulates that specific recommendations should be made for the continuation of treatments after the trial, especially in research requiring additional attention, such as HIV research involving vulnerable communities (SA, 2006).

There is a concern for developing countries in regards to ethical research because they are without this additional guarantee of benefits post trial, which could be problematic in terms of health and wellbeing of study participants.

Since the FDA moved to forgo the Declaration of Helsinki, some pharmaceutical companies are choosing to omit any reference to the Declaration of Helsinki when drafting protocols for trials conducted in developing countries. These companies can also test their new drugs in developing or emerging countries without planning to register them there, and with no obligation to provide participants with post-trial access to any treatment or other benefits (Burgess, 2012).

Additionally, the Declaration of Helsinki also has requirements regarding the “Research Registration and Publication and Dissemination of Results.”

Every research study involving human subjects must be registered in a publicly accessible database before recruitment of the first subject.”

“Researchers, authors, sponsors, editors and publishers all have ethical obligations with regard to the publication and dissemination of the results of research. Researchers have a duty to make publicly available the results of their research on human subjects and are accountable for the completeness and accuracy of their reports. All parties should adhere to accepted guidelines for ethical reporting. Negative and inconclusive as well as positive results must be published or otherwise made publicly available. Sources of funding, institutional affiliations and conflicts of interest must be declared in the publication. Reports of research not in accordance with the principles of this Declaration should not be accepted for publication.”

  • Declaration of Helsinki, 2018, WMA

The FDA’s confidence on the ethically less strict ICH-GCP standards rather than the Declaration of Helsinki might damper the protection of research participants in many developing countries. This will depend on how well drug developers and clinical trial investigators will be able to abide by moral ethics, and how well they regulate themselves in terms of ethical conduct when conducting research in Third-world countries (Burgess, 2012).

In South Africa, research participants should be properly alerted about these areas of concern in order to maintain awareness and stress the importance of a strong bio-ethical system.

Articles, discussion forums, public conferences, training methodologies for investigators and research personnel, are all ways to increase awareness and promote ethical human research (Burgess, 2012).  Luckily for South Africa, the SAGCP goes a long way towards protecting research participants. It is crucial, however, that researchers in other developing countries are also made aware of these issues and petition for stronger national moral-ethical research guidelines (Burgess, 2012). 

Healthcare Ethics & Conflicts of Interest

Conflicts of interest remain a very important topic in regards to healthcare, research and ethics.  There are several reasons for this.  One reason is because a conflict of interest can sway or alter research outcomes and when the research is disseminated, it can mislead the public.  It can also cause potential harm to innocent people, as we will see in this next example.

In 2012 the FDA announced that it might relax certain conflict of interest restrictions that prevent scientists with financial ties to the drug industry from becoming members of the FDAs advisory panels.  There was some opposition to this because loosened rules around conflicts of interest could make a negative impact on the process of drug development and industry.  The individuals who want to keep tight rules were concerned about safety, and that financial conflicts of interest would no doubt, sway investigators (Philippidis, 2012).

Then in the same year, a conflict-of-interest scandal arose with the FDA when a pharmaceutical giant was allowed to keep its oral birth-control product on the US market, despite the FDA’s own reports of dozens of deaths caused by blood clots in women using the product (Malone, 2012). The FDA had appointed at least three scientists with financial ties to the pharmaceutical company to the product’s advisory committee, who voted in favor of the product (Malone, 2012). The FDA did not disclose their ties with the pharmaceutical company (Burgess, 2012). 

The Declaration of Helsinki makes it clear that disclosure of conflicts of interest, information on sponsors, funding, institutional affiliations, and incentives for subjects and information regarding provisions for treating and/or compensating subjects who are harmed as a consequence of participating in a research study, are crucial in establishing a transparent landscape when conducting morally based research on human (Declaration of Helsinki, 2018).

Understanding Research Ethics & the Principles of the Belmont Report (1978)

Respect for People

Individuals should be treated as autonomous agents and people with diminished autonomy (children, mentally ill …) should be subject to special protection. An autonomous person deliberates on his own objectives and acts in accordance with it.

“An autonomous person is an individual capable of deliberation about personal goals and of acting under the direction of such deliberation. To respect autonomy is to give weight to autonomous persons’ considered opinions and choices while refraining from obstructing their actions unless they are clearly detrimental to others. To show lack of respect for an autonomous agent is to repudiate that person’s considered judgments, to deny an individual the freedom to act on those considered judgments, or to withhold information necessary to make a considered judgment when there are no compelling reasons to do so. (U.S., 1979)”

“However, not every human being is capable of self-determination. The capacity for self-determination matures during an individual’s life, and some individuals lose this capacity wholly or in part because of illness, mental disability, or circumstances that severely restrict liberty. Respect for the immature and the incapacitated may require protecting them as they mature or while they are incapacitated, (U.S., 1979)”

Therefore, the main practical consequence of this principle as it connects with research ethics is the need to obtain the informed consent and provide the individual with adequate information of the research study.


This principle is related to an obligation that healthcare providers have always had. As Hippocrates said: “As for diseases, make a habit of two things: helping, or at least not harming.” That is why there are those who break down this principle into two: a principle of beneficence and another of non-maleficence.

“The obligations of beneficence affect both individual investigators and society at large because they extend both to particular research projects and to the entire enterprise of research. In the case of particular projects, investigators and members of their institutions are obliged to give forethought to the maximization of benefits and the reduction of risk that might occur from the research investigation. In the case of scientific research in general, members of the larger society are obliged to recognize the longer-term benefits and risks that may result from the improvement of knowledge and from the development of novel medical, psychotherapeutic, and social procedures (U.S., 1979).”


It obliges to distribute the benefits of research among all, and not only among those who can pay for them, especially when the research is carried out with public funds.

“An injustice occurs when some benefit to which a person is entitled is denied without good reason or when some burden is imposed unduly. Another way of conceiving the principle of justice is that equals ought to be treated equally. However, this statement requires explication. Who is equal and who is unequal? What considerations justify departure from equal distribution? Almost all commentators allow that distinctions based on experience, age, deprivation, competence, merit and position do sometimes constitute criteria justifying differential treatment for certain purposes. It is necessary, then, to explain in what respects people should be treated equally. There are several widely accepted formulations of just ways to distribute burdens and benefits. Each formulation mentions some relevant property on the basis of which burdens and benefits should be distributed. These formulations are (1) to each person an equal share, (2) to each person according to individual need, (3) to each person according to individual effort, (4) to each person according to societal contribution, and (5) to each person according to merit (U.S., 1979).”

Informed Consent

Informed consent is always mandatory, however there are sometimes circumstances in which informed consent may be nullified. The cases in which obtaining consent is not necessary, or is not recommended, constitute the following exceptions:

1. Urgency: When there is an immediate and serious danger to the patient, which requires acting without time to obtain informed consent.

2. Therapeutic privilege: When in the opinion of the healthcare practitioner, the information may be detrimental to the course of the disease. Traditionally, this privilege covered the vast majority of the patient. But at present it has been very restricted and should only be invoked in very special situations.

3. Patients unable to decide, who cannot give valid consent. However, the capacity admits degrees. So the more transcendental or delicate a decision, the greater the level of capacity required must be.

4. Express waiver of the patient, or power of attorney: The patient can, if he wishes, renounce the information and voluntarily let others decide for him in the case he or she is unable to do so. In this case, there must be a family member or legal substitute willing to take responsibility for the decisions.

5. Treatments required by law: In cases that represent a danger to public health. This justifies the obligatory nature of certain diagnostic tests, vaccinations and forced treatments.

Conditions that the Patient Must Meet for Informed Consent

The patient must meet four conditions so that his or her decision are made autonomously and with a sound mind:

  • The patient/client has sufficient information to make an informed decision.
  • The patient/client Is awake and coherent to understand the information presented.
  • The patient/client is free to decide according to his own values.
  • The patient is not being coerced or manipulated by another into a decision.

Understanding Healthcare & Insurance Company Ethics

As the laws and rules of healthcare continue to adapt to present times, it is important that we also adapt to understand the connection between healthcare delivery and insurance company ethics.  With proper understanding of this relationship, the health professions as a whole will be able to move forward responsible with patient/client care and conduct business with insurance companies ethically. 

In this section of the reading we discuss key components healthcare providers must know about insurance companies and ethical relations.

Explanation of Reasons

If an insurance company wants to terminate the contact with a Provider, it must give explanation of Reasons.  HMOs and insurance companies providing a managed care plan cannot terminate the contract with a health care provider without providing to the health care professional a written justification of the reasons for the planned contract termination and a chance to apply for the decision to be reviewed or qualified for hearing. However, this condition does not hold when cases with impending damage to patient care is involved or during fraud investigation, or a concluding disciplinary action by a state licensing board that damages the ability of the provider to practice.


Notice Requirements

HMOs and insurers providing a managed care plan needs to incorporate the following in a notice of a proposed contract termination:

Some of the reasons that may be given for the proposed action are

  • Notice that the health care provider has the right to apply for a hearing or review if the health care professional deems fit before a panel arranged by the insurance company;
  • A time limit for the medical practice to request for a hearing must be up to 30 days.
  • The time limit for the hearing date which is required must also not be less than 30 days after the medical practice has requested for a hearing.

Performance and Practice Information:

Evaluation Information

HMOs and insurers that offer a managed care contract need to formulate policies and procedures that constantly let the contracted healthcare providers aware of the information maintained by the insurer to access the operation of the health care professionals.

Health care’s provider’s profiles

HMOs and insurers providing a managed care contract need to contact health care professionals when formulating procedures to gather and access the medical provided by a health care provider.

Data profiles

Any profile data utilized by an HMO or insurer that offers a managed care contract to access the operations of medical practices needs to comply with the regulations of the state and the association of medical practice that the healthcare provider belongs to with the use of related management modalities helping similar numbers of patients.

Non-permissible Termination of insurance contract with a provider

No HMO or insurer providing a managed care contract may end the contract with or fail to renew the contract with an eligible health care professional’s contract mainly because of the following actions of the health care professional:

  • Pleaded on a patient’s behalf
  • Filed a complaint against the insurance company
  • Appealed a decision of the insurance company.
  • Supplied information or filed a report with a suitable body of the government about the actions of the insurance company.

Basis for Termination

No partaking health care professional contract with an HMO or insurer that provides a managed care contract may have conditions that surpass or prejudice the right of the health care professional to obtain a notice of basis for contract termination and a chance for a hearing.


Patient Care and Treatment:

Treatment Information

HMOs and insurers must not prevent health care provider from informing their patients any of the following:

  • The whole type of treatments options that the patient can access together with treatments that are not covered by the health insurance plan.
  • The conditions or expressions of the patient’s health plan in connection to the patient.

Filing Complaints

HMOs and insurers cannot prevent a healthcare provider from filing a complaint to a suitable government entity about policies or procedures the provider thought may negatively impact the quality of care or access to care.

Patient Advocacy

HMOs and insurers cannot prevent or restrict an insurer from pleading for a patient to be covered for a specific health condition.

Processing of Claims & Accepting Claims

HMOs and insurers must accept and process all health care claims submitted by doctors that fits into the current version of the American Medical Association’s CPT codes, reporting guidelines and conventions and the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) health care common procedure coding system (HCPCS).


Reasons for Claim Denials

HMOs and insurers may conclude that a claim is not entitled for part or full payment based on the reasons below:

  • The claim is not comprehensive;
  • The service offered is not covered by the insurance plan of the patient
  • The patient with the insurance plan did not get a referral or pre-qualifications or fulfill any other condition before receiving covered benefits from the doctor;
  • The covered benefit go over the limits of benefits on the contract or agreement;
  • The patient is not eligible for coverage or is not complying with the terms and conditions of his or her contract.
  • A different HMO or insurer ought to be responsible for all or part of the claim; or
  • The insurance plan has a practical feeling of fraud or abuse.


Health Claims billing Software

HMOs and insurers must supply the name of the claim editing software they use which must be available for purchase. They must as well specify any reasonable edits that may be required on the website of health provider and the newsletters of such software providers. Insurance companies must also supply any information requested for by any participating medical doctor.

Claim Submission

HMOs and insurers must write to acknowledge the reception of all claims sent to them through internet, by e-mail or by fax. 

Filling of Ethical Health Care Claims:

Health care providers need to provide health care claims to the insurance providers within 120 days after the date they provided the service to the patient to make the claim valid and enforceable against the HMOs and insurers, except the parties have an agreement on a time period more favorable to the provider. Providers need to submit claims within 90 days after the date they render the service to a patient under the Medicaid managed care insurance plans

 HMOs and insurers ought to pay for the claims for health care services submitted to them within thirty days the claims were sent to them either through the internet or by e-mail and within forty-five days of receiving claims submitted through paper or by fax apart from instances where the obligation to pay is not realistically obvious or there is proof that the claim may likely be fraud.

Responsibility to pay

If the responsibility to pay is not realistically clear, an HMO or insurer must pay any acknowledged part of the claim and either inform the healthcare provider, in writing, within thirty calendar days of receiving the claim that the health plan is not under obligation to pay and the reasons or that. Alternatively, they should request for extra information to establish liability to pay the claimed amount.


Time structure

Once they receive the requested information or an application for appealing the denial of a claim for supplied health care services, an HMO or insurer must conform to the thirty or forty-five day condition for clean claims.

Reassessment of claims

Health care providers that are eligible under any health insurance plan may apply for the claim to be re-considered mainly because it was inappropriately submitted. If the health care provider can show that his or her non-compliance was due to an extraordinary incidence and that he or she used to submit claims on time. In such instance, the HMO or insurer must pay from such claim, but may minimize the payment by about twenty five percent of the amount the HMO or insurer must have paid if the claim was submitted on time.


Hospital Claims

Before the expiration of thirty days from the day payment of a claim that was adjusted as a result of a specific coding to a patient, a hospital may submit the said claim with medical records that supports the hospital’s original coding of the claim. Once received, the HMO or insurer must re-access the submitted data to determine the correct coding for payment and process the claim following the time structure specified above. If the HMO or insurer processes the claim related to its original determination, it must supply a statement decision and give reasons that justifies the initial adjustment.


Processing a claim or bill after the thirty or forty-five day time period is a considered an infringement of the prompt payment law.

Payment of Interest

If an insurer breaches the prompt payment law, the company would be charged an interest for overdue payment. The interest payable is estimated to be more than twelve percent every year or the interest rate stipulated by the commissioner of taxation and finance for corporate taxes pursuant to New York Tax Law Section 1096(e)(1).

Interest is estimated from the date the claim was made or the date the payment was supposed to be made. When the amount of interest payable is not up to two dollars, the HMO or insurer may forfeit paying the interest.


Processing of Overpayment

Notice: Apart from recovering double payments, , HMOs and insurers must inform healthcare providers through a thirty day’s notice of an overpay before they set out to recover the amount paid in excess.

The following are what the notice must contain:

  • The name of the patient;
  • The date the service was offered;
  • The amount paid
  • The projected alteration to be made; and
  • A realistically specific reason why the adjustment request is being made

Opportunity to dispute overpayment request

HMOs and insurers must also provide to the healthcare provider an opportunity to dispute and overpayment recovery request. They must also have an established written policies and procedures that the providers must follow to dispute the recovery request.


The Time frame for initiating Overpayment Recovery processes

HMOs and insurers are only allowed to start overpayment recovery within 24 months of the date of making the initial payment to the healthcare provider. Apart from cases that involve fraud, deliberate misbehavior, offensive billing or when started by a self-funded plan, needed by a federal or state government program or coverage that is made available by the State or a metropolis to its staffs, retirees or members.

How to request for claim payment Offsets

If a healthcare provider makes assertion for underpayment of a claim, the HMO or insurer may defend or offset the claim by overpayments that were made within the length of time that traces back to the underpayment in question. If the underpayment is established, the HMO or insurer may minimize or offset the amount owed to the healthcare provider by discovering the amount the HMO or insurer overpaid to the healthcare provider beginning from the period the said underpayment was made till the present time the assertion is made.

Nevertheless, the HMO or insurer may not save overpayments that are above the amount owed to the healthcare provider in underpayment except the overpayment issue happened within the last 24 months or there is any type of exception.


The responsibility of the Provider for Claim Forms:

Patient Bills

A doctor that is not taking part in any form of insurance plan must incorporate a claim form for a intermediary payer with a patient bill for the health care services provided apart from the bill that must be settled by the patient under the copayment, coinsurance or deductible arrangements.

Handing over of Benefits Form

If a doctor who is not participating in an insurance plan is billing a patient for a surprise bill (services offered in a participating hospital or ambulatory surgical facility or a referral to a provider that doesn’t participate in the plan without the permission of the patient), the medical doctor that is not taking part in the patients’ insurance plan must incorporate assignment of benefits form with the patient’s bill and the claim form.


Healthcare Professional and doctors Disclosure Requirements:

A health care provider must disclose to patients or potential patients:

Health insurance Plan.  They must let their patients know the health insurance plans and insurance providers they participate in. They must provide these in writing or through their website before they provide any non-emergency services and orally when they visit the office for their scheduled appointment.

Hospital Affiliations

They must also inform their patients the hospital they are affiliated with. This is necessary to be provided in writing or through a website before the provision of non-emergency services and orally when they come for their scheduled appointment.

Cost of Services

The health care provider must inform the patient the cost or estimated cost of service that would be rendered to them if they are not insured by the insurance company that the health care provider participate in.

They must inform their patient about these if they are providing them with non-emergency services if the patient request for the information.

Doctors organizing Services in His or Her Office or arranging or Referring a Patient for Services

A doctor that schedules a health care provider to carryout anesthesiology, laboratory, pathology, radiology or assistant surgeon services in relation with care to be given at his or her office, or a doctor that organizes for medical treatments or refers a patient for a service like that must offer to the patient or prospective patient with the information provided below at the time of referral to or arranging with that provider:

  • The name of the health care provider if the physician schedules a particular provider in a medical treatment service
  • The services provided by that health care provider
  • The address of the healthcare provider
  • The phone number of the health care provider


Doctors organizing for Inpatient or Outpatient medical care in a Hospital

A doctor that organizes with other medical doctors to treat a patient during the period the patients is scheduled for hospital admission or scheduled for outpatient hospital services must provide to the hospital and the hospital when the services are not emergency medical services at the appointment time with the following information about the other physicians whose services are programmed to be used for the pre-admission test, registration or admission:

  • The name of the doctor if the doctor plans for a particular doctor in the practice.
  • The doctor’s practice.
  • The doctor’s address.
  • The doctor’s phone number.
  • How to discover the health insurance plans that the doctor is a participant of.



Detailed explanation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

What is HIPAA?

HIPAA is the short form for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act that was promulgated by the Congress in 1996.  HIPAA aims to achieve the following:

  • Provides patients with the capacity to transfer and maintain health insurance coverage together with their family members when they lose their employment or change from one type of employment to the other.
  • It helps to minimize fraud and abuse in the healthcare industry.
  • It set up standards that must be followed while handling electronic bill to ensure that the patient’s personal health records remain private.
  • It also safeguards and protects confidential management of health care data.

The section of HIPAA laws that manage the capacity of an individual to maintain health insurance cover is taken care of the Department of Insurance and the Department of Managed Health Care.


Healthcare provider and contract with insurance companies

Probably one of the greatest documents that govern the operation of things in the medical environment is the contract the health care provider makes with the insurance company.

The contract between these two bodies must include such this as the length of time the patients have to wait in the waiting room and the way the medical claims would be billed and sent.

The healthcare must sign a contract with every health care provider he plans to work with. The contract will determine the practice to be followed by the doctor and also help him to negotiate the reimbursement for every code that his office bills.

This contract includes the section that specifies how the healthcare provider should treat patients who visits the facility commonly within the standards of ethical medical practice, and for realistic and essential services. The contract as well incorporates significant billing rules which the health care office needs to comply with.

Among these rules are balance billing. When a doctor’s office signs a contract with an insurance company, he accepts to take a specific percentage or compensation amount for particular services.

The amount that the doctor bills above the amount arranged with the insurance provider need to be disregarded by the doctor’s office.

This implies that the health care provider must not charge the patient for an amount above the agreed rate. If the healthcare provider fails to comply with the agreed condition, it is known as balance billing. Balance billing is unlawful, in relation to the contract the health care provider makes with the insurance company.


Protection and Confidential management of Health care data

The HIPAA Privacy regulations mandate health care providers and organizations together with all their business connections, to formulate and track procedures that make sure that the patients’ health data remains confidential and secure during transmission, reception and while being handled or shared.  This is applicable to all forms of patient health information (PHI) like the paper documents, oral communications, and electronic documents and so on. In addition, the medical biller only shares just the patients’ health information needed for a transaction and nothing more.

 There are many regulations of government that govern the medical billing industry. HIPAA, or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, is one of the largest of such laws. The HIPAA has set up a lot of reformation of existing laws and creation of new ones in the medical industry for the past 20 years since after the establishment. It has also resulted to a lot of medical billing laws. A section of the HIPAA law mandates the healthcare providers to inform the patients of their right to privacy under the act.

One among the billing laws the patient confidentiality regulation has made the healthcare providers to additionally improve their practices to ensure they protect the private medical information of their patients.

Every employee of a medical billing office are required to sign a form attesting that they would comply with the condition of ensuring that the patient’s medical data are kept private.

This aspect of the HIPAA legislation is known as the HIPAA 5010 act.

An additional requirement of HIPAA is to make use of ICD-10 codes, which makes it possible for the medical biller to be more specific in reporting the diagnoses of a patient.


What is HIPAA 5010?  Laws & Rules

The implementation of ICD-10 codes took effect in October of 2013 as a replacement of the previous codes.

The new HIPAA gets less attention than the ICD-10. Irrespective of that, the new HIPAA rule is still essential in the healthcare industry. It was a key change in the manner medical businesses are being treated through electronic means, and handles alterations in the electronic claim transactions.

HIPAA 5010 was implemented to take the place of the previous version 4010, which was in place. Just like the ICD-10, the HIPAA regulations as well had a particular implementation date. It took effect from January 1, 2012.

Starting from that time till now, all parties that handle electronic claims transactions, patient eligibility, or patient data must comply with the new HIPAA regulations.


HIPAA 5010 and electronic transactions

The electronic transactions that HIPAA 5010 is concentrated on imply the transfer of healthcare data from one party to another.

For instance, a health care provider that has to submit claims to an insurance company for payment. Other individual or organization that deal with these types of transactions are handling patients with insurance cover, insurance health plans, medical billing clearinghouses, and healthcare providers.

Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, or HIPAA specific standards were stipulated to manage particular electronic transactions. Some of these transactions are:

  • Insurance claims and data about patient’s visit
  • Making inquiries about the status of the claim
  • Checking the patient eligibility
  • Insurance payments and clarification of benefits
  • Patient insurance plan enlistment and disenrollment
  • Referring a patient before authorizations

All the above standards were in place for more than fifteen years and were thought to be outdated which occasioned the launch of the new HIPAA. It was aimed at updating the standards for electronic transactions and integrates all the essential updates that emerged when ICD-10 was implemented.

It as well incorporated the entire changes that took place in the healthcare industry and incorporated conditions to maintain patient privacy, extra severe security procedures, and faster business dealing.


The reason behind the change from HIPAA 4010 to HIPAA 5010

The 5010 regulations was launched to remedy most of the flaws found in the previous version of HIPAA 4010 Electronic Data Interface (EDI) transactions which amounts to more than 850.

The new HIPAA rules minimized transaction costs, reduced manual claims processing, and lessen the need to make use of human personnel. It will as well incorporate fresh features that weren’t previously available.

The new HIPAA regulations were also projected to yield roughly extra eleven to thirty billion dollars in the medical billing industry.

This boost in revenue will lead to these set of advantages:

  • Support of ICD-10 codes
  • allocating many identifiers
  • NPI instruction that is easy to comprehend
  • Data requirements on verifications of eligibility
  • Minimized claim denial as a result of less data error messages

HIPAA 5010 makes the electronic transactions faster and boost efficiency in the whole healthcare industry.

The difference between the new HIPAA and the old HIPAA rules

One of the changes brought about by the new HIPAA 5010 is the augmentation of the field size for patient diagnosis, to be capable of accommodating ICD-10 codes.

To further explain ICD-9 codes are made up of three to five digits. This implies that when a coder is configuring a claim on the claim system, the field size for the diagnosis code is five figures long. These systems don’t permit any coding with more than 5 digits to be keyed in.

ICD-10 diagnosis codes, however comes with three to seven figures long. Thus, the new HIPAA regulations boosts the allowable field size of the diagnosis code box to seven digits, and makes available room for the ICD-10 codes to fit.

The next update that comes with the new ICD-10 is the execution of an indicator system, which would permit you to distinguish between ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes. This implies that if you’re correcting a mistake on a claim, or if you’ve executed HIPAA 5010 prior to the use of ICD-10 codes, you can still make use of the previous set of codes.

This will assist insurance companies, clearinghouses, and medical billing professionals to differentiate between ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes.

The new HIPAA law as well comes with special built-in rules to make bizarre circumstances more comprehensible. It will assist to boost the understanding of claim turnarounds and adjustments, recoupment of claims payments, and processing of claim refund.

In the healthcare industry the changes that come with the new HIPAA 5010 is a minor section of your medical billing software package. This is to fulfill the fresh regulations such as alterations in field size of the diagnosis code.

However, bigger portion of the changes will be taking place behind the scenes in the medical billing clearinghouses and in the in-house functioning of insurance companies and their multiple parts.

The changes that come with the new HIPAA 5010 rule is not merely a software update, it needs alterations of business practices, budget, and medical billing procedures.


HIPAA Compliance and HIPAA Title Information

Patient Rights Under HIPAA Regulation

The most popular medical billing law is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The basic understanding of most patients concerning this regulation is that HIPAA protects their medical treatment and records privacy.

Nonetheless, the HIPAA stands for much more than that, it also offers patients some kind of protection as well. HIPAA as well comes with the capacity of the patient to transfer and continue to benefit from health insurance cover when policy holders alters or are laid off from their employment. It as well minimizes the fraud in the health care industry as well as abuse; and stipulates the standard for handling the health care data across electronic billing process together with other health care processes.

Given the wide collection of rules in HIPAA and the intricacies involved in complying with the guidelines stipulated in the HIPAA rules, a lot of healthcare providers prefer to outsource the medical billing process to a certified medical billing professional.

The majority of patients share the opinion that their medical data together with other data that consigns their health should be kept confidential, private and be safeguarded. Frequently, patients want to be informed about the people that have access to their medical data. Under the federal rule the Privacy Rule offers to the patient the rights over his or her health information and stipulate rules and limits about the individual who can view or have access to the patients’ health data. The Privacy Rule applies to all forms of individuals’ protected health data which could be electronic, printed, or oral info. The Security Rule is a Federal law that mandates providers to ensure that the health data of patients are secured when making use of electronic data storage or transfer.

HIPAA set up guidelines that must be followed while handling patients’ data by the health care providers and insurance companies to ensure that they are safe and secure.

The HIPAA statutes include the collection, filling and transmission of all the data that has to do with the medical record of a patient. The major aim of HIPAA rules for medical billers and coders is to reduce and entirely eliminate the occurrence of fraud prior to, while a claim is being processed and after the determination and verdict on a claim. It also set out standards that must be followed while the patient’s data is transferred online.

HIPAA is classified into Titles. The key points of HIPAA that is mostly connected to the operations of the medical billers and coding experts are the rules in Titles 1 and 2 as explained in the ensuing section.


Title I:  HIPAA Health Insurance Reform like portable and renewable coverage

Title I of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) offer protection for the health insurance plan of workers who change employment or lose their jobs and the members of their households.

Title I of HIPAA takes care of the health insurance policies under the umbrella of an individual’s employment. Under Title I, HIPAA provides guidelines that stipulate what an employer can do and what he or she cannot do with a staff’s healthcare insurance plan as supplied by the employer. Basically, Title I safeguards health insurance cover for employees and their dependents by making healthcare insurance plans accessible to individuals who have either lost their job or individuals who are about to work for a new employer.

Title I safeguards employees right by adjusting and enhancing the Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA). Title I of HIPAA extends healthcare benefits that already come from COBRA together with making the time factor of the benefits of the disabled people who qualify for COBRA from 18 to 36 months. Title I as well permitted dependents of an individual that is protected under COBRA to keep receiving the equivalent healthcare cover as they did when that individual is under employment and are receiving health benefits.

Title I as well takes care of the way health insurance organization handles patients who have previous health conditions. Prior to HIPAA an individual with a previous medical condition may face difficulty discovering insurance policy that covers their medical bills. This is usually due to the fact that profit-making insurance companies regard them as risky conditions to provide cover for.

Title I of the act limits few amounts of restrictions that could be imposed in their healthcare plans for individuals who have previous health conditions.

Title is very significant to Medical billing and coding specialists due to the fact that it makes more people qualify for health insurance. As a result of the new set of laws in Title I, medical billers can process claims that consign patients that have COBRA coverage or persons who have previous health conditions that are still covered.


Title II:  HIPAA Administrative Simplification and Medical Liability Reform

The Administrative Simplification provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA, Title II) mandates the Department of Health and Human Services to set up national standards for electronic health care business management and national identifiers medical facilities, health care insurance plans, and employers. It as well handles the safety and confidentiality of health data which helps to eliminate medical healthcare Fraud and abuse. Keeping to these standards will boost the effectiveness and efficacy of the health care system in the US by boosting the extensive utilization of electronic data transaction in the medical industry.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) sets up and publicizes the regulations that relates to the execution of HIPAA and standards to be utilized.  All health care organizations affected by HIPAA must meet up with the required standards.

Title II handles a lot of issues that have to do with the medical billing and coding field, such as patients’ data security and privacy and implementation of processes that would make the billing and processing of claim procedures easier. It as well stipulates conditions for electronic records and electronic communication between different in the healthcare system.

Title II as well specifies the way healthcare providers and insurance companies must stay away from engaging in fraud. The law mandates the Officer of the Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to scrutinize and where necessary arraign offenders before the court of law.

Title II deepens the security and privacy law in the healthcare industry by formulating the Privacy Rule and the Security Rule. The Privacy Rule handles the manner followed by insurance companies and providers to manage patient data through the regulation of the way they reveal the data to each other and to other bodies that may need the patients’ healthcare data. Under the Privacy Rule, medical billing and coding professionals have to be cautious not to reveal a patient’s Protected Health Information (PHI) to parties that don’t belong to covered organization like the health care providers and insurance companies plus many others required as specified by Title II. A patient’s PHI incorporates the data below:

  • The patient’s medical record which encompasses present and past medical health situation or sicknesses and treatments provided for the conditions.
  • The place and form of healthcare provider that offers such service to the patient.
  • The fees paid by the patient either fully or in part or by the patient’s insurer to provide coverage for healthcare operating cost for the services that are provided by the health care provider.

Title II as well produces single identifiers for healthcare providers, employers, and patients while trying to optimize contact between these different bodies of the healthcare system and making the billing process more widespread. This is achieved following the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Rule stipulated Title II. The distinctive identifiers produced for the EDI are either personal numbers or code sets designated to bodies that are covered for the purpose of electronic transactions and ought to have equivalent value and meaning for any medical billing professional. The most common exclusive identifiers are the following:

  • The National Standard Employer Identifier Number (EIN). This identifier is assigned by the Internal revenue service (IRS) and is provided to businesses operating in the United States for purposes of Identification.
  • The National Provider Identifier Number (NPI). This identifier is used for discovering healthcare providers like private clinics, hospitals, and nursing homes.
  • The National Health Plan Identifier Number (HPID). This identifier tracks eligible health insurance companies.

For the purposes of medical billing and coding, the standards stipulated under Title II are highly essential due to the fact that they help to make the claim process more efficient. The format and operation of electronic claims especially is non-complicated and safer than before due to the rulings of Title II of HIPAA.


Title III:  HIPAA Tax connected Health requirements

Title III specifies conditions for specific deductions for medical insurance and implements additional changes to health insurance regulation.

Title IV:  Applying and Enforcement group health plan conditions

Title IV stipulates the requirements for group health plans concerning the cover of individuals of persons with pre-existing conditions and modifies continuation of coverage requirements.

Title V:  Revenue Offsets

Title V comes with conditions that are connected to company-owned life insurance, treatment of persons who lose U.S. Citizenship due to non-payment of income and cancellation of the regulations of the financial institution regulations to the interest of allotment rules.

Handling violation of Sexual Boundaries

Sexual boundary violations by physicians and other health care providers is a form of behavior that adversely affects the public welfare and harms patients individually and collectively. Boundary violations tend to occur as a result of exploitation of patient trust, abuse of power, miscommunication or misinterpretation of body language, or by not taking appropriate action when issues tend to arise.

 Provider-patient sexual boundary violations are a violation of the public trust, and is frequently known to cause harm, both mentally and physically, to the patient. Sexual misconduct is an issue that affects all jurisdictions and is not limited by geographic or socioeconomic boundaries. It is the primary responsibility of state medical boards to protect the safety and welfare of the public it serves.

By so doing it is medical boards’ role to inform licensees that sexual misconduct, in any form, will not be tolerated and, when sexual misconduct does occur, to take prompt and decisive action against any licensee found to have participated in such conduct. As state medical boards are required to respond to an increasing number of complaints, it becomes imperative that medical boards use guidelines for dealing with sexual boundary issues and take measures to educate their licensees about sexual boundary issues.

Irrespective of whether sexual misbehavior is viewed as emanating from an underlying form of impairment, it is unarguably a violation of the public’s trust. It should be noted that although an addictive disorder, mental disorder, sexual disorder, phase of life crisis may be a contributory circumstance, boards are still charged with taking appropriate steps to see that the public is protected. Although sexual addiction is a regularly used phrase, it is not documented as a disease in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders, Version IV (DSM IV).

The subsequent sections report defines doctor’s sexual misconduct and provides recommendations to assist medical boards with the investigation process, grounding for formal hearings, crafting a suitable punitive response, doctors monitoring, and physician education. Physician sexual misbehavior is behavior that exploits the physician-patient relationship in a sexual way.

Sexualized behavior between a doctor and a patient is never diagnostic or therapeutic. “Sexualized behavior” can be defined as behavior that is verbal or physical, and may include expressions of thoughts, feelings, or gestures that are sexual or that reasonably may be construed by a patient, patient’s surrogate, or health care provider as sexual

For the purposes of this part of the guide, there are mainly two forms of professional sexual misconduct: sexual impropriety and sexual violation.

The two types of violation are the basis for corrective action by a state medical board if the board determines that the behavior exploited the doctor-patient relationship. Sexual impropriety includes behavior, gestures, or expressions that are seductive, sexually suggestive, disrespectful of patient privacy, or sexually demeaning to a patient, that may include, but are not limited to:

•      Conducting an intimate examination of a patient in the presence of medical students or other parties without the patient’s informed consent or when such consent has been withdrawn;

•      Making unsuitable comments about or to the patient, including but not limited to, making sexual comments about a patient’s body or underclothing, making sexualized or sexually demeaning comments to a patient, criticizing the patient’s sexual orientation, making comments about potential sexual performance during an examination;

•      Using the power differential to ask for a date or an intimate relationship;

•      The provider starting a discussion about the sexual issues, preferences, or fantasies;

•      Carrying out an intimate examination or consultation without clinical reason or not within scope of practice and not licensed to do so.

•      Asking for details of sexual history; asking about sexual preferences of the patient/client when they are not essential to care, examination or consultation

•      Touching breasts, genitals, or any body part for any purpose other than appropriate examination or treatment, or where the patient has refused or has withdrawn consent;

•      Offering to provide practice-related services in exchange for sexual favors.

Additionally, a sexual boundary violation may include physical sexual contact between a provider and patient/client, whether or not started by the patient, and engaging in any behavior with a patient/client that is sexual or may be rationally interpreted as sexual.


Ethical Responsibilities as a Massage Therapist

There are a few key concepts all health care providers share when it comes to ethics and patient interactions. The purpose of mentioning this is to bring awareness to the higher-level awareness providers should have towards their practice and patient encounters. Intense education, training, and skills bestow upon the provider the ability to use their expertise to heal, help, maintain health, and build trusting, therapeutic relationships. To use these abilities for personal gain and manipulation does an immense disservice to health care as a whole and decreases public trust in providers. This is why sexual boundary training & awareness in health care is so vital.

Responsibility to the public

In this case, “the public” refers to patients who come to you seeking treatment or receiving treatment. This key concept includes the providers’ duty to respect the rights, privacy, and dignity of patients and to maintain confidentiality and professional boundaries at all times. “Responsibility to the public” also includes patient/client referrals to an appropriate provider if you are unable to continue services, or if the patient/client complains of another health ailment not within your scope of practice.

Responsibility to the profession

Health care providers of all types are responsible for their professional behavior, for the reputation of their profession, and for promoting ethical conduct among their fellow providers.

For example, according to the AMTA, massage therapists/practitioners agree to follow specific principles of ethics and rules of ethics.

The Principles of Ethics by AMTA

  1. Demonstrate commitment to provide the highest quality massage therapy/bodywork to those who seek their professional service.
  2. Acknowledge the inherent worth and individuality of each person by not discriminating or behaving in any prejudicial manner with clients and/or colleagues.
  3. Demonstrate professional excellence through regular self-assessment of strengths, limitations and effectiveness by continued education and training.
  4. Acknowledge the confidential nature of the professional relationship with clients and respect each client’s right to privacy within the constraints of the law.
  5. Project a professional image and uphold the highest standards of professionalism.
  6. Accept responsibility to do no harm to the physical, mental and emotional well-being of self, clients and associates (AMTA, 2010).

Rules of Ethics by AMTA

  1. Conduct all business and professional activities within their scope of practice and all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
  2. Refrain from engaging in any sexual conduct or sexual activities involving their clients in the course of a massage therapy session.
  3. Be truthful in advertising and marketing, and refrain from misrepresenting his or her services, charges for services, credentials, training, experience, ability or results.
  4. Refrain from using AMTA membership, including the AMTA name, logo or other intellectual property, or the member’s position, in any way that is unauthorized, improper or misleading.
  5. Refrain from engaging in any activity which would violate confidentiality commitments and/or proprietary rights of AMTA or any other person or organization (AMTA, 2010).

Massage therapists, like other healthcare providers, must also treat within their lawful scope of practice and training only if they are able to safely, competently, and effectively do so.

While these are just two core competencies and ethical obligations of health care providers, there are several more equally as important. These are ethical responsibilities towards employers & colleagues, responsibility in promoting health education, and ethical responsibility in research.

As we know, setting physical boundaries is vital in a massage therapy session.  Communication and respect with the client are key in this setting so the individual can feel safe, secure, and enjoy their treatment.  Appropriate draping is important and should only enable access to the body where massage is required.  If you do need to touch an area that is draped, make sure that you communicate this with the client, explaining exactly what you will be doing as a part of the treatment, and get the client’s permission to do so.

Sexual boundary violations are unacceptable in the massage therapy profession, as well as any healthcare profession.  It is never permissible to massage a client in the area of their backside or genitals.

The same holds true for the massage therapist; clients should respect your boundaries and have no right to touch you in an inappropriate fashion.  If this happens, immediately let them know their actions are not wanted, and if the situation warrants, halt the session and do not re-book that client.

Emotional Boundaries between the Client & Therapist


In the subject of massage therapy, transference is something that happens when a client brings past experiences, relationships, and feelings to the present and in turn makes a professional relationship personal.  Massage therapists should keep this concept in the back of their mind and be aware should it begin to happen with a client.  You will need to bring the client back to the reality of the professional relationship.

Examples of Transference:

A client who contacts you outside of the practice.
Requesting a discounted price for treatment.
Repeated requests to go out on a date, or for a relationship outside the professional one.
Gift giving for no reason or purpose.


This is when the therapist is too divulging with the information they give the client about themselves, such as telling the client about past issues, current problems, or other personal information.  For one, this can turn a lot of clients off and can prevent them from ever returning to your office.  Secondly, it is important to keep these details out of the clients’ session.  After all, the treatment is for the client and they are there to unwind and heal from the things in life that ail them.  Additionally, counter transference also refers to the client who is unable to separate emotional feelings from a professional therapeutic relationship.

Examples of Counter-transference:

Dwelling on clients’ issues and how you can fix them.
Discussing your own personal issues with a client while they are receiving treatment.
Assuming the role of the confidant and helper for the client.

Power Differentials

An important emotional boundary to discuss, power differentials are crucial for massage therapists to understand and be aware of.  Due to the set-up of a massage therapy session, with the client laying down, in the nude beneath a drape, and you standing up providing treatment, it is a clear power differential.  So, in this setting, massage therapists should be mindful not take advantage of the client. An example of a power differential would be to have a medical doctor on the table, and you begin to ask them about ailment that’s been bothering you.  This is not appropriate and should be refrained from.

Clients & Talking

First and foremost, your clients engaging in conversation with you is normal and, in most cases, starts off to be nice or friendly, or to break some of the initial tension, especially if it is their first time in the office.  While it is important to show all clients’, we are interested in them and care, we need to remember the keep point of the session, and that it be therapeutic for the client.  This can be tricky to achieve when the client is chatting with you for half of the session about their last vacation to Mexico, and you exchanging similar vacation stories.  As a massage therapist it is important to learn how to control the environment, and re-direct your client away from talk, and toward a relaxing state of mind.  Remind the client that silence is not a problem, that it helps you focus on your technique, and to relax and enjoy their session (Bryant, 2018). 

The Four Different Types of Boundaries

Social Boundaries – This type of boundary is more common in small towns, where there is sometimes an overlap between a client, and what you would call a friendly acquaintance.  Most professionals advise to keep clients and friends/relationships separate because this may lead to inappropriate behavior.

Emotional Boundaries – because of the calm and comforting setting of a massage therapy session, some clients may be inclined to talk to you about personal problems, which may include sensitive issues dealing with mental health.  There are certain topics that massage therapists are not qualified to provide information on because it is out of scope of practice.  It is important to know your limits and in cases like these, to refer the client to an medical professional who can help them with their concerns.

Physical Boundaries – Clients are in a vulnerable position during a massage therapy session because they are fully or partially undressed. It is imperative to respect the clients space and body, and to not touch them in unwanted areas.  Prior to the session starting, you should also inquire if they have any areas that they prefer to not have massaged.  Listening to the clients’ response and comments on this matter also goes a long way in respecting physical boundaries

Professional Boundaries – This primarily includes maintaining a clean work environment, conducting your massage business ethically, and maintaining up to date business records of clients and transactions (Bryant, 2018).

Diversity, Culture, & Boundaries

As health care providers, we have the opportunity to meet a variety of people from different cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Because of this diversity, it is imperative to understand how patient diversity and/or culture connects with boundaries in practice.

For example, a conservative woman of Arab descent may be less likely to book treatments with a male health care provider on the grounds of specific customs and expectations of her pertaining to religion and family life.

In another scenario, you may find a male patient of Asian descent to be less probing with questions in your discussion because of his respect of authority or desire to be polite in that social interaction. In the case of a boundary violation, this individual may also be less likely to voice concerns or discomfort with the health care provider out of respect or to be polite, even if they may be uncomfortable.

According Marcia Carteret, M.Ed.,

“Asian cultures are typically high context cultures in which gesture, body language, eye contact, pitch, intonation, word stress, and the use of silence are as important as the actual words being spoken in conversation,”

“Asians are typically polite in social encounters whereas Americans, being very low context communicators, are comfortable with very direct questions and answers and often seem abrupt to people from high context cultures. This is important to keep in mind when communicating with Asian people, especially those who are relatively new to the United States. Asian people may be “tuned” to the moods of the others during conversation, and culturally they expect others to be similarly sensitive. Asians patients may expect doctors to sort out their concerns, confusion, and hesitance within the context of polite conversation, while western doctors mistake head-nodding, smiles, and verbal assent as clear indication of understanding and agreement when the opposite is in fact true (Carteret, 2010).”

Keep in mind that the above two examples are general scenarios, not hard and fast rules. Every patient or client you encounter will be different with his or her own unique values, customs, and behaviors.


Boundary Violations from Provider to Patient

Take a look at some of the below warning signs and red flags of potential boundary issues from a provider to a patient. These early warning signs could be an indication of future sexual boundary violations if not addressed early enough.

  • Discussing intimate or personal issues with a patient
  • Engaging in behaviors that could reasonably be interpreted as flirting
  • Keeping secrets with a patient or for a patient
  • Believing that you are the only one who truly understands or can help the patient
  • Spending more time than is necessary with a particular patient
  • Speaking poorly about colleagues or your employment setting with the patient and/or family
  • Showing favoritism
  • Meeting a patient in settings besides those used to provide direct patient care or when you are not at work



Boundary Violations from Patient to Provider

In most cases of sexual boundary violations, we typically hear stories of patients accusing providers for crossing personal lines. Let it be known that boundary crossing does not only go one way. Providers too can be put in situations where their personal and professional boundaries are being crossed.

  • Patient comments or remarks expressing desire to engage in sexual activity.
  • Any unwanted or inappropriate touching from patient to provider.
  • Patient over-involvement such as asking intimate or personalized questions.
  • Requests for personal contact information such as personal phone, e-mail, and home address.

If you feel uncomfortable with a certain patient or believe your boundaries have been crossed, request assistance from a trusted colleague or supervisor. Any incident you experience with a patient that you believe violated your personal and professional boundaries should be documented in a timely manner. You may decide to address the issue yourself with the patient using direct language, asking them to stop the behavior. Another option is to have a superior address the incident or refer the patient elsewhere for treatment. Sexual harassment from patients is a real issue and should not go un-noticed. If the health care provider is an employee working at a superior’s practice, the employee has an obligation to inform their superior of the incident.

Lastly, if these boundary violations or sexual harassment continues it is highly advisable to contact your local state board or respective licensing organization to see what they recommend for appropriate actions to prevent this situation from continuing (every state has their own process), and/or to consult with your attorney about the incident.



Investigations of Sexual Boundary Violations

It is imperative that state medical boards have sufficient statutory authority to investigate complaints and any reported allegations of sexual misconduct. State medical boards should place a high priority on the investigation of complaints of sexual misconduct due to patient vulnerability unique to such cases.

The purpose of the investigation is to determine whether the report can be substantiated in order to collect sufficient facts and information for the board to make an informed decision as to how to proceed. If the state medical boards indicate a reasonable probability that the physician has engaged in sexual misconduct, the state medical board should exercise its authority to intervene and take appropriate action to ensure the protection of the patient and the public at large.

Each complaint should be investigated and judged on its own merits. The investigation should include a review of previous complaints to identify any such patterns of behavior, including malpractice claims and/or settlements. The investigation of all complaints involving sexual misconduct should include interviews with the physician, complainant(s) and/or patient and/or patient surrogate.

The investigation may include an interview with a current or subsequent treating practitioner of the patient and/or patient surrogate; colleagues, staff and other persons at the physician’s office or worksite; and persons that the patient may have told of the misconduct.

Information and physical evidence that can be valuable in resolving discontinuities are:

details about each incident or extent of the relationship; identifying marks on practitioner that would be known only to someone who had been intimate with physician; objects in physician’s home or environment, outside the office, where the misconduct occurred; articles of clothing with possible DNA; billing records related to visits; patient record; appointment book; phone records; written communications (e-mail, letters, cards, etc.); motel or hotel bills; credit card receipts, etc.

In some cases, an undercover operation, in which the patient is wired, may be used to obtain statements and admissions from physician. It may also be necessary to discreetly involve other practice areas in an investigation, such as hospitals where the physician has privileges. Complainant Sensitivity to Investigation Because of the delicate nature of complaints of sexual misconduct, boards should have special procedures for interviewing and interacting with such complainants.

Therefore, professionals who are appropriately trained in the area of sexual misconduct should conduct the investigation and subsequent intervention. Boards also should consider providing specialized training for investigators and consider using investigators appropriate to the gender of the complainant. In the event complainants express a desire to “tell their side of the story,” the board is encouraged to afford complainants the opportunity to appear before a board subcommittee or the board itself.

Guidelines for State Medical Boards: Hearings

Following investigation and evaluation, if deemed appropriate, the state board overseeing the healthcare provider should determine whether sufficient evidence exists to proceed with formal charges against the physician. In most jurisdictions, initiation of formal charges is public and will result in an administrative hearing unless the matter is settled. This section will discuss issues encountered by boards when preparing for an administrative hearing and will provide specific recommendations regarding those issues. In assessing whether sufficient evidence exists to support a finding that sexual misconduct has occurred, corroboration of a patient’s testimony should not be required.

Although establishing a pattern of sexual misconduct may be significant, a single case is sufficient to proceed with a formal hearing. Boards should have the authority to amend formal charges to include additional complainants identified prior to the conclusion of the hearing process.

Open vs Closed Hearings

If boards are required, by statute, to conduct all hearings in public, including cases of sexual misconduct, many patients may be hesitant to come forward in a public forum and relate the factual details of what occurred. Boards should have the statutory authority to close the hearing during testimony which may reveal the identity of the patient. The decision to close the hearing, in part or in full, should be at the discretion of the board. Neither the physician nor the witness should control this decision. Boards should allow the patient the option of having support persons available during both open and closed hearings.

Complaints about Boundary Violations

Complaints about sexual violations are highly sensitive. Therefore, enhanced attention must be given to protecting a patient’s identity so that patients are not discouraged from coming forward with legitimate complaints against physicians. The boards should have statutory authority to ensure nondisclosure of the patient’s identity to the public. This authority should include the ability to delete from final public orders any patient identifiable information.


Sexual misconduct cases do involve complex issues; therefore, boards may consider the use of one or more expert witnesses to fully develop the issues in question and to define professional standards of care for the record. Additionally, the evaluating/treating physician or mental health care practitioners providing assessment and/or treatment to the respondent physician may be called as witnesses. The provider may provide details of treatment, diagnosis and prognosis, especially the level of insight and change by the practitioner.

Also, a present or subsequent treating doctor of the patient, particularly a mental health provider, may be called as a witness. Such witnesses may provide insight into factors that led to the alleged sexual misconduct, an opinion regarding the level of harm incurred by the patient, and describe the physician’s rehabilitative potential and risk for recidivism.

Other problems about sexual boundary breaches

1. Rules of evidence applicable in all other administrative hearings should be applied in hearings involving sexual boundary breaches

2. Boards should not consider romantic involvement, patient initiation or patient consent a legal defense, although these may be factors for the board’s consideration in cases of sexual misconduct.

3. Witness credibility is often an important factor in hearings involving sexual misconduct.

All-inclusive Evaluation

State medical boards constantly make use of diagnostic evaluations for health professionals who may have a physical or mental impairment. Similarly, the use of diagnostic evaluations when handling a complaint regarding sexual misconduct provides significant information that may not otherwise be revealed during the initial phase of the investigation. A comprehensive psychological evaluation may be valuable to the board’s ability to assess future risk to patient safety.

The aim of the evaluation is not to establish findings of fact but rather to assess and define the nature and scope of the behavior, identify any contributing illness or underlying conditions that may have predisposed the physician to engage in sexual misconduct, make treatment recommendations if rehabilitative potential is established, and identify any underlying illness or condition that might put patients at risk in the future. An evaluation may be valuable in determining whether or not an ancient maladaptive pattern of unsuitable behavior exists.

If its study showed a high potential that sexual misconduct has happened, the state medical board should have the authority to order an evaluation of the physician and the physician must be required to consent to the release to the board all information gathered as a result of the evaluation. The evaluation of the physician follows the investigation/intervention process but precedes a formal hearing.

The guidelines to be considered by the board when selecting an assessor(s) to conduct the evaluation:

1. Assessor (s) must be licensed health care professionals who have demonstrated knowledge, based upon education, training, and supervised experience in the realm of sexual misconduct and recognition of the features of doctors who have engaged in sexual misconduct with patients or patient surrogates.

2. The evaluation should be carried out by an independent evaluator to avoid a conflict of interest.

3. There must be no initial professional or personal relationship between the evaluator and the physician being evaluated.

4. Previous sexual violation offenders should not be accepted to conduct evaluations.

5. Assessor (s) must be approved in advance by the board. The assessment of a physician for sexual misconduct is complex. It may require a multidisciplinary approach and should contain the following elements:

The general goals of the evaluation

•      Identify, if present, the nature and severity of any psychiatric, psychological, medical, or cognitive impairment.

•      Help medical boards and doctor health programs understand any causative factors that may have predisposed the physician to engage in sexual misconduct.

•      This insight does not excuse the physician’s conduct but may assist parties involved understand, in part, why sexual delinquency occurred in order to inform treatment and possibly the nature of disciplinary action (e.g., history of antisocial behavior or severe personality disorder(s), bipolar illness, cognitive impairment, addiction disorder(s), professional burnout resulting in depression and poor judgment and so on.

•      Gauge the doctor’s risk to re-offend and devise an opinion regarding the physician’s rehabilitative potential.

•      Comprehensive medical evaluation with suitable laboratory studies, medical history, toxicology screens for substances of abuse.

•      The appraisal must include a review of all collateral materials believed pertinent by the assessment team including, but not limited to, the board’s exploratory file; prior applicable diagnoses and courses of treatment; data from the state’s physician health program; and, if available, the results of any prior medical, social, psychiatric evaluations and psychological testing.

•      Conduct al-inclusive psychiatric evaluation and history with a mental status examination.

•      Alcohol and drug history that includes checking: that there are no presences or history of substance abuse, Psychosocial/development history and comprehensive psychological testing and clinical interview following a forensic protocol.

Within the framework of this constituent of the assessment, the inspector will employ valid and reliable psychological instruments and clinical means to exclude cognitive/neuropsychological deficits, latent or frank psychosis, affect/mood instability, bipolar spectrum, depression, impulse-control, anxiety, paraphilic, and thought disorders.

Based on these findings, the inspector will describe the nature and severity of difficulties, if present, and determine their impact on future risk to patient safety.

•      Comprehensive sexual history that incorporates: checking whether the doctors suffer from the presence of compulsive sexual behavior or paraphilic interests or practices.

•      Forensic polygraph examination if indicated (questions need to be clearly focused on past behavior and not intent).

•      Multidisciplinary team meeting where all members involved in the evaluation can present clinical data, review collateral information, explore personal and professional biases, challenge each other’s conceptualizations, and arrive at a consensus regarding the physician’s psychiatric, psychological, medical, and cognitive disposition.

•      A report that summarizes all the elements of assessment.

How the conclusion would be reached

•      A medical/psycho-legal determination regarding the physician’s psychiatric, psychological, medical, and cognitive disposition and fitness to practice.

•      Statement regarding the physician’s risk to reoffend and rehabilitative potential.

•      Recommendations may include PHP monitoring, boundary monitoring, extensive treatment, further evaluation, e.g., neuropsychological testing, MRI, MRA, SPECT, PET, additional laboratory studies, etc). The evaluation of a physician for sexual misconduct must be reliant upon agreement by the independent evaluator to release to the board all records pertaining to the identity, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of the physician.

Such records must incorporate but not be limited to those records maintained in connection with the recital of any program or activity relating to substance abuse education, prevention, training, treatment, rehabilitation, or research. Upon completion of the evaluation, results must be released to the medical board.


Discipline Regarding Boundary Violations

State medical boards have a broad range of disciplinary responses designed to protect the public. Upon a finding of sexual misconduct, the board should take appropriate action and impose a sanction(s) reflecting the severity of the conduct and potential risk to patients.

Findings of sexual misconduct are often sufficiently egregious as to warrant revocation of a physician’s medical license. However, boards may find that mitigating circumstances do exist and, therefore, stay the revocation and institute terms and conditions of probation. In the event the board makes a finding of sexual impropriety, the board may consider a less severe sanction than for a finding of sexual violation.

In determining an appropriate disciplinary response, the board should consider the following:

•      Patient harm

•      Subsistence of social support system

•      Chance (type of practice)

•      Ruthlessness of indecency or inappropriate behavior

•      Background within which impropriety occurred

•      Responsibility of licensee

•      Psychotherapeutic relationship

•      Existence of a physician-patient relationship

•      Scope and depth of the physician-patient relationship

•      Unfortunate termination of physician-patient relationship

•      Age and competence of patient (minor)

•      Susceptibility of patient

•      Amount of times behavior occurred

•      Number of patients involved

•      Period of time relationship existed

•      Assessment/evaluation results

•      Previous professional misconduct/disciplinary history/malpractice

•      Recommendations of assessing/treating professional(s) and/or state physician health program license reinstatement/removal of license restriction(s)

In the event of license revocation, suspension, or license restriction, any petition for reinstatement or removal of restriction should include the stipulation that a current assessment, and if recommended, successful completion of treatment, be required prior to the medical board’s consideration to assure the physician is competent to practice safely. Such assessment may be obtained from the physician’s treating professionals, state physician health program, or from an approved evaluation team as necessary to provide the board with adequate information upon which to make a sound decision.

Monitoring Following a finding of sexual misconduct, if a license is not revoked or suspended, it is essential that a board establish appropriate monitoring of the physician and his continued practice. Monitoring should be individualized and based on the findings of the multidisciplinary evaluation, and, as appropriate, subsequent treatment recommendations.

If a diagnosis of causative mental/emotional illness, addiction, or sexual disorder has been established, the monitoring of that physician should be the same as for any other mental impairment and boards are encouraged to work closely with their state physician health program as a resource and support in monitoring. Conditions, which may also be used for other violations of the medical practice act, may be imposed upon the physician, such as:

•      Supervision of the physician in the workplace by a supervisory physician

•      Requirement that chaperones constantly attend and sign the medical record attesting to their presence during examination or other patient interactions as appropriate.

•      In addition, the doctor must provide the chaperone a copy of the order, and the chaperone must certify to the board she/he read the order.

•      Regular on-site review by board investigator or physician health program staff if required.

•      Practice restrictions as may be recommended by evaluator(s) and/or the state physicians health program.

•      Constant interviews with the board and/or state physician health program as required to assess status of probation.

•      Constant reports from a qualified and approved licensed practitioner, approved in advance by the board, conducting any recommended counseling or treatment.

•      A complete course that trains the doctor about maintaining suitable professional boundaries, which shall be approved in advance before registering with the board.


Boundary Training

Realizing that sexual misbehaviors can be a major issue affecting care in medicine as a whole, many medical schools, university, and other healthcare programs have implemented boundary training.  A lack of training, awareness, and skill sets needed to implement effective boundaries and handle uncomfortable situations can put providers and patients/clients both at risk. 

Educational curriculum should be developed about what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in relation to the boundary issue. State boards regulating the healthcare field usually formulate cooperative relationships with healthcare organizations, programs, medical schools and training programs to offer healthcare providers the required training that would boost awareness of sexual misdemeanors in a healthcare setting.

Additionally, state licensing boards sometimes require this as mandatory continuing education. 

Doctors must be trained about the extent of injury patients witness due to sexual misconduct. Information about boundary issues, including physician sexual misconduct. It must be publicized in medical board information sheets and brochures. Media associates must be organized to make the general public more informed and aware of what to do when confronted with such situations

Health care provider sexual boundaries breaches may include a broad collection of behaviors and can happen in different ways. It is extremely injurious to patients and patient surrogates. It as well mars the dignity of the medical profession. This guide may not cover all possible cases of the violation. Nevertheless, it can serve as a guiding principle of   medical boards to manage instance of such sexual boundary breaches between a doctor and his or her patients.

Dual Relationships in Health Care

A dual relationship is present when a provider has a second significantly different relationship with his or her patient/client in addition to the traditional patient-provider one (Zur, 2013).

The relationship could be of a professional nature. Take a massage therapist for example who sees patients/clients in her practice, but also teaches massage therapy at a local university. If a student sees the massage therapist for regular treatments, and also takes courses the LMT teaches, then there is a dual professional relationship. The massage therapist plays the part of both counselor and teacher, but in separate settings.

A dual relationship can also be unprofessional in nature. Take for example the scenario of a psychiatrist who is also a friend or intimate partner of the person seeking medical care/support.

Due to the complications that can arise in sexual and in rare circumstances, nonsexual situations, the presence of a dual relationship may present ethical and potentially legal issues.

As discussed above, it is important to note that not all dual relationships are stamped as unethical. It may even pave the way for a strengthened trust and respect or a beneficial exchange of goods or services for both parties.

The distinguishing factor between unethical and ethical relationships is the foundation of mutual trust and whether it is honored or misued (Zur, 2013).

Even as specialists in psychiatry have been debating the advantages and disadvantages of issuing such guidelines, non psychiatric doctors have not engaged in discussions like that. In this guide, we will provide a conceptual framework for discussion of professional boundaries in the physician-patient relationship and provide our view of measures the medical profession can take to prevent severe violations of these boundaries.

What the boundaries imply

Commonly, they are the parameters that explain the limits of a fiduciary relationship where a patient entrusts his or her welfare to doctor to whom a fee is paid for service to be rendered. Boundaries means professional distance and respect must be maintained, which, includes avoiding sexual relationship with patients. While sexual contact is likely the most extreme form of boundary violation, other types of doctor’s behaviors may take advantage of the dependency of the patient on the doctor and the available power difference.

These are things like double relationships, business operations, specific gifts and services, use of some languages, use of some forms of physical contact, time and duration of appointments, appointment locations, mismanagement of fees, and misuses of the physical examination. The breaches of some of these boundaries may sometimes be essential and beneficial. For instance, it would clearly suitable to hold the hand of a patient who reaches out to a physician after the loss of a loved one.

There are differences between minor boundary violations and severe boundary violations that spoil professional careers and badly damage the patient’s life. In the say way, some issues may crop up from dishonest and unethical doctor’s behavior, while some occurs from honest misinterpretations. Much of the medical profession’s augmented interest in boundaries has derived from the consciousness of the destructive effects of sexual misbehavior. Examination of cases of doctor- patient sexual relationships has shown that sexual exploitation is normally preceded by a progressive series of nonsexual boundary violations. This occurrence is normally referred to as the “slippery slope. In this instance, what seems to be minor violations may in the real fact be considerably more severe when it is viewed in the recurring sense.



Relationships with a Patient/Client:  Varying healthcare provider opinions.

A recent Medscape Ethics Survey, where over twenty-one thousand healthcare providers participated, although the violation is still considered unethical to some respondents, some doctors are beginning to give it a second thought more than what it used to be in the past.

Many of those who participated in the survey were strictly against a doctor sexual relationship with his present patient, and most were also against doctor having intimate relations with a former patient irrespective of how long it has taken which closes matches with the position of the American Medical Association (AMA) and as number of specialty societies.

In spite of that, from the survey, it was also found that the numbers of doctors who have differing views are increasing more and more.

Sixty eight of the participants were of the opinion that an intimate relationship with a patient, whether current or former, was unmistakably unethical and immoral.

In Medscape’s 2010 Ethics Survey, the number of participants who took that position was eighty-three percent. In the two surveys only, one percent of respondents think that sex with a present patient is allowable. Just twelve percent of participants in 2010 survey think it was okay to relate sexually with a former patient. However, in the most recent survey, more than one fifth of the participants, twenty two percent of them think it is no longer unethical.


The Opinions:


“I think we are enormously misguided, if not narcissistic, to believe that there is no amount of time out of the physician/patient relationship that ‘resets’ the relationship,” an emergency physician wrote in response. “If ‘individual patients often unquestionably submit to a physician’s authority,’ as an expert was quoted as saying, then we should give up on the concept of medical informed consent, as our patients clearly cannot separate themselves from the omnipotent physician/patient relationship adequately to be able to give such consent. As a profession, let’s at least be logically consistent in our positions.”

“What about caring for a person with whom you have had a relationship in the past?” a family physician wanted to know. “How about the conflict with having to care for someone (in the ER after hours, as an example) with whom you have/had a relationship or conflict? This goes to show that blanket statements/rules cannot be concrete and cannot fit all situations.”

“Consider this scenario,” a general practitioner suggested. “You’re the only physician in a small town. If you can’t date a patient or potential patient, then you can’t date anyone, since every person in the town is potentially your patient. I guess you’d just have to get a mail-order bride from Russia. Once you’re married, you can’t have sex with your wife because she will also be a patient of yours. This is why hard-and-fast, zero-tolerance rules are always a bad idea.”

“I think that it borders on delusional to believe that we as doctors are so all-powerful that it is an abuse of power and a crime to have a sexual relationship with a competent adult who happens to have been or even is a patient,” a psychiatrist wrote. “If such an act is to be a crime, don’t you think each case stands on its own to show the harm done? Otherwise, the authorities should respect a doctor’s privacy and stay out of the bedroom.”

“It’s like many blanket statements—not applicable in all circumstances,” an emergency physician wrote. “A lot depends on the nature of the doctor/patient relationship. A male gynecologist and a patient who has seen that doctor many times—probably not. An ER doc who sees someone once for a broken ankle? I don’t see the problem. How about a radiologist who interprets the ankle x-ray? Does the radiologist get a blanket pass?”

“I believe that the ‘rules’ are in place for very good reasons,” a cardiologist commented. “Intelligent physicians before us have seen the ramifications of doctor/patient relationships over many years and on a larger scale.

“Individual circumstances vary. There will always be exceptions to the rule on a small scale, and there are exceptions in remote locations or small towns. However, the dynamic of our relationships is unique and should be held up as such by our community.”

“Rules are rules, and for a good reason,” a family physician pointed out. “They remain rules until exceptions are created. Respect for our profession is eroding constantly. The least we can do is hold ourselves to a higher standard and stay out of such entanglements. If a physician becomes involved with a patient, there’s always the possibility of HIPAA violations, as the physician enters the patient’s social or even family circle. We all ought to have the discipline and self-control to avoid such entanglements.”

“I hate to say it, but the AMA is absolutely right,” a psychiatrist stated. “Certainly, for psychiatrists and pediatricians it is an absolute. How adept are people at knowing when it is ‘true love’? Because ‘some are happy’ is the worst kind of anecdotal information.”

“Medical ethics is what it is for very good reasons, and what was true about the doctor/patient relationship in Hippocrates’ time hasn’t fundamentally changed,” another psychiatrist noted. “Exploitation of this relationship in any way, by either party, is all too possible if the boundaries are not recognized and strictly adhered to. Boundary violations almost inevitably bring trouble. It’s the doctor’s, not the patient’s, responsibility to behave ethically at all times.”

“While I believe a doctor must not have a relationship with a current patient, it is also true that the traditional doctor/patient relationship does not exist as before,” commented a family physician. “We have become ‘healthcare providers’—service providers not much different from plumbers, hairdressers, and auto mechanics. Whose fault is this? I don’t know. Maybe plumbers should also be prohibited from having relationships with their clients, or maybe, in the modern world, doctors should be allowed to have relationships with their ‘clients.'”


Laws and Regulations guiding the healthcare industry

The laws, regulations and standard decision practice of healthcare providers and related professions in the health industry that are regulated by the Medical Board are specified in the Business and Professions Code.

This section describes key medical billing laws, and how the doctors must comply with them. Just like every other profit-making business, the healthcare industry must keep to specific state and federal regulations to operate lawfully. In addition to the standard ethical business practices businesses in the healthcare industry must comply with extra rules and regulations.

The additional rules and regulation is due to the fact that the medical service deals with both the business aspect and the health care of people. The implication of this is that they have a bigger role to play to comply with the ethical standards of business, and their medical practice.

On a federal level the activities of the healthcare providers are being regulated by the CMS and the CDC. The CMS oversees the Medicare and Medicaid medical services aimed at alleviating the financial health responsibilities of the poor, elderly, and disabled, and the control of diseases (CDC). These organizations work together to set up fresh new regulations.

These rules ensure that all workers in the medical profession offer to their patients updated and reliable health care services. Major laws and regulations that are connected to the medical billing industry include HIPAA, ethical standards, contract responsibilities, fraud laws, and good business practices.

The Key Medical Billing Laws and Regulations 

False Claims Act

The False Claims Act is enacted to take care of fraud committed by health care industry professionals against the government, an important law to be aware of for any healthcare provider.

Managers are commonly the very last form of protection for a healthcare provider to ensure that they stay away from overbilling patients for particular tests or sending patients for irrelevant tests.

The False Claims Act mandates individuals who are not working for the government to file a case on the government’s behalf. This ethical standard provides legal protection to whistleblowers that may face retaliatory attack from their employers.

According to the law, 

“Individuals and entities that make false claims are subject to civil penalties of up to $11,000 for each false claim, plus three times the amount of damages the government sustains by reason of each claim (31 U.S.C. § 3729).

Violation of the False Claims Act may lead to exclusion from Federal health care programs (Social Security Act § 1128).

Civil legal actions for penalties and damages under the False Claims Act may be brought not only by the government, but by private persons, such as competitors or employees of a provider, on behalf of the government. If the legal action is successful, the private person is entitled to a percentage of the recovery. The False Claims Act protects all persons from retaliation for reporting false claims or bringing legal actions to recover money paid on false claims (Civil Actions for False Claims, 31 U.S.C. § 3730).

Failure to return overpayments may lead to liability under the False Claims Act. Under section 1128J(d) of the Social Security Act, persons who have received an overpayment from a Federal health care program must report and return the overpayment within 60 days of the date the overpayment was identified. Failure to do so may make the overpayment a false claim (Social Security Act § 1128J(d)).

False claims made knowingly may also be subject to criminal prosecution. Persons who knowingly make a false claim may be subject to criminal fines up to $250,000 (Sentence of Fine, 18 U.S.C. § 3571) and imprisonment of up to 5 years (False, Fictitious or Fraudulent Claims, 18 U.S.C. § 287).”

Stark Law

The Stark Law, also known as the Ethics in Patient Referrals Act, was passed in 1989 by congress. Unfortunately, this law is not very commonly understood among the citizens and healthcare providers alike. It is only individuals who have sophisticated education of the law in healthcare that may be familiar with this law. The Stark Law is another ethical billing law that helps to prevent the occurrence of fraud in the healthcare industry.

Healthcare providers with unethical practice may try to defraud the government by referring a patient to a family member or financial partner. In this case, the doctor that refers the patient is compensated financially. This type of unethical practice would have escalated if not for the fact that it is kept under close watch by the overseers of the scheme.

To provide a brief overview of the law itself, final regulations under Stark I were not issued until six years after the act was passed in 1995.  The regulations covered just the self-referral prohibition for clinical laboratory services (these have now been nullified by the final Stark II regulations).

By then, Congress had already broadened the Stark Law in 1993 to apply to nine other general divisions of designated health services (Stark II) beginning in 1995 (MMS, 2005).

Proposed Stark II regulations were first issued on January 9, 1998 and set forth a wide scope agency application of the law. For instance, in the proposed Stark II regulations, a referring physician could not be compensated based on personally performed services.

After much backlash to many aspects of the proposed Stark II regulations were communicated by the health care community through extensive remarks, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) decided to issue final Stark II regulations in two major initial phases.

Final Stark II Phase I regulations were issued in January 2001, and began officially on January 4, 2002. Final Stark II Phase II regulations were issued in March 2004 and went into effect on July 24, 2004.

With the exception of Medicaid managed care plans, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid has not yet addressed the application of the Stark Law to Medicaid and other state health programs in these two phases of the Stark II regulations and is also considering public comments on Final Stark II Phase II regulations (MMS, 2005). 

Stark II Phase III marked the final component of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid rulemaking process.  The new regulations were to be deemed effective on December 4, 2007, but in November of 2007 the CMS prolonged the effective date of the provisions of Stark III for nonprofit integrated health care systems and academic medical facilities until December 4, 2008.  All other provisions of Stark III Regulations became started on December 4, 2007. 

According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, the purpose of the Stark III rules are to lesson the burden of regulation on the healthcare industry through the CMS’ explanation and changes of previously disseminated exceptions to the Stark Laws general prohibition on referrals.  Yet, Stark Law continues to be one of the most complicated and opaque laws concerning medical groups today.  Lawyers in the healthcare space and government regulators alike engage in on-going debates on the meaning of Stark.  Healthcare providers should consult with a legal expert in the space if they have concerns or questions about how Stark law applies to them and their practice (Bilimoria, 2008). 

During the process of issuing the Stark regulations over the last 10 years, the CMS has wrestled with the right balance between certainty, consistent with the legislative drafters’ intent to provide a “bright line” approach, and the effort to carve out a variety of exceptions to address concerns raised by healthcare personnel across the U.S (MMS, 2005).

It is interesting to note that prior to the enactment of the Stark Law, the American Medical Association (AMA) had since 1977 an ethical rule limiting physician ownership in health care facilities to which the physician refers to situations involving community need, and a general ethical standard that wherever a physician may have a conflict of interest, he or she should seek alternative arrangements for the care of his or her patient (MMS, 2005).

Thus, the Stark Law legislatively proscribes in an extremely vast way what the medical profession had long before considered and crafted as a more balanced approach toward addressing physician conflicts of interest between ethical patient care and financial self-interest.

The Stark Law bans the making of referrals or the billing for payment for certain designated health services (DHS) covered by Medicare or Medicaid if there is a financial relationship between the referring physician (or immediate family member of the physician) and an entity receiving payment for the health services unless the relationship comes within one of several itemized exceptions to the prohibition (MMS, 2005).

The key language states that if a physician (or immediate family member) has a financial relationship with a designated health service entity, the physician may not make a referral to the entity for the furnishing of any Medicare- or Medicaid-reimbursable health service (MMS, 2005). 

Also, the entity may not present or cause to be presented a Medicare or Medicaid claim or bill to either program or any individual, third-party payor, or other party for such referred or ordered services (MMS, 2005).

The Stark Law was put into place to only cover a specific set of services and items believed by Congress to have a tendency of over-use and abuse, specifically for cases in which the referring physician had a financial relationship with the entity receiving payment for such services and items (MMS, 2005).

Initially, between 1992 and 1994, the Stark Law only applied to clinical laboratory services reimbursable by Medicare. Since 1995, the Stark Law covers the following expanded list of so-called designated health services (DHS) reimbursable under either Medicare or federally funded state health programs (MMS, 2005):

• Clinical laboratory services

• Occupational and physical therapy services (including speech-language pathology services)

• Radiology services including magnetic resonance imaging, computerized axial tomography scans, and ultrasound services, even if they are cardiac (e.g. echocardiograms), vascular, obstetric, gynecological, or ophthalmic and not generally performed by radiologists (but this 4 Massachusetts Medical Society category specifically excludes nuclear medicine procedures,3 radiology procedures integral to and performed during a nonradiological medical procedure, certain radiology procedures performed immediately after a nonradiological medical procedure, and x-ray, fluoroscopy, and ultrasound services that require the insertion of a needle, catheter, tube or probe)

• Radiation therapy services and supplies (not including nuclear medicine procedures)

• Durable medical equipment and supplies

• Parenteral and enteral nutrients, equipment, and supplies

• Prosthetics, orthotics, and prosthetic devices and supplies (not including certain surgically implanted devices at ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs) and eyeglasses and contact lenses prescribed after cataract surgery)

• Home health services

• Outpatient prescription drugs

• Inpatient and outpatient hospital services, including services provided under arrangement (MMS, 2005)

As is apparent from this list of designated health services, Congress and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid included both services and items. To eliminate confusion about which items and services are prohibited for four of the ten designated health services categories (clinical laboratory services, physical and occupational therapy, radiology and certain other imaging services, and radiation therapy services), the CMS has issued a list of CPT/HCPCS codes to specifically identify the services and items within these categories of DHS that are subject to the Stark Law (MMS, 2005).

Exceptions to Stark Law

In the case of a financial relationship between an entity that bills for designated health services and a physician who makes referrals (or any immediate family member of such physician), the Stark Law prohibits referrals from the physician to the entity and prohibits the entity from billing Medicare or Medicaid for those referred services, unless the financial relationship falls directly within one of the Stark Law exceptions. The exceptions determine if health care financial relationships are allowed under Stark (MMS, 2005).

There are three categories of exceptions according to Stark Law:

1. General exceptions that apply to both ownership/investment interests and compensation arrangements

2. Exceptions that apply only to ownership/investment interests

3. Exceptions that apply only to compensation arrangements (MMS, 2005)

Within these categories there are exclusions that originally were made by Congress and appeared in the Stark statute, with others added by the CMS in the Stark regulations under its statutory authority to add additional exceptions as it deems advisable. The additional regulatory exceptions all require adherence to the federal anti-kickback law, which we will discuss in the next section, as a condition for complying with the Stark Law immunity (MMS, 2005).

Acceptable Healthcare Financial Relationships under Stark Law

General Exceptions

  • Physician services
  • In-office ancillary services
  • Temporary Noncompliance
  • Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses Following Cataract Surgery
  • Intra-family Rural Referrals
  • Services furnished prepaid plan enrollees
  • Academic Medical Centers
  • Implants Furnished by an ASC
  • EPO and Other Dialysis-Related Drugs
  • Preventive Screening Tests, Immunizations, and Vaccines (MMS, 2005)

Ownership Exceptions

  • Publicly Traded Securities
  • Mutual Funds
  • Rural Providers
  • Entire (Non-specialty) Hospital (MMS, 2005).

Compensation Exceptions

  • Office Space Rental
  • Bona Fide Employment
  • Equipment Rental
  • Retention Payments in Underserved Areas
  • Community-Wide Information Systems
  • Personal Services Arrangement (Including managed care incentive plans)
  • MD Recruitment
  • MD Recruitment through practice
  • Professional Courtesy
  • Isolated Transactions
  • Non-DHS Hospital Remuneration
  • Pre-1990 Group-Hospital Arrangements
  • Referral Services (Anti-kickback Safe Harbor)
  • Payments by an MD
  • MD Charitable Donations
  • Non-monetary compensation
  • Fair Market Value Compensation
  • Medical Staff Incidental Benefit
  • Risk Sharing Arrangements
  • Compliance Training
  • Indirect Compensation Arrangements (MMS, 2005).

If Stark Law is Violated, what happens?

When this occurs, several things can happen.  First would be the denial of payment, meaning a program is prohibited from paying for the health service furnished due to the banned referral.  If the entity received a payment for the health service they provided that was performed in regards to the banned referral must refund the payment.  Certain civil monetary penalties may be imposed by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicaid services for conducting unethical referral schemes in violation of Stark Law. In addition, any individual who bills medicare for designated health services that the person or entity knew (or should have known), and resulted from a prohibited referral is also subject to an assessment by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of three times the amount claimed for the designated health service (42 CFR § 1003.100(b)(viii)

).  The civil money penalty to be paid is at maximum of $15,000 for each service found in violation (AMA, 2011). 

The Penalty

There is a civil monetary penalty for involvement in a circumvention scheme (see below for example). Any physician or other entity that enters into an arrangement or scheme (such as a cross referral arrangement) that the physician or entity knows or should know has the main purpose of assuring referrals by the physician to a particular entity which, if the physician directly made referrals to such entity, would violate the Stark Law, is subject to a civil money penalty of not more than $100,000 for each such arrangement or scheme (AMA, 2011).

According to the American Medical Association, here is an example of a possible circumvention scheme.

“Suppose Physician A has an ownership interest in an independent diagnostic treatment facility (IDTF 1). Suppose also that Physician A is not permitted under the Stark Law to refer Medicare patients to the IDTF 1 for the provision of DHS. Suppose that Physician B practices in the same town as Physician A and also has an ownership interest in another IDTF (IDTF 2) to which she is not permitted to refer Medicare patients for the provision of DHS. Finally, suppose that the Stark Law does not prohibit Physician A from referring to IDTF 2 and Physician B is not prohibited from referring to IDTF 1. Physicians A and B would enter into a prohibited circumvention scheme if Physician A agreed to refer all of his/her Medicare patients to IDTF 2 in exchange for Physician B agreeing to refer all of his/her Medicare patients to IDTF 1 (AMA, 2011).”

Exclusion from Federal health care programs.

A violation of the Stark Law can result in a ban from federal health care programs (AMA, 2011).

When does a “referral” occur?

The Stark Law only applies to a physician when he or she makes a “referral.” The Stark Law does not apply to all physician activities. Instead, the Stark Law only applies when a physician has made a “referral,” as defined by the Stark Law. Accordingly, in terms of deciding whether or not the Stark Law applies, the physician or individual must ask whether or not he or she is making Stark Law referrals (AMA, 2011).

What is a referral?

According to Stark Law and the AMA, a referral is a “request, order, or certification. A “referral” is the request by a physician for, the ordering of, or the certifying or recertifying of the need for, any designated health service, including the request for a consultation with another physician and any test or procedure ordered by or to be performed by (or under the supervision of) that other physician. A “referral” does not include DHS personally performed or provided by the referring physician,” (AMA, 2011).

The Anti-Kickback Law

It is not a criminal offence to go against the Stark Law. However, it is a criminal offense to violate the Anti-Kickback law. Also known as the “self-referral” or “conflict of interest laws”), the Anti-Kickback law was enacted in 1972 and is a billing law that all the healthcare providers, hospital administrators and facility owners must be aware of.  Conviction for a single violation under the Anti-Kickback Statute may result in a fine of up to $25,000 and imprisonment for up to five (5) years (Health, 2018). This also results in a mandatory exclusion from participation in federal health care programs.  The Anti-Kickback Statute is an intent-based statute requiring the party “knowingly and willfully” engage in the prohibited conduct.  For example, in 1995, the Ninth Circuit, in Hanlester Network v. Shalala, determined that a party may violate the federal fraud and abuse laws “knowingly and willfully” only if he or she (i) knows that the Anti-Kickback Statute prohibits offering or paying remuneration to induce referrals and (ii) engages in the prohibited conduct with the specific intent to disobey the law (Health, 2018). 

The anti-kickback law forbids the healthcare professionals from substituting or offering to substitute any valuable material (or money) to encourage or reward the referral of federal health care plan business. This form of fraud was recorded greatly in North Texas and by the end of November 2016, twenty-one individual’s cases were filed for engagement in the kickback scheme.

Anti-kickback and fee-splitting problems can have challenges for alternative medicine clinics and medical spas. 

We see this when healthcare organizations like medical spas or wellness center, run into “corporate practice of medicine” issues.  Anti-kickback law concerns and the corporate practice of medicine doctrine often are related but can be confusing to the lay person.  Here, we explain some of the background of these laws, and how they are applicable to healthcare providers in these settings.

‘The Corporate Practice of Medicine’ Doctrine

This doctrine forbids corporate entities from practicing medicine, or from interfering in the physician’s practice of medicine.  State corporate practice of medicine rules often require physicians to be housed within their own professional medical corporation, which can then contract with the alternative/integrative medical center/spa.

The Anti-kickback law on the other hand, prohibit physicians from getting or giving a percentage-based referral.  In other words, they cannot receive or render any fee, discount, payment, that would essentially make it look as if the money or reward is given in exchange for accepting or giving a patient referral (Cohen, 2015). 

While this is a simple concept, it can sometimes be difficult in real life.  This is because healthcare corporations, such as a medical spa, alternative med. Clinic, holistic care center, will need to set up its financial arrangements so that the facility can make a profit, and also reward the healthcare provider for his or her labors.  This can be tricky to do without it looking like a unlawful ‘referral’ scenario if the arrangement is connected to patient volume (Cohen, 2015).

One possible remedy is to format the arrangement as a lease, so that the physician pays fair market value for rental of space, and additionally, pays the corporate entity (center or clinic), which then acts as a medical services organization (MSO), for administrative services. The patient makes the check out to the doctor and the doctor gives the facility a flat, monthly fee for the lease and the administrative services. The facility has to calculate the economics so that this is mutually profitable, even though it does not give the appearance of having payments flow based on patient volume (Cohen, 2015).

Some states extend the anti-kickback rule / prohibition on fee-splitting to other professions, such as massage therapy, nursing, chiropractic, and psychology. If you take a look at New York’s law below, you’ll notice it holds several health professions liable to this rule, while exempting massage therapists:

§6500 Introduction.

This title provides for the regulation of the admission to and the practice of certain professions. This first article applies to all the professions included in this title, except that prehearing procedures and hearing procedures in connection with the regulation of professional conduct of the profession of medicine and physician’s assistants and specialist’s assistants shall be conducted pursuant to the provisions of Title II-A of article two of the public health law. Each of the remaining articles applies to a particular profession. §6503 Practice of a profession.

Admission to the practice of a profession (1) entitles the licensee to practice the profession as defined in the article for the particular profession, (2) entitles the individual licensee to use the professional title as provided in the article for the particular profession, and (3) subjects the licensee to the procedures and penalties for professional misconduct as prescribed in this article (sections sixty-five hundred nine, sixty-five hundred ten, and sixty-five hundred eleven).

§6509-a Additional definition of professional misconduct; limited application.

Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this article or of any other provision of law to the contrary, the license or registration of a person subject to the provisions of articles one hundred thirty-two, one hundred thirty-three, one hundred thirty-six, one hundred thirty-seven, one hundred thirty-nine, one hundred forty-one, one hundred forty-three, one hundred forty-four, one hundred fifty-six, one hundred fifty-nine and one hundred sixty-four of this chapter may be revoked, suspended or annulled or such person may be subject to any other penalty provided in section sixty-five hundred eleven of this article in accordance with the provisions and procedure of this article for the following:

That any person subject to the above enumerated articles, has directly or indirectly requested, received or participated in the division, transference, assignment, rebate, splitting or refunding of a fee for, or has directly requested, received or profited by means of a credit or other valuable consideration as a commission, discount or gratuity in connection with the furnishing of professional care, or service, including x-ray examination and treatment, or for or in connection with the sale, rental, supplying or furnishing of clinical laboratory services or supplies, x-ray laboratory services or supplies, inhalation therapy service or equipment, ambulance service, hospital or medical supplies, physiotherapy or other therapeutic service or equipment, artificial limbs, teeth or eyes, orthopedic or surgical appliances or supplies, optical appliances, supplies or equipment, devices for aid of hearing, drugs, medication or medical supplies or any other goods, services or supplies prescribed for medical diagnosis, care or treatment under this chapter, except payment, not to exceed thirty-three and one-third per centum of any fee received for x-ray examination, diagnosis or treatment, to any hospital furnishing facilities for such examination, diagnosis or treatment. Nothing contained in this section shall prohibit such persons from practicing as partners, in groups or as a professional corporation or as a university faculty practice corporation nor from pooling fees and moneys received, either by the partnerships, professional corporations, university faculty practice corporations or groups by the individual members thereof, for professional services furnished by any individual professional member, or employee of such partnership, corporation or group, nor shall the professionals constituting the partnerships, corporations or groups be prohibited from sharing, dividing or apportioning the fees and moneys received by them or by the partnership, corporation or group in accordance with a partnership or other agreement; provided that no such practice as partners, corporations or in groups or pooling of fees or moneys received or shared, division or apportionment of fees shall be permitted with respect to care and treatment under the workers’ compensation law except as expressly authorized by the workers’ compensation law. Nothing contained in this chapter shall prohibit a medical or dental expense indemnity corporation pursuant to its contract with the subscriber from pro-rationing a medical or dental expense indemnity allowance among two or more professionals in proportion to the services rendered by each such professional at the request of the subscriber, provided that prior to payment thereof such professionals shall submit both to the medical or dental expense indemnity corporation and to the subscriber statements itemizing the services rendered by each such professional and the charges therefor.

1. directly or indirectly offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving or agreeing to receive, any fee or other consideration to or from a third party for the referral of a patient or client or in connection with the performance of professional services;

2. permitting any person to share in the fees for professional services, other than: a partner, employee, associate in a professional firm or corporation, professional subcontractor or consultant authorized to practice the same profession, or a legally authorized trainee practicing under the supervision of a licensed practitioner. This prohibition shall include any arrangement or agreement whereby the amount received in payment for furnishing space, facilities, equipment or personnel services used by a professional licensee constitutes a percentage of, or is otherwise dependent upon, the income or receipts of the licensee from such practice, except as otherwise provided by law with respect to a facility licensed pursuant to Article 28 of the Public Health Law or Article 13 of the Mental Hygiene Law;

: § 29.13 Special provisions for the profession of massage therapy.

a. Unprofessional conduct in the practice of massage therapy shall include all conduct prohibited by Sections 29.1 and 29.2 of this Part, except as provided in this section, and shall also include the following:

1. advertising not in the public interest shall include but not be limited to:

i. using pictures depicting an unclad or undraped human form;

ii. using any proper name under which the licensee is not registered unless it is the name of the establishment, firm, partnership, corporation, or professional limited liability partnership or corporation;

2. nothing in this Part shall be construed to prevent a licensed massage therapist, when advertising his or her practice, from using the letters “LMT” or from identifying areas of practice, such as, but not limited to: shiatsu, acupressure, amma, bodywork, reflexology, Swedish medical massage therapy, polarity, tuina, and connective tissue massage, provided that such identified areas of practice are within the scope of practice of massage therapy as defined in Section 7805 of the Education Law.

3. nothing in this Part shall be construed to prevent the ownership of a firm or corporation practicing massage therapy in this State by an unlicensed person or persons, or to prevent any contractual or employment arrangement between such person or persons and the professional licensee conducting such practice and computing the salary of professional employees, or the amount due the owner of such firm, partnership, or corporation on the basis of a percentage of the receipts from the performance of professional services. This provision shall apply in lieu of Section 29.1(b)(4) of this Part;

4. the provisions of Section 29.1(b)(5) of this Part prohibiting immoral conduct shall apply in the practice of massage therapy. Massage of genital areas and massage of a client who is not properly draped for massage, or by a massage therapist who is not properly dressed, shall be considered immoral conduct;

In conclusion, New York law appears to allow fee-splitting for a massage therapist, while prohibiting fee-splitting for the Title VIII professions which include:, nurse, psychologist, chiropractors, and others (Cohen, 2015).

However, these healthcare providers do not have corporate practice of medicine issues, so it may be possible to structure the agreement between them and the health care facility more directly than the way the arrangement is structured with the physician or professional medical corporation set up (Cohen, 2015).

To determine whether the anti-kickback provisions apply more liberally than to physicians, the healthcare professional will have to look at his or her individual state laws and regulations.  Also note that in some states, the ‘kickback’ issue is separate from an additional but related concern, that of the physician or health care practitioner having a financial interest in an entity to which he or she refers (Cohen, 2015).


Fair Debt Collection Practices Act – Ethics & Healthcare

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission states that the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, also known as FDCPA, “forbids debt collectors from making use of abusive, unfair or deceptive practices” in the process of debt collection. Consumer debts, such as those acquired primarily for family, household, or personal reasons, are covered by the FDCPA.  Since medical debt and healthcare is obtained for personal reasons, it is also subject to the act (Baker, 2018).  The FDCPA controls the conduct of debt collectors, and this includes “anyone who collects a debt” (Baker, 2018), such as a collection agency or any other entity that is pursuing a debt on behalf of another.

As you will find out in this reading, ethical conduct and contact with a debtor is heavily regulated by the FDCPA.  This statute identifies when a debtor may be contacted (day or time of night), where and how the debtor may be contacted (cell phone, work, home phone, answering machines, etc), and what kind of communication is acceptable vs in violation of the statute. Prohibited acts and communication under the FDCPA are quite extensive (Baker, 2018).  The FDCPA also regulates debt collectors and their communication with the individual who owes the debt.

In the health-care industry, a number of patients may be unable to handle their health care medical bill if their insurance claims are denied.

Under the fair debt act, the medical billers must not pester or pressure patients to pay their debts. For cases of similar nature, the medical billing company must be able to schedule the bill and offer the patient a repayment plan that allows the patient to pay the medical bill by installments and more comfortably.

As time passes through the years the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act remains an important legal protection for consumers who are dealing with debt collectors.

The FDCPA was put into law in 1977 to restrain abusive behavior by debt collectors. It covers the activity of anyone who collects debts owed to another party—that means it does not apply directly to the original creditor, but only to 3rd parties working to collect debts on the creditor’s behalf.  Businesses who have debts are exempt from FDCPA coverage, the FDCPA law only protects individuals and families with personal debt, not businesses or even sole proprietorships (Opperman, 2018).

The law has many stipulations on collector behavior to prevent unethical conduct by 3rd parties working to collect debts and to avoid undue harassment.  Here are the following rules debt collectors must follow according to the Provisions of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

  • Collectors may not call before 8:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m unless you agree to it.
  • Collectors must stop contacting debtors when requested to in writing.
  • Collectors may not contact debtors at work when they are told (orally or in writing) to stop, that the debtor is not allowed to get calls there.
  • If a debtor has legal representation and has provided notice thereof, the collector may only contact the attorney, not the debtor.
  • Consumers may request debt validation, after which the collector must stop contact until they comply.
  • Collectors cannot lie or use deception to collect a debt.
  • Collectors may not make a consumer’s debt a public matter or without the debtors written consent, discuss the debt with any third parties.
  • Collectors may not threaten legal action they are not actually contemplating.
  • Collectors may not behave in an abusive manner, like using profane language, or calling repeatedly to harass the consumer.
  • Collectors must identify themselves as debt collectors in every communication with the consumer.
  • Collectors must notify the consumer they can dispute the debt.
  • If a collector sues a consumer, they must do so only in the consumer’s local jurisdiction (Opperman, 2018).

You may be thinking, why is this important?  It is important in the field of healthcare and massage therapy because healthcare providers, hospitals, or health organizations may outsource their debt collection practices to a 3rd party.  It is crucial to make sure that 3rd party collector follows these standards so they are not in violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

Let’s take a look at a court case of Amanda Summers (Plaintiff) v. Merchants & Medical Credit Corporation (Defendant).

The lawsuit was brought under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, and the Michigan Occupational Code, claiming that a medical collections agency engaged in unethical collection practices when speaking with the plaintiff over the phone to collect the debt she owed Hurley Medical Center.

The collections agency worker accused Summers (the Plaintiff) of “lying” and “not being honest” about not working as a massage therapist.  The worker continued to press Summers to loan money from family, “to go the bank and get a credit card”, and additionally threatened legal action, stating,

Collections agency worker to the Plaintiff:  “I am going to have to turn this over to my client’s attorney.  You know what that means don’t you?”

Plaintiff:  “That means you are going to sue me?

Collections agency worker:  “I am going to send this to my clients attorney and they will decide,”

In another call thereafter to the plaintiff, the worker continues to ask if Summers has a credit card to pay off the debt, to which Summers replies that she made a payment agreement with Hurley Medical Center (the original creditor of the debt).  The worker replies that “this is not acceptable.  You pay us and we pay Hurley”.  Summers answers to this stating she has a confirmation number from the medical center (Summers, 2013).

In the conversations to follow on this call, the worker continues to accuse the Plaintiff, Summers, of being deceitful about her occupation, and threatens legal action again unless the Plaintiff calls before 8 PM that night to pay the debt to the collections agency.

Summer’s alleges that as of the date she filed the complaint for the case that she had not received anything in writing from the collections agency, nor had she received any lawsuit regarding this alleged debt (Summers, 2013). 

According to the case, the Michigan Occupational Code largely reflects the prohibitions contained in the FDCPA, which are below.

MCL § 339.915 prohibits:

(a) Communicating with a debtor in a misleading or deceptive manner, such as using the stationery of an attorney or the stationery of a credit bureau unless it is disclosed that it is the collection department of the credit bureau.

(e) Making an inaccurate, misleading, untrue, or deceptive statement or claim in a communication to collect a debt or concealing or not revealing the purpose of a communication when it is made in connection with collecting a debt.

(f) Misrepresenting in a communication with a debtor any of the following:

(i) The legal status of a legal action being taken or threatened.

(n) Using a harassing, oppressive, or abusive method to collect a debt…

(o) Using profane or obscene language.

Plaintiff’s Complaint does not identify which specific sections of the FDCPA or the MOC Defendant allegedly violated. However, from Plaintiff’s response brief, it appears that Plaintiff is alleging violations of §§ 1692d (Harassment or Abuse), 1692e (False or Misleading Representations) and 1693g (Written Notice of Requirement) of the FDCPA and of § 915 (stated above) of the MOC (Summers, 2013).

The key take away from this case is to understand that fake legal threats and calling someone a “liar” can violate the FDCPA, and cause an individual to press charges against the collections agency for harassment.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has oversight of the FDCPA, and the Federal Trade Commission enforces the law. The main way collectors are punished for violating the law is through lawsuits. Consumers can be awarded legal fees and a $1,000 fine from the collector or agency if they can prove in court the FDCPA was violated. That is on top of actual financial damages that may have been caused by illegal collection activity (Opperman, 2018).

The first big amendments to the FDCPA happened in 1986 when lawyers were included in the law as “debt collectors” when they conduct debt collection activities. Ten years later, the official notice collectors are required to send to consumers was amended by Congress, and the law changed to require notification only in the first communication by the creditor to the consumer.

Another notable alteration occurred in 2006, when the FDCPA was changed again to specifically exclude government agencies from the law, including third parties working with the government agencies to collect debts (Opperman, 2018).

While the law remains a key of protection for citizens, it has been 40 years since the laws inception, and the fine for violations remains $1,000.  If there was a new fine accounting for inflation, it should now be well over $4,000 (Opperman, 2018).

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is now under new management in the year of 2018. The Bureau had previously issued a rule, stating:

“Debt collection continues to be a top source of complaints to the Bureau. The Bureau has also received encouragement from industry to engage in rulemaking to resolve conflicts in case law and address issues of concern under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), such as the application of the FDCPA to modern communication technologies under the 40-year-old statute.

“…the Bureau has now decided to issue a proposed rule concerning FDCPA collectors’ communications practices and consumer disclosures. The Bureau intends to follow up separately at a later time about concerns regarding information flows between creditors and FDCPA collectors and about potential rules to govern creditors that collect their own debts (Opperman, 2018).”

One key issue legislatures are concerned with is how the law can reasonably apply to moderate collector communication when it was created prior to the internet. 

These kinds of issues have come up before; the law makes it clear that collectors can’t disclose info about the debt to unauthorized third parties (Opperman, 2018). So, when telephone answering machines became popular, the court had to rule how to interpret the law, which was written before most people had telephone answering machines.

The courts ruled that leaving an audio recording on an answering machine as “communication” by the collectors.  Therefore, collectors couldn’t do anything to violate the FDCPA, since they do not know who is on the receiving end of the messaging system, or to whom the message it is being played too.  More privacy is assumed for individuals carrying cell phones for collectors to use without as much risk for violating the FDCPA (Opperman, 2018).  However, if the collector violates any of the provisions in the FDCPA listed prior, they could have themselves a problem with the law.

Understanding the CFPB & Ethics

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was formed during the 2008 financial collapse and began with the mission of focusing on the collection practices of financial institutions and other lenders.  The year of 2014 was when the CFPB finally began analyzing the collection and reporting of medical debt.  Through a research study, the CFPB found out that more than 43 million U.S. citizens have overdue medical debt on their credit reports.  After further analysis, the CFPB began initiating enforcement actions against collectors (Baker, 2018).

We find it crucial to have knowledge in this area because if a healthcare provider outsources debt collection to a third-party collector, and if the collector does not ethically follow applicable laws, you could have a problem.  The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), and as we discussed previously, the FDCPA, are two laws that have reined in unethical practices in the area of debt collection. Since, many states have developed similar regulation, as we saw in the previous court case example (Baker, 2018).

Essentially, healthcare providers and their legal counsel should understand and discuss the actual risk and exposure involved, including the penalties for every contact or phone call made in violation of these statutes. Large scale violations could potentially lead to a class action lawsuit, or other actions by the CFPB which could impose a financial burden for the provider (Baker, 2018).

A good working knowledge of both the FDCPA and the TCPA can help prevent violations, and help providers to conduct their healthcare practices ethically, especially when attempting to collect debts from clients/patients.


Ethical Business Practices

Apart from all the laws governing medical billing procedure and the standard of medical practice, the healthcare providers must engage in ethical and efficient business practices. The majorities of these requirements has a lot to do with how you conduct yourself with clients and maintaining good and ethical relationships.

Just as people are required to provide excellent services in any industry they operate in, the medical billing industry is as well expected to be carried out following the most excellent and ethical standard. Although the health care provider may be able to manage the process of medical billing personally, it might be better if the organization consider outsourcing that part of their operations top a professional medical biller and coder.

To be able to operate more efficiently in the healthcare industry and also due to the complex laws and regulations that need to be complied during medical billing, it is recommended that the healthcare provider outsource this aspect of their job to expert professionals to be more able to comply with the requirements of the law. This would free them up some time and allow them enough time to take care of their patients more efficiently.

Otherwise, the healthcare providers would waste enormous time to learn and update their knowledge of billing laws and regulation leaving the medical profession to suffer because of divided attention.

Medical billing healthcare administrators usually obtain an advanced degree like an MBA prior to working in healthcare industry while those who are already working in health care industry can get certified by registering for an online MBA program. The knowledge gained through these online programs assist these workers to put when they have learnt into practice and help to minimize the existence of fraud and other related unethical practices in the healthcare industry.


The Ethical Aspects of Billing

All healthcare professionals need to operate within a stipulated standard for ethical medical practice. This standard they must comply to includes; relationship with the patient, how they treat their patients inside their office, the health condition and a good quality care. Despite the fact that not complying with these standards is not essentially illegal by themselves, it can result to a litigation action against a provider. If a patient receives substandard care due to their sexual orientation or race, the provider may face litigation if the patient dies or the sickness becomes more serious.

Hospitals and large bodies of healthcare organizations have ethical committees that assist to spell out a specific standard that must be followed. These committees may come together in specific instances to talk about the ethical treatment of patients. These bodies assist to eliminate unethical practices and escalation of lawsuits in the medical industry.

Apart from the medical billing laws that we have explained above, there are other medical billing laws that healthcare professionals must comply with like the discrimination law. There other laws that are also varied depending on the state where the medical facility is located.

You must be careful when handling patient’s medical data. Healthcare providers must avoid being nosey or gossiping with patient’s medical data as this can make them face legal suit even when they engage in minor slip of tongue. As small as that act is, it could impact heavily of the life of the patient consigned. The key here is to avoid doing that which you know by golden rule you would not want it done to you.

OIG (Office of Inspector General) Compliance

The OIG that functions via the DHHS has the duty to ascertain that covered entities comply with the confines of privacy and security laws as stipulated in HIPAA and connected federal healthcare law. One of the major duties connected to the medical billing and coding industry is to prevent fraud occurrence amongst entities covered by the insurance.

You must be watchful as medical billing and coding specialist and avoid engaging in any activity that would be considered a fraud by the OIG.

If the OIG thinks that a health care provider or an insurer’s claim involves fraud, they may carryout audit. The OIG is authorized as the acting party of the DHHS to enforce laws discovered not to be complied with by any covered entity. The medical billing expert must stick to the federal healthcare laws and regulations to stay away from committing an offence that would be punishable by the OIG.

The OIG as well set up compliance recommendations for the health care industry to stick to stay away from fraud.

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has a list of state insurance departments to which healthcare providers, insurance providers and individuals can report any fraudulent activity.

If you notice the occurrence of medical billing fraud as you work in the industry, you can report it to your local state insurance department or the medical association of your state.

It is considered a felony to engage in fraudulent acts. It can result to either prison sentence or the payment of a large fine.


Understanding Healthcare Ethics & Fraud

Health care fraud is an offense that can include falsification of health data, covering up information, or misleading the patient/client or body to receive benefits, or benefit from it financially. Individuals and healthcare providers can be guilty of fraud.

The fraudulent activities they are involved in however may vary. The regulations about health care fraud differ from place to place. However, there are state and federal regulations that are established to minimize the occurrence of fraud and also to penalize those guilty of the offense.

This type of fraud utilizes the health care system by an individual, medical provider, or insurance company in a fraudulent way for personal benefit. Although, healthcare fraud may appear less injurious to others, it negatively impacts on the lives of others. Health care fraud manipulates insurance rates daily increasing the premiums people pay to be able to make up with the losses incurred by insurers. The fraudulent act committed by a healthcare provider can result to the loss of professional license. It may influence the healthcare of their patients.

Health Care Fraud and Abuse

Health care fraud and abuse is regularly regarded as the act of deliberately faking identity, symptoms, or other medical data to increase the money or benefit the provider or individual will gain from the insurance company. Insurance companies in the US lose billions of dollars per annum as a result of this form of health care fraud.

Health care providers can also commit fraud by billing insurance companies for healthcare services they did not render, or medical supplies they did not use or for billing for more complicated service than that which was actually carried out. For instance, a psychiatrist attends to six patients during the day and spent roughly five minutes with each of them as a result of “med checks.” Instead of billing these services for the 15 minutes spent, they billed the services for one hour each necessitating an extra pay from the insurance company of the patients.

The medical fraud against Medicare and Medicaid is widespread and as a result there are federal laws that punish offenders of health care fraud and abuse in addition to state’s law and local trial.


Impartiality with Patients/Clients

You must not show any act of partiality in your practice. Giving favorite treatment to a patient or insurance company ought not to influence your decision-making. You must be as impartial as possible. For instance, if your best friend received a service from your work-place and because your friend does not have good insurance cover or cannot pay for treatment, he or she would have to shoulder the majority of the bill. It would be unethical to manipulate the medical code or to ask your biller to do so to receive compensation for the treatment. 



You must maintain an impeccable integrity as a medical coder. With the patient medical information at your disposal and the task of gathering funds for the health care provider together with the requirement to maintain good customer relations, you must work according to stipulated guidelines and avoid any fraudulent action like stealing, coding treatments that are not offered to patients and many other similar practices.

The biller or coder is also bound by law to report any unethical behavior observed from fellow staff or doctor. Occasionally some patients are addicted to specific prescriptions and may seek out medical services from more than one physician. If you find out a patient in your practice with similar dubious character, you must also report the patient to the doctor immediately for the proper discipline to be given.


Respect for patient rights

The medical biller must also treat all the patients what works into their office with respect. Most patients visit the medical health center very helpless. The medical coder must show them respect and treat them with utmost care and kindness as he or she would to any of their loved ones. No matter how difficult a patient proves, they must never let them down or disrespect them.

You must maintain privacy when discussing with patients on issues that consigns them. If you must discuss any issue consigning patients, take them to an isolated place and away from the hearing and view of people around.

If you need to ring a patient or listen to their voice message, you must be conscious to avoid exposing your conversation to a second ear. For instance, you would be into trouble if you phoned a patient to inform him or her that the result of HIV test was positive and discover later that you left the message on a wrong phone number.

Patients as well have the right to demand for specific disclosures of their medical data. A patient who was treated for a health condition some years back can ask for his or her data be concealed as much as possible. If you must reveal any information about a patient’s medical record to outside bodies, you must obtain authorization.


Professional reliability

You must be professional when communicating with patients, insurance providers, colleagues, and anyone else you may come in contact with. When talking with the patients in person or over the phone try to remain calm as much as possible and avoid being angry in the midst of aggravations.

Ensure that you account for all the codes are accounted for and that no extra codes are incorporated and that you included all billing details before submitting claims. You must work to the best interest of the healthcare company you work with.

Maintain good relationship with your employer. The medical biller is a part of medical team of a healthcare provider. You must act professionally and ethically because whatever you do wrong affects the whole team.

The doctors take responsibilities of their action and the actions of the staffs working for them. This law is known as vicarious liability or respondent superior.

Doctors must follow rules and regulations consigning ethical behavior to ensure they remain safe. Going against the rule may lead to criticism and loss of your job.

The American Medical Association in 1980 set up a code of ethics known as the Principles of Medical Ethics. Despite the fact that medical billers and coders are not mandated to follow the AMA code of ethics, it will help to use it as a standard.

Medical billing professionals assist health care professionals and insurers to communicate and take care of the costs of treating a patient. Their job is to mainly help doctors receive pay for their services. They ensure that all medical processes are properly reported.

In the US patients hardly ever pay for any healthcare services they receive directly to the doctor. They rather make co-payments and pay insurance premiums from where the insurance companies pay for their healthcare services. As soon as patients walk into a doctor’s office and are treated by the doctor, it starts off a composite billing process which is structured to make sure that all the health care professionals that contribute to looking after the patient’s health are properly credited and compensated.

By standard, the office of your doctor or the hospital you attended begins the procedure by submitting an insurance claim to your health insurance company. If the medical processes stipulated in the claim they make about your care meets the requirement of your insurance policy, your insurance company pays the doctor or hospital straight. However, if the medical procedures are not covered by your insurance plan, you’d be billed directly by the doctor or the hospital.

Although this process appears to be smooth and well-established, in real life, the medical billing staffs take care of gigantic volume of works. Occasionally too, they face the issue of insufficient numbers of staff and a complicating collection of statutes and set of processes they must follow and comply with.

Insurers structure their coverage and payments following a standard known as “necessary procedures”. The necessary procedures are processes considered to be medically essential to boost the patient’s well-being. In addition to providing you with a suitable care, it is also the responsibility of your doctor to provide your insurance company with correct and suitable document.

These set of tasks are not easy to perform, given the fact that every insurance company needs a different type of documentation before they pay the doctor or the hospital. If your doctor did not submit accurate documentation, they may not be remunerated for the services they rendered to you.

Again, if the office of the doctor did not efficiently handle the documentation, it can either delay the payment or result to payment denial.

When you consider that the doctor has to basically follow the procedure for all the patients who walk into his office and into the hospital on a day to day basis, you’d discover that the medical billing process can easily become an uphill task.

To be able to manage the bulk of the work and ensure they get remunerated for all their services, healthcare providers rely on medical billers and coders to set up bills and supply the supporting documents they need to be reimbursed. Thus, the work of billers and coders is to ensure that doctors are appropriately paid and health care processes are followed and correctly reported.


For many decades, medical billing was carried out nearly on paper alone. Nevertheless, with the launch of medical practice management software, as well referred to as health information systems, billers are now more easily able to efficiently take care of huge numbers of medical claims. A number of software has been developed by various software companies to offer medical billing software to hospitals and billers to make the task much easier.

Many companies as well provide complete billing solutions through the platform on their websites and this reduces the cost of having to pay for all the certified software packages singularly. As a result of the fast altering conditions stipulated by the U.S. health insurance companies, the major parts of medical billing and medical office administration have necessitated training professions in this specific field. Medical offices staffs may be licensed through many organizations that offer a number of specialized education and in a number of instances obtain a certification credential to show they have acquired such professional position.

Medical billing is the primary mode of payment followed in the United States health care system, with some patients/clients who decide to pay out of pocket.  The payment procedure involves how a healthcare provider ethically and correctly submits and follows up on claims with health insurance companies of their patients to be able to get recompensed for services they offer like medical treatments and medical supplies. The process is the same no matter the insurer and whether it is a public or private insurance company. They are public company when they are sponsored through a government program.

Through medical coding, the diagnosis and treatments are reported and charges are properly applied. It is recommended although not compulsory by law that Medical billers get certified by undertaking the CMRS and RHIA Exams. Certification schools are set up to offer theoretical courses for students who want to choose the medical billing career. A few colleges in the United States provide students with certificates, or associate degrees in medical billing.

Individuals who want to do advanced medical billing course may obtain cross-training in medical coding or transcription or auditing and may be awarded with a bachelor’s or graduate degree in medical information science and technology.


Ethical issues in Medical Billing & Coding

Billers and coders have a significant job at hand that comes with responsibility due to the sensitive nature of information they handle on a daily basis, both for the patient and the provider. Maintaining ethical and moral conduct in this position is imperative because the consequences of not doing so are burdensome to say the least.

Here are some common ways we see ethical conduct fall to the wayside in health care practices today, and tips on how you can prevent them in your practice.


Coding Out of Bounds

This scenario can be seen when the provider wants to increase their reimbursement rate and sees modifiers for billing and coding as a way to achieve that objective. Modifiers should be used as a tool to “increase specificity” when reporting services rendered. How do you avoid this? Advise your biller to only use modifiers to increase specificity of the treatment, and to leave the code alone if added specificity is not needed. In case of an audit, we can all conclude that it is far better to have precise and accurate records instead of false information that can get you in trouble.

Breaking Patient Confidentiality

Using patient information for any other purpose not related to performing your job function may be seen as a violation of the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). The purpose of this act is to protect the patient’s private information. Actions taken that violate HIPAA can result in hefty fines, lawsuits, or jail. In previous cases, it seems HIPAA violations arise not from harmful intent, but a poor understanding of the law itself (Gerencer, 2017).

Examples of HIPAA violations may involve improper handling of records, illegal access to a patients’ medical record, sharing patient medical information with another party without the patient’s consent, giving a patient’s medical bill to a collection agency without removing medical information that would indicate their diagnosis, texting about personal health information (PHI) of a patient or sharing of this information on social media.

In one HIPAA case example, a doctor frequently forwarded over due patient bills to a collections agency. The primary issue in his case was that the bills contained protected information, such as CPT codes, which indicate a patient’s diagnosis. In conclusion, the doctor’s state of practice sought to suspend and revoke his license (Gerencer, 2017).


Medical Billing Guidelines

As the world is becoming more and more complex and the economy is becoming tightened up, the business aspects of the medical industry can sometimes take priority over the proper treatment of a medical condition for estimating whether or not a medical practice is sustainable or not.

One of the most difficult obstacles for medical professionals is hardly ever the care of the patient. Rather a number of doctors and hospitals are much more concerned about the business part of the services they render to their patients. This particularly consigns the medical billing processes and coding.

Again, due to the fact that medical practices is very much interconnected with the health of individuals, individual risks and comfort, the medical industry and billing procedures must follow stipulated legal and ethical standards which must evolve or come with a structure that ensures that the rights of the individual patients are respected.

This implies that all healthcare practitioners must act with competence and meet the ethical standard. They must also show their integrity through their conducts and activities.

 The medical billing procedure involves the relationship between a health care provider and the insurance company who pays the medical personal for services rendered. The whole interaction is referred to as the billing cycle and is occasionally known as Revenue Cycle Management. Revenue Cycle Management involves managing claims, payment and billing of claims.  The billing cycle can last for many months and needs to pass through many interactions before it is finally decided upon. The health care provider relates to the insurance company as a vendor or a subcontractor.

Insurers usually contract health care providers to offer health care services. The relationship starts as soon as a patient visits their office. The doctor or a staff of the hospital basically set-up or update the medical record of the patient.

After the patients’ visit to a doctor, they’d be designated with a diagnosis and treatment codes. The codes help the insurance company to establish coverage and whether the services are essential medically. Immediately after the designation of the procedure and diagnosis codes, the medical biller transfers the claim to the insurance company or the payer. The transfer is done online and the claim is formatted as an ANSI 837 file and submitted through Electronic Data Interchange straight to the payer or through a clearinghouse.

The insurer or payer sends the claim to medical claims examiners or medical claims adjusters to process. For claims involving a huge sum of money, the insurers get medical directors to examine the claims and estimate if the claims were valid or not with the use of processes that ensure eligibility of the patient, the credentials of the physician and the medical necessity of the procedure.

If claims are approved, they are paid for a specific percentage of the services that are billed. The rate to be paid to the health care provider is usually pre-structured and arranged between the health care provider and the insurer. If the claims fail and are either denied or rejected, the notice is normally sent to provider in the form of Explanation of Benefits (EOB) or Electronic Remittance Advice.

Once received, the provider ought to interpret the message, correct the original claims and submit it back. This procedure of exchanging claims and denials may be carried out for many occasions till the full claim are paid or the provider decides to accept the partial payment.

A “denied” claim is different from a “rejected” claim, despite the fact that the two are commonly used interchangeably. A denied claim is a processed claim that the insurer deems non-payable. You can commonly correct a denied claim or appeal for the decision. Insurers commonly state why their claims are denied and how you can argue the decisions. A rejected claim is one that was not processed by the insurer because of serious mistake in the submitted data. While there could be any number of reasons a claim gets denied, two are worth mentioning. 

These two are called up-coding and under-coding.  Both are considered fraudulent practices.

Up-coding occurs when the provider exaggerates or misrepresents the services they performed on a patient.  This could be coding for services the patient/client did not receive, or entering the code for services more extensive than what the provider performed, and would get paid more money for by insurance (Potential, 2018).

Under-coding on the other hand is when a provider intentionally leaves out information or codes for less involved procedures than what the patient was given.  This may be done so a provider can avoid an audit for certain therapies or procedures, but is nevertheless still illegal and fraudulent (Potential, 2018).

The standard reason for rejecting a claim is when the personal data is not correct like when there is a mismatch in the name and identification number. It can as well occur if there is a mistake in the data supplied like truncated procedure code, invalid diagnosis codes, and related mistakes. You cannot appeal for a rejected claim because it has not been decided upon. Rather, you need to research it, correct it and send it back.

The medical coding process is usually not carried out by an individual. It is commonly done by front office managers like receptionists together with back office staff like the medical biller and coder. It is, thus, significant to have a thorough knowledge of the entire steps required for the procedure if you want to work as medical biller and coder.

The main job undertaken by medical billers are:

  1. To ascertain the responsibility of every individual to be paid. This is necessary because payment may vary from individual to individual.
  2. To estimate and investigate insurance cover and medical bills and organize suitable billing forms
  3. Gather accurate payments from insurance plans and/or single patients

These three primary tasks need a lot of special tasks in the medical billing process. In the ensuing part of this guide, we have broken these tasks into a succession of steps that start with the patient scheduling an appointment and when the payment is made by the insurance company and or the patient.

Steps involved in medical billing process

Patient Check-in

The medical billing process commences in the office of a medical doctor. The first process is initiated when a patient pays a visit to his or her visit. The receptionist of the hospital takes care of the preregistration.

When a patient books an appointment, he or she is assigned with a time slot. If it is the first time the patient is visiting the hospital, the data of the patient is usually collected at the front desk. The data commonly include things like the patient’s name, address, birth date, and intention for visiting the health care provider.

The front office needs to as well obtain the patient’s insurance information which must include the name of the insurance company, and the insurance policy number of the individual. The medical biller would make use of these set of collected data to initiate a file for the patient that should be stored in a secure and confidential area.  This file is usually accessed during the billing process.

Initiating and updating a patient’s medical files regularly makes the billing process faster and makes the check-in of the patient simpler and more efficacious. It as well reduces the possibility of erroneous reports and registration setbacks like the patient not remembering to come to the appointment with their insurance information.


Establishing Financial Responsibility

As soon as the patient data has been obtained or updated, the office of the doctor determines who is responsible for paying for the medical services that they’d provide during the appointment. Insurance coverage varies significantly from one insurer to the other and from one insurance plan to the other. For this reason, the first thing the health care provider or the billing professional will do is to become familiar with what the patient’s insurance cover stands for.

With the insurance data supplied by the patient in addition to the insurance policy number, the doctor’s office will be able to establish which medical services are covered by the parent’s present insurance policy and the type of medical diagnoses required by the insurance company to be able to process such payments.

For an example, an insurance policy may provide coverage for specific form of blood work. However, the coverage is only effective if the healthcare provider makes a certain type of diagnoses like hypercholesterolemia. Again, to manipulate this kind of information and submit it to insurance companies would be considered fraudulent activity.  The doctor’s office must as well establish which medical services are clearly not covered by the patient’s insurance policy explicitly not covered under the patient’s insurance policy. The knowledge of this is essential to ensure that the health providers get paid for their services. If a patient wants to see the doctor for a medical service that is not covered by their insurance police, the doctor’s office should be able to inform the patient that he’d be responsible for the payment and is supposed to pay before the service is offered.

Insurers may as well need the physicians to follow specific billing processes. Thus, the office of the physician must as well verify from the insurer which particular billing process they follow. They must as well keep to those specific billing requirements. Some insurance companies may require prior approval of all services rendered before billing them. If a service is previously authorized before the patient books appointment with the doctor, everything will proceed efficiently for all parties involved including the patient, insurer and the health care provider.

After contacting the insurer and meeting all the requirements, the health care provider will explain the billing process to the patient and inform the patient of the services that are not covered by the insurance policy. Such services would be paid from the patients’ pocket.

Getting all the parties involved to understand and consent to their financial responsibility makes the medical billing process an easy one from hassles. In the same way if the patient’s insurance plan comes with a copayment requirement, the patient would be told the amount to pay from his or her pocket. A number of health care providers require the patient to pay for the copayment prior to receiving any medical service.


Patient Check-Out

Any time a health care provider renders a service to a patient, it is accounted for in the patient’s medical record. It is significant that every care related service rendered to the patient is recorded to help the office prepare a correct medical bill, maintain accurate records in case of an audit, and to forward to the insurers or to the patients.

To make it easy to bill a patient’s visit to the doctor, medical coders convert all diagnoses and medical processes offered during the visit into a collection of medical codes that serve as a general language used in the healthcare industry. These codes make recording of medical services more efficient and make sure that these services are correctly interpreted by both the health care providers and insurers.

As soon as the medical coder established the patient’s diagnosis and the offered medical services and put these into medical codes with the use of the ICD and CPT, the medical bill can be pulled together. This operation for the visit together with bills and payments made by the patient is known as the patient ledger.

The ledger is prepared by the medical biller and includes the estimation of the balance to be paid by the patient merging the fresh charge with the previous balance and deducting the payments already made out of the total amount. It can be payment made by the patient’s insurance company or the patient himself or herself. The remaining amount stands as the patient’s current balance. After this, the patient can then check out.


Ethical Coding and Billing Compliance

Prior to recording a bill and sending it officially to the insurer or the payer, it ought to fulfill specific official conditions. These conditions vary for coding and billing processes and also for insurance providers and the services/treatment given to the patient. For instance, the billing procedure must meet the requirement set out in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the Office of Inspector General (OIG).

As a standard, complying with the required guidelines in medical billing involves partly ensuring that the charges are correct. The medical biller ought to verify that every charge is connected to a particular treatment code. Various health care providers have various charges and fees for their medical services. Thus, charges need to be equivalent to the standard established by the specific medical practice like the office of the doctor. Various medical practices commonly have their standard fees scheduled in a typical fee plan.

The medical biller needs to as well verify that all the codes can be billed. It is the insurers that determine which code that is billable and the one that is not. Every insurance company has a collection of rules that establish the services that are billable and hose that are not billable given the insurance plan of the patient. It is essential that the medical biller comply with these requirements stipulated by the insurer to avoid denial.

If the medical biller sends to the insurer a bill for the services that are not covered, it would be denied and sent back to the doctor’s office for corrections to be made. When a claim is denied, it amounts to a waste of time and resources and makes things difficult for all the parties involved.


Submitting Accurate and Ethical Claims

As soon as all diagnoses and medical processes have been recorded, coded, and examined to ensure that it meets the requirement, the bill should be posted to the insurer for consideration. This is a very critical step that must be accomplished during the medical billing process. The insurance claim offers to the insurer a significant data regarding the diagnosis, treatment methods, and the bills incurred by the patient. A correct and accelerated insurance claim makes it easier for the health care provider to be reimbursed for the services he or she provides to the patient as soon as possible. It also let the patients know where he stands with regards to the payment of his medical bills.

Most healthcare providers processes claim and send them off through electronic means. This is the most effective and suitable way to send the insurance claims for processing. It also saves money to the health industry much more than when the submissions are done through a printed paper.

The main reasons for switching from ICD-9-CM to ICD-10 is because the new code is more adaptable and can easily be used through electronic means. Electronic billing minimizes the quantity of manual work that the biller needs to carry out. Due to the fact that it includes lesser amount of manual communications, electronic billing is more proficient, comes with lesser number of mistakes and eventually results to a boost in the number of correct claims submissions to insurers.

A number of health institutions and insurers make use of different types of software to forward and receive insurance claims. It is significant for the medical biller to be conversant with the types of software used in his organization. Although, the use of digital billing makes the process faster, easier, and more error free, you can make a mistake if you don’t know how to use the software. Although some forms of insurance claim software routinely flags when you make any mistake, proper knowledge of the use of the software would save some time and money for all involved.

The submission of paper and electronic insurance claims can be carried out in some ways. Basically, the doctor or the doctor’s office forwards an insurance claim to the insurer with the use of a clearinghouse. A clearinghouse is a private, third-party company that works as an intermediary between healthcare providers and insurers. Clearing houses are commonly used for electronic billing. The clearing house commonly receive insurance claims from the healthcare provider, format the claim to meet the conditions set out by the insurer and submit the claim to the insurance company.

If the claim is to be sent to a high-volume insurer like Medicaid, the clearing house is not used. Rather the claim is submitted straight to the insurer. In addition, insurance companies like private payers, Medicare, or TRICARE all set up a lot of different requirements to be met during the submission process of the claim. Given the fact that a clearinghouse is not constantly used to configure claims properly, it is essential to know what the conditions are set up by these different insurance providers and be capable of submitting the correct claim that meets with the requirements directly.

Please keep in mind that all healthcare providers involved with insurance company have an ethical duty to report accurately.  To defraud the Federal Government and its programs is an illegal activity.  In the case of Medicare for example, this includes the following activities:

  • Billing Medicare for appointments the patient failed to keep
  • Knowingly billing for services at a level of complexity higher than services actually provided or documented in the file
  • Knowingly billing for services not furnished, supplies not provided, or both, including falsifying records to show delivery of such items
  • Paying for referrals of Federal health care program beneficiaries (CMS, 2017)


Receiving Payment from Insurers or payers

When the clearing house or the healthcare provider sends the insurance claim to the payer or insure, it is evaluated through a process known as adjudication. During adjudication, the insurer passes a claim through many steps, taking many factors into consideration to be able to evaluate the bill. The insurer will establish if the whole bill is payable, a part of the bill, or if the bill should be denied straight away. The amount of money the insurer pays depends of the insurance policy of the patient and its contract with the healthcare provider.

After the insurance claim has gone through adjudication, the resolution reached whether full payment, partial payment or none payment is sent back to the doctor’s office in the form of a report. If the insurer is not covering the whole bill, the first thing the medical biller will do is establish whether or not more than one insurer is covering the patient. If the patient is covered by additional insurance plans, the medical biller forwards a claim for the outstanding bill to the second payer.

The next key step for the medical biller is to establish the charges and fees coincidence between healthcare provider and insurance company. It is uncommon that fees for the parties correspond completely. In addition, the amount paid back to the healthcare provider is based on the contract with each insurer. Medical billers estimate the payment made by the insurer to prove many factors.

The first thing the medical biller would verify is to see if all the processes enumerated on the insurance claim sent by the doctor’s office as well appear on the statement received from the insurance company. In the same way, all codes in the claim also supposed to be the same with the transaction of the insurer. If the codes for the processes are equivalent, the medical biller scrutinizes the payments for ever medical procedure. Each payment ought to match with the contract between the doctor’s office and the payer. If the insurer decides not to pay for specific procedures, those unpaid charges ought to be clarified completely on one report.

If there is any inconsistencies in the transaction, the healthcare provider need to include that in an appeal process. This procedure includes various rules and regulations. It varies from state to state depending on the insurance contract. Overall, it is significant that the doctor’s office receives the greatest suitable payment following the agreement reached by the doctor’s office and the insurer.


Billing Patients

If the treatments and codes specified in the bill of the insurer is similar with the one sent by the doctor’s office, all charges match up with the financial contract reached by the both parties, and the doctor’s office has obtained suitable payments for the services they provided, the payments are reflected in the patient’s account.

In situations where the insurer did not provide cover to some or any service provided, and some of the bill is not paid for, these unpaid charges becomes the responsibility of the patient. The medical biller need to certify that the amount paid by the insurer together with the amount billed to the patient, is equivalent to the anticipated cost of the whole medical services offered.

When the healthcare provider bills the patient directly, it is essential to include in the bill all data about the whole transaction. Also, the medical biller needs to confirm that the patient bill list all the service the patient received from the healthcare provider. It must as well contain the date those services were offered to the patient, the payments made by the insurer subtracted from the whole bill, and the extra balance that the patient supposed to pay.

The doctor’s office needs to make this information correct and clearly specified to help their patient know what he or she needs to pay. This would greatly eliminate any possible difficulty that may hamper him from being paid by the patient.


Accepting Payment

When the doctor’s office sends the bill for the extra balance remaining from the cost of services rendered to the patient, it would usually come with the date the patient is supposed to pay on the bill. As soon as the patient pays the bill, the payment info is recorded on the patient’s record to show that the doctor has been paid for all the services rendered to the patient. This brings the transaction to a close.

If the patient did not pay up by the scheduled date, the doctor’s office must follow up and ensure they collect their pay from the patient. If a patient is unable to pay till a specific time period, the health care provider must start a collection process to collect what the patient owes the hospital. The length of time it would take before the healthcare provider initiates a payment action against the patient depends on the hospital and their financial institution.

Prior to starting a collections process for medical debts, its important to refresh yourself on the laws and rules concerning this.  Please re-visit the section above regarding the FDCPA Act about this topic.


Concluding the medical billing process

Starting from the time the healthcare provider checks the patient in till the time the patient’s entire bill is paid up by the patient or the insurer, the medical billing process requires adequate knowledge of the profession and compliance with the ethics of the law. The use of technology in modern day has made the process easier and faster to accomplish. In spite of this, to be able to carry out the process effectively, you need to be aware of what the rules are and be able to spot any possible mistake that can land you into trouble. Obtaining more knowledge about the financial policies, insurance policies and billing laws you need to comply to in addition to proper coding language and good relationship with the patient, you’d be able to improve the operation of things in the health care industry as a medical biller or coder.


Understanding Ethics & The Medical Claims Process

The health care system in the United States has been shown to be lucrative industry and vital sector of the economy. It encompasses the different sections of the health industry including the pharmacy stores, pharmaceutical companies, producers of medical equipment, medical insurance companies, healthcare providers of all types, and those involved in the construction of medical care facilities.

The multifaceted infrastructure used in the industry that ensures the health and safety of millions of patients’ day by day depends on the ability of the professionals to work effectively within their specific fields to ensure the operation of things moves smoothly and hitch-free. One of the procedures that ensures smooth running of things in the industry is the medical claims process. The process involved in medical billing is intense and complicated but it is nevertheless an essential part of the healthcare industry.

The medical claim process is a two-way interaction between two of the biggest and most significant part of the healthcare system: the healthcare providers and medical insurance companies.

Parties in the Medical Claims Process

It is vital to understand what connection exists between the holders of insurance police, the healthcare providers and insures to be able to understand very well how the medical billing and coding process works.  As we learned in previous sections on ethics laws and regulations regarding healthcare, this is one of the interactions where healthcare fraud can occur.

Healthcare providers

A Healthcare provider in this context is any facility or practice that offers service related to health and bills the individual or insurance company for the service rendered. 

Health care providers include the hospitals, complementary and alternative medicine providers, private physician offices, pharmacies, nursing homes, chiropractors, physical therapists, in-home nurses, and others.

Insurance companies

Health insurance companies pay subsidies on the medical bill of their insurance policy holders depending on the particular plan they are holding. While at one point it was not required to have health insurance in the United States, this has since changed.  Previously, the majority of individuals had private health coverage or received it as a part of their occupation. There are different types of insurance policy. By 2014, citizens and legal residents of the United States were now required to have a basic health insurance coverage plan.  Those without coverage were subject to a penalty (Goguen, 2015).

An insurance policyholder would commonly pay a specific sum of money every month or year to the insurance company and this amount paid is usually referred to as insurance premium. If the account holder goes for a medical treatment which is covered under his or her insurance policy, the bill is handled by the insurance company; otherwise, the patient takes care of the bill directly. The bill may also be shared in part between the account holder and the insurance company.

While health care providers and insurance billers can be held liable of fraud, so can insurance companies. Insurance fraud happens when an insurance company, agent, adjuster, or consumer commits an intentional act of deception in order to obtain an unlawful gain (NAIC, 2017). An example of this is a legitimate insurance company, not licensed in that state to sell insurance, leading customers to think they are selling “insurance” while evading state insurance regulations (NAIC, 2017).

It may occur during the process of buying, selling, using, or underwriting insurance (NAIC, 2017). Fraud is constantly changing and affects all varieties of insurance, but the most common in terms of frequency and average cost are in the automobile industry and tend to be most affected by fraud.

On the other hand, the general public can also be held liable for insurance fraud. Examples include the attempt to stage and injury, theft, car accident, or any type of loss that would be covered by an insurance company (NAIC, 2017).



A policyholder is a person who bought the health insurance. For instance, an adult who wants a standard insurance plan may buy an insurance policy that would cover all his or her medical bills with cost above the deductible. The deductible is a fixed sum of money that the policyholder needs to pay from his or her personal pocket before insurance company payments kick in to pay the rest.


Understanding the Medical Claims Operation

The process of medical claims starts as soon as an insurance policy holder visits a health care provider for any service which may be minor like recurring monthly subscription or major health issues like surgical procedures.

As soon as the policyholder finishes receiving treatment from the health care provider, he or she pays the deductible to the healthcare provider and submits his or her insurance data to the hospital. As soon as the policy holder pays the deductible and submits the insurance info to the health facility, his or her business with them finishes while the healthcare provider commence the process of obtaining the rest balance from the patient’s insurer.

The healthcare provider would submit the records of the entire medical services they rendered to the patient and their associated costs. The record is what is referred to as medical claim, or bill. The job of medical billing is frequently undertaken by medical billers who are frequently employed by the health care provider solely for the purpose of obtaining their medical claims. The medical billers and coders commonly create patient’s medical records and forward the claim to the insurer of their patient who is a policyholder’s insurance company. The insurers can do one of the following on receiving the claims:

  • They can either take responsibility for all the billed amount
  • Deny the medical claim if there is any error on the claim like discrepancies on the patient’s information. In this situation, the bill is normally sent back to the healthcare provider for corrections to be made.
  • The insurance company can as well straight away reject the claim. This situation usually applies if the services provided to the patient are not covered by the patient’s insurance policy. If this is the case, the patient must pay the medical bill from his or her pocket.

 There are two key different types of insurance providers that the healthcare providers have to deal with. These are managed care plans and public insurance.


Managed care

A huge section of insured U.S. citizens have their insurance coverage provided for by their employer, typically via managed care insurance plans. These insurance plans are accepted by particular group of doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, labs, medical equipment sellers and other healthcare providers. People who have managed care insurance plans must access their medical care within their managed care network. There are three major parts of managed care. These include preferred provider organizations (PPOs), health maintenance organizations (HMOs), and point of service plans.


HMOs or Health Maintenance Organization

These set of insurers need their insurance policyholders to receive the large number of or their entire medical care under the insurers managed care network. The policyholders also need to choose a specific primary care doctor. If HMO policyholders receive a service from a health specialist outside the referral of their primary care physician or receive medical treatment outside of the managed care network, the medical bill will not be covered by the insurance company. Such a patient has to pay the bill from his or her personal pocket.


PPOs or Preferred Provider Organization

These insurers as well have a network of healthcare providers they work with. Their policy holders must access care from all the healthcare providers in this network for the insurer to cover their medical bill. The difference between PPOs and HMOs is that their policy holders don’t need to choose a specific doctor as their primary care provider.  PPOs typically enable more mobility for the patient to see a variety of healthcare specialists, incase their health situation warrants it. Again, as opposed to the HMOs, if a policyholder receives medical treatment outside of the managed care network, they can directly cover the bill and subsequently request for a re-imbursement from their insurer.


Point-of-service Plans

Point-of-service insurance plan is an amalgamation of the PPOs and HMOs. Just like HMOs, point-of-service plans give their holders right to choose physicians and medical services of their choice in so far as they are within a dedicated network of providers.

As opposed to HMOs, policy holders can receive medical treatment from network providers outside the insurer’s network of healthcare providers. However, they must pay a specific amount as deductibles.

The processes involved in making insurance claims vary among HMOs and PPOs. The entire healthcare providers in a managed care network need to file a claim with the HMO. In so far as the patients receive the service within the network, the policyholders don’t need to file a claim to their insurance company themselves.

The healthcare providers may also not provide a direct bill to the policyholder. For PPOs, policyholders need to file a claim to their insurance provider if they want to receive treatment outside the managed care network. For POS insurance plans, it is not necessary to file insurance claims.


Public insurance coverage

The government is another key insurance provider in the US. The government does this through public insurance plans like the Medicaid and Medicare.


Medicaid is a health insurance service plan structured for the sake of low-income earners and the members of their families. Individual who are under Medicaid programs are provided with the amount of cover that is stipulated by their state. Although, some coverage are mandated by the federal government like inpatient and outpatient hospital care, in a Medicaid plan the states pays the hospital bill either on a fee-for-service system or via an arrangements with HMOs.


Medicare is also an insurance program that is funded by the government. It is mainly for the needs of the elderly. Just like Medicaid, a certain amount of medical services are paid for any patient who is under this insurance plan like services received while under hospital stay and nursing care. This standard cover is referred to as Medicare Part A. Receivers of this insurance cover may as well be covered in Medicare Part B, as well referred to as Supplementary Medicare, for services like medical equipment, x-rays and labs, and outpatient visit to the hospital. Receivers of Medicare Part B need to pay a monthly premium together with annual deductible. There are also Medicare Advantage plans that allow users to set up customized plans that meet their particular needs.



Ethics are critical to the billing and coding profession. (2017).

Gerencer, T. (June 2, 2017). 20 Catastrophic HIPAA Violation Cases to Chill Your Blood.

NAIC, National Association of Insurance Comissioners. (September 20, 2017). Insurance Fraud.

Zur, O. (2013). Dual relationships, multiple relationships & boundaries in psychotherapy, counseling & mental health.

Overview of Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care.  Merck Manuals

Confidentiality, privacy, and security of health information: Balancing Interests.  Health Informatics.

NCBI Articles

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HITECH Act Enforcement Interim Final Rule. (2017).  US Department of Health and Human Services. 

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Stryker, C.  (2013) Two Essentials for HIPAA Omnibus Final Rule Compliance.  Physicians Practice

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Medical Billing & Coding Online. (2018).  The Medical Claims Process

Goguen, D. (2015).  The Health Care Reform Bill:  10 Things to Know

3.07 Potential Billing problems and returned claims. (2018).  Up-coding and under-coding.

CMS. (September, 2017).  Medicare Fraud & Abuse:  Prevention, Detection and Reporting.  ICN 006827

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Sports Injuries Lesson

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Sports Injuries

What is an Injury?

An injury is an act that hurts or damages the body. Generally, it refers to damage caused by falls, weapons, hits, accidents, and more. Every year, millions of people injure themselves in the U.S.

How Injuries occur

Injuries can occur at play or work, walking across the street, outdoors or indoors, or driving a car. There are different types of injuries, and all of them range from minor to life-threatening.

Types of Injuries

Some of the common types of injuries are:

  • Burns
  • Wounds
  • Animal Bites
  • Fractures
  • Dislocations
  • Bruises
  • Electrical injuries
  • Sprains and strains

Sports Injuries

What are Sports Injuries?

Sports injuries refer to the types of injury that occur during exercise, athletic activities or sports. Direct impact, overuse commonly cause these injuries or if the force, greater than the part of the body can withstand structurally is applied. In the United States, about 30 million children and teenagers are those who participate in sports. Out of these 30 million, 3 million participants are of 14 years of age and experience sports injuries annually.

  • Classification of Sports Injuries
  • Sports injuries are classified into two main types:
  • Acute sports injuries
  • Chronic sports injuries
  • Acute sports injuries

Acute sports injuries occur all of a sudden, like a sprained ankle due to an awkward landing.

Chronic sports injuries

Mainly, the chronic sports injuries commonly occur from the repeated overuse of joints or muscle groups. The poor technique and structural abnormalities can also cause these injuries to develop. It is essential to know if a client has a current sports injury before beginning a session.  Sometimes more complicated injuries, such as a bone fracture, may mimic a simple ankle sprain.  If a client complains of pain in a particular area from a sports-related injury, a referral to a specialist in that area may be most appropriate for the client to get medically evaluated. 

Types of Sports injuries

Some of the common types of sports injuries are as follows:

  • Hip flexor strain
  • ACL tear
  • Concussion
  • Groin pull
  • Shin splints
  • Sciatica
  • Hamstring strain
  • Tennis or golfer’s elbow
  • Shoulder injury
  • Patellofemoral syndrome
  • Ankle Sprain
  • Athlete’s foot
  • Bursitis
  • Fractures
  • Cramping muscles
  • Delayed onset muscle soreness
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Iliopsoas syndrome
  • Impingement syndrome
  • Iliotibial band syndrome
  • Overstraining syndrome
  • Overuse syndrome
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Dehydration
  • Nosebleed
  • Achilles Tendon Injury
  • Turf toe
  • Tommy John’s Surgery
  • Posterior Cruciate ligament injury
  • Skier’s Thumb
  • Meniscus Tear injury

Now we will discuss all types of sports injuries one by one along with their introduction, signs and symptoms, diagnostic approaches, treatments and preventive measures.

Shin Splints – Symptoms

Medial Tibial syndrome symptoms: the symptoms for the most common type of shin splint, the medial tibial stress syndrome includes pain in the lower tibia during or at the beginning of a workout.  Repetitive and intermittent pain, gradually growing pain, severe pain in the morning which decreases through the day, palpations, swelling, bumps, tenderness, lumps and new bone growth in the shin area. Physical symptoms may also include redness, inflammation and repeated trauma.

Compartment Syndrome:

  • Muscle enlargement
  • Increased pressure
  • Increased pain
  • Pain due to movement
  • Discomfort with exercising
  • Little or No tenderness

Stress fracture symptoms:

  • Most symptoms of Medial tibial stress syndrome
  • Sharp pain
  • Increasing pain during exercising
  • Excessive tenderness of muscles

Complications in Treatment and diagnosis of Shin Splints

Since it’s difficult to diagnose the shin splints and the right kind, it can lead to underestimation by the doctor and the patient which can worsen the condition.

In most cases, the complication of severe muscular dysfunction can emerge in situations of shin splints, which are often left unnoticed. Cases of shin splints can also be misunderstood as the tissue fatigue and vice versa. The problem is often generalized as common muscular pain.

Causes of Shin Splints

This particular problem can occur due to many reasons. The most common causes of shin splints include:

  • Running on hard surfaces
  • Using the wrong sized and fitted footwear
  • Sudden exertion and workout without stretching warming up
  • The weakness of muscles, bones, hips, and ankles
  • Overpronation due to flat feet
  • Intense and longer workouts
  • The reduced endurance of pressure due to inactivity.
  • Stress fracture and lesion on the shin bone
  • Over supination due to foot displacement
  • Training rigorously without a gradual increase
  • Lack of flexibility

Risk Factors of Shin Splints

The most important risk factor associated with shin splints is excessive physical stress due to a variety of reasons. Apart from that, there may be other risks involved, such as tissue overloading, biomechanical problems, history, anatomical and posture issues, and tissue fatigue.

Diagnosis of Shin Splints

The diagnosis for Shin splints is relatively tricky since sometimes injury is extremely severe and difficult to treat. Things can get very complicated, and the condition can become extremely persistent. Nonetheless, the primary diagnosis includes a physical examination where the patient is examined for any apparent symptoms of pain and swelling. The doctor may also carefully determine by moving the shin and knee joint in different positions to see if the movement is limited and painful. Numbness is also considered to be one of the initial indications. Once the physical examination and the medical history evaluation is done, the doctor will see for the scope of diagnostic tests. Depending on the individual case and the severity of the condition, the doctor may conduct an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), an ultrasound test or an X-Ray Test. For the examination of tendons, muscles, and ligaments, MRI will provide sufficient evidence for possible damage. X-ray test will be able to analyze the bone condition, while the Ultrasound will help the doctor to locate and study the internal structures to see any possible damage.

Treatment for Shin Splints

There are different approaches to the treatment of shin splints. The best way to treat this condition is the natural recovery. It should be assisted by resting your legs more and walking less. After the diagnosis, the natural treatment can be helped in the following ways:

  • RICE therapy
  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Using accessories in the shoes or supporting shoes.

RICE therapy is a widespread treatment plan for most of the sports injuries that involve pain and swelling. It is followed in the long run after the first aid response at the time of the injury. Shin splints can include pain and swell apart from other symptoms in almost all cases. These are adequately addressed by using ice on the injured area, compressing it with the help of a bandage, and resting the injured area as much as possible.

The treatment options for shin splints may vary from person to person depending on the type of injury and the severity of each case. In most cases, shin splints can heal naturally. If the problem persists, you may visit a doctor who will carry out a physical examination of the condition. In some cases, the doctor may ask you to walk or run to witness the problem. The first thing that you must ensure is to get enough time to rest as your body needs a break to recover. This involves a whole body rest so that your body can focus on healing the injury instead of spending your energy on other activities.

Using ice on the injured area can also help soothe the pain and reduce the swelling in the case of shin splints. Patients are usually advised to continue to do so for a few days several times during a day for 30 minutes. Once the pain has subsided, they can cease the icing protocol.

Treatment for shin splints may also involve aids and insoles for shoes as it allows to reduce pressure on the injured area and put your legs on the right position. The insoles may be made upon request depending on each case. Otherwise, you can buy the default styles from the market.

Medication is also helpful in case of shin splints as it can alleviate pain and reduce swelling. For shin splints, you should use regular OTCs and NSAIDs that are prescribed by your doctor. Unless it’s necessary, you should avoid taking steroid drugs. Due to the side effects. Naproxen and Aspirins work best for these injuries. It’s also important to understand the specific side effects of these medicines and ways to handle them. Some of them may cause ulcers and bleeding. Therefore, you should use them in moderation, and you must take a prescription from a specialist before making them.

Shin splint injuries can be related to the muscles or the bones. Your treatment will also follow depending upon the type of structures that are injured. In case multiple structures as damaged your treatment may take a compound approach. Careful diagnosis and physical examination will tell the cause.

In case of muscle injuries, a standard approach to treatment is the use of foam rollers. Foam rolls consist of soft foam material that can massage and soothe the injured muscles, including fascia. You should use a foam roller multiple times during the day for 10 minutes at least on the shin and thigh. It can relax the fascia muscle and help loosen it. Apart from foam roll, you can also get a had massage on your shin and thigh area gently. It’s recommended to consult an expert regarding a hand massage since you don’t want to cause any damage to the injured area. It can relax the legs as well as feet, allowing better blood flow. As a result, the movement of your injured area can also be improved. If the problem persists after these treatments, it is best to see a doctor regarding your situation. In the case of bone-related injuries, you may experience stress fractures. The treatment for such bone injuries involves active rest as well as isolation of the injured area. This should be followed by injury friendly exercises that don’t involve using legs too much.

The shoes can use insoles and accessories to the shelf and absorb the shocks of walking and standing. The purpose of treatment is to alleviate the symptoms of inflammation and pain, improving the posture and biomechanical issues, and restoration of the muscles. The rehabilitation therapy can take up to 3 months. Exercising, taping and shin massages are effective ways to treat shin splints. In very severe and rare cases, surgery may be required for the problem of shin splints.

Recovery from Shin Splints

Usually, the pain is the best indicator to figure out how much more time it will take to recover as you experience a reduction in the degree of pain with time. Recovery time varies significantly from patient to patient depending on the severity of the condition, the strength of the injured area and other factors. For effective recovery, you should get back to the normal routine activities slowly and gradually according to your doctor’s advice. Once you start using your muscles and bones again, it will complement the complete healing of the injured parts. If the patient were healthy before the injury, the recovery would usually be faster. However, due to so many factors, it is not possible to precisely tell the time frame. Depending on the severity, the injury can take from a few weeks to 6 months of time to recover.

Here is what you can do to ensure speedy recovery:

  • Rest day and night
  • Avoid demanding everyday physical activities
  • Gradually start easy activities
  • Only use prescribed medication
  • Eat healthy as it speeds up the recovery
  • Visit your doctor for a checkup of tibia cracks
  • Once you are fully recovered from shin splints, you will notice that :
  • Both your legs are equally flexible
  • Both your legs are equally strong
  • You don’t feel pain upon compression
  • You can run, walk, and jump painlessly.


What is Sciatica?

Sciatica is a common medical condition that results from sports injuries. The condition is characterized by severe and persistent pain in the back, hip and the leg areas which spreads along the way. The most common causes for this pain is pressure and compression on the sciatic nerve which is a primary part of the spinal nerve root in the lower back. This condition can lead to deterioration of the nerve and degeneration of the intervertebral disc. 

Sciatica is a painful condition specifically associated with the sciatic nerve caused due to irritation of the nerve. This nerve is the largest one that is found in the human body, and also extremely important. One of the main physical characteristics of this nerve is the range of its coverage in our body. Sciatic nerve starts from the nerve roots of the spine located near the tailbone, and it’s spread towards the hip and extends down towards the lower part of the legs. This is why the inflammation and pain in the sciatic nerve can cause terrible back pain that spreads all the way down to the legs, thighs and the knee area. The condition can be mild or in many cases extremely severe. The treatment for this condition also depends on the severity of the pain, the symptoms and the causes behind the pain. Therefore, it’s very important to understand and diagnose the right cause of sciatica.

Causes of sciatica

There can be many different causes which lead to sciatica pain.  One of the most common causes of sciatica is a hernia of the disc in the lumbar area which can result in a direct pressure and compression of the sciatic nerve. As a result, this pressure can cause irritation and the inflammation in the sciatic nerve and lead to severe pain which the patient may not be able to endure in some cases. The condition in which the pain due to a hernia or abnormality of the intervertebral disc and irritation of the sciatic nerve is experienced is known as radiculopathy. The pressure on the nerve is also referred to as pinching of the nerve.

The pain and irritation of the sciatic nerve can also occur due to a presence of a tumor, proximal muscular displacement, the presence of adjacent bones causing nerve pinching, inflammatory conditions and infectious conditions in the lumbar area of the spine of a nearby location. 

The sciatic pain can also result from internal bleeding that occurs due to an injury or some other reasons, accidental injury,  and numerous other reasons which may cause pressure on the area. In females, some instances of pregnancy, the consequences of pregnancy can result in a force on the sciatic nerve which causes pinched nerve symptoms. These symptoms can alleviate and completely get eliminated after the delivery of the baby.

Risk factors associated with the Sciatica

The causes and risk factors for developing sciatic pain are numerous.  The most common risk factors include secondary and other underlying health conditions that the patient may already be suffering from. This could consist of degenerative arthritis that resides in the same region of the lumbar spine. Other diseases and health conditions of the proximal region also include terms like slipped disc, lumbar disc disease, and trauma. All these conditions can occur as a result of injuries, heavy blows, and accidents that are usually experienced by the people involved in sports and athletics.

Symptoms of Sciatica

There are several symptoms associated with sciatica pain, and different patients may experience a variety of symptoms which may be more or less different from the other patients. In general, the patients suffering from sciatica pain will experience severe pain that originates at the nerve roots in the lower back lumbar area and extends towards the buttocks, hips, shin, thighs, knees and the lower limbs. Apart from pain, other characteristic symptoms may include a tingling sensation, a feeling of heat and pain radiation from the lower back, a burning sensation, numbness of the back area, and a variety of pain, such as hip pain, lumbar pain, leg pain, and buttock pain, depending on the point of the nerve where the pressure and irritation is experienced. Although sciatic nerve has a lot to do with the back and the tailbone area, it is not necessary that every sciatica patient will experience pain in the lower back region indefinitely. As it’s explained that the pain and the location of the pain vary with and depends on the point where the compression of the nerve is experienced, it may not cause pain in the back region at all. This is one reason that sometimes the pain of sciatica can be misunderstood, mistreated and mistaken as some other condition. However, the proper diagnosis and identification of the condition are extremely important to ensure that proper treatment is administered on the patients. As the severity of the pain progresses, it may cause difficulty or complete limitation for the patient to walk or even move around because of severe pain. Moving from a particular position can cause unbearable pain for some patients. In such cases, these symptoms are alleviated by the administration of medication and certain painkillers. For people involved in sports, sciatica can be a big concern, as it can take away a person’s ability to play for quite a while. In severe cases, the patient may experience an inability to bend, move the waist or the back. Resting in a lying position can be a good and effective way for the treatment as lying down can alleviate the pain and keep the patient at ease for the time being.

Diagnosis of Sciatica

For the diagnosis of sciatica, it’s important to learn about the important physical events taking place in the life of the patients, as well as the history of these events and medical conditions. Since the list of causes is so long, it becomes important to evaluate the patient. In case of sports injuries, it remains most probable that the underlying cause of sciatica is the injury and the compression of the sciatic nerve caused by it. However, in some cases, the injury may not be the only reason for the pain caused by sciatic compression, and there may be some other underlying health condition or reason for the sudden onset of the pain.

Characteristic Pain

Although it’s easy to mistake the sciatica pain with some other kind of pain, the sciatic pain can be identified by specific symptoms, including:

  • Persistent pain in either the left leg or buttock or the right leg or buttock.
  • Sitting for long periods of time typically results in more pain.
  • Specific sensations of tingling, burning and/or searing
  • Nerve pressure resulting in numbness, weakness, and disability or difficulty in moving the lower limbs
  • Piercing and sharp pain disabling a person from standing up and/or walking.
  • Pain spreads through the leg except for the foot in most cases.

This is one reason why the diagnosis of sciatica in some cases can be complicated, because it may be mistaken as another issue. The condition can vary among different clients greatly and present itself in different ways.

The primary diagnosis includes a physical examination in which the patient is checked for any apparent symptoms of pain and swelling. The diagnosis is initialized with a careful examination of the patient’s history as well as the physical examination. The doctor may move the muscles, and check for pain, swelling, palpations, tenderness and other physical symptoms. The medical history also has a lot to tell about the condition, and it’s essential for an effective treatment of the patient in this case. The doctor may also carefully examine by moving the back joint in different positions to see if the movement is limited and painful. Numbness is also considered to be an indication. After a physical examination, the doctor may need to carry out a diagnostic test if the doubt persists. Depending on the individual case and the severity of the condition, the doctor may conduct an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), an ultrasound test or an X-Ray Test. For the examination of tendons, muscles, and ligaments, MRI will provide sufficient evidence for possible damage. X-ray test will be able to analyze the bone condition, while the CT scan will help the doctor to locate and study the internal structures to see any possible damage. In certain cases, the diagnostic test may also make use of electromyogram for the determination of possible sciatic condition.

From acquired results, a careful evaluation is performed by the doctor to ensure the condition of the patient precisely and the severity of it. This phase includes thorough examination and assessment of every individual and unique case. The patient is laid in a supine position, and the movement and flexion of the hip and legs are examined. The condition is also tested by a squeeze procedure, in which the injured part of the patient is squeezed to check for pain and tenderness.

Treatment of Sciatica

The treatment for sciatica is based on the diagnosis, the cause of the pain and depends greatly on the severity of the condition. Mostly the patients can rely on the treatments such as medication, muscular relaxant pills, reducing inflammation with the help of medicine, resting, and physical therapy. The condition can get better with time. However, in certain cases, it can persist and intermittent pain can be experienced. In most cases, the condition is improved, and the pain is alleviated without the need for surgery. However, in severe cases, sports people, as well as other people, may require a surgical procedure to alleviate the symptoms of pain. Cortisone injections are also used for the treatment of sciatica pain.

As the condition of sciatica has so much to do with a variety of specialization subjects, people in different medical sectors can assist and help treat the condition. After the evaluation and diagnosis of sciatica, a variety of generalists, specialists and sub specialists can treat the condition. Specialists in the fields of general medicine, internal medicine, gynecology, family medicine, orthopedic specialists, physiatrists and even neurosurgeons can administer a variety of techniques to treat the condition. Other specialties that deal with sciatica pain also include massage therapists, rheumatologists, chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, and psychologists. The effectiveness of the treatment therefore greatly depends on the reaching out to the right specialists for your kind of sciatica.

Apart from these factors, an important question is what are the treatment options available to sciatic patients and what approach should be taken to ensure effective treatment? Although the conventionally accepted approach to pain treatment such as resting is widely accepted for most conditions, research shows that for sciatica it isn’t the most amazing way to treat the condition. Therefore, the cause of the sciatica pain is detrimental for the choice of the treatment. Effective treatment may include the treatment of the secondary underlying cause or health condition which is causing the sciatica pain or making use of physical therapy. For chronic forms of sciatica which become persistent, treatment options like transcutaneous nerve stimulators can be effective. Apart from that, the exercising, working out and stretching is quite useful to treat the condition of sciatica and help people get back on their feet.  Massage therapy can be helpful for relief of this condition, and in some cases, patients/clients may visit a chiropractor or acupuncturist for relief.  On top of physical treatment options, medications and painkillers may also provide relief from pain but can have unwanted side effects. These may also include the medicines for inflammation as well as for depression. Certain drugs are also capable of dimming the ability of our brain to feel pain, which can work for patients suffering from severe sciatica pain. Depending on the severity of the condition and the underlying cause of sciatica, surgical treatment or operation may also be required for certain patients who are suffering from persistent and chronic sciatica with severe pain. Applications and training of pain management also play a significant role in the treatment and alleviation of the symptoms.

Recovery from Sciatica

The recovery time of sciatica varies greatly because of its dependency on the factors such as the underlying cause of the persistent sciatica pain, the severity of the condition and the capability of the patient’s body to recover from the condition. In certain conditions, such as the hernia of the disc, the degenerative lumbar spine syndrome, the back sprains and conditions such as shingles can lead to comparatively quicker recovery as these conditions are temporary, reversible and treatable. Sciatica that occurs due to these conditions can be treatment in a matter of days or a couple of weeks. However, in more severe and persistent cases, sciatica can be something extremely stubborn and persistent. Such a condition is referred to as chronic sciatica and may even require surgical procedures for the alleviation of pain.

Usually, the pain is the best indicator to figure out how much more time it will take to recover as you experience a reduction in the degree of pain with time. Recovery time varies greatly from patient to patient depending on the severity of the condition, the strength of the injured area, the type of causes of sciatica and other factors. For your part in effective recovery, you should avoid the normal routine activities according to your doctor’s advice. Due to so many factors, it is not possible to precisely tell the time frame. Depending on the severity, the sciatica pain from injury can take from a few weeks to 6 months of time to recover.

Hamstring Muscle Injuries

What is Hamstring Strain?

A hamstring injury is a strain or tear that is characteristic to the areas of tendons, back, thighs, and the larger muscles. It is most commonly observed in people involved in sports and athletes. Depending on the causes the severity can range from mild to extremely severe.

While many different injuries, such as pulled hamstring can be considered as a hamstring muscle injury, there are certain things common in this condition. Hamstring muscle surgery is common in people who are involved in running, sprinting, exertion, walking too much, rigorous training, and sports such as soccer, football, basketball, and other similar sports that need a lot of movement of the legs and excessive exertion. The condition of a pulled hamstring injury or a strain is involved in the pulling and damage of one or more than one muscles located in the thigh area. In most cases, hamstring pulls, and muscular injuries are easily treatable and don’t cause too much trouble. However, in certain cases, the condition can be extremely severe. Nonetheless, there is a lot that can be done to treat the condition, and surgical procedures are very rarely needed to address the most severe cases.

What is a Hamstring Muscle?

Hamstring muscle is a kind of large muscles that extends from the start till the end of the posterior side of thighs. The muscles can be further divided into three main types, namely biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. These muscles begin from the end of the pelvic region from the point of ischial tuberosity and extend down to intersect the knee joint and crawl further towards the lower part of the leg. These muscles usually consist of strong tissues used for connective purposes, and these are responsible for the power that we have in our legs, which is comparatively a lot more than other parts of our body. These muscles are what helps us with the movement of our leg joints, walking, sitting, bending, lying and everything that our legs are capable of doing.

The injuries and strain related to the hamstring muscles can be in the form of muscle tearing, muscular, complete tearing or the partial tearing of the muscles. The grading of these muscles is dependent on how severe is the damage caused to the muscle. The healing time of hamstring muscle injuries can be as long as three months in case of severe injuries. The most common part that is damaged as a result of hamstring muscle injury is the thicker and core region of the muscles where the tendons and muscles are joined. In the most severe grade 3 cases, the tendons are entirely ripped off from the bones, and in certain cases, a part of the bone is also torn away with it. This most severe type of muscular hamstring injury is referred to as avulsion injury.

Grades of Hamstring Muscle Injuries

There are different grades for Hamstring Muscle Injuries similar to other injuries, depending on the severity of the injury, condition and the symptoms occurring in the patient. The three grades are:

  • Grade 1: This is the mildest grade for hamstring injuries. It includes less than moderate pain, while the patient retains the ability to feel and move the injured area.
  • Grade 2: This is characterized by moderate pain, while the patient partially retains the ability to feel and move the injured area.
  • Grade 3: This condition usually includes severe pain, while the patient loses the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Causes of Hamstring muscle injuries

There can be a variety of different reasons which can be responsible for mild or severe cases of hamstring muscle injuries. One of the most common cause for Hamstring injury is muscle overload, which can result in the straining of the hamstring muscles. Such a condition may occur if the larger muscle is pulled or stretching too much beyond its threshold of getting back into the place. In this way, it can even get pulled off or ripped off from the bone. This can happen as a result of putting a lot of loads all of a sudden. The most common reasons for this cause include accidents, heavy blows, and sports injuries.

A phenomenon called eccentric contraction can also lead to the occurrence of hamstring muscle strains and injuries due to the lengthening of the hamstring muscles while contracting or shortening. A pressure put on the muscle due to contraction and getting pulled to lengthen it at the same time can result in tearing of the muscle. At the time of running or doing something similar, the eccentric contraction of the muscles is prominently happening. As the running begins, the runner uses the toe to straighten the leg and sprint forward, which is the moment when eccentric contraction takes place. Avulsions are the most severe form of hamstring tendon and muscular injuries, which are caused as a result of putting a lot of load on the tendons all of a sudden.

Risk Factors associated with hamstring muscle injuries

There are some risk factors associated with hamstring muscle injuries. However, the most important ones deserve the attention. The risk of hamstring muscle injury can be increased due to the tightness of muscles which renders it susceptible to strain.  Doing light warm-up exercises and stretching before a rigorous sports workout is very important to prevent this type of injury.  Another factor is the lack of balance of the muscles due to the difference in the strength of the muscles opposite to each other. Due to such an imbalance, a strain can be caused.  Hamstring muscles consist of more powerful front muscles while the posterior muscles are less strong, which can experience fatigue quicker than the stronger muscles on the front. As a result, hamstring muscle injuries and strains can take place. Fatigue can also occur due to other reasons, such as the ability of the muscles to absorb and retain the energy and protect itself from the injuries and heavy blows. Furthermore, another important factor is the condition and the strength of the muscles; if the muscles are strong, they are less likely to get damaged from the exercising, training, pressures and the stress resulting from it. Another factor that matters in determining the risk is the type of activities that a sportsperson chooses to take. Although hamstring muscle injuries can be experienced by any person, certain activities put the people involved in the more at risk of getting a hamstring muscle injury. These activities include certain sports such as basketball, soccer, football, and other activities such as athletics, dancing, running and old age athletics. Since the body is growing unequally at adolescence, people at this age are more at risk of getting a hamstring muscle injury. At the time of growth spurt, bones are capable of growing quicker than the muscles. As a result, the muscles can be pulled and lengthened due to a stretch being caused by a very sudden growth.

Symptoms of Hamstring Muscle injuries

As easy as it is to imagine, hamstring muscle injuries can be very painful at times. The extent of the symptoms however greatly depends on the severity of the injury and the grade. The symptoms that result from hamstring muscles injury includes a sudden and sharp pain in the back region of the thigh due to the injury which will make a sprinting person stop at once or fall terribly. Due to the damage, other symptoms can also show up, such as swelling and redness soon after the injury or after a few hours, bruises and change of color impact on the skin due to internal bleeding or other reasons, and the weakness of the tendons and hamstring muscles which can be prolonged for a couple of months.

Diagnosis for Hamstring Muscle Injury

The primary diagnosis includes a physical examination in which the patient is checked for any apparent symptoms of pain and swelling. The diagnosis is initialized with a careful examination of the patient’s history as well as the physical examination. The medical history also has a lot to tell about the condition, and it’s essential for an effective treatment of the patient in this case. The doctor may also carefully examine by moving the thigh and knee joint in different positions to see if the movement is limited and painful. Numbness is also considered to be an indication. After a physical examination, the doctor may need to carry out a diagnostic test if the doubt persists. Depending on the individual case and the severity of the condition, the doctor may conduct an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), an ultrasound test or an X-Ray Test. For the examination of tendons, muscles, and ligaments, MRI will provide sufficient evidence for possible damage. An X-ray test will be able to analyze the bone condition. Imaging tests are most important for accurate diagnosis.

By acquired results, a careful evaluation is performed by the doctor to ensure the condition of the patient precisely and the severity of it. This phase includes thorough examination and assessment of every individual and unique case. The patient is laid in a supine position, and the movement and flexion of the hip and legs are examined.

Treatment for Hamstring Muscle Injuries

Depending on the type and reason of the injury, and the location of the injured area, the treatment for the Hamstring Muscle Injury will be different. The treatment may also be different depending on the consent of the patient as well as the severity and the grade of the injury. The core purpose of the treatment is to normalize the condition of the Hamstring Muscle Injury and achieve painless movement and healing. Only in severe cases, a surgical procedure may be required to treat the Hamstring Muscle Injury. However, in most cases, non-surgical procedures are recommended and opted by the specialists as much as possible. It is very important to comply with the measure and directions of the doctor to ensure effective treatment and restoration of the muscular health.

In most cases of Hamstring injury apart from severe cases, the injuries can easily heal naturally. Nonetheless, you must always make sure that you take enough rest to allow time for your injury to heal. For speeding up the healing and recovery, there are certain measures that you can take.

Icing can be done as an effective way to treat hamstring injuries related symptoms. This involves putting ice on the injured area for up to 15 to 25 minutes several times a day. It should help reduce the swelling and alleviating the pain. Upon the offset of these symptoms, you should stop the icing treatment.

For resting your leg, you need to take some proper measures in hamstring injuries. It can be done bests by avoiding walking, running and all types of sports that involve legs for a while. This will allow your body to focus its energy on healing the injured leg. Resting is more important than other treatments and if you take it for granted other treatments may also not work. Therefore, make sure you don’t put any pressure on the injured leg as it can reverse the healing and cause symptoms to show up again.

Along with resting, you can also consider a physical therapy if you are more concerned about the severity of your condition. A physical therapist will ensure that everything goes smoothly and you can recover quicker. It can also help you avoid stiffness that can be caused due to the lack of activities during the rest period. You should be aiming for the proper stretch, flexibility, and improved movement.

Compression therapy can also be performed as it helps alleviate the symptoms in most cases. Compression is done with the help of a bandage in most cases, but some other technique may be used depending on the type of the injury.  This should also be coupled with the elevation technique, the one that you usually see in hospitals. It involves the lifting the leg when the patient is lying down or sitting. At home, you can do this by putting a pillow under your leg as it will allow your leg to elevate. Use multiple pillows if required.

Apart from these physical treatments, you can also opt for medical treatments. In most cases, it won’t be necessary. However, if you’re not able to bear the pain and the acute symptoms, you can opt for medications. The common medicines that are used for hamstring injuries are over the counter drugs, such as Motrin and Advil, or other NSAIDs that can make the pain and other symptoms tolerable. You should understand that these medications work at the cost of side effects. Therefore, if you feel that the pain is better than the side effects that you may suffer from, it is best to avoid taking those medications. Your doctor will carefully examine your condition to tell you if you require medication or not.

Apart from all these treatment options, you can opt for proper exercising. Exercising should not be ignored for the treatment unless otherwise instructed by your doctor or physical therapist. Some of these exercises may be a part of your physical therapy, while there are others that you can try on your own. You must make sure that if any of your exercises in your workout regime is causing even the slightest trouble to your injured area, you must immediately stop doing that and consult your physical therapist to try something else that works for you. Some of the most effective exercises may involve strengthening and stretching exercises. Strengthening exercises should also be a part of your regular workout, as it can prevent you from having a hamstring injury at the first place.

If the problem and symptoms persist and the case is severe, you may require undergoing an operation or a surgery to fix the problem. However, this is very rare, and most hamstring injuries can heal naturally. Surgery may involve the reattachment of a torn hamstring muscle.

Another part of your treatment is to take proper measures to prevent further injury or worsening of the situation. This complementary approach involves the use of aids, crutches and other things that would help to prevent you from getting into further trouble. You should also avoid lifting any weights or putting any pressure on the legs. All of these approaches may be administered until the patient is recovered and the symptoms are gone. You should be able to get back on the sports ground and easily use and move your legs to the full range.

Recovery for Hamstring Muscle Injuries

In most cases, a rehab therapy results in complete recovery from hamstring muscle injuries. Physical therapies along with the RICE treatment can effectively treat the condition and get the patient back on the ground. However, there is a chance of healing process getting reversed if proper measures are not taken and if healing has not completed. Therefore, it’s essential to let your injured muscles recover completely by following the protocol provided by the doctor to eliminate the chances of getting repetitive injuries, chronic conditions, and permanent damage. Recovery time varies greatly from patient to patient depending on the severity of the condition, the strength of the injured area, the type of causes of the Hamstring muscle injury and other factors. For your part in effective recovery, you should avoid the normal routine activities according to your doctor’s advice. Depending on the severity, the Hamstring muscle injury can take from a few weeks to a couple of months of time to recover. Hamstring muscle injuries are painful. Therefore, usually, the pain is the best indicator to figure out how much more time it will take to recover as you experience a reduction in the degree of pain with time.  A regular visit to the doctor will ensure that it’s time to go ahead.

Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow

What Is Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow?

As the name suggests, Tennis and Golfer’s elbow is a condition that usually occurs in people involved in certain types of sports that makes use of the arm extensively. The condition is characterized by inflammation and pain in the muscles and tendons that serve connective purposes on the arm and the elbow. It specifically functions to enjoin the forearm with the elbow. For Golfer’s elbow, the condition is also known as medial epicondylitis in medical terms. The inner area of the elbow is affected which causes an extending pain towards the forearm. The condition may be mild or severe, and it may be treated easily or require prolonged caring. The painful condition and inflammation are developed due to the overuse and overexertion of the muscles of the arm. This mostly happens in athletes, in cases where the overuse of the arm, too much rotating, gripping and flexing of the wrist can result in inflammation. As a tennis or golf player, one requires to twist swing and rotating the forearm and the muscles located there in certain ways to set up for the right shot. As a result, the muscles and tendons can be damaged, degenerated and get torn.

Nonetheless, the name doesn’t imply that these forms of tendinitis conditions are only experienced by tennis players or golf players. In fact, anyone can experience this type of inflammation of tendons. There are people from other sports as well who experience this condition frequently, such as baseball players, basketball players, and bowling players. The tennis elbow tendinitis is characterized as the inflammation of the outside tendons, while the golf elbow tendinitis is characterized by tendinitis of the inner tendons of the elbow. Tennis elbow is also known as lateral epicondylitis, while the golf elbow is medically termed as medial epicondylitis.

Symptoms for Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow

The patients suffering from golf and tennis elbow can experience several symptoms that can indicate the injury and the severity of the injury. While the symptoms may vary from patient to patient, some of the most commonly observed symptoms of tennis and golf elbow syndrome are:

  • Burning sensation inside the elbow (golf elbow)
  • Burning sensation outside the elbow (Tennis Elbow)
  • Pain in the affected area of the injury which can spread towards the wrist through the forearm.
  • Numbness of the elbow
  • The weakness of the elbow
  • Difficulty and pain in the movement of the elbow
  • The difficulty, pain, and weakness in the movement of the wrist
  • Difficulty in gripping the objects
  • Tenderness inside of the elbow and extending along with the tendons
  • Swelling of the affected area
  • The stiffness of the injured area
  • Pain during the gripping and fisting of the wrist.
  • Tingling and numbing sensations on the elbow which is extended towards  the forearm and the wrist
  • Difficulty in doing everyday things, such as pouring coffee, shaking hands, moving the arm, and typing on the keyboard.

Both injuries are usually the result of repetitive strain on the tendons, and although you don’t have to be a golfer or tennis player to experience them, the repeated forceful motions involved in both sports make them very common.

Treatment for Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow

Natural and non-invasive treatments are usually recommended for tennis and golfer’s elbow syndromes. The right approach to treat this condition is the treatment of the causes instead of alleviating the symptoms of the condition. It could include a personal treatment plan, healthy diet plan, changes to the lifestyle and exercising regime. Due to the overuse and overexertion, the painful and inflammatory condition can be specifically treated. Tennis elbow is usually experienced by people involved in the different profession and its most commonly found in the people within the age group of 30 to 50 years old.  On the other hand, the golf elbow syndrome which affects the inner tendons of the elbow is experienced by people that practice golf, swimming, painting, tennis, rowing, and baseball. Due to the improper use of the technique, gripping and moving repetitively, and throwing and lifting improperly, golf elbow can result in injury to the inner tendons.

Some things should be taken into account, including the type of the injury, the severity of the injury, and the structures that are damaged due to the injury to determine the right and effective type of the treatment for golf or tennis elbow syndrome. However, for mild to moderate conditions the approach for the treatment remains common in most cases. Some of the common and most effective minimally invasive and non-surgical treatment options available are the ones you should start with.

The best approach you can take for the treatment of golfer’s and tennis elbow injuries is to start off with the right treatment options as soon as possible. Earlier treatment can save you from a lot of trouble in the long run as the symptoms keep developing gradually if proper care is not given. The sooner you start with your treatment, the earlier it will be possible for you to continue your sports practices.

The injury can start off slow but gradually develop into severe conditions. Sometimes mild pain is ignored by the players who become a reason for critical conditions. Therefore, it’s imperative that you take proper rest as soon as the symptoms start to show up. The rest usually involve a break on your sports activities and minimizing the use of your arm and elbow. You should immobilize your arm to allow it to heal your injured structures. Once the pain is gone, and you’re able to move the elbow easily, and to the full range, you can continue with your sports again while administering proper preventive measures to avoid recurrence.

If the pain keeps on troubling your arm despite immobility, you can use ice on the injured elbow and nearby area. It can immediately soothe your pain and reduce the swelling. You should also make sure that you don’t use ice directly on your skin to avoid ice burns. You can wrap the ice into some covering, such as a thin cloth or towel, and use it for 25 minutes after every 2 to 3 hours throughout the day. It may take a few days to eliminate pain and swelling with this treatment.

Some patients may decide to take medicines for the tennis and golfer’s elbow syndrome when the discomfort is interfering with everyday tasks. Ibuprofen and aspirin work well for this purpose. Other OTCs are available on the market, and you should go for non-steroid drugs. These medicines may have a side effect, and they should only be used minimally. If these medicines don’t work, alternative medical treatments may be administered, such as injections of corticosteroids for temporary and short-term relief. They are effective regarding alleviating the symptoms. However, it’s not a permanent solution especially in case of severe conditions that take a lot of time to recover. Medical advancements have also unleashed another innovative method of treatment for this injury, which is known as PRP or platelet-rich plasma technique.

Since the immobility and support are important in this regard, you should go for physical aids and braces to keep the injured arm in place and avoid jerking. It can reduce the pressure and the strain on the muscles that are sensitive due to injury. Counterforce braces may be advised by your doctor or physical therapist.

Stretching and strengthening exercises also play an important role in the treatment of tennis and golfers elbow injuries. These exercises can also prevent you from getting an injury and help you avoid secondary injuries. A specific exercise for this type of injury is administered by the physical therapists, which involves the lengthening of the wrist extensor muscles. This exercise is particularly effective for these injuries. For this injury type, some other physical aids can also be used to support your arm and limiting the movement, such as strapping, braces, supporting pads and other aids that are relevant to arm support. You should also ensure that corrective measures are taken, as the very cause of your tennis or Golfer’s elbow could be wrong training practices and angles of movement. By improving the movement of your arm and elbow joint especially for overhead movements, and by improving your posture you can avoid these injuries as well as speed up the treatment process.

Compressing the elbow region that is injured with a bandage or a wrap can also alleviate the symptoms very effectively. It can also hold the elbow into place and help you reduce unnecessary movement. The treatment involves gradual rehabilitation, which means that you should continue with the treatment measures and gradually return to your sports or other daily activities. You should also inform your trainer or instructor about the condition, and he will make sure that you play the safe way after returning from the treatment.

In severe cases, you should keep a regular contact with your doctor who will closely monitor the condition and the improvement occurring over time. If the condition doesn’t show significant improvement, your doctor may consider certain operation and surgery options for you. The surgery may differ from person to person, and it is rarely administered. However, if no other treatment options are effective, you may immediately need invasive surgery. Usually, the doctor will closely monitor your condition for up to one year and try his best to treat you with non-surgical treatment options. However, in certain cases, the damage is not recoverable naturally, and a surgical aid may be required. The latest surgical procedures involve the removal of damaged tendons from the injured area.

A relatively different approach to the treatment of pain and inflammatory conditions developed by tennis or golfer’s syndrome is the acupuncture technique. It is scientifically accepted by many specialists and can be quite effective for alleviation of the pain. This can be coupled with massaging as well. Both of these traditional treatments can be useful for some patients. Some other less common treatment options include cortisone injections, platelet rich plasma technique, and operation or surgery.

Recovery for the tennis and Golfer’s Elbow

Usually, the pain is the best indicator to figure out how much more time it will take to recover as you experience a reduction in the degree of pain with time. Recovery time varies greatly from patient to patient depending on the severity of the condition, the strength of the injured area and other factors. It can take anywhere from a week to some months. For effective recovery, you should get back to the normal routine activities slowly and gradually according to your doctor’s advice. Once you start using your muscles and bones again, it will complement the complete healing of the injured parts. If the patient were healthy before the injury, the recovery would usually be faster. However, due to so many factors, it is not possible to precisely tell the time frame. Depending on the severity, the injury can take up to 6 months of time to recover.

Shoulder Injuries

What are Shoulder Injuries?

The shoulder injuries can be a very common type of injuries when it comes to sports. It can be considered as one of the most mobile and easily dislocated joints in the human body. Due to this factor, athletes and people involved in similar activities are very much susceptible to get such a condition. For the sports people and the people involved in athletes, this can be caused due to rigorous movement of the shoulder, overuse of the shoulder joint, too much taxing of the shoulder, overhead movements involved in certain sports, and too many repetitive movements. Many sports utilize the movement of the shoulder joint to ensure the proper shots, such as cricket, baseball, basketball, badminton, golf, tennis, bowling and other similar sports which also makes it prone to injury. If you’re an athlete, taxing your shoulder over time with repetitive, overhead movements or participating in contact sports may put your shoulder at risk for injury.

The shoulder injuries is a broad term, and therefore it can be classified in many different conditions and injuries that are associated with the shoulder. Each condition is characterized by the type of the injury, the type of body parts impacted by the injury, the severity of the injury and the causes of it. Concerning sports, these injuries related to shoulders can be classified into three most common types which are mostly experienced by the athletes and the sports people. Here are three of these most common shoulder injuries that are normally seen in the sports arena.

SLAP tear

The slap tear is a very common condition which is often seen in sports people. Our shoulder joint has a localized socket that ensures the proper fixation of the bones. The shoulder socket is covered with a ring of cartilage that is called a labrum. In this condition, the labrum wears and tears due to a heavy blow, jerk, overhead shots, repetition of the movement and the wrong movement of the shoulder. The condition causes acute and severe pain. However, the condition is developed over time with a gradual deteriorating of the cartilage. Which is why it’s very important that if the patient experience even a little pain and discomfort of the shoulder, the condition should not be ignored and proper measures should be taken to ensure that the problem gets resolved. If the condition is not addressed promptly, it can grow and cause more trouble to the patient and even result in permanent damage. Due to this tear, the patient can experience a sudden onset of pain and disability of the proper function of the joint.

Due to this injury, the people involved in sports and the athletics can experience deterioration of their performance and difficulty in moving the shoulder joint the way they are trying to do. The pain can be severe or less severe. However, the patient may feel that something is not wrong with the shoulder and it will pop out and dislocate at any minute with any movement. It is important to know and ensure that the warning signs are observed and not left unnoticed since it can result in a more terrible condition. Some of the most important warning signs include pain and discomfort due to certain movements of the shoulder on certain angles. The movement of the shoulder joint is also reduced in range, and the patient may not be able to mobilize the arm to the full range. It can be mistaken for stiffness and difficulty in stretching. The pain is also characteristic in a way that it’s difficult for the patient to pinpoint and exactly tell the place and location where the pain is coming from. If these symptoms are rightly understood, and proper action is taken at the right time, it can prevent the patient from getting further damage.

Symptoms of SLAP Tear in shoulder injuries

Some of the most common symptoms experienced by the players and sports people suffering from a shoulder injury of SLAP Tear includes:

  • Grinding feeling with the movement of shoulder joint
  • Prominent sound and friction occurring due to joint shoulder movement
  • A clicking feeling or sound occurring due to movement of the shoulder.
  • A feeling and a sound of popping in the shoulder joint upon movement.

Shoulder instability

Three factors can make the shoulder more susceptible to dislocation: repetitive overhead movement, previous dislocation, and genetics. Read Causes and Risk Factors for a Dislocated Shoulder

Another very common type of shoulder injury experienced by people involved in sports is the shoulder instability. The condition can be commonly experienced by the athletes, and it can occur in people involved in contact sports, such as soccer, hockey, and rugby. Other types of sports which include the rigorous movement and repetition of the shoulder movement also have a good portion of players experiencing shoulder instability. It is a condition which is characterized by the injury to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. As the name suggests, the instability is caused in the shoulder muscles that are supposed to cover and protect the shoulder joint. As a result, the shoulder joint is left unsecured. The humeral head is the bone of the arm located in the upper part, which gets dislocated due to the instability and the bone can dislocate and pop out completely or partially from the shoulder socket.

Due to this dislocation, the patient can experience a very severe and sudden pain. If the bone is partially dislocated, the pain can be sharp and shocking in the form of bursts and throbs. Along with the pain comes the disability of a person to use their dislocated arm and severe weakness of the shoulder. Concerning physical changes, the patient can also experience severe swelling, discoloration and the bruising on the injured area.

Rotator cuff injury

Another very common type of shoulder injury is the rotator cuff injury. In the  Rotator cuff injury, the patient’s condition is caused due to the repetition of the movement of shoulders, overhead movement, overuse of the should joint and other similar activities. People involved in a variety of sports are vulnerable to this condition. Rotator Cuff injuries may be very painful accompanied by the disability to continue sports for a while. The condition makes it very difficult for the patient to sleep, and they may get up from sleep several times during the night due to the shoulder pain. It’s also difficult to get a comfortable lying position where the shoulder doesn’t pain. The pain can get worse with moving the shoulder joint in certain angles, and it can be extended towards the rest of the arm. It can also make the usual everyday activities a challenge for the patient due to the pain, such as combing the hair.

Rotator cuff injuries are also one of the most commonly seen injuries and require more attention. The rotator cuff can be defined as the collection of different tendons and the muscles that are surrounding the shoulder joint and the socket. This is the place where the upper arm is connected strongly to the socket, and this connection is strengthened by the group of tendons and muscles called the rotator cuff. Injury to this group of muscles can result in a dull pain in the shoulder. And the condition can easily get exacerbated while making the pain worse with time. Therefore, proper care, especially with the right sleeping position, is required to treat the condition promptly and not cause further damage.

Causes of injury

If an injury causes a sudden weakness and disability, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. The most common cause in sports for this injury is a hard hit, heavy blow or contact sports. As a result, the wearing and tearing can take place in the Rotator cuff muscles. If the condition is chronic, it can be called as the rotator cuff disease.

Other causes include:

  • Overhead strokes and movements
  • Repetitive movement
  • Sudden jerking
  • Heavy hit
  • Hard blows
  • Falling on the shoulder

How to Diagnose Rotator Cuff Injuries?

The primary diagnosis includes a physical examination in which the patient is checked for any apparent symptoms of pain and swelling. The doctor may also carefully examine by moving the knee joint in different positions to see if the movement is limited and painful. Numbness is also considered to be an indication. After a physical examination, the doctor may need to carry out a diagnostic test if the doubt persists. Depending on the individual case and the severity of the condition, the doctor may conduct an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), an ultrasound test or an X-Ray Test. For the examination of tendons, muscles, and ligaments, MRI will provide sufficient evidence for possible damage. X-ray test will be able to analyze the bone condition, while the Ultrasound will help the doctor to locate and study the internal structures to see any possible damage.

Treatments for injury

Physical therapy is a very effective treatment method for the injuries related to the rotator cuff or the shoulder. The treatment may greatly differ depending on the severity of the condition as well as the type of damage an injury that is caused to the shoulder. The treatment aims to bring back the displaced joint or tendons back to their original place, increase the strength and bearing capacity of softer tendons, and improve the flexibility of the tendons and the muscles to keep the shoulder protected. Shoulder injuries may be chronic or acute, and the treatment also differs depending on the type of the injury. Normally, a single heavy blow, jerk or an injury can result in the rotator cuff injury, or the tendons and muscles may get deteriorated over time by repetitive and smaller injuries. Physical or occupational therapy, a sling or shoulder immobilizer, or surgery are the treatments that come into practice the most. You may also take medication along with the treatment, which includes NSAIDS and other over the counter drugs which can be beneficial regarding reducing symptoms and alleviating the pain. In severe cases, bold measures may be taken, and the patient can be given corticosteroid injections and cortisone injections.  The approach is only for temporary and only implied if the symptoms are unbearable for the patient. They may also have serious side effects on the patient which is why it is essential to make a favorable decision while deciding to take them.

Regarding home remedies, there are several things that you can do to treat the problems associated with your shoulder. The most important is resting your arm as much as possible and pausing your sports activities for a while. This should quickly fix any mild sprain or strain, and you may not need to get advanced treatment. However, when the symptoms are enhanced, you should try putting the ice on the area for 20 to 30 minutes at least four times a day. You can use a towel wrap to prevent direct contact of the ice with the skin so you can avoid burning. You can also use aids and slings as it can limit the movement of the shoulder in cases of acute injuries. However, you should make sure that you don’t wear the sling for a very long time to avoid stiffness of the shoulder. This is where the exercising and physical therapy becomes important, as you don’t want to jam your shoulder joint by not using it. It will also be helpful in restoring the full range movement of the arm.

Medication can also help in case of shoulder injuries, and the most common medicines that are used for this purpose are ibuprofen and naproxen. However, these medications can interfere with other underlying conditions in a patient. That is why if you are already taking some medicines previously or if you have a previous health condition you should consult the doctor to see if the medicines can react to each other or if they can affect the treatment of other medicines. You should not even use over the counter drugs against or without the prescription of a doctor or a specialist. Depending on the severity of the condition and the type of the structures damaged, it may take as from a few weeks to a few months for you to recover completely and get back to your everyday activities.

Before going for a surgery, you should consider trying other non-surgical options as well. Some of these treatment options for shoulder injuries include:

  • Steroid drugs and injections can be administered to reduce the inflammatory conditions in the tight spaces
  • Shockwave therapy can be done for shoulder injuries, also known as extracorporeal shockwave therapy. It is a common treatment that is used by orthopedic specialists for various purposes.
  • Depending on your case, you may also be a good candidate for a therapeutic ultrasound treatment. Your doctor will examine to determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment or not.
  • Another effective treatment for the shoulder injuries is called a dry needling technique. In this treatment is a common treatment administered by physical therapists for various types of injuries. The procedure is also referred to as myofascial trigger point try needling, in which a dry needle is used to treat the pain and the impaired movement without the use of medicine and anesthesia. It is also considered to be an unproven technique by some practitioners, while others find it effective. It could be a preferable substitute for surgery which is more invasive.
  • If nothing works, you may opt for surgery. In severe cases, surgery is more viable as it provides a quick fix to severely damaged or torn structures, and it can also clean up other pieces of bones. The reattachment of torn tendons ensures that it’s healed quicker. It can also fix any unnatural tightness or stretch of muscles due to injury.

For surgery, an arthroscopic technique can be used in which the surgeon inserts an arthroscope which can visualize and repair the damage. This is comparatively less invasive as compared to open surgical procedures. Surgery is also a viable option for athletes and sports people who are more interested in their career and wish to get back to the ground as soon as possible. Surgery may also be avoided for people who are above the age of sixty years. In case of rotator cuff injuries, surgery is avoided unless there is a complete tear or a degree 3 injury. The doctor may also choose to go with a surgical procedure if the injury is not responding to non-surgical treatments even after two months from the time of injury.

You may also require surgery if you were involved in a sports activity that required constant use of the shoulder. Apart from that, certain Codman exercises can prove to be helpful for the treatment of shoulder injuries. These are usually administered under the supervision of a physical therapist. It’s aimed at reducing the symptoms of pain and swelling, and enabling the natural full ranged movement of the should joint. This requires a person to lean towards the injured side and hang the arm freely. The patient should move the arm in circles slowly while it’s hanging. The proper diameter and the speed are regulated by the physical therapist, so it should be done under supervision at least for the first few times. Due to the hanging arm, It is also referred to as a pendulum exercise. Apart from that, a broom can also be used for exercising. This is done by gripping the broom with both hands and slowly moving it along a wide arc back and forth gently and slowly as it can make the softer tissues more flexible and stretch them effectively. Resting the shoulder for several days before returning to normal activity and avoiding any movements that might cause pain can be helpful. Limit overhead work or activities. Most shoulder injuries can be treated at home with a proper caring regime.

Risk factors for Rotator cuff Injuries

Risk of rotator cuff injuries is based on some different factors. As a general rule, the overall resilience and strength of the patient is a very detrimental factor. If the muscles are wrong, the injury is likely to be less severe. Apart from that, the strength of the muscles can also be affected by growing age, especially after the age of forty years. Therefore, age is another important risk factor. The type of sports that a person is involved in is also detrimental to the risk. Sports like tennis, baseball, soccer, and golf are the high-risk sports. The professional practices, as well as the medical history of the patient and his family, is also very detrimental.

Complications of Rotator Cuff Injuries

The timely treatment is one of the most important factors when it comes to rotator cuff injuries. If the problem is not addressed promptly and with intensive care, the condition can gradually become worse and even result in permanent damage. It is therefore important to demobilize the shoulder as much as possible and make use of aids like braces and strappings to reduce the movement. If proper care is practiced, the complications are less likely to happen.

Patellofemoral pain syndrome

What is Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?

The PFPS is one of the very common conditions that are experienced by the people involved in heavy sports, abbreviated as Patellofemoral pain syndrome. In common language, the condition is also called the runner’s knee. The Patellofemoral pain syndrome can be defined as a condition in which the patient experiences the pain in the knee which can either be very severe or less severe. Sometimes it may just be discomfort. However, it should be addressed in the standard way. The back of the kneecap is known as the patella which is connected with the thigh bone, medically known as the femur. The pain is characteristic to the meeting point of the femur and the patella. The condition is different from the other conditions of the knee because of its particular symptom of pain in the anterior knee which involves the retinaculum and the patella. It is difficult to know exactly what the injury is Patellofemoral pain syndrome at the time of the injury, and it may be required to run diagnostics to identify the condition. As the name suggests, the condition is very much common in people who are involved in rigorous and heavy running sports activities and other similar activities. the sports people who experience

Causes of Patellofemoral pain syndrome

Patellofemoral pain syndrome the most are cycling, running, athletics, football, soccer, and hockey. The most common reason is the sudden change in the training practices and the exercise regime of the players, or accidental injuries caused during the running. Another most common cause of Patellofemoral pain syndrome is an accidental injury. Other causes include severe hit, falling on the knee directly, stopping too quickly during a run, and quickly moving in different directions. Women are found to be more prone to patellofemoral pain syndrome in about 62% of cases due to hormonal, anatomical, neuromuscular, and knee laxity factors. 

If an injury causes a sudden weakness and disability, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. The most common cause in sports for this injury is a hard hit, heavy blow or contact sports. As a result, the wearing and tearing can take place in the femur and patella. There are several other causes and risk factors associated with the condition of Patellofemoral pain syndrome. The injury can be a result of the wrong kind and size of the shoes which may put pressure on the muscles up along the legs. Other factors are also important such as the intensity of the hit. Overtraining and intense training all also among the most common causes of this condition.

Other causes include:

  • Running several steps
  • Suddenly stopping while running
  • Legs stretching
  • Leg displacement or foot displacement while running.
  • Wrong posture and legs movement
  • Sudden jerking
  • Heavy hit
  • Hard blows
  • Falling on the knee

Signs and symptoms of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

The onset of the condition can be gradual over time, or it can be acute due to a sudden injury. Depending on the severity, the signs and symptoms can vary. In less severe cases the patient may experience a sudden discomfort in the knee during a walk or run. Diffuse peripatellar pain is experienced in this condition around the kneecap. In most cases, it’s difficult for the patient to identify the exact location of the pain. The patient may feel and experience a grinding feeling with the movement of the knee. Prominent sound and friction occurring due to knee joint movement are also experienced. The patient may also feel a clicking feeling or sound occurring due to movement of the knee. A feeling and a sound of popping in the knee joint upon movement may also occur. In such cases, the injury includes a pop sound from the knee along with the loss of control over the knee muscle. In severe cases, the movement of the knee joint is severely limited, and gradually physical signs start showing up, which may include severe pain, muscular tenderness, and swelling. The patient can experience discomfort while walking, bending knees and while sitting. The everyday activities such as walking up or down the stairs can also become a challenging task.

Diagnosis for Patellofemoral pain syndrome

As discussed before, the diagnosis for the Patellofemoral pain syndrome is not a very simple task. Therefore, a differential diagnosis is commonly carried out for Patellofemoral pain syndrome. The diagnosis of Patellofemoral pain syndrome is complicated and difficult, which is the reason why it can be easily mistaken as another syndrome, such as, Osgood–Schlatter disease. Prepatellar bursitis, Sinding-Larsen, and Johansson syndrome, plica syndrome and patellar tendinitis. There isn’t any single best method for the diagnosis of the Patellofemoral pain syndrome, as the muscle damaged and the conditions can vary among different patients greatly, and some other diseases, problems, and health conditions can result in a similar kind of a pain in the knee. Therefore, a differential diagnosis is administered to eliminate the possibilities of other conditions.

The diagnosis is initialized with a careful examination of the patient’s history as well as the physical examination. The medical history also has a lot to tell about the condition, and it’s essential for an effective treatment of the patient in this case.

Once the initial examination is performed, and the doubts are reduced, the doctor may follow up with diagnostic procedures. The techniques used in this case are radiographic investigations, ultrasonography, the differential diagnosis, and sonographic evaluations. If necessary, the doctor may also use MRI scans to find out the exact location of the damage.

From acquired results, a careful evaluation is performed by the doctor to ensure the condition of the patient precisely. This phase includes thorough examination and assessment of every individual and unique case. The patient is laid in a supine or elevated position, and the movement and flexion of the knee and legs are examined.

The condition is also tested by a squeeze procedure, in which the injured part of the patient is squeezed to check for pain, tenderness of the femur and patella area. The diagnosis also includes the identification of the grading and category for the condition.

Treatment of Sciatica

The treatment for sciatica is based on the diagnosis, the cause of the pain and depends greatly on the severity of the condition. Mostly the patients can rely on the treatments such as medication, muscular relaxant pills, reducing inflammation with the help of medicine, resting, and physical therapy. The condition can get better with time. However, in certain cases, it can persist, and intermittent pain can be experienced. In most cases, the condition is improved, and the pain is alleviated without the need for surgery. However, in severe cases, sports people, as well as other people, may require a surgical procedure to alleviate the symptoms of pain. Cortisone injections are also used for the treatment of sciatica pain.

As the condition of sciatica has so much to do with a variety of specialization subjects, people in different medical sectors can assist and help treat the condition. After the evaluation and diagnosis of sciatica, a variety of generalists, specialists and subspecialists can treat the condition. Specialists in the fields of general medicine, internal medicine, gynecology, family medicine, orthopedic specialists, physiatrists and even neurosurgeons can administer a variety of techniques to treat the condition. Other specialties that deal with sciatica pain also include massage therapists, rheumatologists, chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, and psychologists. The effectiveness of the treatment therefore greatly depends on the reaching out to the right specialists for your kind of sciatica.

Apart from these factors, an important question is what are the treatment options available to sciatic patients and what approach should be taken to ensure effective treatment? Although the conventionally accepted approach to pain treatment such as resting is widely accepted for most conditions, research shows that for sciatica it isn’t the most amazing way to treat the condition. Therefore, the cause of the sciatica pain is detrimental for the choice of the treatment. Effective treatment may include the treatment of the secondary underlying cause or health condition which is causing the sciatica pain or making use of physical therapy. For chronic forms of sciatica which become persistent, treatment options like transcutaneous nerve stimulators can be effective. Apart from that, the exercising, working out and stretching is quite useful to treat the condition of sciatica and help people get back on their feet. Other treatment options include chiropractic therapy, massage therapy or acupuncture therapy. On top of physical treatment options, medications and painkillers can also prove to be a promising and effective treatment option. These may also include the medicines for inflammation as well as for depression. Certain medicines are also capable of dimming the ability of our brain to feel pain, which can work for patients suffering from severe sciatica pain. Depending on the severity of the condition and the underlying cause of sciatica, surgical treatment or operation may also be required for certain patients who are suffering from persistent and chronic sciatica with severe pain. Applications and training of pain management also play a significant role in the treatment and alleviation of the symptoms.

Recovery from Sciatica

The recovery time of sciatica varies greatly because of its dependency on the factors such as the underlying cause of the persistent sciatica pain, the severity of the condition and the capability of the patient’s body to recover from the condition. In certain conditions, such as the hernia of the disc, the degenerative lumbar spine syndrome, the back sprains and conditions such as shingles can lead to comparatively quicker recovery as these conditions are temporary, reversible and treatable. Sciatica that occurs due to these conditions can be treatment in a matter of days or a couple of weeks. However, in more severe and persistent cases, sciatica can be something extremely stubborn and persistent. Such a condition is referred to as chronic sciatica and may even require surgical procedures for the alleviation of pain.

Usually, the pain is the best indicator to figure out how much more time it will take to recover as you experience a reduction in the degree of pain with time. Recovery time varies greatly from patient to patient depending on the severity of the condition, the strength of the injured area, the type of causes of sciatica and other factors. For your part in effective recovery, you should avoid the normal routine activities according to your doctor’s advice. Due to so many factors, it is not possible to precisely tell the time frame. Depending on the severity, the sciatica pain from injury can take from a few weeks to 6 months of time to recover.

Hamstring Muscle Injuries

What is a Hamstring Strain?

A hamstring injury is a strain or tear that is characteristic to the areas of tendons, back, thighs, and the larger muscles. It is most commonly observed in people involved in sports and athletes. Depending on the causes the severity can range from mild to extremely severe.

While some different injuries, such as pulled hamstring can be considered as a hamstring muscle injury, there are certain things common in this condition. Hamstring muscle surgery is common in people who are involved in running, sprinting, exertion, walking too much, rigorous training, and sports such as soccer, football, basketball, and other similar sports that need a lot of movement of the legs and excessive exertion. The condition of a pulled hamstring injury or a strain is involved in the pulling and damage of one or more than one muscles located in the thigh area. In most cases, hamstring pulls, and muscular injuries are easily treatable and don’t cause too much trouble. However, in certain cases, the condition can be extremely severe. Nonetheless, there is a lot that can be done to treat the condition, and surgical procedures are very rarely needed to address the most severe cases.

What is a Hamstring Muscle?

Hamstring muscle is a kind of large muscles that extends from the start till the end of the posterior side of thighs. The muscles can be further divided into three main types, namely biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. These muscles begin from the end of the pelvic region from the point of ischial tuberosity and extend down to intersect the knee joint and crawl further towards the lower part of the leg. These muscles usually consist of strong tissues used for connective purposes, and these are responsible for the power that we have in our legs, which is comparatively a lot more than other parts of our body. These muscles are what helps us with the movement of our leg joints, walking, sitting, bending, lying and everything that our legs are capable of doing.

The injuries and strain related to the hamstring muscles can be in the form of muscle tearing, muscular, complete tearing or the partial tearing of the muscles. The grading of these muscles is dependent on how severe is the damage caused to the muscle. The healing time of hamstring muscle injuries can be as long as 3 months in case of severe injuries. The most common part that is damaged as a result of hamstring muscle injury is the thicker and core region of the muscles where the tendons and muscles are joined. In the most severe grade 3 cases, the tendons are entirely ripped off from the bones, and in certain cases, a part of the bone is also torn away with it. This most severe type of muscular hamstring injury is referred to as avulsion injury.

Grades of Hamstring Muscle Injuries

There are different grades for Hamstring Muscle Injuries similar to other injuries, depending on the severity of the injury, condition and the symptoms occurring in the patient. The three grades are:

Grade 1: This is the mildest grade for hamstring injuries. It includes less than moderate pain, while the patient retains the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Grade 2: This is characterized by moderate pain, while the patient partially retains the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Grade 3: This condition usually includes severe pain, while the patient loses the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Causes of Hamstring muscle injuries

There can be a variety of different reasons which can be responsible for mild or severe cases of hamstring muscle injuries. One of the most common cause for Hamstring injury is muscle overload, which can result in the straining of the hamstring muscles. Such a condition may occur if the larger muscle is pulled or stretching too much beyond its threshold of getting back into the place. In this way, it can even get pulled off or ripped off from the bone. This can happen as a result of putting a lot of loads all of a sudden. The most common reasons for this cause include accidents, heavy blows, and sports injuries.

A phenomenon called eccentric contraction can also lead to the occurrence of hamstring muscle strains and injuries due to the lengthening of the hamstring muscles while contracting or shortening. A pressure put on the muscle due to contraction and getting pulled to lengthen it at the same time can result in tearing of the muscle. At the time of running or doing something similar, the eccentric contraction of the muscles is prominently happening. As the running begins, the runner uses the toe to straighten the leg and sprint forward, which is the moment when eccentric contraction takes place. Avulsions are the most severe form of hamstring tendon and muscular injuries, which are caused as a result of putting a lot of load on the tendons all of a sudden.

Risk Factors associated with hamstring muscle injuries

There are some risk factors associated with hamstring muscle injuries. However, the most important ones deserve the attention. The risk of hamstring muscle injury can be increased due to the tightness of muscles which renders it susceptible to strain. This is the reason which makes the warming up and stretching part before getting involved in rigorous sports and works out so important. Another factor is the lack of balance of the muscles due to the difference in the strength of the muscles opposite to each other. Due to such an imbalance, a strain can be caused. This kind of training is usually caused by hamstring muscle due to its size and the scope of imbalance. Hamstring muscles consist of more powerful front muscles while the posterior muscles are less strong, which can experience fatigue quicker than the stronger muscles on the front. As a result, hamstring muscle injuries and strains can take place. Fatigue can also occur due to other reasons, such as the ability of the muscles to absorb and retain the energy and protect itself from the injuries and heavy blows. Furthermore, another important factor is the condition and the strength of the muscles; if the muscles are strong, they are less likely to get damaged from the exercising, training, pressures and the stress resulting from it. Another factor that matters in determining the risk is the type of activities that a sportsperson chooses to take. Although hamstring muscle injuries can be experienced by any person, certain activities put the people involved in the more at risk of getting a hamstring muscle injury. These activities include certain sports such as basketball, soccer, football, and other activities such as athletics, dancing, running and old age athletics. Since the body is growing unequally at adolescence, people at this age are more at risk of getting a hamstring muscle injury. At the time of growth spurt, bones are capable of growing quicker than the muscles. As a result, the muscles can be pulled and lengthened due to a stretch being caused by a very sudden growth.

Symptoms of Hamstring Muscle injuries

As easy as it is to imagine, hamstring muscle injuries can be very painful at times. The extent of the symptoms however greatly depends on the severity of the injury and the grade. The symptoms that result from hamstring muscles injury includes a sudden and sharp pain in the back region of the thigh due to the injury which will make a sprinting person stop at once or fall terribly. Due to the damage, other symptoms can also show up, such as swelling and redness soon after the injury or after a few hours, bruises and change of color impact on the skin due to internal bleeding or other reasons, and the weakness of the tendons and hamstring muscles which can be prolonged for a couple of months.

Diagnosis for Hamstring Muscle Injury

The primary diagnosis includes a physical examination in which the patient is checked for any apparent symptoms of pain and swelling. The diagnosis is initialized with a careful examination of the patient’s history as well as the physical examination. The doctor may move the muscles, and check for pain, swelling, palpations, tenderness and other physical symptoms. The medical history also has a lot to tell about the condition, and it’s essential for an effective treatment of the patient in this case. The doctor may also carefully examine by moving the thigh and knee joint in different positions to see if the movement is limited and painful. Numbness is also considered to be an indication. After a physical examination, the doctor may need to carry out a diagnostic test if the doubt persists. Depending on the individual case and the severity of the condition, the doctor may conduct an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), an ultrasound test or an X-Ray Test. For the examination of tendons, muscles, and ligaments, MRI will provide sufficient evidence for possible damage. An X-ray test will be able to analyze the bone condition. Imaging tests are most important for accurate diagnosis.

By acquired results, a careful evaluation is performed by the doctor to ensure the condition of the patient precisely and the severity of it. This phase includes thorough examination and assessment of every individual and unique case. The patient is laid in a supine position, and the movement and flexion of the hip and legs are examined.

Treatment for Hamstring Muscle Injuries

Depending on the type and reason of the injury, and the location of the injured area, the treatment for the Hamstring Muscle Injury will be different. The treatment may also be different depending on the consent of the patient as well as the severity and the grade of the injury. The core purpose of the treatment is to normalize the condition of the Hamstring Muscle Injury and achieve painless movement and healing. Only in severe cases, a surgical procedure may be required to treat the Hamstring Muscle Injury. However, in most cases, non-surgical procedures are recommended and opted by the specialists as much as possible. It is very important to comply with the measure and directions of the doctor to ensure effective treatment and restoration of the muscular health.

In most cases of Hamstring injury apart from severe cases, the injuries can easily heal naturally. Nonetheless, you must always make sure that you take enough rest to allow time for your injury to heal. For speeding up the healing and recovery, there are certain measures that you can take.

Icing can be done as an effective way to treat hamstring injuries related symptoms. This involves putting ice on the injured area for up to 15 to 25 minutes several times a day. It should help reduce the swelling and alleviating the pain. Upon the offset of these symptoms, you should stop the icing treatment.

For resting your leg, you need to take some proper measures in hamstring injuries. it can be done bests by avoiding walking, running and all types of sports that involve legs for a while. This will allow your body to focus its energy on healing the injured leg. Resting is more important than other treatments and if you take it for granted other treatments may also not work. Therefore, make sure you don’t put any pressure on the injured leg as it can reverse the healing and cause symptoms to show up again.

Along with resting, you can also consider a physical therapy if you are more concerned about the severity of your condition. A physical therapist will ensure that everything goes smoothly and you can recover quicker. It can also help you avoid stiffness that can be caused due to the lack of activities during the rest period. You should be aiming for a proper stretch, flexibility, and improved movement.

Compression therapy can also be performed as it helps alleviate the symptoms in most cases. Compression is done with the help of a bandage in most cases, but some other technique may be used depending on the type of the injury. The bests way to go about it in consultation with an expert, and it’s even better if you let the expert to the job. Once done you can mimic the same approach if it works out for you. This should also be coupled with the elevation technique, the one that you usually see in hospitals. It involves the lifting of the leg when the patient is lying down or sitting. At home, you can do this by putting a pillow under your leg as it will allow your leg to elevate. Use multiple pillows if required.

Apart from these physical treatments, you can also opt for medical treatments. In most cases, it won’t be necessary. However, if you’re not able to bear the pain and the acute symptoms, you can opt for medications. The common medicines that are used for hamstring injuries are over the counter drugs, such as Motrin and Advil, or other NSAIDs that can make the pain and other symptoms tolerable. You should understand that these medications work at the cost of side effects. Therefore, if you feel that the pain is better than the side effects that you may suffer from, it is best to avoid taking those medications. Your doctor will carefully examine your condition to tell you if you require medication or not.

Apart from all these treatment options, you can opt for proper exercising. Exercising should not be ignored for the treatment unless otherwise instructed by your doctor or physical therapist. Some of these exercises may be a part of your physical therapy, while there are others that you can try on your own. You must make sure that if any of your exercises in your workout regime is causing even the slightest trouble to your injured area, you must immediately stop doing that and consult your physical therapist to try something else that works for you. Some of the most effective exercises may involve strengthening and stretching exercises. Strengthening exercises should also be a part of your regular workout, as it can prevent you from having a hamstring injury at the first place.

If the problem and symptoms persist and the case is severe, you may require undergoing an operation or a surgery to fix the problem. However, this is very rare, and most hamstring injuries can heal naturally. Surgery may involve the reattachment of a torn hamstring muscle.

Another part of your treatment is to take proper measures to prevent further injury or worsening of the situation. this complementary approach involves the use of aids, crutches and other things that would help to prevent you from getting into further trouble. You should also avoid lifting any weights or putting any pressure on the legs. All of these approaches may be administered until the patient is recovered and the symptoms are gone. You should be able to get back on the sports ground and easily use and move your legs to the full range.

Recovery for Hamstring Muscle Injuries

In most cases, a rehab therapy results in complete recovery from hamstring muscle injuries. Physical therapies along with the RICE treatment can effectively treat the condition and get the patient back on the ground. However, there is a chance of healing process getting reversed if proper measures are not taken and if healing has not completed. Therefore, it’s essential to let your injured muscles recover completely by following the protocol provided by the doctor to eliminate the chances of getting repetitive injuries, chronic conditions, and permanent damage. Recovery time varies greatly from patient to patient depending on the severity of the condition, the strength of the injured area, the type of causes of the Hamstring muscle injury and other factors. For your part in effective recovery, you should avoid the normal routine activities according to your doctor’s advice. Depending on the severity, the Hamstring muscle injury can take from a few weeks to a couple of months of time to recover. Hamstring muscle injuries are painful. Therefore, usually, the pain is the best indicator to figure out how much more time it will take to recover as you experience a reduction in the degree of pain with time.  A regular visit to the doctor will ensure that it’s time to go ahead.

Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow


What Is Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow?

As the name suggests, Tennis and Golfer’s elbow is a condition that usually occurs in people involved in certain types of sports that makes use of the arm extensively. The condition is characterized by inflammation and pain in the muscles and tendons that serve connective purposes on the arm and the elbow. It specifically functions to enjoin the forearm with the elbow. For Golfer’s elbow, the condition is also known as medial epicondylitis in medical terms. The inner area of the elbow is affected which causes an extending pain towards the forearm. The condition may be mild or severe, and it may be treated easily or require prolonged caring. The painful condition and inflammation are developed due to the overuse and overexertion of the muscles of the arm. This mostly happens in athletes, in cases where the overuse of the arm, too much rotating, gripping and flexing of the wrist can result in inflammation. As a tennis or golf player, one requires to twist swing and rotating the forearm and the muscles located there in certain ways to set up for the right shot. As a result, the muscles and tendons can be damaged, degenerated and get torn.

Nonetheless, the name doesn’t imply that these forms of tendinitis conditions are only experienced by tennis players or golf players. In fact, anyone can experience this type of inflammation of tendons. There are people from other sports as well who experience this condition frequently, such as baseball players, basketball players, and bowling players. The tennis elbow tendinitis is characterized as the inflammation of the outside tendons, while the golf elbow tendinitis is characterized by tendinitis of the inner tendons of the elbow. Tennis elbow is also known as lateral epicondylitis, while the golf elbow is medically termed as medial epicondylitis.

Symptoms for Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow

The patients suffering from golf and tennis elbow can experience several symptoms that can indicate the injury and the severity of the injury. While the symptoms may vary from patient to patient, some of the most commonly observed symptoms of tennis and golf elbow syndrome are:

  • Burning sensation inside the elbow (golf elbow)
  • Burning sensation outside the elbow (Tennis Elbow)
  • Pain in the affected area of the injury which can spread towards the wrist through the forearm.
  • Numbness of the elbow
  • The weakness of the elbow
  • Difficulty and pain in the movement of the elbow
  • The difficulty, pain, and weakness in the movement of the wrist
  • Difficulty in gripping the objects
  • Tenderness inside of the elbow and extending along with the tendons
  • Swelling of the affected area
  • The stiffness of the injured area
  • Pain during the gripping and fisting of the wrist.
  • Tingling and numbing sensations on the elbow which is extended towards  the forearm and the wrist
  • Difficulty in doing everyday things, such as pouring coffee, shaking hands, moving the arm, and typing on the keyboard.

Both injuries are usually the result of repetitive strain on the tendons, and although you don’t have to be a golfer or tennis player to experience them, the repeated forceful motions involved in both sports make them very common.

Treatment for Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow

Natural and non-invasive treatments are usually recommended for tennis and golfer’s elbow syndromes. The right approach to treat this condition is the treatment of the causes instead of alleviating the symptoms of the condition. It could include a personal treatment plan, healthy diet plan, changes to the lifestyle and exercising regime. Due to the overuse and overexertion, the painful and inflammatory condition can be specifically treated. Tennis elbow is usually experienced by people involved in the different profession and its most commonly found in the people within the age group of 30 to 50 years old.  On the other hand, the golf elbow syndrome which affects the inner tendons of the elbow is experienced by people that practice golf, swimming, painting, tennis, rowing, and baseball. Due to the improper use of the technique, gripping and moving repetitively, and throwing and lifting improperly, golf elbow can result in injury to the inner tendons.

There are many things that should be taken into account, including the type of the injury, the severity of the injury, and the structures that are damaged due to the injury to determine the right and effective type of the treatment for golf or tennis elbow syndrome. However, for mild to moderate conditions the approach for the treatment remains common in most cases. Some of the common and most effective minimally invasive and non-surgical treatment options available are the ones you should start with.

The best approach you can take for the treatment of golfer’s and tennis elbow injuries is to start off with the right treatment options as soon as possible. Earlier treatment can save you from a lot of trouble in the long run as the symptoms keep developing gradually if proper care is not given. The sooner you start with your treatment, the earlier it will be possible for you to continue your sports practices.

The injury can start off slow but gradually develop into severe conditions. Sometimes mild pain is ignored by the players who become a reason for critical conditions. Therefore, it’s imperative that you take proper rest as soon as the symptoms start to show up. The rest usually involve a break on your sports activities and minimizing the use of your arm and elbow. You should immobilize your arm to allow it to heal your injured structures. Once the pain is gone, and you’re able to move the elbow easily, and to the full range, you can continue with your sports again while administering proper preventive measures to avoid recurrence.

If the pain keeps on troubling your arm despite immobility, you can use ice on the injured elbow and nearby area. It can immediately soothe your pain and reduce the swelling. You should also make sure that you don’t use ice directly on your skin to avoid ice burns. You can wrap the ice into some covering, such as a thin cloth or towel, and use it for 25 minutes after every 2 to 3 hours throughout the day. It may take a few days to eliminate pain and swelling with this treatment.

You can also take medicines for the tennis and golfer’s elbow syndrome if the pain and discomfort are bothering you. Ibuprofen and aspirin work well for this purpose. Other OTCs are available on the market, and you should go for non-steroid drugs. These medicines may have a side effect, and they should only be used minimally. If these medicines don’t work, alternative medical treatments may be administered, such as injections of corticosteroids for temporary and short-term relief. They are effective regarding alleviating the symptoms. However, it’s not a permanent solution especially in case of severe conditions that take a lot of time to recover. Medical advancements have also unleashed another innovative method of treatment for this injury, which is known as PRP or platelet-rich plasma technique.

Since the immobility and support are important in this regard, you should go for physical aids and braces to keep the injured arm in place and avoid jerking. It can reduce the pressure and the strain on the muscles that are sensitive due to injury. Counterforce braces may be advised by your doctor or physical therapist.

Stretching and strengthening exercises also play an important role in the treatment of tennis and golfers elbow injuries. These exercises can also prevent you from getting an injury and help you avoid secondary injuries. A characteristic exercise for this type of injury is administered by the physical therapists, which involves the lengthening of the wrist extensor muscles. This exercise is particularly effective for these injuries. For this injury type, a number of other physical aids can also be used to support your arm and limiting the movement, such as strapping, braces, supporting pads and other aids that are relevant to arm support. You should also ensure that corrective measures are taken, as the very cause of your tennis or Golfer’s elbow could be wrong training practices and angles of movement. By improving the movement of your arm and elbow joint especially for overhead movements, and by improving your posture you can avoid these injuries as well as speed up the treatment process.

Compressing the elbow region that is injured with a bandage or a wrap can also alleviate the symptoms very effectively. It can also hold the elbow into place and help you reduce unnecessary movement. The treatment involves gradual rehabilitation, which means that you should continue with the treatment measures and gradually return to your sports or other daily activities. you should also inform your trainer or instructor about the condition, and he will make sure that you play the safe way after returning from the treatment.

In severe cases, you should keep a regular contact with your doctor who will closely monitor the condition and the improvement occurring over time. If the condition doesn’t show significant improvement, your doctor may consider certain operation and surgery options for you. The surgery may differ from person to person, and it is rarely administered. However, if no other treatment options are effective, you may immediately need invasive surgery. Usually, the doctor will closely monitor your condition for up to one year and try his best to treat you with non-surgical treatment options. However, in certain cases, the damage is not recoverable naturally, and a surgical aid may be required. The latest surgical procedures involve the removal of damaged tendons from the injured area.

A relatively different approach to the treatment of pain and inflammatory conditions developed by tennis or golfer’s syndrome is the acupuncture technique. It is scientifically accepted by many specialists and can be quite effective for alleviation of the pain. This can be coupled with massaging as well. Both of these traditional treatments can be useful for some patients. Some other less common treatment options include cortisone injections, platelet rich plasma technique, and operation or surgery.

Recovery for the tennis and Golfer’s Elbow

Usually, the pain is the best indicator to figure out how much more time it will take to recover as you experience a reduction in the degree of pain with time. Recovery time varies greatly from patient to patient depending on the severity of the condition, the strength of the injured area and other factors. It can take anywhere from a week to a number of months. For effective recovery, you should get back to the normal routine activities slowly and gradually according to your doctor’s advice. Once you start using your muscles and bones again, it will complement the complete healing of the injured parts. If the patient was healthy before the injury, the recovery would usually be faster. However, due to so many factors, it is not possible to precisely tell the time frame. Depending on the severity, the injury can take up to 6 months of time to recover.

Shoulder Injuries

What are Shoulder Injuries?

The shoulder injuries can be a very common type of injuries when it comes to sports. It can be considered as one of the most mobile and easily dislocated joints in the human body. Due to this factor, athletes and people involved in similar activities are very much susceptible to get such a condition. For the sports people and the people involved in athletes, this can be caused due to rigorous movement of the shoulder, overuse of the shoulder joint, too much taxing of the shoulder, overhead movements involved in certain sports, and too many repetitive movements. A number of sports utilize the movement of the shoulder joint to ensure the proper shots, such as cricket, baseball, basketball, badminton, golf, tennis, bowling and other similar sports which also makes it prone to injury. If you’re an athlete, taxing your shoulder over time with repetitive, overhead movements or participating in contact sports may put your shoulder at risk for injury.

The shoulder injuries is a broad term, and therefore it can be classified in a number of different conditions and injuries that are associated with the shoulder. Each condition is characterized by the type of the injury, the type of body parts impacted by the injury, the severity of the injury and the causes of it. In terms of sports, these injuries related to shoulders can be classified into three most common types which are mostly experienced by the athletes and the sports people. Here are three of these most common shoulder injuries that are normally seen in the sports arena.

SLAP tear

The slap tear is a very common condition which is often seen in sports people. Our shoulder joint has a localized socket that ensures the proper fixation of the bones. The shoulder socket is covered with a ring of cartilage that is called a labrum. In this condition, the labrum wears and tears due to a heavy blow, jerk, overhead shots, repetition of the movement and the wrong movement of the shoulder. The condition causes acute and severe pain. However, the condition is developed over time with a gradual deteriorating of the cartilage. Which is why it’s very important that if the patient experience even a little pain and discomfort of the shoulder, the condition should not be ignored and proper measures should be taken to ensure that the problem gets resolved. If the condition is not addressed in a timely manner, it can grow and cause more trouble to the patient and even result in permanent damage. Due to this tear, the patient can experience a sudden onset of pain and disability of the proper function of the joint.

Due to this injury, the people involved in sports and the athletics can experience deterioration of their performance and difficulty in moving the shoulder joint the way they are trying to do. The pain can be severe or less severe. However, the patient may feel that something is not wrong with the shoulder and it will pop out and dislocate at any minute with any movement. It is important to know and ensure that the warning signs are observed and not left unnoticed since it can result in a more terrible condition. Some of the most important warning signs include pain and discomfort due to certain movements of the shoulder on certain angles. The movement of the shoulder joint is also reduced in range, and the patient may not be able to mobilize the arm to the full range. It can be mistaken for stiffness and difficulty in stretching. The pain is also characteristic in a way that it’s difficult for the patient to pinpoint and exactly tell the place and location where the pain is coming from. If these symptoms are rightly understood, and proper action is taken at the right time, it can prevent the patient from getting further damage.

Symptoms of SLAP Tear in shoulder injuries

Some of the most common symptoms experienced by the players and sports people suffering from a shoulder injury of SLAP Tear includes:

  • Grinding feeling with the movement of shoulder joint
  • Prominent sound and friction occurring due to joint shoulder movement
  • A clicking feeling or sound is occurring due to movement of the shoulder.
  • A feeling and a sound of popping in the shoulder joint upon movement.

Shoulder instability

Three factors can make the shoulder more susceptible to dislocation: repetitive overhead movement, previous dislocation, and genetics. Read Causes and Risk Factors for a Dislocated Shoulder

Another very common type of shoulder injury experienced by people involved in sports is the shoulder instability. The condition can be commonly experienced by the athletes, and it can occur in people involved in contact sports, such as soccer, hockey, and rugby. Other types of sports which include the rigorous movement and repetition of the shoulder movement also have a good portion of players experiencing shoulder instability. It is a condition which is characterized by the injury to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. As the name suggests, the instability is caused in the shoulder muscles that are supposed to cover and protect the shoulder joint. As a result, the shoulder joint is left unsecured. The humeral head is the bone of the arm located in the upper part, which gets dislocated due to the instability and the bone can dislocate and pop out completely or partially from the shoulder socket.

Due to this dislocation, the patient can experience a very severe and sudden pain. If the bone is partially dislocated, the pain can be sharp and shocking in the form of bursts and throbs. Along with the pain comes the disability of a person to use their dislocated arm and severe weakness of the shoulder. In terms of physical changes, the patient can also experience severe swelling, discoloration and the bruising on the injured area.

Rotator cuff injury

Another very common type of shoulder injury is the rotator cuff injury. In the  Rotator cuff injury, the patient’s condition is caused due to the repetition of the movement of shoulders, overhead movement, overuse of the should joint and other similar activities. People involved in a variety of sports are vulnerable to this condition. Rotator Cuff injuries may be very painful accompanied by the disability to continue sports for a while. The condition makes it very difficult for the patient to sleep, and they may get up from sleep several times during the night due to the shoulder pain. It’s also difficult to get a comfortable lying position where the shoulder doesn’t pain. The pain can get worse with moving the shoulder joint in certain angles, and it can be extended towards the rest of the arm. It can also make the usual everyday activities a challenge for the patient due to the pain, such as combing the hair.

Rotator cuff injuries are also one of the most commonly seen injuries and require more attention. The rotator cuff can be defined as the collection of different tendons and the muscles that are surrounding the shoulder joint and the socket. This is the place where the upper arm is connected strongly to the socket, and this connection is strengthened by the group of tendons and muscles called the rotator cuff. Injury to this group of muscles can result in a dull pain in the shoulder. And the condition can easily get exacerbated while making the pain worse with time. Therefore, proper care, especially with the right sleeping position, is required to treat the condition in a timely manner and not cause further damage.

Causes of injury

If an injury causes a sudden weakness and disability, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. The most common cause in sports for this injury is a hard hit, heavy blow or contact sports. As a result, the wearing and tearing can take place in the Rotator cuff muscles. If the condition is chronic, it can be called as the rotator cuff disease.

Other causes include:

  • Overhead strokes and movements
  • Repetitive movement
  • Sudden jerking
  • Heavy hit
  • Hard blows
  • Falling on the shoulder

How to Diagnose Rotator Cuff Injuries?

The primary diagnosis includes a physical examination in which the patient is checked for any apparent symptoms of pain and swelling. The doctor may also carefully examine by moving the knee joint in different positions to see if the movement is limited and painful. Numbness is also considered to be an indication. After a physical examination, the doctor may need to carry out a diagnostic test if the doubt persists. Depending on the individual case and the severity of the condition, the doctor may conduct an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), an ultrasound test or an X-Ray Test. For the examination of tendons, muscles, and ligaments, MRI will provide sufficient evidence for possible damage. X-ray test will be able to analyze the bone condition, while the Ultrasound will help the doctor to locate and study the internal structures to see any possible damage.

Treatments for injury

Physical therapy is a very effective treatment method for the injuries related to the rotator cuff or the shoulder. The treatment may greatly differ depending on the severity of the condition as well as the type of damage an injury that is caused to the shoulder. The treatment aims to bring back the displaced joint or tendons back to their original place, increase the strength and bearing capacity of softer tendons, and improve the flexibility of the tendons and the muscles to keep the shoulder protected. Shoulder injuries may be chronic or acute, and the treatment also differs depending on the type of the injury. Normally, a single heavy blow, jerk or an injury can result in the rotator cuff injury, or the tendons and muscles may get deteriorated over time by repetitive and smaller injuries. Physical or occupational therapy, a sling or shoulder immobilizer, or surgery are the treatments that come into practice the most. You may also take medication along with the treatment, which includes NSAIDS and other over the counter drugs which can be beneficial in terms of reducing symptoms and alleviating the pain. In severe cases, bold measures may be taken, and the patient can is given corticosteroid injections and cortisone injections. Although they would reduce the pain. However, they approach temporary and only implied if the symptoms are unbearable for the patient. they may also have serious side effects on the patient which is why it is important to make a favorable decision while deciding to take them.

In terms of home remedies, there are several things that you can do to treat the problems associated with your shoulder. The most important is resting your arm as much as possible and pausing your sports activities for a while. This should quickly fix any mild sprain or strain, and you may not need to get advanced treatment. However, when the symptoms are enhanced, you should try putting the ice on the area for 20 to 30 minutes at least four times a day. You can use a towel wrap in order to prevent direct contact of the ice with the skin so you can avoid burning. You can also use aids and slings as it can limit the movement of the shoulder in cases of acute injuries. however, you should make sure that you don’t wear the sling for a very long time in order to avoid stiffness of the shoulder. This is where the exercising and physical therapy becomes important, as you don’t want to jam your shoulder joint by not using it. It will also be helpful in restoring the full range movement of the arm.

Medication can also help in case of shoulder injuries, and the most common medicines that are used for this purpose are ibuprofen and naproxen. However, these medications can interfere with other underlying conditions in a patient. That is why if you are already taking some medicines previously or if you have a previous health condition you should consult the doctor to see if the medicines can react to each other or if they can affect the treatment of other medicines. You should not even use over the counter drugs against or without the prescription of a doctor or a specialist. Depending on the severity of the condition and the type of the structures damaged, it may take as from a few weeks to a few months for you to recover completely and get back to your everyday activities.

Before going for a surgery, you should consider trying other non-surgical options as well. Some of these treatment options for shoulder injuries include:

  • Steroid drugs and injections can be administered to reduce the inflammatory conditions in the tight spaces
  • Shockwave therapy can be done for shoulder injuries, also known as extracorporeal shockwave therapy. It is a common treatment that is used by orthopedic specialists for various purposes.
  • Depending on your individual case, you may also be a good candidate for a therapeutic ultrasound treatment. Your doctor will carry out an examination to determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment or not.
  • Another effective treatment for the shoulder injuries is called a dry needling technique. In this treatment is a common treatment administered by physical therapists for various types of injuries. the procedure is also referred to as myofascial trigger point try needling, in which a dry needle is used to treat the pain and the impaired movement without the use of medicine and anesthesia. It is also considered to be an unproven technique by some practitioners, while others find it effective. It could be a preferable substitute for surgery which is more invasive.
  • If nothing works, you may opt for surgery. In severe cases, surgery is more viable as it provides a quick fix to severely damaged or torn structures, and it can also clean up other pieces of bones. The reattachment of torn tendons ensures that it’s healed quicker. It can also fix any unnatural tightness or stretch of muscles due to injury.

For surgery, the arthroscopic technique can be used in which the surgeon inserts an arthroscope which can visualize and repair the damage. This is comparatively less invasive as compared to open surgical procedures. Surgery is also a viable option for athletes and sports people who are more interested in their career and wish to get back to the ground as soon as possible. Surgery may also be avoided for people who are above the age of sixty years. In case of rotator cuff injuries, surgery is avoided unless there is a complete tear or a degree 3 injury. The doctor may also choose to go with a surgical procedure if the injury is not responding to non-surgical treatments even after 2 months from the time of injury.

You may also require surgery if you were involved in a sports activity that required constant use of the shoulder. Apart from that, there are certain Codman exercises that can prove to be helpful for the treatment of shoulder injuries. these are usually administered under the supervision of a physical therapist. It’s aimed at reducing the symptoms of pain and swelling, and enabling the natural full ranged movement of the should joint. This requires a person to lean towards the injured side and hang the arm freely. The patient should move the arm in circles slowly while it’s hanging. The proper diameter and the speed are regulated by the physical therapist, so it should be done under supervision at least for the first few times. Due to the hanging arm, It is also referred to as a pendulum exercise. Apart from that, a broom can also be used for exercising. This is done by gripping the broom with both hands and slowly moving it along a wide arc back and forth gently and slowly as it can make the softer tissues more flexible and stretch them effectively. Resting the shoulder for several days before returning to normal activity and avoiding any movements that might cause pain can be helpful. Limit overhead work or activities. Most shoulder injuries can be treated at home with a proper caring regime.

Risk factors for Rotator cuff Injuries

Risk of rotator cuff injuries is based on a number of different factors. As a general rule, the overall resilience and strength of the patient is a very detrimental factor. If the muscles are wrong, the injury is likely to be less severe. Apart from that, the strength of the muscles can also be affected by growing age, especially after the age of forty years. Therefore, age is another important risk factor. The type of sports that a person is involved in is also detrimental to the risk. Sports like tennis, baseball, soccer, and golf are the high-risk sports. The occupational practices, as well as the medical history of the patient and his family, is also very detrimental.

Complications of Rotator Cuff Injuries

The timely treatment is one of the most important factors when it comes to rotator cuff injuries. If the problem is not addressed in a timely manner and with intensive care, the condition can gradually become worse and even result in permanent damage. It is therefore important to demobilize the shoulder as much as possible and make use of aids like braces and strappings to reduce the movement. If proper care is practiced, the complications are less likely to happen.

Patellofemoral pain syndrome

What is Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?

The PFPS is one of the very common conditions that are experienced by the people involved in heavy sports, abbreviated as Patellofemoral pain syndrome. In common language, the condition is also called the runner’s knee. The Patellofemoral pain syndrome can be defined as a condition in which the patient experiences the pain in the knee which can either be very severe or less severe. Sometimes it may just be discomfort. However, it should be addressed in the standard way. The back of the kneecap is known as the patella which is connected with the thigh bone, medically known as the femur. The pain is characteristic to the meeting point of the femur and the patella. The condition is different from the other conditions of the knee because of its exclusive symptom of pain in the anterior knee which involves the retinaculum and the patella. Obviously, it is difficult to know exactly what the injury is Patellofemoral pain syndrome at the time of the injury, and it may be required to run diagnostics to identify the condition. As the name suggests, the condition is very much common in people who are involved in rigorous and heavy running sports activities and other similar activities. the sports people who experience

Causes of Patellofemoral pain syndrome

Patellofemoral pain syndrome the most are cycling, running, athletics, football, soccer, and hockey. The most common reason is the sudden change in the training practices and the exercise regime of the players, or accidental injuries caused during the running. Another most common cause of Patellofemoral pain syndrome is an accidental injury. Other causes include severe hit, falling on the knee directly, stopping too quickly during a run, and quickly moving in different directions. Women as found to be more prone to Patellofemoral pain syndrome injuries due to the tenderness of muscles and tendons, while men may also experience tearing and spraining.

If an injury causes a sudden weakness and disability, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. The most common cause in sports for this injury is a hard hit, heavy blow or contact sports. As a result, the wearing and tearing can take place in the femur and patella. There are several other causes and risk factors associated with the condition of Patellofemoral pain syndrome. The injury can be a result of the wrong kind and size of the shoes which may put pressure on the muscles up along the legs. Other factors are also important such as the intensity of the hit. Overtraining and intense training all also among the most common causes of this condition.

Other causes include:

  • Running several steps
  • Suddenly stopping while running
  • Legs stretching
  • Leg displacement or foot displacement while running.
  • Wrong posture and legs movement
  • Sudden jerking
  • Heavy hit
  • Hard blows
  • Falling on the knee

Signs and symptoms of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

The onset of the condition can be gradual over time, or it can be acute due to a sudden injury. Depending on the severity, the signs and symptoms can vary. In less severe cases the patient may experience a sudden discomfort in the knee during a walk or run. Diffuse peripatellar pain is experienced in this condition around the kneecap. In most cases, it’s difficult for the patient to identify the exact location of the pain. The patient may feel and experience a grinding feeling with the movement of the knee. Prominent sound and friction occurring due to knee joint movement are also experienced. The patient may also feel a clicking feeling or sound occurring due to movement of the knee. A feeling and a sound of popping in the knee joint upon movement may also occur. In such cases, the injury includes a pop sound from the knee along with the loss of control over the knee muscle. In severe cases, the movement of the knee joint is severely limited, and gradually physical signs start showing up, which may include severe pain, muscular tenderness, and swelling. The patient can experience discomfort while walking, bending knees and while sitting. The everyday activities such as walking up or down the stairs can also become a challenging task.

Diagnosis for Patellofemoral pain syndrome

As discussed before, the diagnosis for the Patellofemoral pain syndrome is not a very simple task. Therefore, a differential diagnosis is commonly carried out for Patellofemoral pain syndrome. The diagnosis of Patellofemoral pain syndrome is complicated and difficult, which is the reason why it can be easily mistaken as another syndrome, such as, Osgood–Schlatter disease. prepatellar bursitis, Sinding-Larsen, and Johansson syndrome, plica syndrome and patellar tendinitis. There isn’t any single best method for the diagnosis of the Patellofemoral pain syndrome, as the muscle damaged and the conditions can vary among different patients greatly, and a number of other diseases, problems, and health conditions can result in a similar kind of a pain in the knee. Therefore, a differential diagnosis is administered to eliminate the possibilities of other conditions.

The diagnosis is initialized with a careful examination of the patient’s history as well as the physical examination. The doctor may move the muscles, and check for pain, swelling, palpations, tenderness and other physical symptoms. The medical history also has a lot to tell about the condition, and it’s essential for an effective treatment of the patient in this case.

Once the initial examination is performed, and the doubts are reduced, the doctor may follow up with diagnostic procedures. The techniques used in this case are radiographic investigations, ultrasonography, the differential diagnosis, and sonographic evaluations. If necessary, the doctor may also use MRI scans to find out the exact location of the damage.

On the basis of acquired results, a careful evaluation is performed by the doctor to ensure the condition of the patient precisely. This phase includes thorough examination and assessment of every individual and unique case. The patient is laid in a supine or elevated position, and the movement and flexion of the knee and legs are examined.

The condition is also tested by a squeeze procedure, in which the injured part of the patient is squeezed to check for pain, tenderness of the femur and patella area. The diagnosis also includes the identification of the grading and category for the condition.

Categories of Patellofemoral pain syndrome

There are different grades for Patellofemoral pain syndrome similar to other injuries, depending on the severity of the injury, condition and the symptoms occurring in the patient. The three grades are:

Grade 1: This is characterized by less than moderate pain, while the patient retains the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Grade 2: This is characterized by moderate pain, while the patient partially retains the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Grade 3: This is characterized by severe pain, while the patient loses the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Treatment for the Patellofemoral pain syndrome

The treatment can be administered in different ways, as the type of injury will determine the treatment. after the initial first aid response, a careful physical examination can give a good idea of the condition, and other tests may be administered to choose the desired treatment. The treatment approach is three-fold: eliminating pain and other symptoms, recovering the damage that is caused to the structures and recovering a full ranged natural movement of the leg. It can be treated naturally at home in cases of mild to moderate injuries. Simple measures can be taken to begin the treatment of patellofemoral pain. You should rest your knee as much as possible and avoid all the activities that involve the knee as it can worsen the condition. Exercises  and sports should be paused while everyday activities should be limited.

A number of medicines can also be taken for reducing symptoms if needed. Some of the drugs like ibuprofen, acetaminophen and naproxen sodium can be taken along with other over-the-counter pain relievers. Apart from these anti-inflammatory drugs, other medicines can be used, such as the Glycosaminoglycan polysulfate (GAGPS) are also widely used for the inhibition of enzyme production. Apart from drugs, it’s recommended to have therapy for the treatment. a physical therapist will help you with certain exercises that you can practice throughout the rehabilitation process. These may especially include strengthening exercises, as this type of injury may very well be due to the lack of strength. The muscles surrounding the knee are there to support the joint and control the movement of the knee. Tearing of these muscles can cause dislocation and displacement of the joint. The physical therapy will be used to control the alignment or various muscles, especially related to the hip, thigh, leg, calf, and quadriceps. Apart from therapy supporting aids can be used for keeping the joint and the injured area in the right location and avoiding pressure or strain on it. Knee braces and arch supports are commonly used, and they can also help in to alleviate the pain quicker. Another aid is taping procedure that can reduce the pain and improve the mobility of the knee joint. It can also keep the injured area compressed which is an effective technique for the alleviation of the symptoms. Icing the area should be done after the physical therapy and exercises for the best results. to avoid stiffness and loss of movement, you should also incorporate knee friendly exercises in your treatment regime according to your doctor’s advice. Such as swimming and bicycling.

In worst case scenarios the last resort would be surgery. For the runner’s knee syndrome, the most commonly administered surgical procedures include arthroscopy and realignment surgery depending on the type of the injury and the diagnosis of the condition. In the arthroscopic procedure, the doctor will insert an arthroscope in the injured area which has a preinstalled camera and light. It can be used to view the condition inside and treat it effectively in a minimally invasive manner. The surgeon can reach the injured area with his instruments through the arthroscope. In cases of dislocation and displacement, the surgeon would carry out a realignment procedure. This may require open surgery to realign the knee back to its natural position to fix the stretch and pressure that it is causing on the proximal cartilages.

To speed up the recovery, you should keep up with the regular physiotherapy until the symptoms of pain and swelling are gone, and the knee is capable of a full-ranged movement. The patient should focus on rehabilitation therapies and non-surgical procedures, and operation and surgery should be avoided as much as possible, at least for the first six months. Your doctor will make sure of when it is a good time for you to get back to life and continue with everyday activities. at first, you should be doing light exercises and training which require less movement and jerking. Here is a brief for the quick measure that can be taken for the treatment of Patellofemoral pain syndrome:

  • Resting as much as possible
  • Icing the aching area
  • Using compression bandages
  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Exercising, stretching, friendly workouts
  • Gradually start physical activities, don’t rush.
  • Surgery as a last resort, if no results and symptoms persist after the treatment.

Ankle Sprain

What is an Ankle Sprain?

Ankle Sprain can be defined as the injuries that are caused to the tendons and the muscles of the ankle that results in palpation, pain and other symptoms. The proximal tendons, connective tendons in the ankle that connects the foot to the leg and the injury to the bone can cause pain. Ankle Sprain can be a common sports injury in many different games and athletic activities. The most common activities include soccer, football, ice hockey, running, tennis, rugby, American football, basketball and other similar games. It is the most common injury experienced by soccer players. Due to the strong involvement of such tendons in these games, groin strains can occur accidentally or when no prevention measures are taken. Usually, the damage is caused when the bone is detached from the tendon accidentally. The Ankle Sprain is a result of twisting and turning of the ankle in displacement and unnatural manner. As a result, the tendons can wear, stretch and tear. These ligaments and the tendons that are holding the bones together may cause them to lose when they are torn.

Categories of Ankle Sprains

There are different grades for Ankle Sprains similar to other injuries, depending on the severity of the injury, condition and the symptoms occurring in the patient. The three grades are:

Grade 1: This is characterized by less than moderate pain, while the patient retains the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Grade 2: This is characterized by moderate pain, while the patient partially retains the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Grade 3: This is characterized by severe pain, while the patient loses the ability to feel and move the injured area.

The grade of your sprain will determine the time of your recovery and the mode of your treatment.

Causes of an ankle sprain

The most common cause of an ankle sprain is the turning and the twisting of the ankle joint due to displacement. As a result, the ankle is pushed out of its normal and natural position, and it can cause muscular and tendon damage. Such unexpected movements are very common in sports that involve a lot of running and the use of legs. These tearing of the muscles can be very painful at times and could be accompanied with other symptoms such as bruising discoloration and the swelling of the area. Although it’s mostly the tendons, ligaments, and muscles that are damaged or injured due to ankle sprains, it can also damage other structures, such as the blood vessels and cartilages. There are several risk factors involved, such as the types of sports, etc. however, it can occur in people of all ages.

Some of the other most common causes for Ankle Sprain includes:

  • Walking on uneven or hard surfaces
  • Wearing the wrong sized or kind of shoes
  • Rigorous sports activities and feet movements
  • Twisting of feet and ankle muscles
  • Turning suddenly during a play
  • A sudden strain due to kicking
  • Running and stopping suddenly
  • Continuing sports after mild strains and pain.
  • Wrong diagnosis of a previously occurring pain.
  • Repeated minor injuries
  • Overuse syndrome
  • Microtraumas

Symptoms of an Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain can result in a number of different symptoms, and it may vary from person to person depending on the severity of the condition and the type and location of the injury. However, the most common symptoms that indicate that the patient has an ankle sprain are the following:

  • Bruising on the skin
  • Discoloration of the injured area
  • Tenderness of the injured area
  • inability to walk
  • Mild to severe pain due to muscular damage
  • inability to move the ankle
  • swelling on foot or around the ankle
  • the stiffness of the injured area

However, since the ankle is prone to a number of different sports-related injuries, it is easy for a person to mistake it with some other underlying condition which can cause a lot of trouble in the future for the patient. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that once such symptoms start to show up after an injury, the patients should reach out to their doctors as soon as possible for the examination of the condition.

How is an Ankle sprain diagnosed?

The diagnosis for an ankle sprain is relatively difficult since there are a number of different injuries that the ankle is susceptible to, and sometimes they can be extremely severe and difficult to treat. Things can get very complicated, and the condition can become extremely persistent. Nonetheless, the primary diagnosis includes a physical examination in which the patient is checked for any apparent symptoms of pain and swelling. The doctor may also carefully examine by moving the ankle and foot in different positions to see if the movement is limited and painful. Numbness is also considered to be an indication. After a physical examination, the doctor may need to carry out a diagnostic test if the doubt persists. Depending on the individual case and the severity of the condition, the doctor may conduct an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), an ultrasound test or an X-Ray Test. For the examination of tendons, muscles, and ligaments, MRI will provide sufficient evidence for possible damage. X-ray test will be able to analyze the bone condition, while the Ultrasound can sometimes help the doctor to locate and study the internal structures to see any possible damage.

How is an Ankle sprain treated?

An ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries in orthopedics as well as sports. Usually, the severity of the injury ranges from mild to moderate. There are different types of treatments for ankle sprains. One of the most suggested methods is the P.R.I.C.E. method, which is an acronym for protecting, rest, ice, compress,  elevate. Generally, the more natural the treatment is, the better. Self-care is certainly one of the most important factors when it comes to ankle sprains. The very first response should be immediate first-aid care to alleviate the symptoms of pain and swelling. After the diagnosis, the doctor will assign to you an easy to follow the treatment plan that you can practice at home.

Around 25 thousand people suffer from ankle sprains in the United States alone. Even if you are not involved in athletic activities, you can get an ankle sprain due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Every day, about 25,000 people in the U.S. suffer an ankle sprain. Ankle sprains occur in both athletes and those with sedentary lifestyles, and they can occur during sports or when walking to carry out daily activities.

The approach should start with proper protection of the injured ankle as much as possible. We can quickly forget our condition and continue with our daily activities. However, an ankle sprain can get worse with something as simple as walking. It is essential to take proper measures to ensure that we do not do anything to aggravate the condition. Protection should be followed by maximum rest, as rest is the most favorable phase for any injury. Not putting pressure on the ankle will allow it the time to heal. Therefore, you should avoid using the injured ankle as much as possible to let the healing elements of our body start acting. You can also use ice on the injured ankle to alleviate the pain and reduce symptoms. Make sure you don’t burn yourself as it can leave marks. Doing it for a few days can significantly lower the pain and even eliminate it completely. Bandaging and wrapping your ankle with an elastic bandage is also a very common practice and works a great deal for the quick recovery. It can keep the ankle from moving or twisting in the wrong direction and also put compression on the ankle which will soothe the painful symptoms. You need to make sure that the pressure is not too much or too little. Too much pressure will cause problems while too little pressure will not work effectively. You should also keep your foot elevated when you are sitting or lying down, as it can increase the blood flow and improve circulation. This will be especially effective for healing the ankle sprain condition quicker.

NSAIDs and OTCs can also be useful as a secondary treatment aid. These drugs can reduce the inflammatory conditions and alleviate the pain. They can also be used for reducing the swelling of the area which can limit the range of movement. The reason we are calling this a secondary treatment is that it will not be helpful and effective in terms of treating the damage. These drugs, such as painkillers can only alleviate the symptoms, which can make it easier for you to bear the pain. Cortisone injection is another viable option for severe cases. In most cases, you will not require to go to a doctor for mild injuries, and it may heal naturally in a matter of days. Knowing a few measures will enable you to take care of the problem by yourself without any assistance from an expert. However, if the pain is severe, you should not hesitate to see a doctor as soon as possible. It could be a torn or broken tendon or ligament which requires an emergency response.

Once you are treated initially, you need to avoid stiffness due to lack of exercise. For that purpose, it’s important that you start with some light activities and gradually increase them. Some of these exercises would include walking, gentle stretching and strengthening exercises according to the advice of your specialist. The balance exercises are the most important ones for the treatment of ankle sprains. These exercises are also called proprioception exercises, which includes simple techniques to strengthen our balance. It involves multiple attempts to balance yourself on the sprained ankle for a short period of time to note your ability. If you feel that the activities are causing more pain to the damaged ankle, you must immediately stop doing those things and consult your doctor about it once again. Moving around can also tell about the severity of the condition and whether or not you require surgery. You will also have to follow a rehabilitation plan during the adjustment period after the treatment. this will ensure that the condition is not reversed.

The most important factor for an effective treatment of ankle sprain is not to delay the treatment for later. You should start with the treatment as soon as possible, in fact right after the injury. The faster you react to the issue, easier it will be for you to get rid of the problem. Your approach should also include wearing the right type of shoes and using aids. You should also completely avoid walking on uneven and rough surfaces. Try not to climb the stairs unnecessarily. You should try to depend on the natural treatment and rehabilitation and avoid surgical procedures and operations. Some of the best ways to go about the treatment of ankle sprain are:

  • Resting as much as possible
  • Icing the painting area
  • Using compression bandages
  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Exercising, stretching, friendly workouts
  • Physical Therapy
  • Gradually start physical activities, don’t rush.
  • If the treatment shows no results and symptoms persist, you may need surgery.

You may undergo a surgery depending on your case. Which surgery is right for you is the question that depends on several factors, such as the severity of your condition and the type and location of the injury. The surgery for your ankle sprain can be done in one of the following ways:

Reconstruction surgery: Reconstruction surgery, as the name suggests, will reconstruct the damaged muscles, tendons and ligaments in the injured area. They may also be replaced by other healthy tendons which will help the repairing and speedy recovery.

Arthroscopy: If the bone and the cartilages are also affected (Usually in the most severe cases) then your doctor may be required to do an arthroscopy.

Self-Care treatments

You need to take care of yourself too. Here are the things that you can do:

  • Using not so tight elastic bandages for ankle support.
  • Make sure that you are wearing a brace to
  • Make sure you’re using aids like crutches if you feel the need
  • The elevation part of the RICE treatment will help you lot.
  • Take your medication regularly
  • Again, rest, rest, and rest. Then repeat.

Preventive measures for an ankle sprain

You can lower your risk for future sprains by:


Prevention is always better than care. Several preventive measures should be understood and exercised in the fields. The best way to go about it is to practice the corrective measures and precautionary measures during the training until they become your reflexes. The prevention measures can be classified as primary and secondary preventions, and each one of them has its own importance. The risk factors associated with ankle sprains should also be addressed and taken care of, including the patient’s history of ankle sprains, the strength of the muscles and the previous injuries. The patients who have experienced previous injuries are 2 times more susceptible to experience it again upon a heavy blow.

  • Completing the rehabilitation therapy for any previous ankle sprains
  • Practice core strengthening exercises
  • Taping and using a bandage to wrap ankle not too tightly
  • Avoid further damage by braces and right shoes.
  • Stretching and warm up
  • Careful on the uneven and hard surfaces
  • Don’t do overexertion and stop when your body tells you to stop.
  • Say no to high heels

Recovery for an ankle sprain

Recovery time varies greatly from patient to patient depending on the severity of the condition, the strength of the injured area and other factors. Usually, the pain is the best indicator to figure out how much more time it will take to recover as you experience a reduction in the degree of pain with time. For effective recovery, you should get back to the normal routine activities slowly and gradually according to your doctor’s advice. Once you start using your muscles and bones again, it will complement the complete healing of the injured parts. If the patient was healthy before the injury, the recovery would usually be faster. However, due to so many factors, it is not possible to precisely tell the time frame. Depending on the severity, the injury can take from a few weeks to 6 months of time to recover.

Here is what you can do to ensure speedy recovery:

  • Rest day and night
  • Avoid highly demanding everyday physical activities
  • Gradually start easy activities
  • Visit your doctor for a checkup regularly
  • Only use prescribed medication
  • Avoid intoxication to avoid tripping and falling
  • Eat healthy as it speeds up the recovery

Athlete’s Foot or (Tinea Pedis)

What is athlete’s foot?

Athlete’s Foot is a painful condition usually experienced by the people involved in sports and athletics. That is how it has begotten its name, while in medical terminology the condition is called as Tenia Pedis, which means the infection of the foot. This is a condition in which the athletes develop an infection of the foot because of the dermatophyte fungus which grows progressively and becomes resistant to end. Obviously, the most apparent reason for such an infection occurring in athletes is their usual routine of wearing socks and shoes for hours straight in a go, sweating in them while playing and using those wears again. As this infectious fungus thrives in the humid environment, an athlete’s foot tends to be the most suitable breeding ground for this fungus.

Another reason for the occurrence and prevalence of this fungus is that it’s quite contagious and the players of the same team or the ones playing on the same ground are usually at risk of getting it from other players they’re playing with. Due to its contagious nature, you can pick it from things that were previously in use of another person before you who had an athlete’s foot fungus. The infection can sometimes get problematic and spread to the hands as well as the nails of the toes.

Although it may sound like a terrible disease, athlete’s foot is common, not very serious and also very much treatable. The patient or the athlete can retain their ability to continue their sports, unlike other injuries. The only problem is that sometimes this characteristic infection gets to be very tricky and difficult to treat and cure. Certain people are also prone to experiencing persistence of this infection, such as the people who have weaker immune system and defense system of their bodies, or the people who are involved in a certain health condition such as diabetes. In such cases, it’s a good idea to not think for a minute before calling your doctor about your condition once you’ve diagnosed that it is athlete’s foot.

Causes of athlete’s foot

Tinea Pedis or Athlete’s foot can be caused due to many reasons. The most common reasons due to which tinea pedis may occur are when the growth of tinea fungus on the feet is made possible. For the growth, all that the fungus needs are an inoculum and a favorable environment. An inoculum is basically a small number of fungus cells that are very less to be visible to the naked eye, and it can be picked from anywhere upon closure and direct contact with the infected object. In this way, an athlete can catch this fungus from an infected person through direct or indirect contact, or by getting in contact with the surfaces where the fungus is already present. As far as the favorable environment is concerned, the foot of an athlete is already a very warm and moist environment which is a perfect situation for the fungus to grow and thrive.

The infection with tinea pedis has a lot to do with the hygiene practices as well as the behavior of the athletes. There are certain things that you should be aware of as the causes of tinea pedis or athlete’s foot and the ways to avoid them:

Other common causes include:

  • Sharing the outfits or footwear with other people
  • Being barefoot on the public floor or other places
  • Being barefoot in the locker rooms, showers, and swimming pools
  • Sharing footwear, like towels, socks and even washed laundry.
  • Keeping tight shoes on for hours straight
  • Keeping your feet moist not allowing them to dry
  • Sweating too much and staying inside your shoes
  • Having an open wound, open nail or open injury
  • Sharing the lockers and the closets with other people
  • Using a common bathroom or shower that other athletes also use
  • Catching from water at places like swimming pools.

Symptoms of athlete’s foot

There can be a number of symptoms associated with the condition. Although there aren’t many types of athlete’s foot, it still depends on the severity of the condition. The symptoms that are most common and characteristic to athlete’s foot are:

  • burning sensation in the area of the foot, heel, sole and the nails
  • stinging sensation in the proximity of the heal, foot, sole and nails
  • Itching on the front of the feet, on the sole, ankle and nails.
  • Blistering and painful eruptions on the feet
  • Skin peeling and cracking due to itching and scratching
  • Peeling of skin between the toes and the sole
  • Drying of the skin on the affected area
  • Discoloration of the skin, the death of surface skin cell
  • Devitalized skin with thicker nails
  • Discoloration of nails with crumbling toenails
  • A detachment of the two nails in severe cases.

How is athlete’s foot diagnosed?

Since it’s an infectious disease and not a physical injury, it will require physical examination as well as microscopic examination for the presence of the fungus characteristic to the athlete’s foot disease. The very first phase of the diagnosis involves a thorough physical examination to check and test for the symptoms that are mentioned above. Once the symptoms are checked, and it’s verified that it’s a fungal infestation, then the doctor will proceed to the examination of the fungus cells under the microscope to study its shape and morphology in order to know if it’s really the one for the athlete’s foot or something else. To achieve this, the doctor will scrape off some skin from the infected area and dissolve it in a solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH), which is why this test is also called as a skin lesion potassium hydroxide examination. The purpose of KOH is to destroy the normal human cells from the sample so that only the resistant fungal cells can survive. After that, these cells are inoculated and studied under a microscope to ensure that it’s the same fungus.

Treatment for athlete’s foot

The purpose of the treatment is to kill, eliminate and destroy the fungus completely that is living there. If some of it is left remaining, it can grow back once the environmental conditions for the fungus are favorable. Therefore, it’s important to follow the entire recovery regime until your doctor gives you the go-ahead sign. The condition is a fungal infection, and it can be treated by the use of the over the counter drugs which has antifungal properties. The application depends on the severity and the dose prescribed by your doctor. If the over the counter antifungal medication doesn’t work, the doctor may prescribe you other oral and topical drugs to treat the underlying condition. Some over the counter drugs that you can use are miconazole, clotrimazole, butenafine, terbinafine, and tolnaftate as they all have antifungal properties. Some home treatments can also turn out to be very effective in some cases and show great results.

Apart from over the counter drugs, the doctor may also ask you to take prescription medications, which may include topical antifungal medication, oral medication, oral steroid or antibiotics in case of bacterial infestation. Soaking your feet in the salt water or vinegar water can help alleviate the wet blisters. For some patients in certain and rare cases, complications can also develop, such as allergic reactions may occur with fungus infestation which can cause excessive blistering. Like we discussed before, the infection can reappear if it wasn’t completely eliminated the first time. a secondary infection may also take place in certain cases, such as a bacterial infection on top of the fungal infection, which can make the condition even worse. The bacterial infection can then enter the bloodstream as well as the lymphatic system causing a lymph node infection.

Prevention for athlete’s foot

There are numerous preventive measures that you can take in order to avoid getting an athlete’s foot infection. These measures include your everyday activities, your behavioral habits, and your hygiene practices. To prevent yourself from catching an athlete’s foot fungus infection, there are certain things that you should take care of. Firstly, you must keep up with the hygienic practices. Sometimes you may feel like you’re clean, but you can’t see the little tiny invisible microorganisms that are waiting to infect you. So always use soap to clean and wash your hands, feet and other exposed parts of the body through the day and work your way through the area between the toes and those that are not usually reached. After you’re done, also dry them soon and use a clean cloth or towel if you use any at all. Killing the fungus is another good way to avoid getting infected by a booming growth of fungus. For that, you should go for a hot water wash of your feet (preferably 140 degrees), and you can also have the over the counter drugs and antifungal medications to kill them. Also, disinfect your shoes instead of never washing or cleaning them even once in a lifetime.  You can also use antifungal powder for these purposes which you can put on your feet each day. Avoid sharing the footwear, especially the socks at all costs unless absolutely necessary. The fungus can get accumulated in the fiber, live and grow in there to infect you again. You should also consider using the socks that ensure proper aeration. That way you will not create a damp environment on your feet. Go barefoot when you’re home, and wear breathable shoes if you do. Also by wearing two different pairs every alternating day, you can allow your shoes to get dry which will prevent the growth of fungus.

Recovery for Athlete’s Foot

The severity of the Athlete’s foot infections can range from being mild or severe. There are cases in which the infection is easily treated within a week or so, while in other cases it can take as long as months of time. There are a number of factors that determine the recovery time and the phase of each patient.


What Is Bursitis?

Bursitis is a condition that is characterized by pain in the Bursae. Bursa is the small sacs that are filled with fluids, and they act as the cushions to the bones, tendons, ligaments and the muscles in the proximal locations of the joints. The condition can result in inflammation of the bursae that can cause mild to severe pain. The purpose of bursae is to smoothen the movements of the muscles and joints and reduce the friction due to the impact of grating, irritation, and rubbing. Inflamed. The most common places where bursitis can take place are the elbow, shoulder and the hip joint. However, this condition can also be experienced in the knee, big toe of your feet and the heel.

Causes of Bursitis

There are a number of different causes of bursitis. Specific to the people involved in sports activities, Bursitis can be experienced most commonly due to the overuse and repeated use of a certain area. As most sports require repetitive movement of a certain part of the body, the athletes and sportsmen can become vulnerable to such conditions.

Other causes of bursitis may include:

  • Sudden jerking
  • Running several steps
  • Suddenly stopping while running
  • Legs or arms stretching
  • Wrong posture and legs movement
  • Heavy hit
  • Hard blows
  • The weakness of the tendons
  • Lack of flexibility of the tendons and muscles
  • Tearing of the muscles
  • Overexertion of joints
  • Not stretching or warming up before working out
  • Arthritis
  • Length difference of legs
  • Infection in rare cases
  • Gout
  • Psoriatic arthritis
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Reactions of medication
  • Abnormal placement or displacement of joints and bones

People who are involved in sports activities such as scrubbing, tennis, golf, skiing, throwing and pitching are more prone to bursitis conditions.

Hip Flexor Strain

What is Hip Flexor Strain?

A hip flexor strain is a tear or stretches in one or more of the muscles which are responsible for the flexion of hips. This tearing or stretching leads to pain in the groin or the front of the hip. Tendonitis of the hip flexors also causes hip pain, but it is a different condition. In hip flexor tendonitis, the inflammation or damage of the tendon occurs that attaches muscles to the upper thigh bone.

What is the Hip Flexors?

Flexors are a group of muscle tissues that are responsible for stretching and adding a range of motion to the area. Flexors of the hip connect the upper part of the large leg bone (femur) to the groin, hip and lower back. 

Muscles which are responsible for lifting the knees towards the body are collectively known as hip flexors. The primary work of hip flexors is to bring knee towards the chest and to bend at the waist. These hip flexor muscles include

  • the psoas major and iliacus muscles.  These muscles are also referred to as iliopsoas
  • .  the rectus femoris, which is part of one’s quadriceps

Figure 1: Showing Hip flexors, i.e., Iliacus, Psoas Major and Rectus Femoris

Overstretching or overuse of these muscles and tendons can easily result in reduced mobility, injury and accompanying pain.

Causes of Hip Flexor Strain

As discussed before, hip flexor strain usually occurs when one of the hip flexors has been injured, pulled very hard, or torn. Most often, the hip flexor injuries occur due to acute trauma or injury, like pulling a muscle when jumping or running. Activities like martial arts, sprinting, kicking and dancing which put hip flexors under the most strain also causes this. Weakness in the surrounding core muscles is another common cause of hip flexor pain. The contribution of hip flexor muscles in stabilizing the pelvis is not alone. Due to the weakness of lower abdominal muscles, the flexors of the hip are forced to bear more than they can handle, and this results in muscle strain. Athletes who put their hip flexors under stress in their training and sports are more prone to hip flexor injury or strain that may lead to a muscle tear. In sports medicine, sometimes injuries of hip flexors have a strong association with hamstring strains. It is because injured or tightened tissues of hip flexors can put additional pressure on the lower leg tissues which are commonly known as hamstrings.

Sign and Symptoms of Hip Flexor strain

Usually, hip flexor wounds are rarely diagnosed in clinical settings. However, the chief symptom of hip flexor strain is the pain at the front of the hip. Other signs and symptoms of this type of injury include:

  • An intense and quick pain in the hip right after hard blow receiving
  • Upper leg area tenderness, muscle cramping, and clenching
  • Bruising or swelling around the thigh or hip area
  • Inability to continue sprinting, kicking or jumping.
  • Tightness or stiffness after being stationary, for example after sleeping
  • Loss of sensation in the front of the groin or tugging feeling
  • Severe, continual discomfort in the upper area of the leg

Symptoms usually get worse when a person with a wound of hip flexors traveling upstairs, tries to lift his or her knee up and towards the torso or attempting to kick, jump or run.

Grades of Hip Flexor Strain

Remember, hip flexor strains are not equal. They all vary from grade 1 to grade 3 in severity. These grades depend on pain levels, muscle damage and functionality of the muscles. These grades of injuries also indicate the expected time of recovery and the level of required treatment.

Hip Flexor Strain Grade 1

This grade allows the full functionality to the hip. However, due to the damage of a small number of muscle fibers, mild pain may occur.

Hip Flexor Strain Grade 2

In this grade, moderate loss of functionality occurs. Due to the damage of a significant number of muscle fibers, moderate pain also occurs.

Hip Flexor Strain Grade 3

This grade causes severe pain and significant loss of functionality due to the damage to all the muscle fibers.

Treatment of Hip Flexor Strain

Hip flexor pain and strain can be treated by many methods, starting from self-administered therapies to surgeries of torn hip flexor for severe cases. Following are the few common treatment options for hip flexor strain:

Pain relief and healing

The protocol of RICE is one of the most effective treatment option and widely used for all kinds of inflammatory-based ailments and injuries. Although RICE protocol can provide benefit and encourage healing at all stages, it is most effective when used within the first 72 hours following the injury.


Putting too much strain on the hip flexor following injury may cause swelling, inflammation and further damage. Therefore resting, by the time, allows the body to heal itself.


Applying an ice pack for a few minutes can play an essential role in reducing inflammation and pain.


A compression bandage helps prevent further injury and reduces swelling and pain.


Usually, it is advised to raise the injured part of the body above the heart to reduce inflammation and restrict the blood flow. But this can be difficult when it comes to the hip. Therefore it is recommended to position the hip in a way that it is not the lowermost part of the body.

Activity Modification

Engaging too early in usual exercise routine may result in further damage and can cause chronic hip flexor problem. Therefore, exercises that put stress on the hip flexors and cause pain should be avoided.

Swimming is, however, a great option that does not aggravate hip flexor strain. Another fantastic option is a seated exercise that includes seated yoga or chair cardio.

Contrast Therapy

Contrast therapy utilizes the alternating application of ice and heat. It is one of the best technique which quells inflammation and pain, boosts circulation, and increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients towards the damaged tissue.

This technique can be performed at home, and it is considered a low-risk treatment for hip flexor strain.  Keep in mind that the contrast therapy should not be done within the first 72 hours following the hip flexor strain.

Dry Needling

Dry needling also knew as intramuscular stimulation, is the technique that physiotherapists usually recommend to those who have hip flexor strain. In this therapy, acupuncture needles or other needles are used to minimize the muscular pain.

Dry needling is thought to be worked by creating “movement” in the muscles, reducing pain and tightness, and increasing circulation. Sometimes, following this treatment, patients may feel some soreness, just like the pain felt after a strenuous exercise.


Another effective way to treat hip flexor strain is soft tissue massage. It increases the flow of oxygen to the damaged tissues and stretches out the tight muscles. This technique also aids healing by removing waste products from around the muscles. But it is advised to avoid any form of massage within the first few days following injury as it may exacerbate inflammation.


Anti-inflammatory medications play an essential role in providing benefit to Grade 3 hip flexor strains and pain. Aspirin and ibuprofen are one of the best over the counter anti-inflammatories that can alleviate symptoms. However, clinical consultation with a specialist is a must before taking medicines as these medications may cause gastrointestinal tract bleeding or irritation

Prevention of Hip Flexor Strain

Preventing hip flexor strain is very easy. Following are the few methods which can help in preventing hip flexor strain:

Always Stretch yourself

One of the leading causes of injuries related to activity is when a person forgets to stretch before activities. Daily stretching plays a vital role in reducing stiffness and improving mobility and flexibility and of this ultimately help prevent hip flexor strain.

Be Supportive

It is recommended to support your groin, hips, and legs with braces or taping techniques. These techniques maintain the alignment of the body and reduce the risk of further injury to the hip flexor and relapse.


Exercise that involves raised legs, sprinting motions, or kicking all increase the risk of a hip flexor strain. However as mentioned earlier, yoga or swimming are the alternate options.

Give hips a break

It is better to schedule rest days and give hips a break between strenuous workouts with recovery days. Taking adequate time to rest before returning to the activities provide benefit and prevents the additional damage or re-injury.

Recovery Time for Hip Flexor Strain

For a hip flexor strain, recovery time varies significantly from person to person. The critical dependence factors of recovery are lifestyle factors, general fitness and health, and severity of the strain.

In the majority of the cases, hip flexor strain is dealt with minimally invasive treatments. Minor tears usually take two to three weeks in healing, whereas it may take four to eight weeks to treat the more severe injury. The recovery time of severe hip flexor strain is longer too.

It is, therefore, better to respond quickly to hip flexor strain because this increases the chances of speedy recovery. It is advised too to use RICE protocol, following the hip flexor strain symptoms onset as soon as possible and proper consultation with a specialist or physiotherapist.

ACL Tear

What is ACL Tear?

ACL tear or anterior cruciate ligament tear is one of the most common injuries of the knee, commonly experienced by the sportsmen and athletes. The condition can be excruciating, and the patient could need knee surgery to get it back to normal. However, each case differs and it depends on the severity of the condition.

What is Anterior Cruciate ligament?

The knee joint is a meeting point of three important bones, the tibia, patella, and the femur. Due to the natural knee cap placement, the joint usually remains protected. Four ligaments are also attached to the bones and the joint, which are classified as cruciate ligaments and collateral ligaments. The cruciate ligaments are present on the inside and intercept each other. The upper intercepting ligament is termed as anterior while the one below is called the posterior cruciate ligament. The anterior cruciate ligament protects the femur and tibia and keeps them stable.

ACL Tear

ACL tear and a sprain is a result of injuries to the meniscus, knee structure, ligaments and articular cartilage that is present in the area. These injuries can be graded and classified into three main types, depending on the severity of the injury and type of injury. Type 1 includes less severe injuries and stretching, type 2 tear is comparatively severe and causes looseness, while type 3 is the most severe form in which the ligaments tear and split. If the condition is not treated timely, it may cause further complications. It can also develop a risk of osteoarthritis and deterioration of the joints.

Causes of ACL Tear

The most common cause of an ACL tear is an accidental injury. Other reasons include a severe hit, falling on the knee directly, stopping too quickly during a run, and abrupt movement in different directions. Women as found to be more prone to ACL injuries due to the tenderness of muscles and ligaments, while men may also experience tearing and spraining.

Signs and Symptoms of ACL Tear

Depending on the type of ACL tear or sprain, the signs and symptoms can vary. In less severe cases the patient may experience a sudden discomfort in the knee during a walk or run. In most cases, ACL cases include a pop sound from the knee along with the loss of control over the knee muscle. In severe cases, the movement of the knee joint is severely limited, and gradually physical signs start showing up, which may include severe pain, muscular tenderness, and swelling.

Diagnostic Tests for ACL Tear

The primary diagnosis includes a physical examination, where the patient is examined for any apparent symptoms of pain and swelling. The doctor may also carefully examine by moving the knee joint in different positions to see if the movement is limited and painful. Numbness is also considered to be an indication. After a physical examination, the doctor may need to carry out a diagnostic test if the doubt persists. Depending on the individual case and the severity of the condition, the doctor may conduct an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), an ultrasound test or an X-Ray Test. For the examination of tendons, muscles, and ligaments, MRI will provide sufficient evidence for possible damage. X-ray test will be able to analyze the bone condition, while the Ultrasound will help the doctor to locate and study the internal structures to see any possible damage.

Treatment for the ACL Tear

The commonly used RICE treatment plan can treat the condition. The very first response should be immediate first-aid care to alleviate the symptoms of pain and swelling. After the diagnosis, the doctor will assign to you an easy to follow the treatment plan that you can practice at home.

The RICE treatment stands for resting, icing, compressing and elevating. Resting is the most crucial part of the healing process, as a wrong pressure and movement can reverse the healing and make the condition worse. The patient should avoid walking around and bearing any weights. Furthermore, icing can help alleviate the symptoms of pain and swelling, while speeding up the healing process at the same time. The knee area should also be compressed by fastening an elastic wrap around it, and the patient should keep the knees elevated with the help of a pillow whenever they’re laid down. It may take several weeks for the patient to recover through a rehabilitation process. Regular physiotherapy can ensure a speedy recovery, and a variety of different aids can be used for protection, such as crutches and braces. The treatment and rehabilitation should be extended until the symptoms of pain and swelling are gone, and the knee is capable of a full-ranged movement. People who tend to remain inactive and minimize the movement can recover from the injury sooner. Therefore, it is recommended that the patient should get involved in injury-friendly exercises and other tasks that don’t require robust movements.

Surgical treatment for ACL Tears

In certain severe cases, surgery may be required to fix the problem. It becomes critical when the patient needs immediate recovery, when the injury persists, or when the injury keeps bending and displacing the knee. The surgery may also be required if multiple ligaments are injured. In the surgical procedure, the damaged ligament is removed and replaced by another tissue known as a graft, which allows it to heal and recover. The graft may be taken from a donor area which is usually another area of the knee. However, rehabilitation is a must after the surgery. The surgery is minimally invasive and reconstructs the damaged ligament.

Surgery is usually prescribed to the ACL patients, as it can effectively recover the patients bringing them back to the normalized knee condition. However, if the patient isn’t involved in heavy activities, such as jumping, running, too much manual work, or sports, the alternative treatment options can be administered.

The surgical treatment is initiated after a delay of around one month. The delay is to monitor the healing speed of the patient and let the swelling and bleeding reduce. This also gives an idea of the persistence of the injury. Physiotherapies are mainly involved in the post-operative rehabilitation therapy. The recovery highly depends on the consistent care and physiotherapeutic treatment, without which the recovery may be delayed or reversed. It’s important to note that the surgical procedure also requires 7 to 9 months of rehabilitation therapy and the sportsmen can return to the playgrounds after a year. The process starts with light exercises and later on the focus is gradually shifted towards enabling the full-range movement of the knee joint. Flexing and bending your muscles too much should be avoided, and the gradual increase in the exercising routine should be practiced. The rehabilitation therapy also uses aids like crutches and braces to improve the protection level and prevent pressure, jerking and stress.

How to prevent ACL Tears and Injuries?

It’s important to stick to proper training and exercising methods to avoid getting an ACL Tear due to a training accident. Sportsmen and athletes should also be mindful of the possibility of a knee injury and should be aware of measures to prevent the knee from severely damaging in case of an accident, Should be aware of measures to prevent the knee from severely damaging in case of an accident. Another effective way of avoiding ACL tears is to strengthen the core muscles by exercising.  Some exercises such as hamstring can help increase the strength and endurance of leg muscles. Stronger legs can also help to reduce the pressure on the knee due to falling. Athletes and sportsmen must also practice techniques of jumping, cutting, pivoting, proper knee positioning and landing to prevent injury from sudden falling.


What is Concussion?

Concussions can be described as a condition in which the patient experiences temporary unconsciousness, disorientation, confusion and other symptoms as a result of an injury of the head due to heavy blow or violent shock. Concussions can be a result of traumatic brain injury due to violent shaking or hit. Around 0.2 million were hospitalized due to a concussion during the last decade. It is a common sports injury and should be considered as a grave concern. Our skull is the hardest bone of our body, but it houses the very soft tissues of the brain and neurological parts. An injury to the brain can be extremely severe, and in some cases, it can lead to unconsciousness, memory loss, disability, and death. A sudden hit or blow can damage or puncture the blood vessels, resulting in stroke and other severe conditions. Neuropathic conditions can also develop due to brain injury. If our nerves and neurons are damaged, our brain may not function properly and may not be able to transfer and communicate the signals to the rest of our body. This can result in behavioral changes in the patients.

Concussions can also occur in children due to the larger size of their skull compared to the rest of the body. Due to several physiological changes the children go through, they remain to be more susceptible to the risk of concussions.

Types of Concussions

Similar to ACL Tear as discussed before, concussions are also classified into three different types depending on the severity of the condition and the symptoms that are experienced by the patient, such as unconsciousness, disorientation, memory loss, amnesia, and the loss of balance. On a grade from 1 to 3, the cases of concussions are classified as 1 being least s1 to 3, the cases of concussions are classified as one being least severe, and 3 being the most severe. In the least severe case, the patient may experience the mild symptoms for 10 to 12 minutes before getting back to normal. The patient tends to remain conscious. In type 2 concussion, the patient may experience symptoms for more than fifteen minutes. However, the consciousness is retained. In the most severe type of concussion, the patient becomes unconscious. This consciousness may be regained in 5 seconds, or it may get prolonged.

Causes for Traumatic Brain Injury or Concussions

Causes for concussions and brain injury are most commonly the accidental injuries. People involved in sports and athletics are most prone to such injuries. The most common causes for concussions can be classified into four types:


Tripping and falling can result in a direct blow and heavy hit on the head if the victims directly land on their head. Deaths due to falling are less frequent, but certainly possible.

Road accidents

Road accidents are one of the leading causes of injuries and deaths.

Heavy Blows

Getting struck by a sharp object of hitting oneself against an object on the head can lead to severe head injuries.

Being attacked

Getting hit on the head by an attacker can lead to severe damage to the head and remains to be the most common cause of concussions.

Regarding sports, many games have a higher risk of getting traumatic brain injuries leading to concussions. Some of the most common games and sports include:

  • Ice skating
  • Soccer
  • Cycling
  • Gymnastics
  • Skiing/Snowboarding
  • Football

Signs and symptoms of Concussions

It is difficult to understand concussion every time as the injury could cause other conditions as well. However, if there are physical signs, swelling, bruising, cut, or bleeding from the head after a hit you need to be attentive to that situation. Since the span of concussion symptoms is very small, a concussion might even go unnoticed. Sometimes the symptoms and signs are unnoticeable at the time of the injury and may start showing up after a couple of weeks. That is what makes the head injuries such a sensitive subject.

Since head injuries could lead to several different conditions, it’s imperative to understand and diagnose if it’s a concussion before starting off with the treatment of the condition, even when a concussion is a prevalent type of head injury. The symptoms and signs can occur in some ways, such as physical symptoms, behavioral changes, irritability and moodiness, emotional signs and mental retardation. Here are the symptoms that are experienced by the patients with traumatic brain injuries or concussion.

  • Commotion and confusion: Feeling confused due to the lack of cognition.
  • Dizziness: Feeling dazed and disoriented
  • Feeling clumsy: Lack of control over voluntary movement
  • Difficulty in speaking: the patient can experience slurry speech due to neuropathic conditions and nerve damage.
  • Feeling Nauseous: Vomiting and nausea can be experienced after a violent shock.
  • A headache: persistent Headaches can be a symptom of damage to the brain.
  • Difficulty in maintain equilibrium: due to dizziness and disorientation, it gets difficult to maintain balance.
  • Blurred visions can also be associated with a head injury and concussions.
  • The patient may also experience sensitivity to light and sensitivity to noise
  • traumatic brain injury can make the patient sluggish
  • A beeping or ringing sound in the back of the head.
  • The patient may also experience emotional changes, behavior changes or changes in personality.
  • A concussion can cause difficulty in focusing and retaining the concentration
  • Memory loss is also a sign of a concussion.

Diagnosis for the traumatic brain Injury (Concussion)

The initial stages of diagnosis include an examination done by the doctor carefully in which the physical symptoms are noted, and the and the medical history of the patient is evaluated. Upon the onset of symptoms, the doctor will administer some neurological tests to ensure the condition. The signs and symptoms may take a few days to occur. 

Depending on the types of symptoms experienced by the patient, the specialist will run one or more of the following tests:

Tests for Neurological symptoms

Physical examination will usually include testing for neurological symptoms. The doctor may examine the patient’s condition regarding hearing ability, vision, loss of balance, loss of reflexes, loss of coordination and cognition, loss of sensual perception, and the loss of core strength of the body.

Since the concussions are very closely related to the brain and its functional abilities, the specialist may also administer testing for cognition as a part of neurological examination, in which the patient’s evaluation will be based on their ability to focus and concentrate, the effectiveness of their memory and the ability to recall short term and long term information. CT scans for the bran may also be carried out by the doctor to identify the damage caused due to the injury. A CT Scan is a computerized cranial tomography test in which several X-ray tests are conducted to examine the bones of the skull. The Imaging of the brain for physical brain tests could be done if the doubts are well established. The doctors will also take notes for various symptoms related to concussion, such as seizures, swelling, persistent nausea, and headaches. The patient’s medical history is also examined as the part of the diagnosis. Since X-rays cannot singlehandedly identify the condition of brain tissues, an MRI may be administered to image the condition of brain issues and find the location of the damage for effective treatment.

Treatment for Concussion

After the tests show positive results and symptoms are apparent, the doctor may keep the patient under observation in the hospital or at home with someone to monitor if the symptoms alleviate or get worse. This would include checking on the patient again and again through the night to make sure that the patient can wake up from the sleep. If any abnormality is observed, emergency care would be required.

Rest is the most appropriate way to allow your brain to recover from a concussion. Your doctor will recommend that you physically and mentally rest to recover from a concussion. The patient should minimize or altogether avoid the activities that require physical exertion and too much activity, as a lot of exertion, wrong pressure and movement can reverse the healing and make the condition worse. The patient should avoid walking around and bearing any weights. It should also be ensured that the patient takes no mental pressure or stress of any kind, as it can also worsen the symptoms. If the patient is a student, activities that require mental exertion, concentration, focusing, and using too much brain power should also be avoided until things get back to normal. Entertainment activities that require mental and sensual involvement should also be avoided, such as watching movies, playing sports or video games, using a computer, doing homework, reading and using laptops or tablets. The best way to go about is to calm the mind and relax in nature.

If necessary, you will also be recommended to have shorter workdays and schooling, postpone homework, and take more breaks throughout the day. When the signs start showing improvement, the patient can gradually get back to carrying out their everyday activities that require mental and physical exertion. The specialist or doctor will make sure of when it is a good time for the patient to get back to life and continue with everyday activities. It will usually start by initially allowing the patient to do less rigorous exercises and training which requires less movement and jerking. Sports are highly recommended to be avoided for a long time after the injury, even when the patient recovers, as it can severely increase the risk of reversing the healing and causing a life-threatening injury. Medication can also be used to alleviate the symptoms that are causing trouble for the patient, such as pain, headaches, and bleeding.

Recovery & Effective measures after the injury

Concussions are not usually life-threatening as they are characterized as a kind of mild injury on the head. However, it doesn’t mean that the condition is not severe. Here are the things that you can do supplement the healing process and speed up recovery.

  • Rest day and night
  • Avoid highly demanding everyday physical activities
  • Gradually start easy activities
  • Visit your doctor for a checkup regularly
  • Only use prescribed medication
  • Avoid intoxication
  • Eat healthy as it speeds up the recovery.

Groin Pull/Strain

What are Groin strains?

Groin strains can be defined as the injuries that are caused to the tendons and the muscles that result in palpation, pain and other symptoms. The proximal tendons such as adductor tendons and the injury to the bone can cause pain. Groin strains can be a common sports injury in many different games and athletic activities. The most common activities include soccer, football, ice hockey, running, tennis, rugby, American football, basketball and other similar games. It is the most common injury experienced by soccer players. Due to strong involvement of the adductor longus and such tendons in these games, groin strains can occur accidentally or when no prevention measures are taken. Usually, the damage is caused when the bone is inserted in the tendon accidentally.

A similar condition to groin strains is known as tendinosis. However, it is considered to be a gradually increasing chronic condition. On the other hand, groin strains are acute due to an injury of the localized myotendon connections.

The groin area covers the connection of the abdomen to both the legs through the pubis. The muscles of the groin can be classified into three types, the adductor group, abdominal group, and iliopsoas group.

  • Adductors: there are six different muscles in this group.
  • Abdominals: this group consists of three muscles.
  • Iliopsoas: there are two main muscles in this group.

The most common group of tendons injured due to groin strains is the adductor group. The groin strains can cause a tear, avulsions, and contusions in the muscles. It can occur as a result of hip flexion and leg stretching. Depending on the severity of the contraction, the strength of the tendons, and the pressure put on the adductor, the tendons can get severely damaged and torn.

Categories of Groin strains

There are different grades for groin strains similar to other injuries, depending on the severity of the injury, condition and the symptoms occurring in the patient. The three grades are:

Grade 1: This is characterized by less than moderate pain, while the patient retains the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Grade 2: This is characterized by moderate pain, while the patient partially retains the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Grade 3: This is characterized by severe pain, while the patient loses the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Causes of Groin Strains

There are many causes for groin strains that result from sports injuries. The most common causes include:

  • Rigorous sports activities and movements
  • Twisting of groin muscles
  • Turning suddenly during a play
  • A sudden strain due to kicking
  • Running and stopping suddenly
  • Continuing sports after mild strains and pain.
  • An incorrect diagnosis from a previous injury.
  • Repeated minor injuries
  • Overuse syndrome
  • Microtraumas
  • Acute muscle hematoma of softer tissues
  • Insertion of adductor tendons to bone.
  • Chronic tendinitis

Types of Groin Strains

Groin strains can be classified into three different types:

  • Repeated injuries
  • Forced contraction
  • Direct Blunt Trauma
  • Symptoms for Groin Strains
  • The result of groin strains can be painful and disabling. Here are some of the most common symptoms experienced due to groin strains:
  • Tearing and disability of movement
  • Tenderness of muscles in the groin, thigh, and spreading through the legs.
  • Pain in muscles of the groin, thigh, and spreading through the legs.
  • Pain in adduction movement and closing the legs
  • Pain due to movement of the knee.
  • Popping or snapping feeling

Diagnosis of Groin Strains

The diagnosis of groin strains is complicated and difficult, which is the reason why it can be easily mistaken as another syndrome. There isn’t any single best method for the diagnosis of the groin strains, as the muscle damaged and the conditions can vary among different patients greatly, and many other diseases, problems, and health conditions can result in a similar kind of a pain in the groin. Therefore, a differential diagnosis is administered to eliminate the possibilities of other conditions.

The diagnosis is initialized with a careful examination of the patient’s history as well as the physical examination. The doctor may move the muscles, and check for pain, swelling, palpations, tenderness and other physical symptoms. The medical history also has a lot to tell about the condition, and it’s essential for an effective treatment of the patient in this case. If the adductors are damaged, the adduction movement of the thighs and legs become difficult and painful for the patient.

Once the initial examination is performed, and the doubts are reduced, the doctor may follow up with diagnostic procedures. The techniques used in this case are radiographic investigations, ultrasonography, the differential diagnosis, and sonographic evaluations. If necessary, the doctor may also use MRI scans to find out the exact location of the damage.

From acquired results, a careful evaluation is performed by the doctor to ensure the condition of the patient precisely. This phase includes thorough examination and assessment of every individual and unique case. The patient is laid in a supine position, and the movement and flexion of the hip and legs are examined.

The condition is also tested by a squeeze procedure, in which the injured part of the patient is squeezed to check for pain, tenderness of the abdominal, adductor and the iliopsoas tendons.

Treatment for Groin Strains

The treatment can be administered in different ways. One of the most common treatment is rest, ice, compression, known as RICE procedure. The very first response should be immediate first-aid care to alleviate the symptoms of pain and swelling. After the diagnosis, the doctor will assign to you an easy to follow the treatment plan that you can practice at home.


The injuries related to groin strains can be treated with the help of proper exercises that are administered under the supervision of a doctor or a physical therapist. Some different simple exercises can be helpful. In most cases, the problem of groin strains can be solved within one or two days after a person experiences an injury. The approach of these exercises is to stop the bleeding, reduce the swelling if there is any, and to alleviate the pain in the injured part to ease the patient.

The first approach to treatment is resting the leg as much as possible. The patient should avoid walking unless it’s necessary and physical therapy should regularly be administered. The patient shouldn’t move the injured area and keep it still as much as possible.

To avoid stiffness, careful movement of the leg should be gently done every two days. For raising the leg, the patient should use a footstool or other aid.

To avoid swelling and alleviating pain, icing can be done by the patient according to the advice of the doctor. For that purpose, Ice pads and ice packs can be used to soothe the injured area. In case if regular ice is not available, the patient may also use a pack of refrigerator items which is frozen, such as frozen peas. It’s important to know that the patient should not put ice on the injured area directly, as the direct contact of ice with the skin can cause burning, referred to as ice burning. The best practice is to ice the injured area after 2 hours throughout the day. For each icing session, the patient should ice the injured area gently for as long as 20 minutes.

Another approach for treating this problem is compression technique. This technique involves compressing the area which is injured for alleviating the pain and reducing the swelling. This compression can be done by bandaging the injured area tightly at the right place on the thigh. This may be very effective for most cases, and may not work for some patients depending on the area, type and severity of the injury. That’s why it’s important that an expert person who is trained to do this should be consulted, as experts know better about where and how to tie the bandage.

Medication can also be used for the injuries related to groin strains. These may include painkillers and other drugs that can help treat the swelling and provide relief. Some OTC drugs are available in the market which should be used according to the prescription of the doctor.

Physical therapy is another effective method for the treatment of groin strains. This is effective not only at the time of acute trauma, but it can also be used continually for an extended period as a rehabilitation response to the injury. This treatment requires the supervision of an expert and trained physical therapist who will examine your condition and decide which exercises are suitable for you. Each patient may have to go through different physical therapy. Therefore, it’s essential to get a proper examination of your condition before moving on with the therapy. Once your physical therapist finalizes the right kind of exercises for you, he may give you an exercising routine which you can follow on your own on a regular basis. The approach of physical therapy is to restore the affected movement of the leg and to improve the body’s capacity to ensure quicker healing and speedy recovery. Following the right treatment plan can make a significant difference regarding healing time and effectiveness. Apart from the exercises involved in your physical therapies, you may also be able to benefit from the massages of the injured area. These massages are aimed to soothe the soft tissues associated with the injured area which can improve the blood flow and ensure a quicker recovery. For this purpose, you can count on your physical therapist and learn the right approach from him to practice it on your own later on.

Here are some of the most effective and easy exercises that you can try for the treatment of groin strains. However, you must understand that some of them may not be suitable for you and you should consider these after advising from your physical therapist or a doctor.

These exercises may be continued at least two days after the injury. During that time you should allow your injured area to rest as much as possible. It’s important to keep these exercises simple and on point.

Floor stretches

Floor stretches are done by lying on the floor straight on your back with your legs stretched. Legs are moved by stretching them outwards from the body posture one by one after returning each leg to the original position before moving the other.


Chairlift exercise can also help in some cases. It can be done by sitting on a chair with your knees bent, and slowly lifting each foot as high as your ankle is lifted to your groin level. The lifted foot should be kept that way for a few seconds before putting it down and doing the same thing with the other foot.

Knee Squeeze

As the name suggests, knee squeeze exercise involves a movement of the knee to squeeze a soft object. It is done in a sitting position and placing a soft rolled towel or a ball between the knees while holding it. Press your knees together to squeeze it for a few seconds before releasing the squeeze. This involves using the muscles that are stretched up to the groin area.

Apart from exercises, you must rest as much as possible and avoid a lot of activity. In severe cases, you may also use steroid based medication. However, the use of it is discouraged unless it’s absolutely necessary for treatment and recovery. Some severe conditions may also require surgery or operation, such as adductor tenotomy. Each type of treatment option may involve a post-treatment rehabilitation therapy in most cases.

Here is a quick to-do list for the treatment:

  • Resting as much as possible
  • Icing the painful area and between the legs
  • Using compression bandages
  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Exercising, stretching, friendly workouts
  • Gradually start physical activities, don’t rush.
  • Surgery as a last resort, if no results and symptoms persist after the treatment.

Prevention from Groin Strains

Prevention is always better than care. Several preventive measures should be understood and exercised in the fields. The best way to go about it is to practice them during the training until they become your reflexes. The prevention measures can be classified as primary and secondary preventions, and both of them are very important. The risk factors associated with groin strains should also be addressed and taken care of, including the patient’s history of groin strains, the strength of the muscles and the previous injuries. The patients who have experienced previous injuries are two times more susceptible to experience it again upon a heavy blow, while the risk of groin strains in people with lesser strength in the adductor tendons is quadruple.

These risks can be minimized by taking the rehabilitation therapy seriously. If the previous injury is not healed completely, there is an excellent chance that the little healing that is done will be reversed and the same acute condition will occur again. This can also make the region very week and easily injured again and again. Muscular exercises and workout that focuses on strengthening the core muscles and the tendons are very effective to build strength and endure pressures on such area. These include several core strengthening exercises, adduction exercises, coordination practices, skating and sliding workouts, and balancing practices.

Here is a brief checklist of the preventive measures:

  • Sufficient warming up of groin and legs before rigorous sporting, running, and activities.
  • Use the right footwear
  • Start off slow, and gradually improve and intensify your exertion.
  • Don’t continue exertion after pain and stiffness in the area.
  • Exercise regularly and keep your body used to exertion and pressure.

Recovery from Groin Strain

Recovery time varies greatly from patient to patient depending on the severity of the condition, the strength of the injured area and other factors. Usually, the pain is the best indicator to figure out how much more time it will take to recover as you experience a reduction in the degree of pain with time. For effective recovery, you should get back to the usual routine activities slowly and gradually according to your doctor’s advice. Once you start using your muscles and bones again, it will complement the complete healing of the injured parts. If the patient were healthy before the injury, the recovery would usually be faster. However, due to so many factors, it is not possible to precisely tell the time frame. Depending on the severity, the injury can take from a few weeks to 6 months of time to recover.

Here is what you can do to ensure speedy recovery:

  • Rest day and night
  • Avoid highly demanding everyday physical activities
  • Gradually start easy activities
  • Visit your doctor for a checkup regularly
  • Only use prescribed medication
  • Avoid intoxication
  • Eat healthy as it speeds up the recovery


What are Shin Splints?

Shin splints can be defined as a condition of acute pain in the leg and shin area which is caused due to overuse, overexertion, or prolonged running on the hard ground. It can result in a throbbing and aching condition after a sprint. In medical terms, shin splints are also called as medial tibial stress syndrome based on the muscles affected by it. Due to acute stress on the muscles and tissues located in the thigh bones and shin, pain, swelling, and inflammation can occur.

Shin splints can be considered as one of the most common types of repetitive strain injury experienced by the athletes and sportsmen. A variety of conditions can be defined as shin splints. The most common shin splint conditions are medial tibial stress syndrome, compartment syndrome, and the tibial stress fracture. Medial tibial stress syndrome is the most common type of shin splint, and it’s characterized by the degeneration of the shin bone, irritation and the damage to the muscles and soft tissues around it. The myofascial trigger points are the muscle knots in the anterior tibial muscles which can often remain undiagnosed and untreated. Due to these complications, the wrong treatments and diagnosis may be administered to the patient.

Risk Factors for Bursitis

Age is one of the most critical risk factors for bursitis. People involved in sports who are older than 30 years are more at risk of getting a Bursitis inflammation. Apart from that the type of sports and the strength of tendons and muscles also have a significant amount of determining the impact on the risk of bursitis.

Symptoms of Bursitis

Pain is the most important symptom of bursitis which can be aggravated by the movement. The pain can either be chronic or develop gradually over a long term, or it can be due to a sudden injury or blow. Difficulty or complete loss of movement ability is also experienced by the people suffering from bursitis. One such condition is known as adhesive capsulitis when it happens to the shoulder. As a result, the shoulder gets frozen and cannot be moved. Occasionally the patient may also experience swelling, redness, and warming of the injured area. The symptoms you should generally look for are the following:

  • Feeling pain and stiffness
  • Increased pain occurring due to movement or compression
  • Redness and swelling.
  • Difficulty or inability of moving joint due to pain
  • Bruising and rashes
  • Sharp and stinging pain during exercising
  • Feeling feverish

Treatment for bursitis

Bursitis treatment may have different approaches depending on the severity of the condition and the type of pain the treatment method is chosen to be administered. This also involves the type of structure and the part of the body that is suffering from bursitis. Preventive measures, as well as proper care, can significantly factor in for the effective treatment. The pain and swelling should be addressed first, and it should be ensured that there is no bleeding as a first aid response. In the long run, your doctor will guide you through with some treatment plans to cure the condition.

Bursitis treatment also involves the consideration of infection along with the condition. The treatment is chosen based on the presence or absence of infection along with bursitis. Bursitis that occurs with an infection is referred to as septic bursitis, while the one that occurs without an infection is called as aseptic bursitis. In the case of non-infectious or aseptic bursitis, some treatment options can be administered. The most commonly administered treatments are anti-inflammatory drugs, compression, rest and pain relieving medicines. These techniques can effectively reduce the symptoms and help speed up the recovery. The patient may also require bursa fluid aspiration in some cases. For that purpose, a syringe is used with a sharp needle to remove the fluid. It is done by an expert as it requires several sanitation and other considerations. It is usually done in the clinic or the doctor’s office. The fluid is retrieved, and it is forwarded to the labs for analyzing the conditions. The bursitis cases involving non-infectious conditions, the doctor may treat the patient under the action of anesthesia. The cortisone injectables are used for the treatment, and it is administered in the swollen area of the injured bursa. The chemical substance is very active and provides quick results. It can also recover the patient in a matter of a few days in most cases. This injection procedure can be carried out in combination with other treatments, such as the bursa fluid aspiration procedure. Apart from these options, you may also use other medication, NSAIDs and over the counter drugs. The most commonly used drugs in this regard are Motrin, Advil, Tylenol, and Aleve.

The treatment of bursitis may also involve other secondary aids. The patient can use braces and crutches. Moreover, the bursitis patients can also benefit from wearing footwears that are proper for bursitis as a preventive measure and to ensure that healing is accelerated. Other approaches can be incorporated in the treatment, such as weight reduction.

Exercising is also important to keep up with a healthy treatment regime. These involve stretching exercises which can prevent the patient from stiffness. The patient should be careful while choosing the exercises and they should be administered under the supervision of a physical therapist or a doctor. The patient should also avoid climbing the stairs and walking on uneven, hilly and rough surfaces. You should also avoid walking on steep surfaces. Some anti-inflammatory exercises may include Stairmaster and other such exercises.

Septic bursitis or infectious bursitis requires a more thorough approach because of the infection. The condition is rare, and it may require a surgical fixture of the problem by draining the infected bursa fluid using the technique of bursectomy.

Some of your lifestyle habits may also be responsible for a bursitis condition. That is why it’s important to take corrective measures regarding the things you may be doing wrong that caused bursitis. For this purpose, you can consult a physical therapist who will evaluate your lifestyle to observe the things that you might be doing wrong. You should also adopt an anti-inflammatory lifestyle which can help you effectively avoid inflammatory conditions. Some of the best ways to go about the treatment of bursitis are:

  • Resting as much as possible
  • Icing the painful area
  • Using compression bandages
  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Exercising, stretching, friendly workouts
  • Physical Therapy
  • Gradually start physical activities, don’t rush.
  • Surgery if no results are seen, and symptoms persist after the treatment.

Preventive measures for Bursitis

People who are not used to exercising and rigorous movement are more at risk of developing a bursitis condition. As a preventive measure, you should keep up with your exercising and work out regime to avoid any sudden damage to your muscles and tendons. Training can help make the tendons and muscles more flexible and robust. As a result, the impact of the injury can be minimized. In case if you already have a pain in particular part of your body, you should avoid training and sporting until the pain gets better. Otherwise, the pain can get worse with exertion and lead to a more severe condition. If you feel an onset of pain while playing or training, you should stop instead of ignoring it and continuing with your activity. Certain types of bursitis are not preventable. However, there are certain things that you can do to minimize the risk of bursitis, such as:

  • Using the particular type of padding to decrease the compression and pressure
  • Correctly lifting weights and take preventive training measures
  • Not lifting heavy loads on your back
  • Taking more breaks whenever your body asks for it
  • Preventing obesity as it can increase the risk of bursitis.
  • Making your muscles and joints stronger by exercising and training.
  • Always making sure that you do stretching and a warm up before training and exercising.



What are Fractures?

The term Fracture means a break in medical terms. Generally, the fracture is used to refer to the break in any bone in our body. However, in everyday language, the term is also used as muscle fracture to indicate the twisting, polling and spraining of the muscles. There are many reasons why fracture is characterized by a very severe injury or health condition. The injury causing fractures can be excruciating in most cases. A break in the bone can be healed naturally, for which some aids such as crutches and plasters are used to keep the broken bone into its right place. An average human adult has 206 different bones in their body. Therefore, there are numerous possibilities of a fracture, and it can be classified into different types. The most common fractures are experienced in the limbs, arms, legs, ribs, fingers, and jaw. In some different sports, the fracture is one of the most common sports injuries, as certain sports can be rough. However, preventive measures and right training can significantly minimize the risk of fractures in athletes and people involved in sports.

Symptoms of a Fracture

A fracture is a serious injury; the condition can lead to severe and sudden pain. Broken bones also damage the tissues, muscles, and tendons that are serving the covering purposes. Usually, it’s easy to identify that an injury has caused a fracture as the symptoms are usually very evident. However, sometimes a physical examination, as well as the diagnostic tests, may be needed to make sure that it’s a fracture. The common symptoms that occur with fractures are swelling, bruising, and discoloration of the skin, inability to move the injured area, tenderness, evident bone displacement, obvious deformity, and a lot of pain. Depending on the type and the location of the fracture, the symptoms may be different.

Other common symptoms may include:

  • Bruising and discoloration
  • Angulation and bending of the affected area.
  • Inability to bear weight on the injured bone
  • Inability to move the injured bone
  • A feeling and sound of grating sensation
  • Bleeding in case of open fractures.
  • Severe and larger fracture can cause paleness
  • dizziness
  • feeling nauseous

Different Types of Fracture

Fractures can occur due to a variety of different causes in people who are involved in sports. Usually, it’s due to a heavy blow, falling, or a severe traumatic injury. Sometimes the fracture can also result from overuse, repetition of the movement and put too much stress and pressure on the area. Depending on the location and the severity of the fracture, it can be classified into different types. The simplest classification puts it into two distinct groups, known as the closed fracture of the compound or open fracture. The first type is a lot more common in cases of sports injury, and under these conditions, the skin is not torn, and the fracture happens internally. In case of open fracture, due to the breakage, the broken bone can poke out from the skin causing bleeding and severe muscular damage.

Regarding other classifications, the fractures can be classified into several groups, such as:

Transverse fractures: this type of fractures are characterized by a straight line as of breakage.

Avulsion fractures: avulsion occurs when muscle tearing can pull apart a piece of bone along with it.

Comminuted fractures: it can be simply understood as multiple fractures on a single bone.

Spiral fractures: in this type, a spiral breakage is formed around the bone.

Oblique fracture: as the name suggests, this second type of causes a diagonal split of a bone

Compression fracture: this type results from a fracture in spongy and soft bones upon compression and pressure.

Fracture dislocation: this type causes dislocation of the joint. 

Greenstick fracture: in this type of fracture, the bone only breaks partially. This means that it’s not a complete fracture, and only one side of the bone is cracked.

Hairline fracture: this type is difficult to diagnose even with X-rays as the split is as thin as a hair. In several cases, it is left unnoticed. 

Impacted fracture: a fracture of one bone due to the piercing of another fractured bone in it can cause impacted fractures.

Intraarticular fracture: this fracture occurs on the bone, and it’s extended towards the joint with another bone.

Longitudinal fracture: in this type of fracture the length of the bone is affected.

Pathological fracture: pathological fractures can occur as a result of another underlying health condition or a disease that is causing the weakening of the bones, such as osteoporosis.

Stress fracture: due to the repetition of the movement and persistent stress, a fracture can be caused.

Buckle fracture: it results in bone deformity instead of an actual split.

Complications of Fractures

A post fracture treatment requires proper healing and the enjoining of the broken segments of the bone. However, if this does not happen properly, it can result in a bone deformity and displacement. Sometimes fractures can also result in infections typically in the open fractures type where the skin is torn. The possibility of infections is eliminated by administering the precautionary measures and antibiotics. In the majority of cases, fractures can cause damage to the proximal tissues and softer muscles located on or near the broken bone. It can also damage the nerves, the tendons, ligaments, and the blood vessels. The symptoms of fractures may get worse gradually with the passage of time. If proper measures are not taken, and the condition is ignored, it can develop into serious complications. Fractures can also result in muscle wasting in most cases. The death of proximal muscles may be caused due to fractures. Proper therapy can reduce the risk of this problem. Another complication, as well as a risk factor involved in cases of fractures, is the deep vein thrombosis. To avoid such complications, it’s best to follow a strict physical therapy and maintain the blood circulation.

How is a Fracture diagnosed?

The diagnosis for fracture can be a thorough procedure in certain cases. However, in many cases, it is quite evident just by looking that it’s a fracture. The patient is also mostly able to tell if the pain is muscular or if it’s in the bone. Sometimes muscular damage can also occur due to a fracture, which can cause confusions. Since there are some different fractures that various parts of our body are susceptible to, sometimes they can be extremely severe and difficult to handle. Things can get very complicated, and the condition can become extremely persistent. Nonetheless, the primary diagnosis includes a physical examination in which the patient is checked for any apparent symptoms of pain, the inability of movement, bone condition, and swelling. The doctor may also carefully examine by moving the bone and the joint in different positions to see if the movement is limited and painful. Numbness is also considered to be an indication. After a physical examination, the doctor may need to carry out a diagnostic test if the doubt persists. Depending on the individual case and the severity of the condition, the doctor may conduct an X-ray diagnostic test to identify the bone condition, an ultrasound test or an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) test. For the examination of tendons, muscles, and ligaments, MRI will provide sufficient evidence for possible damage. X-ray test will be able to analyze the bone condition, while the Ultrasound can sometimes help the doctor to locate and study the internal structures to see any possible damage.

Treatment for the Fractures

Fractured bones usually recover and help through a natural procedure. However, the recovery can be supplemented by eating healthy, resting the fractured area as much as possible and taking supplements such as calcium and vitamin D. 

The most important part of the treatment process is ensuring the healing is supplemented with the help of aids to ensure that the location and placement of the healing bones are kept perfectly to avoid any dislocation or deformities. It is focused on ensuring that the most suitable and optimal conditions are provided for allowing the bone to heal properly and promptly. This is usually achieved by administering a variety of ways to cause immobilization of the area.

The treatment starts with the lining up of the broken bones bringing them together as one unit. The process is called reducing the fracture as it brings the fractured bone closer together. This procedure is carried out under the effect of anesthesia which causes the patient to sleep in most cases as the process can be very painful. Surgery may be done to achieve this purpose if the case is severe. After the alignment, a variety of techniques may be used for the immobilization of the fractured bone, such as:

Plasters and braces- these are used to hold the bone exactly in the same position for a couple of weeks or even months. After the healing, it’s cut with the help of a saw.

Metal plates and screws – screwing and putting metal plates can keep the bone into place.

Intra-medullary nails – nails or rods are used on the larger bones and wires are used to hold the bone into place.

External fixators – this uses scaffolding technique by internally placing the carbon fiber directly into the bones.

The immobilized procedure is required for as much as two months in severe cases. During this period, the patient practices self-care practices and other complication may be monitored. It results in a simple healing process as the bone cells merge into each other by absorbing the old cells and producing the newer ones. A new bone may be formed, which is called a callus.

Physical therapy

After healing, a physical therapy remains to be a very effective treatment for the conditions of fractures. It can ensure the proper placement of muscles, bone and the joint, improve the strength and enhance the flexibility of the muscles and the tendons that surround the fractured bone. The condition can be developed in an acute manner as well as in a continuous and gradual manner. A single heavy blow, jerk or an injury can result in the fracture, of the tendons and muscles may get deteriorated over time by repetitive and smaller injuries.

Surgery: Plastic surgery may be administered to heal the damaged skin and muscles. However, in certain cases, a surgical procedure may be required for the alignment for the immobilization technique. 

Preventive measures for a Fracture

There are certainly a number of different ways in which we can ensure that a fracture is prevented. Sports can leave a person susceptible to an accident. However, taking proper measures and training can help a person in protecting himself even when he experiences an accident.

Here are some of the most effective ways to prevent a fracture:

  • Ensuring the bone health by eating healthy
  • Wearing the right suits for the sports, including paddings, etc.
  • Training to strengthen the bones and the muscles surrounding the bones
  • Stretching and regularly flexing along with the workout
  • Ensuring calcium and vitamin D intake to strengthen the bones
  • Preventing the direct impact of stress and pressure on the softer bones at the time of an accident
  • Treating any underlying health conditions which may weaken the bones, such as osteoporosis, osteogenesis, osteoarthritis, and cancer.
  • Preventing oneself from falls and accidents
  • Ensuring muscular health to avoid avulsion fractures

Muscular cramps

What are Muscular Cramps?

A muscle cramp is a very common condition in the sports injuries which is characterized by a strong and very painful contraction or tightening of a muscle. The condition usually occurs all of a sudden, and it may continue for a few seconds or several minutes.  In most cases, muscle cramps take place in the leg, feet or thigh area. The condition is also known as charley horse in common terminology. Sometimes the muscular cramps can occur during the night as a result of muscular spasms, muscular loosening and tightening as the person relaxes. It can also be experienced by people involved in sports. Therefore, it can occur both due to a lack of activity as well as too much vigorous activity. Most of us get muscular cramps at some point in our lives, so it’s quite a common condition. It results from forced contraction of the muscles which is involuntary. The causes of muscle cramps are numerous, and so are the types of muscle cramps. However, we will focus more on the causes related to the sports arena. It can occur due to the muscular contraction during a workout or exercise, and it can also occur when a person is relaxing. Each type of muscle cramp is associated with a cause. In the case of people involved in sports, they can be prone to dehydration as sports can cause too much perspiration. Therefore, dehydration is also a very common cause of muscle cramps in sports people and athletes. There are several medications as well that can result in muscle cramps as a side effect, and it’s usually written in the side effects of those medicines. In certain cases, the muscle cramps can be excruciatingly painful, and the patient may scream out of pain, and it can even last for as much as 45 minutes. Cramping of other involuntary muscles is also possible, such as the bowels, blood vessels, uterus, urinary tract, and bronchus. However, we will focus on the cramps that involve a musculoskeletal system of the human body, as these are the ones that are mostly associated with sports.

Although the condition is not a very serious issue, it can be really painful and uncomfortable at times. A person who is prone to muscle cramps may experience cramping repeatedly and frequently. That is why a proper treatment is advice for those people to eliminate the problem completely. The cramps of the muscles can be stopped if it’s possible to allow the stretching of the muscles. It can the muscle stretching is not possible, it can be difficult to address this problem sometimes. However, it’s mostly a condition that ends itself, and the person can get back to normal instantly. There are a number of things that we can do to prevent it from happening and to alleviate the pain at the time of a cramp. There are a number of factors that can increase the possibilities of a muscle cramp. Some of the factors that are in our control include a healthy and proper diet, healthy lifestyle and activities, and adequate stretching, workout and exercising. A person involved in sports should also care about keeping himself hydrated at all times not only to prevent muscle cramps but also to ensure overall body health in a number of different ways.

Risk Factors for Muscular Cramps

  • Being inactive
  • Lack of exercise
  • Being older
  • Being a female
  • Pregnancy
  • Dehydration
  • Improper training
  • The type of sports
  • The type of medicines taken

Types of muscle cramps in sports injuries

There are several different types of muscle cramps. However, sports injuries and sports related muscle cramps as associated with the musculoskeletal system of our body. Therefore, the relevant types of cramps are important to us. The musculoskeletal muscle cramps can be classified into four major types, including the true cramps, dystonic cramps, contractures, and the tetany cramps. The classification is based on the types of the cramps, the underlying causes for the cramps, and the area of the affected region.

True cramps are the most common type of muscular cramps experienced in sports people and athletes. They can be experienced in a part of a group of different muscles that function in combination. Such muscles include the flexion muscles of the legs and fingers. The most common cause of true cramps is considered to be a simulation of the muscles and the hyperexcitation of the nerves involved in them. It can be a result of injury and cause persistent muscular spasms. It can be considered as a reflexive response of the muscles to resist the impact of injuries to the muscles and the bones, such as in case of a fracture. It causes inability or serious limitation of the movement of the injured area, stabilization of the injured part and muscular spasming. These cramps can also result from vigorous activities involved in many sports. It can be a result of fatigue, overuse, and overexertion of certain muscles. Another reason for such cramps is resting, which is experienced by aged sports people. It usually occurs during the night and causes a severely painful condition. Dehydration can also cause serious cramping for the sportsmen and athletes as a result of heatstroke or excessive perspiration. Such cramps may also be caused due to the low levels of magnesium, potassium, and calcium in the bodies of people involved in sports. Body fluid imbalances can also result in muscular cramps.

Another type of muscular cramps is tetany cramps, which are caused due to the stimulation of the muscles and the excitation and activation of the proximal nerves. It may cause cramping in all the body. Sometimes it can be difficult to differentiate tetany cramps from true cramps.

Dystonic cramps are caused due to the contraction of muscles that are not meant or intended to be moved. It usually includes the cramping of muscles that work in the opposite direction. This is a less common type and occurs in smaller muscles. It can also be a result of overexertion and fatigue.

Contracture is the fourth type of cramping. However, it is not an actual type of cramping. In fact, it’s a distinguishable condition that can be mistaken as cramping. It is a condition characterized by scarring of the softer muscles and tissues involved in the muscular movement. As a result, the movement of the muscles is limited with the onset of pain.

Causes of Muscle Cramps

Muscular cramps can occur out of the blue and very suddenly. However, there is always an underlying cause for the condition. The causes differ from patient to patient and greatly determines the type of the cramp and the condition the patient is expected to experience. Although there are several causes for muscular cramps, the most common causes of muscle cramps are:

  • Fatigue of the muscles
  • Overexertion of muscles
  • Pain in the affected area
  • The weakness of the muscles
  • Inactivity
  • Vomiting can cause cramps
  • Lethargy and exhaustion
  • Sudden Weight Loss
  • Swelling of the muscles
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Confusion during movement
  • Lack of the muscles’ strength
  • Fever can cause cramps
  • Medication
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals
  • Poor blood circulation

Diagnosis of muscle cramps

Physical examination is performed for the diagnosis. The symptoms are observed in the physical examination stage. These symptoms include:

  • Inability to use and move the injured area
  • Persistent Swelling
  • Soreness
  • Bulging due to muscle knotting
  • The firmness of the muscles
  • Tenderness
  • Mild to severe Pain

If these symptoms are observed, the diagnosis indicates the possibility of muscle cramps. Although there aren’t any specific diagnostic tests for muscle cramps, they aren’t required either since it is comparatively easy to diagnose a muscular cramp. In most cases, the patient himself is aware that he is experiencing a muscular cramp, and the doctor can endorse the doubt.

Treatments for muscle cramps

Stretching of the muscles is a good way to stop and treat a muscle cramp condition. The stretching can be done by softly allowing the muscles to move and function in the proper way they’re meant to function. For instance, in the case of leg cramps, standing, flexing and walking around can help alleviate the condition. Moving the leg in different directions to find the most comfortable spot can also help alleviate pain and stretch the muscle. The stretching is usually more about common sense, and the patient can understand what is needed to be done with a little knowledge and interaction with the pain. Similarly, calf cramps can be treated by standing close to the wall and leaning towards the wall and stretching. These techniques can be easily learned with a short tutorial. The cramps can also be treated by massaging the muscles in certain cases. Massage oil can be used for the treatment. Medication is usually not required neither prescribed because the cramps are self-ending in most cases and they will be gone even before the medicine starts to absorb and act. However, if absolutely required, certain muscle relaxants can be administered to soothe and relax the muscles that are experiencing cramping temporarily. Latest medicines are also using Botox toxin and injectable to treat severe cramping conditions. However, this remains aloof from the scope of sports injuries.

Preventive measures for Muscular Cramps

Almost everyone is bound to experience cramps at some point in their life. Therefore, the best approach is to prevent it from happening. There are certain things that you can do to minimize the risk of cramps, such as:

  • Stretching before starting activities, sports, and exercise
  • Warming up and cooling down
  • Keeping yourself hydrated at all times
  • Avoid overexertion and fatigue
  • Keep electrolytic balance
  • Keep up with vitamins and minerals
  • Avoid excessive weight loss

Delayed onset muscle soreness

What is Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness?

Delayed onset muscle soreness is a condition that is often referred to as DOMS. This condition is especially characterized by the symptoms of the pain and the stiffness in the muscles which can last from several hours to several days after going through rigorous training or exercises which the body is usually not accustomed to. It’s a very common condition experienced by people in sports, athletes, people who train and gym, and newcomers to heavy training.

The more we train, the more our muscles get strong. However, if your muscles are not used to heavy exertion, you must start slow and gradually increase the training. Otherwise, too much stress and pressure on your tender muscles all of a sudden will definitely cause muscle fatigue, overexertion, wearing and tearing of the muscles. This can result in soreness that can last for up to 4 days depending on the severity of the condition. This condition is extremely common as almost every second or even first person will experience delayed onset muscle soreness after their first heavy workout. Therefore, this is where proper guidance by your trainer comes in handy. The reason behind it is so common is that the symptoms, stiffness, and pain start building up gradually a while after you’re done with your workout. During the workout, our body remains warmed up, and we are not aware of the threshold capacity of our muscles. As a result, in the phase of it, sportspeople usually end up doing it out of enthusiasm. However, it will do more harm than good. That’s why doing less is better than overdoing it during your first few sessions.

DOMS is considered to be a result of muscular lengthening exercises which can cause micro damages to the muscles, often referred to as microtrauma of the muscular fibers. In simple terms, the muscle fibers break and heal again. This breakage can cause pain, stiffness, and the inability to move them. It doesn’t mean that this breakage is not required. That is how our muscles build up stronger after healing. However, it needs to happen gradually and slowly. If the pain from the DOMS is mild and the patient continues the exercise, it can get more severe. Therefore, it’s recommended to rest until the pain is gone. Delayed onset muscle soreness can also be a condition as a symptom of muscular damage caused due to exercising and training. Although the pain is not evident during the workout when the body is warm, the condition starts to show up once the body temperature drops and the body cools down.

Signs and symptoms of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Pain is the most important symptom of DOMs which is usually accompanied by the stiffness of the muscles. Apart from these symptoms, other common symptoms include muscular soreness, a dull and aching pain, sometimes a swelling, tenderness of the muscles, pain upon touch and a feeling of palpation. There may be particular positions and angles in which the perceived pain is minimized, and the pain can increase if the damaged muscles are contracted, stretched, pressurized stressed and moved. Muscular tenderness is among the common symptoms and in this condition is it known as mechanical hyperalgesia of the muscles. The soreness and pain can remain for up to a week depending on the severity. However, it is maximum during the first four days, with the exception of the first day when pain gradually starts building up.

Causes of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

The causes are usually the same in the majority of the cases. Some of the most common causes associated with DOMS are as under:

  • eccentric exercise (lengthening exercise)
  • muscular contractions during exercises
  • static or isometric exercises
  • overexertion during workout
  • working out for more than 1 hour without warming up
  • Starting off with heavy training all of a sudden.

Preventive measures for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Depending on the causes of Delayed onset muscle soreness, we have the most control over protecting ourselves from it and preventing the DOMS Condition from happening. It is not likely to be caused due to an accident, and in most cases, it is due to the behavior, habits and the mistakes of the patient. Here are some of the most effective things you can do to prevent DOMS from happening:

  • Avoid intense workout at the starting
  • Gradually increase the workout time and intensity
  • Make use of the repeated-bout effect
  • Limit the concentric and static types of exercises
  • Avoid muscular fatigue
  • Avoid overstretching in the name of warming up
  • Limit the movement range and stretching during the workout
  • Use the correctly fitted compression garments
  • Eat healthy and nutritious
  • Keep electrolytic balance
  • Keep up with vitamins and minerals intake
  • Use Turmeric in a routine with the workout

Treatment for the Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

There are certain measures that can be taken to reduce the condition and treat it. The most important treatment is taking proper rest to ensure that the body gets enough time to heal the muscles and avoid the damage from further exercising. In most cases, you’ll be good for a couple of days, so there isn’t much to worry about. However, it shouldn’t be underestimated, and proper care should be administered. Even if the injury is less severe and you don’t take proper care, it can worsen with further mistakes. So reduce your intense activities as much as possible for the time being. Although not necessary in mild soreness, but sometimes the PRICE treatment can give significant and effective results especially when the condition is severe. Gentle massages for the issue of DOMS can be very effective due to the nature of the problem. A soft, gentle massage will help improve the circulation of the blood in the area and speed up the healing of the damaged muscles. This healing can be accelerated by eating foods that fight inflammation and have healing properties. Turmeric, also known as curcumin is also a magic ingredient which has amazing healing properties. So, make sure that you use that. Hot baths can also help alleviate the pain and soreness, so don’t hesitate to try sauna. Massages, on the other hand, can increase the overall blood flow in the region and help speed up the recovery. Another approach to take for alleviating the symptoms is resting, Icing, compression, and elevation can also help in to reduce the symptoms. Resting is the most important part of the healing process, as a wrong pressure and movement can reverse the process of healing and make the DOMS condition worse. Furthermore, icing can be done for 20 minutes to 30 minutes a number of times throughout the day for a few days until the symptoms are eliminated. The sore muscles can also be compressed by compression bands and fastening an elastic wrap around it. The pressure should be moderate to avoid any excess strain on the area. The recovery time for DOMS may range from a few days to a few weeks. Although it’s not recommended to exercise rigorously, it’s also suggested to not get into a rest phase entirely. Exercising can actually help alleviate or at least suppress the pain to some extent if you know how to do it right. You certainly don’t have to do a lot of stretching and worsen your condition. This effect is known as exercise-induced analgesia. Some people do consider it the best way to alleviate the soreness. However, it cannot be endorsed scientifically. Therefore, it’s better to stick with the conventional plan, as the condition will eventually be treated in a matter of days in most cases. Your plan should overall include:

  • Taking a break from the normal exercise routine
  • Stay limber with your exercising and practice light exercising
  • Physical therapies like RICE and massaging
  • Eat and drink healthy
  • Try anti-inflammatory medication in severe cases
  • See a doctor if needed

Frozen shoulder

What is Frozen Shoulder?

Frozen shoulder is a common condition in sports injuries which is characterized by pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. In medical terms, it is also known as adhesive capsulitis. It is one of the most common shoulder injuries. However, unlike other injuries, the condition can persist for a long time and may even remain a problem for three years. The symptoms usually start to begin gradually with an initial onset of discomfort, which gradually turns into mild pain and then starts getting severe. This is one reason why it’s important to limit or even stop exertion and rigorous activities if the shoulder joint starts to show mild symptoms. This should be followed by a proper treatment plan. The treatment for the problem of frozen shoulder in most cases requires very thorough and aggressive treatment in a number of ways. In severe cases, medication and injectable are also required. The medication usually includes anti-inflammatory drugs, and the injections are needed to be administered on the shoulder area, such as cortisone injections.  Apart from these methods, physical therapy is also essential for an effective treatment of frozen shoulder. There is intensive care needed in the treatment of the frozen shoulder as the condition can become permanent if proper measures are not taken and if the condition is repetitively ignored. The problem can sometimes show excessive resistance to various treatment methods. Therefore, this is a problem that all the people involved in sports should be aware of. Other underlying conditions can also increase the risk of getting a frozen shoulder, such as a mastectomy or a stroke. Usually, the treatments which require the patient to limit the movement of the arm can increase the risk of frozen shoulder. The condition can also be mistaken with other conditions, such as arthritis. However, this is a totally different and unrelated condition.

There can be a number of ways to treat this condition, and in most cases, it will require a combination of several effective treatments. Steroid drugs may also be required in cases of severe injuries. However, it’s usually avoided due to the heavy side effects. If the problem persists, surgical procedures may be required to treat the condition. The most common surgical procedure administered for the treatment of frozen shoulder is arthroscopic surgery. A number of complications may also be experienced by the patient. The most common complication is the recurrence of the frozen shoulder problem on the same shoulder even after the complete treatment is administered. However, the second frozen shoulder can be experienced on the opposite shoulder as well.

Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder

The symptoms of the frozen shoulder may vary from patient to patient depending on the severity of the condition and the time period for which the problem has existed. The symptoms start to build up gradually, and the problem can span three stages. On each stage, the problem can persist for months before entering the next stage.

First Stage: The first stage for a frozen shoulder can be considered as a Freezing stage. As the name suggests, it completely disables the movement of the shoulder and can cause severe pain. The condition starts building up gradually, first with a limitation of the full range movement, which slowly develops into complete freezing.

Second Stage: The second stage can be considered as the frozen stage. This stage begins at the end of the first stage when the shoulder movement is disabled to the maximum. The stiffness is maximized at this stage. However, the pain in the shoulder starts to get duller gradually. The

Third Stage: The third staging is the final stage of frozen shoulder. It is normally referred to as the Thawing stage. As the name suggests, in this stage the frozen shoulder begins to thaw, and the movement gradually starts to get enabled. At the end of this stage, the person can feel painless, and the full range of movement is enabled. The pain throughout these phases can usually be more severe during the night, which can severely impact the sleep of the patient causing restlessness. 

Causes of Frozen Shoulder

The physiological cause of frozen shoulder includes the tightening and thickening of the ligaments, tendons and the connective tissues of the shoulder. The shoulder joint is very sophisticatedly covered by a combination of ligaments, tendons, and muscles, some of which serves the connective purposes. The inflammation and stiffness of these tissues can result in an inability of movement and pain. The exact underlying cause of this stiffness is still unknown to the researchers and doctors. However, certain risk factors are associated with this condition, such as an underlying health condition of a patient, including diabetes or a fracture. Usually, the primary cause of frozen shoulder is considered to be immobilization of the frozen shoulder.

Risk factors for Frozen Shoulder

There are various risk factors involved in the development of a frozen shoulder. Although it doesn’t mean that all such people will definitely develop the condition, these factors can significantly increase the underlying risk. Some of the most common factors include:


Older people and athletes are more at risk of developing a frozen shoulder. People above forty years of age have a significant risk. Therefore, exercising is especially recommended.


Women athletes are more at risk of developing a frozen shoulder.

Lack of mobility

Partial lack or complete absence of mobility and movement of the shoulder can significantly increase the risk of frozen shoulder. This will include people who are required to limit their daily mobilization and exercise due to their lifestyle. A number of other factors can also influence the possibility of developing a frozen shoulder, such as:

  • Fracture
  • Health conditions like diabetes and Stroke
  • Post-surgical complications.
  • Rotator cuff injury
  • Systemic diseases
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Heart-related diseases
  • Inactive thyroid
  • Parkinson’s disease and neuropathy
  • Tuberculosis

Prevention for Frozen Shoulder

Prevention is essential for minimizing the risk of frozen shoulder, especially in cases where patients have certain underlying health conditions. These preventive measures should include:

  • Increased mobility of the shoulder
  • Exercising and stretching
  • Physical therapy in case of fractures
  • Correct exercising in case of underlying diseases
  • Lifestyle changes.

Exercising can significantly help in the reduction and the prevention of frozen shoulder symptoms. These exercises need to be simple if you have experienced recent trauma. However, they can very effectively decrease the risk and possibility of a frozen shoulder. Exercises like crossover stretching of the arm and others can help keep the tissues healthy and moving. Here we discuss some of the most effective exercises that can prevent frozen shoulder. However, it’s important to note that these exercises should be administered under the supervision or with the guidance of a specialist of a physical therapist.

Crossover arm stretch:

Stretching out the frozen arm to the front and pulling it to hold next to your chin for half a minute before releasing.

Pendulum stretching:

Hang your pained arm and swing it in a circular motion, gradually increasing the diameter of the circle with time.

Towel stretching:

With the help of a towel, pull the towel with the healthy arm from behind your back while holding it with both hands in order to move the pained arm up in the direction of the shoulder.

Diagnosis of Frozen Shoulder

The primary diagnosis is initially performed. In this diagnosis, only the medical history and the physical symptoms are evaluated carefully, such as apparent symptoms of pain and swelling. The doctor may also carefully examine by moving the shoulder joint in different positions to see if the movement is limited and painful. Numbness is also considered to be an indication. After a physical examination, the doctor may need to carry out a diagnostic test if the doubt persists for the structural problems. Depending on the individual case and the severity of the condition, the doctor may conduct an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), or an X-Ray Test. For the examination of tendons, muscles, and ligaments, MRI will provide sufficient evidence for possible damage. X-ray test will be able to analyze the bone condition.

Treatment of Frozen shoulder

The treatment for the problem of frozen shoulder can be multidimensional. Frozen shoulder is a more dynamic problem compared to other shoulder injuries. Therefore, the treatment approach may also differ depending on the type of condition and severity. Unlike other injuries, the problem of frozen shoulder can be very persistent, and the symptoms can remain for as long as three years. This deteriorates a quality of a significant portion of your life. Hence it is extremely important to take proper measures for the treatment of Frozen shoulder. All the treatments are aimed at alleviating the pain and improving the mobility of the arm by reducing stiffness. This can be done in a number of ways and with a combination of different treatment methods, such as injectable, medication, physical therapy and exercise.

The approach follows the following pattern:

  • physical therapy
  • medication
  • surgery
  • home care

Physical therapy is almost essential for all cases of the frozen shoulder due to the nature of the problem. The objective remains to be free movement of the shoulder joint without pain, which is where physical therapy plays an important role to stretch your shoulder joint and regain the lost motion. The recovery period can take anywhere from a few weeks to nine months to experience significant progress. If physical therapy is not leading to good results, in the long run, it is a very strong reason to see your doctor regarding the condition.  Certain medicines can also be taken for relieving the pain as well as lowering the inflammatory condition that the shoulder may be suffering from internally or externally. The most commonly used drugs for this purpose is naproxen sodium, aspirin, and ibuprofen. In severe cases, you may be required to take steroid injectables. However, there are several side effects of steroids, and they should only be administered if there are no other options or any options except a surgery.

You should also take proper care at home and incorporate these changes and preventive measures in your everyday activities. This would include a regular administration of icing, compression, and other exercises. You also need to cut down on your everyday activities and limit the movement by bringing drastic changes to your lifestyle. An expert will be able to guide you on how easily and effectively you can carry out everyday tasks without the use or with minimal uses of your arm and the shoulder. Another treatment that can be applied for alleviating the pain is a hot and cold treatment which utilizes the difference between temperature extremes can also help alleviate the symptoms this is usually done by the padding or hot and cold packs that are available in the market. Your doctor will also guide you regarding the exercises that you should do and the exercises that you should avoid on a daily basis.

In case if other treatments are not showing positive results in the long run, you may have to opt for a surgical procedure. The procedure is invasive, but it may be inevitable in certain cases since we have talked about how persistent a problem of frozen shoulder can be. The stiffens and freezing may be a result of dislocation or a certain type of adhesion which is causing a jam. The surgery is aimed at removing the cause of the frozen shoulder after figuring out what the problem is after careful diagnosis. For movement of the arm and shoulder, joint anesthesia may be administered. Diagnosis, as well as treatment, may be carried out with the help of an arthroscope and arthroscopic surgical treatment. When the cause of frozen shoulder is an injury, you should look forward to performing surgery after a few weeks if no positive results of physical therapy are seen. After the surgery, your stitches will be removed in ten days. The rehabilitation and postoperative care, exercise, and physical therapy is the most important part to ensure that you get back to the ground at the earliest. Most athletes are able to continue with their sports within three months from the time of injury if effective treatment is given. Nonetheless, there are certain risks associated with the surgical procedures, and you should take some time out to discuss it with your doctor in detail and to think about it before getting into the treatment. Sometimes even surgery can be ineffective, and the pain may persist for a longer time.

Shoulder manipulation

The patient, in this case, is administered with anesthesia so that the pain cannot be felt. Under the impact of anesthesia, the specialist may move the shoulder joint to fix the dislocation that can alleviate the symptoms. This strongly depends on the type of the condition the patient is experiencing.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

This is achieved by using equipment which aims at numbing the nerves that work as pain receptors. These nerves are numbed from the back and spine area. This method is also referred to as TENS, and it can be used to alleviate pain. However, this should only be administered by a specialist.

Sometimes surgery may be the only viable option in case of frozen shoulder, and to ensure faster results it is also often recommended. Here are some of the best measures that can be taken for the treatment of frozen shoulder:

  • Resting as much as possible
  • Icing the painting area
  • Using compression bandages
  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Exercising, stretching, friendly workouts
  • Gradually start physical activities, don’t rush.
  • Surgery as a last resort, if no results and symptoms persist after the treatment.

Iliopsoas Syndrome

What is Iliopsoas Syndrome?

Iliopsoas syndrome is another name for iliopsoas tendonitis, which is a common condition in sports injuries characterized by the inflammation of the tendons or the proximal tissues or the area close to the tendons. It can be a result of overuse, overexertion, and repeated flexion of the hip muscle resulting in pain and inflammation caused by acute trauma. This is specific to the tendons of the hips. Although there are a number of other conditions that can affect the hip region, iliopsoas syndrome is one of the most common among the sports people and the athletes. This syndrome may cause tendinitis as well as bursitis of the hip. The iliopsoas is a regional muscle in the anterior hip, consisting of three main parts. These are named as psoas major, psoas minor, and the iliacus. These muscles serve the purpose of flexion of the hip. Bursae are also present in the hip joint similar to many other parts of the body. Bursa is the small sacs that are filled with fluids, and they act as the cushions to the bones, tendons, ligaments and the muscles in the proximal locations of the joints. In the hip, there are two bursae which are usually prone to inflammation. In simple terms, when one of these bursae becomes inflamed, the condition is known as hip bursitis, and when the tendons of iliopsoas which joints the thigh bone with the muscles are inflamed, the condition is termed as tendinitis.

Causes for Iliopsoas Syndrome

There are a number of different causes of Iliopsoas syndrome. Specific to the people involved in sports activities, Iliopsoas syndrome can be experienced most commonly due to the overuse and repeated use of a certain area. As most sports require repetitive movement of a certain part of the body, the athletes and sportsmen can become vulnerable to such conditions.

Other causes of Iliopsoas syndrome may include:

  • Sudden jerking
  • Running several steps
  • Suddenly stopping while running
  • Legs or arms stretching
  • Wrong posture and legs movement
  • Heavy hit
  • Hard blows
  • The weakness of the tendons
  • Lack of flexibility of the tendons and muscles
  • Tearing of the muscles
  • Overexertion of joints
  • Not stretching or warming up before working out
  • Arthritis
  • Length difference of legs
  • Rheumatic arthritis
  • Reactions of medication
  • Abnormal placement or displacement of joints and bones

Symptoms of Iliopsoas Syndrome

Pain is the most important symptom of iliopsoas bursitis and iliopsoas tendinitis which can be aggravated by the movement. The pain can either be chronic or develop gradually over a long term, or it can be due to a sudden injury or blow in most cases. Difficulty or complete loss of movement ability is also experienced by the people suffering from iliopsoas bursitis and iliopsoas tendinitis. Occasionally the patient may also experience swelling, redness, and warming of the injured area. The symptoms you should generally look for are the following:

  • Feeling pain and stiffness in the hip area
  • Increased pain occurring due to movement or compression
  • Redness and swelling.
  • Difficulty or inability of moving hip due to pain
  • Sharp and intense pain in the start
  • Gradual dulling of the pain
  • Clicking or snapping of the hip
  • Increased Pain due to mobility
  • Bruising and rashes
  • Sharp and stinging pain during exercising
  • Tenderness in the hip or groin
  • Pain in the lower back
  • Pain in buttocks
  • Pain radiating along the leg
  • Groin and pelvic pain
  • Shuffling and limping
  • Difficulty in maintaining an erect posture

Risk factors for Iliopsoas Syndrome

Age is not the important risk factors of iliopsoas bursitis and iliopsoas tendinitis. Apart from that the type of sports and the strength of tendons and muscles also have a significant amount of determining the impact on the risk of iliopsoas bursitis and iliopsoas tendinitis. Sex is also a significant risk factor, and females are more prone to iliopsoas bursitis and iliopsoas tendinitis. There may be several other risk factors involved in iliopsoas bursitis and iliopsoas tendinitis, such as:

  • Overuse and overexertion
  • Bone spurs
  • Type of sports: Runners, athletes, dancers, soccer players
  • Calcium deposition
  • Previous injury or trauma of the hip
  • Underlying issues related to hip and spine, such as arthritis and scoliosis.
  • different types of arthritis
  • The difference in the lengths of the legs

Diagnosis of Iliopsoas Syndrome

The diagnosis for iliopsoas bursitis and iliopsoas tendinitis can be a thorough procedure in certain cases. The patient is also mostly able to tell if the pain is muscular or if it’s in the bone. Nonetheless, the primary diagnosis includes a physical examination in which the patient is checked for any apparent symptoms of pain, the inability of movement, bone condition, and swelling. Medical history also plays an important role here. The doctor may also carefully examine by moving the leg, hip and the joint in different positions to see if the movement is limited and painful. Numbness is also considered to be an indication. After a physical examination, the doctor may need to carry out a diagnostic test if the doubt persists. Depending on the individual case and the severity of the condition, the doctor may conduct an X-ray diagnostic test to identify the bone condition, an ultrasound test or an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) test. For the examination of tendons, muscles, and ligaments, MRI will provide sufficient evidence for possible damage. X-ray test will be able to analyze the bone condition, while the Ultrasound can sometimes help the doctor to locate and study the internal structures to see any possible damage.

Treatment for iliopsoas bursitis and iliopsoas tendinitis

The treatment for iliopsoas bursitis and iliopsoas tendinitis is rather simple in most cases as the condition is commonly not very severe. Surgery is avoided unless absolutely necessary, and the resting is considered to be an effective treatment method. The patient can recover from iliopsoas bursitis and iliopsoas tendinitis within a month only by resting. However, there are certainly several other things that you can do to ensure effective and speedy treatment and recovery.

The cause, as well as the severity of the condition, is very important for the treatment of iliopsoas bursitis and tendinitis. If the condition is mild, you can take proper rest and keep your joints relaxed. Several home remedies and traditional methods can be very effective, and in most cases, you may not need to see a doctor. The inflammation can be reduced by taking anti-inflammatory drugs and icing the swollen area to alleviate the symptoms of pain and swelling. Similarly, you need to bring some changes to your daily routine and the types of the activities that you’re involved in. This can effectively reduce the irritation caused to bursitis. Furthermore, you can make sure of aids like crutches and a cane to support yourself rather than putting your body weight and the pressure on your injured area. This will not only be protective, but it will also speed up the recovery from the pain and other symptoms. For complementing the treatment for effective results, you can try other available options such as medicines that are aimed at reducing inflammation. This can be more beneficial than taking the simple painkillers. Other than this, you may go for other NSAIDs and over the counter drugs, like acetaminophen and aspirins. In severe cases, if the condition is not tolerable, you can administer corticosteroid injections with the prescription of your doctor. Combining more than one treatment options can improve the effectiveness of the treatment overall. In terms of physical therapy, you should aim for strengthening and stretching exercises. These would be advised by your therapist depending on the types that are suitable for you. If you are practicing them on your own, you should discontinue them if it is enhancing the symptoms or cause more pain. The approach should be to stretch the hip flexor muscles. It is important to note that these conditions can be coupled with an infection as well. Therefore, you may need an antibiotic course after the diagnosis if your doctor finds a possible infection. Apart from that, surgery will not be required in a majority of cases. Some simple and effective measures for the treatment of iliopsoas bursitis and iliopsoas tendinitis are:

  • Resting as much as possible
  • Icing the painting area
  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Exercising, stretching, friendly workouts
  • Physical Therapy
  • Gradually start physical activities.
  • Surgery as a last resort, if no results and symptoms persist after the treatment.

When the signs start showing improvement, the patient can gradually get back to carrying out their everyday activities that require physical exertion. The specialist or doctor will make sure of when you are in a condition to get back to continue with everyday activities. The patient should phase into the regular lifestyle by first of all trying light exercises and gradually improving on the difficulty. At the same time, you should ensure that you do not do anything that can cause jerking of the hip. It is best to avoid sports for a while after the injury. Sports should be avoided for a long time after the injury, even when the patient recovers, as it can severely increase the risk of reversing the healing.

Impingement Syndrome

What is Impingement Syndrome?

Impingement syndrome is a condition of the shoulder common in sports injuries that are characterized by pain inability of movement, weakness and limited mobility of the shoulder. There are several medical names for this condition, such as supraspinatus syndrome, painful arc syndrome and sub-acromial impingement. In more common terms it is also referred to as thrower’s shoulder and swimmer’s shoulder, given its strong association with these sports. The impingement syndrome is a result of irritation of rotator cuff muscle and the inflammation of proximal tendons.

Causes of Impingement Syndrome

The patient’s condition in Shoulder impingement is caused due to overuse, the repetition of the movement of shoulders and raising and stretching the arm due to which the tendons can impinge. That is why the condition is also referred to as rotator cuff impingement; these movements can include overhead movement, overuse of the joint and other similar activities. People involved in a variety of sports are vulnerable to this condition. Shoulder impingements may be very painful accompanied by the disability to continue sports for a while. The condition makes it very difficult for the patient to sleep, and they may get up from sleep several times during the night due to the shoulder pain. It’s also difficult to get a comfortable lying position where the shoulder doesn’t pain. The pain can get worse with moving the shoulder joint in certain angles, and it can be extended towards the rest of the arm. It can also make the usual everyday activities a challenge for the patient due to the pain, such as combing the hair.

Shoulder impingement affects the area where the upper arm is connected strongly in the socket, and this connection is strengthened by the group of tendons and muscles called the rotator cuff. Injury to this group of muscles can result in a dull pain in the shoulder. And the condition can easily get exacerbated while making the pain worse with time. Therefore, proper care, especially with the right sleeping position, is required to treat the condition in a timely manner and not cause further damage.

Signs and symptoms of Impingement Syndrome

The symptoms of the frozen shoulder may vary from patient to patient depending on the severity of the condition and the time period for which the problem has existed. The symptoms start to build up gradually, and the problem can span for a while. Pain, weakness, stiffness, and lack of mobility are the most important symptom of shoulder impingement which can be aggravated by the movement. The pain can either be chronic or develop gradually over a long term, or it can be due to a sudden injury or blow. Difficulty or complete loss of movement ability is also experienced by the people suffering from shoulder impingement. One such condition is known as adhesive capsulitis when it happens to the shoulder. This condition is separately characterized as the frozen shoulder. As a result, the shoulder gets frozen and cannot be moved. Occasionally the patient may also experience swelling, redness, and warming of the injured area. The symptoms you should generally look for are the following:

  • Feeling pain and stiffness
  • Increased pain with overhead movement
  • Increased pain occurring due to movement or compression
  • The feeling of grinding upon movement
  • Difficulty or inability of moving joint due to pain
  • Popping sensation upon movement
  • Sharp and stinging pain during exercising

Risk factors for Impingement Syndrome

As a general rule, the overall resilience and strength of the patient is a very detrimental factor. If the muscles are wrong, the injury is likely to be less severe. Apart from that, the strength of the muscles can also be affected by growing age, especially after the age of forty years. Therefore, age is another important risk factor. The type of sports that a person is involved in is also detrimental to the risk. Sports like tennis, swimming, baseball, soccer, and golf are the high-risk sports. The professional practices, as well as the medical history of the patient and his family, is also very detrimental.

Diagnosis of Impingement Syndrome

Initially, the patient is examined for certain physical symptoms of pain, weakness, and stiffness. A medical history of the patient is also helpful in the examination and diagnosis. The doctor may also carefully examine by moving the shoulder joint in different positions to see if the movement is limited and painful. Numbness is also considered to be an indication. After a physical examination, the doctor may need to carry out a diagnostic test if the doubt persists. Depending on the individual case and the severity of the condition, the doctor may conduct an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), an ultrasound test or an X-Ray Test. For the examination of tendons, muscles, and ligaments, MRI will provide sufficient evidence for possible damage. X-ray test will be able to analyze the bone condition, while the Ultrasound will help the doctor to locate and study the internal structures to see any possible damage.

Once the doubt is established, the doctor may administer different tests for verifying the impingement syndrome. These tests include the Hawkins-Kennedy Test, and the impingement test, in which lidocaine is injected to notice the improvement in the symptoms of pain and movement. If there are positive signs, the condition is considered to be an impingement syndrome.

Treatment for Impingement Syndrome

A multi-disciplinary treatment can be administered for impingement syndrome. Since the nature of the condition is inflammatory, a number of oral anti-inflammatory medicines can be used for effective reduction of the symptoms. The drugs that are most commonly used for impingement syndrome are ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen. There are potential side effects of these medicines as they are administered for a long period of up to 2 months on a daily basis. Impingement syndrome can be persistent in certain cases, and it can take a lot of time to recover from it even by effective treatment methods fully. These medicines may include some over the counter drugs. However, you should not use any of these on a long-term basis without the prescription of a doctor and without careful supervision of a specialist. The side effects may vary from person to person, and if the side effects are enhanced too much, you may have to stop the medicines. The most common side effects of these medications are bleeding and stomach problems. These medicines are given to target and treat the symptoms that are expressed in impingement syndrome, and there are no preferred or specialized medicines for this problem. The effectiveness of these medicines may also differ in each person. Therefore, a number of different medicines may be used one after another after a gap of 12 to 15 hours depending on the response of each medicine. If one medication does not show any results for you, the doctor may go for the other medicine. This is continued until the results are noticeable.

If these medications and drugs do not show any significant improvement in the condition, then your doctor may go for cortisone based injectables as a secondary treatment option. Cortisone is a substance that has effective anti-inflammatory properties, and it can show results quicker. The reason it is used as a secondary treatment option is that it can cause weakness of the tendons and the muscles as a side effect if it is frequently used. Therefore, it is used only when it is absolutely necessary.

Apart from medicines, the treatment of impingement syndrome may also involve exercises and physical therapy on a regular and daily basis. The most important exercises include stretching. Warm showers are also useful as you may be able to move the stiff and painful joint during a shower. Along with light exercises, you should also ensure that you do not participate in the activities that involve repetitive movement and exertion of your arm. Above activities should be especially avoided in this regard. The best exercising practices will be guided and introduced to you by your physical therapist. The physical therapy will be aimed at stretching and strengthening of the muscles through exercises.

If the condition is not improving with these measures, the doctor may go for another diagnosis and carry out some tests, such as arthrogram, Ultrasound, and MRI as differential tests. It will help the specialist understand if there is a need for surgery, or if there has been severe tearing.

In most cases, the patients are able to recover from impingement syndrome with the help of exercises, physical treatment, and therapy, therapeutic approaches, preventive measures, and injectables. It is important to ensure that the injured area should be given enough time to rest so that inflammation can be capped.

Treating the impingement syndrome with the therapeutic approaches, however, poses a number of side effects that you must be aware of. The patient may suffer from digestion problems, headaches, nausea, and stomach related problems. A useful measure would be to take your medicines after the meals to avoid severe side effects. Apart from these side effects, a person may also suffer from ulcers, bleeding, and constipation. However, these are the less common side effects.  You can also adapt to an anti-inflammatory lifestyle and eat the foods that encourage the healing process. One of the highlight substance that you can use in your foods is turmeric or curcumin.

In case of a surgical procedure, you may go through a process of shoulder manipulation under the effect of anesthesia. If the shoulder is dislocated due to acute trauma, it will be fixed to relief the muscles and tendons that are stretching because of it. The damaged tissue or any adhesive particles are removed from the shoulder joint with the help of tube insertion. Physically, you can also administer the heat and cooling procedure which can help reduce the inflammation, swelling, and pain. A gentle massage can also be helpful in some cases if the area is not sensitive to touch. The improved circulation and blood flow due to the massage will help reduce the inflammation and enhance the healing.

Iliotibial band syndrome

What is Iliotibial band syndrome?

Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS or IT band syndrome) is an overuse injury of the connective tissues that are located on the lateral or outer part of thigh and knee. It causes pain and tenderness in those areas, especially just above the knee joint.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome is a common medical condition in sports people and athletes that is characterized by an overuse injury of the Iliotibial Band. It happens due to the rubbing and the friction of the muscles against the knee bone. The Iliotibial Band is also referred to as IT Band, and this condition is also abbreviated as ITBS in medical terms. The Iliotibial Band is located in the outer and lateral region of the thigh, and it extends to the knee. This is basically a band of soft and firm connective tissues. The condition can cause mild to severe pain along with other symptoms like tenderness above the knee. The Iliotibial Band is stretched from the pelvis, crawls through the hip region and extends towards the knee. It mainly serves the purpose of keeping the knee stabilized when a person is walking, moving, running, stretching and exercising.

Signs and symptoms of Iliotibial band syndrome

The symptoms and signs for IT Band Syndrome can vary from person to person depending on the severity of the condition. In less severe cases the patient may experience a sudden discomfort just above the knee during a walk or run. The pain may go once the patient rests for a short while. For some people, the pain is not experienced suddenly and may build up gradually with time. In most cases, IT Band Syndrome cases include a stinging sensation in the knee along with the loss of control over the knee muscle, which may destabilize the knee. In severe cases, the movement of the knee joint is severely limited due to the pain, and gradually physical signs start showing up, which may include severe pain, muscular tenderness, and swelling. Some of the other most common symptoms can include:

  • Thickening of the tissue in the proximal region
  • Burning sensation
  • Increased pain with the passage of time
  • Pain due to the striking of the foot on the ground
  • Persisting pain in the IT Band
  • Pain in the tibia upon compression

Causes of Iliotibial band syndrome

The most common cause of an IT Band Syndrome is the turning and the wrong training habits, imbalance of the muscles, and sudden displacement. As a result, the knee can be pushed out of its normal and natural position, and it can cause muscular and tendon damage. Such unexpected movements are very common in sports that involve a lot of running and the use of legs. These tearing of the muscles can be very painful at times and could be accompanied with other symptoms such as bruising and the swelling of the area. Although it’s mostly the tendons, ligaments, and muscles that are damaged or injured due to IT Band Syndrome, it can also damage other structures, such as the blood vessels, the knee by displacing it, and cartilages. There are several risk factors involved, such as the types of sports, etc. however, it can occur in people of all ages.

Some of the other most common causes for IT Band Syndrome include:

  • Walking on uneven or hard surfaces
  • Wearing the wrong sized or kind of shoes
  • Rigorous sports activities and feet movements
  • Twisting of feet, ankle and knee muscles
  • Turning suddenly during a play
  • A sudden strain due to kicking
  • Running and stopping suddenly
  • Continuing sports after mild strains and pain.
  • Microtraumas
  • Wrong diagnosis of a previously occurring pain.
  • Repeated minor injuries
  • Overuse of the muscles
  • Long training hours
  • Sitting in the lotus position for long hours
  • Prolonged running on an uneven surface
  • Uphill and downhill running
  • Climbing and descending stairs again and again
  • Not stretching and warming up before workout and running
  • Hiking for long hours
  • The weakness of abductor’s muscles and other tendons

Treatment & Rehabilitation for Iliotibial band syndrome

There are several ways to treat the IT Band Syndrome. The treatment may vary depending on the severity of the injury and the type of the underlying cause of ITBS. In terms of physical treatment, the traditional RICE therapy is widely used for IT Band Syndrome treatment. As a secondary relief, a number of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs can be used, such as naproxen, ibuprofen, and aspirins. The medicines should be carefully administered as it can interfere with other prescriptions for underlying health conditions. The main approach often remains to be 1) complete rest and 2) foam roller massage.

Physical therapy and home remedies have a number of ranked approaches, including stretching exercises, massages and foam roll. It can improve the injury condition and reduce the symptoms of pain and swelling. Usually, you do not need to visit a doctor. However, you may consider seeing a physical therapist if the symptoms are not being addressed by the home remedies. The physical therapist will focus on stretching and stretching exercises to improve the flexibility and reduce the friction between the rubbing structures in case of IT band Syndrome. The inflammation scarring and breaking down of structures is caused due to this increased friction.

A number of other options are also available, such as therapeutic ultrasound techniques, such as phonophoresis, which can reduce the irritation and soothe the softer tissues around the knee. Medicine is administered through the skin to reach the inflamed tissues directly. Sometimes electricity can be used instead of the medicine in this treatment, which is commonly known as iontophoresis.

A physical therapist would require to measure some parameters to ensure a good exercise regimen for you, including your ability to balance, your flexibility and the analysis of your gait. Certain aids and footwear accessories may also be used to reduce the problems associated with position and posture.

In case if the anti-inflammatory medicines are not showing positive results, the doctor may also have administered corticosteroid medicines on you which are directly delivered to the inflamed area with the help of injections. This can show a quick and effective response, but there are several side effects associated with it.

Surgery is rarely required for the problems associated with IT band syndrome. However, if an operative procedure is required, the doctor may administer an arthroscopic procedure to diagnose the condition of the inflammation and the scarring. This can be subsequently treated with the same procedure. The inflamed structure of IT Band is removed through the surgery. Apart from arthroscopy, the doctor may also operate to cut a triangular part from the IT band which will help to increase the length of the band. Surgery requires a rigorous examination of pre-surgical considerations that may be associated with the pain to ensure zero mistakes.

Biomechanical analysis

Identifying the cause is also an effective way to pursue treatment. A specialist or an expert, such as a podiatrist can help in to identify any foot or underlying muscular problem that is causing muscular stress and rotation.

Foam Roller

A foam roller can help massage and stretch the IT Band muscles while removing any ties and knots of the tendons. It can also help reduce the friction and massage the impacted area. It should be continued even after the pain is gone.

Overtraining Syndrome in Athletes

What is Overtraining Syndrome?

Overtraining Syndrome is a common medical condition experienced by people who are involved in sports and athletics. As the name suggests, Overtraining Syndrome is developed as a result of excessive training for a prolonged time more than the threshold capacity of the body. As a result, the athlete’s body undergoes serious damage in a number of ways. This usually happens to sports people when they do overstrain before a big competition or an occasion. Instead of benefiting from putting so much effort into it, the health and wellbeing are usually reversed, and it may take some time for the patient to recover from the damage caused due to Overtraining. This is also very common in sports people and gymnasts and usually happens when people overestimate their body’s potential and end up training themselves to the point of damaging consequences. Sometimes the symptoms of Overtraining Syndrome may also appear due to an inadequate amount of rest and not let your body recover from the previous workout. Technically, our body does not grow and become strong after a workout. In fact, our body grows strong after we have completely rested and recovered from our last workout. Rest is the point in time where our body grows and become stronger. Therefore, it’s essentially important that proper gap must be maintained between two consecutive workout sessions and enough rest and sleep is received. Otherwise, the results can reduce the performance, end up with pain, weakness and backfire the entire motive of the athlete. It may also take place due to overloading. It’s important here to maintain the right balance between resting, recovery, and overloading. The consequences will not only reduce strength but also cause pain.

Signs and Symptoms of Overtraining Syndrome 

There can be a number of different symptoms associated with Overtraining Syndrome and may vary from person to person depending on the severity of the condition and the strength of the athlete or sports person before the Overtraining Syndrome. Pain is the most important symptom of Overtraining Syndrome which can be aggravated by the movement. The pain can either be chronic or develop gradually over a long term, or it can be due to a sudden injury or blow in most cases. Difficulty or complete loss of movement ability is also experienced by the people suffering from Overtraining Syndrome. Occasionally the patient may also experience swelling, redness, and warming of the injured area. A range of symptoms may be experienced based on the severity in terms of physical, mental as well as emotional symptoms. It greatly depends on the person suffering from it. However. Here are some of the most common symptoms that are experienced by people suffering from Overtraining Syndrome:

  • Lethargy and exhaustion
  • Lack of vitality and energy
  • The feeling of being washed-out
  • Pain in any part of the body
  • Specific pains in joints and muscles
  • Stiffness in the impacted region
  • Difficulty in movement
  • Lack of willingness to do little things
  • Drastic reduction in performance
  • Soreness in the legs
  • General Pain in different body parts
  • Persistent headaches
  • Difficulty in falling asleep
  • Restlessness
  • Weakened immune system resulting in infections
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Becoming prone to injuries
  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Reduction in stamina
  • Lack of interest and enthusiasm
  • Not feeling hungry at times

This condition of Overtraining Syndrome is comparatively different from other sports injuries, as it impacts the body in various ways, including emotional, mental and physical symptoms. Most of the body’s energy starts being utilized in the recovery of the patient which can impact the efficiency of other functions and body processes.

Diagnosis of Overtraining Syndrome

The diagnosis of overtraining can be relatively different from other injuries caused due to sports activities. Usually, the symptoms are quite clear to the patient. The first stage of diagnosis could be a physical examination and the symptoms that the patient is suffering from. It can take it easier to diagnose the exact underlying cause behind the overtraining syndrome. There are a number of different ways through which you can identify and objectively measure the possibility of overtraining syndrome. Firstly, if there are people around you who are noticing that you’re working too hard on yourself, they’re most probably right. So, don’t ignore such comments if they’re coming from genuine people. One telling method for testing this syndrome is to measure the rate of your heart over the span of equal intervals. The measure for the speed as well as the aerobic heart rate can be measured and noted down. If you experience a lack of stamina along which increased heart rate at rest, there is a significant possibility of overtraining syndrome. The heart rate can be measured in the morning as well, which will show an increased figure if the problem persists. Another test for the condition is known as orthostatic heart rate test which can help in determining the overtraining syndrome. This test includes a number of steps, which are:

  • Laying down and relaxing for ten minutes in the morning preferably
  • Note down your heart rate right after that
  • Stand up for fifteen seconds and then take another record for heart rate. Then take another after 90 seconds, and the fourth one after two minutes.

People who are suffering or about to suffer from overtraining syndrome will show a striking increment of ten beats per minute on the fourth measure compared to the first one, unlike the normal athletes that don’t experience any significant change. This can indicate that the patient is or is about to suffer from overtraining syndrome, is exhausted, experiencing fatigue and he’s not resting properly. This test along with the other measured trends can give a good idea about the condition of the patient.

Psychological tests are also known to be the most effective methods for understanding and diagnosing the overtraining syndrome. As we discussed before, the overtraining syndrome can also have emotional and mental consequences, which can give a good measure of the condition. Usually, the patient may experience reduced mental capability and confused mental state. The patient may also experience emotional trauma, depression, anxiety, unenthusiastic thoughts, negative feelings, mental fatigue, irritability and anger, and other such symptoms.

Treatment for overtraining syndrome

There can be a number of different ways in which you can alleviate the symptoms of overtraining syndrome. It Although it’s not an extremely dangerous condition, it is a very common problem, and you may want to take medication if you need assistance. Depending on the severity of the condition you and your doctor can choose the right treatment option for you. Since it is a common problem, you can solve it by using a number of different self-treatment options. Some of the most effective approaches are as follows:

Complete Rest

The very reason for overtraining syndrome is not resting enough. Once you get it, you need to take complete rest for a while and pause your sports activities. The condition can develop over time, and it takes longer to treat a more prime condition. Therefore, you must actively monitor it for early detection. In mild cases, you only need to rest for 3 to 5 days. In moderate cases, you may rest a little longer than a weak. The best way to know if you have rested enough is to test for movement and pain.

Cross training

Even though resting the over-trained part is important, in mild cases, you can utilize that time to train other parts of your body in moderation. You do not have to train too much as you need to preserve some of your body’s energy to treat itself. This is a dangerous line because if you overstrain yet another area of your body you increase the risk of developing a secondary condition of parasympathetic (PSN) and sympathetic nervous system (SNS).

Utilize for spot train

While you are giving time to your over-trained area to recover, you can use that time to strengthen and train the weaker and undertrained areas. This is the time for practicing preventive measures and avoiding overtraining and other injuries in future.

Early treatment

You do not want to delay your treatment even for a day. Once the mild symptoms start to show you should immediately stop the workout and training and start your treatment. The more you ignore it, the more it will get persistent and difficult to treat.

Pain Management

You need to be active in terms of managing your pain. You don’t want to make it worse if you are continuing your daily activities. For that, you can use the foam roller as well as gentle massages from a specialist or physical therapist. They can also teach you how to massage the area yourself and how you can use the foam roller.


Acupuncture is an old but gold therapy for the treatment of pains and inflammatory conditions. You can easily incorporate the acupuncture technique in your treatment plan. This is known to improve the conditions associated with different body structures such as the nerves, muscles, tendons and other structures.

Healthy diet

We are what we eat, and when we train to consume our muscles and body tissues, they need to grow again. Our food is what provides us nutrition, energy and the development of our muscles. By eating healthy we do not only wipe out the chances of damage, but we also provide the raw material for the rebuilding of our muscles after we have damaged them.

More water and supplements

Drinking more water will ensure proper detoxification of the muscles and improved nutrition and healing. You should also couple it with supplements that can boost up the healing power of your body. You can try supplements that include organic glucosamine and chondroitin. Apart from these, you can try a natural treatment that can reduce inflammation and boost up the healing capacity of our body, such as curcumin.

These factors will determine the type of pain the treatment method is chosen to be administered. The most common treatment methods that are used for overtraining syndrome including resting, keeping yourself hydrated at all times, getting a relaxing massage or a sports massage, and start with the cross training. Rest is certainly the most necessary and most effective treatment for this condition. You should also ensure that you relax physically, mentally and emotionally. Don’t hesitate to pamper yourself for a while and do what you feel like doing. Massages also work great in this condition. This can include sports massages as well as relaxing massages, as you are trying to allow your body to relax as much as possible and get into the resting phase. Massaging the sore muscles can also help a great deal. Also, eat foods that fight inflammation and have healing properties. Hot baths can also help you relax mentally, and alleviate the pain and soreness, so don’t hesitate to try a sauna. Massages, on the other hand, can increase the overall blood flow in the region and help speed up the recovery. Apart from this, you can also try cross-training as it can significantly help you relax physical and mental symptoms. Apart from these measures, you should also ensure that the exercises and physical activities are significantly minimized, and immunity building foods should be consumed. Nutrition also has a lot to do with the treatment of overtraining syndrome.

Prevention of Overtraining Syndrome

It’s easy to overestimate your body’s capabilities as we don’t feel the symptoms as long as our body is warm during the work out in most cases. However, the best way to go about with the preventive measures for overtraining is to make sure that you monitor and track your activities as well as training sessions to keep a bird’s eye view on what’s happening. Writing and noting it down can do more good that you think it can. Once you have your records, acting smart and increasing your workout regime gradually is the right approach. It’s difficult to precisely tell the exact measures and the time schedules since it has a broad scope and it’s different for each sportsman or athlete. Some people have more capacity than others. Keeping track of your activities will ensure that you don’t work more than you’re supposed to work each day, even when you feel like you’re perfectly fine and can take, let’s say another hour of rounds. Also keep a keen eye on the symptoms and the warning signs as discussed above, as it will help you understand if you’re at the verge of developing the overtraining syndrome, and help you protect yourself from it promptly. Keep a healthy nutrition regime and rest well on the rest days. Also, avoid monotonous training and keep yourself hydrated. Also stay away from stress and depression as it can have serious physical consequences. If you have a previous injury in the leg, save yourself from heavy training even for the arms, as your body’s entire energy is concentrated on recovering you from the injury of your leg, and overburdening your body with a heavy workout at that point can cause problems.

Overuse Syndrome

What is Overuse Syndrome?

Overuse syndrome is a very common medical condition in the sports injury regime. It is experienced by most people involved in sports that require repetitive and overuse of certain parts of the body. The term overuse syndrome can go synonymously with terms like repetitive strain injury or chronic injury. An easy way to understand this syndrome is to classify injuries in two types. The first one being acute injuries, which takes place suddenly due to an accident or a single, instantaneous trauma or an injury caused due to hitting or a heavy blow. The second type of injury could be an injury which chronically takes place by gradual micro traumas or symptoms building up over a period due to repetitive unnoticeable injuries. In the end, the impact and symptoms combine to develop a serious condition. Overuse syndrome can be considered as the second type of condition that we have just discussed. It can further be classified into different types, such as occupational overuse syndrome (OOS), or sports overuse syndrome. Here, we will specifically talk about the sports-related overuse syndrome.

Sports-related overuse syndromes can occur in a variety of ways, to some different locations and body parts, causing some different conditions, over some different time periods. This is because the overuse syndrome has such a broad scope. It can happen to your muscles, or to your bones, to your tendons, or to the ligaments and other tissues. The injury can cause damage to the blood vessels or put pressure on your nerves, and it can impact certain organs or other bodily structures. There is a variety of conditions, and consequently a variety of different symptoms. However, certain symptoms are characteristic to this condition and may be used to diagnose and identify overuse syndrome. This condition due to its various forms can be mistaken as other conditions, such as overtraining syndrome as previously discussed which has certain, but not all symptoms of this condition. In some cases, it can become an underlying cause of a completely different sport-related injury, such as runner’s knee, ankle strains, shoulder dislocation, Achilles tendinitis, jumper’s knee, wrist fractures, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, swimmer’s shoulder, shin splints, and hamstring muscle strains. Although it may sound like a rare condition, overuse syndrome is more common in sports-related people compared to acute injuries and sudden traumas.

These conditions can develop over a long period with mild or very subtle symptoms, which is why it’s normally ignored and left unnoticed. However, these micro symptoms can eventually build up into something more serious and dangerous. Just like the onset of this condition is slow, the offset and recover are also usually slow.

Causes of Overuse Syndrome

The human body is capable of enduring a lot of pressure despite being fragile. We often take it from granting the way it protects us every day from millions of germs trying to attack us. Similarly, we have a natural defense mechanism to endure physical stress. Just like germ attacks strengthen our immunity, physical stress can strengthen our body and physical features. However, when the germs are too much and more than the capacity of our body and immune system, we fell sick despite our defense system. Similarly, when we overuse a certain part of our body despite having a body’s natural endurance, we can get that part damaged. Additionally, if we keep increasing the pressure and stress gradually, the body will slowly get used to it, and eventually, the body becomes stronger than before.

That’s how this whole thing works, and it’s important for us to understand this process to avoid overdoing. So basically the primary cause of overuse syndrome is the overuse and repeated use of a particular muscle, bone or tendon. Our body gets stronger through a process is known as remodeling. This process includes both production and destruction of tissues in our body. Therefore, it needs time to occur. If the tissues are not given enough break time after the destruction of tissues to recover and make new tissues, and if we continue which the exercise at the same time, it will create a condition in which the breakdown or destruction process becomes faster than the healing and generation process. As a result, overuse syndrome is developed.

Risk Factors for Overuse INJURIES

There are some factors involved in the risk of overuse syndrome. These include the errors in the training practices and effectiveness of the exercise, the capacity of an individual and their behavior. Some of the most important risk factors are:

  • lack of strength of the bones, tissues, ligaments, tendons, and muscles
  • deficiency of vitamins, calcium and other minerals
  • wrong practices and training effects
  • repetitive and careless movement of a single area
  • Higher frequency of repetition with shorter intervals.
  • Older age
  • The type of sports
  • Continuing sports after a long break
  • Enthusiastically overworking
  • Pushing for forced performance
  • Working beyond capacity intentionally or unintentionally
  • improper technique
  • lack of flexibility of different areas of the body
  • alignment and balance issues in certain people
  • the unsymmetrical and disproportionate body structure
  • incomplete recovery from the previous injury

Diagnosis of Overuse Syndrome

Pain and swelling are the initial signs that are observed during the primary diagnosis. The overall condition of the injured area is also examined by the doctor carefully. The doctor may also carefully examine by moving the knee joint in different positions to see if the movement is limited and painful. Numbness is also considered to be an indication. After a physical examination, the doctor may need to carry out a diagnostic test if the doubt persists. Depending on the individual case and the severity of the condition, the doctor may conduct an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), an ultrasound test or an X-Ray Test. For the examination of tendons, muscles, and ligaments, MRI will provide sufficient evidence for possible damage. X-ray test will be able to analyze the bone condition, while the Ultrasound will help the doctor to locate and study the internal structures to see any possible damage.

Treatment for Overuse Syndrome

There are some ways in which the underlying overuse syndrome can be treated. However, the treatment option is chosen after the diagnosis depending upon the location, type, condition, severity and several other factors. We have previously discussed in detail about numerous specific overuse injuries resulting from an overuse syndrome. Here are some general ways for going about the treatment of overuse syndrome.

  • drastically reduce or change  the workout, its frequency, and its intensity
  • Practice cross-training to allow the recovery and relaxing time by alternating hard and easier workouts.
  • Improve your technique and remove training errors.
  • Try temperature changes, and heat and cooling treatment
  • do stretching and warming up before sessions and workouts
  • Use ICE as discussed in detail for the specific cases.
  • OTC Drugs, painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications upon need.
  • Physical Therapy
  • Massages
  • Acupuncture technique
  • See a doctor is the conditions persist.

Preventive measures for Overuse Syndrome

Stretching of the muscles is a good way to stop and treat overuse syndrome. However, it’s not recommended in all situations. The stretching can be done by softly allowing the muscles to move and function in the proper way they’re meant to function. The prevention is usually more about common sense and some knowledge, and the patient can understand what is needed to be done with a little knowledge and interaction with the pain. Massage oil can be used for the prevention.

  • Warming up and cooling down
  • Keeping yourself hydrated at all times
  • Avoid overexertion and fatigue
  • Keep electrolytic balance
  • Keep up with vitamins and minerals
  • Take healthy nutrition
  • Ensure proper intervals and rest time

Plantar fasciitis

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is a medical condition which is very common in people who are involved in sports and athletic activities. Plantar fasciitis is a condition that characterized by pain and inflammation in the fibrous tissue which is also known as plantar fascia. The fibrous tissue is located at the bottom side of your foot, and it helps to connect the heel bone of our feet to our toes. The condition can be in most cases severely painful and inflammatory. The pain caused due to plantar fasciitis can be very troubling, and it can also cause disturbances to our day to day life, resulting in problems with the exercise regime as well as sports training, also making it difficult for you to walk in certain cases. It may be due to inflammation of the muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, and tissues. Bearing any weight, even of your own can cause you problems and make the condition even worse. It can be a result of spraining and repetitive injury or trauma. The condition can also cause other characteristic symptoms, such as redness, stiffness, and swelling. The condition can also put pressure on the nerves that are located near the area. People involved in sports are the most vulnerable ones. However, other people may also experience plantar fasciitis.

Severe pain and stabbing pain can be experienced due to excessive and prolonged sitting, or early in the morning. It can also make it difficult to walk and to climb stairs. Usually resting is recommended along with other treatment options. Plantar fasciitis is the largest ligament in our body. It can be caused due to another underlying health condition in certain cases. The condition can also be mistaken with quite a similar condition called Baxter’s neuritis, which is due to nerve entrapment in the heel. If the condition remains persistent for more than a year, then it transforms into a more severe and chronic condition known as plantar fasciosis.

Causes for Plantar Fasciitis

There are some different causes of plantar fasciitis. The most important and common causes are indicated below:

  • Too much tension and stress on the bowstring
  • Tearing of the fascia
  • Overuse injuries
  • Repetitive trauma
  • Microtrauma
  • Irritation and inflammation
  • Sudden jerking and a heavy blow
  • Thin soled shoes or worn-out shoes
  • Tightened Achilles tendons
  • Being flat-footed
  • Wrong walking and running positions and angles

Risk factors for Plantar Fasciitis

There are several risk factors involved with plantar fasciitis. Some of the most important ones are:

  • Age. Plantar fasciitis is most common between the ages of 40 and 60.
  • Wrong shoes: wearing the wrong sized shoes, too flat or high heels
  • Types of sports: certain sports poses a greater risk of plantar fasciitis.
  • Type of exercise: Certain exercises may cause too much pressure and stress on the heel area. Such as dancing, running, jumping, soccer and other similar sports.
  • Foot types: Certain people have a flat-foot type, which increases the risk of getting plantar fasciitis problem. An arch is usually a good thing.
  • Being overweight can also increase the risk of plantar fasciitis in most people as it increases the pressure and weight put on the heel.
  • Standing for prolonged hours can significantly increase the risk of inflammation in the heels and cause a condition like plantar fasciitis.

Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

Some different treatments can be administered to alleviate the symptoms and treat the condition of plantar fasciitis. The most effective ways to treat the condition includes.


Resting is the single most effective treatment for plantar fasciitis as it can allow your heel the time to recover from the underlying cause. Make sure that you rest your feet as much as possible, as a wrong pressure and movement can reverse the healing and make the condition worse. You should completely avoid walking around and bearing any weights for a while. Furthermore, icing can help alleviate the symptoms of pain and swelling, while speeding up the healing process at the same time. Plantar fasciitis is a common orthopedic condition of inflammation of feet, and the doctor may administer some different treatment options available for it.

Steroid injectables 

The doctor may administer steroid drugs if the pain is not getting suppressed from the painkillers OTCs and NSAIDs. The substance is directly injected into the inflamed plantar fascia. This can effectively reduce the pain on a temporary basis for a month. Besides being a temporary solution, the treatment also has some different side effects.

Physical therapy

You may need physical therapy in case if the treatment with medicines, ice, and rest is not showing significant results. Your physical therapist will administer some designated treatment exercises. He will also guide you with the strengthening and stretching exercises of Achilles tendon, muscles of the lower leg and plantar fascia. He may also practice ultrasonography, contrast baths and massages to ensure better results.

Shock-wave therapy

As a name suggests, the therapy is administered to shock the plantar fascia area with the shock sound waves. It is done for simulation and enhancement of blood flow and circulation in the inflamed area. The waves can also reduce the pain as the nerves get stunned due to the shock caused by these waves. This literally “shocks” your plantar fascia with sound waves. It stimulates blood flow in the foot and helps the tissue heal. It also stuns your nerves to stop the pain.

Tenex procedure

It’s an operative procedure which involves cutting through a small area of skin. It’s a short procedure and only takes minutes to complete. The ultrasound technique is used through the cut area to remove the inflamed tissues. Upon successful completion of this treatment, the patient can get back to normal activities in a couple of weeks.


Icing can help alleviate the symptoms of pain and swelling while speeding up the healing process at the same time.

Anti-inflammatory foods and drugs

Also, eat foods that fight inflammation and have healing properties. Turmeric, also known as curcumin is also a magic ingredient which has amazing healing properties. Apart from that, you can use anti-inflammatory drugs which can alleviate the symptoms.


Certain aids and devices can be used for the treatment of plantar fasciitis when the conventional treatments are not giving any significant results. In the case of plantar fasciitis, devices like night splints, braces, crutches, and special footwear may be used.

Soft tissue Injuries

What is a Soft Tissue Injury?

We all are to experience injuries at some point in life. People who are involved in sports have a greater risk of getting several injuries during their career. While most injuries aren’t serious and easily treatable, certain injuries can cause serious and permanent damage. Depending on how delicate the injured area, muscles and tissues are, the lighter blow can have a greater impact. Sometimes little things that we hardly notice may end up developing a greater health condition. Soft tissues can be defined as the tissues that usually serve the purpose of the surrounding, supporting and connecting other tissues, organs, bones and structures inside our body. This group of soft tissues may include the nerves, tendons, muscles, fascia, and tendons. There may be other structures included in this group as well, such as blood vessels, fibrous tissues, synovial membranes and the fats. Wearing and tearing of soft tissues can be relatively easier and may cause severe problems. Sports injuries can easily cause damage to these soft tissues. Although some people may not consider it a remarkable problem, in most cases the OTC drugs and painkillers may not be sufficient to treat this problem.

Causes of Soft Tissue Injury?

A blow, hard hit or trauma to the tendons, ligaments, and muscles can cause soft tissue injuries. The condition is characterized by pain, swelling, and other similar symptoms. Soft tissue injuries can result from some different causes, including anything that can potentially damage the tendons, ligaments, muscles and other structures. It usually results in pain and can be accompanied by some different symptoms. Some of the most common causes of soft tissue injuries in the field of sports could be:

  • Falling
  • Bruising
  • Heavy blow
  • Bursitis
  • Twisting of muscles
  • Sudden trauma
  • Tendonitis
  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Contusions
  • Bruises (contusions)
  • Stress injuries
  • Leg displacement or foot displacement while running.
  • Wrong posture and legs movement
  • Sudden jerking
  • Heavy hit

Signs and Symptoms of Soft Tissue Injury

Soft tissue injuries can cause acute symptoms. Pain is the most important symptom of Soft tissue injuries which can be aggravated by the movement. The pain can either be chronic or develop gradually over a long term, or it can be due to a sudden injury or blow in most cases. Difficulty or complete loss of movement ability is also experienced by the people suffering from Soft tissue injuries. Occasionally the patient may also experience swelling, redness, and warming of the injured area. The symptoms you should generally look for are the following:

  • Feeling pain and stiffness
  • Increased pain occurring due to movement or compression
  • Difficulty or inability of moving in certain cases
  • Sharp and intense pain in the start
  • Gradual dulling of the pain
  • Increased Pain due to mobility
  • Bruising and rashes
  • Sharp and stinging pain during exercising
  • Tenderness
  • Discomfort
  • Redness
  • Weakness
  • Instability
  • The inability of function due to severe tearing

The degrees of soft tissue injuries

There are different grades for soft tissue injuries such as strains and sprains, similar to other injuries, depending on the severity of the injury, condition and the symptoms occurring in the patient. The three grades are:

Degree 1

This is characterized by less than moderate pain, while the patient retains the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Degree 2

This is characterized by moderate pain, while the patient partially retains the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Degree 3

This is characterized by severe pain, while the patient loses the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Treatment for Soft Tissue Injuries

There are several ways to treat the Soft Tissue Injuries. The treatment may vary depending on the severity of the injury and the type of the underlying cause of Soft Tissue Injuries.

Graston Technique

Graston technique breaks up the jam and adhesions which enhances the circulation and blood flow to the inflamed and injured plantar fascia. It involves special instruments that are used for a high-pressure therapy. It is used for the treatment of some other injuries, such as lumbar strain, carpal tunnel, and Achilles tendon apart from Plantar Fasciitis. It can improve the range of movement and reduce the symptoms.

Pain reduction

Severe pain is associated with soft tissues injuries in most cases. To reduce the symptoms and alleviate the pain, various approaches can be taken, such as over the counter drugs, painkillers, anti-inflammatory medicines, and other natural substances. The doctor may also use mechanical treatment options such as TENS machine for alleviating the pain.

Full Range Movement

Soft tissue injury treatment involves the recovery of the full range movement of the injured area. This is usually done by the administration of a complete physical therapy treatment plan. It includes a range of different exercises depending on the type of injury and the area that is damaged.

Proprioceptive Retraining

In cases of soft tissue injuries, the pathway of nerves can also get damaged which can result in severe pain. This can inhibit a person’s ability to move the injured area voluntarily. This condition is referred to as proprioception. Some different exercises may be practiced to recover this problem.

Heat or Ice

Heating the injured area can significantly reduce the symptoms of pain and improve the range of movement. It also enhances the blood flow and circulation in the injured area. Similarly, icing the injured area can alleviate swelling, inflammation, and pain. It should be administered repetitively for a few days to see results.

Following these treatments, a person should keep up with the rest and R.I.C.E protocol for the treatment of soft tissue injuries. Resting will ensure that the condition does not get worse and further injuries are prevented. Similarly, depending on the location of the injury, a person can use bandages and elastic bands under the supervision of an expert.

Active Release Techniques

Active Release Technique (ART) is a useful technique that can be implemented in case of overused muscles resulting in soft tissue injuries. It is beneficial both for the treatment of chronic as well as acute conditions. It can be used in case of muscle tearing, hypoxia condition, and other acute damages. An expert examines the condition with his hands and uses manual tension to stretch and lengthen the muscle. The specialist works when the muscles of the injured location are active.

Trigger Point Dry Needling

Dry needling technique is also useful in case of soft tissue injuries. It uses a sterile and ultra-sharp dry needle to alleviate the pain in the inflamed area. The technique is completely different from the conventional acupuncture. It utilizes the trigger points that are bands of muscles which are stimulated. As a result, pain and tension are reduced, and the circulation of the blood is increased in these areas. Acupuncture and massages can also be useful in alleviating the symptoms and reaching similar results.

Training Correction

Most of the soft tissue injuries are associated with wrong and improper training habits and practices. Your treatment plan should also include a proper corrective action plan regarding training. You may want to reduce or eliminate certain specific things that you do during your sports period. Your physical therapist can guide you by witnessing your practices to differentiate good practices from bad practices.


Some drugs can be effective in reducing the symptoms and alleviating the pain that is caused by it. You can use anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroid injectables, and cortisone injections. In mild cases, you should completely avoid heavy medication and stick to the usual over the counter medicines.

Soft Tissue Injuries are usually treated by non-surgical procedures unless the injury is extremely severe. Nonetheless, the treatment method depends on the severity, degree and the type of injury.

Preventive Measures for Soft Tissue Injury

There are some precautionary measures that you can take to prevent soft tissue injuries. Stretching of the muscles is a good way to stop and treat soft tissue injuries. However, it’s not recommended in all situations. In repeated injuries, the stretching can be done by softly allowing the muscles to move and function in the proper way they’re meant to function. That should be achieved through physical therapy. The prevention is usually more about common sense and some knowledge, and the patient can understand what is needed to be done with a little knowledge and interaction with the pain.

  • Warming up and cooling down
  • Wearing proper sports gears
  • Properly using the equipment
  • Taking rests and breaks frequently
  • Gradually increasing the intensity of the workout
  • Strengthening muscles and making them more flexible
  • Communicate with your body and understand what it’s telling you
  • Keeping yourself hydrated at all times
  • Avoid overexertion and fatigue
  • Keep electrolytic balance
  • Keep up with vitamins and minerals
  • Take healthy nutrition
  • Ensure proper intervals and rest time


What is Dehydration?

Dehydration is a common medical condition that occurs in people associated with sports and athletics. It is a condition that is characterized by excessive loss of water content and the fluids from the body due to perspiration, heatstroke and other similar reasons. The condition may sound a mild one. However, in certain cases, it can be severe and extremely dangerous. Sometimes this condition can cause life-threatening symptoms, and it must be addressed on urgent bases. 70 percent of our body consists of water content. Similarly, each cell of our body also has a lot of water content. Dehydration can even remove water from our cells, causing them to dry out and die. It can also raise our body temperature to strike and shooting degrees which can be extremely dangerous. People involved in outdoor sports are at great risk of dehydration. During rigorous activities, our body burns a lot of energy, due to which excess heat is produced. As a result, perspiration works as a natural function of our body to remove the heat content along with the water and cool down our body. Too much perspiration can deprive us of the water content of our body, and that is what happens during the sports activities. Athletes and sportsmen can easily forget to keep up with their fluids intake, and they may need urgent medical attention. However, if action is taken promptly, it’s easy to alleviate the impact of dehydration by quickly increasing the fluid intake to cover the loss.

Symptoms of Dehydration

The most important symptom of dehydration in sports people can be thirst and vertigo. However, in some cases, the patient may not feel thirsty due to the thoughtful attention towards the play. The symptoms can be sudden and urgent action is required. The most common symptoms that are experienced by sports people and athletes during dehydration are:

  • drying of the mouth
  • Increased Thirst
  • No thirst
  • Lethargy and exhaustion
  • Feeling dizzy
  • darker urination
  • feeling headaches
  • reduced or no sweating
  • The sinking of the eyes
  • dry skin and shriveled skin
  • Hypotension
  • Faster heart rate
  • Feeling feverish
  • Increased body temperature without fever
  • Hallucination
  • Loss of consciousness

Causes of Dehydration

There are many different causes of dehydration, such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Sweating
  • Vomiting
  • Diabetes
  • Frequent urination
  • Burns

Anything that causes the water to leave our body in excess quantities can cause dehydration. All these causes aren’t related to sports directly. However, they can be indirectly related. Nonetheless, the most relevant cause of dehydration in sports people is sweating and forgetting to drink enough water. Sometimes certain areas may not have access to drinking water such as in case of adventure sports, which is another reason for not drinking water leading to dehydration.

Risk factors for Dehydration

Several factors may increase the risk of dehydration in sports people, such as:

  • Higher altitudes.
  • endurance sports like marathons
  • chronic illnesses 
  • Adrenal gland disorders.
  • Age: more common in older people
  • kidney disease
  • cystic fibrosis
  • Diabetes
  • alcoholism

Complications of Dehydration

Dehydration can lead to certain complications resulting in secondary conditions, such as:

  • It may result in seizures due to electrolyte imbalance
  • Reduced volume of blood
  • It can cause kidney related issues
  • heat stroke

Diagnosis of Dehydration

The primary diagnosis includes a physical examination in which the patient is checked for any apparent symptoms of pain and swelling. The doctor may also carefully examine the medical history of the patient. A rational assessment and examination are also performed to see the characteristic symptoms. The mental examination aims to look for symptoms such as:

  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Irritability
  • Physical Symptoms which are expected to be found include:
  • Increased Heartbeat
  • Hypotension
  • Reduced sweating
  • Reduced elasticity of the skin.

Once these tests are done, and the doubt is established, the doctor may test for dehydration. In most cases, the dehydration can be quickly recovered by giving fluids. Therefore, these tests may not be required. Nonetheless, the diagnostic tests for dehydration may include:

Blood tests

Several indicators are observed in the blood sample of the patient, such as electrolytic imbalance and the function of the kidney.

Urine Test

A urine test can tell if a person is suffering from dehydration.

Treatment of Dehydration

The single most important and effective treatment of dehydration is recovering the lost fluids and water content. Along with this purpose in mind, electrolyte recovery should also be kept as primary importance, since an electrolyte imbalance can result in serious consequences. The treatment for dehydration varies greatly with several factors, such as age, the reason and cause behind dehydration, the severity, and the type. However, those cases are not relevant to sports-related dehydration. For people involved in sports, the best way to recover from dehydration is cool water. Athletes should also always keep electrolytic drinks along with them all the time. Perspiration and sweating can also take away certain salts from our body that works as electrolytes. That’s why this approach remains to be very useful. Nonetheless, this isn’t a condition which can be taken lightly. The patient should at once be sent for emergency treatment. As small as it may sound, dehydration is a problem which is also capable of taking lives. In severe and urgent cases, the fluids and electrolytes are directly administered intravenously in the vein for quicker response.



Nosebleeds are one of the most commonly occurring medical condition when it comes to sports and athletics. This can be a result of an injury in most cases. However, there can be other causes depending on the person who may vary from patient to patient. A sudden and acute injury or trauma, such as a heavy blow or a fracture of the nose can cause nose bleeding. Other minor injuries can also result in a nosebleed without much of an effort.

Symptoms of Nosebleed

Blood loss is the primary and characteristic symptoms of nosebleeds. Apart from that, the patient may or may not experience pain depending on the part injured and the severity of the condition. Sometimes it could be due to a heat stroke, a heat build-up or something similar. Blood can be lost from either of the nostrils, or it can also occur from both of them at the same time. Usually, the color of the blood is bright, indicating oxygenated blood. However, it is also likely to lose darker blood from the nose. The blood can run down and out from the nostrils, or it can go into the throat from the respiratory passage. Blood in the throat can also cause nausea and even vomiting to most people due to repulsive taste.

Causes of Nosebleed

Most of us have experienced or witnessed a nosebleed at some point in our life. Common sense correctly tells us that nosebleeds related to sports injuries would primarily be due to trauma, a high impact hit, a heavy blow, a fracture or any form of injury that may cause a rupture of the vessels carrying the blood or bleeding due to some other reason. These are the most common causes of bleeding from the nose in the sports niche. Certain health conditions can also cause bleeding from the nose. However, it’s less likely for the people involved in sports. These health conditions may include infection, fever, problems with heights, side effects of medication, sinusitis, cold, and diabetes.

Treatment for Nosebleed

Nosebleed in most cases is not a very serious or life-threatening condition unless the trauma has caused damage to the brain as well. The treatment is relatively simpler compared to other conditions. The type of treatment administered greatly depends on the diagnosis and the underlying cause of the nose bleeding. Therefore, in severe cases, a diagnosis becomes very important, and the patient should rush to the hospital or seek medical assistance at once. After the diagnosis, the doctor will assign to you an easy to follow the treatment plan that you can practice at home. The very first response should be immediate first-aid care to alleviate the symptoms and stopping the bleeding at once. All the athletes and sports people must be well versed in the first-aid responses of various kinds. In case of a bleeding nose, you need to prevent the blood from running down the throat and also to cause the bleeding to stop. To achieve this, you should sit down while pinching your nose right below the end of the bone. At the same time, you should lean to the front to prevent the blood from entering your throat. Keep your nose pinched for a while. Check every five minutes if the bleeding is stopped. However, continue at least until four checks in severe cases even if the bleeding has stopped. You should also avoid being hard on your nose and don’t breathe or blow from your nose out of discomfort. Also, avoid moving your head and try your best to rest for a while. In severe cases, such as a fracture, you must go to the doctor and get the treatment. There are also some different factors and things that you should take care of to properly stop the bleeding from the nose. Some of these steps include:

  • Pinch tightly with your forefinger and the thumb, not too tightly to hurt the injured area.
  • Make sure that you don’t lean back as an attempt to stop bleeding and keeping the blood in.
  • You can also use a nasal gel or antiseptic inside your nose to prevent infection.
  • Get enough rest afterward
  • While most people try to do that out of confusion, it’s common sense to understand that it won’t happen. You can’t stop the flowing blood by leaning back, and it will enter your throat, and you will end up puking which can put further pressure on the injured nose.

Preventive measures for Nosebleeds

You don’t have to have a nosebleed to start thinking about preventing it from happening the next time. As an athlete or a sportsman, you should always be aware of this possible danger that you can face at any point in your game or career. Here are some of the effective preventive measures you can keep in mind to avoid yourself from getting a nosebleed

  • Extreme weight lifting or similar exertions can burst your thinner blood vessels resulting in a nosebleed
  • Avoid picking and irritating your nose
  • Avoid nose blowing
  • After the injury, avoid unnecessary drugs like aspirin for a few days
  • Use an antiseptic gel
  • Always act according to your doctor’s advice
  • Practice preventive measures during your training

Achilles tendon injury

What Is an Achilles tendon Injury?

An Achilles tendon injury is a common medical condition experienced by many people involved in sports and athletics. However, people who aren’t involved in sports can also suffer from Achilles tendon injury. Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the entire human body. It starts from the heel and extends towards the calf area. If you touch the back of your ankle, you will be able to feel it as a flexible extension of tendons stretching from the top of your heel. Injury of this tendon is quite normal, and the condition can be mild or severe. Usually, the common symptoms are a pain, burning a stiffness in the leg with the limitation of mobility. The tearing can be partial or complete.


Some different things can cause Achilles tendon injury. Some of the most common causes associated with Achilles tendon injury  are:

  • Pivoting
  • Speeding up and slowing down at once
  • Dancing
  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Tennis
  • Soccer
  • Athletics and gymnastics
  • Running
  • Football
  • Softball
  • Volleyball

The most common situation that leads to this problem is when you lift your foot before you start running. Depending on how fast you want to run, this lift can put serious pressure on the Achilles tendon which can result in an injury and trauma ranging from mild to moderate and severe in certain cases. This situation is most commonly seen during the sprinting as the runner starts the run. Risk factor associated with Achilles tendon injury is age, which puts the people over the age of 30 years under high risk of Achilles tendon injury. Also, males are more prone to getting Achilles tendon injury compared to females. Other causes and risk factors associated with Achilles tendon injury include:

  • Having flat feet which causes the stretching of tendons as the arch of the foot touches the ground while taking the steps. The condition is also known as fallen arches.
  • Side effects of certain medication and antibiotics can cause Achilles tendon injury in some people and greatly increase the risk.
  • Wearing high heels is physiologically very unhealthy and puts the ladies at high risk of developing Achilles tendon injury or a related condition.
  • Tightness in the muscles of the legs as well as the tendons due to certain reasons. Tearing can occur if these muscles and tendons are too tight.


There are some different symptoms that people with Achilles tendon injury may experience through the span of the injury. However, it greatly varies from patient to patient and the condition and severity of each case. In less severe cases the patient may experience a sudden discomfort in the ankle and heel area during a walk or run. In most cases, ACL cases include a sudden pain emerging from the ankle along with the loss of control over the proximal muscles. In severe cases, the movement of the foot is severely limited, and gradually physical signs start showing up, which may include severe pain, muscular tenderness, and swelling. Other symptoms associated with the condition may include

  • A quick and intense pain behind the ankle after receiving a tight stretch.
  • Muscles are clenching or cramping in the calf area in certain cases.
  • Tenderness in the area of the injury
  • A tugging feeling or sensation of loss of strength in the foot.
  • Inability to continue kicking, jumping or sprinting.
  • Snapping and popping sound
  • Inability to move normally without limping.
  • Continual, severe discomfort in the lower leg area.

Symptoms are usually made worse when a person with an Achilles tendon injury attempts to move their knee and the ankle joint when traveling upstairs, or attempting to run, jump, or kick.

Secondary symptoms of an Achilles tendon injury wound include tightness, soreness, and stiffness after long periods of not moving, including when waking up after a long sleep.

Achilles tendon injury‘s chief symptom is a pain at the back of the foot above the heel. However, there are several other symptoms associated with the condition. These include:

  • pain that seems to come on suddenly
  • increasing pain when you lift your foot
  • pain when stretching your foot joint
  • Muscle spasms at your calf.
  • tenderness to the touch at the back of your ankle
  • swelling or bruising

You may feel this pain when running or walking.

The pain associated with hip flexor strain is quite specific. You may notice:

  • Pulling sensation in the back of the ankle
  • Muscle spasms
  • Weakness
  • Tenderness upon touching the area
  • Swelling or inflammation
  • A limp while walking
  • A visible muscle deformity, in cases of severe tears 


The diagnosis is initialized by the doctor in which primary parameters are observed at first. This includes the patient’s medical history as well as the physical examination. The doctor may move the muscles, and check for pain, swelling, palpations, tenderness and other physical symptoms. The condition is also tested by a squeeze procedure, in which the injured part of the patient is squeezed to check for pain, tenderness and other symptoms. In the lying position or knelt position, the doctor may squeeze the calf muscle to see if the tendon is still connected or if it is torn.

The medical history also has a lot to tell about the condition, and it’s essential for an effective treatment of the patient in this case. If the Achilles tendon is damaged, the movement of the foot and calf become difficult and painful for the patient.

Once the initial examination is performed, and the doubts are reduced, the doctor may follow up with diagnostic procedures. The techniques used in this case are radiographic investigations, ultrasonography and if necessary, the doctor may also use MRI scans to find out the exact location of the damage.

From acquired results, a careful evaluation is performed by the doctor to ensure the condition of the patient precisely. This phase includes thorough examination and assessment of every individual and unique case. The patient is laid in a supine position, and the movement and flexion of the leg are examined.


Mild condition and in some cases moderate injuries can also heal naturally after rest and proper care. In severe cases, more attention is needed. Nonetheless, in either scenario, it’s important to take certain measures to ensure a speedy recovery and healing of the patient from Achilles tendon injury. The treatment can be administered in different ways. Here is the most effective approach for the treatment of this problem.

  • Cut down on physical activities as much as possible
  • Maintain a regular stretching habit to lengthen your calf muscles under expert supervision.
  • Avoid sports or change the sports which don’t involve the injured area.
  • Use ice on a regular basis for up to a week.
  • Always keep your foot elevated when sitting or lying
  • Use aids, such as crutches and braces.
  • Use footwear accessories and proper shoes
  • Keep up with a proper physical therapy
  • To alleviate pain, use over the counter drugs and anti-inflammatory medicines.
  • Wear shoes with a heel or use an addon insole.

Apart from these approaches, there are other treatment options available. Some state or the art and advanced treatment options are platelet-rich plasma technique, steroid injections, and ART.

If the non-surgical treatments are not working out for you, you may require surgery. Surgery is a better option than leaving the problem unattended. If the problem is ignored, it can cause a rupture which worsens the symptoms. A surgical procedure is required and administered in which the injured area is exposed by opening the skin, and the torn tendons can then be put into place by the physical administration of suturing and sewing. For the surgery of Achilles tendon injury, you may undergo an open repair surgery. It involves an incision in the heel bone and sewing the torn or ruptured tendon back on its place. Otherwise, you may undergo another method that involves the use of needles for putting the ruptured tendons in the right place. It can also prevent the reversing of the condition which is more common in non-surgical options. The healing process is accelerated with the help of the surgical procedure, and people who require to get back on their feet sooner can do so. Since surgical procedures are more invasive, there are risk factors that are associated with surgical procedures, such as a chance of getting an infection, bleeding, damaging the nerves accidentally during the surgery, clotting of the blood, anesthesia, scarring, and breakdown of the skin. Another unfavorable reason is the high cost associated with the surgery. Enthusiastic and competitive sports people and athletes sometimes go through surgical processes to heal and regain their abilities. In certain cases, delayed diagnosis can turn the Achilles Tendon Injuries into a more severe condition, in case of which surgery may be required on an emergency basis to treat the patient.

Here is a quick to-do list for the treatment:

  • Resting as much as possible
  • Icing the painting area
  • Using compression bandages
  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Exercising, stretching, friendly workouts
  • Gradually start physical activities, don’t rush.
  • Wearing and using a heel lift.
  • Use special shoes or accessories to aid the injured ankle
  • Keep up with physical therapies and stretching
  • Exercise regularly but only the right ones
  • Surgery as a last resort, if no results and symptoms persist after the treatment.

Preventive Measures for Achilles tendon Injury?

Even though Achilles tendon injury is mostly due to accidental causes, you can certainly prevent the condition because it’s mostly due to the patient’s ignorance and mistakes. Here are some of the most effective things you can do to protect yourself from Achilles tendon injury:

  • Be careful at the start of your sprinting
  • Don’t push up on your toes with too much pressure
  • Avoid uphill running
  • Learn proper preventive measures in the training
  • Reduce training errors with practice
  • Wear the right kind of shoes with the right size
  • Don’t overdo your workout and avoid getting the overuse syndrome.

Recovery from Achilles tendon injury

In most cases, a rehab therapy results in complete recovery from Achilles tendon injury. Physical therapies along with the RICE treatment can effectively treat the condition and get the patient back on the ground. However, there is a chance of healing process getting reversed if proper measures are not taken and if healing has not completed. Therefore, it’s essential to let your injured muscles recover completely by following the protocol provided by the doctor to eliminate the chances of getting repetitive injuries, chronic conditions, and permanent damage. Recovery time varies greatly from patient to patient depending on the severity of the condition, the strength of the injured area, the type of causes of the Achilles tendon injury and other factors. For your part in effective recovery, you should avoid the normal routine activities according to your doctor’s advice. Depending on the severity, the Achilles tendon injury can take from a few weeks to a couple of months of time to recover. Achilles tendon injury are painful. Therefore, usually, the pain is the best indicator to figure out how much more time it will take to recover as you experience a reduction in the degree of pain with time.  A regular visit to the doctor will ensure that it’s time to go ahead. Here are some other indications for a patient who has recovered from an Achilles tendon injury condition:

  • Ability to move the leg and foot easily and freely similar to the other healthy foot
  • No pain in walking, running, jumping or jogging
  • Regaining the lost strength and overcoming the weakness caused by the injury

Turf Toe

What is a Turf toe?

As the name suggests, a Turf toe is a condition that usually occurs in people involved in certain types of sports that makes use of the feet extensively. The condition is characterized by inflammation and pain in the muscles and tendons related to the area that serve connective purposes, specifically for the big toe. Usually, it’s a minor condition, but it may be very painful at times. It can be a result of overexertion and hyperextension of the big toe. In certain cases, it can result in partial or complete tearing of the ligaments that are associated with the area and which are responsible for the connection of basal and metatarsal phalanx, while in other cases it can be a sprain in these ligaments. People involved in certain sports are more at risk of developing such a condition of a Turf toe, such as wrestlers, dancers, and gymnasts. Footballers and soccer players are also at high risk, as the condition can develop as a result of the big toe being pushed suddenly or repetitively. The condition can develop acutely due to a sudden trauma, or in a continuous manner due to repetitive microtraumas.

Causes of Turf Toe

The condition of a Turf toe is due to the straining of the ligament that connects the two bones in the two and remains responsible for the movement of that down in an up and down motion. These bones are located in behind the toenail and help in providing the leverage during the movement such as running or walking. They also work as the shock absorbents and absorbs the shock on the feet caused by our weight. While we take steps during the walk or while we run, the pressure is transferred from our heel to our toes as we pull our foot up. If the pressure is more or if the angle becomes shorter due to overstretching or an accidental fall, the ligaments there can be severely stretched and pulled. This can result in a sprain, wearing or tearing of these ligaments as the toe is bent beyond its permissible limits. 

The most common cause of a Turf toe injury is the turning and the twisting of the toe joint due to displacement. As a result, the toe is pushed out of its normal and natural position, and it can cause muscular and tendon damage. Such unexpected movements are very common in sports that involve a lot of running and the use of legs. These tearing of the muscles can be very painful at times and could be accompanied with other symptoms such as bruising discoloration and the swelling of the area. Although it’s mostly the tendons, ligaments, and muscles that are damaged or injured due to a Turf toe injury, it can also damage other structures, such as the blood vessels and cartilages. There are several risk factors involved, such as the types of sports, etc. however, it can occur in people of all ages.

Some of the other most common causes for a Turf toe injury include:

  • Walking on uneven or hard surfaces
  • Wearing the wrong sized or kind of shoes
  • Rigorous sports activities and feet movements
  • Twisting of feet and toe muscles
  • Stretching of the toe
  • Bending of the toe beyond the normal limits
  • Turning suddenly during a play
  • Worn out shoes that don’t provide adequate support
  • A sudden strain due to kicking
  • Running and stopping suddenly
  • Continuing sports after mild strains and pain.
  • Wrong diagnosis of a previously occurring pain.
  • Repeated minor injuries
  • Overuse syndrome
  • Microtraumas

The onset of a Turf toe injury is usually an acute one, meaning that it is normally caused due to a sudden injury caused during the sports activities. It’s more commonly experienced in players who are involved in sports on artificial and hard surfaces compared to the ground and grace. However, people on the soil and ground can also experience the same condition.

Symptoms of Turf Toe

A-Turf toe injury can result in some different symptoms, and it may vary from person to person depending on the severity of the condition and the type and location of the injury. However, the most common symptoms that indicate that the patient has a Turf toe injury are the following:

  • Bruising on the skin
  • Discoloration of the injured area
  • Tenderness of the injured area
  • inability to walk
  • Mild to severe pain due to muscular damage
  • inability to move the toe joint
  • limitation of mobility
  • swelling on foot or around the toe
  • the stiffness of the injured area
  • Quick and intense pain in the toe joint after receiving a tight stretch.
  • Muscles clenching or cramping
  • A tugging feeling or sensation of loss of strength in the foot.
  • Inability to continue kicking, jumping or sprinting.
  • Snapping and popping sound
  • Inability to move normally without limping.
  • Continual, severe discomfort in the foot

However, since toe is prone to some different sports-related injuries, it is easy for a person to mistake it with some other underlying condition which can cause a lot of trouble in the future for the patient. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that once such symptoms start to show up after an injury, the patients should reach out to their doctors as soon as possible for the examination of the condition.

Diagnosis for a Turf Toe

The diagnosis of a turf toe will start when the doctor inquires to the patient about their condition, the symptoms, their professional and personal activities, the type of footwear that they use, the type of their participation in the sports they’re involved in and their history.  The diagnosis further includes a physical examination in which the patient is checked for any apparent symptoms of pain and swelling. The diagnosis is initialized with a careful examination of the patient’s history as well as the physical examination. The doctor may move the muscles, and check for pain, swelling, palpations, tenderness and other physical symptoms. The medical history also has a lot to tell about the condition, and it’s essential for an effective treatment of the patient in this case. The doctor may also carefully examine by moving the toe joint in different positions to see if the movement is limited and painful. Numbness is also considered to be an indication. After a physical examination, the doctor may need to carry out a diagnostic test if the doubt persists. Depending on the individual case and the severity of the condition, the doctor may conduct an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), an ultrasound test or an X-Ray Test. For the examination of tendons, muscles, and ligaments, MRI will provide sufficient evidence for possible damage. X-ray test will be able to analyze the bone condition, while the CT scan will help the doctor to locate and study the internal structures to see any possible damage. In certain cases, the diagnostic test may also make use of electromyogram for the determination of possible condition.

By acquired results, a careful evaluation is performed by the doctor to ensure the condition of the patient precisely and the severity of it. This phase includes thorough examination and assessment of every individual and unique case. The patient is laid in a supine position, and the movement and flexion of the hip and legs are examined. The condition is also tested by a squeeze procedure, in which the injured part of the patient is squeezed to check for pain and tenderness.

Treatment for a Turf Toe Condition

Mild conditions of a Turf Toe injury can be treated with proper rest. To speed up the healing and recovery process, further actions can be taken. For this purpose, some different treatments can be administered to alleviate the symptoms and treat the condition of a toe turf injury. The treatment of the injury depends on the grade of the severity, and the approach may vary for grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3 injuries. Here is a complete description of various treatment options used for Toe Turf injuries in order of the severity of the condition.

  • Apply the complete P.R.I.C.E protocol on a regular basis.
  • Use OTCs and NSAIDs to alleviate the symptoms
  • Take proper measure for protecting the toe from further damage
  • Use turf toe plate and Morton’s extension
  • Limit or completely inhibit mobilization.
  • Practices exercises for increasing range of movement
  • Do not underestimate grade 1 injuries, as they can gradually worsen
  • Take rest as much as possible
  • Incorporate anti-inflammatory foods in your diet
  • Use ice on the proximal area of injury
  • Quit sports for a while
  • Change footwear or use add-ons to adjust
  • Practice progression exercises
  • Use crutches, cane or other aids
  • Keep up with your Physical therapy

Special shoes

The shoes that we wear has a lot to do which our feet health. Although wearing the right type of shoe with a complementing sole can reduce the chances of getting a toe turf injury, you can make use of special shoes in case if you already have it. Special medicated shoes can ensure that no further damage is done in the case of a toe turf injury and it also ensures a quicker recovery. Also, avoid walking on the hard surfaces. If you can’t, your medical shoes will help you reduce the pressure on the sensitive and injured toe if you walk on hard surfaces. These shoes are specially designed to take care of the problem of a toe turf injury. There can be an internal padding and special design to wrap around your injured feel and the shape of your feet. Apart from that you can also use similar accessories and add them to your shoes.

Dedicated shoes are specially designed to take care of this problem. They are soft from the inside because of cushioning and wraps around the shape of your foot properly. You can also use the inner cushion or cups for your shoes that come as an accessory.

Preventive measures for a Toe Turf

There are some precautionary measures that you can take to prevent a turf toe injury. The prevention is usually more about common sense and some knowledge, and the patient can understand what is needed to be done with a little knowledge and interaction with the pain. Several preventive measures should be understood and exercised in the fields. The best way to go about it is to practice them during the training until they become your reflexes. The prevention measures can be classified as primary and secondary preventions, and both of them are very important. The risk factors associated with a turf toe injury should also be addressed and taken care of, including the patient’s history of a turf toe injury, the strength of the muscles and the previous injuries. The patients who have experienced previous injuries are two times more susceptible to experience it again upon a heavy blow. Apart from these things, here are the most effective measures you can take to reduce your chances of a turf toe injury:

  • Wearing proper sized and shaped shoes
  • Avoiding worn out shoes
  • Wearing proper sports gears
  • Properly using the equipment
  • Taking rests and breaks frequently
  • Avoid too much repetitive stretching
  • Strengthening muscles and making them more flexible
  • Communicate with your body and understand what it’s telling you
  • Keeping yourself hydrated at all times
  • Avoid overexertion and fatigue
  • Keep electrolytic balance
  • Keep up with vitamins and minerals
  • Take healthy nutrition
  • Ensure proper intervals and rest time
  • Completing the rehabilitation therapy for any previous turf toe injury
  • Practice strengthening exercises
  • Taping and using a bandage to wrap toe but not too tightly
  • Avoid further damage by braces and right shoes.
  • Stretching and warm up
  • Careful on the uneven and hard surfaces
  • Don’t do overexertion and stop when your body tells you to stop.
  • Say no to high heels

Recovery for turf toe

A turf toe injury is prone to get reversed in the absence of proper care, and recurring injuries can also take place. Recovery time varies greatly from patient to patient depending on the severity of the condition, the strength of the injured area and other factors. Usually, the pain is the best indicator to figure out how much more time it will take to recover as you experience a reduction in the degree of pain with time. For effective recovery, you should get back to the normal routine activities slowly and gradually according to your doctor’s advice. Once you start using your muscles and bones again, it will complement the complete healing of the injured parts. If the patient were healthy before the injury, the recovery would usually be faster. However, due to so many factors, it is not possible to precisely tell the time frame. Depending on the severity, the injury can take from 3 weeks to a few months of time to recover.

Tommy John Surgery (UCL Injury)

What is Tommy John surgery?

Tommy John surgery is a relatively new type of surgery that is becoming more and more common for the treatment of sports injuries specifically for UCL injuries. The treatment surgery is named after Tommy John, who was a population baseball player from the Major League since he was the first one to go through this treatment. The surgery is specifically done for the treatment of Ulnar Collateral Ligament injuries usually caused in sports people and athletes. The injury is specific to the elbow area. People who are involved in sports and athletics which makes excessive use of the arm and elbow are more at risk of developing this problem. Ulnar Collateral Ligament is a type of ligament that is found in the inner region of the elbow. The function of this ligament is to ensure that the elbow joint remains stable. If the ligament gets damaged, dislocation of the elbow can take place. It is also important for its connective purposes, as it’s a connective ligament that joins the long bone of the upper arm with the elbow, known as humerus bone with the bones in the forearm, known as the ulna.

The injuries in the Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) takes place due to chronic micro-traumas in most cases. Repetitive overuse of the elbow and putting stress and pressure on the elbow joint repetitively can cause damage to the internal ligament of the elbow. It’s usually a result of overhead movement of the arm, which is characteristic of certain sports such as cricket, volleyball, baseball, and tennis. People involved in these sports are more at risk of developing Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injuries. Given its effective treatment through surgery, the injury is also named after Tommy John, and it’s known as Tommy John injury. Apart from the surgical procedures, the injury of the Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) can also be treated with the help of physical therapy and rehabilitation process, which can improve the range of movement and alleviate the symptoms to ensure quick and speedy recovery. The condition is characterized by inflammation and pain in the ligament and the proximal area that serve connective purposes on the arm and the elbow. It specifically functions to enjoin the forearm with the elbow. The inner area of the elbow is affected which causes an extending pain towards the forearm. The condition may be mild or severe, and it may be treated easily or require prolonged caring. The painful condition and inflammation are developed due to the overuse and overexertion of the muscles of the arm. This mostly happens in athletes, in cases where the overuse of the arm, too much rotating, gripping and flexing of the wrist can result in inflammation. As a result, the ligaments can be damaged, degenerated and get torn. Nonetheless, the name doesn’t imply that it’s only experienced by sportsmen. In fact, anyone can experience this type of inflammation of ligaments. The initial symptoms of an Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injury may vary from person to person and depends on the severity of the condition. However, some common symptoms that occur soon after the onset of the injury are usually tightness and pain in the elbow area. In certain cases, the post-treatment symptoms may reverse the treatment and cause recurring injuries in the absence of proper care from the patient.

Symptoms for UCL

The patients suffering from ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injuries can experience several symptoms that can indicate the injury and the severity of the injury. The patient can usually experience sharp and sudden pain and symptom of soreness in the elbow region due to the straining. While the symptoms may vary from patient to patient, some of the most commonly observed symptoms of ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injuries are:

  • A pop sound or feeling experienced at the time of the injury
  • Internal swelling in the elbow region as well as the extended part of the arm
  • Stiffness in the elbow region
  • Difficulty in movement
  • Limitation of the full range movement of the elbow joint
  • Bruising can occur at the injured area
  • Discoloration in certain cases
  • Tingling sensation from the arm extending towards the hand, causing tingling in the last two fingers
  • Weakness in gripping of the arm
  • Soreness in the affected region
  • Numbness and tingling sensation in the arm
  • Swelling in the injured area
  • Dislocation of the elbow in certain cases
  • Instability of the elbow due to the damaged ligament
  • Reduced athletic and sports performance of the patient
  • Pain in the affected area of the injury which can spread towards the wrist through the forearm.
  • Difficulty and pain in the movement of the elbow
  • The difficulty, pain, and weakness in the movement of the wrist
  • Tenderness inside of the elbow and extending along the forearm
  • Difficulty in doing everyday things, such as pouring coffee, shaking hands, moving the arm, and typing on the keyboard.

Treatment Options for Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injuries

Despite the effective Tommy John Surgical option, natural and non-invasive treatments are usually recommended for ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injuries. The right approach to treat this condition is the treatment of the causes instead of alleviating the symptoms of the condition. It could include a personal treatment plan, healthy diet plan, changes to the lifestyle and exercising regime. Due to the overuse and overexertion, the painful and inflammatory condition can be specifically treated. Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injuries are usually experienced by people involved in the different profession, and it’s most commonly found in the people within the age group of 30 to 50 years old.  Moreover, it’s experienced by people that practice golf, swimming, painting, tennis, rowing, and baseball. Due to the improper use of the technique, gripping and moving repetitively, and throwing and lifting improperly, ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) can get damaged and injured.

The type of injury and the severity of it will determine the right and effective type of the treatment for ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injuries. However, some of the common and most effective minimally invasive and non-surgical treatment options available are given below:

Using physical Aids to prevent further damage

Complete P.R.I.C.E. protocol

Acupuncture and massage therapies are known to be effective for UCL injuries

Receive a complete course of physical therapy and rehabilitation program

Changing lifestyle and eating habits

Achieving immobilization with the help of devices

Use corticosteroid injections in severe case

Correcting the Training practices

The corrective action plan is important to ensure that your training habits are not the reasons for your UCL injuries. After consulting a physical therapist, you should give up on the practices that you have been doing wrong all along.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

This relatively new technique is effective for the treatment of Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injuries, and it can provide a quick fix in minimum time. It uses the centrifuge technique to concentrate the platelets from your blood which is injected in the area of injury. So far this innovative technique is effective.

Cortisone injections 

Cortisone injections are used to handle the cases which are not cured with the milder treatment options. Although it is an effective way to recover the inflammatory conditions, it is not used as a first choice due to its side effects regarding weakening the tissues and muscles.


Tommy John surgery is the most popular and effective option for most UCL injuries. Despite being invasive, it can enable you to get back to your sports and continue playing.

Recovery for the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injuries

Usually, the pain is the best indicator to figure out how much more time it will take to recover as you experience a reduction in the degree of pain with time. Recovery time varies greatly from patient to patient depending on the severity of the condition, the strength of the injured area and other factors. It can take anywhere from a week to many months. For effective recovery, you should get back to the normal routine activities slowly and gradually according to your doctor’s advice. Once you start using your muscles and bones again, it will complement the complete healing of the injured parts. If the patient were healthy before the injury, the recovery would usually be faster. However, due to so many factors, it is not possible to precisely tell the time frame. Depending on the severity, the injury can take up to 6 months of time to recover.

Posterior cruciate ligament Injury


PCL or Posterior cruciate ligament injury is one of the most common injuries of the knee, commonly experienced by the sportsmen and athletes. The condition can be very painful, and the patient could need knee surgery to get it back to normal. However, each case differs and it depends on the severity of the condition.

What is Posterior Cruciate ligament?

The knee joint is a meeting point of three important bones, the tibia, patella, and the femur. Due to the natural knee cap placement, the joint usually remains protected. Four ligaments are also attached to the bones and the joint, which can be classified as cruciate ligaments and collateral ligaments. The cruciate ligaments are present on the inside and intercept each other. The upper intercepting ligament is termed as anterior while the one below is called the posterior cruciate ligament. The Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) protects the femur and tibia and keeps them stable. Even though the Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) is greater in strength and stability as compared to the Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), the Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) can get injured and even torn in a similar fashion as Anterior cruciate ligament injuries and tear.

Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury

Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury and a sprain is a result of injuries to the meniscus, knee structure, ligaments and articular cartilage that is present in the area. These injuries can be graded and classified into three main types, depending on the severity of the injury and type of injury. There are different Types of Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury similar to other injuries, depending on the severity of the injury, condition and the symptoms occurring in the patient. The three types are:

Type 1: This is characterized by less than moderate pain, while the patient retains the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Type 2: This is characterized by moderate pain, while the patient partially retains the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Type 3: This is characterized by severe pain, while the patient loses the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Type 4: This is characterized by severe pain, while the patient loses the ability to feel and move the injured area. In this condition, other proximal ligaments and structures also get damaged.

Causes of Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury

The most common cause of Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury is an accidental injury. Other causes include severe hit, falling on the knee directly, stopping too quickly during a run, and quickly moving in different directions. Women as found to be more prone to Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury due to the tenderness of muscles and ligaments, while men may also experience tearing and spraining.

Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury is more common in people who are involved in cycling, running, athletics, football, soccer, and hockey. The most common reason is the sudden change in the training practices and the exercise regime of the players, or accidental injuries caused during the running.

If an injury causes a sudden weakness and disability, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. The most common cause in sports for this injury is a hard hit, heavy blow or contact sports. As a result, the wearing and tearing can take place in the femur and patella. There are several other causes and risk factors associated with the condition of Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury. The injury can be a result of the wrong kind and size of the shoes which may put pressure on the muscles up along the legs. Other factors are also important such as the intensity of the hit. Overtraining and intense training all also among the most common causes of this condition.

Other causes include:

  • Falling on the knee when it is bent
  • Striking of knee against a hard surface
  • Running several steps
  • Suddenly stopping while running
  • Legs stretching
  • Leg displacement or foot displacement while running.
  • Wrong posture and legs movement
  • Sudden jerking
  • Heavy hit
  • Hard blows

Signs and symptoms of the Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury

The onset of the condition can be gradual over time, or it can be acute due to a sudden injury. Depending on the severity, the signs and symptoms can vary. In less severe cases the patient may experience a sudden discomfort in the knee during a walk or run. Diffuse peripatellar pain is experienced in this condition around the kneecap. In most cases, it’s difficult for the patient to identify the exact location of the pain. The patient may feel and experience a grinding feeling with the movement of the knee. Prominent sound and friction occurring due to knee joint movement are also experienced. The patient may also feel a clicking feeling or sound occurring due to movement of the knee. A feeling and a sound of popping in the knee joint upon movement may also occur. In such cases, the injury includes a pop sound from the knee along with the loss of control over the knee muscle. In severe cases, the movement of the knee joint is severely limited, and gradually physical signs start showing up, which may include severe pain, muscular tenderness, and swelling. The patient can experience discomfort while walking, bending knees and while sitting. The everyday activities such as walking up or down the stairs can also become a challenging task. Depending on the type of Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury, the signs and symptoms can vary. In severe cases, the movement of the knee joint is severely limited, and gradually physical signs start showing up, which may include severe pain, muscular tenderness, and swelling.

Diagnosis for Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury

As we have previously discussed, the diagnosis for the Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury is not always very simple and sometimes require a compound approach. Therefore, a differential diagnosis is commonly carried out for Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury. The diagnosis of Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury is complicated and difficult, which is the reason why it can be easily mistaken as another syndrome, such as, Osgood–Schlatter disease. Prepatellar bursitis, Sinding-Larsen, and Johansson syndrome, plica syndrome and patellar tendinitis. There isn’t any single best method for the diagnosis of the Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury, as the muscle damaged and the conditions can vary among different patients greatly, and many other diseases, problems, and health conditions can result in a similar kind of a pain in the knee. Therefore, a differential diagnosis is administered to eliminate the possibilities of other conditions.

The diagnosis is initialized with a careful examination of the patient’s history as well as the physical examination. The doctor may move the muscles, and check for pain, swelling, palpations, tenderness and other physical symptoms. The medical history also has a lot to tell about the condition, and it’s essential for an effective treatment of the patient in this case.

Once the initial examination is performed, and the doubts are reduced, the doctor may follow up with diagnostic procedures. The techniques used in this case are radiographic investigations, X-Ray Tests, the differential diagnosis, and sonographic evaluations. If necessary, the doctor may also use MRI scans to find out the exact location of the damage.

From acquired results, a careful evaluation is performed by the doctor to ensure the condition of the patient precisely. This phase includes thorough examination and assessment of every individual and unique case. The patient is laid in a supine or elevated position, and the movement and flexion of the knee and legs are examined.

The condition is also tested by a squeeze procedure, in which the injured part of the patient is squeezed to check for pain, tenderness of the femur and patella area. The diagnosis also includes the identification of the grading and category for the condition.

Treatment for the Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury

Non-surgical procedures are reported to be successful in most cases of PCL injuries. Surgery is a viable option. However, natural and non-invasive treatments are usually recommended for Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury. Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury is usually experienced by people involved in the different profession and its most commonly found in the people within the age group of 30 to 50 years old.  It could include a personal treatment plan, healthy diet plan, changes to the lifestyle and exercising regime. Due to the overuse and overexertion, the painful and inflammatory condition can be specifically treated. The treatment of PCL injuries and PCL tears depend on the severity and condition of the injury. However, various treatment options are advised for all grades of PCL tears. For instance, RICE rule is an initial treatment response for all grades of PCL sprains. Rest must be ensured for the injured area as well as the whole body. Joint immobilization is also important for which aids and braces can be used. To reduce the swelling ice gives effective results. Compression bandages are also used by the patients. The doctor will prescribe you to keep your common and injured area elevated to increase the blood circulation and boosting recovery. Certain anti-inflammatory OTCs and NSAIDs are also prescribed by the doctor, such as ibuprofen and aspirin to relieve pain and other symptoms. After administration of this initial treatment, a closer examination will suggest the right kind of treatment. In case it is a grade one or grade two PCL injury, the knee may get splinted and you will be subjected to a rehabilitation program. It will include straightening of the muscles that are surrounding the knee joint to improve the position and remove the splint. The rehab will also ensure that you do not get a secondary injury.

PRP Technique

The innovative PRP technique can be effectively used for the treatment of Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury. It is a non-surgery procedure that stimulates the healing by injection of concentrated platelet-rich plasma into the affected area. This therapy is used for grade 1 and grade 2 PCL injuries.

If it is a Grade three PCL sprain, the condition will be much more severe, and the treatment criteria will be different. These cases usually involve the complete PCL tears where the PCL is pulled out or torn from the bones. Sometimes this tearing also pulls away a piece of bone with it. The condition is very painful and requires a proper initial treatment protocol. Afterward, surgery is performed to reattach the torn PCL back to its place either by sewing or which the help of a screw.  For this purpose, a part of the ligament is taken from the proximal area of the patient’s injured leg, which is known as the donor site. This donor tissue is referred to as an autograft or allograft depending on the area from where it is taken. This surgical procedure usually adopts the technique of arthroscopy and a camera lens. Once the surgery is completed, and the reconstruction is achieved, long and steady braces are used to hold the knee and the leg at a certain position until it is healed to avoid further tearing.

Surgical treatment for PCL Tears

In certain severe cases, surgery may be required to fix the problem. It becomes critical when the patient requires immediate recovery, when the injury persists, or when the injury keeps bending and displacing the knee. The surgery may also be required if multiple ligaments are injured. In the surgical procedure, the damaged ligament is removed and replaced by another tissue known as a graft, which allows it to heal and recover. The graft may be taken from a donor area which is usually another area of the knee. However, rehabilitation is still required after the surgery. The surgery is minimally invasive and reconstructs the damaged ligament.

Surgery is usually prescribed to the Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) patients, as it can effectively recover the patients bringing them back to the normalized knee condition. However, if the patient isn’t involved in heavy activities, such as jumping, running, too much manual work, or sports, the alternative treatment options can be administered.

The surgical treatment is initiated after a delay of around one month. This is usually done to monitor the healing speed of the patient and let the swelling and bleeding reduce. This also gives an idea of the persistence of the injury. Physiotherapies are essentially involved in the post-operative rehabilitation therapy. The recovery highly depends on the consistent care and physiotherapeutic treatment, without which the recovery may be delayed or reversed. It’s important to note that the surgical treatment also requires few to several months of rehabilitation therapy and the sportsmen can return to the playgrounds after a year. The process starts with light exercises and later on the focus is gradually shifted towards enabling the full-range movement of the knee joint. Flexing and bending your muscles too much should be avoided, and the gradual increase in the exercising routine should be practiced. The rehabilitation therapy also uses aids like crutches and braces to improve the protection level and prevent pressure, jerking and stress.

Preventive Measures for Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury

It’s important to stick to proper training and exercising methods to avoid getting a Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury due to a training accident. Sportsmen and athletes should also be mindful of the possibility of a knee injury and should be aware of measures to prevent the knee from severely damaging in case of an accident. Should be aware of measures to prevent the knee from severely damaging in case of an accident. Another effective way of preventing Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury is to strengthen the core muscles by exercising. Some exercises such as hamstring can help increase the strength and endurance of leg muscles. Stronger legs can also help to reduce the pressure on the knee due to falling. Athletes and sportsmen must also practice techniques of jumping, cutting, pivoting, proper knee positioning and landing to prevent injury from sudden falling.

Skier’s Thumb

What is Skier’s Thumb?

Skier’s Thumb injuries can be defined as the injuries that are caused to the soft tissues and the ligament of the thumb that results in palpation, pain and other symptoms. The proximal ligaments are damaged due to trauma or repetitive micro-traumas in typical cases. The condition is also referred to as the Gamekeeper’s thumb or an ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) tear. Depending on the severity of the condition, the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) can get damaged, sprained or even torn in severe cases. In the majority of the cases, the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injury can result in an avulsion. Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injury or Skier’s thumb injury is caused to the soft tissues known as ligaments. Soft tissues can be defined as the tissues that usually serve the purpose of the surrounding, supporting and connecting other tissues, organs, bones and structures inside our body. This group of soft tissues may include the nerves, tendons, muscles, fascia, and tendons. There may be other structures involved in this group as well, such as blood vessels, fibrous tissues, synovial membranes and the fats. Wearing and tearing of soft tissues can be relatively more comfortable and may cause severe problems. Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) has the function of connecting the bones of the thumb to one another, and it also aids in the movement of the bone joints in the thumb. The name of this injury was tossed as gamekeeper’s thumb in 1955 when the first classified case was recorded. Apart from sudden and acute trauma, it can be caused due to repetitive movement and twisting of the thumb. Since this injury is quite common in people involved in Skiing, it was later termed as the Skier’s thumb injury. Many people involved in other sports are also at risk of developing this condition as a result of an injury. The treatment choice for this is based on the severity of the situation and the damage caused by the injury.  The Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injury can take place in the form of a sprain, partial tearing, or in certain severe cases complete tearing of ligament and its avulsion from the bone. In such cases, a surgical procedure may be required to fix the problem and recover the patient. If surgery is avoided in cases of severe damages, the stability of the ligament with the thumb can be compromised, and the recovery can be slowed down. As a result, it can result in a permanent deterioration of the grasping function of the thumb. Physical therapy and a process rehabilitative process are essential to ensure that the treatment gives best results. In most cases, people can continue with their sports activities after proper treatment.

Skier’s Thumb Causes

 A blow, hard hit or a trauma to the ligaments, and tendons can cause Skier’s Thumb injuries. The most common cause is bending of the thumb backward with too much force which can damage or completely tear the ligament. The condition is characterized by pain, swelling, and other similar symptoms. Skier’s Thumb injuries can result from some different causes, including anything that can potentially damage the ligament. It usually occurs in pain and can be accompanied by some different symptoms. Some of the most common causes of Skier’s Thumb injuries in the field of sports could be:

  • Falling
  • Bending the thumb backward
  • Bruising
  • Heavy blow
  • Bursitis
  • Twisting of muscles
  • Sudden trauma
  • Tendonitis
  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Sudden jerking
  • Heavy hit

Signs and Symptoms for Skier’s Thumb injuries

Skier’s Thumb injuries can cause acute symptoms. Pain is the most important symptom of Skier’s Thumb injuries which can be aggravated by the movement. The pain can either be chronic or develop gradually over a long term, or it can be due to a sudden injury or blow in most cases. Difficulty or complete loss of movement ability is also experienced by the people suffering from Skier’s Thumb injuries. Occasionally the patient may also experience swelling, redness, and warming of the injured area. The symptoms you should generally look for are the following:

  • Feeling pain and stiffness
  • Swelling of the injured thumb
  • Increased pain occurring due to compression
  • Difficulty or inability of moving thumb in some instances
  • Blue or black discoloration of the injured thumb
  • Losing the ability to grip and grasp
  • Increased pain due to movement
  • Pain spreading towards the wrist
  • Sharp and intense pain in the start
  • Gradual dulling of the pain
  • Bruising and rashes
  • Sharp and stinging pain while using the thumb
  • Tenderness
  • Discomfort
  • Redness
  • Weakness
  • Instability
  • The inability of function due to severe tearing

The degree of Skier’s Thumb injuries

There are different grades for Skier’s Thumb injuries such as strains and sprains, similar to other injuries, depending on the severity of the injury, condition and the symptoms occurring in the patient. The three grades are:

Degree 1

This is characterized by less than moderate pain, while the patient retains the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Degree 2

This is characterized by moderate pain, while the patient partially retains the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Degree 3

This is characterized by severe pain, while the patient loses the ability to feel and move the injured area.

Diagnosis for Skier’s Thumb injuries

The physician will first determine whether or not the patient has other limb-threatening injuries and then evaluate the thumb in more detail. After that, an examination of the physical condition and the patient’s medical history will be conducted. The specialist will ensure if the patient is suffering from damage to other injuries that can threaten the function of the limb. A close evaluation of the thumb is carried out. The doctor may  move the muscles, and check for pain, swelling, palpations, tenderness and other physical symptoms. The condition is also tested by a squeeze procedure, in which the injured part of the patient is squeezed to check for pain, tenderness and other symptoms.

The medical history also has a lot to tell about the condition, and it’s essential for an effective treatment of the patient in this case. If the Thumb is damaged, the movement of the thumb joint becomes difficult and painful for the patient. Along with the history check the doctor may go through an interview with the patient and inquire about several medical facts related to the patient based on the following subjects:

  • The exact time of the injury
  • Reason and cause of the injury
  • If the thumb was stressed or bent more than normal limits
  • The time it took after the injury to show symptoms of swelling and pain
  • The exact position of the thumb and hand during an injury

The questions based on the medical history may include:

  • Previous incidences of similar traumas
  • Natural hand orientation of the patient
  • Any underlying conditions
  • Previous events of fracturing the hand bones
  • Any allergies to different treatments
  • Any history of the surgical procedure of the hand

Once the initial examination is performed, and the doubts are reduced, the doctor may follow up with diagnostic procedures. The techniques used in this case are X-ray tests, and if necessary, the doctor may also use MRI scans to find out the exact location of the damage.

By acquired results, a careful evaluation is performed by the doctor to ensure the condition of the patient precisely. This phase includes thorough examination and assessment of every individual and unique case. The physical examination may include:

Laxity testing: the tip of the thumb is moved sidewards while holding it from the base to see the angle of movement which is compared to the angle of the excellent thumb’s movement.

Checking for fractures and tenderness.

Assessment of the three central nerves of the hand to see if they’re correctly functioning

Treatment for Skier’s Thumb injuries

There are several ways to treat the Soft Skier’s Thumb injuries. The treatment may vary depending on the severity of the injury and the type of the underlying cause of Skier’s Thumb injuries. Most cases of skier’s thumb injuries are treated with non-surgical procedures. The treatment can be classified as the first aid initial response treatment and the long-term treatment. Initial response differs for severe cases. For mild to moderate injuries, the long-term treatment plan also differs from severe cases, as it is more focused on the rehabilitation therapy instead can surgery and operative procedures. 

After the proper diagnosis of the condition, a careful evaluation of the seriousness of the issue is conducted by the doctor for skier’s thumb injury. The immediate response includes icing, rest and painkillers. Various drugs are available in the market that can be used for pain relief and reduce the inflammatory conditions. Typically, the NSAIDs are used at the initial stages of the treatment. Splints are used to immobilize and stabilize the thumb as a movement may worsen the condition. These are usually put on for a couple of months to ensure that the healing is assisted with the help of this aid. There are a variety of different designs for splints available in the market. You may require a particular design and type depending on your condition. The doctor will analyze the condition of your thumb injury and decide the right design for you accordingly. Physical therapy especially associated with the thumb is practiced under the supervision of a specialist. You may require this therapy during the time of immobilization period. This will include some different exercises to improve and enable full range movement and prevent stiffness during the time of immobilization. It is also essential to strengthen the ligaments to avoid secondary injuries. Physical therapy along with a proper immobilization tool will be able to effectively cure around 90 percent of total cases of skier’s thumb. Once treated. You must only get back to using your thumb in your everyday activities gradually. The gradual progression is essential to prevent any further damages and to reverse the entire treatment. If the condition of skier’s thumb persists after all the useful treatment options, you may opt for surgery to avoid the risk of chronic instability. You can also couple up your approach with energizing and vitalizing foods that can improve the healing ability of the body. If the pain is disturbing you, you can try putting rice in the area of injury around the splint, but make sure that you do not take it off.

Non-surgical procedures usually treat Skier’s Thumb injuries unless the injury is extremely severe. Nonetheless, the treatment method depends on the severity, degree and the type of injury. In case if the surgery is needed, you will be sent to the relevant orthopedic surgeon and a reexamination will take place. If you’re a fit candidate for the surgery, the surgeon will aim at repairing your damaged or torn ligament by suture anchor. In simple words, this treatment requires the torn ligament to be sewed back to the right place which helps it heal faster and speeds up the recovery. It also removes the chances of dislocation of the ligament which can impact the functionality and the movement of the thumb. A lightweight cast is used after the surgery to keep the thumb firmly in the right place to let the ligament heal properly. This cast needs to be worn for a while until your doctor advises you to take it off. In case there is a secondary fracture along with Skier’s Thumb injury, then a fracture stabilization is also carried out in the same procedure.

Preventive Measures for Skier’s Thumb injuries

There are some precautionary measures that you can take to prevent Skier’s Thumb injuries. Stretching of the muscles is an excellent way to build resilience against Skier’s Thumb injuries. In repeated injuries, the stretching can be done by softly allowing the muscles and ligaments to move and function in the proper way they’re meant to function. That should be achieved through physical therapy. The prevention is usually more about common sense and some knowledge, and the patient can understand what is needed to be done with a little knowledge and interaction with the pain.

  • Wearing proper sports gears
  • Properly using the equipment
  • Taking rests and breaks frequently
  • Learn preventive measures for accidents during play
  • Gradually increasing the intensity of the workout
  • Always hold your weights in a confident and right way
  • Strengthening ligaments and making them more flexible
  • Communicate with your body and understand what it’s telling you
  • Ensure proper intervals and rest time
  • Keeping yourself hydrated at all times
  • Avoid overexertion and fatigue
  • Keep electrolytic balance
  • Keep up with vitamins and minerals
  • Take healthy nutrition

Meniscus Tear Injury

A Meniscus Tear Injury is a common medical condition experienced mostly by people involved in sports characterized by rupturing and tearing or a single or multiple fibrocartilage strips known as menisci. In most cases of torn cartilage, the cause remains to be the damage or tearing of the meniscus. The most common tearing occurs at the top of tibiae. Specific activities such as squatting, walking, running and other activities of sports can cause this tearing. Regarding sports injuries, acute traumas and overexertion remain to be a prevalent cause. It could occur due to the twisting and bending of the knee and cause degenerative conditions. 

Meniscus Tear Injury can result in swelling and pain in the knee joint. It can either occur as an acute condition or as a chronic condition developed by repetitive microtraumas. Some other symptoms can also be expressed varying from patient to patient, which includes motion locking, clicking, pop sound, and catching. The pain can increase as the load is put on the knee. In severe cases, Meniscus Tear can also be accompanied with the damage to other proximal ligaments such as ACL and MCL ligaments, which can result in a common condition known as an unhappy triad. The meniscus cartilage serves to protect and cover the knee joint which is the largest joint in our body, against the stress that is caused to it due to bending, running, climbing and walking. Hyper-flexing of the knee also results in tearing of the meniscus. Some different treatment methods may be used for the recovery of a torn meniscus. Physical therapy in case of Meniscus Tear Injury is very effective regarding strengthening the muscles, recovering the injury and stabilizing the knee joint. In severe cases or when other treatment options do not show significant results, then a surgical procedure may be required to treat the problem.

What causes a meniscus to tear?

The most common cause of a Meniscus Tear Injury is the turning and the wrong training habits, forcefully twisting and turning, suddenly stopping while running, imbalance of the muscles, and sudden displacement. It can also be caused due to the grinding of the femur against the tibia. As a result, the ligaments can get seriously damaged due to friction and rubbing, and knee can be pushed out of its normal and natural position, and it can cause muscular, ligament and tendon damage. Such unexpected movements are very common in sports that involve a lot of running and the use of legs. These tearing of the muscles can be very painful at times and could be accompanied with other symptoms such as bruising and the swelling of the area. Although it’s mostly the fibrocartilage that is damaged or injured due to Meniscus Tear Injury, it can also damage other structures, such as the blood vessels, ligaments, tendons, the knee by displacing it, and nerves. There are several risk factors involved, such as the types of sports, etc. however, it can occur in people of all ages.

Some of the other most common causes for Meniscus Tear Injury include:

  • Lifting heavy weights
  • Walking on uneven or hard surfaces
  • Wearing the wrong sized or kind of shoes
  • Squatting
  • Kneeling
  • Rigorous sports activities and feet movements
  • Twisting of feet, leg and knee muscles
  • Turning suddenly during a play
  • A sudden strain due to kicking
  • Running and stopping suddenly
  • Continuing sports after mild strains and pain.
  • Microtraumas
  • Wrong diagnosis of a previously occurring pain.
  • Repeated minor injuries
  • Overuse of the muscles
  • Long training hours
  • Sitting in the lotus position for long hours
  • Prolonged running on an uneven surface
  • Uphill and downhill running
  • Climbing and descending stairs again and again
  • Not stretching and warming up before workout and running
  • Hiking for long hours
  • The weakness of cartilage and muscles
  • Obesity and overweight
  • Older age
  • The reduced supply of blood

Signs and symptoms

The symptoms and signs of Meniscus Tear Injury can vary from person to person depending on the severity of the condition. In less severe cases the patient may experience a sudden discomfort in the knee during a walk or run, or sometimes no symptoms at all. The pain may go once the patient rests for a short while. For some people, the pain is not experienced suddenly and may build up gradually with time. In most cases, Meniscus Tear Injury cases include a stinging sensation in the knee along with the loss of control over the knee muscle, which may destabilize the knee. In severe cases, the movement of the knee joint is severely limited due to the pain, and gradually physical signs start showing up, which may include severe pain, muscular tenderness, and swelling. Some of the other most common symptoms can include:

  • Thickening of the tissue in the proximal region
  • Burning sensation
  • Increased pain with the passage of time
  • Pain due to the striking of the foot on the ground
  • Persisting pain in the Meniscus
  • Pain in the tibia upon compression
  • Weakness and feeling of the knee giving away
  • Increased pain due to running and walking
  • Popping sound or feeling
  • Tearing and disability of movement
  • Tenderness of muscles
  • Pain in adduction movement and closing the legs
  • Popping or snapping feeling
  • Locking of the knee


As the initial response, the doctor will first of all look at the patient’s condition. In later phases, the doctor may demand a medical record of the patient and ask to get certain tests done. The doctor may do a few things, such as moving the muscles and checking for pain, swelling, palpations, tenderness and other physical symptoms. The doctor may also test the condition by using the traditional squeeze procedure, in which the injured part of the patient is squeezed to check for pain, tenderness and other symptoms. In the lying position or knelt position, the doctor may squeeze the proximal region to see if the function is disabled.

The medical history also has a lot to tell about the condition, and it’s essential for an effective treatment of the patient in this case. If the Meniscus is damaged or torn, the movement of the foot and calf become difficult and painful for the patient.

Once the initial examination is performed, and the doubts are reduced, the doctor may follow up with diagnostic procedures. The techniques used in this case are radiographic investigations, ultrasonography and if necessary, the doctor may also use MRI scans to find out the exact location of the damage. Depending on the individual case and the severity of the condition, the doctor may conduct an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), an ultrasound test or an X-Ray Test. For the examination of tendons, muscles, and ligaments, MRI will provide sufficient evidence for possible damage. An X-ray test will be able to analyze the bone condition.

By acquired results, a careful evaluation is performed by the doctor to ensure the condition of the patient precisely. This phase includes thorough examination and assessment of every individual and unique case. The patient is laid in a supine position, and the movement and flexion of the leg are examined.

Arthroscopy is also another widely used technique for the diagnosis of Meniscus Tear Injury. Previously it was used more than it’s used today for diagnosis due to advancement and further.

non-invasive methods for diagnosis. However, this option is still used for the surgical procedure in several severe cases of Meniscus Tear Injury. In this diagnosis, a small tube which has a scope is inserted inside of the knee structure to analyze and see the precise location of the damage and the condition. Once it is analyzed, the arthroscopic surgery may be used to treat the damage caused due to Meniscus Tear Injury. In this diagnosis, a small tube which has a scope is inserted inside of the knee structure to analyze and see the precise location of the damage and the condition.

Treatment Options for Meniscus Tear Injury

Despite the effective surgical option of arthroscopy, natural and non-invasive treatments are usually recommended for Meniscus Tear Injury. Meniscus Tear Injury is usually experienced by people involved in the different profession and its most commonly found in the people within the age group of 30 to 60 years old and above. The treatment of the causes is important for the cure of meniscus tear injuries. It could include a treatment plan, healthy diet plan, changes to the lifestyle and exercising regime. The most important factor is the physical therapy and rehabilitation that comes into play. In severe cases, the long-term treatment may also include a surgical fixture. The problem can occur due to the overuse and overexertion. Moreover, it’s experienced by people that practice sports that involve feet and legs such as soccer, running, jogging, football, basketball, and others. Due to the improper use of the technique, twisting and moving repetitively, and running and lifting improperly, Meniscus can get damaged and injured.

The treatment choice depends on the grade and severity of the condition of Meniscus Tear Injury. However, some of the common and most effective minimally invasive and non-surgical treatment options available are given below:

The initial treatment takes the approach of protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

After the first aid, you must make sure that you rest your knee as much as possible. The traditional PRICE protocol is administered for all grades of meniscus tear injuries. You can also use crutches and braces to ensure immobilization and improved healing. You must also avoid lifting any kinds of weight. At the hospital or home, you will be required to keep your leg elevated whenever you’re sitting or lying down. The swelling can be reduced by using ice on the injured area regularly for a few days. Each session of icing should be done for 30 minutes, and four sessions are recommended throughout the day. Compression bandages can also be used to alleviate the inflammatory condition. The medication will be initially prescribed traditionally. These medicines would include non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs and pain relievers. You should also avoid walking as it requires you to put full weight on the legs. If it is painful, you may use crutches or a cane. Physical therapy will follow the traditional initial treatment in the long run. This will ensure that you do not experience stiffness due to lack of mobility. In case of severe injuries and complete tearing, you will be required to have surgery along with the post-operative rehab therapy.

For grade 3 injuries, an arthroscopic surgical procedure is mostly in practice. It is reported to show effective results in most grade 3 cases. You will be given pre-operation instructions that should be followed. It will also require a deeper examination with more tests. Arthroscopic surgery is a widely used technique for the treatment of Meniscus Tear Injury. In this surgery, a small tube which has a scope is inserted inside of the knee structure to analyze and see the precise location of the damage and the condition. Once the condition is fully analyzed, the arthroscopic surgery may be done to treat the damage caused due to Meniscus Tear Injury. This can help ensure speedy recovery and faster healing of the cartilage. Another surgical procedure known as microfracture surgery can also stimulate the healing and growth of new cartilage. In this treatment, new holes are drilled in the bone. However, it is not workable for meniscus cartilages, and it doesn’t produce stronger cartilage.

The surgery may take into consideration certain previously underlying health conditions, such as an infection, fever, cold, fever, wounds and other issues. A small incision will be made on the knee to let the arthroscope enter the damaged area. The instruments will be passed through the arthroscope to cut out the damaged part or repair a complete tear by screw or sewing procedure. The surgery may take 1 to 2 hours to complete, and you will be able to go home the same day. Post-operative care will be crucial, and a rehab follows up will be required. It may take a few months to recover from rehab in severe cases. Meanwhile, you can gradually go about your daily activities while using the crutches and canes. For some patients, there may be an underlying risk associated with the surgery. This may vary from person to person, and you should have a detailed discussion with your doctor regarding the possible risk factors.

Summary of Sports Injuries

Sportsmen and athletes can be susceptible to different injuries. The most effective way to keep yourself safe as a sportsman is a prevention through proper training and natural treatment methods. Almost all people involved in sports experience sports-related injuries at some point in their life. The most common types of sports injuries among all of these are Shin splints, Ankle Sprains, Tennis Elbow, Groin Pull, Knee injuries, Hamstring Strain, and ACL tearing. RICE treatment therapy (Rest, Icing, Compression and Elevation) is an effective therapeutic method for the treatment of most injuries. Severe cases may require surgery or steroid injectable, but these treatment methods should be the last resorts. Proper diagnosis of the treatment is important to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment. Some risk factors are associated with sports injuries, and the most common factors are the strength of your muscles and bones and the age group. Learning about sports injuries can not only protect you from injuries but also keep you healthy while protecting your entire career as a sportsperson.


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Hamstring Muscle Injuries – OrthoInfo – AAOS. (2015)

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What Are Shin Splints? Web MD.

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Carlson, C. (2018, May 25). 4 Exercises to Prevent Shin Splints.

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Groin Strain: Symptoms, Treatments, and Recovery Time. (2018) Health Line

Groin Pull. (2018). Web MD

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Groin Strain: Symptoms, Treatments, and Recovery Time. (2018)

Stöppler, M. C. (2018). Muscle Cramps Causes, Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms & Types.

Muscle cramp: Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis. (2018). HealthLine

Nordqvist, C. (2017, December 14). Fractures: Types, causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Bursitis. (2017, August 12).

Hip Bursitis Symptoms, Treatment, Recovery Time & Exercises Patient Comments: Hip Bursitis – Treatment – Viewers Share Their Medical Experiences.

Stress Fractures. (2018). Sports injury clinic.

Bursitis. (2018). FootSmart

Cole, G. W. (2018). Athlete’s Foot Treatment, Causes & Symptoms.

Concussion (Traumatic Brain Injury). Web MD

Brain Injury Pictures: Concussion Causes, X-Rays, and Treatments. (2018).

Facts About Concussion and Brain Injury. (2017, November 17).

Concussion. (2017, July 29).

ACL injury. (2018, March 13).

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Rotator Cuff Massage Therapy CEU

Rotator Cuff Anatomy, Physiology, & Injuries Lesson

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Rotator Cuff Anatomy, Physiology, & Injuries


Four muscle-tendon units make up the rotator cuff: the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor. The shoulder comprises a complex of four articulations including the glenohumeral joint, scapulothoracic joint, sternoclavicular joint, and acromioclavicular joint that, under normal conditions, move in synchrony, affording smooth, unhindered motion of the arm. An intricate relation exists between the osseous elements and the surrounding muscles and ligaments. The tissues of the shoulder can be grouped into four separate and contiguous layers that alternate between muscular and fibrous elements.

  • Layer 1, the most superficial level, includes the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles.
  • Layer 2 is a continuous fascial layer that extends circumferentially from anterior to posterior and incorporates the clavipectoral and posterior scapular fascia.
  • Layer 3, again a muscular layer, includes the rotator cuff
  • Layer 4, the deepest level, comprises the fibrous capsular elements.

This classification can contribute to a better understanding of the shoulder’s complex anatomy and safeguard against deviation from internervous planes during surgical procedures. The four muscles that comprise the rotator cuff take their origin from the body of the scapula and envelope the humeral head as they insert along the tuberosities of the proximal humerus. The musculotendinous cuff is firmly adherent to the underlying glenohumeral capsule and provides circumferential reinforcement except at the rotator interval and axillary recess. The rotator interval is a triangular area that is made up of fibrous elements and bordered by the upper margin of the subscapularis tendon and anterior aspect of the supraspinatus. Within the interval lie the coracohumeral ligament, the biceps tendon, and the superior glenohumeral ligament. The coracohumeral ligament is seen superficially, whereas the superior glenohumeral ligament reflects around the biceps tendon and serves as an internal pulley at the floor of this space. The coracohumeral and superior glenohumeral ligaments take origin from the lateral base of the coracoid and superior labrum, respectively. In one report, through gross anatomic study, variability was observed at the insertion of the coracohumeral ligament. Seventy-four percent of specimens demonstrated a predominant insertion into the rotator interval; in the remainder, the first attachment was to the supraspinatus tendon. Multiple functions have been attributed to the coracohumeral ligament, and most notably, they include limitation of external rotation in the adducted arm and restraint against inferior translation. The intraarticular boundaries of this space can be easily visualized arthroscopically and are marked by the glenoid rim, the upper subscapularis tendon, and the intraarticular portion of the biceps tendon. The axillary recess, which also lacks muscular or tendinous coverage by the rotator cuff, demonstrates capsular redundancy at the inferior aspect of the joint. This tissue laxity affords regular arm abduction, whereby patulousness or contracture can mediate joint instability or restriction of motion.

Vascularization of the rotator cuff muscles depends mainly on three sources: the thoracoacromial, suprahumeral, and Subscapular arteries. The four rotator cuff muscles are often considered as distinct separate musculotendinous units that directly overlie the joint capsule and insert onto the proximal humerus. Clark and Harryman performed gross anatomic and histologic studies in cadaveric specimens to better define the relationship between the rotator cuff tendons and their underlying capsular elements. The fibers of the rotator cuff tendons interdigitate and fuse, forming a common insertion on the tuberosities of the humerus. The fibers of subscapularis and infraspinatus interdigitate with respective fibers of the supraspinatus. Microscopically, the rotator cuff complex is stratified into five distinct layers that also receive reinforcement from the coracohumeral ligament and is contiguous with the glenohumeral capsule.


The Subscapularis Muscle

Anteriorly, the subscapularis muscle takes its origin from the anterior aspect of the scapula and inserts onto the lesser tuberosity of the humerus. It is the largest and most powerful of the rotator cuff muscles with its origin occupying greater than 90% of the anterior scapular surface. As the multipennate muscle funnels laterally toward its insertion, it has a dual innervation from both the upper and lower subscapular nerves that arise from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus. The upper subscapular nerve innervates a greater portion of the muscle. Although commonly considered to be an internal rotator of the shoulder, its contribution to arm abduction and humeral head depression has also been emphasized. The subscapularis bursa lies between the subscapularis tendon and neck of the scapula. It is found just inferior to the coracoid process and protects the tendon as it courses along the scapular neck and coracoid. The bursa communicates with the glenohumeral joint capsule and can harbor intraarticular loose bodies. Zlatkin and colleagues described three areas of capsular insertion along the anterior glenoid neck. A type I capsule is inserted adjacent to the anterior glenoid labrum, whereas types II and III are inserted progressively more medial on the scapular neck. This categorization likely reflects the variation in morphology and size of the subscapular bursa, which can be readily identified on coronal magnetic resonance images (MRIs). While a predisposition to anterior glenohumeral instability in patients with a medial capsular insertion has been suggested, no controlled studies elucidating this issue have yet been conducted

The Infraspinatus and Teres Minor Muscles

The infraspinatus and teres minor muscles make up the posterior portion of the rotator cuff. The infraspinatus is triangular and is often inseparable from the teres minor. They take origin from the infraspinatus fossa and dorsolateral border of the scapula, respectively, and insert onto the greater tuberosity of the humerus. The suprascapular nerve innervates the infraspinatus, and the axillary nerve supplies the teres minor. These muscles externally rotate the humerus and stabilize the glenohumeral joint in concert with the subscapularis and supraspinatus muscles. The infraspinatus has a pennate muscle architecture with a central raphe that should not be confused with the intermuscular interval between it and the teres minor.


The Supraspinatus Muscle

The supraspinatus originates from the suprascapular fossa and inserts along the greater tuberosity of the humerus. It receives its innervation from the suprascapular nerve, which arises from the upper trunk of the brachial plexus. This muscle contributes to glenohumeral compression during active shoulder motion and assists the deltoid in effecting humeral abduction. The supraspinatus is situated between the humeral articular surface and the acromial arch, where a synovial cavity protects it on either side. Among the three portions of the supraspinatus, the anterior portion is more resistant to tearing than midway and posterior portions. The subacromial and subdeltoid bursae are found superficial to the tendon and separate it from the deltoid muscle. The bursa varies in size and extends laterally from the subacromial space to the proximal humeral metaphysis. The suprascapular nerve arises from the upper trunk of the brachial plexus and courses through the suprascapular notch just medial to the base of the coracoid process. It supplies the supraspinatus muscle before passing through the spinoglenoid notch, where it finally provides neural innervation to the infraspinatus. Warner and associates have highlighted the path and variational anatomy of the suprascapular nerve as it enters the posterior aspect of the shoulder. Eighty-four percent of 31 specimens revealed one or two branches of the nerve to the supraspinatus muscle. In 84% of specimens, the first branch originated either under the transverse scapular ligament or 1 mm distal to it. In 3%, the first motor branch originated proximal to the ligament and passed superficial to it. The infraspinatus muscle revealed three to four branches in approximately one-half of the specimens. Bigliani and coworkers measured the distance of the nerve from fixed scapular landmarks and observed that it lay an average of 1.8 cm (range 1.4 to 2.5 cm) from the midposterior glenoid rim to the base of the scapular spine. The distance of the nerve from the supraglenoid tubercle to the base of the scapular spine measured an average of 2.5 cm (range 1.9 to 3.2 cm). These observations emphasize the caution required for surgical management of shoulder disorders such as mobilization of a torn and retracted rotator cuff, arthroscopic portal placement, transglenoid drilling, and neurolysis of an entrapped suprascapular nerve.

The Deltoid Muscle

Superficial to the subacromial and subdeltoid bursae lies the deltoid muscle. It is composed of three heads (anterior, middle, and posterior) that vary in structure and function. The muscle has an extensive origin, arising from the distal one-third of the clavicle, the acromion, and the lateral one-third of the scapular spine. It converges distally to insert on the deltoid tuberosity of the mid-diaphysis of the humerus. The Axillary nerve innervates it. Its broad origin, which is derived from the mobile scapula and clavicle, affords the deltoid a mechanical advantage by allowing the muscle to maintain its resting length at various arm positions. Furthermore, the bipennate structure of the large middle head contributes to abduction strength through contraction of its fibers at an angle to the line of pull, which also serves to maintain muscle fiber resting length and improve efficiency.

In contrast, muscles with a parallel fiber arrangement, such as the anterior and posterior deltoid, by their structural configuration, result in considerably decreased strength during contraction. Differences in activity of the three portions of the deltoid relative to arm position have been observed through electromyographic analysis. The anterior and middle heads remain active at all angles of abduction and in multiple planes (coronal, scapular, and parasagittal), whereas the posterior deltoid, also an important shoulder extensor, contributes to elevation when the arm is above 110 degrees. Moreover, when the arm is in abduction, the posterior deltoid functions as a dependent external rotator, for which its clinical importance is increased in patients with massive rotator cuff tears extending into the infraspinatus and teres minor tendons.


The complex interaction of the rotator cuff and surrounding muscles is largely responsible for the shoulder’s considerable range of motion and the preservation of glenohumeral joint stability. Although debate continues over a few functions of the rotator cuff, the preponderance of data supports its role as a dynamic stabilizer, providing humeral depression, humeral rotation, abduction, and joint compression. Its role in “dynamization” or tensioning of the glenohumeral ligaments in the midranges of motion remains unclear and will require validation with further study. Furthermore, the rotator cuff has an integral part in maintaining force couples in multiple planes, whereby its absence could potentially result in abnormal kinematics, an unstable fulcrum, and abnormal humeral head excursion. The rotator cuff comprises a group of muscles that are considerably smaller in size and cross-sectional area when compared with the more superficial structures, such as the deltoid, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, and trapezius. Also, because they lie deep in the shoulder and near the center of rotation of the glenohumeral joint, these muscles are collectively unable to generate the same degree of torque as the larger and more superficial structures. And therefore the complete torque of the rotator cuff is produced by muscles Supraspinatus and deltoid, collectively.  In part, the relatively shorter lever arm, or distance of the muscle from the center of rotation, accounts for observable differences in generated force. Consequently, given its anatomic architecture, maintenance of a stable glenohumeral fulcrum during active arm motion is one function that is both important and well suited to the rotator cuff. A normal-functioning rotator cuff achieves dynamic stability through multiple mechanisms. It acts through direct joint compression as well as through asymmetric contraction and “steering” of the humeral head into the glenoid during active motion. Compression is achieved through the perpendicular vector of pull by the humeral head into the glenoid that serves to minimize tendencies toward joint subluxation. Multiple forces pass across the shoulder during an active motion to achieve the desired arm position. Force couples across the shoulder remain integral to maintaining normal function, especially when placed in a perspective of the minimally constrained design of the glenohumeral joint. Force couples in various planes exist that can be defined as the action of two opposing muscle groups required to achieve a given movement. Inman and associates initially described force couples involving the glenohumeral joint. They noted that the deltoid muscle acts to pull the humeral head in a cephalad direction, while the subscapularis, infraspinatus, and teres minor act as a functional unit counteracting the deltoid and effecting depression of the humeral head. Other biomechanical studies have highlighted the role of the infraspinatus and subscapularis in the maintenance of normal glenohumeral kinematics. In one cadaveric investigation, the isolated absence of an applied supraspinatus force appeared to have no appreciable difference on humeral head migration when measured radiographically in the anteroposterior plane. The absence of force generated by the infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis, on the other hand, increased superior humeral translation because the deltoid was unopposed. Burkhart expanded on the importance of force couples in preserving normal kinematics in patients with rotator cuff tears. He noted that balanced forces in both the coronal and transverse planes afforded normal glenohumeral motion patterns as long as anterior and posterior portions of the cuff were preserved beyond a critical threshold. The location, as opposed to the size of the tendon tear, was suggested to be a more significant determinant in resultant glenohumeral kinematics. The rotator cuff contributes strength to the arm. Howell and coworkers noted that, after selective blockade of the suprascapular and axillary nerves in normal volunteers, the supraspinatus and deltoid muscles contribute equally to measured torque in the abduction. These findings are comparable with other reports on selective blocking of the axillary nerve in which it was noted that approximately 60% of the strength in the abduction was attributable to the deltoid muscle. Compromise of the rotator cuff or deltoid function in such individuals could be expected to result in a progressive loss of muscle force with arm elevation and early fatigability. The infraspinatus has also been implicated as a contributor to arm elevation. Otis and associates reported decreases in abduction and external rotation torque of up to 45% and 75%, respectively, after selective paralysis of the infraspinatus muscle. These findings contrast with one electromyographic (EMG) study that demonstrated silent electrical activity in the infraspinatus when it was elevated to 120 degrees. To clarify the collective role of the infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis, Sharkey, and coworkers, in a cadaveric biomechanical investigation, evaluating the contribution of these muscles to force in the abduction. Because the tendons of the subscapularis and infraspinatus insert both above and below the humeral center of rotation, it is conceivable that portions of these muscles may act as arm abductors as well as humeral head depressors. Their data suggested that the combined contractions of these muscles contribute to arm abduction and that the magnitude of their contribution was similar to that of the supraspinatus. Otis and colleagues provided further indirect evidence of the functional relation of the rotator cuff and deltoid to humeral elevation. By calculation of changes in moment arms and measurement of muscular excursion in cadaveric specimens, they demonstrated that both the infraspinatus and subscapularis contribute to the abduction. Changes in rotation further affected the capacity of either muscle to augment elevation in the scapular plane. Internal and external rotation enhanced the ability of the upper portions of the infraspinatus and subscapularis, respectively, to abduct the arm. The data help to partly explain how a supraspinatus defect may not necessarily limit functional abduction of the arm.

Examination of the shoulder for rotator cuff disease

The examination of patients with rotator cuff problems has undergone substantial advancement in the past few years, and there is an increasing appreciation of the importance of integrating the history, physical examination, and imaging findings for determination of the diagnosis. Knowledge about the clinical relevance and limitations of the physical examination of the shoulder is critical for identifying what the examination does and does not reveal. Examination of the shoulder presents unique challenges: it differs from the examination of other joints in several ways. First, unlike the examination of the knee or ankle, the distribution of pain in the shoulder area often does not narrow the diagnosis. Second, the shoulder is a joint with several moving parts. Shoulder movement includes both glenohumeral and scapulothoracic motion. Both components of total motion must be considered for an accurate examination. Third, the shoulder is covered by large muscles that make palpating specific structures difficult. Fourth, imaging studies can be challenging to interpret. As an example, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies often identify abnormalities that are unrelated to the patient’s symptoms.

History and presentation

Rotator cuff tendons can be injured by an acute, traumatic event or by a gradual process of unknown cause. The degree of trauma required to produce a rotator cuff injury is quite variable. Common mechanisms of injury include falling on the shoulder or an outstretched arm, lifting heavy luggage into the overhead bin of an airplane, pulling a lawn mower cord, or simply reaching out and away from the body. The patient will often feel a tear, rip, or pop. Although rotator cuff tears typically do not cause ecchymosis, patients with a bleeding diathesis may have bruising, particularly on the anterior or lateral aspects of the shoulder. Chronic injuries are typically more insidious in onset. In most cases, the individual cannot recall a specific injury. Rather, there is a gradual increase in shoulder pain and loss of function, a process that we describe to patients as “wearing a hole in the seat of your trousers.” This injury pattern increases linearly with age and studies have shown that more than half of asymptomatic individuals may have some form of rotator cuff abnormality. Various theories have been proposed to explain why the rotator cuff tissue fails. Impingement of the rotator cuff against an acromial spur, attrition secondary to cell senescence, vascular compromise, genetic predisposition, tension overload of the tendons, and differential stress within the layers of the tendons have all been implicated. What is clear is that, as the tendon becomes thinner and weaker, less force is required to tear it. This explains the common clinical presentation of a patient who was completely asymptomatic with an attritional tear, but then experiences a minor trauma and develops a much larger and ultimately symptomatic tear. As the causes can be varied, it is important to obtain an accurate history of not only the specific inciting event but also any history of previous shoulder problems. Similarly, it is important to determine whether the patient’s main complaint is pain, weakness, loss of motion, loss of function, or a combination thereof. Unfortunately, no one pain pattern is diagnostic of rotator cuff disease. Typically, patients with rotator cuff pathology complain of lateral shoulder pain, but a pain in this location is not specific for rotator cuff injury. Other causes of lateral shoulder pain include cervical radiculopathy, visceral pain, angina, and, less commonly, acromioclavicular joint pathology. Patients with rotator cuff abnormalities often have pain and weakness when using the arm above shoulder level or when lifting objects with the arm extended away from the body. Circular motions with pressure down on the hand, such as wiping a countertop or painting, can cause pain, which typically radiates into the deltoid region.

Physical examination

The physical examination of the patient with rotator cuff pathology should be part of a more comprehensive upper extremity examination. The examination starts with observation. The patient should change into a gown or other such attire that permits observation of the anterior and posterior aspects of the upper extremity. The appropriately attired patient should be examined for atrophy, deformity, or scapular winging. These abnormities are more readily detected when one shoulder is compared with the other. Atrophy of the supraspinatus and/or infraspinatus fossa is often indicative of a large, long-standing rotator cuff tear. Color changes or excessive swelling suggests vascular conditions such as deep venous thrombosis or arterial comprise. The next step is to perform a brief vascular and neurological examination. The arm should be inspected for edema, stasis, swelling, and color changes. Capillary refill and pulses should be evaluated. This is particularly important in patients who have complaints of coldness or cramping in their hands. The neurological assessment includes an assessment of light touch sensation and should be performed in all areas corresponding to the distribution of the peripheral nerves and cervical spinal levels. The most reliable method of performing this part of the examination is to touch the same area on each upper extremity simultaneously and ask the patient whether the sensation is the same on each side. A difference indicates that the patient has some nerve involvement, and additional investigation of those symptoms is warranted. Similarly, it is relatively easy to assess upper extremity strength and motor function. Deltoid, biceps, triceps, wrist flexors, wrist extensors, and interosseous muscle strength should be assessed, graded on a scale of 1–5. If the patient is weak, neurological causes should be included in the differential diagnosis. A thorough upper extremity evaluation should always include an assessment of the joints above and below the area where the patient experiences pain. Shoulder abnormalities frequently coexist with cervical and other upper extremity pathology. Referred pain from neck pathology can be radicular and/or non-radicular. Compressive neuropathies distal to the shoulder can present as a “double-crush” phenomenon and produce pain more proximally.

The range of motion evaluation

An assessment of both active and passive range of motion is an important part of the examination. Subtle changes in the range of motion can be helpful in making a diagnosis. Patients with a painful arc of active motion between 90° and 110° of forward elevation often have rotator cuff pathology. Shoulder stiffness (manifested as a loss of passive range of motion) can be indicative of adhesive capsulitis. The patient may present to the clinic with a chief complaint of pain. On further evaluation, however, the loss of motion becomes apparent. For this reason, patients with adhesive capsulitis are not uncommonly diagnosed with rotator cuff tendinopathy. Indeed, in our experience, this is the most common misdiagnosis.


The active elevation is always assessed in two positions: in the plane of the body (abduction) and front of the body (flexion). The clinician should observe the raising motion for bilateral symmetry, to determine whether there is a glitch in the motion on one side compared with that on the other. Particular attention should be directed to shoulder blade motion. Shoulder blade asymmetry during active forward elevation, best appreciated when viewed from the back, is termed “scapular dyskinesis,” and is indicative of muscle weakness. When detected, scapular dyskinesis should prompt a careful evaluation of muscle strength and nerve function. If the patient lacks active elevation, the clinician should attempt to gently elevate the extremity a bit further. If the additional elevation is obtained with this passive motion, the previous inability to fully elevate the arm usually indicates a stiff or weak shoulder as opposed to a globally stiff or globally “adherent” shoulder. If the passive motion is unsuccessful in elevating the arm beyond the point of active elevation (i.e., there is a firm endpoint beyond which additional motion is not possible), then stiffness is the primary problem.

Painful arc

Some patients experience pain only in certain segments of elevation, most commonly between 70° and 120° (the painful arc).  This pattern is characteristic of rotator cuff conditions, but, alone as an isolated finding, is not diagnostic. Additional demographic and/or examination findings are needed to establish the diagnosis of a rotator cuff disorder.

Drop-arm sign

This examination maneuver can be accomplished in one of two ways. The patient raises (with or without assistance) the arm above shoulder level to approximately 70° or 80° and is then asked to either hold it against gravity (without assistance) or gradually bring the arm down to the side. It is important that the examiner is careful not to let the arm fall or descend too quickly in an uncontrolled manner because it can be very painful for the patient. If the patient has trouble maintaining elevation, or if the arm falls to the side, the finding is known as a positive drop-arm sign. This sign may indicate a profound problem secondary to paralysis (neurogenic cause), or massive rotator cuff damage (i.e., large supraspinatus tear or tears of multiple tendons), or both. That said, the inability to maintain elevation may result from pain alone, which must be considered in the differential diagnosis.

Shrug sign

Another non-specific sign of shoulder dysfunction is the shrug sign. This test is performed by asking the patient to hold the arms parallel to the floor. If this task cannot be done, or if there is asymmetry of the shoulders when performing the test, the patient’s shoulder is stiff, weak, or both. This test was originally proposed as an indicator of rotator cuff dysfunction, but, because it can be positive for a wide variety of shoulder conditions, it simply indicates the presence of some abnormality.


To test for rotation, the patient is asked to hold the arms at 90° of elevation. The examiner then moves the arm into the external and internal rotation. Both shoulders are examined, and any differences in the rotation are noted. If the patient’s shoulder is stiff for any reason, there will be a firm endpoint as the ligaments of the shoulder reach their maximum length. Any movement beyond this point will cause pain, or the patient will have to move the scapula or the whole body to accommodate the associated stress. In some athletes, particularly those who have been playing or used to play overhead sports (such as tennis), there will more external rotation and less internal rotation in the dominant than the non-dominant shoulder. This is a normal finding in athletes who play overhead sports unless pain accompanies it. If pain accompanies the loss of motion, the condition is referred to as a glenohumeral internal rotation deficit. Although this phenomenon may be associated with pain in tennis players or swimmers, it is typically not a cause of shoulder pain in patients with rotator cuff disorders. In another test for external rotation of the shoulder the patient holds the arms at the side with the elbows flexed 90° so that the elbows touch the sides of the body. The examiner then compares both sides as the patient rotates the arms externally. Loss of external rotation in this position (i.e., not with the arm elevated as above) is a general sign of a shoulder abnormality. Any asymmetry indicates shoulder stiffness but does not identify the cause of the stiffness. To further test internal rotation, the patient is asked to place the hand up the back with the thumb up. Each arm is done sequentially, and the motions are compared. If one side is different from the other, this asymmetry indicates that the patient’s shoulder is stiff or weak, or both, but this test does not identify the cause.

Strength testing

Probably the most helpful portion of the examination of the shoulder with which to formulate the diagnosis of rotator cuff disease is strength testing. These examinations are quite simple and easy to perform. To perform them correctly, and to prevent the patient from compensating with muscles other than the one being tested, the practitioner needs to understand the functional anatomy of the upper extremity.

In abduction

One of the myths of rotator cuff disease is that people need the rotator cuff muscles to have full elevation of the shoulder of motion and function in the presence of full-thickness tears of the rotator cuff, the shoulder is usually weak on manual muscle testing, with weakness when using the arm above shoulder level or when lifting objects away from the body.

Supraspinatus testing

Although no strength test will completely isolate the supraspinatus muscle and tendon, any weakness with forwarding elevation suggests injury to this muscle. For the first test in determining shoulder strength, the patient is asked to elevate the arm to ear level fully. If the patient has a normal deltoid muscle and yet cannot lift the arm against gravity (in other words the patient has a positive “drop-arm sign” as described above), then the weakness is most likely the result of some abnormality in the supraspinatus muscle or tendon. The second test for supraspinatus is performed by asking the patient to elevate the arms to a position parallel to the ground. The arms should be brought forward approximately 30° from the plane of the body (this position is called the “plane of the scapula” because the scapula sits at a 30° angle to the thorax) and, with the patient’s elbows flexed, the examiner pushes down on the arms as the patient resists the pressure. Having the patient flex the elbows decreases stress on the shoulder and allows for a more accurate assessment. This is especially important in the presence of pain or for patients with rotator cuff abnormality, for whom the extended elbow position can be very painful. If the arm gives way with this test, the examiner can infer that the weakness is the result of pain alone or injury to supraspinatus itself. If the patient’s shoulder is not weak when this test is performed with the elbows flexed, then the test can be repeated with the elbows extended. This maneuver is commonly referred to as Jobe’s test. The test can be performed equally effectively with the thumbs down (“empty can” position), the thumbs up (“full can” position), or the thumbs in neutral. The examiner pushes down on the arm at the wrist and asks the patient to resist. The test is positive for weakness in abduction when the patient cannot hold the arm in this position against resistance.  Although weakness in abduction is frequently indicative of rotator cuff pathology, it is important to remember that this is not always the case. Other causes of weakness in abduction include nerve injury, biceps tendon injury, and pain from a labral tear. Besides, many patients do not experience shoulder weakness with smaller rotator cuff tears. For this reason, strength testing is not sensitive for partial-thickness rotator cuff tears or asymptomatic tendinopathy of the rotator cuff.

In external rotation

Testing the strength of the shoulder when in external rotation is another important way to assess rotator cuff function. As with strength testing in abduction, shoulder weakness in external rotation is often, but not always, indicative of rotator cuff pathology.  Strength testing in external rotation is performed by asking the patient to bend the elbows to 90° while keeping them close to the body. It is important that the patient does not lift the arms away from the body because doing so engages the compensatory abductors and other muscles. The examiner then asks the patient to resist an internal rotation force. The test is considered positive if the patient cannot maintain the arm in the starting position.

Tests of the subscapularis tendon

Although full-thickness tears of the subscapularis tendon are not as common as tears of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons, they produce fairly consistent findings on physical examination. Partial tears of the subscapularis tendon are relatively common and often do not result in significant physical impairments. In contrast, complete tears of subscapularis can produce profound weakness of internal rotation of the shoulder. Over the past few decades, clinicians have devised more accurate methods of detecting subscapularis pathology.

Lift-off test

Many believe that the best test for the subscapularis tendon is the lift-off test. To perform this test, the patient places one hand behind the back in the low lumbar region. The patient is then instructed to lift the hand off the back. The procedure is repeated with the opposite hand. The test is considered positive if the patient cannot lift the hand away from the back. A positive test indicates that the subscapularis tendon is probably completely torn from its insertion site on the proximal humerus.

Belly press sign

The belly-press sign is another helpful test for subscapularis function. When performing the test, the patient places the palm of one hand on the abdomen and then brings the elbow forward, away from the body. The patient is then asked to press the hand into the abdomen. The procedure is repeated with the opposite hand. The test is positive when the wrist flexes as the hand is pushed into the abdomen or when there are marked differences between the two extremities. A positive test usually indicates a full-thickness subscapularis tear.

Superior subluxation of the humeral head

In a patient with large rotator cuff tears, shoulder motion can be impaired to the degree that the humeral head may subluxate from the glenoid when the patient attempts to elevate the extremity. In such instances, as the patient attempts to elevate the arm, the head of the humerus slides out of the glenoid and produces a prominence in the anterior and superior aspects of the shoulder. The shoulders in such patients are often extremely weak in abduction and external rotation. Active motion is extremely limited, but a passive range of motion is preserved. This situation is commonly seen in patients for whom surgery for a large rotator cuff tear failed.

Lag signs

Lag signs are shoulder examination tests that are predicated on the observation that the muscles must have a certain amount of strength to hold the arm in one position. When present, these signs typically reflect that either the muscle being tested is extremely weak or the tendon being tested has a very large tear that includes the whole tendon.

External rotation lag sign

The external rotation lag sign indicates a full-thickness, large supraspinatus rotator cuff tear. The test is performed by having the patient position the arm at 15–20° abduction and the elbow at 90° flexion. The examiner holds the patient’s elbow in this position and externally rotates the arm until an endpoint or resistance to external rotation is felt. The examiner then asks the patient to hold the arm in that position. A test is considered positive when the patient cannot hold the arm in this position, i.e., when the arm falls back into the internal rotation. If this happens, it is a sign that the muscles providing external rotation to the shoulder (supraspinatus and infraspinatus) are torn or not functioning properly.

Dropping lag sign

The “dropping sign” should be distinguished from the drop-arm sign. The latter indicates that the patient cannot hold the arm against gravity (see earlier for a description of the drop-arm sign). The dropping sign is performed by asking the patient to abduct the arm 90° with the elbow flexed 90°. The examiner supports the elbow in this position and externally rotates the arm to 90° of external rotation. The examiner then asks the patient to hold the arm in that position. A positive test is noted when the patient cannot hold that position and the arm drops into internal rotation. A positive test is indicative of an injury to infraspinatus and/or teres minor.

Lift-off lag sign

This test is performed like that of a lift-off test. For this test, a patient is asked to place each hand sequentially in the small of the back as if performing a lift-off test. The examiner supports the elbow and pulls the hand off the back by the wrist, and then asks the patient to hold this position with the hand off of the back. If the hand falls to the back or toward the buttocks, the test is positive, indicating that there is a full-thickness tear of the subscapularis tendon.

Neer’s sign

Neer’s sign, described by Charles Neer in 1972, is perhaps the most commonly recognized and performed test for rotator cuff pathology. This test is performed with the patient standing and the examiner to the patient’s side. The examiner stabilizes the scapula with one hand and, with the other, passively flexes the arm until the patient reports pain or full flexion is reached. The test is considered positive if the patient reports pain into the anterior or lateral aspect of the shoulder. Unfortunately, Neer’s sign is not always indicative of a rotator cuff problem. A positive Neer’s sign is often elicited in a wide variety of shoulder conditions, especially stiffness. Neer himself recognized this point in his original description of the test: “It also causes pain in patients with many other shoulder conditions, including stiffness (partially frozen shoulder), instability (e.g., anterior subluxation), arthritis, calcium deposits, and bone lesions.” Neer’s test has specificity for rotator cuff disease of any type (painful tendinopathy to massive tears) of just 43.4–59.9% and a sensitivity of 59.3–75.4%. Therefore, a positive Neer’s sign does not necessarily indicate a rotator cuff tear unless it is considered in conjunction with other tests.

Kennedy–Hawkins sign

The Kennedy–Hawkins sign for rotator cuff abnormality was described by Richard Hawkins, who ascribed the sign to his colleague John Kennedy. This test is performed with the patient standing and the examiner standing at the patient’s side. The examiner stabilizes the scapula and then elevates the patient’s arm passively with the elbow flexed to 90°. For best results, the arm should be flexed and not abducted. The arm is elevated until resistance is met and then the arm is carefully internally rotated. A test is considered positive if the maneuver elicits pain in the anterior or lateral shoulder region. Pain elicited in other locations, such as the posterior shoulder, is not considered a positive finding. The limitations of this test are similar to those of Neer’s sign. The Kennedy–Hawkins test can be positive for a wide variety of shoulder conditions. Its specificity has been found to be 44.5% for painful tendinopathy, 48.3% for full-thickness supraspinatus tears, and 35.6% for massive rotator cuff tears; its sensitivity for rotator cuff abnormality of any type is 71.2%. For this reason, a positive Kennedy–Hawkins test, in the absence of other positive confirmatory tests such as a positive Neer’s test, should be interpreted with caution. Indeed, both these tests may be more useful when considered together with other tests.

Combined tests

Two studies have shown that using multiple tests is the best method for determining if a patient has a rotator cuff tear. Murrell and Walton (2001) reported that, if a patient was >60 years old, had weakness in abduction, and had a positive impingement sign (Neer’s or Kennedy–Hawkins), then there is a 98% chance that the patient has a torn rotator cuff. It is found that a patient >60 years old, with a positive painful arc sign, weakness in abduction, and weakness in external rotation has a 90% chance of having a full-thickness rotator cuff tear.

The four most important tests for rotator cuff evaluation

Although a complete and thorough examination of the rotator cuff is the goal, in clinical practice it is not necessary for the general practitioner to know every test and its accuracy. An examination has some merit as long as the findings are interpreted correctly and the subsequent clinical decision-making is based on the findings. In our opinion, the four most important tests for a patient with suspected rotator cuff disease are the elevation of the arm, weakness in abduction, weakness in external rotation, and the external rotation lag sign.

  • Elevation of the arm

The patient should have a sufficiently active range of motion so that the arm reaches the ear. If the full elevation is not obtained, the shoulder is weak or stiff, or both. The inability to fully elevate warrants additional evaluation first with radiographs and then, depending on the findings, referral or additional study with MRI or ultrasonography. Weakness in abduction Inability to hold the arm in elevation against gravity (the drop-arm test) or resistance is a frequent sign of rotator cuff disease. That said, it is important to realize that nerve injury, cervical spine disc disease, myopathy, or neuropathy can cause these tests to be positive.

  • Weakness in external rotation

Weakness in external rotation indicates that there is a rotator cuff tear or a neurological problem. This sign indicates a possible abnormality that might need additional investigation if other physical findings do not point to rotator cuff disease.

  • External rotation lag sign

The external rotation lag sign indicates severe weakness in external rotation and means that the patient most likely has at least a tear of the supraspinatus and probably also of infraspinatus tendons.

Imaging of the rotator cuff

There are multiple different imaging modalities available for evaluation of the rotator cuff. Although these different modalities are used for specific clinical scenarios, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) remained the complete modality and examination of choice for the evaluation of the shoulder and suspected rotator cuff pathology. In this chapter, the advantages and limitations of different imaging modalities are briefly described, with emphasis on the indications and contraindications of MRI, fundamental signal characteristics of MRI, normal rotator cuff anatomy on MRI, and rotator cuff pathology on MRI.


High-resolution, real-time ultrasonography is a very useful imaging modality for evaluation of rotator cuff tears. With multiple advances in ultrasound technology and the use of high-frequency (12 MHz) linear array transducers, much more accurate images of the rotator cuff may be obtained. The advantages of ultrasonography are that it is inexpensive and widely available. Ultrasonography is comparable to MRI in sensitivity and specificity for detection of partial- and full-thickness rotator cuff tears. Also, ultrasonography is a dynamic study and may demonstrate impingement syndromes in real time. Although ultrasonography is not the diagnostic procedure of choice in the USA, it is widely utilized in other parts of the world and, in experienced hands, can be very reliable.

Plain film radiography

Although plain film radiography is not very sensitive or specific for rotator cuff tears, it is usually the first examination performed, especially in the setting of trauma or for evaluation of chronic massive rotator cuff tears (which can be diagnosed confidently by radiography alone). Radiography also helps evaluate the mineralization of bone, calcifications (e.g., hydroxyapatite deposition in calcific tendinosis), and degenerative changes, and can demonstrate the shape of the acromion. Arthrography can demonstrate complete rotator cuff tears by the presence of contrast material in the subacromial-subdeltoid bursa but is usually combined with computed tomography (CT) arthrography. Air or iodine may be used as a contrast medium. Usually, 8–12 mL of iodine contrast or 3–4 mL iodine contrast and 10–12 mL of air are injected to distend the capsule, and multiple images are obtained.

CT arthrography

CT arthrography is a very useful alternative when MR arthrography is contraindicated. It is very sensitive and specific in identifying complete rotator cuff tears and is useful for evaluation of the surrounding soft tissues, labrum, glenohumeral ligaments, long head of biceps tendon, and bony structures. However, it is not very sensitive for evaluation of partial-thickness tears or tendinopathy. The contrast injection (air or iodine contrast) technique is similar to plain film arthrography in preparation.

Magnetic resonance imaging

MRI is the modality of choice for complete evaluation of the shoulder. Lambert prospectively showed a 100% positive predictive value of 3.0 T MRI when compared with arthroscopy for the detection of rotator cuff tendon tears requiring surgery. With MRI, the bone marrow, tendons, muscles, ligaments, capsule, bursa, and labrum can be evaluated in multiple planes. MRI can identify tendinopathy, partial tears, intratendon tears, and tears of the bursal aspect of the tendon. MRI is effective for the detection of factors contributing to rotator cuff disease, such as structural causes of impingement syndromes. It can also demonstrate muscle atrophy, the extent of muscle retraction, and bursitis, and is very sensitive to any bone marrow abnormalities that may be associated with rotator cuff disease (such as bone marrow edema and contusion). MR arthrography is the most sensitive and specific imaging study for detection of complete or partial rotator cuff tears and best characterizes the type and morphology of rotator cuff tears. It is the study of choice for evaluation of the labrum and glenohumeral ligaments.

MRI of the shoulder

Before being able to identify pathology in the shoulder with MRI, one must have a fundamental understanding of the multi-planar shoulder anatomy and characteristics of MR signals on different pulse sequences, both of which are beyond the scope of this chapter. A short fundamental review of MRI signal characteristics is provided here. On T1-weighted pulse sequences, methemoglobin (subacute hematoma), melanin, fat, and gadolinium appear as high signal whereas fluid (edema) appears as low signal. On “fluid-sensitive” images such as STIR (short T1 inversion recovery) or T2-weighted images (including T2*), fluid appears as high signal. Therefore, most pathology such as edema, inflammation (tendinopathy and tendon tears), and most tumors usually appear as high signal on T2-weighted images and low signal on T1-weighted images. Fatty infiltration of muscles, which results from chronic atrophy, appears as a high signal on T1-weighted images.

Cortical bone and calcifications appear as low signal on all pulse sequences. Bone marrow consists of red and yellow marrow: yellow marrow has the same signal characteristics as subcutaneous fat on T1- (high signal) and T2-weighted (intermediate signal) images and is completely suppressed on STIR or fat-saturated, T2-weighted pulse sequences. Red marrow appears as an intermediate signal on T1- and T2-weighted images. Red marrow can be differentiated from yellow marrow by the decrease in signal on T1-weighted images, and lack of suppression on fat-saturated, T2-weighted or STIR images. As red marrow also contains fat cells, it should always be higher in signal intensity than normal muscle or intervertebral disks on T1-weighted images. STIR and fat-suppressed, T2-weighted images are useful sequences for evaluating bone marrow pathology and T1-weighted sequences may be used for evaluation of tumors. Normal articular cartilage is gray on proton density and dark gray on STIR and fat-saturated, T2-weighted images. These sequences can be particularly helpful for evaluation of the articular surface. Fibrocartilage is also dark on all pulse sequences. The best sequences to evaluate the labrum are T1-weighted images after intraarticular gadolinium injection and gradient echo (T2*) images. Tendons and ligaments usually appear as low signal on all pulse sequences. There are a few situations in which a normal tendon may display high signal. One cause is the magic angle phenomenon, which may occur in the supraspinatus tendon, approximately 1 cm proximal to the insertion of the tendon into the greater tuberosity, in the region that was previously described as the “critical zone.” The magic angle phenomenon manifests as intermediate signal on short TE (echo time) sequences (such as T1-weighted, T2*, proton density) when collagen fibers are oriented at 55° to the constant magnetic induction field. If such a signal is present, one may check different sequences with longer echo times (such as T2-weighted images) and, if there is no abnormal signal, then a magic angle artifact can be confirmed. Tendons are best evaluated with T2*, T1-weighted and STIR or fat-saturated, T2- weighted images. Finally, muscle gives an intermediate signal on all sequences. T1- weighted images may be used for evaluation of muscle architecture and fatty infiltration of muscle, such as in chronic atrophy. STIR images may be used to detect edema and other intramuscular pathology.


Most institutions use a slight variation of the widely accepted standard imaging sequences of the shoulder. Different sequences are used for imaging with and without contrast. In either procedure, a surface coil is required because the coil significantly enhances detail and resolution for any imaging to obtain adequate detail and resolution. A small field of view (12–14 cm) and 3- to 4-mm thick slices are obtained in the coronal, oblique, axial, and sagittal oblique planes. In standard non-contrast MRI, the patient is placed supine with the arm on the side in the neutral position or slight external rotation. With MR arthrography, especially for further evaluation of the labrum, glenohumeral ligaments, and impingement syndrome, the arm is also placed in abduction and external rotation (ABER). Standard pulse sequences for non-contrast MRI include coronal oblique proton density (PD) or T1-weighted or gradient echo (T2*) and fat-saturated, T2-weighted or STIR images, axial fat-saturated PD or gradient echo images, and T1-weighted images, and sagittal fat-saturated PD or gradient echo images, STIR, and T2-weighted images. Contrast-enhanced MRI may be obtained by the indirect method in which gadolinium is injected intravenously, and delayed images are obtained, or by the direct method, in which gadolinium is injected into the joint capsule with fluoroscopic guidance. The advantage of direct injection is the ability to distend the joint. Usually, 0.1 mL gadolinium is mixed with ten mL of 0.9% saline and three mL iodine contrast, and approximately 10–12 mL of this solution injected intra-articularly. Standard pulse sequences for contrast-enhanced MRI include coronal oblique, fat-saturated, T1- and T2-weighted or STIR images (for evaluation of fluid in the subacromial-subdeltoid bursa or other extra-articular fluid collections), sagittal oblique, fat-saturated, T1- weighted and non-fat-saturated, T1-weighted images (to evaluate muscle atrophy), and T1-weighted axial images with or without fat suppression to evaluate the labrum. An ABER view with fat-saturated, T1-weighted images greatly enhances detection of the labrum and glenohumeral ligament pathology as well as the diagnosis of impingement syndrome.

Contraindications for MRI

With the refinement of biological materials, more and more MRI friendly surgical implants are being developed, reducing the need to obtain alternative imaging. However, many patients still have surgical implants that may prevent them from undergoing MRI. Contraindications to MRI include electronically, magnetically, and mechanically stimulated implants, ferromagnetic hemostatic materials in the central nervous system, ferromagnetic materials such as automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillators, cardiac pacemakers, and visual metallic foreign objects. Other contraindications for MRI include cochlear implants, other pacemakers such as carotid sinus pacemakers, insulin pumps, and nerve stimulators, lead wires, certain drug delivery patches, prosthetic heart valves (especially with suspicion of dehiscence), hemostatic materials in the body, and non-ferromagnetic stapedial implants. Many of the above contraindications are considered relative by the American College of Radiology, so each situation should be reviewed on a case-by-case basis with a radiologist and/or MRI safety officer to document when and exactly what type of hardware is present, to better assess whether a particular MRI examination may or may not be performed. The presence of other implants including non-ferromagnetic implants and the date of implantation also need to be communicated to the MRI operator. Some patients are claustrophobic and may either receive mild sedation before examination or, as an alternative, obtain their imaging study with an open MRI.

Finally, in patients with chronic renal insufficiency, especially with a glomerular filtration rate of <30 mL/min per 1.73 m2, there is a risk of developing nephrogenic systemic fibrosis with the use of intravenous gadolinium. Contrast must be used with caution when treating these patients.

Rotator cuff images

The rotator cuff is made up of the tendons of supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. The tendinous fibers of supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor blend together from their lateral margins before they insert on to the greater tuberosity. The supraspinatus tendon fibers insert on to the superior aspect of the greater tuberosity and infraspinatus, and teres minor insert posteriorly, whereas the subscapularis tendon inserts on to the lesser tuberosity anteriorly. The rotator cuff interval, i.e., the gap between the subscapularis and supraspinatus tendons, contains the coracohumeral ligament and superior glenohumeral ligament. It also allows the long head of biceps tendon to pass from the bicipital groove through the glenohumeral joint, before inserting on to the superior glenoid. The coracohumeral ligament traverses from the coracoid process to insert on to the lesser and greater tuberosities and the transverse ligament. The rotator cuff tendons are not surrounded by either a synovial sheath or a paratenon. The supraspinatus tendon travels between the undersurface of the acromion and above the humeral head, and it inserts on to fibrocartilage superiorly on the greater tuberosity. The entire length of supraspinatus is well visualized on coronal oblique images. The supraspinatus muscle and tendon travel at about 45° relative to the coronal plane and are visualized on the images that also best demonstrate the acromioclavicular joint. The musculotendinous junction is located just lateral to the acromioclavicular joint. More posteriorly, infraspinatus is also best visualized longitudinally on coronal oblique images. The infraspinatus tendon travels obliquely in a craniocaudal direction, also at about a 45° angle, and attaches to the posterior aspect of the greater tuberosity. On sagittal oblique images, tendons of all four rotator cuff muscles are visualized in cross-section and are surrounded by their respective muscles. The proximal portion of the long head of biceps tendon is also visualized in cross-section on this view, which is used to confirm pathology suspected in other planes where the muscles and tendons are seen longitudinally. The subscapularis muscle and tendon, which travel anterior to the shoulder, are demonstrated longitudinally on axial images. The subscapularis tendon attaches to the lesser tuberosity and blends with the transverse humeral ligament. Again, the sagittal oblique views can be used to confirm pathology in cross-section, when suspected in other planes. The origin of the long head of biceps tendon, at its attachment on the superior labrum, and the portion of the tendon inferior to the bicipital groove are visualized longitudinally on coronal oblique images. The portion of the long head of biceps tendon located in the bicipital groove is visualized transversely on axial images, appears as a round or oval structure, and may have a small amount of fluid on the secondary side of the tendon sheath, which is a normal finding. If a joint effusion is present, fluid will be seen around the entire tendon, because the tendon sheath is in direct communication with the glenohumeral joint.

The portion of the deltoid tendon that attaches to the superior and inferior margins of the acromion is visualized on coronal oblique images. Finally, the rotator interval is best visualized on sagittal oblique views. The coracoacromial arch is formed by the humeral head posteriorly, the acromion superiorly, and the coracoid process and coracoacromial ligament anteriorly. The subacromial-subdeltoid bursa, the supraspinatus tendon and muscle, and the long head of the biceps tendon are located in the coracoacromial arch. Symptoms of impingement can be seen with narrowing of the coracoacromial arch. The coracoacromial ligament is visualized on sagittal oblique images and can be seen in coronal oblique images. The acromion is evaluated on coronal and sagittal oblique planes. The anterior and posterior aspects of the inferior cortical line of the acromion on sagittal oblique views should be horizontal or curved, paralleling the humeral head, whereas on coronal oblique images the anterior aspect of the acromion should be horizontal and at the level of the clavicle. Also, the undersurface of the acromioclavicular joint and acromion should be smooth and horizontal. The subacromial-subdeltoid bursa may have a small amount of fluid within it but should not be distended with fluid.

Rotator cuff and related structure pathology

The goal of MRI is to identify the location, size, and extension (or retraction) of rotator cuff tears.


Supraspinatus tendon degeneration and partial tears usually coexist and are sometimes difficult to distinguish on MRI. On T1-weighted images, they both appear as intermediate signal focally or diffusely in the tendon. On T2-weighted images, degeneration usually has the same signal intensity as muscle, and a partial-thickness tear has the signal intensity of fluid. Again, differentiation may be very difficult on MRI. Partial-thickness tears occur on the bursal or articular surface or are intrasubstance. These are graded as low (<50%), medium (50%), and high (>50%). Partial-thickness tears on the articular surface of the tendon usually fill with injected gadolinium and demonstrate high T1 signal on MR arthrography. Partial-thickness tears on the bursal surface (or intrasubstance tears) are not visualized with MR arthrography because the intra-articular gadolinium cannot reach this area; they are therefore evaluated with regular MRI sequences. Partial-thickness tears mostly start on the articular surface of the distal anterior supraspinatus tendon (given the relative lack of vascularity in these fibers and the fact that superficial fibers are more resistant to tensile forces) and travel posteriorly. At this stage, the articular layers may retract whereas the bursal layers remain intact. Full-thickness tears of the supraspinatus tendon are diagnosed with direct and secondary findings on MRI. Direct findings include discontinuation of the tendon with fluid filling the gap between the fragments on T2-weighted images. It may be difficult to visualize tendon disruption on MRI because of the presence of granulation tissue, debris, far anterior location, or small size of a tear. Secondary signs may be used to aid the diagnosis in these situations, and include medial retraction of the musculotendinous junction and focal thinning or irregularity of the tendon. Subacromial-subdeltoid bursal fluid and atrophy of supraspinatus may also be present, but these are more non-specific findings. Preoperative fatty degeneration index values can also be used to predict the success rate of arthroscopic repair of large to massive rotator cuff tears. MR arthrography has the highest sensitivity and specificity for detection of supraspinatus tendon partial or complete tears. On MR arthrography, the high signal on T1-weighted images is seen in the subacromial-subdeltoid bursa due to discontinuity of the tendon, and a high signal is also seen between the disrupted tendon fragments. MR arthrography can also accurately identify the morphological classification of the torn tendon. Many causes of supraspinatus tendon impingement can be identified on MRI. The shape of the acromion may contribute to impingement of supraspinatus. A type I acromion has a flat undersurface, a type II has a concave undersurface, type III has an inferiorly projecting anterior hook that narrows the space between the acromion and humerus (and is most associated with impingement), and finally, a type IV acromion has a convex undersurface. The shape of the acromion is determined on the sagittal oblique plane just lateral to the acromioclavicular joint. The slope of the acromion is evaluated on coronal oblique, and sagittal oblique images and its lateral aspect is usually horizontal on sagittal oblique images. An anterior and downsloping acromion occurs when the inferior cortex of the anterior acromion is located more caudally than the inferior cortex of the posterior aspect of the acromion. An inferolateral tilt of the acromion is detected on coronal oblique images and occurs when the lateral aspect of the acromion is tilted inferiorly relative to the clavicle. The normal inferior cortex of the acromion is at the same level as the inferior cortex of the clavicle on coronal oblique images. In a low-lying acromion, the inferior cortex is below the inferior cortex of the clavicle. An os acromiale is an accessory ossification center of the acromion that does not fuse by age 25; it occurs in 15% of the population and is best seen on axial images. Degenerative changes of the acromioclavicular joint, including osteophytosis and capsule overgrowth, may project inferiorly and cause impingement. Although this can be identified on plain radiographs, MRI demonstrates the extent of the impingement. Focal thickening of the coracoacromial ligament also causes impingement and may be caused by chronic anterior instability. It is best seen on sagittal oblique views. Another cause of impingement is post-traumatic deformity of the bony structures close to the coracoacromial arch. Even with normal anatomy, hypertrophy of supraspinatus from overuse may cause impingement. Finally, shoulder instability can contribute to impingement and commonly coexists with it. Impingement of the supraspinatus tendon may cause partial or complete tendon tears. However, many of the same tendon abnormalities exist without evidence of impingement, and most partial-thickness tears of the supraspinatus tendon occur on the articular surface, where most of the above-mentioned abnormalities are present.


Infraspinatus tendon tears are seen after trauma in association with supraspinatus tendon tears, and with posterosuperior impingement of infraspinatus and supraspinatus tendons between the humeral head and the posterior glenoid rim during overhead movements, such as in overhead throwing sports. When arising from a posterosuperior impingement syndrome, MRI findings include partial or complete infraspinatus tear (with or without supraspinatus tendon tear), degenerative cysts on the posterior aspect of the humeral head near the insertion of the infraspinatus tendon, and fraying or tears of the posterior glenoid labrum.


Subscapular tendon tears may be caused by acute trauma when the arm is adducted in external rotation, anterior dislocation of the shoulder, or subcoracoid impingement from narrowing of the space between the tip of the coracoid process and humerus, and may be associated with massive rotator cuff tears. MRI best demonstrates tears in the axial plane, confirmed on sagittal views, which are also best seen with T2-weighted images or T1-weighted MR arthrography images. Again, tears may be seen as discontinuation of the tendon with gadolinium entering the tendon substance, intrasubstance abnormal tendon signal, abnormal tendon caliber, and abnormal position of the tendon. Gadolinium may also be seen under the insertion of the tendon on to the lesser tuberosity along with muscle atrophy. Finally, subluxation and dislocation of the long head of biceps tendon are usually associated with subscapularis tendon tears.

Long head of the biceps tendon

The long head of biceps tendon is abnormal in up to 33% of patients with supraspinatus tendon tears, given its proximity to the supraspinatus tendon, which is affected by impingement. These tendon tears usually occur proximal to the bicipital groove in older patients, with the muscle and tendon retracting distally, and leaving an empty bicipital groove on axial images on MRI. Acute tears occur in younger patients and also occur more distally, near the musculotendinous junction. The tendon of the long head of biceps may also be subluxed or dislocated after acute trauma which produces disruption of the transverse humeral ligament. A subscapularis tendon tear is also usually present. When it dislocates, the tendon may be displaced anteromedially, which could be associated with a subscapularis tendon tear. A medial dislocation is always associated with a tear of the subscapularis tendon at its attachment to the lesser tuberosity. This is best demonstrated on axial images that show an empty bicipital groove and the presence of the tendon medial to the groove, deep or superficial to the subscapularis tendon.

Massive rotator cuff tear

Finally, massive rotator cuff tears are usually present in older patients with diabetes, inflammatory arthritis, marked tendon degeneration, or steroid therapy. MRI usually reveals complete tears of multiple rotator cuff tendons with musculotendinous retraction and muscle atrophy. There is a large communication between the joint and subacromial-subdeltoid bursa. Sometimes a synovial cyst is seen extending through the acromioclavicular joint and forming a soft-tissue mass on the superior aspect of the shoulder. There is usually proximal migration of the humeral head with marked associated degenerative changes, usually seen on plain radiographs.


Multiple modalities can be used to evaluate the rotator cuff and rotator cuff pathology. Ultrasonography is very accurate in the detection of rotator cuff tears, but cannot assess many of the internal structures as accurately as MRI. MRI is the complete study for evaluation of the shoulder, and MR arthrography is the most accurate modality to detect rotator cuff tears and evaluate the labrum and glenohumeral ligaments. CT arthrography may be used for rotator cuff pathology if MRI is contraindicated, but is also limited in the evaluation of partial tears.


Rotator cuff disease is characterized by specific signs, symptoms, and altered anatomy. It has many causes, which will be covered later in this chapter. Clinically patients can present with complaints of pain, weakness, or a combination of both. Radiographically, cystic changes may be seen along the superior aspect of the greater tuberosity with sclerosis or erosion on the undersurface of the acromion from pathologic contact. Cystic changes can also be seen (more easily with MRI) in the lesser tuberosity from coracoid impingement. MRI is useful in defining the extent of the rotator cuff disease and is very sensitive and specific. Cuff tendonitis, tendinosis, calcific tendonitis, and partial- and full-thickness rotator cuff tears are common manifestations of the disease.


Neer initially popularized the concept of impingement syndrome, noting that the rotator cuff was potentially subject to repeated mechanical insult by the coracoacromial arch during elevation of the arm. His observations highlighted the anterior functional arc of shoulder motion, with resultant impingement of the rotator cuff by proliferative spurs and excrescences extending from the anterior third of the acromion and coracoacromial ligament. This was in contrast with impingement by the lateral acromion, as had generally been accepted. He subsequently described three stages of the impingement syndrome that exist as a continuum, ultimately leading to tears of the rotator cuff. Stage I, characterized by subacromial edema and hemorrhage and pain, was typical in symptomatic patients younger than 25 years of age. Stage II included fibrosis and tendinitis and was more common in persons 25 to 40 years old. With continued progression, stage III, or rotator cuff failure, would result and be characterized by partial or complete tendon tears typically in persons older than 40 years of age.

He attributed 95% of all rotator cuff lesions to primary mechanical impingement. Some biomechanical investigations have validated Neer’s observations implicating the anterior acromion as a source of impingement. Burns and Whipple studied the anatomic sites of tendon compression against the coracoacromial arch. In the neutral arm position, the supraspinatus and an intertubercular portion of the biceps tendon lie inferolateral to the coracoacromial ligament and anterior to the acromion. Arm elevation in the scapular plane resulted in contact of the supraspinatus and the anterior acromion and coracoacromial ligament. Biceps tendon impingement, on the other hand, occurred predominantly against the lateral free edge of the coracoacromial ligament. Flatow and colleagues, using stereophotogrammetry to evaluate subacromial contact areas with arm elevation, noted a progressive decrease in the acromiohumeral interval with scapular plane abduction. The humerus and acromion were at their closest proximity between elevations of 60 and 120 degrees. Moreover, contact and proximity were observed to begin at the anterolateral aspect of the acromion at 0 degrees elevation and shift medially with progressive arm elevation. Only the anterior aspect of the acromion demonstrated the potential for subacromial contact. Additionally, acromiohumeral distances were decreased in shoulders with a hooked acromion morphology. In a subsequent investigation, Bigliani and colleagues studied the effect of anterior acromioplasty on subacromial contact in seven cadaveric specimens. Their data suggested that flattening of the anterior third of the acromion was required to eliminate impingement. Although inherent limitations in a cadaveric model exist, they did note that flattening of just the anterior ridge of the acromion, rather than the anterior third, was insufficient to eliminate impingement in 50% of specimens. Jobe and associates popularized the concept of secondary mechanical impingement in throwing athletes. They noted that rotator cuff lesions are the result of a continuum that progresses from instability, subluxation, impingement, and tension overload of the cuff, with resultant tearing. Repeated mechanical stresses cause failure of the glenohumeral static restraints and place increased demands on the dynamic stabilizers. The rotator cuff eventually fatigues, resulting in abnormal translation of the humeral head and secondary impingement. If left untreated, the impingement can progress and cause tearing of the cuff. The ability to distinguish between primary and secondary impingement, as described by Neer and Jobe, respectively, is paramount to effectively treating patients affected with these disorders. Although satisfactory results have been reported for subacromial decompression in patients with primary impingement, the same does not hold true for individuals with the secondary type. Instead, treatment in this group requires attention to the underlying instability.

Coracoacromial Arch

The coracoacromial arch marks the superior boundary of the subacromial space. It comprises the coracoid process, the coracoacromial ligament, and the acromion. Mechanical forces about the coracoacromial arch, while not fully understood, have also been linked to the development of rotator cuff disease.

The Acromion

The shape of the acromion exhibits variability among individuals. In an anatomic study of 140 cadaveric shoulders, Bigliani et al. identified three predominant acromial forms when assessed in the sagittal plane. So in Bigliani’s classification, Acromion is classified into 3 types. A type I acromion had a flat undersurface and was present in 17% of cases. A type II acromion revealed a curved undersurface and was found in 43% of specimens. A hooked acromion, or type III, although present in 39% of cases, was found in 70% of shoulders with observed tears of the rotator cuff. A follow-up clinical study, using supraspinatus outlet radiographs to assess acromial morphology and arthrograms to determine rotator cuff integrity, affirmed the association between a “hooked” acromion and the presence of rotator cuff tears in patients presenting with various shoulder complaints.

Despite the potential value of correlating specific acromial forms with lesions of the rotator cuff, other investigators have been unable to demonstrate comparable findings and have questioned the reliability of radiographic acromial morphology assessment in the sagittal plane. Moreover, even though most clinicians could readily detect a flat acromion, confusion has arisen concerning the discernment of the curved (type II) and hooked (type III) patterns. Jacobson and colleagues studied 126 supraspinatus outlet radiographs in an attempt to determine the reliability of detecting acromion morphology. Inter- and intraobserver reliability coefficients of 0.516 and 0.888 were demonstrated, respectively. The data suggest that observers were each consistent in using a given set of classification criteria, but that these criteria differed among examiners. Furthermore, they also reflect the qualitative component of acromion morphology assessment and the potential difficulties in comparison of published studies. Some of the observed differences may best be explained by the potential for acromion architecture to exist as a continuum, ranging from a flat to a hooked configuration, with varying degrees of curvature within the extremes. To objectively quantitate and standardize the classification of acromion morphology, Toivonen and coworkers devised the measurement of an “acromial angle.” This angle was formed between two lines drawn along the undersurface of the anterior third and posterior two-thirds of the acromion. The authors reported reproducible methods and demonstrated a significant association between increasing acromial angle and rotator cuff tears. The types I, II, and III acromions had acromial angles of 0 to 12, 13 to 27, and greater than 27 degrees, respectively. Moreover, their findings were consistent with those of Bigliani et al. in that 89% of type III acromions were associated with tears of the rotator cuff. Kitay and associates called into question the use of supraspinatus outlet radiographs alone in evaluating the acromial morphologic condition. Analysis of anteroposterior, axillary, 30-degree caudal tilt and supraspinatus outlet views in 23 surgically treated patients with impingement syndrome revealed the greatest interobserver reliability for the 30-degree caudal tilt view. The caudal tilt x-ray film reflected the acromial spur in its combined anterior and inferior projections, whereas the outlet view provided information on the inferior projection of the spur. The combined use of these two radiographs was believed to be the best predictor of intraoperative acromial spur size. The effect of age on acromial morphologic condition has not been sufficiently studied, leaving many questions unanswered about the potential for developmental alterations in acromial shape. Nicholson and coworkers attempted to address this issue by quantifying osseous dimensions of the acromion and evaluating the relation between morphologic condition and age. Analysis of scapulae in different age groups revealed no trends toward the alteration of acromial morphology. Although age did correlate with an increase in the frequency of anterior acromial spur formation, it did not significantly change the dimensions of the acromion or alter morphology when assessed using supraspinatus outlet radiographs. The data suggest that the acromion’s morphologic condition functions both independently and in association with age-related degenerative processes in the development of rotator cuff disease. Neer and Poppen suggested that both the slope of the acromion and acromioclavicular joint spurs can compromise the integrity of the rotator cuff through impingement mechanisms. Aoki and coworkers measured acromial slope and found a decreased angle in patients with impingement syndrome when compared with normal controls. Qualitatively, this parameter refers to the pitch of the acromion in the sagittal plane. A more horizontal acromion would have a lower pitch and a corresponding low angle. This lower pitch can result in a reduced area of the supraspinatus outlet, thereby creating the potential for rotator cuff compromise. Zuckerman and colleagues studied the spatial anatomy of the coracoacromial arch and supraspinatus outlet as they relate to full-thickness tears of the rotator cuff. In an anatomic investigation of 140 shoulders, they demonstrated a significant association between rotator cuff tears and measured parameters, including a reduced supraspinatus outlet area, lower acromial tilt, and larger anterior projection of the acromion. These findings support the contention that elements other than sagittal plane acromial morphology can be important factors leading to disorders of the rotator cuff. Their work was further supported by Edelson and Taitz, who, in an anatomic study of 200 scapulas, observed that acromial slope, length, and height were most closely associated with degenerative osseous changes of the coracoacromial arch. Although such factors have also been implicated in the pathogenesis of rotator cuff disease, standard acromioplasty may not adequately address these elements and may explain failed surgical treatment in specific cases. Attention to acromial morphology in other planes has also become an area of increasing interest. Banas and colleagues described the “lateral acromion angle” after retrospectively reviewing 100 shoulder MRI scans in symptomatic patients. This angle is formed by a line along the undersurface of the acromion, as viewed in the coronal plane, and a second line joining the most superior and inferior margins of the glenoid. As the lateral acromion angle decreased, a statistically significant increase in rotator cuff disease was observed. This parameter was felt to be an independent predictor of rotator cuff disease and further highlights the importance of acromial morphology assessment in multiple planes. Ozaki and coworkers looked at the relationship between anatomic changes of the acromion undersurface and pathologic findings within the rotator cuff. The histologic and radiographic evaluation demonstrated an association between bursal-side partial rotator cuff tears and abnormalities of the acromion undersurface. Changes in the acromion correlated with the severity of the bursal tear, and the prevalence increased with advancing age. Interestingly, shoulders that demonstrated joint surface partial tears revealed an intact acromion undersurface. Their data further support the contention that rotator cuff tears represent an age-related degenerative process and that acromial abnormalities reflect secondary changes resulting from a bursal surface cuff tear. Whether precarious tendon vascularity or mechanical insult by the overlying coracoacromial arch also mediate this process remains undetermined, however, it seems conceivable that both factors play a contributing role.

The Coracoacromial Ligament

Lateral to the scapular notch and anterior to the glenoid the apophysis is called Coracoid. From this coracoid, coracoacromial ligament arises and attaches to the acromion process of the scapula. The contribution of the coracoacromial ligament alone in the impingement syndrome has been investigated. It has been suggested that thickening of this ligament may predispose some patients to shoulder impingement. Uhtoff and coworkers performed histologic analysis of the coracoacromial ligament in 17 patients with painful arc syndrome. Although they observed diffuse degenerative changes within the ligament, excessive proliferation of fibrous tissue could not be identified. Impingement in these patients was thought to occur as a result of the expansion of the volume of the rotator cuff tendon or bursa, rather than the ligament itself. They highlighted the concept that any process that causes a decrease in the size of the supraspinatus outlet can result in impingement syndrome. The coracoacromial ligament was believed to be one component of an unyielding tunnel that becomes too restrictive for its expanded contents. While commonly described as having an inverted “Y” configuration, other morphologic types have been noted such as it can be present as V-shape or Quadrangular. Holt and Allibone performed an anatomic and histologic analysis of the coracoacromial ligament in 50 shoulders and noted variable forms among individuals. They observed three predominant variants and described them as “quadrangular, Y-shaped or broadband.”

The quadrangular and Y forms demonstrated a frequency of 48% and 42%, respectively. In the Y type, the two limbs take origin from the medial and lateral aspects of the coracoid. As they project superolaterally to insert onto the undersurface of the acromion, the bands fuse and form the anterior soft tissue boundary of the coracoacromial arch. Biomechanical and geometric testing of the coracoacromial ligament has demonstrated that the lateral band was both shorter in length and smaller in cross-sectional area in shoulders with rotator cuff tears. Although histologically there were no structural differences in the ligament between customarily formed shoulders and those with rotator cuff tears, there was evidence of decreased mechanical properties in the latter. The reduction in the mechanical integrity of the ligament was thought to reflect the multiple directional loads imposed on this structure in shoulders with rotator cuff tears. One additional investigation employing scanning electron micrographs in eight cadaveric shoulders demonstrated that observed degenerative changes of the rotator cuff were characteristic of alterations resulting from frictional and rubbing mechanisms. Observations support the contention that degenerative changes already present in the cuff, irrespective of cause, can be aggravated by proposed frictional or abrading type forces. Additional reports have suggested that increases in measured subacromial pressures in patients with impingement syndrome may mediate the development and progression of rotator cuff disorders. In contrast with its implicated role in the pathogenesis of impingement syndrome, the coracoacromial ligament has been shown to function as a dynamic brace that lends support to the acromion and coracoid during loads imposed by the surrounding musculature. Putz and colleagues used strain gauges to measure distortion of the coracoid and acromion after resection of the coracoacromial ligament in eight cadavers. With applied loads, significantly more distortion of the acromion was observed. Soslowski and associates have noted that the coracoacromial arch acts as a buffer against superior translations when the humeral head is not centered in the glenoid. This may occur during standard obligate translation of the joint with humeral rotation and also in patients with glenohumeral instability. Furthermore, its role as a secondary restraint to the anterosuperior migration of the humeral head in patients with considerable rotator cuff deficiencies has also been emphasized. Salter and coworkers have suggested that the coracoacromial ligament provides mechanical support to the acromioclavicular joint. Gross and microscopic anatomic evaluation revealed that fibers at its insertion under the anterior acromion were contiguous with the inferior acromioclavicular joint capsule. Although such studies have provided quantitative analysis of the coracoacromial arch concerning shoulder function, additional investigations are needed to further clarify subacromial stresses and contact areas in multiple planes of motion and different pathologic states. Increased understanding of these issues may enhance our ability to evaluate and treat patients with rotator cuff disease effectively. Others have noted that coracoacromial ligament division alone may be sufficient for adequate decompression of the subacromial space in selected patients. One report highlighted sectioning of the ligament in a subgroup of persons with clinical findings of impingement syndrome despite an absence of degenerative spur formation and the presence of a flat-appearing acromion. Although satisfactory results were reported for most patients, the role of coracoacromial ligament division alone in such patients has not been sufficiently studied. Furthermore, although this structure has been implicated in the pathogenesis of rotator cuff disease, recent emphasis has focused on its essential functional role as a secondary passive restraint to the anterosuperior migration of the humeral head in cuff-deficient patients. Questions on the benefits of limited subacromial decompression remain unanswered and continue to be an area of active investigation.

Subacromial Spurs

The distinction between native acromion morphology and developmental subacromial osseous excrescences has not always been clear. Although a strong association between degenerative subacromial hypertrophic spur formation and full-thickness tears of the rotator cuff exists, a causal relationship remains difficult to prove. Proponents of intrinsic pathogenic mechanisms support the contention that subacromial spurs represent secondary changes occurring as a result of existing tears of the rotator cuff. Conversely, others have suggested that observed lesions of the rotator cuff occur because of mechanical insult by inferiorly projecting subacromial bony excrescences. The formation of such spurs has been proposed to occur as a result of repeated tension exerted on the coracoacromial ligament. Despite controversy over the initial lesion, subacromial spurs appear to have a role in the development and progression of commonly observed rotator cuff tears. One histologic evaluation of bursal side rotator cuff tears in surgical specimens revealed variable-thickness tears of the supraspinatus corresponding with areas of impingement of the overlying acromion and coracoacromial ligaments. Also observed were avascular regions of the proximal edge of the torn tendon. The combination of findings led the authors to conclude that multiple causes, including both intrinsic and extrinsic causes, were responsible for the observed abnormalities.

Coracoid and Acromioclavicular

Osteophyte Impingement

Alternative sources of impingement have been implicated in the development of rotator cuff disease. Distally pointing acromioclavicular osteophytes, the coracoid process, and the posterosuperior aspect of the glenoid can contribute to shoulder pain and rotator cuff lesions in individual patients. Petersson and Gentz studied the relation between distally pointing acromioclavicular osteophytes and ruptures of the supraspinatus tendon. By using radiographic analysis in patients with arthrographically confirmed rotator cuff tears and anatomic dissections in cadaveric subjects, they were able to demonstrate a strong association between ruptures of the supraspinatus tendon and periarticular osteophytes. Although acromial excrescences were also observed, their frequency in subjects with rotator cuff ruptures was less than that of acromioclavicular bone spurs. Seeger and coworkers reviewed MRI scans in 107 patients with painful shoulders. Bony and soft tissue abnormalities clinically described in impingement syndrome were evident in 53 persons. In these cases, the supraspinatus was noted to be compressed by either osseous spurs, the hypertrophic capsular tissue of the acromioclavicular joint, or a low-lying acromion. Whereas abnormalities of the acromioclavicular joint have been associated with rotator cuff disorders, acromioclavicular joint arthrosis has also been observed in 65% of asymptomatic persons with and without tears of the rotator cuff. These findings suggest that acromioclavicular joint abnormalities on imaging studies alone may not be a reliable predictor of disease in the absence of correlative symptomatology. Moreover, treatment of such periarticular abnormalities based on imaging studies alone, such as excision of small inferior acromioclavicular osteophytes during subacromial decompression, may convert a painless condition to an asymptomatic joint in individual patients. However, patients with clinical evidence of the impingement syndrome and symptomatic arthritis of the acromioclavicular joint have been treated successfully with combined subacromial decompression and distal clavicle resection.

Coracoid Impingement

Impingement of the rotator cuff between the humeral head and coracoid process can also occur with certain arm positions in some patients. Gerber and co-workers recognized the subcoracoid space (region between the tip of the coracoid process and humeral head or lesser tuberosity) as a source of shoulder pain and reported on idiopathic, iatrogenic, and traumatic causes of abnormalities affecting either the coracoid, glenoid or humeral head.

In all types, anterior shoulder pain was reproduced with either internal rotation of the arm in 90 degrees of abduction or adduction with the shoulder flexed to 90 degrees. Computed tomography scans of 47 shoulders in normal volunteers highlighted dimensional parameters of the subcoracoid space and suggested variational anatomic features that may predispose certain individuals to coracoid impingement. The subcoracoid space was confirmed as not being a free space, but rather a region just sufficient to accommodate gliding of the soft tissues between the coracoid process and humeral head. The distance between the coracoid and humerus decreased with the arm in forwarding flexion and internal rotation, especially in those persons with a coracoid projecting far laterally and close to the scapular neck. Moreover, the soft tissues in the space became folded with the arm in this position. Alterations in the coracohumeral relation (e.g., osteotomy or fracture) as studied in cadaveric controls highlighted the potential for impingement with the arm in a flexed and internally rotated position. Although this entity remains an uncommon form of impingement and often a difficult diagnosis, satisfactory results have been reported with surgical treatment in selected patients.

Internal Glenoid Impingement

Arthroscopic evaluations of throwing athletes who have the painful arc syndrome have demonstrated impingement of the deep surface of the rotator cuff against the posterosuperior glenoid rim with the arm in 90 to 150 degrees of abduction and maximal external rotation. It has been suggested that abduction and external rotation of the arm can entrap a portion of the supraspinatus tendon between the humeral head and glenoid in susceptible persons. Increased glenohumeral external rotation, decreased humeral retroversion, scapulothoracic dysfunction, and poor throwing technique all have been implicated in the development of this disorder. Associated findings include partial-thickness tearing of the undersurface of the infraspinatus and supraspinatus tendon, degenerative lesions of the posterosuperior glenoid labrum, and osteochondral impression fractures of the humeral head. Patients will typically complain of posterior shoulder pain that is elicited by overhead activity. Although these observations help emphasize alternative sources of shoulder impingement, further study is needed to better define this entity, its pathomechanics, and optimal treatment.

Acute Trauma and Rotator Cuff Tears

Most symptomatic rotator cuff tears are a result of an acute injury in the setting of some preexisting rotator cuff disease. Traumatic insults to the shoulder can result in tearing of the rotator cuff tendon. Neviaser and coworkers reported on a series of 30 patients who had a concurrent rupture of the rotator cuff with an anterior dislocation of the glenohumeral joint. All patients were older than 40 years of age and were unable to elevate the arm in the postinjury period sufficiently. The supraspinatus was torn in most of the patients, with variable degrees of infraspinatus involvement. All patients with recurrent anterior instability had disruption of the subscapularis tendon. These individuals were satisfactorily treated with primary repair of the tendon without reconstruction of the capsulolabral complex. Similar findings were noted in other reports that also included disruption of the infraspinatus and teres minor tendons in a patient with recurrent posterior dislocations. Ruptures of the rotator cuff can occur in 14% to 63% of patients after an acute anterior or inferior dislocation. The incidence increases in older persons and has been reported in 63% of patients older than 50 years of age. The presumption that the rotator cuff tear is a result of the dislocation is based on negative patient accounts of shoulder pain or dysfunction before the occurrence of the traumatic event. However, it is conceivable that a tear may have been present before the injury and was extended or exacerbated after the dislocation. This may parallel patients who demonstrate acute extensions of a chronic, preexisting rotator cuff tear in the absence of instability. Although the chronicity of a potential preexisting rotator cuff lesion is sometimes difficult to determine, its influence on the prognosis and treatment should be considered. In such instances, surgical reconstruction of the rotator cuff may be more challenging than anticipated owing to the chronic component of the injury. Fractures of the greater tuberosity, with or without a glenohumeral dislocation, can also result in tears of the rotator cuff. Neer reported that a displaced greater tuberosity fracture results in an obligate longitudinal cuff tear at the region of the rotator interval. Posterior dislocations can result in a fracture of the lesser tuberosity, with disruption of the subscapularis. Interestingly, recurrent instability after fracture-dislocations of the greater tuberosity is rare and is reported to range from 1% to 4%. Other forms of traumatic rotator cuff lesions include small partial-thickness tears of the supraspinatus or subscapularis in young, repetitive overhead athletes. Sports such as tennis, swimming, and baseball may predispose certain persons to rotator cuff tears through repeated mechanical stresses. One proposed mechanism suggests that fatigue of the scapular stabilizers results from repeated throwing, causing the humeral head and rotator cuff to abut against the acromion during arm elevation. The scapula is thought to “lag” behind the humerus, becoming unable to abduct sufficiently. Patients with neural impairments causing weakness of the trapezius or serratus anterior muscles can also develop secondary impingement through similar mechanisms. Loss of the suspensory mechanism of the scapula, such as in traumatic disruption of the acromioclavicular and coracoclavicular ligaments, may result in comparable rotator cuff abnormalities. In such cases, rotator cuff impingement occurs secondary to abnormal functional mechanics of the scapula.

Congenital Abnormalities

An association between an unfused acromial epiphysis, or “os acromiale,” and tears of the rotator cuff has also been described. The acromion has three centers of ossification that typically unite with the scapular spine by age 12 and with each other by ages. These three centers are designated as the pre-acromion, mesoacromion, and meta acromion. The prevalence of os acromiale has been reported to range from 1% to 15%, with a 62% frequency of bilateral involvement. Abnormal motion at the synostosis or synchondrosis is thought to decrease the capacity of the subacromial space and contribute to the mechanical insult of the underlying rotator cuff. An os acromiale can be identified on an axillary radiograph and should not be mistaken for a fracture of the acromion. Failure to recognize this entity can potentially compromise the results of treatment. Consensus on the optimal management is lacking and has ranged from conservative treatment to excision versus internal fixation and bone grafting. Norris and associates evaluated a group of 29 patients with os acromiale and suggested bone grafting in patients in whom the os was considered to be unstable. Standard acromioplasty was believed to be satisfactory in patients with stable synostosis. Arthroscopic subacromial decompression alone has been reported to yield poor results in some patients, for symptoms were noted to recur within 1 year of surgery. Whereas smaller fragments may be amenable to excision in symptomatic patients, no controlled studies exist comparing excision with internal fixation and bone grafting for meso os acromiale. Because the acromion serves as the origin for the deltoid, potential compromise of this vital muscle should be considered during the surgical management of affected patients. The finding of an os acromiale may be incidental and not necessarily correlate with a patient’s symptoms. Normal shoulder function has been noted in patients with an os acromiale. Burkhart reported on a high-performance tennis player who had competed without pain or dysfunction for 15 years before evaluation. Furthermore, clinical experience has demonstrated that many patients who present with shoulder pain and have an os acromiale had been asymptomatic for many years before clinical presentation. Often, a traumatic event has been presumed to precipitate symptoms surrounding the os acromiale. If the prevalence of this anomaly is estimated at 1% to 15% of the general population, then it seems likely that many individuals with an os acromiale never develop symptoms given the frequency of cases seen in a clinical shoulder practice.


The rotator cuff is subject to substantial forces because it maintains the humeral head within the shallow glenoid. It is situated in a potentially tight subacromial space and undergoes senescent structural changes commonly observed in other joints of the body. When the cuff fails, spontaneous healing of the torn tendon is not expected to occur, and multiple factors may be responsible. Its fibers are under tension and typically retract on tearing. In full-thickness lesions, the only bursal tissue may bridge the area of tendon loss. Histologic evaluation of partial tears in surgical specimens has also demonstrated patterns of incomplete healing. Observations included neovascular tissue at the distal margin of the defect and relative avascularity of the proximal stump. Although the potential for a reparative process was felt to exist, there was no evidence of closure of the defect in any of the specimens. The findings were suggestive of a futile attempt at healing. Other investigators have noted that resorption of tendon fibers by neovascular tissue can occur. This may potentially weaken surrounding intact fibers placed under increased loads as a result of a tear. Because the torn cuff is bathed in synovial fluid, factors responsible for normal healing and formation of fibrin clots may be disrupted. Moreover, tearing may further impair the blood supply to a relatively dysvascular tendon. The prevalence of rotator cuff tears in the general population can be extrapolated from both cadaveric and MRI studies. The frequency of complete and partial rotator cuff tears ranges from 5% to 39% and 13% to 3%, respectively. Although anatomic studies have reported an increase in pathologic findings of the cuff with advancing age, they are limited by an inability to correlate findings with symptomatology sufficiently. Given the prevalence of rotator cuff tears in cadaveric studies alone, it remains unclear whether observed findings could be considered part of the normal aging process. A prospective investigation was conducted to determine the prevalence of rotator cuff tears in an entirely asymptomatic population by using shoulder MRI scans in 96 normal volunteers. Overall, complete and partial-thickness tears were found in 14% and 20% of individuals, respectively. In persons older than 60 years of age, the prevalence of complete and partial tears was 28% and 26%, respectively. The results provided in vivo evidence that asymptomatic individuals with rotator cuff tears can exhibit normal shoulder function. Moreover, they emphasized the dangers of basing operative decisions on MRI scans alone. The high prevalence of cuff tears in an asymptomatic population and their direct correlation with age support the contention that some rotator cuff tears occur as part of a normal age-related process. The question of why some patients with rotator cuff tears develop symptoms and others do not remain an area of interest. Both prior reports and clinical observation affirm that many patients with cuff tears may not demonstrate significant pain or dysfunction. Some individuals with symptomatic tears respond well to conservative treatment despite the persistence of a tendon defect. Yamaguchi et al. examined the natural history of asymptomatic rotator cuff tears longitudinally over a 5-year period to assess the risk factors for symptoms and tear progression. They found that 51% (23 shoulders) became symptomatic over a mean of 2.8 years and returned on their own. Of the remaining patients who returned for evaluation, only nine were asymptomatic. Of these nine, two asymptomatic tears had cuff tear progression. Other authors have documented good functional results, in the short term, in patients who had undergone débridement, rather than repair of a torn rotator cuff. Furthermore, satisfactory pain relief was predictably achieved despite lack of closure of the tendon tear. As such lesions do not typically heal, it would seem conceivable that factors other than the tendon defect itself must contribute to the generation of symptoms. Fukuda and associates suggested that subacromial bursal inflammation, as evidenced in surgical histologic specimens of partial-thickness rotator cuff tears, mediates symptoms in affected patients. They noted that the degree of inflammation likely correlates with the patient’s level of symptoms. Others have suggested additional sources of shoulder pain that potentially include synovitis, intraarticular pathology, and mechanical factors. Alterations in normal glenohumeral kinematics have also been considered in the development of symptoms, but equally important, may be individual differences in scapular mechanics, the compensatory action of surrounding muscles, and variable tolerances to pain. Multiple studies have shown the abnormal superior migration of the humeral head during active arm elevation in shoulders with rotator cuff tears and the impingement syndrome. In normal shoulders, on the other hand, the geometric center of the humeral head remains centered on the glenoid during active arm elevation. Abnormal glenohumeral patterns of motion have thus been suggested to play a role in mediating pain. Burkhart emphasized the concept of an anatomically deficient, but biomechanically intact, rotator cuff. Fluoroscopy was used to assess kinematics of the glenohumeral joint in patients with massive tears of the rotator cuff. Normal patterns were demonstrated, provided sufficient anterior and posterior cuff were present to preserve the normal transverse plane force couple. Location rather than the size of the tear was felt to have a more important role in preserving normal glenohumeral motion. Another biomechanical study evaluating glenohumeral motion in artificially created tendon defects highlighted the potential for normal kinematics, provided only a portion of the cuff was violated. Lesions of the supraspinatus did not alter normal motion patterns, whereas defects involving both the supra- and infraspinatus demonstrated an increase in humeral cephalad migration. An investigation attempted to address the relation between glenohumeral kinematics and symptoms in patients with rotator cuff tears. Computer-enhanced radiographic measurements were obtained during arm elevation in patients with known tears of the rotator cuff. An asymptomatic and asymptomatic population were studied, which revealed progressive superior humeral head translation in both groups when compared with normal controls. These data demonstrate that loss of glenohumeral kinematics, as measured in the coronal plane, does not correlate with the presence of symptoms. More likely, symptoms are the result of multiple factors that may not necessarily be independent of one another. The fate of the many types of cuff lesions cannot always be predicted. It is difficult to conclude that all rotator cuff lesions fall within a continuum progressing from tendinitis to full-thickness tears because the conclusive evidence supporting this concept is lacking. Rather, it seems more plausible that the types of pathology observed reflect the multifactorial cause and pathogenetic mechanisms so far identified. Moreover, we cannot definitively determine that partial tears heal, for evidence to the contrary exists. The significance of bursal and joint surface partial lesions with symptoms and their pathogenesis also remains uncertain. The natural history of patients with symptomatic full-thickness rotator cuff tears is variable. Moreover, our ability to reliably predict a given patient’s course is limited and may partly reflect insufficient knowledge about its pathogenesis. Clinical experience has demonstrated that patients with similar-appearing lesions may have differences in symptoms, function, and response to treatment. Cofield noted that conservative management of patients with chronic painful rotator cuff tears would likely result in a successful outcome less than 50% of the time. Others have noted similar findings after nonoperative treatment and reported gradual deterioration of shoulder function with time in some patients. Neer and coworkers estimated that cuff tear arthropathy would develop in 4% of patients with complete rotator cuff tears. If the tear was not sufficiently large or became sealed off by bursal tissue, then the development of cuff-related arthropathy was less likely. The surgical recommendations for patients with complete symptomatic tears are generally individualized and based on the duration of symptoms, the severity of pain, degree of dysfunction, and functional goals. Although satisfactory results can usually be achieved with surgical treatment in many patients, isolating those individuals likely to achieve similar outcomes with nonsurgical management continues to be a challenge. The heterogeneity, lack of uniform classification, non-uniformity in treatment strategies, and existence of similar lesions in normal asymptomatic persons make it difficult to predict the likely outcome of these patients. The use of appropriate animal models and execution of large longitudinal follow-up studies can help further identify prognostic criteria for rotator cuff lesions. Given the evidence to date, it seems likely that the rotator cuff has some degree of reserve that affords the functional use of the arm in cases of limited tendon deficiencies. Moreover, location rather than the size of a tear may be more important in the development of symptoms; however, this issue requires elucidation with further study. Factors such as synovitis, subacromial bursitis, and intraarticular abnormalities may contribute to pain and dysfunction, but further basic science and clinical research can help define and isolate specific causes of pain in affected patients. Enhancement of our ability to identify individuals with cuff lesions prone to progression and dysfunction will afford the development of optimal treatment approaches individualized to a given patient’s clinical findings.

Comparison of the rotator cuff with other animals

Animal models have been developed to test hypotheses related to the pathogenesis of rotator cuff disease. Such models are necessary to test hypotheses in a repeatable and controllable manner. Criteria for selecting an animal model of rotator cuff disease include animal size, anatomic relationship to humans, intrasynovial versus extrasynovial tendon location, intraarticular versus extraarticular tendon location, ease of tendon manipulation, ease of measurement of tissue properties, and animal availability and affordability. Anatomic similarity to the human shoulder includes evaluation of the shoulder musculature and associated bony anatomy (acromion, coracoid, clavicle, humerus), particularly the relationship between the supraspinatus tendon and the acromion or other structures immediately superior to the tendon, as well as articulations (glenohumeral, subacromial, acromioclavicular) and planes of motion. In designing any animal model, the clinical question being investigated will dictate the appropriateness of the selected model. Therefore, while one animal may be ideal to study one aspect of rotator cuff disease, another species may be more appropriate for another area of rotator cuff pathology. As a result, multiple animal models of the rotator cuff have arisen to assess different areas of rotator cuff pathology, such as intrinsic tendon degeneration, tendon injuries or tears, and subsequent tendon healing or surgical repair. These include rat, rabbit, avian, canine, goat, and sheep models. Soslowsky et al. developed a rat model for studying multiple aspects of rotator cuff disease. The initial study evaluated animal species as potential models. Gross anatomic dissections, radiographic assessments, and activity monitoring demonstrated that the rat was the only animal of the 33 with anatomic and functional relationships comparable to the human shoulder. In particular, the rat was the only animal with an acromion immediately positioned over the supraspinatus tendon, as in humans. The tendon passes repetitively under the acromion when the rat is ambulating, which may parallel repetitive over-head activities in humans. While certain species of nonhuman primates also satisfied the selection criteria, they were eliminated because of questions of the practicality of use due to expense and management issues. This rat model was initially used to examine both intrinsic (degeneration) and extrinsic (compression) mechanisms of rotator cuff disease. An intratendinous injection of bacterial collagenase was used to simulate intrinsic tendon degeneration, while an Achilles tendon allograft placed immediately underneath the acromion was used to simulate an extrinsic mechanism of subacromial impingement by decreasing the subacromial space. Both alterations resulted in controllable and reproducible injuries in the supraspinatus tendon, with a tissue response bearing significant similarity to a state of tendinosis seen in the adult human tendon. This rat model has subsequently been used to study numerous other areas of rotator cuff pathology, including the role of repetitive overuse activity of the supraspinatus tendon in tendinosis through the use of a rat treadmill running protocol, the healing response of rotator cuff tears by creation of a defect or complete detachment of the supraspinatus tendon, and the healing response of rotator cuff tears after surgical repair by complete detachment and repair of the supraspinatus tendon. In addition to separately studying the intrinsic, extrinsic, and overuse injury models as factors in the development of rotator cuff tendinosis, the effect of a combination of these mechanisms in the development of rotator cuff tendinosis has been investigated. These numerous studies demonstrate that controllable and reproducible alterations in the supraspinatus tendon can be made in this model, with potentially similar histologic, biologic, and biomechanical changes to human rotator cuff disease. Despite its many benefits, the rat model does show some limitations. Rats have been noted to have high healing potential. One potential explanation is based on the size of the tissue. Considering that a rat supraspinatus tendon is only about 4 to 6 mm in width, and taking into account that cell size in rats and human are the same, rats may possess similar healing potential if the same actual size tear is made in a physiologically similar human (relative age). The rat is a quadruped, using its arms for ambulation and, thus, weight bearing. Human shoulders do bear significant loads, but it is unclear how similar the human situation is to the rat model. Anatomically, the rat acromial arch complex differs slightly from humans, consisting of the acromion, acromioclavicular ligament, clavicle, and coracoid, compared to the acromion, coracoacromial ligament, and coracoid in humans. Finally, the small size of the animal limits its use in certain experimental manipulations. For example, evaluating surgical techniques of human rotator cuff repair, such as tendon grasping or tendon-to-bone fixation, are best studied in animals with tendon size and dimensions more similar to the human rotator cuff. Others have attempted variations in the rat rotator cuff model. Intrinsic tendon degeneration has also been modeled through the use of an injection of carrageenan, a polysaccharide. Schneeberger et al. created a rat model of subacromial impingement using the infraspinatus tendon. The authors felt that the supraspinatus tendon was not ideal to study subacromial impingement because the tendon is short in rats and the medial side of the acromion covers the supraspinatus muscle rather than the tendon. In contrast, the infraspinatus tendon is long in the rat and is found in close contact with the undersurface of the acromion across its entire tendon width. To create subacromial impingement, one or two bony plates, approximately 2 * 2 mm in size, were harvested from the scapular spine and placed on the undersurface of the acromion. Fixation was achieved with one absorbable suture stitch placed through two 0.4-mm drill holes made in the bony plate and the acromion. One or two plates could be fixed to the acromion to vary the degree of impingement. This impingement model reproducibly led to bursal-sided infraspinatus tears of variable thickness, with no evidence of articular-sided or intratendinous tears noted. However, the bony plates displaced from the subacromial space in 31% of the rats. Several authors have investigated rabbit models of rotator cuff disease. Bjorkenheim et al. examined healing properties of a supraspinatus defect in a rabbit model, including the use of intraarticular pressure readings in the glenohumeral joint to follow healing response. A triangular-shaped defect in the supraspinatus tendon was made near its insertion to the greater tuberosity, and subsequently, it was shown that tissue resistance to hydrodynamic pressure in the glenohumeral joint was a reliable method of assessing the strength of the healing defect. Uhthoff et al. also examined the healing of a supraspinatus defect in an acute repair rabbit model. In one study, the tendon was surgically exposed and transected near its insertion at the greater tuberosity. A bony trough at the greater tuberosity was immediately burred to expose cancellous bone, and the tendon edge was repaired back to the trough. Two weeks after repair, the cellularity of the cancellous bone underlying the bony trough and the thickness of the subacromial bursa were significantly increased, while the cellularity of the supraspinatus tendon stump was significantly decreased. Changes in vascularity paralleled these changes in cellularity. The findings suggest that the underlying bone and subacromial bursa contribute to the early phases of tendon healing following surgical repair, while the tendon stump does not. This rabbit supraspinatus detachment model has also been used to investigate healing response in the nonrepaired tendon, as well as tendon undergoing delayed repair. In the delayed repair model, following the supraspinatus detachment, the proximal tendon stump was wrapped in polyvinylidene fluoride membrane to prevent spontaneous reattachment. After 6 or 12 weeks, the tendon was reattached to the greater tuberosity. The supraspinatus tendon was successfully repaired using this model, but repair and healing did not reverse muscle and fatty changes that had developed while the tendon was detached. Reattachment of the supraspinatus tendon at 6 weeks did not reverse muscle atrophy or fat accumulation in the ensuing 6 weeks, but it did prevent an increase in fat accumulation when compared with later reattachment at 12 weeks. The rabbit model of rotator cuff disease has many of the same advantages and disadvantages of the rat model. The rabbit shoulder anatomy is less similar to human anatomy than the rat, but many investigators have chosen the rabbit because the supraspinatus tendon-bone insertion at the greater tuberosity is identical to the tendon-bone interface in humans with four zones of transition: tendon proper, nonmineralized fibrocartilage, mineralized fibrocartilage, and bone. Like the rat, the rabbit has four-legged ambulation and, thus, bears weight on its upper extremities. Although larger than the rat, the rabbit is still small in size and may also be less applicable for use in certain investigations. Larger-size animals have also been used as rotator cuff models, particularly to evaluate surgical repair of rotator cuff tears, and include the sheep, the goat, and the beagle or other canines. All of these large animal models have focused on the infraspinatus tendon, with the sheep most extensively studied. Without a suitable animal model for in vivo testing of rotator cuff repair techniques, Gerber et al. attempted to develop such a model in sheep. An initial cadaveric study demonstrated that the sheep infraspinatus tendon has similar size, shape, and mechanical properties to the human supraspinatus tendon and is almost indistinguishable on histologic examination, making it an ideal animal model for evaluating surgical techniques of rotator cuff repair applicable to humans. Multiple suturing methods for tendon grasping and tendon-to-bone repair were tested with this cadaveric sheep model, and the modified Mason-Allen stitch was found to have the highest tensile strength and cause the least tendon strangulation. An attempt was made to repeat this in vitro study in an in vivo sheep model while also testing bone augmentation techniques at the repair site. To best simulate properties of long-standing rotator cuff tears, development of a chronic injury model with delayed tendon repair was attempted. Infraspinatus tendon transection was made at the greater tuberosity insertion, with delayed repair at 4 to 6 weeks postinjury to replicate properties of chronic tears, including tendon atrophy, retraction, shortening, and greater tuberosity osteoporosis. Osteoporosis was created by decortication of the greater tuberosity, leaving exposed cancellous bone at the insertion site. Problems were encountered in the pilot studies of this model, however, and it was abandoned for an immediate-repair model. The difficulties with the model included complex limb immobilization and weight-bearing protocols postinjury and post repair. The tendon repairs could not withstand full weight bearing on the extremity, and it became necessary to cement a rubber ball to the hoof of the operated limb to protect weight bearing and protect the surgical repair. These weight-bearing issues again highlight the problem of developing an animal model of rotator cuff disease in a quadruped. Most significantly, however, after 4 to 6 weeks of infraspinatus detachment, the tendon-bone junction was covered in such extensive scar that normal tendon and scar tissue were indistinguishable. As a result, repair sutures were frequently placed in peritendinous scar tissue rather than tendon, producing a high failure rate of tendon repair (12 of 15 animals). Even after abandoning this chronic model for an immediate-repair protocol, a reasonable success rate of surgical repair (8 of 10 sheep) was achieved only after the tendon was repaired under no tension and weight bearing was protected postoperatively for 5 weeks. With the recognition of the aggressive, spontaneous healing response in the infraspinatus tendon following detachment, the delayed repair sheep model was reattempted using techniques to actively prevent healing of the tendon edge until the time of delayed repair. Gerber et al. modified the surgical protocol by releasing the tendon at the time of injury with a greater tuberosity osteotomy, leaving a 2 * 1.5 cm fragment of greater tuberosity attached to the tendon edge to allow for better localization and fixation of the tendon at the time of delayed repair. Besides, the end of the infraspinatus tendon was covered in a 5 cm–long silicone rubber tube to prevent spontaneous healing before delayed repair. These modifications were successful, and delayed repairs were performed between 40 and 42 weeks post tendon release to mimic repair of a chronic rotator cuff tear. Indeed, at the time of repair, the detached tendon was found to have many properties that mimic a chronically torn rotator cuff, including significant retraction, muscle atrophy, and fatty infiltration. Coleman et al. also developed a chronic rotator cuff repair model with the sheep infraspinatus tendon and utilized another technique to actively prevent healing of the tendon edge until the time of delayed repair. The infraspinatus tendon was detached from its insertion at the greater tuberosity and then repaired at different time points: immediate repair to simulate an acute tear model; 6-week delayed repair to simulate a chronic, repairable tear model; and 18-week delayed repair to simulate a chronic, irreparable tear model. Active healing or scarring before surgical repair was prevented in the delayed repair groups by wrapping the tendon ends in a Gore-Tex dura substitute, shown to inhibit scar formation. Protected weight bearing for 5 weeks postoperatively was also utilized in this model by affixing a rubber ball to the hoof of the surgically repaired extremity. This protocol resulted in successful surgical repair of tendon back to the bone in both delayed repair groups, with the detached tendon edge easily identifiable at the time of repair. The 18-week irreparable tear group showed twice as much tendon retraction as the 6-week repairable tear group at the time of repair and required a polylactic acid patch to span the tendon-bone gap and allow tendon reattachment. Also, the earlier repair of the tendon (6 weeks vs. 18 weeks) was found to result in more rapid recovery of infraspinatus muscle function and tendon elasticity. Unlike the other quadruped animal models, Kobayashi et al. attempted to develop a rotator cuff model in a species with a non–weight-bearing, hanging shoulder joint as in the human and chose the avian shoulder. Despite the lack of an acromion, the avian supracoracoid tendon has considerable anatomic similarity to the human rotator cuff tendon, including a bursa-like structure superior to it and the joint capsule inferiorly. An acute injury and repair model was examined, with a long transverse full-thickness laceration, approximately 60% of tendon width, created in the chicken supracoracoid tendon. This injury was made proximal to the insertion site, unlike in other models due to anatomic differences, and then immediately repaired with a single simple stitch. Analysis with histology and in situ hybridization found that peritendon cells of the bursal side of the tendon played a significant role in the repair process, which then progressed to the articular side of the tendon. Several limitations of this model relate to the differences in avian and human shoulder anatomy. In addition to the lack of an acromion, other structural differences prevented evaluation of an insertional injury and tendon to- bone repair process. Canine models, such as the beagle, have also been used to study the role of synthetic materials, such as a polylactic acid patch, in irreparable rotator cuff tears. As with the sheep, the beagle rotator cuff model utilizes the infraspinatus tendon. A polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft was tested in an acute injury and repair model by first detaching the infraspinatus and then removing 1 cm of the tendon at the insertion edge to create an irreparable defect. The injuries were immediately repaired, with the PTFE felt graft sutured to the tendon edge and to a bone trough created in the greater tuberosity to span the irreparable defect and bring tendon back to the bone. All reconstructed infraspinatus tendons healed. A poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) felt graft was also tested with this same model. All but two of the tendons healed back to bone using this graft. PTFE and/or PLLA grafts may become clinically useful bioabsorbable materials for rotator cuff reconstruction. A well-chosen animal model and well-designed experimental protocol can be powerful tools with which to test hypotheses related to pathogenesis or potential mechanisms of rotator cuff disease. Essential to this statement is appropriately matching the animal model to the condition being studied. In general, larger animals, such as sheep, are necessary to closely model and evaluate surgical techniques used clinically. Smaller animals are more practical regarding expense, care, and handling, but their size can make tissue access and analysis more difficult at times. With research focusing more and more on tissue engineering techniques and gene therapy as novel approaches to the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases such as rotator cuff pathology, animal models will be essential for rigorously testing hypotheses related to such therapies.


Basic Principles of Tissue Engineering Design The goals of tissue engineering are to increase the healing response of the body to insults to regenerate tissues efficiently and to produce new tissues that are comparable to healthy tissue in strength and function. In the case of the tendon, this goal translates to a restoration of load-bearing function with a decreased risk of recurrent failure. The rotator cuff is a musculotendonous complex that is likely to benefit from the development of tissue engineering models for tendon repair. To maximize the success of a tissue engineering approach for the treatment of rotator cuff disorders, there are three critical steps to accomplish.

  1. Step 1 is the identification of the targets and intended goals. To accomplish step 1, there needs to be an understanding of events involved with the rotator cuff disease process, with a focus on the identification of therapeutic targets. This includes defining the temporal, spatial, cellular, and molecular events involved with cuff degeneration of repair as well as the origin of the responding cells.
  2. Step 2 is defining biomechanical properties and testing protocols. This will allow for the ability to evaluate the properties of the engineered tissue quantitatively. This assessment demands established standards of successful biomechanical restoration.
  3. Step 3 is choosing the engineering strategy best suited to achieve the desired effect. Engineered tissue can be created by altering the responding cells, augmenting the healing signals, blocking the inhibitor pathways, or creating de novo tissue in a bioreactor, while functional tissue engineering uses stem cells placed on a scaffold that can be manipulated with signaling molecules in the correct biomechanical environment to form a tendon. Choosing the strategy best suited for your intended goal is paramount for a successful program.

Pathologic responses to a loaded environment may be a result of lower metabolic activity in tendon associated with an inability to react to changes in load. An increase in the proportion of collagen III, increased fibril diameter, reduced collagen turnover, increased mature crosslinking, decreased proteoglycan and water content, and reduced cellularity have been found to occur with aging. These changes produce a less compliant tissue that is more susceptible to injury and inadequately prepared to heal efficiently following pathologic events. All of these changes can be addressed with tissue engineering. The injury may be precipitated by direct events or may be purely a result of chronic degeneration. Initially, the following insult, the tissue surrounding the tendonous injury undergoes a hemorrhagic response that triggers the inflammatory pathway. Secretion of growth factors, including platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor-and -(TGF-, TGF-), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), and epidermal growth factor (EGF), accompanies this response to direct the attraction and proliferation of fibroblasts and to stimulate collagen and protein synthesis. Fibroblasts play the central role in healing and remodeling tendon at the site of injury. This process takes considerable time, and even at maturation, the biomechanical properties of healed tissue are inferior to those of uninjured tendon due to a complicated system including a proportional decrease in the amount of collagen I and an increase in the amount of collagen III. Again, these cytokines can be targets for tissue engineering. Specific targeting of the cellular pathways involved in tendon healing has been impossible because the identity of the stem cell population that contributes cells to the healing tissue remains unknown. Both extrinsic and intrinsic sources of cells have been described, and no specific answer has been elucidated. Glaser et al. recently investigated the heritage of cells involved in the healing tendon. The objective of this study was to examine the specific ancestry of cells that participate in tendon healing including myoblasts, activated satellite cells, differentiated skeletal muscle cells, vascular and nonvascular smooth muscle cells, pericytes, endothelial cells of developing and mature blood vessels, and bone marrow-derived cells. This study suggested that smooth muscle cells from mature or immature vessels or pericytes are a significant source of responding cells in the fibroproliferative stage of tendon healing and that cells of endothelial origin respond to a tendon injury by participating in neovascularization, but do not contribute to fibroproliferation. Despite the hypothesized role satellite cells play in healing, activated satellite cells do not have a significant role in healing tendon injuries. Cells of bone marrow origin contributed to the inflammatory process. However, bone marrow-derived cells did not contribute to the fibroproliferative response or develop into tendon cells. This study helped to elucidate the origins of cells involved in the various steps of the healing process.

Before a tissue engineering model can be created, defining standards for the engineered tissue is an initial step and guides the remaining developmental process. The ability of an engineered tissue to withstand forces approximating those experienced during a healthy state helps to define this goal. Biomechanical properties for a given tissue must be understood and prioritized. Stress and strain parameters should be measured in both normal and repaired tissue. Biomechanical analyses have identified principle tensile units in each component of the rotator cuff that define the mechanical parameters that fail. The anterior third of the supraspinatus, mid-superior and inferior portions of the infraspinatus, and superior and mid-superior portions of the subscapularis tendons have been identified as these primary units.

To achieve these goals, attempts at tissue engineering in rotator cuff tendons have taken several directions. Several of these studies have demonstrated promise as a potential means of augmenting the healing response in the damaged tendon. Unfortunately, no studies have combined all of these techniques into one system. In this section, we will describe several models of tissue engineering that have demonstrated improvements in tendon healing. Rehabilitation is a mechanical therapy that aims to improve tendon healing through the application of regulated mechanical stresses on the healing tendon. Cell therapy focuses upon the implantation of stem cells, or other pluripotent cells, into a site of tendon healing. These cells may serve a role in regenerating tissue and producing growth factors important in the healing process. The small intestine submucosa is an acellular biologic scaffold that has come under recent examination as an organized matrix for the direction of connective tissue healing. Gene therapy is a broad field of study that is based on the incorporation of genetic material into host tissue to augment the healing process from a biochemical, genetic level. The proposed mechanisms by which each of these models serves to augment tendon healing will be discussed, in addition to their appropriate roles in the repair of the rotator cuff.

Cell Therapy

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and other stem cells are pluripotent cells isolated from various sources that have not yet differentiated into a specific cell line. These cells have the potential to develop into a wide variety of tissues including bone, cartilage, tendon, fat, marrow stromal cells, and muscle. Studies examining the transplantation of allogeneic and xenogeneic stem cells into human tissue both in vitro and in vivo have shown that these cells maintain their pluripotency following transplantation and undergo site-specific differentiation. In this manner, stem cells transplanted into a region of the damaged tendon may differentiate into endothelial cells, osteoblasts, and fibroblasts to act as a biologic patch and to further augment the healing process through the increased production of collagen and proteoglycan. While the potential for improved healing is substantial in this model of tissue engineering, many challenges exist that must be met to develop a functional application of cell therapy to tendon repair. An adequate source of stem cells must exist for substantial transplantation of stem cells to be a reality. The autogenous donation is ideal regarding delivering an immunologically low-risk population of cells, but the collection process may incur other morbidities. Allogeneic and xenogeneic sources may be easier to develop but carry the risk of potential rejection or disease transmission. Once a reliable population of stem cells is isolated, a delivery vehicle must be selected that will protect the cells but will also allow them to function normally following transplantation. Once both of these needs are met, a technique must be developed to combine the stem cells with the carrier in vitro and deliver them in vivo. This composite must be provided in such a way that makes its use feasible, safe, and efficacious. Early studies in animal models and humans have demonstrated successful implementation, survival, and differentiation of MSCs in the tendon, but more work is required to elucidate the recipient response to donor cells fully and to determine optimal conditions for successful implementation of the technique. Standardization of a safe, effective delivery system will facilitate the potential use of cell therapy as an adjunct to tendon repair.

Gene Transfer

Gene transfer therapy is a model that seeks to directly induce greater healing ability in the cells already in existence around a site of injury. Several growth factors have been implicated in the healing response of tendon, including TGF, TGF, bFGF, PDGF, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, and EGF. The goals of gene transfer, concerning tendon healing, are to up-regulate the synthesis of these growth factors and to suppress production of endogenous proteins that may inhibit efficient, organized remodeling of damaged tendon. For transfer to occur to host cells, an appropriate vector must be developed that will successfully deliver genetic material to the desired target and allow implementation into the host’s genome. Viruses, liposomes, and gene guns are all methods of delivery that have demonstrated a potential use for this purpose. Successful delivery and implementation of genetic material into the host’s genome will lead to the synthesis of the proteins encoded by the delivered gene or to down-regulation in the production of an unwanted protein from a separate path. The advantages of this model of tissue engineering are that it induces significant, local production of a substance that augments healing and that it is not complicated by morbidities associated with insertion of donor tissue. The disadvantages are those most commonly associated with the vectors used for gene delivery. The production of specific viral vectors is a complicated process with a frequently low yield. Several viral strains carry a risk of mutagenesis that may interfere with the intended genetic result. Some strains of the virus, adenovirus the most notable, are capable of stimulating an inflammatory response and secondarily immunogenic rejection in the host. Gene guns, which involve particle bombardment of genetic material into host tissue, require specialized equipment that significantly increases the costs of production and utilization. Liposomes and naked DNA, while less immunogenic than other vectors, are not as successful as other methods in transfecting host cells. Because of these limitations, vector development remains an extremely active component of gene transfer research. While the use of gene transfer is in its early stages, some studies have demonstrated successful incorporation of marker genes into tendon and ligament. Promising studies have explored the transfer of antagonists to FAK, a protein kinase linked to adhesion formation, and of genes encoding PDGF. Future studies will continue to examine the insertion of genes to augment the production of growth factors involved in the healing processes of tendon or of antagonists to inhibit the production of proteins found to interfere with organized remodeling.

Disease Management

In the 19th century, the cause of chronic shoulder pain was poorly understood, and most cases were lumped together and vaguely ascribed to “periarthritis.” In a series of papers beginning in 1904, Codman shifted attention away from the glenohumeral joint and toward the subdeltoid bursa and its contents, especially the supraspinatus tendon. In 1911 he reported his first repair, performed in 1909, of a full thickness supraspinatus tear. Although scattered reports of procedures that included repair of the tendons of the short rotators have been identified in the older literature, Codman’s reports and lectures eloquently presented the clinical and pathologic findings of rotator cuff injuries and influenced a generation of orthopedic surgeons on the importance of these disorders. The field was further advanced by McLaughlin, who published a series of practical reports on the treatment of rotator cuff tears over a 30-year period. Codman emphasized the role of trauma in causing rotator cuff tears and disputed Meyer’s theory of attrition. Other authors recognized that the acromion could pinch underlying structures and advocated complete or lateral acromionectomy for a variety of painful conditions, usually when the cuff was intact. Neer’s report in 1972 described the impingement syndrome and its role in rotator cuff disease. He identified the anteroinferior acromion as the principal area of pathology and advocated anterior acromioplasty to enlarge the subacromial space and decompress the rotator cuff. Neer argued that total acromionectomy was unnecessary, and in fact, was deleterious to shoulder function. He thus advocated a reshaping (without removal) of the anteroinferior acromion, preservation of the deltoid, and mobilization and repair of the tendons. These principles led to a revolution in rotator cuff surgery. The results of rotator cuff repairs had been unpredictable and often disappointing before 1970, with unsatisfactory results reported in as many as 26% to 46% of patients. More recent experience, using techniques that follow the principles established by Neer, have documented predictably satisfactory results for pain relief and function. The advent of arthroscopy has had a dramatic effect on the evaluation and treatment of rotator cuff pathology. The combination of the arthroscope’s ability to routinely visualize the glenohumeral joint, as well as the undersurface of the rotator cuff tendon and the information gained from the widespread use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), has uncovered a bewildering array of “lesions.” Diagnostic accuracy has been improved, and the new information has led to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of rotator cuff injuries, the frequency of asymptomatic lesions, and the causes of pain in the absence of a full-thickness rotator cuff tear. Clear value has been demonstrated for the therapeutic value of arthroscopic techniques. Arthroscopic anterior acromioplasty, arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, and arthroscopic-assisted “mini-open” repair are new tools available to the orthopedic surgeon for the care of rotator cuff disorders.


Rotator cuff pathology is a common cause of shoulder pain, with a reported incidence of rotator cuff tears ranging from 5% to 40%, with an increased incidence in older patients. This condition disables not all patients with rotator cuff tears. McLaughlin noted approximately 25% of cadavers studied had a rotator cuff tear and hypothesized that not all of these had been symptomatic in life, as has been shown in more recent MRI studies of asymptomatic patients. The aim of nonoperative treatment, then, is to help a patient with symptomatic rotator cuff disease become asymptomatic. A review of the literature suggests that nonoperative treatment of rotator cuff tears is successful in 33% to 92% of cases with most studies reporting a satisfactory result in approximately 50% of patients. Boker and coworkers reported on 53 patients with documented rotator cuff tears undergoing nonoperative treatment at an average follow-up of longer than 7 years. Seventy-five percent of patients had satisfactory pain relief, particularly those presenting after an acute injury. Patients with long-standing pain (over 6 months) did not respond well to nonoperative therapy. Wirth and coworkers reported on 60 patients with documented rotator cuff tears, and at a minimum of 2 years follow-up, only 62% of patients had a satisfactory result. Furthermore, only 4% of the patients were rated as excellent. Bartolozzi et al. reported on 136 patients treated with nonoperative modalities with an average 1.5-year follow-up. Seventy percent of the patients had excellent or good results. Prognostic factors for success included tear size less than 1 cm and symptom duration less than a year. Goldberg et al. treated 46 patients with a full-thickness tear with nonoperative modalities. After an average follow-up of 2.5 years, 59% of the patients experienced an improvement in their symptoms, 30% of patients got worse, and 5% stayed the same. The ability to sleep on the affected side and the ability to place the hand behind the head were significantly improved. Ideally, patients treated nonoperatively have chronic tears limited to the supraspinatus tendon or have irreparable tears with at least shoulder-level active elevation and lower demands for lifting and reaching activities of more than a few pounds above shoulder level. Treatment would be instituted after history, physical examination, and plain radiographs. Unless there was diagnostic confusion, we would not image the cuff initially, but rather consider an MRI later if this approach had failed, once surgery was being considered. Patients with weakness, especially if the onset was sudden after an injury, are imaged more expeditiously. In these cases, an acute full-thickness tear is suspected, and in most healthy patients a repair of the acute tear is preferred over prolonged nonoperative treatment, which in some cases may result in a much more difficult repair, less likelihood for healing, and sometimes an irreparable tear. Patients are taught a home exercise program and are sent to physical therapy for supervision and education. Also instituted is a course of oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, heat application, and modification of activities to eliminate offending motions. Initial exercises aim at eliminating any subtle stiffness (especially posterior capsular tightness, which can exacerbate impingement) and strengthening the rotator cuff and parascapular muscles. The patient’s progress is monitored after 4 to 6 weeks. If adequate progress has not been made, a subacromial injection may be considered, especially if the pain is limiting the patient’s ability to perform exercises. It is preferred that a mixture of 3 mL of lidocaine (1% ), 3 mL of bupivacaine (0.25% ), and a depot corticosteroid (usually 8 mg of dexamethasone acetate in 1 mL). This can be very helpful even though pathologic studies have shown that true inflammation is rarely present in degenerative rotator cuff disease. This injection may be repeated after 2 to 3 months if the initial injection was helpful, but more than two injections a year are discouraged. For patients with pain who still have good functional use of the arm with minimal weakness, this type of program is continued for 4 to 6 months before an MRI is obtained and surgical options are discussed. When weakness is prominent or progressive, this process is accelerated. A common presentation is that of sudden loss of strength after a relatively trivial injury. Because splinting from pain (e.g., from hemorrhagic bursitis) can simulate weakness, we would generally start with a therapy program. However, if there has not been a dramatic improvement after a few weeks, an MRI is obtained. If a cuff tear is found of sufficient size to explain the weakness, timely repair is considered for it is likely that this is an acute tear, or at least an acute extension of a prior small tear. If the tear size seems inconsistent with the physical findings, other causes of weakness, especially a nerve injury, should be considered. Occasionally an older patient will present with dramatic weakness after a dislocation, and both a cuff tear and a brachial plexopathy will be present, and their relative contributions to the patient’s weakness may be unclear. However, because waiting for the nerve lesion to resolve would likely allow irreversible atrophy of the cuff muscles to develop, it seems prudent to recommend early cuff repair in most of these patients.


Surgical Indications

The presence of a rotator cuff tear is not necessarily an indication for surgery. As previously mentioned, MRI and cadaver studies have shown asymptomatic patients to have cuff tears. The indications for surgical repair of a chronic rotator cuff tear are the presence of pain or significant functional deficits that have not responded to 2 or 3 months of conservative measures. In a younger and active (work, sports, or hobbies) patient, an acute full-thickness tear is an indication for early surgery without any trial of nonoperative treatment. Bassett and Cofield reported that in patients who had an acute injury and a full-thickness rotator cuff tear, repair within the first 3 weeks resulted in the best surgical outcome. Specific indications should be tailored to the pathology and individual patient factors.

Surgery for Subacromial Impingement, Cuff Intact

Subacromial impingement results from irritating contact between the rotator cuff and biceps tendon and the coracoacromial arch. The various causes of this syndrome, as well as the pathomechanics involved if a prominent anterior acromion is felt to be contributing to pain and tendon injury at the time that surgery is considered, then an acromioplasty is considered. Open acromioplasty has been an effective procedure, with satisfactory long-term results ranging from 80% to 90% in most series. In 1985 Ellman introduced the technique of arthroscopic subacromial decompression. His preliminary findings were that the results of arthroscopic subacromial decompressions are comparable with open decompressions. In a follow-up study, he demonstrated an 88% satisfactory outcome for arthroscopic subacromial decompression. Similarly, in a prospective, randomized study, Sachs and associates found that patients having an arthroscopic acromioplasty did better in the first 3 months following surgery than did patients undergoing an open procedure. After 3 months the two groups were equal. Long-term follow-up showed no difference between the two procedures, with an overall success rate of 90%. These findings are consistent with other reports in the literature.

Open Acromioplasty

Open acromioplasty should follow the principles as described by Neer. The area of greatest impingement is along the undersurface anterior and lateral portions of the acromion. An anterior–inferior acromioplasty as described by Neer is, therefore, the preferred technique. In this technique, the anterior deltoid is sharply dissected from the anterior acromion with the underlying coracoacromial ligament (CAL). It is essential to preserve the CAL length so that when the deltoid is reattached to the acromion, the CAL is sutured back to the anterior acromion margin. The principle of an anterior–inferior acromioplasty is to preserve the standard anterior-posterior dimension of the acromion. When a primarily acquired osteophyte is formed within the CAL, this abnormal portion is removed, but the natural anterior-posterior dimension of the acromion is preserved. Preserving the normal acromion dimension and suturing the CAL back to or near the anterior acromion is believed to decrease the incidence of the superior escape of the humeral head, which can occur when there is a large or massive rotator cuff defect and loss of the depression and containment function of the rotator cuff. It should also be understood that some patients with rotator cuff tears (full thickness or partial thickness) do not have acquired spurs, nor do they need acromioplasty.

Arthroscopic Acromioplasty

Arthroscopy may be performed in either the lateral or beach-chair position. The beach-chair position allows for scalene anesthesia (awake patients do not tolerate the lateral position well), provides a standard anatomic orientation (same as open cases), facilitates conversion to an open procedure, and avoids the risks of fixed traction. The torso is angled approximately 60 degrees from the horizontal plane. A headrest that allows access to the superior and posterior aspects of the shoulder is used. The arm is draped free, allowing shoulder rotation, extension, and elevation. Two small towels are placed under the scapula to elevate the shoulder off the table. Regional interscalene anesthesia avoids the morbidity of general anesthesia, allows improved relaxation, and facilitates outpatient surgery. There is a misperception among some surgeons that patients are loath to undergo a scalene block. Although it is true that patients often express unease with being awake during surgery, they generally become highly accepting when reassured that they will be as sedated as they wish, especially if reminded about the risks of general anesthesia.

Surgical Technique for Arthroscopic Acromioplasty

We prefer to perform routine decompressions arthroscopically in all patients when there are a significant subacromial impingement lesion and an intact or partial-thickness cuff tear. The procedure begins with glenohumeral joint inspection. Any inflamed synovium should be débrided, and glenohumeral pathology addressed as indicated. Attention is then focused on the undersurface of the rotator cuff, and any irritation or tears evaluated. Once the glenohumeral joint has been examined, the subacromial space is entered with the arthroscope. Typically thick bursitis is encountered, and this is removed with a 5.5-mm full-radius soft tissue motorized shaver. Once there is a good visualization of the subacromial space, the undersurface of the acromion and CAL are inspected. Although there may be a synovitic or inflamed appearance to the ligament, the usual finding is hypertrophy of the ligament, with a degenerative, attritional lesion of the anteroinferior acromion, including frayed fibers hanging down. In young, athletic patients there may be no bone abnormalities, but just scarring of the bursa and thickening of the coracoacromial ligament. In these patients, a soft tissue decompression with debridement without the release of the ligament, combined with renewed rehabilitation to treat any subtle underlying instability, may be helpful.

In older patients with a more degenerative profile, the ligament is removed only from the undersurface of the acromion to visualize the acromion and its anterior margin, and an acromioplasty performed. The CAL is sequentially removed from the undersurface of the acromion using electrocautery and then freed at its margins laterally and medially. It is essential to visualize the entire acromion to the junction between the anterior two-thirds and posterior one-third of its anteroposterior dimension, from the acromioclavicular (AC) joint to the lateral margin to perform an adequate acromioplasty. We routinely use the electrocautery to expose the anterolateral and lateral aspect of the acromion to appreciate the acromial morphology better and spur size. Bipolar cautery devices are the best device for this part of the procedure. The bony acromioplasty is performed with a 5.0– to 6.0-mm tapered burr. The thickness and morphology of the acromion, as well as the size of any bone spur, will dictate the amount of bone removed in an individual patient. A popular technique for determining the amount of bone removal is the “cutting-block” technique. In this method, the burr is brought in from the posterior portal, applied to the posterior acromion, and then advanced to plane down the anterior acromion, thereby flattening the entire acromion. This approach aims to convert the acromion to a type I after Bigliani et al. However, this may remove an excessive amount of bone if the burr is brought into the subacromial space at an acute angle to the posterior surface of the acromion. In the past, the coracoacromial arch has often been thought of as a purely harmful structure, causing impingement and good for little else. Indeed, in 1984, Rockwood advocated the routine removal of the CAL at the time of any shoulder operation.  This encouraged, in past years, a “more is better” approach to bone removal at acromioplasty. However, contact by the acromion on the underlying rotator cuff and humerus in normal shoulders has a passive, stabilizing function. In a later study simulating different amounts of bone removal at acromioplasty, smoothing the anterior third of the acromial undersurface removed all focused contact on the supraspinatus insertion, which was termed “impingement.” Total flattening of the acromion was found to be not only unnecessary to relieve impingement, but also this technique destroyed much of the broad contact between the bone and rotator cuff, which was likely important for the stability of the humeral head in a superior direction. In addition to removing excessive bone, the arthroscopic cutting block technique may risk injuring the deltoid origin, especially in curved acromions in which a line was drawn up against the posterior acromial undersurface essentially transects the anterior acromion. Indeed, some surgeons who purport to use this technique will depart from it when they notice a thin, curved acromion. We prefer to aim for opening up the subacromial space by resculpting the anteroinferior acromion so that it curves gently away from the underlying humerus and cuff. The amount of bone removal may be estimated from the preoperative outlet view and measured intraoperatively by comparison with the known diameter of an instrument. The transition to the posterior acromion is then smoothed. All debris is removed, and the bursal space is irrigated. After decompression, the instruments are removed and portals are closed with absorbable suture. The patient is placed in a removable sling for 1 to 2 days for initial comfort. Postoperativeotion exercises are generally started immediately and progressed as tolerated. The primary advantage of arthroscopic over open decompression is that deltoid detachment is avoided. Use of the arthroscope also allows inspection of the glenohumeral joint, as well as the undersurface of the rotator cuff, and any pathology encountered can then be addressed. Finally, arthroscopic decompressions are less invasive and are routinely performed on an outpatient basis. In most clinical practices it is rare to perform an acromioplasty as an isolated procedure as in the vast majority of cases there is cuff damage requiring débridement or repair.

Surgery for Partial-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears

The literature remains unclear and somewhat confusing on the treatment of partial-thickness rotator cuff tears. Recommendations range from conservative therapy to open rotator cuff débridement and repair. Before arthroscopic surgery, excision and repair of significant partial cuff tears seemed logical and added little morbidity to an open procedure. However, after the advent of arthroscopic acromioplasty, but before techniques of arthroscopic tendon repair had been developed, simple débridement with or without decompression became more widely used for partial tears and even many full-thickness tears. Later, as data accumulated that indicated poor results after this procedure primary excision of the damaged tendon followed by primary tendon repair came back into fashion. This procedure became more popular thanks to the development of mini-open and arthroscopic techniques because it avoids conversion to a full open procedure. Currently, recommendations for the operative management of partial tears vary between investigators. Mostly, there are three surgical options: débridement alone, decompression and débridement, and excision of the damaged tendon with primary repair (usually along with decompression). Let us examine each of these in turn. Andrews reported success with debridement, but his population was young and athletic. It is likely that overuse and tensile failure were involved, rather than any acromial abnormalities. Snyder and coworkers reported their results on arthroscopic cuff débridement with or without subacromial decompression. They had 85% satisfactory results, with similar results between those patients having a decompression and those not having a decompression. However, patients were not randomized for decompression but were selected on clinical criteria, likely correctly identifying patients in whom impingement was prominent. Arroyo and coworkers noted that young, overhead athletes frequently develop subacromial scarring and bursitis owing to overuse and instability and that soft tissue cleanout of the subacromial space may be helpful. Altchek and Carson studied 50 throwing athletes with anterior shoulder pain, which was refractory to nonoperative treatment and found that most had fraying of the articular surface of the cuff. Débridement of this area, combined with débridement of bursitis and CAL hypertrophy when noted, was associated with favorable results in 80% of cases. The role of internal impingement, in which the cuff undersurface abuts the glenoid rim in the abduction and external rotation also adds complexity to decision making. When deep-surface cuff partial tears are associated with internal impingement, most surgeons have employed simple débridement; however, little data are available on the effectiveness of this approach. In some cases, anterior subluxation has been thought to play a role, and capsulorrhaphy recommended. Indeed, one author has suggested that derotational humeral osteotomy is considered. In any event, this group of younger patients, who are often involved in throwing sports, is a different group from that of older patients with degenerative tendon failure. In some patients, simple débridement has been far less satisfactory. Ogilivie-Harris treated 57 partial tears with arthroscopic débridement alone and found that only half achieved satisfactory results. In this group, acromioplasty appears to improve results. Arthroscopic decompression has also been effective. Gartsman noted that 33 of 40 patients (83%) with partial-thickness tears had significant improvements in their shoulders at an average of 29 months after arthroscopic acromioplasty.86 However, not all patients do well with this approach. Altchek and coworkers noted that the results of débridement and decompression of partial tears were not as favorable as those from decompression in shoulders with intact cuffs. But which subgroups of partial tears need more than decompression? Weber felt that the degree of tendon involvement was necessary. He reported inferior results in patients undergoing débridement and decompression of partial cuff tears that involved more than half the tendon’s thickness, as compared with a mini-open approach in which the damaged tendon was excised, and healthy tissue repaired side to side. Interestingly, his recommendations are the same as those of Neer et al. (done openly), although less aggressive than Fukuda and coworkers, who performed excision of damaged tissue on most partial tears and achieved a 92% success rate. Further study is needed to make definitive recommendations for treatment.


For Partial Tear

The guy rope technique is currently used only for partial superficial tears. A posterior subacromial portal and a lateral instrumentation portal are used. The greater tuberosity is abraded, and a hole is drilled as lateral as possible into the border of the greater tuberosity. A metallic screw anchor loaded with a double suture is placed laterally through the strong cortical bone of the great tuberosity Through an anterior portal, a pig-tail suture passer (Linvatec) equipped with a 45-degree curved hook (left-rotated for a right shoulder and vice versa) is loaded with a single strand of PDS # 0. The instrument is passed through the cuff from the superficial to the deep layer and then back again, twisting the hook, resulting in a U -suture. The PDS end is grasped at the same time as one of the two sutures is loaded on the anchor by a forceps and pulled out through the lateral portal. The PDS is used as a shuttle relay for passing the nonabsorbable suture. Alternatively, the sutures can be passed directly with suture punch instruments or grasped directly with a tissue penetrator. A sliding knot on the anterior strand of the thread is pushed on the cuff and pulled laterally to the anchor to bring the tendon to the greater tuberosity. Then the knot is secured by changing traction on the threads, and two additional half loops are pushed along the posterior thread. The second suture is passed through the tendon in the same way to obtain a double suture technique.

Intratendinous Tear

Only an acromioplasty is performed for this lesion because it is thought that relief of the impingement prevents further tendon damage.

Partial Articular Surface Tear

Articular surface partial tears most often affect the supraspinatus, and they can be associated with secondary biceps tendon instability when the tendon tear is located at the level of the posterior biceps pulley. This lesion is best visualized with internal rotation of the shoulder as the biceps tendon subluxates over the lateral wall of its groove. The supraspinatus repair aims to rebuild the jux tacartilaginous tendon’s insertion. To reattach the supraspinatus, after cleaning the bursa and acromioplasty, the repair is managed by the intraarticular visualization “inside-out” technique. A small anterosuperior portal close to the anterior corner of the acromion is placed near the rotator interval at the anterior part of the supraspinatus above the biceps groove. A 5-mm incision is made in the cuff in the midportion of the partial cuff tear. All anchors and instruments can be placed through this cuff defect, and then this defect is closed with suture at the end of the repair. In this way, the intact superficial bursal surface portion of the cuff remains intact, and the footprint of the cuff is reestablished medially at the margin of the articular cartilage. A metal anchor is inserted in the previously abraded area of the tuberosity, close to the cartilage and the posterior border of the biceps groove. Two techniques are possible to pass the four sutures through the tendon. A suture passer can be introduced by the lateral portal used for the acromioplasty, perforating the cuff from outside to inside, and either a PDS suture can be used as a suture relay, or the suture on the anchor can be passed directly. The four threads are successively passed and pulled through the tendon. Visualization of the knot may be done on subacromial space, but secure tension is necessary to ensure proper application of the cuff over the bone. Avoiding strangulation of the biceps with the suture fixation is essential. When the biceps pulley reconstruction is not secure or anatomic or when biceps degenerative changes are visible, then a tenodesis of the biceps is performed.

Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears


Codman performed his first cuff repair in 1909 and 1934 he noted that 20 of 31 patients followed after repair of full-thickness rotator cuff tears obtained a good result. Four years later Outland and Shepherd published a series of 12 rotator cuff repairs; satisfactory results were obtained in 67%. McLaughlin, using a transacromial approach, reported 94% pain relief and 100% return to manual labor in 32 patients after cuff repair.140 In the 1950s and 1960s, overall satisfactory results after cuff tendon repair were seen in 77% of Moseley’s cases 74% of G odsil and Linscheid’s cases 60% of Heikel’s cases and 66% of Debeyre et al.’s cases. In 1972, Neer advocated routine anterior acromioplasty at the time of rotator cuff repair. Of 20 patients with full-thickness tears treated by acromioplasty and repair (95%) achieved satisfactory results (patient satisfied, no significant pain, less than 20 degrees of limitation of elevation, and at least 75% of normal strength). Neer argued for certain principles in rotator cuff surgery:

1. Reshaping rather than removing the acromion, avoiding procedures that damage the deltoid origin

2. Restoring motion

3. Releasing, mobilizing, and repairing the torn tendons

4. Surgeon-directed individualized rehabilitation

Although most modern surgeons have employed an approach similar to Neer’s, there have been exceptions. Repair of the tendons without acromioplasty has been advocated as has acromioplasty without tendon repair. Some have even continued to advocate acromionectomy. Nevertheless, decompression and repair remain the most common treatment for full-thickness tears requiring surgery. With recent advancements in arthroscopy, many authors are advocating arthroscopic repair of rotator cuff tears. Preliminary results appear to be promising and equal to those for mini-open repairs. Arthroscopic repair follows the same principles as those for open repairs, including subacromial decompression, cuff mobilization, and repair of the tendon back to the tuberosity. Technically, this can be very challenging, particularly on the upslope of an individual surgeon’s learning curve.

Principles of Open Rotator Cuff Repair


Although stiffness is surprisingly infrequent in shoulders with large cuff tears, it can occur. Even if superior structures may be released during an open repair, the inferior capsule and axillary recess are difficult to reach through an open anterosuperior approach. Consequently, stiff shoulders are gently manipulated at the beginning of the procedure. A variety of surgical approaches for cuff repair have been reported. Norwood et al. have described a posterior approach whereas Leffert and Rowe preferred an anterior deltopectoral exposure also advocated by Gerber et al. for subscapularis ruptures. Most authors, however, have employed an anterosuperior approach through a split or takedown of the proximal deltoid. In an attempt to visualize large tears with retraction, the takedown of the anterior or lateral deltoid origin has been used, as have acromion-splitting approaches. However, Codman after trying various techniques came to prefer a deltoid split combined with the rotation of the head beneath the split to expose the involved area of the cuff. Diamond, in 1964, described an ex-tensile approach for acromionectomy in which a deltoid split was taken up over the acromion, which was then exposed subperiosteally. Neviaser et al. employed a split taken into the AC joint with the subperiosteal reflection of the flaps to expose the tear, made easier because the distal clavicle was routinely resected. However, exposure of a retracted posterior tear may be difficult with an anterior split, occasionally even requiring a supplemental posterior incision. For this reason, Bigliani et al. have shifted the split posteriorly by beginning it at the anterolateral corner of the acromion; this affords excellent posterior exposure.


Traditionally, decompression at the time of cuff repair has consisted of anterior acromioplasty, resection of the coracoacromial ligament, and, if needed, resection of downward- projecting acromioclavicular osteophytes. It has become increasingly appreciated that the coracoacromial arch has a usual buffering role in passively resisting superior humeral translation especially when the dynamic stabilizing function of the cuff muscles has been lost. Wiley reported that anterosuperior subluxation could result from decompression without repair of massive cuff tears, but we have noticed this also after decompression and repair when the repair fails or the muscles, although reattached, are too atrophied to generate the force necessary to center the head. Indeed, Watson, noting that his cases of cuff repair did better when the coracoacromial ligament was incised rather than resected, conjectured that coracoacromial ligament “removal might allow the strong deltoid muscle to pull the humeral head proximally,” stretching and potentially damaging the cuff repair. Preservation of the coracoacromial arch for stability has been employed at the time of arthroplasty for cases of end-stage rheumatoid arthritis and cuff-tear arthropathy. In 1991, one of us (ELF) began to preserve the coracoacromial ligament when repairing massive tears and reported on the initial experience a few years later. This has not appeared to result in postoperative impingement or inadequate pain relief. Whether this should be used for all tears or only large ones, and if the latter, what size cutoff there should be, remains unanswered.

Tendon Mobilization and Repair: Open Technique

The aim of tendon mobilization is not only to allow repair, but to free the cuff muscle-tendon units so they can glide, and to prevent postoperative stiffness. It is unfortunate that the cuff literature has emphasized concepts such as “coverage of the head,” as if cuff repair were a plastic surgery procedure. No hand surgeon would sew a graft into an old, scarred flexor tendon laceration and say that he or she had “covered” the proximal interphalangeal joint. The goal should be to restore the cuff’s dynamic function as best possible. Therefore, the tendons must not only be repaired but also freed from adhesions to surrounding structures so that the muscle-tendon unit can glide and function. Also, passive shoulder motion may be normal, despite extensive cuff scarring, because the capsule is detached from the humerus along with the cuff tendons, so motion occurs “through the tear.” If the tendons (and the attached capsule) are repaired without being adequately released, a stiff shoulder may result, and stretching exercises will improve motion only by pulling out the repair. Arthroscopic techniques have progressed to the point where experts report that the same tendon releases traditionally performed open may be accomplished arthroscopically. A possible exception may be chronic subscapularis tears, which may have extraarticular adhesions (notably including the axillary nerve). More recently, the techniques for arthroscopic repair of subacute and chronic subscapularis tendon tears are reported to be safe and successful. Repair of the tendon is performed with the arm at the side. Performing the repair with the arm in abduction and then placing the patient in an airplane splint will usually lead to pull out of the repair when the brace is discontinued. However, protection of a repair of a large tear (performed with the arm at the side) with a brace was employed by Neer and has been more recently advocated by Gerber. Recently developed braces are more comfortable than earlier models, are less likely to rotate into extension, and allow for more intermediate positions, rather than wide abduction and external rotation. It is our impression from clinical experience that bracing, or use of an abduction pillow, for at least 4 weeks after repair of chronic posterior-superior two-tendon cuff tears results in better healing. During this time it is still important and necessary to begin passive range-of-motion exercises. Traditionally, many surgeons preferred repairing the tendon to a trough in bone. Many techniques have been reported in which the tendon edge is pulled into a deep cancellous trough with mattress sutures. Several factors have contributed to a trend away from cancellous troughs. First, use of mattress sutures often allows some mobility of the free edge of the tendon or at least some discontinuity between the repair and the tuberosity. We have preferred simple or Mason-Allen sutures that hold the tendon edge flat against the tuberosity and present a smooth surface. Second, concern for the holding power of sutures in osseous tunnels, and especially for the pullout strength of suture anchors, has prompted a desire to preserve the cortical bone at the articular–tuberosity junction. Finally, doubts have been raised as to whether, in fact, cancellous bone is a better healing bed for tendon than cortical bone— a recent study in sheep found no difference in repair strength. Most surgeons freshen the bone at the articular–tuberosity junction to remove nonhealing bursal tissue and scar but do not necessarily expose the cancellous bone. We believe that removing the degenerative soft tissue is important; then removal of some bone without creating a trough or exposing the cancellous bone of the greater tuberosity yields a bone area that will allow healing and preserve the mechanical strength of the cortical bone. Numerous suture techniques have been described. An influential study recently suggested that modified Mason-Allen sutures provided the best holding power in a weak tendon while minimizing strangulation. However, simple sutures elongate least under load, and thus gapless in a strong tendon. The most accepted arthroscopic techniques involve placing suture anchors, threading the sutures through the edge of the torn tendon, and then arthroscopically tying knots to secure the repair. Alternatively, a transfixing implant such as a tack or staple may be used, or a suture anchor with attached suture may be threaded directly through the tendon edge.

Deltoid Repair

In open surgery the deltoid must be securely repaired; indeed, some of the worst complications in cuff surgery involve damage to or detachment of the deltoid. The deltoid may be repaired back to the bone, a cuff of soft tissue, or both. Some surgeons detach a portion of the deltoid with a sliver of acromial bone so that it can be repaired bone to bone. When repairing the deltoid after open cuff repair, it is necessary to use a heavy nonabsorbable suture to the deltotrapezius fascia and through the acromion bone.

The major advantage of arthroscopic repair is believed to be the preservation of the deltoid origin. However, Rockwood and Lyons have suggested that subperiosteal elevation of the deltoid, as is performed with arthroscopic acromioplasty, may detach a large proportion of the Sharpey fibers of the deltoid origin, causing substantial weakening. Indeed, with the advent of mini-open cuff repair, surgeons have been able to examine the deltoid after an arthroscopic acromioplasty, and many have noted (anecdotally) occasional thin areas or even frank detachment of the anterior fibers. It is therefore important when performing an arthroscopic acromioplasty to keep the anterior and superior attachments of the deltoid to the acromion.


Passive motion has begun early after the repair is used by most rotator cuff surgeons, and active motion is generally deferred until tendon healing can be expected. The limits of motion must be based on the surgeon’s impressions of the security of the repair and the quality of the tissues. These factors are highly variable. Stiffness is unusual after repair of massive tears because most of the capsule was off with the tendon and both are often thin and insubstantial. Pulling out of the repair is the more likely complication, so slow, gradual, the passive motion is generally the core of the postoperative program. Conversely, patients with small tears, with thick, robust tendon (and attached capsule), not infrequently may become stiff after repair, whereas repair dehiscence is far less frequent than after repair of massive tears. For these patients, a more aggressive mobilization program is used. In any event, the program must be directed by the surgeon who performed the repair, and progress must be closely monitored.

Mini-Open Approach for Full-Thickness Tears

Arthroscopic approaches generally involve three bursal portals: anterior, lateral, and posterior. Whereas a decompression and, if indicated, a distal clavicle resection involve visualizing the anteroinferior and anteromedial acromion, the cuff tear and tuberosity are generally quite lateral to the acromion, and the lateral portal must not be placed too high. Mini-open approaches are considered to be those that employ only a split of the deltoid, without any takedown of the origin. The actual skin incision may range from a 3-cm portal extension in the skin creases to a fairly large longitudinal incision. In an arthroscopic-assisted approach, the initial procedure is the same as with an arthroscopic repair, usually including an arthroscopic subacromial decompression. Then a small incision is used to repair the tear through a deltoid split without detachment directly. This approach is especially useful for small and medium cuff tears. Although some authors have made quite large skin incisions and still called it a “mini-open” approach, if only a deltoid split is used, most surgeons have kept the incision small and in the skin creases. We have preferred a “portalex tension” approach in which the anterolateral portal is extended to a length of 3 cm, anterior to posterior. Flaps are elevated, and the deltoid is split in the direction of its fibers to just posterior to the anterolateral corner of the acromion. The deltoid split should be no longer than 5 cm from the acromion and should incorporate the small defect from the arthroscopic portal. None of the deltoid is detached from the acromion. A stay suture is then placed in the deltoid to prevent propagation of the split and possible damage to the axillary nerve.  By maneuvering the arm, the entire extent of the tear can be seen. This approach can provide adequate exposure of the supraspinatus and the upper portions of the infraspinatus tendons, but access to the subscapularis and lower portions of the teres minor is difficult. When a mini-open approach is performed, it is best suited for the small (less than 1 cm) and medium cuff tears (1 to 3cm). In these size tears, retraction of the tendon should be limited to the midhumeral head. In many cases, the use of a mini-open technique for tendon repair can be a useful method of advancing to a full arthroscopic repair. The steps of the arthroscopic-assisted mini-open procedure are as follows:

(1) Diagnostic arthroscopy of the glenohumeral joint

(2) Diagnostic arthroscopy of the subacromial space

(3) Arthroscopic bursectomy, removal of soft tissue undersurface of the acromion, and acromioplasty

(4) Cuff tendon edged débridement and tendon mobilization

(5) Decortication of the greater tuberosity

(6) Placement of bone suture anchors

(7) Passage of sutures into the tendon and

(8) Knot Tying

These surgical steps involved can be performed with an arthroscopic technique, and when the procedure becomes more difficult for the skill level of the surgeon, it can be safely and effectively converted to the mini-open technique to complete the procedure. When this procedure is performed, we generally recommend limiting this technique to isolated supraspinatus tears because the releases for large, retracted tears seem more reliably and more rapidly performed using a fully open or arthroscopic technique. Also, the limited exposure of the mini-open technique does not allow for adequate visualization of the tear configuration for placement of anchors, tendon-to-tendon repair, or tying of the sutures compared to a fully open or all-arthroscopic technique. With limited exposure excessive retraction of the deltoid may result in increased morbidity, which includes deltoid injury, a detachment of the deltoid origin, and increased postoperative pain. Although the mini-open technique is useful for the smaller tears, it is also true that these smaller tears with minimal retraction are easily treated by full arthroscopic techniques. We currently view the value of the mini-open technique as an option for a surgeon to transition from a fully open to a full arthroscopic cuff repair.

Technique for Standard Full Open Superior

Approach for Posterior Superior Cuff Tears

Many skin incisions can be used to gain access to the rotator cuff, but in our experience, the most versatile and cosmetic incision (6 to 10 cm) is one extending from the middle of the acromion anteriorly to approximately 2 cm lateral to the coracoid in the lines of Langer. This incision can be moved medially if access to the AC joint is necessary or laterally if a large tear is anticipated and the AC joint does not need to be addressed. We use this approach for all large and massive tears. Following the skin incision, subcutaneous flaps are raised. A 3- to 5-cm deltoid split is made from the anterolateral corner of the acromion distally in the direction of the deltoid fibers for tears limited to the supraspinatus tendon. A stay suture is placed at the end of the split to avoid extension of the split and possible damage to the axillary nerve, which generally lies 5 to 6 cm from the tip of the lateral acromion. For massive posterior tears, the deltoid split is made more posteriorly, starting at the middle of the acromion to allow for greater exposure of the back of the cuff. The deltoid origin is then elevated over the anterior acromion to the anterior aspect of the acromioclavicular joint, traveling 2 to 3 mm posterior to the anterior edge of the acromion. The dissection is then continued around the anterior edge of the acromion underneath the anteroinferior acromion so that the entire coracoacromial ligament is subperiosteally elevated and stays as one flap with the anterior deltoid. This keeps a thick flap of tissue with the anterior deltoid, allowing the secure repair to the acromion with transosseous sutures. Once the coracoacromial ligament is detached, there is excellent exposure of the anterior acromion and any spurs that may have developed. An acromioplasty is then performed. In wide, sharp osteotome or an oscillating micropower saw is used to remove the anteroinferior aspect of the acromion from the AC joint to the lateral edge of the acromion. The amount of bone removal depends on the thickness of the acromion, the degree of anteroinferior acromial prominence, and the size of any spurs. The emphasis should be on contouring a smooth undersurface of the acromion. Rongeurs, rasps, and a burr are used to obtain a perfectly smooth surface. The wedge of bone excised should, however, consist of the full width of the acromion from the medial to the lateral border. If the AC joint is tender preoperatively, a distal clavicle excision will be performed. This is performed from the undersurface using either a rongeur or a burr. The superior and posterior AC ligaments are left intact for distal clavicle stability. If the AC joint is not tender preoperatively, then the AC joint is left undisturbed, even if it is arthritic. If it is felt that inferior AC osteophytes are contributing to impingement, then they are removed, and the undersurface of the AC joint is smoothed. Some surgeons have found a high incidence of postoperative AC pain after such undersurface trimmings, and have suggested that perhaps it is better to either leave the joint unviolated or to resect the distal clavicle completely. However, this has not been our experience. Once the acromioplasty is performed, the bursa is removed for easy rotator cuff visualization. Mobilization of the rotator cuff is the first step in repairing the tendon. Stay sutures are placed in the retracted rotator cuff tendon, beginning anteriorly and working posteriorly, which can be used for traction while mobilizing the tendon. Clamps (which might crush the tissue) are not employed. To mobilize the tendon, all adhesions are freed, beginning on the bursal side, bluntly separating the tendons from the undersurface of the acromion and deltoid. After complete bursal surface release and exposure, the posterior tissues are assessed to determine the full extent of the cuff tear. Usually, a portion of the posterior cuff remains attached to the humeral head. Releases are performed systematically. First, the tendon edges are freshened to remove nonsticking bursal tissue and to stimulate healing and to remove a tapered edge to yield a thick edge that will hold sutures. This generally means removing 1 to 2 mm of tissue; resection of tendon edges to bleeding tissue is not advocated, as, despite a white, nonbleeding appearance, the edges of cuff tears are, in fact, usually well vascularized. The plane between the cuff tendons and the overlying acromion and deltoid is bluntly developed. The retracted tendons are often scarred to the coracoid base, with fixed shortening of the coracohumeral ligament. This ligament is divided, and the coracoid base is freed anteriorly, laterally, and posteriorly, but not medially (to avoid injury to the suprascapular nerve).

As the tendons retract, the capsule may shorten until the tendons are tenodesed to the glenoid rim. To release them, the capsule is divided externally to the labrum. Care must be taken to avoid going more than 1 cm medial to the glenoid rim, lest injury to the suprascapular nerve ensues. The use of a self-retaining laminar-type device placed between the humeral head and acromion, to sublux the humeral head inferiorly, can be beneficial in performing these releases. The tendons commonly retract variable amounts. A frequent pattern is that the supraspinatus is retracted medially, whereas the subscapularis is out to length. In such a situation the anterior margin of the supraspinatus, being medially retracted, is scarred to the medial aspect of the subscapularis. To realign it, an “interval release (slide)” may be helpful. The interval between the supraspinatus and subscapularis is divided into the coracoid base. If there is differential retraction between the supraspinatus and infraspinatus posteriorly, it can also be useful to free the interval between these two tendons. Not only do interval releases allow realignment of retracted tendons, but they also function as “relaxing incisions” so that the tendons, scarred into a circle with the attached capsule at the glenoid rim, may be brought out over the larger-diameter humeral head. Next, the articular surface of the tendon is mobilized. Usually, when the tendon is retracted, the capsule shortens, so that the tendon is essentially tenodesed to the glenoid rim. This may be released by incising the capsule external to the labrum. Care must be taken to avoid injury to the suprascapular nerve at the base of the scapular spine or the biceps tendon origin. Once the undersurface is freed, the excursions of the tendons are assessed. If the biceps tendon is intact and gliding in its groove, it is preserved. It is often enlarged and may have minor degrees of fraying. If a significant portion of the biceps tendon is damaged, or if it is subluxed out of its groove (usually in association with a tear or the upper portion of the subscapularis), it is detached from the glenoid and either tenodesed or incorporated into the repair. By using the techniques of tissue mobilization described previously, tendon repair may be achieved in all but a few rare situations. These repairs may sometimes be imperfect, reattaching an atrophied muscle by thin, poor-quality tendon tissue. However, reattachment gives the muscle-tendon units a better chance for functional recovery than leaving them disinserted. If there is a significant loss of cuff tissue and full repair is not possible, the anterior and posterior cuff are mobilized cephalad as much as is possible to gain a better fulcrum for head depression. The greater tuberosity is prepared for tendon repair by removing all soft tissue and smoothing irregular bony prominences with a rongeur or curette. A deep trough is not used, for it requires more tendon mobilization and has not been shown to be necessary to promote tendon-to-bone healing. There are many ways to make a tunnel in bone for passing sutures. Among the techniques that we find useful include the use of a set of reusable curved awls, disposable suture passing set, or a custom power tool such as a Curvetec. Aninex pensive method is the use of a heavy cutting needle on a heavy needle passer that can be loaded with suture directly and passed through the bone of the greater tuberosity. The tendon is then repaired to the greater tuberosity, with the arm at the side in a neutral position. A combination of simple and Mason-Allen stitches are used at the tendon edge. In all methods, the bone holes should remain small and separated by about 1 cm of bone and should be at least 2 cm from the top of the greater tuberosity. Adhering to these principles will minimize the sutures cutting through the bone. When the bone is very weak, use of a bone augmentation device (plate or plastic button) can be used beneath the sutures and the knots tied over the device. We still prefer trans-osseous sutures over metallic suture anchors in open cuff surgery because of the variable strength of the tuberosity bone in these often elderly cuff disease patients (unlike the uniformly hard bone of the anterior glenoid in instability patients or younger patients with smaller tears and better bone for arthroscopic cuff repair). Also, the attached sutures tend to hold loose anchors in the superior joint, where articular damage may result. However, technical improvements, including plastic anchors, resorbable anchors, and better fixation techniques, may make implants more attractive in the future. Following repair of the rotator cuff, the deltoid is repaired, which is as important as the rotator cuff repair itself. A heavy no. 2 nonabsorbable suture is used to reattach the deltoid back to the anterior acromion. An anatomic repair can be achieved by passing one suture through the AC joint capsule and then two sutures through the bone of the acromion. A Mason-Allen suture technique is used to hold the deltoid fibers securely. The deltoid split is closed in a side-to-side fashion with simply buried knots. The coracoacromial ligament is repaired together with the anterior deltoid flap to the anterior acromion. This provides a buttress that may provide restraint from superior migration or anterosuperior instability of the humeral head. Depending on the quality of tissue and repair, postoperative rehabilitation is tailored to the security of the repair and the quality of the tissues. Braces that hold the arm in wide abduction and external rotation are not used. However, occasionally, the posterior cuff is repaired with some tension, and a brace to hold the arm in slight abduction and neutral rotation may be used; this avoids the sling position of internal rotation across the body. Passive motion is still begun immediately, with the therapist or a trained family member raising the arm in the scapular plane above the brace.

Postoperative Care for Open Repair

A physician-directed rehabilitation program is usually begun on the first postoperative day. For very massive tears with a poor tissue, only pendulum and passive elevation in the scapular plane by the surgeon, the therapist, or a trained family member are used for the first 6 weeks. Pulley elevation is not used owing to the significant active cuff recruitment that results. The elevation is allowed to a level determined at the time of repair, usually between 120 and 140 degrees. Assistive exercises are begun at 6 weeks, but active elevation and light resistive exercises are not allowed until 3 months after repair of these massive tears. Patients after repair of medium and large tears with good tissue begin an assistive program immediately, and active exercises (progressing slowly to light resistive) are added between 6 and 8 weeks postoperatively. The use of a standard sling versus a small pillow sling versus an abduction brace or large pillow for large posterior-superior two-tendon rotator cuff tears remains controversial. In cases with two-tendon tear involvement (supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendon tears), one of the authors (JPI) will routinely use an abduction brace for the first 4 weeks after surgery. The brace is removed a few times each day for washing, dressing, eating, and doing the exercises noted previously. The patient will otherwise wear the brace during the first 4 weeks after surgery for about 18 to 20 hours each day. Thereafter, the patient is protected in a sling for an additional 2 weeks. Smaller tears treated by either open or arthroscopic means are treated with a sling for 4 weeks after surgery with the same mobilization protocol. The rationale for this different method of postoperative care is based on the increased tissue tension present in large tears with muscle atrophy and fibrous tissue formation within the muscle. This increased tissue tension results in greater tension at the repair site, particularly with the arm by the side. Also, one of the authors (JPI) believes the use of a brace significantly decreases the patient’s overall activity level. With this combination of factors, we believe our results of tendon healing are improved compared to sling immobilization alone. A study by Reilly et al. showed that supraspinatus tendon tension was reduced by 34 N when the arm was abducted 30 degrees. Tendons repaired in a cadaver that was subjected to 34 N of force over 24 hours gapped an average of 9 mm. Davidson and Rivenburgh showed that the repair tension in 67 rotator cuff repairs correlated with lower Constant scores if it was greater than 8 lb at the time of the repair. Hersche and Gerber measured the tension in a normal supraspinatus tendon with the arm at the side and compared it to the tension in a chronically torn tendon repair with the arm at the side. The normal tendon generated 25 N of force, compared to 59 N of passive tension in the pathologic tendon.

Technique for Anterior Deltopectoral Approach

for Isolated Subscapularis and Anterior-Superior

Cuff Tears

A deltopectoral approach is considered a preferred technique over a superior approach for open repair for full thickness tears of a majority of the subscapularis tendon, particularly when the tendon is retracted and the tear is more than 2 months from injury. In these cases, the retracted tendon can be more easily and safely found and mobilized. In these cases, the axillary nerve should be localized and retracted. After initial exposure, there is often a fibrous tissue covering the humeral head and joint, which needs to be excised to expose the joint and find the torn tendon. This tissue can be quite thick and in some cases may seem to be an intact tendon, but when the humerus is rotated this tissue can be seen not to move with the humeral head or lesser tuberosity. With a chronic tear, the retracted tendon is often scarred in a retracted position requiring the release of the scarred and contracted coracohumeral ligament and anterior capsule. After the tendon is mobilized, suture fixation to the decorticated lesser tuberosity is accomplished by suture anchors or with bone tunnels. Mobilization of the tendon should be sufficient to allow the tendon to be repaired to the bone with at least 0 degrees of external rotation. Postoperative rehabilitation should include the use of a gunslinger-type brace or small abduction pillow. It is advisable to have the arm in the neutral rotation rather than in full internal rotation. Scarring in full internal rotation (sling) can make rehabilitation to achieve external rotation difficult. In some patients with massive tears of the subscapularis, supraspinatus, and portions or all of the infraspinatus, there is a need to combine the deltopectoral and superior approaches.

Technique for Arthroscopic Repair of Full-Thickness Tears

Five standard portals are most commonly used for a full arthroscopic cuff repair. The first is the posterior portal for the evaluation of the glenohumeral joint. A second posterosuperior portal placed at the posterolateral angle of the acromion and is used for the subacromial space. Two instrumentation portals are initially localized using a spinal needle working from outside in. One is a portal near the mid-lateral acromion, and another portal is more anterior near the coracoacromial ligament. The fifth approach is anterosuperior at the anterolateral corner of the acromion.

Full-Thickness Tears

With a full-thickness tear, reattachment of the tendons establishes an anatomic footprint of the tendon using two rows of suture, one row medially at the cartilage-bone interface and the other row on the lateral aspect of the great tuberosity.

Tears Isolated to the Supraspinatus (Small and Medium-Sized Tears)

After removal of the bursal scar and mobilization of the tendon, the repair starts with medial fixation. The anchor is passed through a small accessory portal (about 2 to 3 mm) situated at the lateral border of the acromion to reach the greater tuberosity as perpendicularly as possible. The repair is done with visualization of the biceps tendon as described for a partial deep cuff tear or from subacromial if the biceps is torn or fixed to the groove (tenodesis). Bone suture fixation is done with an anchor through the anterosuperior portal. The sutures need to be passed with a mattress technique approximately 15 mm from the edge of the tendon and each limb of the suture approximately 5 mm from one another. These sutures are not tied at this point but pulled through an anterior portal to keep them out of the surgical field. A second anchor is then placed laterally, and the sutures passed as a simple stitch or a U stitch for a guy rope technique as described previously. The Spectrum instrument is often used for a U stitch, and a grasper may be used for a simple stitch. Knots are tied first with the lateral fixation followed by the medial sutures.

Extension into the Infraspinatus Tendon

Tears that extend into the infraspinatus tendon are often L shaped. These tears require a reverse approach for the tendon-to-bone reinsertion. The arm is placed closer to the side of the body. The visualization is through the anterolateral portal. The tendon is pulled from posterior to anterior and to a lesser degree from medial to lateral. The first anchors are placed at the posterolateral border of the greater tuberosity following the same principles of a supraspinatus repair but using two posterior portals for the instruments. In cases of a laminated tear, the deeper-flap one is fixed first to the medial part of the tuberosity. Before tendon fixation to bone, a tendon-to-tendon suture repair is necessary between the split in the infraspinatus tear to close the “L” portion of the tear. The side to side sutures between the supra- and infraspinatus are performed after the tendon to bone to perform an anatomic repair with a lateral view and both anterior and posterior portal for instrumentation.

Subscapularis Tendon Tears

Tear of the Upper Third. Subluxation or dislocation of the long head of the biceps tendon (LHB) is often associated with this pathology. When the LHB is in its normal position in the groove, then one needs to be careful neither to create instability by damaging the middle pulley nor to create an impingement between the LHB and the knots tied for subscapularis fixation. The entire operation is performed in the anterior portal and a lateral portal, or located at the rotator interval near the LHB. The scope is placed near the bicipital-groove and is oriented inferior. To expose the subscapularis, the arm must be positioned with more flexion than usual. After abrasion of the lesser tuberosity, an anchor is inserted just in front of the biceps groove, and the braided suture is passed through the subscapularis tendon in the same manner as used for the other tendon repairs. The suture retriever may be passed through the cannula or the antero-superior portal based on the location of the tendon. A U and simple suture are used on an anchor with a double suture. While pulling at the strands, the knot is tightened, and the arm is internally rotating to help reduce the tear.



Rotator cuff tears fail to heal in 5% to 90% of cases depending upon the size of the tear, chronicity of the tear, the degree of muscle atrophy, amount of fibrofatty degeneration, and method of repair. There is a growing interest in methods to enhance the biologic potential of rotator cuff tendon repair through the use of naturally occurring extracellular matrices (ECM). ECM are naturally occurring three-dimensional constructs that are harvested from human or animal tissues and are often processed by the manufacturer to remove most of the cellular components. The goal for removal of the cells is to decrease the antigenicity of the material. Cell removal involves different, often patented and proprietary processes that can include saline and mild acidic washes and in some cases the use of enzymes to remove DNA and RNA. The degree and consistency of cell removal varies among the graft materials available for clinical use today. The second major differences in these graft materials are the use of cross-linking agents. Cross-linking of collagen will result in a marked decrease in the ability of the host to resorb the matrix and in these cases the material is a permanent implant. The purpose of the use of most of the ECM grafts is to apply an absorbable three-dimensional matrix that contains growth factors and an environment that promotes host cell infiltration and subsequent production of neo-tendon matrices. Over a period (6 to 12 weeks), the graft material is absorbed, assuming that the material is not cross-linked. During this period the graft material loses its mechanical properties, and in most cases, it is not sufficient to act as a mechanical tendon substitute of the repair site. Moreover, the decrease in the graft material properties occurs in a time frame that is shorter than the time it takes to produce a strong new tendon host matrix either within the primary tendon-to-bone repair site or the graft material. For these reasons, the absorbable graft materials available today should not be used primarily as a mechanical augmentation device but rather for their biologic properties. The primary repair, quality of the tissues, and postoperative rehabilitation should be mechanically sufficient to allow for optimal healing. Under these circumstances chronic two-tendon tears of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendon will fail to heal in 30% of cases when repaired by open surgery, using bone reinforcement, with #2 nonabsorbable sutures and a Mason-Allen suture technique and an abduction brace or pillow for 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. If these E CM grafts are to have a potential biologic benefit in these types of tears, it is likely to be apparent only when the mechanical environment of the repair is sufficient to allow an intact repair in the first 6 weeks after repair. For smaller tears with less tension at the repair site and better quality of the tissue, the healing rate without biologic enhancement is 85% or greater with open or arthroscopic repair, use of a sling, and early mobilization of the shoulder. In these cases, the use of a graft may improve the results of surgery under these surgical and postoperative conditions. There continues to be rapid progress and advances in this area of tendon repair augmentation, and careful prospective randomized clinical trials are needed of the currently available products as well as those that will be developed in the future. All clinicians using these materials are at this point advised having a thorough understanding of the products’ properties and evidence-based data to support their safety and efficacy in each specific clinical application.


The long-term results of rotator cuff repair have been evaluated. Wolfgang in 1974 reported on 65 full-thickness rotator cuff repairs that were first evaluated at 9.8 months and then at 8.2 years postoperatively. In addition to cuff repair, 55% of the shoulders in this series underwent lateral acromionectomy. Sixty-nine percent of the shoulders in this series demonstrated good to excellent results at 9.8 months; 46 of these patients were again evaluated at an average of 8.2 years postoperatively, and 74% of these had good to excellent results at that time. Petersson in a different study in 1981 also demonstrated that the results of rotator cuff repair do not deteriorate over time. Of 66 original surgical patients in the study, 43 shoulders were available for re-examination at an average of 14 years after the original procedure. These results were compared with the results obtained in these same patients only 6 months after their original procedures. A good result was judged to be a shoulder with more than 150 degrees of elevation, as well as being devoid of pain. At 6 months postoperatively, 63% of the shoulders were rated as good, and at 14 years postoperatively, 58% were judged to have good results. Samilson and Binder in 1975 evaluated the results obtained in 33 shoulders with full-thickness tears undergoing surgical repair. The coracoacromial ligament was excised in all cases, and an anterior acromioplasty was performed in 21% of the shoulders in addition to the tendon repair. After an average follow-up of 23 months, 84% of these shoulders were rated as having good or excellent results; 76% of the patients returned to work, and 70% of the shoulders demonstrated increased strength in external rotation postoperatively. By 1985, the techniques of rotator cuff repair became more standardized for surgeon acceptance of the importance of physical therapy, anterior acromioplasty, and the preservation of the deltoid muscle origin. Hawkins and coworkers reviewed 100 consecutive rotator cuff repairs at a mean of 4.2 years postoperatively. Repair of the tendon and anterior acromioplasty were employed in all surgical procedures. Postoperatively, 86% of these 100 patients had no or slight pain. The average active abduction postoperatively was 125 degrees (compared to 81 degrees preoperatively). Of the patients in Hawkins’ series, 78% could use their affected arm above the shoulder level either normally or with minimal compromise postoperatively, compared with 16% of patients being able to do this preoperatively. Postoperative strength in external rotation of the shoulder was considered to be normal in 42%, compared with 22% of shoulders preoperatively. All but six of the patients (94%) considered themselves to be improved after rotator cuff surgery. Although a statistically significant improvement in strength of the shoulder was demonstrated postoperatively, the authors of this study were of the opinion that the improvement in function was primarily related to relief of pain. Ellman and coworkers reviewed 50 rotator cuff repairs after an average follow-up duration of 3.5 years. A full thickness tear was present in 49 of the shoulders (98%). Anterior acromioplasty was performed in 48 of the shoulders (96%), and in 20 of these same 48 shoulders, distal clavicle excision was also performed. These authors rated their results according to the criteria of Neer. They obtained a satisfactory result in 84% of the shoulders when pain, function, and strength of forwarding flexion were evaluated. Forty-nine of the patients (98%) were satisfied with their result. A large series of rotator cuff repairs were reviewed by Neer and coworkers in 1988. These authors analyzed 245 shoulders with tears of the cuff necessitating repair, and 243 of these (99% ) also underwent anterior acromioplasty. Follow-up averaged 5.5 years and results were graded as “excellent” (essentially normal shoulder), “satisfactory” (no significant pain, active elevation above horizontal, and patient pleased with the result) or “unsatisfactory.” Excellent or satisfactory results were obtained in 92%, and excellent results were obtained in 78% of these shoulders. When using these principles for rotator cuff repair, Cofield, in a review of the literature, found an average of 85% of patients had satisfactory results, with reports up to 100%. The Shoulder Service at New York Orthopaedic Hospital for rotator cuff repairs in 486 patients found 96% had satisfactory pain relief and 80% had substantial functional improvement. Recently, Cofield and coworkers examined 81 shoulders following rotator cuff repair at an average of 7.5 years following surgery. Anterior acromioplasty and repair of the tendon defect were performed on all of the shoulders at surgery. Ninety-three percent obtained satisfactory pain relief, and 94% of the patients were of the opinion that they were much better after surgery; 83% returned to work. Overall, 65% had excellent results, and 79% had either excellent or satisfactory results. Cofield reviewed many different series of rotator cuff repairs and averaged the results as described by the various authors. Overall, pain relief occurred in 87% of shoulders, and patient satisfaction averaged 77%. Factors appearing to influence the outcome of rotator cuff repair appear to be the size of the tear, patient age, and preoperative function. Hattrup evaluated patient age relative to outcome following rotator cuff repair. He was able to show that patients older than the age of 65 years tended to have poorer results as well as larger cuff tears. Cofield and coworkers found that tear size is the single most important factor influencing long-term results. Pollock and coworkers also found that cuff tear size directly correlated with outcome. Satisfactory results were obtained in 95% of small, 94% of medium, 88% of large, and 84% of massive tears. Others have also found that results for surgical repair of massive tears are inferior to those for smaller tears. Harryman and coworkers suggested a reason why larger tears did less well: The repair was less likely to remain intact. Increased preoperative tear size, poorer tissue quality, increased the difficulty of tendon mobilization, and the presence of a rupture of the tendon of the long head of the biceps, together, adversely affected the outcome. Numerous studies have found other factors that affect the outcomes of rotator cuff surgery. A study of 30 diabetic patients with rotator cuff repairs revealed a 10% rate of infection and 7% rate of failure compared to a group of matched controls, which had only one failure and no infections. Another study evaluated the effects of smoking in a group of 95 patients compared to a control group of 125 nonsmokers. The mean postoperative University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) score for the smokers was 25 and for the nonsmokers was 32. Tear size and worker’s compensation status were not found to correlate with outcomes in the study. Age is another variable that may affect the outcome of rotator cuff repair, but this has not been consistently found in many case series. The number of excellent and good results for patients older than 62 ranges from 44% to 87% in three cases series designed specifically to evaluate the effects of age on rotator cuff repair outcomes. Concomitant acromioplasty has been the standard of care for many years until recent reports showed data that question the effectiveness of this treatment for patients undergoing rotator cuff repair. Goldberg et al. reported their results of open rotator cuff repair in a series of 27 patients with small and large tears. None of the patients had concomitant acromioplasty. The Simple Shoulder Test (SST) scores improved from 6 to 10 after an average follow-up of 4 years. Gartsman and O’Connor reported their results of a randomized study comparing the treatment of rotator cuff repairs with either a concomitant acromioplasty or no acromioplasty. All patients in the study had a type II acromion, and all the rotator cuff tears involved only the supraspinatus tendon. After a minimum 1-year follow-up, the mean American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) score for the acromioplasty group was 91.5, and for the nonacromioplasty group was 89.2, which was not statistically significant. Tear size, patient age, and preoperative ASES scores were the same in both groups. Many techniques have been described for the management of massive rotator cuff tears, including débridement partial repair mobilization and repair of cuff tissue tendon transfer implantation of fascia allografts, and the placement of synthetic material. Mobilization and transposition of existing rotator cuff tissue have generally yielded better results than implantation of fascia, allografts, synthetic material or cuff débridement. Ellman and coworkers were able to show a correlation between a poor result and preoperative strength and active range of motion. If patients had grade three-fifths strength or less or were unable to abduct their shoulder beyond 100 degrees, there was an increased risk of a poor result. When patients have an unsatisfactory result, it is usually associated with poor function and not pain relief. This is supported by Bigliani et al. and Hawkins et al. who found that there was good pain relief for repairs of massive tears, but the functional improvement was less predictable. Finally, the outcome of rotator cuff repair may not necessarily be directly related to complete healing of the tendon. Calvert and coworkers demonstrated good function, pain relief, and satisfaction despite having a documented dye leak at follow-up shoulder arthrography. Packer and coworkers had similar findings and suggest a “water-tight closure” of a cuff defect is not necessary. Likewise, Harryman and coworkers found up to 50% of their cuff repairs had a postoperative defect. This did not adversely influence patient satisfaction or pain relief, but it did affect shoulder strength. Indeed, in their study, the most important factor affecting strength and function at follow-up was a maintained tendon repair. This, combined with the poor results reported for decompression without repair of cuff tears, has led to an increased emphasis on the technical adequacy of tendon repair, including the use of stronger sutures, tendon or bone augmentation, and postoperative bracing. A particularly careful and well-documented study found 88% good or excellent results after cuff repair and good correlation between patient satisfaction and objective measures such as the Constant score. Gerber et al. reported their results of open repair of 29 massive rotator cuff tears after a minimum 2-year follow-up. The tendons were repaired with a modified Mason-Allen suture technique fixed to the humerus through a thin titanium plate for cortical bone augmentation. The Constant score improved from 49% to 85% of the normal shoulder, and forward flexion improved from 92 to 142 degrees. Patients with two-tendon tears had better motion, less pain, and higher Constant scores than patients with three-tendon tears. Postoperative MRI revealed retears in 34% of patients, and the patients with failed repairs had significantly lower Constant scores, more pain, and less active motion. Muscle atrophy could be reversed in the supraspinatus muscle if the repair did not fail, but atrophy could not be reversed in the other muscles of the rotator cuff. Fatty degeneration increased in all muscles regardless of the repair integrity. To find an association between repair integrity and outcome, Klepps et al. reported their results of open repair of 32 medium and large rotator cuff tears. After a minimum 1-year follow-up, the UCLA shoulder score was 31 for tears less than 3 mm and 29 for tears greater than 3 mm, which was not significantly different. The retear rate for MRI at 1 year was 31%, and patients with failed repairs had lower UCLA scores and worse pain scores. In 1999, Rokito et al. reported their results of open repair of 30 large and massive rotator cuff tears after a minimum 4-year follow-up. All of the patients were satisfied with the procedure, and the average UCLA score improved from 12 to 31. The mean peak torque in flexion, abduction, and external rotation was 80%, 73%, and 91%   respectively, of the normal shoulder. This study suggests that the results of open repair are durable after many years and that patients may require more time to regain their maximum shoulder strength. In the same year, Romeo et al. reported their results of open repair of 72 full-thickness rotator cuff tears after a minimum follow-up of 2 years. Twenty-one tears were massive tears, but they were all repairable. Seventy-six percent of the patients had minimal pain, were able to perform activities of daily living, had 75% of normal strength, and lost less than 20 degrees of forward flexion. Patients with massive cuff tears had an average UCLA score of 81 compared to patients with a smaller tear, who had a score of 91; women with an associated biceps tendon rupture had an average UCLA score of 65 compared to women without a biceps rupture, who had a score of 95. In a study with the longest follow-up after rotator cuff surgery, Galatz et al. reported their results of 33 open repairs after 10 years of follow-up. The Constant raw scores were the same at 2- and 10-year follow-up, but after the scores were normalized for expected age-related activity level, the Constant scores were even greater after 10-year than after 2-year follow-up. Twelve patients continued to work at their same occupation, and only two patients retired because of problems with their shoulder. The patients’ subjective evaluation of the procedure did not change after 10 years. The results of arthroscopic acromioplasty with a miniopen rotator cuff repair are good. Levy and coworkers reported 80% satisfactory result. Of their patients, 96% were satisfied with the procedure. We have recently reported our experience with mini-open rotator cuff repairs following an arthroscopic acromioplasty. All 30 of our patients had an excellent result at an average of 25 months of follow-up. All the tears in this study group were either small or medium. The short-term benefits of mini-open repair were reported by Hata et al. The authors compared their results of mini-open repair to a cohort of patients who were treated earlier with a classic open repair. No massive tears were included in the study. At 3- and 6-month follow-up, the mini-open group had 12 degrees more forward flexion, but at 1-year follow-up, motion and strength were the same. The average UCLA score was 33 at 1-year follow-up. Reports by Hersch and Sgaglione showed that excellent results could be achieved in up to 90% of patients when the mini-open approach is used. The authors also cited the added benefit of arthroscopic visualization of the glenohumeral joint to diagnose concomitant biceps, articular, or AC joint pathology. What is lacking from these recent studies are significant numbers of patients with massive rotator cuff tears who have been shown to have worse results after classic open repairs. Entirely arthroscopic repair is still in evolution, but early results have been variable depending on cuff tear size, the location of the tear, and chronicity. The results seen with arthroscopic repair have been consistent with those seen with open repair when comparing patient and anatomic factors that affect the outcome. Weber compared 39 entirely arthroscopic repairs with 101 arthroscopic-assisted mini-open repairs; he found lower early morbidity, but also a higher complication rate, including three loose anchors (8%), in the arthroscopic group. After 6 weeks, the outcomes were identical. Three recent series contained 137 patients followed for at least 1 year after arthroscopic cuff repair; overall, 88% achieved good or excellent results. Numerous studies have shown that arthroscopic repair of full-thickness rotator cuff tears provides excellent or good results in 85% to 95% of patients after a minimum 2-year follow-up. The strengths of these studies include the use of validated outcome scores, uniform surgeon experiences, and large patient numbers. One major deficiency in the arthroscopic literature is the small number of massive rotator cuff repairs, which has been shown in previous studies to affect functional outcome scores adversely. Many studies that include all sizes of cuff tears will report that statistical analysis did not find any correlation between outcome scores and tear size, even though the number of massive tears in the study is small. Data analysis in each of these studies may be misleading about tear size and outcome because of the lack of statistical power, not because the association does not exist when using arthroscopic repair techniques. Another confounding variable that is not reported in any of the arthroscopic studies is muscle atrophy or fatty infiltration, which has been shown by Gerber et al. to play a significant role in the outcome of open rotator cuff repairs. So while most reports show that the average rotator cuff tear can be treated successfully with arthroscopic techniques, questions remain regarding the best approach to use for the treatment of massive rotator cuff tears with muscle atrophy. In 1998, Gartsman et al. reported their results of arthroscopic treatment of 73 rotator cuff tears after a minimum 2-year follow-up. Six patients had massive tears. The Constant score improved from an average of 41 to 89, and 83% of patients had an excellent or a good result. Burkhart et al. treated 59 patients with arthroscopic rotator cuff repair directly to bone or with margin convergence alone. This series included 13 massive cuff tears. Excellent and good results were found in 95% of patients according to the Constant score. The average score for massive tears was 29.9, while the average score for all others was 31.6. Only one study to date has reported the results of the integrity of arthroscopically repaired rotator cuffs. Galatz et al. repaired 18 rotator cuff tears that were all larger than 2 cm and evaluated their patients with ultrasound 1 year after the repair. Seventeen of the 18 patients had recurrent tears, yet the average ASES score improved from 48 to 80, and all of the patients were satisfied with the procedure. The personal experience of one of the authors (LL) with 116 shoulders in 115 patients operated on for full-thickness rotator cuff tears from 1998 to 2001 was evaluated. In this series, there were 63 (55%) men and 52 (45%) women with a median age of 57 years (range 36 to 80 years). There were 13 anterosuperior lesions (six large subscapularis tears) and 40 superior, 36 posterosuperior, and 27 massive rotator cuff tears. The patients were evaluated pre- and postoperatively according to the criteria of the Constant and Murley Score (CMS). Preoperatively, all patients had a standard set of radiographs, arthrograms, and arthro-CT scans; postoperatively all had standard radiographs, 89 patients had arthrograms, and 17 of these had an additional CT scan. Pre- and postoperative images were measured for the humeral head–acromion distance, arthrographic signs of retear, tear retraction, and, when CT scan was available, fatty degeneration of the muscles according to the criteria of Goutallier et al. Average follow-up was 26 months (24 to 60 months). There were no infections for frozen shoulder. Revision surgery was performed for retear, biceps problems, and captured cuff problems. The CMS increased from 40.3 for that of a normal shoulder preoperatively to 80.1 postoperatively. All parameters of CMS were improved. The postoperative scores correlated with the high patient satisfaction. The greatest improvement was with anterosuperior tears, with an average increase of 43.6%. The average increase for superior lesions was 41.1%, for the posterosuperior lesions at 39.5%, and for the massive lesions only 36.4%. The best improvement in pain was found in the posterosuperior lesions, the greatest improvement in activities of daily living was with superior lesions, and the best outcome in mobility and strength were with anterosuperior lesions. The influence of the intraoperative state of the LHB and its treatment were not studied in the anterosuperior lesion. Eighty-seven of the 116 patients had a postoperative arthrogram or arthro-CT. Forty-two (48.3%) were watertight, and 45 (51.7%) had a positive arthrogram. The presence of complete healing based upon the presence of a leak on arthrogram was different among the different lesions. A negative arthrogram is complete healing of the tendon, but a leak of contrast can be correlated with a recurrent tear or to a nonwatertight repair; however, in some shoulders, this may still represent partial healing or almost complete healing in a case when the rotator interval was not closed. Our arthrogram data are difficult to evaluate because of incomplete recording of the intraoperative estimate of the cuff repair or the nature of the rotator interval closure. Correlation between clinical results and postoperative arthrograms demonstrate that patients with a leak of contrast (51.7%) had a greater gain in all CMS variables than those with a watertight cuff, but both patient groups had similar absolute postoperative Constant scores. This further supports our opinion that a leak on a postoperative arthrogram is not always correlated with a clinically significant recurrent tear. Conversely, a poor clinical result, in which recurrent surgery was necessary, was always correlated with a massive leak of contrast on arthrogram and a massive retraction at the second surgery. In some cases, revision surgery was required for persistent untreated biceps pathology or a cuff capture due to adhesions, and in these cases, there was a negative arthrogram.

Factors causes of rotator

cuff failure


The relationship between the vascular blood supply to the rotator cuff and its role in the failure of these muscles continues to be controversial. Although a compromised vascular supply has been suggested as a cause of rotator cuff disease, no study has been able to validate this claim fully. Codman originally suggested that a critical portion existed in the distal tendon predisposing it to calcification and degeneration. He believed that a vascular mechanism, in conjunction with trauma, led to the tearing of the rotator cuff. Other studies have supported these early findings in cadaveric studies showing zones of hypovascularity near the insertion of the tendon. Also, Rudzki et al. examined age-related dynamic changes in the vascularity in the rotator cuff in vivo, and found that there was a significant decrease in blood flow to the supraspinatus tendon in patients over the age of 40 compared with patients younger than 40. They further suggested that this was consistent with the increased prevalence of rotator cuff pathology in older age groups because the decreased blood supply may predispose a patient to tendinopathy and possible attrition or failure. By contrast, other studies have failed to show decreases in the vascular supply to critical portions of the rotator cuff (anterosuperior corner of supraspinatus). Moseley and Goldie (1963) performed microinjection studies on cadaveric shoulders and found a watershed area that corresponded to the critical zone of the tendon (that was most susceptible to tears), but that this area was not necessarily less vascularized than other portions of the cuff. However, Rathbun and Macnab (1970) noted that avascular areas existed within the supraspinatus tendon, especially in the adducted position. Also, they did note that the zones of relative avascularity would precede cuff degeneration. When tendon degeneration did occur, secondary vascular changes could be seen. In 1990, a study by Lohr and Ulthoff showed that the bursal side of the cuff was well vascularized whereas the articular side had a sparse vascular supply. They concluded that this might predispose the articular side of the rotator cuff to failure. Intraoperative laser Doppler flowmetry has also been used to assess cuff vascularity. The aim of the study by Swiontowski and coworkers (1990) was to clarify the discrepancy between the prior cadaveric studies that showed hypovascular zones within the supraspinatus tendon and surgical findings of increased vascularity in patients with impingement syndrome. Intact tendons and those with tendinitis demonstrated increased zones of vascularity where the greatest mechanical impingement occurred. Partial tears also exhibited increased vascularity at this critical zone; however, patients with complete tears had variable vascularity. They concluded that impingement causes a hypervascular response resulting in resorption of injured tendon fibers and mediates the progression of rotator cuff disease. Finally, Funakoshi and coworkers (2010) did an elegant in vivo study showing that there was a significant decrease in blood flow in the intratendinous region in seniors compared with young people, but age did not affect blood flow in bursal tissue. They also noted that rupture of the tendon did not seem to affect the blood supply to the tendon, which is contrary to what had been found in previous studies. Many of the discussed studies have inherent shortcomings, whether they are cadaveric, postmortem, or microinjection studies. Further study should focus on in vivo methods as well as microscopic tissue evaluation to help answer some of the unanswered and controversial questions, about the vascular supply of the cuff tendons and its role in the ultimate failure of the rotator cuff. Regardless, the ability to heal an injury of any type in the human body requires adequate blood supply, so the question in future studies will not be so much if vascularity plays a role in full-thickness rotator cuff tears but rather how much of the injury seen in rotator cuff tears is due to a vascular etiology alone.


Recently, Abboud and coworkers (2010) delineated a relationship of hypercholesterolemia to rotator cuff disease. They found that total cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) were all higher in patients with rotator cuff disease and that there was a trend toward a lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in these patients versus the control group. Whether this represents a true independent risk factor for rotator cuff disease or is part of the overall continuum of aging and its effect on rotator cuff disease remains unclear. More work is currently being performed to determine the exact role of cholesterol in rotator cuff disease. Similar to cigarette smoking, intrinsic factors such as cholesterol, which contribute to the overall health of a patient, undoubtedly contribute to the health of the rotator cuff tendons.


The effect of aging is that of progressive degeneration of all elements of the rotator cuff. Since Codman and Akerson (1931) noted that tendinous defects in supraspinatus were typically found 1 cm medial to the insertion and that this finding had an increased frequency with increasing age, many studies have been performed showing that age has a direct effect on the failure of the rotator cuff. DePalma et al. (1949) also noted that partial-thickness tears typically begin to occur in patients aged >40 and increase in frequency with age. Hashimoto and coworkers (2003) did an elegant study showing degenerative change, myxoid degeneration, and loss of collagen orientation in full-thickness tears. They concluded that, in the setting of microtrauma, degeneration from aging appears to be the main cause of rotator cuff tears. Rudzki and coworkers (2008) examined dynamic changes and found that vascularity to the cuff decreased significantly in the over 40 group versus the under 40 group, giving a cause for the age-related degeneration of the rotator cuff. In addition to these studies that examined the pathology and vascularity of the rotator cuff as it related to aging, others have performed radiological studies in an attempt to stratify increasing age and its effect on the integrity of the rotator cuff. Sher et al. (1995) lent support to the theory that degeneration and aging were one of the main causes of rotator cuff failure, together with an MRI study in asymptomatic volunteers, the findings of which showed that 54% of patients aged >60 years had a partial- or full-thickness rotator cuff tear, and those individuals between the age of 40 and 60 had a prevalence of 28% whereas those under 40 had an incidence of 4%, all of which were partial-thickness tears. Besides, Milgrom and coworkers (1995) also found an increased incidence of rotator cuff tears in asymptomatic individuals using ultrasonography, in which 50% of individuals in the seventh decade had a tear and 80% of those aged >80 years had either a partial-thickness or a full-thickness tear. More recently, Yamaguchi et al. (2006) performed a retrospective study and found that there was approximately a 10-year difference in the average age of patients with no rotator cuff tear (48.7 years), a partial-thickness rotator cuff tear (58.7 years), and a full-thickness rotator cuff tear (67.8 years). Besides, they found that 35.5% of patients with symptomatic full-thickness tears had one on their asymptomatic side and patients with asymptomatic shoulder with no rotator cuff tear had an almost 98% chance of having no rotator cuff tear on their asymptomatic side.  As these studies demonstrate, when a patient ages, the risk of having a rotator cuff tear increases. What has not yet been fully delineated in the literature is how aging causes rotator cuff failure. It is likely that, as we age, the blood supply to the rotator cuff is compromised and other factors such as overuse, high cholesterol, and smoking all contribute to the degeneration of the rotator cuff, ultimately leading to a full-thickness failure.

Complications of Rotator Cuff Surgery


Etiology and Prevention

Acromial fracture has been reported in association with both open and arthroscopic acromioplasty. Although the reported incidence of fractures is quite low, the overall incidence is unknown and may be underreported or undetected. Etiologic risk factors that have been identified include osteopenia and overzealous bone resection. The higher prevalence of fracture during arthroscopic acromioplasty is probably related to the technical error. The technique of arthroscopic acromioplasty is difficult to master and carries with it a significant learning curve. Three-dimensional perception of the direction and depth of bone resection is often difficult to appreciate arthroscopically, when visualizing in a two-dimensional field. This holds true even for experienced surgeons. It has been stated anecdotally in the literature that removal of greater than 50% of the acromial thickness increases the likelihood of fracture. With this in mind, the risk of acromial stress fracture following arthroscopic acromioplasty can be mitigated by maintaining as much of the thickness of the acromion as possible while still removing the subacromial spur. There is no predetermined amount of bone to resect among all patients with subacromial impingement. Rather, the amount of bone resection will vary depending on the size of the spur as well as the size of the acromion (i.e., patient). Several studies suggest that the amount of bone resection required to relieve abnormal subacromial contact may be rather small. There probably exists an optimal range of bone resection that will both relieve impingement and minimize the risk of postoperative acromial fracture. Bone resections on either side of that range may result in poorer results due to either acromial stress fracture or persistent impingement. Preoperative radiographic assessment of acromial morphology (shape and thickness) should be used to provide an estimate of the amount of bone to be removed intraoperatively. Although the interobserver reliability of the commonly used classification system of acromial morphology (types I, II, and III) has been called into question, the supraspinatus outlet view has been advocated by many authors as the best view to evaluate subacromial spurring. Others have favored a standing anteroposterior (AP) view with 30-degree caudal tilt to assess the anterior prominence of the acromion. Since the acromial spur occurs in two planes (anterior and inferior), use of both the outlet and 30-degree caudal tilt views is recommended to provide sufficient preoperative information regarding spur size and acromial thickness. Determination of acromial thickness should also be measured at the junction of the middle and anterior thirds of the acromion, which indicates the true thickness of the acromion. This measurement can then be subtracted from the measured thickness of the spur to provide an estimate of the desired bone resection. Although Neer cautioned against the shortening of the anterior acromion, subsequent authors have noted the importance of the anterior prominence in the impingement syndrome. Rockwood and Lyons formally described the two-step acromioplasty in which any portion of the acromion projecting anterior to the clavicle is removed, followed by removal of the inferior aspect of the acromion. This may be performed with either an osteotome or oscillating saw, followed by feathering of any residual ridge with a burr or nasal rasp. Some authors recommend using only the burr. These techniques are reliable and reproducible with few reported acromial fractures in the literature. Arthroscopic acromioplasty may be performed via anterior or posterior approaches. While overzealous bone resection may occur during either technique, the mechanism differs depending on which operative portal is used. Techniques that solely use the posterior portal for acromial resection use the undersurface of the posterior acromion as a template to progressively flatten the acromion from posterior to anterior. A drawback of this technique is the inability to visualize the thickness of the acromion. This can be overcome by performing the acromioplasty in two stages. Through an anterolateral portal, a full-thickness resection of a small portion of the anterior acromion, determined by extending a line laterally from the anterior cortical border of the clavicle, is performed. The coracoacromial ligament is subperiosteally elevated from the anterior aspect of the acromion, and the hood of the burr is turned toward the deltoid fascia to maintain an intact deltoid origin. This is followed by the posterior cutting block technique while visualizing the thickness of the acromion through the anterolateral portal. The most common error occurs when the surgeon fails to keep the burr parallel to the undersurface of the acromion. When the posterior acromion and arthroscopic burr are convergent, rather than parallel, the anterior acromion may be excessively thinned or amputated. This problem may occur if the surgeon has placed the posterior portal too low, or may be related to an inferior prominence of the posterior acromion. The surgeon can compensate by replacing the instrument through a separate, more parallel portal, or by adjusting the angle or amount of resection accordingly. Under-resection can be easily addressed by making a second pass of the burr while over-resection is not a correctable error. The known diameter of the burr is used to properly measure the depth of the bone resection as well as the thickness of the residual anterior acromion so that approximately 50% of the thickness remains following acromioplasty.

Acromial resection through a midlateral or anterolateral portal requires that the burr sweep from anterior to posterior. The amount of bone resection, or depth of penetration of the burr, is greatest at the anterior acromial margin and is progressively tapered to zero at the posterior border of the acromioclavicular joint. Failure to taper the resection depth will result in a thinner, dome-shaped acromion that may be prone to a stress fracture. Care should also be taken to preserve at least 50% of the thickness of the acromion. We try to accomplish this by performing the acromioplasty in two stages. The first stage is performed as described above. This is followed by beveling of the acromion from anterior to posterior, starting laterally and progressively working toward the medial acromial facet.


Although acromial fracture following anterior acromioplasty occurs either intraoperatively or within the first several months following surgery, there is often a delay in diagnosis due to a low index of suspicion. While the inciting event may be rather minor, the patient will often report a sudden, marked increase in pain, associated with swelling. There will be marked point tenderness over the dorsal aspect of the acromion, corresponding to the fracture site. This typically occurs at the junction of the anterior and middle thirds of the acromion, in line with the posterior border of the clavicle and acromioclavicular joint. The diagnosis is confirmed with routine radiography including an axillary view, a supraspinatus outlet view, and an anteroposterior view with 30-degree caudal tilt. If these studies are not sufficient magnetic resonance imaging will confirm the diagnosis.


Nonoperative treatment of patients with acromial stress fracture following anterior acromioplasty is generally unsuccessful. Patients frequently develop a painful nonunion as a result of micromotion from deltoid contracture. This is similar to patients with a painful os acromiale. Surgical treatment options include excision, open reduction and internal fixation, and bone grafting. The anterior fragment, which has already been partially resected, is often thin and irregular. Under these circumstances, it is usually difficult or impossible to perform adequate internal fixation of the fragment, and excision is preferred. Open excision requires detachment of the deltoid, which is prone to postoperative dehiscence. Careful arthroscopic excision of the fragment may be less likely to lead to dehiscence of the deltoid if the deltotrapezial aponeurosis is left intact at the time of surgery. Open reduction, internal fixation, and possible bone grafting is preferred when the fragment is large enough. Arthroscopic excision is delayed for 6 to 12 weeks following the initial surgery to allow the fracture and soft tissue envelope to recover from the hemorrhagic stage of the acute injury. The resulting healed fibrous tissue surrounding the fracture site is theoretically less likely to fail after the non-united anterior fragment has been excised. Arthroscopic excision is performed in a manner analogous to excision of a painful pre-acromion or mesacromion. The subacromial space is viewed through the posterior portal, and the burr is placed through an anterolateral accessory portal. The soft tissue on the undersurface of the acromion is removed using electrocautery or radiofrequency device, and any remaining coracoacromial ligament is subperiosteally elevated from the anterior aspect of the fragment. The fragment is then removed using a hooded arthroscopic burr, sweeping from the anterior lip of the non-united fragment to the nonunion site. The resection begins laterally and proceeds medially. Eventually, all that remains is a thin dorsal cortex that can be carefully peeled away from its fascial envelope, leaving an intact sleeve of deltotrapezial aponeurosis that is in continuity with the remaining acromion and the anterior deltoid. If the surgeon feels that he or she risks disruption of the fascia, it is more advisable to leave a small amount of the dorsal periosteum than to penetrate the fascial layer. Excision of fragments that are larger than a typical meso os acromiale may result in unacceptable deltoid weakness. If the fracture line is posterior to the posterior aspect of the acromioclavicular joint, open reduction and internal fixation should be strongly considered. Postoperatively, it is important to emphasize full passive motion exercises, beginning on the day of surgery. An overhead pulley is added at 4 weeks. Actively assisted motion is allowed 6 weeks postoperatively. A therapy regimen that is too aggressive risks disruption of the thin deltotrapezial aponeurosis. Subsequent rotator cuff and scapular strengthening exercises are initiated 8 to 12 weeks following surgery. Results following treatment of postoperative acromial stress fracture have been sparsely reported. Excision of the anterior acromion does shorten the anteroposterior dimension of the acromion, thereby compromising the deltoid lever arm. This may potentially lead to weakness in forwarding elevation, fatigue in overhead activity, and inconsistent pain relief. However, if the deltoid remains intact, an excellent result is possible.



Etiology and Prevention

The objective of anterior acromioplasty is to establish a tunnel beneath the anterior acromion and the acromioclavicular joint, thereby enlarging the supraspinatus outlet and freeing the supraspinatus tendon. Persistent impingement following rotator cuff surgery, therefore, is the result of inadequate supraspinatus outlet decompression. This has been reported in association with residual anterior spurring inferiorly projecting acromioclavicular osteophytes and persistence or regrowth of the coracoacromial ligament.

Persistent impingement has been reported in 18% to 79% of patients with failed acromioplasty. The true incidence of inadequate outlet decompression or persistent impingement following acromioplasty is unknown. Those who do not believe in acromioplasty in the management of rotator cuff disease undoubtedly also doubt the role of persistent impingement as a cause of persistent pain following rotator cuff surgery. Debate continues regarding surgical indications, technique, and the optimal amount of acromial resection required to relieve supraspinatus outlet narrowing. It is believed that Sir Reginald Watson-Jones performed the first lateral acromial excision for the treatment of supraspinatus tendon lesions. Although several early authors advocated lateral or radical acromionectomy in cases of chronic supraspinatus syndrome these procedures are associated with significant complications and have been largely abandoned. In 1972, Neer described the impingement syndrome, noting a characteristic ridge of proliferative spurs and excrescences on the undersurface of the anterior acromion. He recommended anterior acromioplasty with the removal of a wedge of bone, including the anterior edge and lateral portion of the undersurface of the acromion. While Neer cautioned against the shortening of the normal anterior acromion, it is clear that the intended purpose of his procedure was not only to flatten the undersurface of the acromion but also to remove any anterior projection of the acromial spur. Since the transition from the normal acromion to anterior spur is not always apparent, Rockwood and Lyons selected an imaginary line extending laterally from the anterior cortical border of the clavicle and recommended removal of any acromial projection extending past this line. The likelihood of persistent impingement related to residual acromial spurring is minimized when the resection produces a smooth inferior acromial surface, with an anterior edge that approximates the anterior cortical border of the clavicle. The causal relationship between acromial morphology and rotator cuff disease remains elusive. Radiographic, histologic, and cadaveric studies indicate that acromial spurs are traction enthesophytes, a response to tension rather than compression. The shape of the acromion changes with increasing age and in the presence of rotator cuff tears. While the correlation between type III acromions and the incidence of rotator cuff tears has been called into question, there appears to be a relationship between type III acromions and rotator cuff tear size. Cadaveric studies reveal that contact between the undersurface of the coracoacromial arch and the rotator cuff is a normal phenomenon. Animal studies have demonstrated that abnormal subacromial pressure or prominences will induce an impingement lesion or bursal-sided tearing, but does not seem to result in the articular-sided and intratendinous lesions that are most often seen in clinical practice and microscopic studies. Some authors have advocated a subacromial smoothing to remove an area of arch prominence that may create point pressures on the bursal side of the rotator cuff, rather than a nonanatomic flattening of the undersurface of the acromion. The current trend in the literature seems to be toward a more conservative acromioplasty, and in some cases, no acromioplasty. Therefore, the significance of residual subacromial spurring in the persistence of pain following rotator cuff surgery is difficult to confirm. Practically speaking, if the persistent postoperative pain is relieved with subacromial injection and other causes of persistent pain, such as stiffness, have been eliminated, removal of any residual subacromial prominence is reasonable. Inferiorly projecting acromioclavicular osteophytes may represent a source of persistent impingement pain. This problem is prevented by identifying and addressing, acromioclavicular pathology at the time of the original surgery. Distal clavicle excision is appropriate in patients who have symptoms related to the acromioclavicular joint. Coplaning of the medial acromial facet and the inferior surface of the distal clavicle theoretically removes contact pressure on the rotator cuff and is based on preoperative imaging studies, intraoperative palpation, and arthroscopic visualization. Technical points that are worth mentioning include preservation of the superior and posterior acromioclavicular ligaments when performing the distal clavicle excision and minimal disruption of the joint when performing distal clavicle coplaning. The inferior acromioclavicular ligament should be preserved in patients without preexisting osteoarthritis, since disruption may lead to a subtle but painful instability.  Persistence or regeneration of the coracoacromial ligament has been described in the literature and may represent a cause of persistent impingement following subacromial decompression. Since the persistent coracoacromial ligament is often associated with a persistent acromial spur, it is difficult to attribute the importance of the ligament to the patient’s symptoms. It is important to remember that contact between the rotator cuff and coracoacromial ligament occurs in normal shoulders. Also, preservation of an intact coracoacromial arch has been increasingly emphasized as a humeral head containment mechanism in rotator cuff-deficient shoulders. Codman emphasized the importance of the coracoacromial arch, stating that “evidently, the coracoacromial ligament has an important duty and should not be thoughtlessly divided at any operation.” Among patients with an intact or small repairable cuff, resection of a small portion of the ligament is not likely to result in clinically significant anterosuperior subluxation. However, excision of the coracoacromial ligament in patients with an irreparable cuff tear or a large tear that is difficult to repair may increase the risk of postoperative anterosuperior escape of the humeral head. Currently, most authors consider preservation of the coracoacromial ligament and direct repair to the acromion at the time of open repair of large rotator cuff tears. During arthroscopic acromioplasty, we will subperiosteally elevate the ligament from the anterior aspect of the acromion to remove the spur and will allow the origin of the ligament to regenerate.


The diagnosis of persistent subacromial impingement following rotator cuff surgery is made when physical findings associated with subacromial impingement are present, those findings improve substantially following a subacromial injection of local anesthetic (positive impingement test), and there is radiographic evidence of continued supraspinatus outlet narrowing. Patients may complain of night pain and difficulty with overhead activities and often note little or no postoperative improvement. The impingement sign and reinforcement tests (Hawkins, Jobe) elicit pain and may be associated with subacromial crepitus. Preoperative range of motion should be carefully evaluated to detect the presence of capsular contracture. Posterior capsular contracture is manifest by decreased internal rotation of the arm in the abducted position (90 degrees of elevation in the scapular plane). This finding is commonly associated with the impingement syndrome and may contribute to continued subacromial impingement following rotator cuff surgery. Supraspinatus outlet views and 30-degree caudal tilt radiographs should demonstrate evidence of supraspinatus outlet narrowing. Some patients whose postoperative radiographs reveal little or no evidence of continued anatomic narrowing of the supraspinatus outlet may have continued pain and physical findings suggestive of subacromial impingement. Presumably, their persistent symptoms are on the basis of a persistent coracoacromial ligament, subacromial scarring, or some other less obvious problem such as early glenohumeral arthritis. Diagnostic subacromial injection of lidocaine is often very helpful in localizing pain to the subacromial space (assuming the cuff is intact) and is used routinely as a confirmatory test in patients with suspected continued subacromial impingement following rotator cuff surgery.


Persistent supraspinatus outlet narrowing from residual acromial spurs, persistent coracoacromial ligament, or inferior acromioclavicular osteophytes may be managed by repeat arthroscopic or open subacromial decompression. The surgical techniques and postoperative rehabilitation for revision acromioplasty do not differ significantly from the primary analogous procedure in a nonoperated shoulder. The overall results of revision subacromial decompression are inferior to those achieved following primary subacromial decompression. This holds true for both open and arthroscopic procedures. Satisfactory results have been reported in 10% to 75% of patients undergoing revision subacromial decompression. Although some authors advocate open techniques for revision acromioplasty, it is not clear that this offers a more favorable result than arthroscopic surgery. Factors associated with inferior results include open workman’s compensation claims and factors associated with secondary gain postoperative subacromial scarring, unrealistic patient expectations, and unrecognized concomitant pathology. The importance of strict patient selection on the basis of continued radiographic supraspinatus narrowing and positive subacromial injection tests cannot be overemphasized.


Etiology and Prevention

Heterotopic ossification is a poorly understood condition featuring the formation of bone in periarticular regions. Although the pathogenesis is unclear, ectopic bone formation, in general, is most often related to burns, brain injury, or spinal cord injury. In the shoulder, heterotopic ossification has also been noted following acromial surgery and distal clavicle excision. The reported incidence of heterotopic ossification following anterior acromioplasty varies between 3% and 30% and is associated with poorer postoperative results. While Berg and Ciullo noted no significant difference between open and arthroscopic methods, Lazarus and colleagues reported a much higher incidence of heterotopic bone formation following arthroscopic acromioplasty (30%) as compared to open acromioplasty (10%). The etiology of heterotopic ossification following acromioplasty is probably multifactorial. Neer warned against the use of a power burr or handheld rasp because he felt that it would disseminate morselized bone throughout the subacromial space. Some authors who exclusively use the power burr during open acromioplasty have not noted any problems with heterotopic ossification. Lazarus et al. proposed that the use of an arthroscopic burr and pressurized pump forces bone particles into the soft tissues increasing the risk of heterotopic bone formation following arthroscopic acromioplasty. However, since immediate postoperative radiographs were not taken, they may have mistaken inadequate bone resection with the formation of heterotopic bone. Berg and Ciullo obtained radiographs within 8 weeks of surgery, noting no evidence of heterotopic bone. The overall incidence of heterotopic ossification in their series was 3.2%, and these authors noted a strong association between postoperative heterotopic ossification and a history of chronic pulmonary disease. While complete prevention of postoperative heterotopic ossification following open or arthroscopic acromioplasty would be preferable to its treatment, this may not be possible. However, some technical considerations may mitigate the occurrence of this complication. The use of an osteotome during open acromioplasty may produce less bone particulate debris than a power burr or handheld rasp. When the latter instruments are used, copious irrigation is recommended to reduce the amount of bone debris that has been created. During arthroscopic acromioplasty, frequent use of the suction attachment on the burr will minimize the spread of bone particles into the subacromial space. The subacromial space should be carefully inspected at the completion of the procedure, and any visible bone should be removed using the suction. Berg and Ciullo have recommended prophylactic treatment with indomethacin or radiation among patients with a history of ankylosing spondylitis, hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy, chronic pulmonary disease, smoking, or hypertrophic arthritis.


Recurrent pain attributable to heterotopic ossification will usually develop within 3 to 6 months following surgery. Heterotopic ossification most commonly occurs in the subacromial space, within the acromioclavicular interval, or at the deltoid attachment site. The impingement sign, impingement test, and impingement reinforcement tests are frequently positive and passive arcs of motion are usually not significantly limited. Severe periarticular heterotopic ossification occurs rarely and is associated with a dramatic loss of passive glenohumeral motion, resembling a frozen shoulder. Erythema and warmth may be present, mimicking infection. Occult infection may provoke the development of ectopic bone and should be carefully investigated. The classification system of Booker and colleagues has not been extensively applied to the condition in the shoulder. Radiographic analysis, including anteroposterior, axillary, supraspinatus outlet, Zanca, and 30-degree caudal tilt views, will facilitate the diagnosis. Computed tomography may be helpful in identifying multiple sites of heterotopic bone and may assist in preoperative planning.


Once the process of heterotopic ossification has begun, it is doubtful whether any of the available preventative measures can affect the outcome. Experience with this problem about the shoulder is limited, and recommendations are based on the reported experience and treatment of heterotopic bone formation about other joints. A primary concern relates to the timing of surgical intervention, with some authors indicating that the arbitrary 12- to 18-month delay may be unnecessary. They suggest that the heterotopic bone associated with a central nervous system injury behaves differently than that seen in postoperative patients. Surgical treatment is performed as early as 3 to 4 months, at which time the heterotopic bone often has a clear margin and trabecular pattern on standard radiographs. It does not appear to be necessary to wait for the radionucleotide bone scan or serum alkaline phosphatase level to normalize. Early excision of heterotopic bone in the elbow has offered significant benefits and yielded favorable results. Advantages include the ability to more easily peel away immature bone from the tissue planes as well as accelerated functional recovery. Early restoration of motion may provide beneficial effects to the articular cartilage and may help prevent secondary soft tissue contracture and muscular atrophy, hopefully maximizing functional recovery. The treatment of heterotopic ossification following rotator cuff surgery is based on the location and severity of the process. Prior to removal, the precise distribution of bone, the optimal surgical approaches, and the potential anatomic hazards should be reviewed. Isolated deposits within the subacromial space may be débrided by open or arthroscopic methods. Open débridement requires detachment of the deltoid but may be associated with a lower recurrence rate and allow a more thorough excision than arthroscopic débridement. Extensive pericapsular ossification requires an open approach, which is directed toward the location of the largest amount of bone. It usually occurs anteriorly and is accessed through a deltopectoral approach. When possible, excision is preferred through a muscle splitting rather than muscle detaching approach. Anterior and inferior pericapsular bone is excised through a subscapularis splitting incision. When this is not possible, the subscapularis is divided 1 to 2 cm medial to its insertion and reflected medially to expose the heterotopic bone. Heterotopic bone within the superior capsule and supraspinatus can then be excised by sharply dividing the interval between the supraspinatus and the superior capsule. The posterior heterotopic bone may require a second, more posterior incision for adequate exposure. Single low-dose radiation or a 6-week course of indomethacin is administered postoperatively to prevent recurrence.


Etiology and Prevention

The literature currently lacks a standardized definition of frozen shoulder in the postoperative setting. Therefore, the incidence of postoperative stiffness following rotator cuff surgery is unknown. However, there is generalized agreement that the hallmark of postoperative capsular contracture involves a commensurate decrease in both active and passive arcs of motion, which can include one or more planes of motion. This motion loss is asymmetric in comparison to the contralateral, uninvolved shoulder. In our clinical practice, we have defined this as a 20-degree loss of passive motion in any plane as compared to the opposite side. Symptomatic loss of movement following rotator cuff surgery may be attributed to a variety of etiologies including preexisting medical conditions, surgical technique, and postoperative rehabilitation. The likelihood of developing postoperative stiffness is highest in patients who exhibit significant capsular contracture preoperatively. Patients with comorbid conditions known to be associated with adhesive capsulitis, including diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism are also at increased risk of developing postoperative stiffness. A frozen shoulder that occurs following rotator cuff surgery is caused by a combination of capsular contracture and extracapsular scarring. Capsular involvement may be localized or generalized. Localized posterior capsular contracture is commonly associated with the subacromial impingement syndrome and rotator cuff disease. Failure to address this through preoperative stretching, or intraoperative capsular release, will result in persistent postoperative stiffness, pain, and dysfunction. A generalized capsular contracture develops when there exists an element of preoperative generalized adhesive capsulitis, following prolonged postoperative immobilization, or in association with predisposing factors such as diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, or occult glenohumeral arthritis.

Extracapsular adhesions may develop in the humeroscapular motion interface following rotator cuff surgery, interfering with normal shoulder function and motion. During normal shoulder motion, the upper proximal humerus and rotator cuff slide beneath the smooth undersurface of the coracoacromial arch, deltoid, coracoid process, and conjoined tendons. Postoperative adhesions may form in this interface, especially between the raw cancellous undersurface of the acromion and the rotator cuff. The subdeltoid and subacromial adhesions capture the deltoid and humeral head, altering the normal biomechanics of the glenohumeral joint. Subdeltoid adhesions may effectively tenodese the deltoid, requiring a greater effort from the supraspinatus tendon to achieve shoulder abduction. Iatrogenic tightening of the rotator cuff interval and over the advancement of the rotator cuff tendon are examples of operative techniques that may lead to loss of motion by capturing the shoulder. In general, rotator cuff surgery should be avoided in patients with evidence of a generalized frozen shoulder. Capsular contracture should be addressed through preoperative capsular stretching exercises. In cases of recalcitrant stiffness, consideration may be given to closed manipulation or arthroscopic release prior to performing rotator cuff surgery. An alternative approach in smaller rotator cuff tears associated with stiffness is to combine capsular release with cuff repair. Under this scenario, rehabilitation should be directed primarily at the frozen shoulder, realizing that there might be a greater chance of cuff re-rupture.


A careful history of the patient with suspected postoperative frozen shoulder may reveal the presence of predisposing risk factors. Since the hallmark of frozen shoulder is an asymmetric decrease in both active and passive arcs of motion should be evaluated in all planes and compared to the contralateral, normal shoulder. While this can be performed in the sitting or supine positions, some patients are better able to relax in the supine position with gravity eliminated. The clinical manifestation of capsular contracture depends on which portion of the capsule is affected. An isolated rotator interval contracture will limit external rotation with the arm at the side while having less of an effect on rotational motion with the arm at 90 degrees of scapular elevation. Posterior capsular contracture will result in decreased terminal elevation, cross-body adduction, internal rotation behind the back, and decreased internal rotation with the arm at 90 degrees of elevation in the scapular plane. Generalized capsular contracture will result in a global loss of motion. Patients with acute synovial inflammation may be particularly difficult to examine. This obstacle may be mitigated with intraarticular injection of lidocaine (with or without cortisone). The injection may be both diagnostic and therapeutic and should facilitate the examination. Other patients with secondary gain may demonstrate subjective complaints out of proportion to their expected objective findings. While examination under anesthesia represents a reliable method of determining the presence or absence of true capsular contracture, some simple measures may be applied to the conscious patient. When passive supine external rotation at the side equals or approximates, the opposite side, no superior capsular contracture is present. The arm is then brought to 90 degrees in the scapular plane, and passive internal and external rotation is measured. No inferior capsular contracture exists when this arc approximates the opposite side. If the arm cannot be passively forward elevated beyond 90 degrees under these circumstances, the cause is likely to be voluntary guarding, rather than contracture. Radiographic evaluation of patients with frozen shoulder is usually normal, although it should be performed to exclude the presence of pericapsular heterotopic ossification or glenohumeral arthritis. While arthrography has been recommended in the past, it is not necessary to make the correct diagnosis of frozen shoulder. Magnetic resonance imaging does not assist in making the diagnosis of frozen shoulder but may be indicated when the patient has regained full motion and continues to complain of persistent pain.


Some loss of motion following repair of a large rotator cuff tear may be inevitable due to loss of tendon tissue during local transplantation of the tendon. The acceptable amount of passive motion loss associated with acceptable results has not been defined in the literature, but some patients are obviously not bothered by the painless loss of motion, provided that function and strength are improved. Symptomatic motion loss following surgery is frequently related to dense adhesions in the humeroscapular motion interface as well as capsular contracture. Nonsurgical joint mobilization techniques are continued for 3 to 6 months, provided that the patient continues to demonstrate improvement. The judicious use of intraarticular steroid injections will usually provide significant pain relief and facilitate participation in the therapy program. However, when postoperative stiffness occurs following rotator cuff repair, the merits of intraarticular steroid placement must be balanced against the possibility of delayed tendon healing and tendon damage. Closed manipulation alone is often unsuccessful in patients with postoperative shoulder stiffness but may be attempted. Arthroscopic capsular release has been shown to be a successful technique in regaining motion in shoulders that are recalcitrant to nonsurgical measures or closed manipulation. The technique is somewhat of a misnomer in that the authors address both the capsular and extracapsular sources of shoulder stiffness at the time of surgery. The arthroscopic sheath and blunt obturator are placed into the subacromial space through a posterior or posterolateral portal. An attempt is made to pass the sheath lateral to the tuberosity and into the lateral subdeltoid recess. If this is unsuccessful, the arthroscope is placed, and an anterolateral accessory portal is established, through which an arthroscopic resector or radiofrequency device is placed. The dense adhesions in the humeroscapular interface are then resected with careful attention directed at avoiding damage to the rotator cuff, deltoid, or axillary nerve. The resection is complete when the arthroscope can pass freely from the subacromial space, over the greater tuberosity, into the lateral subdeltoid recess. Adhesions between the coracohumeral ligament and the underlying rotator cuff are débrided to the level of the coracoid process, and any anterior adhesions between the subscapularis and deltoid are also débrided. The arthroscope is then placed into the glenohumeral joint through the standard posterior portal. The release of the capsular structures is then performed according to the preoperative evaluation. Open releases are indicated in patients who have failed arthroscopic release or have had iatrogenic tightening of tendinous structures. Several authors have reported excellent recovery of motion following arthroscopic treatment of postoperative stiffness. However, despite improvements in motion, pain relief and functional improvement are generally less favorable than in patients with idiopathic frozen shoulder and patients who did not develop postoperative stiffness. Therefore, caution should be exercised in predicting the outcome of arthroscopic release among patients with postoperative frozen shoulder, and patients should be counseled regarding the possibility of persistent pain despite the successful return of motion.


Etiology and Prevention

Deep infection following rotator cuff surgery is relatively uncommon but represents a potentially devastating complication in terms of functional outcome. The incidence of infection following shoulder arthroscopy has been reported to be approximately 0.4% while that of open and mini-open rotator cuff repair has been reported to range between 0.27% and 1.9%. Risk factors may include patient age, preexisting medical conditions such as hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus, local irradiation, smoking and alcohol intake, instrument sterilization problems, and increased operative times. It is not clear whether steroid injections administered prior to surgery may increase the risk of infection. A low index of suspicion, related to the infrequency of this complication, often leads to a delay in diagnosis. Deceptively innocuous-looking wound problems may mask soft tissue loss, rotator cuff and deltoid dehiscence, and osteomyelitis. Extensive soft tissue destruction and a delay in diagnosis are both associated with a worse prognosis. While aggressive surgical débridement, combined with soft tissue coverage and intravenous antibiotics, will usually control the infection, permanent functional deficits frequently persist. Obviously, prevention of this complication is preferred for treatment. The use of preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis is strongly recommended in the prevention of postoperative infection. Although overuse of antibiotics is directly related to the development of resistant bacterial strains, the treatment costs and clinical morbidity associated with an infection following rotator cuff repair support the use of prophylactic antibiotics. The most commonly reported offending pathogens are Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, and Propionibacter acnes species. Due to their typical susceptibilities, the most common prophylactic antibiotic is a first-generation cephalosporin such as cefazolin. With the emergence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus as a community-acquired pathogen, Bactrim DS may be added to the prophylactic preoperative regimen when placement of an implant is planned. Since most of the infecting organisms are present in normal skin flora, careful skin scrubbing, preparation, and draping may prevent contamination. Axillary hair should either be shaved prior to Betadine scrubbing or sealed off from the operative site during draping. Impermeable drapes and stockings should be used during arthroscopic procedures. Arthroscopic instruments should be either autoclaved or soaked in warm 2% glutaraldehyde for 20 minutes. Operating time and operating room traffic should be minimized. Intraoperative conversion from arthroscopic to open methods may be associated with an increased risk of infection. Herrera and colleagues reported a 1.9% infection rate (seven patients) following arthroscopic subacromial decompression and mini-open rotator cuff repairs. They were able to reduce this rate to zero by changing surgical gloves, applying a second preparation of Betadine, and placing a new extremity drape at the time of mini-open repair.


Shoulder infections are rarely diagnosed acutely. This is often the consequence of subtle physical findings and a low index of suspicion. Following arthroscopic procedures, infection is usually manifest by a low-grade fever, as well as erythema and prolonged drainage from one or more of the portal sites. Patients will complain of progressively increasing pain and a change in the nature of the drainage from a thin, serous fluid to a thick, yellow exudate. A white blood cell count obtained in the early postoperative period may remain within the normal range. While the diagnosis is confirmed by a positive culture aspirate from the portal site or subacromial space, a negative culture does not exclude the possibility of an infection, especially if antibiotics were administered prophylactically at the time of surgery or in the postoperative period. The clinical symptoms of infection following open rotator cuff surgery may vary from pain, swelling, and erythema to wound dehiscence, drainage, general malaise, fever, and leukocytosis. Untreated infections may develop a draining sinus or synovial-cutaneous fistula. Patients who present to their postoperative visit (7 to 10 days) with an erythematous wound and the appearance of a subcutaneous hematoma should be suspected of having a deltoid detachment, deep wound infection, or both. Hematoma formation is a reasonable diagnosis when the fluid collection occurs within the first 24 to 48 hours following surgery and is not accompanied by erythema. Aspiration of a hematoma should produce organizing clot, while the expression of serosanguineous fluid is more likely to represent an infection. The diagnosis of infection is confirmed by a positive culture of the aspirate. It should be emphasized that the growth of Propionibacterium species is not necessarily a contaminant and must be considered an infecting organism. Routine radiographs may reveal soft tissue swelling. The presence of subacromial air at 7 to 10 days postoperatively may indicate the presence of a gas-forming organism. Magnetic resonance imaging during the immediate postoperative period will be of limited value due to the postoperative artifact. In addition, the presence of deltoid or rotator cuff deficiency will be identified at the time of surgical debridement of the infection. In the chronic setting, magnetic resonance imaging, as well as scintigraphy, may be of value in identifying the presence of osteomyelitis.


Deep infection following rotator cuff surgery is uncommon, with relatively few reports in the literature addressing the management of this complication. The most important factors in effectively treating deep infections are a high index of suspicion, early diagnosis, and aggressive surgical treatment. There is a tendency to treat patients with postoperative wound problems (such as mild erythema, drainage, or late hematoma formation) with oral antibiotics. While these methods may occasionally be successful, the preferred management of a deep, postoperative wound infection is surgical drainage and débridement. Early infection (within 4 weeks of surgery) following arthroscopic acromioplasty may be adequately treated by arthroscopic irrigation and débridement. The subacromial space should be aggressively débrided prior to entering the glenohumeral joint. The subacromial space often contains loculations of infected tissue, which may be débrided with an aggressive arthroscopic resection. Copious amounts of irrigant should then be allowed to flow through the subacromial space to decrease the bacterial load. Once the subacromial space has been adequately débrided and irrigated, the arthroscope is placed in the glenohumeral joint, and the joint is irrigated with 3 to 6 L of antibiotic-impregnated irrigant. It is helpful to establish an outflow portal to facilitate the flow of the fluid through the joint. One drawback of the arthroscopic approach is difficulty in adequately débriding the biceps tendon sheath. The biceps tendon should be grasped intraarticularly and pulled into the joint to break up any infected adhesions in the tendon sheath. Open irrigation and débridement are preferred for infections following open or mini-open rotator cuff surgery, allowing inspection of the deltoid repair as well as direct access to the biceps tendon sheath. Serial débridements may be required.98 If the deltoid repair is intact, the deltoid is split in line with the previous split, and the subacromial space is inspected. If the rotator cuff is intact, and the loculations within the subacromial space can be adequately débrided, the procedure is performed without detachment of the deltoid repair. When the deltoid repair has failed, or the subacromial space cannot be adequately débrided, the deltoid is released and retracted anteriorly to access the subacromial space. Once the necrotic debris has been removed, and the subacromial space has been irrigated, the rotator cuff is inspected. If the rotator cuff repair is intact, the rotator cuff and sutures are left in place. Small incisions are then made in the rotator interval and biceps tendon sheath to permit irrigation of the glenohumeral joint. When the rotator cuff repair is disrupted, the necrotic tendon edges are débrided, and all visible suture and the suture-anchoring material is removed. The revision rotator cuff repair is delayed until the time of the final irrigation and débridement, or until the infection has cleared (6 weeks). However, if the tendon defect is particularly large, consideration should be given to early repair at the time of initial or secondary débridements. In all cases, the deltoid should be securely repaired to the bone of the acromion at the time of the final débridement. Unrepairable rotator cuff defects may be associated with persistent synoviocutaneous fistula formation. Antibiotics are withheld until intraoperative cultures have been obtained. Broad-spectrum antibiotic coverage for skin organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus and Propionibacter acnes is then administered. This usually includes vancomycin or a first-generation cephalosporin such as cefazolin. The antibiotics are changed appropriately as indicated by the cultural sensitivities. The duration of antibiotic coverage is individualized, but generally includes 1 to 4 weeks of intravenous treatment, followed by 1 to 4 weeks of oral treatment. If there is any suspicion of osteomyelitis, antibiotic treatment may continue for 6 weeks. Neglected infections following rotator cuff surgery often result in a long interval (i.e., months) between the index procedure and subsequent surgical intervention. These late or chronic infections often present with draining sinus tracts, synoviocutaneous fistulas, severe soft tissue loss, or exposed bone (humeral head or distal clavicle). Complete eradication of the infection requires radical debridement of all necrotic debris, excision of synovial tracts, removal of all retained suture or suture-anchoring devices, and aggressive débridement of an affected bone. Multiple débridements are often necessary, and the rotator cuff is left unrepaired until the infection has been successfully cleared. Vascularized rotational myocutaneous flaps from the latissimus dorsi or pectoralis major muscles may be required to facilitate wound closure and restore the soft tissue envelope. Intraoperative specimens of fluid, soft tissue and bone shavings should be sent for aerobic, anaerobic, fungus, and acid-fast bacillus culture. Parenteral antibiotics are continued for at least 6 weeks following débridement. Postoperative rehabilitation includes immediate passive mobilization in all cases. In patients who require a revision deltoid or rotator cuff repair, an abduction brace is used to protect the repair for 3 to 4 weeks. The brace is removed only to allow passive motion exercises several times daily. The active assisted range of motion is allowed 6 weeks postoperatively, and strengthening is initiated 8 to 12 weeks following surgery. Patients with an intact rotator cuff and deltoid at the time of débridement are placed in a postoperative sling. If the index and revision surgeries were performed arthroscopically and did not include a rotator cuff repair, dynamic motion and strengthening are allowed according to the patient’s symptoms. If either surgery included a rotator cuff or deltoid repair, passive motion exercises are performed for 6 weeks. Thereafter, active motion and strengthening exercises are added. Postoperative wound infection following rotator cuff surgery clearly has a negative effect on the overall outcome. The clinical results are directly related to timely intervention, with a delay in treatment resulting in the worst outcome. All patients, regardless of the rotator cuff or deltoid integrity, seem to have more pain than their counterparts who have not been infected. The pain is usually not disabling, nor is it usually severe enough to require analgesics. Early intervention will frequently facilitate a successful deltoid and rotator cuff repair. Most patients who ultimately possess an intact deltoid and rotator cuff demonstrate good overhead function. Even patients with an intact deltoid and a small rotator cuff defect may possess overhead function, although they may demonstrate some degree of fatigue. Overall, the clinical outcome of this complication is not as poor as those reported for spontaneous septic arthritis of the shoulder in adults.


Etiology and Prevention

A detachment of the deltoid origin represents a potentially devastating complication of rotator cuff surgery. To our knowledge, it has only been reported following open and mini-open rotator cuff surgery, but in our clinical practice, we have seen deltoid detachment occur as a result of arthroscopic rotator cuff surgery. Postoperative deltoid detachment may occur as the result of poor intraoperative technique, overzealous acromial excision, postoperative infection, and inappropriate postoperative physiotherapy. Poor prognostic factors include lateral acromionectomy, the involvement of the middle deltoid, and a recurrent or massive rotator cuff tear. Anatomic and histologic studies clearly indicate a direct attachment of the tendon to the anterior and lateral acromion, rendering the release of deltoid fibers inevitable during any method of acromioplasty. Arthroscopic acromioplasty, which removes 4 or 6 mm of bone, will release 43% and 72% of the deltoid origin, respectively. Although some detachment of the anterior deltoid fibers occurs during arthroscopic acromioplasty, functional compromise has not been shown in clinical studies. Several authors have described arthroscopic excision of a mesoacromion. This procedure releases all of the anterior and lateral tendinous attachments of the deltoid and emphasizes preservation of the superior deltoid fascia. Again, functional compromise has not borne out in these clinical studies. Other authors have shown regrowth of the coracoacromial ligament following the subperiosteal release of the ligament during arthroscopic acromioplasty. Fibrous reattachment of the released deltoid fibers has not been studied but remains an area of further investigation. The fibers of the middle deltoid are arranged perpendicular to the acromion, while those of the anterior deltoid arise obliquely from the anterior acromion. Conservative deltoid splitting approaches exploit this interval by dividing the tendinous raphe between the middle and anterior thirds of the deltoid. This may result in fewer deltoid detachments and less tendinous retraction when deltoid detachment does occur. Deltoid releasing approaches should extend onto the dorsal surface of the acromion to ensure a strong distal musculocutaneous cuff of tissue for reattachment to bone. While all attempts should be made to avoid disruption of the middle deltoid, this may not be possible when attempting to repair a large or massive rotator cuff tear that extends into the infraspinatus or teres minor tendons. We have not found the detachment of the middle deltoid to be necessary during open rotator cuff repair. However, if more posterior exposure than is attainable without middle deltoid detachment is required, the middle deltoid should be released and reattached in a similar fashion to the anterior deltoid origin. Repair of the deltoid origin includes identifying and incorporating the deep deltoid fascia, which has a tendency to retract distally when released. The deltoid split should be closed with tendon-to-tendon sutures, and the deltoid origin should be repaired to bone or to an adequate soft tissue cuff using nonabsorbable sutures. The deltoid detachment that occurs in the setting of prior lateral or radical acromionectomy represents an extremely disabling and often irretrievable condition. While good results have been described following radical acromionectomy and acromion excision these procedures are clearly not required to relieve impingement and fortunately have been largely abandoned. As with any repaired tendon, the deltoid should be protected postoperatively. Acromioplasty by any method theoretically weakens the deltoid origin, and the degree of postoperative protection is dependent on the surgical procedure as well as the quality of repair. Following arthroscopic acromioplasty, we allow activities of daily living immediately but restrict lifting to the weight of the arm for 2 to 4 weeks. Following open acromioplasty, the deltoid repair is protected, allowing only pendulum and passive motion exercises for 6 weeks.


While the failure of the deltoid repair occurs early in the postoperative period, there is often a long delay prior to diagnosis or intervention. The clinical presentation is variable and depends on the size and location of the deltoid defect, the status of the coracoacromial arch, the amount of remaining acromion, and the status of the rotator cuff. Most cases are heralded by a sudden onset of increased pain and localized swelling or hematoma formation over the anterior acromion. All patients who present with a sudden onset of pain and localized swelling or hematoma formation over the acromion within the first couple of weeks following rotator cuff surgery should be suspected as having a deltoid detachment, infection, or both. Physical examination will reveal the presence of a visible and palpable defect at the detachment site, with the deltoid retracted distally. Since the fibers of the middle deltoid attach to the acromion perpendicular to their line of action, the postoperative detachment of the middle deltoid results in a greater degree of distal retraction than the detachment of the anterior deltoid. The findings associated with a small detachment may be subtle, and the examiner can verify the diagnosis by having the patient gently abduct or forward elevate the arm against resistance while palpating the border of the acromion with the other hand. When the rotator cuff is intact, and there is no capsular contracture, overhead elevation is often preserved in all but the largest deltoid detachments. Patients with concomitant rotator cuff deficits, especially in the presence of a deficient coracoacromial arch, may present with severely compromised overhead function. Routine radiographic evaluation should include anteroposterior, axillary, supraspinatus outlet, and 30-degree caudal-tilt views to assess the amount of remaining acromial bone. Magnetic resonance imaging will reveal the deltoid detachment but is most valuable in assessing the integrity of the rotator cuff. If a concomitant deep wound infection is suspected, aspiration of the subacromial space or glenohumeral joint will provide a specimen for culture.


A detachment of the deltoid following rotator cuff surgery is best managed by early detection and prompt deltoid repair. While small (1 to 1.5 cm) detachments may not be symptomatic or clinically relevant, they should be closely monitored for the propagation of the defect or functional impairment. Larger deltoid detachments should be repaired as soon as they are recognized. When the detachments are detected early (within 4 to 6 weeks), the deltoid can usually be easily repaired. Firm repair to the bone of the acromion as well as the deltotrapezial fascia is recommended. The rotator cuff should also be carefully inspected for evidence of a recurrent tear, which should be repaired at the time of deltoid repair. Deltoid detachments are frequently overlooked in the immediate postoperative period and may persist for prolonged periods of time. Sher and colleagues reported on a series of deltoid detachments that were undetected for an average of 17 months. Mobilization and repair of the chronically retracted deltoid are extremely difficult, especially when it involves a significant portion of the middle deltoid. Full-thickness skin flaps are created, and the skin is undermined to identify the intact portions of the deltoid as well as the retracted margins of the deltoid. Invariably, a thin layer of scar tissue occupies the interval between the retracted deltoid and the acromion. Incision of the scar tissue should begin at the anterolateral border of the acromion and extend distally toward the border of the normal deltoid. The subdeltoid adhesions should be carefully released with a combination of blunt and sharp dissection to establish the humeroscapular interface. Digital palpation of the deep and superficial surfaces will identify the thicker area of the intact portions of the normal deltoid. Once the intact portions of the anterior and middle deltoid have been identified, the intervening scar tissue can be released from the acromion. The split at the anterolateral acromion can then be extended to the level of the axillary nerve, which is easily palpated on the deep surface of the deltoid fibers. A circumferential release of the retracted portions of the deltoid can then be performed to mobilize the muscle proximally toward the acromion. The retracted portions of the middle and anterior deltoid are then convergently mobilized toward the anterolateral border of the acromion, creating a V–Y repair configuration. The intervening scar tissue is then excised, and sutures are placed in the corners of the anterior and middle deltoid that are to be approximated to the anterolateral border of the acromion. It is important to incorporate the deep deltoid fibers to facilitate a full-thickness repair. The acromion is then lightly decorticated, and the anterior and middle portions of the deltoid are then sutured to the acromion through drill holes using heavy, nonabsorbable sutures. It may be helpful to retain a small portion of the scar tissue, which can be sutured to the deltotrapezial fascia, allowing reinforcement of the repair. The remaining split in the deltoid is then closed using interrupted absorbable sutures. When primary repair is not possible, a rotational deltoidplasty may be performed by transposing a portion of the adjacent intact deltoid into the defect attaching it to the acromion. The new defect in the deltoid is then closed in a side-to-side fashion. As the complexity of the required reconstruction escalates, the expected results deteriorate. Postoperatively, the deltoid reconstruction or repair is protected for 3 to 6 weeks in an abduction orthosis. Passive motion exercises are initiated within the first week, followed by active motion and strengthening at 6 and 12 weeks, respectively. Reported results for the surgical treatment of deltoid detachment are sparse and generally carry a poor prognosis. Sher and colleagues reported 67% unsatisfactory results among 24 patients who were followed for deltoid repair or reconstruction following postoperative deltoid detachment. The poorest results occurred in patients with an associated large rotator cuff tear who demonstrated weakness in external rotation, prior acromionectomy, and a large residual deltoid defect. Predictive variables for a favorable result include an intact or repairable rotator cuff, early recognition and treatment, little or no middle deltoid involvement, and no acromial insufficiency.


Etiology and Prevention

Axillary nerve injury represents the most common single nerve injury to the shoulder. The course of the axillary nerve makes it vulnerable during an operative procedure involving the inferior aspect of the shoulder. Injury by direct laceration or overzealous traction may occur during any of the operative approaches, de-nervating the entire deltoid distal (anterior) to the point of injury. This usually results in substantial disability The nerve courses posterior to the coracoid process and crosses the inferolateral border of the subscapularis, 3 to 5 mm medial to the myotendinous junction. Throughout its course it rests an average of 2.5 mm from the inferior glenohumeral ligament, passing within 12.4 mm of the glenoid rim at the 6 o’clock position.

At this point, the posterior branch separates from the main anterior circumflex branch and lies closest to the capsule and glenoid. The superior–lateral brachial cutaneous nerve and the nerve to the teres minor always originate from the posterior branch. This anatomic relationship is of note because the loss of sensation over the deltoid may indicate loss of teres minor function. After passing through the quadrangular space, the axillary nerve courses from posterior to anterior along the deep surface of the deltoid, which it innervates. The posterior deltoid is variably innervated by both the anterior and posterior branches of the axillary nerve, with the nerves consistently entering the muscle directly inferior to the posterolateral corner of the acromion. The distance from the lateral edge of the acromion to the axillary nerve is generally thought to be about 5 cm but is subject to variation depending on the size of the arm (i.e., patient). Burkhead and colleagues have shown the axillary nerve to lie as close as 3.5 cm from the edge of the acromion in a cadaver specimen, and have shown that the distance decreases as much as 30% with increasing abduction of the humerus. Axillary nerve injury during the superior, deltoid-splitting approach can be avoided by limiting the extent of the deltoid split to 3 cm or less. When more distal exposure is required, the axillary nerve can be easily palpated on the deep surface of the deltoid and protected. Neer recommended placing a suture at the apex of the deltoid split to prevent distal propagation and inadvertent nerve injury during retraction of the deltoid during rotator cuff repair. During the anterior approach for subscapularis repair, the axillary nerve should be identified at the inferior border of the subscapularis muscle and maybe gently protected with a blunt retractor. External rotation of the arm will also relax the nerve when performing the intraarticular capsular releases required to mobilize the tendon. Posterior approaches for latissimus dorsi or teres major transfer should maintain the subdeltoid dissection medial to the posterolateral border of the acromion to avoid denervating the posterior deltoid. Arthroscopic approaches should avoid excessively inferior placement of any of the portals and pay careful attention to avoiding excessive fluid extravasation into the arm. Arthroscopic capsular releases should be performed with the knowledge that the axillary nerve is in close proximity to the inferior glenohumeral ligament. Abduction, external rotation, and perpendicular traction may increase the zone of safety during arthroscopic capsular releases near the 5 to 7 o’clock positions.


The clinical features associated with axillary nerve injury vary according to the location of the injury. In some cases, the location of the previous skin incision will suggest an axillary nerve injury. The initial presentation usually includes weakness in shoulder abduction and elevation. However, deltoid weakness may be masked by a strong and competent rotator cuff. Numbness and paresthesias in the lateral arm will be present when the injury is proximal to the superior lateral brachial cutaneous nerve. Since the sensory nerve usually arises proximal to the common zone of injury and the cutaneous distribution of the axillary nerve and associated cutaneous nerves overlap substantially, the absence of sensory deficits is often unreliable in making the diagnosis. Generally, a characteristic pattern of deltoid atrophy will develop distal (anterior) to the site of injury. Other causes of atrophy should be excluded at the time of physical examination. The absence of a palpable defect at the border of the acromion will help to differentiate a nerve injury from a deltoid detachment. Disuse atrophy will affect all portions of the deltoid, mimicking the atrophy seen with a proximal nerve injury. However, disuse atrophy should not present with associated sensory deficits. Deltoid dysfunction in a suspected proximal nerve lesion may be assessed clinically by performing the deltoid lag test. Since no other muscle can compensate for the posterior part of the deltoid in a position of maximal shoulder extension, testing in this plane is highly specific for the deltoid and, consequently, axillary nerve function. With the patient seated, the physician places the arm into full extension and asks the patient to maintain this posture actively. If the deltoid is weak, the arm will drop. The suspected diagnosis of an axillary nerve injury is confirmed by electromyography. All three portions of the deltoid should be tested to ensure that a false-negative study is not produced from isolated testing of an intact portion of the deltoid. Experienced electromyographers may be able to provide an opinion on the type of nerve injury (i.e., whether the nerve is likely to be in continuity). Serial electrophysiologic studies may be used to follow the progressive regeneration of the nerve. Magnetic resonance imaging is helpful in determining the integrity and reparability of the rotator cuff.


Treatment of an axillary nerve injury depends on the degree of functional impairment, as well as the status of the rotator cuff and coracoacromial arch. When the injury is proximal or posterior, exploration may be considered if there is no clinical or electrophysiological recovery by 3 to 6 months following injury. However, the nerve injury typically occurs at the level of the anterolateral acromion, whereby the caliber of the nerve and terminal branches often precludes neurolysis, nerve repair, or grafting. Therefore, available treatment options include activity modification and rehabilitation, muscle transfers, and arthrodesis. Although active abduction may be limited after acute injury, most patients with an intact rotator cuff are able to compensate for the loss of deltoid function with time and are willing to pursue nonoperative treatment. Some authors have reported excellent functional shoulder recovery among patients with an isolated axillary nerve injury, despite a complete paralysis of the deltoid muscle. Management of an axillary nerve injury in the presence of a recurrent rotator cuff tear depends on the size and reparability of the rotator cuff defect and on the integrity of the coracoacromial arch. When the rotator cuff defect is small or reparable, consideration is given to bipolar latissimus transfer. Alternatively, Leffert has described rotational deltoidplasty with excision of the denervated portion of the muscle to restore anterior deltoid function. These procedures are not performed, however, until the revision rotator cuff repair has been performed and the subsequent final results have been evaluated. The location of the axillary nerve injury may spare enough of the middle deltoid that affected patients are willing to live with the axillary nerve injury if the repeat rotator cuff surgery has been successful. Axillary nerve injury in association with a massive or irreparable rotator cuff tear is usually not a correctable problem. When coracoacromial arch insufficiency is added to this clinical vignette, the shoulder is nearly flailed. The likelihood of restoring normal function to any portion of this triad is abysmal, leaving the patient with a choice between acceptance of the deficits or arthrodesis. Patients considering arthrodesis should fully comprehend that they will lose all rotational motion of the shoulder, even with the arm at the side. The potential pain relief and stability provided by arthrodesis may not justify the loss of this last remaining function of the shoulder.


Etiology and Prevention

Numerous studies exist describing the course of the suprascapular nerve, as well as pathologic entities associated with it. Interestingly, iatrogenic injury to the suprascapular nerve during rotator cuff surgery has been reported only a handful of times in the literature. It is usually the result of the aggressive lateral mobilization of a large or massive chronically retracted rotator cuff tear. The nerve either becomes kinked along the lateral margin of the suprascapular notch or is directly injured by surgical dissection, which extends too far medial to the glenoid rim. All of the above reported cases were confirmed using electrodiagnostic studies. Since postoperative electrodiagnostic studies are not routinely performed, the true incidence of suprascapular nerve injury may be higher than reported. While suprascapular neuropathies of the shoulder can present with concomitant rotator cuff tears, the clinical presentation may be confusing, and the rotator cuff tear may mask a neuropathy. Clinical examination alone will not differentiate between rotator cuff tears and suprascapular neuropathy. Since the clinical manifestation of suprascapular nerve entrapment is pain and associated external rotation weakness, the significance of the neuropathy may be lost in the presence of a rotator cuff tear. It is more likely that an electromyography study is obtained following rotator cuff repair to determine the cause of persistent pain or weakness. However, if a nerve injury is uncovered at this point, it is not possible to elucidate whether it occurred iatrogenically or was present preoperatively. Postoperative suprascapular neuropathy may actually represent a failure in diagnosis, with the injury having been present preoperatively. A recent study by Vad and colleagues utilized preoperative electromyography to show a 28% incidence of neurologic injury occurring in the presence of large rotator cuff tears with associated atrophy. Albritton and colleagues have shown in a cadaveric study that 2 to 3 cm of medial retraction of the supraspinatus tendon will change the course of the suprascapular nerve and place it under tension. They postulate that supraspinatus and infraspinatus atrophy, following isolated supraspinatus tears and massive tears, may be associated with suprascapular nerve injury. Lateral mobilization of the muscle during rotator cuff repair may actually be beneficial in relieving tension on the nerve and may assist in the reversal of muscle atrophy in the supraspinatus. The infraspinatus muscle appears to be less resistant to nerve injury. The course of the suprascapular nerve predictably leaves the superior trunk of the brachial plexus and reaches the dorsal surface of the scapula by passing through the suprascapular notch, beneath the transverse scapular ligament. Two motor branches typically innervate the supraspinatus muscle, with the first motor branch being the larger of the two and originating under or just distal to the ligament. The nerve continues through the spinoglenoid notch, where three to four motor branches innervate the infraspinatus muscle. The inferior transverse scapular ligament appears to be a variable structure under which the nerve may become compressed. Superiorly, the nerve is 2.5 to 3 cm medial to the supraglenoid tubercle, whereas the branches to the infraspinatus lie 1 to 2 cm medial to the midportion of the posterior glenoid rim. The anatomy of the suprascapular nerve leaves it vulnerable to either direct or indirect injury. Capsular releases are passing medial to the above described “safe zone” risk direct injury to the nerve. Limiting the amount of medial dissection through the capsulotomy may avoid injury to the nerve branches. Indirect injury occurs when traction is placed on the nerve branches during lateral mobilization of the rotator cuff tendon. Since the nerve occupies a relatively fixed position on the floor of the supraspinatus fossa and at the notch, lateral advancement of the tendon risks tethering the nerve as it crosses through the notch while the motor branches pivot around the pedicle of the nerve. Cadaveric dissections demonstrated tethering of the nerve and its branches when the tendon was advanced laterally further than 1 cm using conventional repair techniques. Warner and colleagues have shown that this safe zone may increase to 3 cm when the muscle is released from its respective fossa and allowed to advance laterally with the tendon. The clinical relevance of cadaverically derived safe zones for advancement is not entirely clear. Warner and colleagues obtained their data using cadavers without retracted rotator cuff tears. Lateral advancement of greater than 1 cm may be safely performed when a large, acutely retracted musculotendinous unit is restored to its original, premorbid length. Conversely, it may not be possible to gain even a centimeter of length in a chronically retracted musculotendinous unit without placing significant tension on the neurovascular pedicle. In general, the concept of limiting the amount of lateral advancement of a chronic retracted rotator cuff tear during repair is valid, although the safe clinical limit for advancement is not entirely known.


Determining the cause of persistent pain and external rotation weakness following rotator cuff repair may be difficult. A protracted recovery may be expected in association with surgical repairs of large, chronically retracted rotator cuff tears. The additional effects of an associated nerve injury may be difficult to quantify. However, the presence of significant external rotation weakness with the arm at the side and at 90 degrees of abduction should alert the surgeon to the possibility of either a recurrent rotator cuff tear or a suprascapular nerve injury. Preoperative and surgical records should be reviewed to determine the integrity of the rotator cuff. If the rotator cuff was intact at the time of surgery, suprascapular nerve entrapment or nerve injury should be suspected. Similarly, when the size of a preoperative rotator cuff defect is not sufficient to explain the amount of atrophy or external rotation weakness, the diagnosis of nerve injury is entertained. Under these circumstances, electrodiagnostic testing is indicated. In all cases of suspected suprascapular nerve injury, testing should be included for the possibility of superimposed cervical radiculopathy. If these studies indicate that the suprascapular nerve and the brachial plexus are normal, then magnetic resonance imaging is performed to identify a persistent or recurrent rotator cuff tear. Preoperative magnetic resonance studies may supply the clinician with valuable information regarding the suprascapular nerve. Studies depicting atrophy of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscle bellies, in the presence of a supraspinatus tear and an intact infraspinatus, should indicate the possibility of preoperative suprascapular nerve entrapment. The presence of a ganglion cyst in the suprascapular or spinoglenoid notches may also cause entrapment of the nerve at its respective location.


Treatment options for a suprascapular neuropathy include observation and rehabilitation, nerve exploration and decompression, and muscle transfers. Management depends on the degree of functional impairment, the age and activity level of the patient, and the status of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles. Since most injuries represent traction neurapraxia or axonotmesis, nonoperative treatment should be considered in all patients with a suprascapular nerve injury. Activity modification to avoid additional trauma and irritation of the nerve is balanced with a scapular and rotator cuff conditioning program to maximize muscular function while the nerve is healing. While some patients may improve, the overall success rate of nonoperative treatment is not known. Failure to follow an appropriate rehabilitation program and continued high-demand activities may actually lead to worsening of symptoms. Even when the nerve does not completely recover, many patients are willing to modify their activities and accept the limitations associated with the suprascapular nerve injury. The presence of a suprascapular nerve lesion in association with a retracted tear involving the supra- and infraspinatus may represent a special situation. As mentioned above, retraction of the supra- and infraspinatus changes the course of the nerve and may actually cause the nerve to be tented over the scapular spine. Therefore, repairing the tendon may relieve the tension on the nerve. This phenomenon may be an indication for relatively early cuff repair to facilitate nerve recovery. Operative intervention may be considered in the young or active patient who presents with suprascapular neuropathy following mobilization and repair of a chronic, retracted rotator cuff tear. Nerve exploration and decompression are indicated when there exists significant functional impairment, no electromyographic or clinical improvement has been shown over a 6-month period, the rotator cuff repair is intact, and the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles have not undergone significant fatty degeneration. In a proximal lesion, decompression of the nerve is performed at the suprascapular notch and includes division of the transverse scapular ligament with lateral enlargement of the notch as necessary. With the isolated involvement of the infraspinatus, the nerve should be approached on both sides of the scapular spine. When present, the spinoglenoid ligament should be released. The spinoglenoid notch should not be deepened further than 1 cm to avoid creating a stress riser at the base of the acromion. Tendon transfers are considered in patients who have either failed decompression of the nerve or are not candidates for nerve decompression. However, it is highly unlikely that a patient with an intact rotator cuff repair will have significant enough functional impairment related to the suprascapular neuropathy to warrant tendon transfers to augment posterior rotator cuff function. Postoperative suprascapular neuropathy, which occurs in conjunction with an intact rotator cuff, probably represents a failure in preoperative diagnosis. This situation should be treated as a primary suprascapular neuropathy.



Rotator cuff surgery is generally safe and efficacious. However, when complications occur, they are frequently accompanied by recurrent symptoms that may be worse than the original preoperative complaints that prompted the patient to seek medical attention in the first place. Reported results of surgical treatment of these complications are inconsistent and the incidence probably underreported. Surgical treatment of complications of rotator cuff surgery is demanding and requires both a motivated patient and a knowledgeable surgeon. It is impossible to establish rigid patient selection criteria and treatment protocols for all types and combinations of complications of rotator cuff surgery. However, adoption of a systematic approach that is based on known anatomic observations and sound surgical principles affords the best opportunity for a successful outcome. Several principles involved in the development of this algorithm deserve emphasis. First, the presence of significant stiffness interferes with the interpretation and clinical significance of any associated complications. Frequently, patients with documented recurrent rotator cuff defects will present with an inability to either actively or passively elevate their arm further than 90 degrees. If these patients had normal arcs of motion prior to their index procedure, restoration of normal or near-normal passive motion would frequently be accompanied by significant gains in active elevation. The patient may be satisfied with his or her shoulder function after simple arthroscopic capsular release and be willing to forego more complicated surgical procedures, particularly if his or her recurrent rotator cuff defect is irreparable. Loss of active elevation in the presence of normal or near-normal passive motion may indicate deltoid insufficiency, rotator cuff insufficiency, or both. Furthermore, the presence of pain and voluntary guarding will interfere with the interpretation of physical findings. This is particularly true for strength assessment of various portions of the rotator cuff. Subacromial lidocaine injections may decrease pain and improve the reliability of strength and functional assessments of the rotator cuff and is frequently utilized in the diagnosis of patients with continued pain and dysfunction following rotator cuff surgery. Ultimately, the final outcome among patients who have developed postoperative complications following rotator cuff surgery is affected by multiple factors. Assuming that the original diagnosis was correct, the goals of revision surgery are to reestablish passive motion; to restore a balanced anteroposterior force couple by rotator cuff repair, partial repair, or tendon transfer; and to preserve or restore deltoid function. The importance of coracoacromial arch preservation, especially among patients with massive rotator cuff tears, cannot be overemphasized. While the results of coracoacromial arch reconstruction have been disappointing, inverse prosthetic replacement, with or without tendon transfer, may represent a reasonable salvage procedure. Clearly, when reviewing the results following complications of rotator cuff surgery, the most efficacious method of ensuring patient satisfaction is prevention.

Single-row versus double-row

rotator cuff repair


Recent literature suggests that the clinical outcomes after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair are now equivalent to those reported for both mini-open and open techniques. Clinical outcomes are generally favorable, but the reliable structural integrity of the repairs remains undefined. Despite improvements in surgical technique, implants, and biological augmentation, failure rates for large (>3 cm) tears range from 13% to 94% at 2-year follow-up. Especially with larger tears, structural integrity is associated with a superior clinical outcome. One of the major targets in improving the structural and healing properties of arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs is to reproduce the anatomical tendon footprint with a double-row technique. This technique involves a linear row of anchors placed at the articular margin of the humeral head and a second row placed along the lateral aspect of the rotator cuff footprint on the tuberosity. The impetus for this technique was a desire to create a construct equivalent to a transosseous repair and prevent simple point fixation of the rotator cuff to the bone. Indeed, biomechanical studies demonstrate increased load to failure, improved contact area, and decreased gap formation at the enthesis with double-row constructs.



The tendons of the rotator cuff muscles insert into a fibrocartilaginous tissue known as the enthesis. This tissue maximizes stress concentration at the tendon-bone interface. The transition from tendon to bone proceeds through four continuous zones: the tendon proper, fibrocartilage, mineralized fibrocartilage, and bone. This organization is not recapitulated in rotator cuff repair. The repaired insertion is inferior biomechanically and histologically, with healing primarily by interposed fibrovascular scar tissue. Although the biological factors that affect healing are complex, the anatomy of the footprint is well described. Several recent studies have elucidated the anatomy of the rotator cuff footprint. Initially thought to measure 25 mm from anterior to posterior and 14.7 mm in transverse diameter, the supraspinatus footprint is, in reality, smaller with a sagittal insertion of 12.6 mm medially and 1.3 mm at its lateral margin. The larger trapezoidal insertion for the infraspinatus ranges from 20.2 mm to 32.7 mm in the sagittal plane and covers a greater percentage of the greater tuberosity due, in part, to the lateral sweep of the tendon as it inserts anteriorly. The medial-to-lateral length of the rotator cuff insertion ranges from 6.9 mm to 10.2 mm at supraspinatus and infraspinatus insertions respectively. Restoration of this footprint should be one focus of rotator cuff repair because of the potential for tendon-to-bone healing increases as the available contact area between the cuff and its insertion increases. Other aspects of rotator cuff repair that are targets for optimization include suture materials, anchor fixation, biological augmentation, inflammatory modulation, and modified rehabilitation.



Footprint restoration

The theoretical advantage of footprint restoration has been extensively biomechanically tested. A notable difference in early arthroscopic repairs relative to historical open repairs was a transition from transosseous suture fixation to point fixation with anchors. Apreleva et al. noted that the repair site contact area is 20% larger with transosseous simple suture repairs when compared with point fixation with suture anchors. To further optimize insertion site reconstruction, Toheti et al. demonstrated that double-row repairs increased the footprint contact area by 42% and 60% relative to transosseous and single-row techniques in a cadaveric model. This work was validated by Mazzocca et al. who described consistently larger footprint coverage in double-row constructs relative to single-row repairs. Meier et al. furthered these findings by comparing the footprints of transosseous, single-row, and double-row repairs using three-dimensional mapping. They found that double row repairs restored 100% of the anatomical footprint, whereas the transosseous and single-row techniques restored 71% and 46% of the footprint, respectively. In a novel analysis of footprint reconstruction, Ahmad et al. evaluated fluid extravasation in single- and double-row constructs in eight cadaveric shoulders. The single-row repairs resulted in significantly greater fluid extravasation, which may have hindered rotator cuff repair healing. Therefore, there is consistent validation in the literature that the anatomical footprint contact area is better recreated with double-row repairs.

Mechanical strength

After confirming the superiority of double-row repairs in reproducing the anatomical rotator cuff footprint, multiple studies evaluated the mechanical properties of these constructs. Baums et al. utilized a sheep model to study the impact of suture material and the addition of medial mattress sutures to a lateral Mason–Allen single-row construct. They showed a significant increase in tensile strength in the double-row repairs. Gerber et al. found that the addition of a second row to six simple sutures increased the load to failure of repairs from 273 N to 336 N. Similarly, Kim et al. reported that the second row of anchors increased the ultimate load to failure by 48%. Milano et al. likewise showed significant mechanical superiority in double-row repairs relative to single-row repairs, particularly when fixed under tension. Gap formation is reduced in double-row repairs, regardless of rotational position. In contrast, two studies have shown no apparent mechanical strength advantage of double-row repairs. Nelson et al. compared the time-zero mechanical strength of double-row repairs with single-row modified Mason–Allen rotator cuff repairs in a sheep model. They found a significant increase in footprint restoration with the double-row technique, but no significant differences in displacement, elongation, or mean load to failure. In addition, Mazzoca et al. reported no difference between single- and double-row repairs, but specimens were cycled 3000 times before load-to-failure testing, possibly influencing the results. Mahar et al. reported a similar conclusion in a bovine model, but the single-row group did have the greatest elongation in cyclical loading. With the literature tending to support improved mechanical strength in double-row repairs, some authors have begun to compare specific double-row configurations and clarify functions of the medial and lateral rows. For example, Burkhart et al. (2009) evaluated the biomechanical strength of a knotless double-row construct in matched human cadaveric shoulders. The study demonstrated no difference between a knotless double-row construct and a standard double-row construct in ultimate load or cyclic displacement. Kulwicki et al. subsequently evaluated the suture tension in single-row, double-row, and transosseous equivalent cadaveric repairs. Significantly greater suture tension was seen in the single row repairs. There was no difference in the load borne by the medial and lateral anchors in double-row repairs, suggesting load sharing between the rows. Hepp et al. evaluated three double row repair techniques in sheep shoulders. This study compared a double row technique with a double-layer, double-row technique using either simple or mattress sutures. They concluded that there was no difference between the double-layer and standard double-row techniques in elongation and load to failure. There was, however, a significant increase in ultimate load, ultimate elongation, and energy absorbed in the double-layer mattress repairs relative to the double-layer simple suture repairs.

Footprint contact pressure

The basic science literature suggests that controlling the mechanical forces at a tendon-bone interface can significantly impact healing. Footprint contact pressure may be even more important than simply recreating the footprint contact area. Park and colleagues compared single-row, double-row, and transosseous equivalent rotator cuff repairs in human cadaveric shoulders at variable abduction and rotation positions. A Tekscan pressure sensor demonstrated significantly increased contact pressure in the transosseous equivalent repairs at all abduction angles greater than zero and all rotations tested. Likewise, Baums et al. studied the rotator cuff contact pressure in 5 types of repairs in 40 sheep cadaveric shoulders. They showed that double-row constructs with a Mason–Allen suture configuration resulted in the greatest footprint contact pressure. Grimberg et al. also assessed bone–tendon contact surface and pressure in single-row, double-row bridge, and double-row cross-suture constructs. There was a significant increase in contact surface and pressure in the double-row cross suture configuration relative to the other tested constructs. Finally, Mazzocca et al. evaluated 4 different rotator cuff repair techniques in 16 cadaveric shoulders. Transosseous equivalent repairs had the highest contact pressure and force compared with single-row, triangular double-row, and suture-chain transosseous repair. Notably, the contact pressure and force decreased in all constructs 160 minutes after the repair. An important distinction must be made between two simple rows of the suture and newer “transosseous equivalent” repairs. These “transosseous” or “suture bridge” repairs were developed to optimize the tendon-bone interface pressure. With these techniques, the medial row suture limbs are drawn across the bursal-side cuff insertion and incorporated into the lateral row of anchors, providing compression between the tendon and bone. Key points are to place the medial row at the articular margin and the medial sutures as medially as possible and to maintain an adequate bone bridge between the medial and lateral rows. New implants from nearly every arthroscopic instrument company have been helpful in simplifying the execution of these repairs. Studies of these new repairs have shown improved load to failure and pressurized contact area relative to traditional double row constructs. Further, there may be an advantage to interconnecting the sutures from each anchor to allow load sharing during rotation. Despite improved biomechanical stability in load-to-failure testing, the “transosseous equivalent” repairs may present other concerns. These issues include a compromise of vascular supply by excessive compression, increased operating room time, tuberosity crowding, implant cost, and difficulty in revision. Other have described a new mode of failure after “transosseous equivalent repair” in which intramuscular tear occurs while the footprint remains intact. Clearly, good clinical studies are warranted to clarify these issues better.



In response to the evidence suggesting improved biomechanical properties of double-row repairs, multiple clinical studies have evaluated the clinical and structural outcomes of these repairs compared with traditional single-row and transosseous repairs. Although several studies have documented favorable clinical case series of double-row repairs, multiple level I studies have demonstrated no superiority of double-row repairs relative to single-row repairs.

Level 1 studies

The first of these studies was a randomized controlled trial of 60 patients with similar demographics and tear sizes, who underwent either single-row or double-row (medial mattress, simple lateral suture) rotator cuff repair. No significant differences were found at 2-year follow-up with magnetic resonance (MR) arthrography or UCLA shoulder assessment scores. Likewise, Burks et al. randomized 40 patients to single-row and double row repairs. Clinical evaluation and three postoperative MRI studies showed no difference in footprint coverage or tendon thickness. At 1-year follow-up, the authors concluded that there were no clinical differences between the repairs. Several other level I randomized studies demonstrated no significant differences between single-row and double-row rotator cuff repairs and between transosseous-equivalent repairs and single-row repairs at 2-year follow-up.

Case series/retrospective


Despite no definite clinical advantage of double-row repairs in randomized controlled trials, multiple case series and retrospective comparisons in the literature provide evidence for excellent clinical outcomes. Grasso et al. compared 40 patients who underwent single-row repair with 40 patients treated with double-row repairs. At 2-year follow-up, no significant differences were seen in DASH scores, Constant scores, or strength testing. Only age, gender, and baseline strength influenced the outcome. Similarly, Buess et al. retrospectively studied 32 single-row and 33 double-row repairs with the simple shoulder test and visual analog scale. A subset was also evaluated by the Constant score. This study found significantly more “yes” answers on the simple shoulder test and slightly better pain reduction in the double-row group. Patient satisfaction was greater than 97% in both groups. Aydin et al. followed two groups of 34 patients with small or medium rotator cuff tears treated with single- or double-row rotator repairs for at least 2 years. Both groups had improved functional outcomes, and Constant scores between the two groups did not reveal any significant difference.


In addition to studying clinical outcomes, several groups have evaluated the structural integrity of single-row and double-row repairs. Charousset et al. reported no differences in structural integrity or clinical outcomes using computed tomography (CT) arthrography and multiple outcome measures. This study did demonstrate better restoration of the anatomical footprint radiographically in double-row repairs. Bosse and colleagues studied 51 patients treated with a double-row suture bridge technique and compared them with historical controls. The clinical outcome was measured by the simple shoulder test, Constant score, and MRI. The radiographic structural failure rate was 28.9%. The structural status of the repair did not affect Constant scores. The authors concluded that they could not confirm an advantage of double-row repairs in the study group relative to published results.



There does appear to be some evidence that double-row repairs may be advantageous specifically in larger rotator cuff tears. Duquin et al. performed a systematic review of the literature and identified 23 studies that evaluated repair structural integrity and stratified the results according to tear size. Re-tear rates were compared among transosseous, single-row, double-row, and suture bridge techniques. Analysis of open or arthroscopic technique was also performed. Significantly lower re-tear rates were seen for all tears >1 cm. There was no difference between transosseous and single-row repairs, and structural outcomes were independent of arthroscopic or open technique. Another recent systematic review of the literature concluded that double-row repairs may result in improved structural healing at the site of repair, but that there is no evidence of any functional outcome advantage. Additional evidence for an advantage of double-row repairs was provided by Park et al. who demonstrated significantly better functional outcome scores in their double-row repairs at 2 years postoperatively in tears >3 cm. This study is limited by lack of randomization and no evaluation of structural integrity. Similarly favorable, but limited, data were provided by Lafosse et al. who described decreased structural failure in double-row repairs compared with historical controls. Further support for a structural advantage of double-row repairs was reported by Sugaya et al. who utilized postoperative MRI to document a decreased prevalence of rotator cuff defects after repair. Again, no clinical difference was detected at final follow-up. Ji et al. retrospectively compared the clinical outcomes of 22 patients after single-row repair and 25 patients who underwent double-row repair. There was no significant difference in UCLA rating scale and ASES shoulder index scores between the two groups. Subscores of the UCLA score did demonstrate better strength and patient satisfaction in the double-row group. Pennington et al. prospectively evaluated a non-randomized group of 78 single-rows, Mason–Allen, rotator cuff repairs and 54 double-rows, trans-osseous-equivalent rotator cuff repairs. There was no significant difference seen between the single- and double-row repairs in visual analog, UCLA, or ASES score. Likewise, active range of motion and dynamometric strength were similar between the groups. A subset of patients underwent MRI evaluation of repair integrity at a minimum of 12 months and demonstrated improved radiographic healing in the double-row group when matched for tear size.


The goal of rotator cuff surgery is to achieve superior clinical outcomes and durable structural integrity of the repair. Improved understanding of soft-tissue healing and the rotator cuff insertion led to the development of double-row repair techniques. Recent cadaveric literature suggests a biomechanical advantage of double-row repairs with the superior load to failure, footprint anatomy restoration, footprint pressure, and load sharing. Although multiple level 1 studies have not shown a significant clinical advantage in double-row repairs, there is evidence suggesting superior structural outcomes when using a double-row repair in tears larger than 1 cm. However, this tendency needs to be confirmed by appropriately powered, well-executed, level I investigations.

Rotator cuff orthobiologics

Biological augmentation of

rotator cuff repair

Biological scaffolds and extracellular matrices have recently been developed for use in orthopedic soft-tissue applications because the poor structural and mechanical quality of the remaining native tissue associated with most chronic massive rotator cuff tears mandates a better method to augment repairs and stimulate healing. The most common practice to biologically enhance the healing of rotator cuff repair is the use of ECMs. (collagen), specialized proteins (fibrillin, fibronectin), and various proteoglycans. The theoretical rationale is that these ECM when used as patches to reinforce soft-tissue repair during rotator cuff surgery, will reinforce and augment the repair and mediate the normal healing response. In addition, as the ECM resemble the native structure of the human body, they might function as a valuable biological scaffold which might induce tenocytes to grow and remodel, thus improving the quality of repair. Scaffolds provide a well-defined geometrical structure for new tendon construction and act as a tissue bridge between tendon and bone. Requirements for scaffolding include biocompatibility, hemocompatibility, and the use of non-toxic materials that are durable, functional, and able to support cell attachment and ingrowth.

General considerations of biological patches

Rotator cuff ECMs patches have been engineered to contain purified collagen, primarily type I, as a scaffold from a variety of human (allograft) or animal (xenograft) sources. Concerns with the use of processed human and animal collagen, relating to infection (viral) transmission and inflammatory reaction, still exist, but some of the problems of graft rejection have been minimized by using the acellular material. To our knowledge, there have been no xenograft- or allograft-associated infections related to the uses of rotator cuff ECMs. An ideal rotator cuff scaffold should have several important features:

• Negligible risk of disease transfer or rejection

• Minimal inflammatory response

• Robust initial strength, mechanical properties sufficient to reinforce repair

• Supportive of biological incorporation, resorption, and remodeling of the matrix into host tissue

• Moderate elastic nature to prevent stress shielding and avoid suture cutout

• Favorable handling characteristics (not too stiff or rigid)

• Reasonable cost

• Encourage rapid repopulated and appropriate host cells (blood vessels, fibroblasts, etc.)

• Extended shelf-life and thus readily available for surgical use when needed

• Suitable for arthroscopic insertion.

Different laboratory processes are necessary to obtain an ECM scaffold. Techniques for cell removal are categorized into physical, chemical, and enzymatic. Complete decellularization of an allograft or xenograft will often include one or more approaches. The physical approach uses snap freezing or mechanical agitation to lyse the cells in the harvested tissue. The chemical approach lyses cells using hypotonic solutions or detergents; the cellular remnants are then solubilized and removed from the extracellular matrix by subsequent washing. Enzymatic decellularization uses trypsin to degrade the cellular material and can be used together with a solubilizing detergent. The human source for rotator cuff ECM is usually human dermal tissue, whereas animal sources include porcine small intestine submucosa (SIS), porcine dermis, and equine pericardium. With any implanted allograft or xenograft tissue, there is a concern about the inflammatory reaction, tissue reorganization, and safety. Indeed, all the ECM scaffolds are associated with host cellular immune response. The amount of acceptable inflammation after ECM implant is unknown. The process of chemical (usually glutaraldehyde or peracetic acid) collagen cross-linking seems to have a central role in inciting a soft-tissue reaction. In fact, chemical cross-linking diminishes surface recognition of epitopes and the subsequent graft degradation by the host environment. ECM scaffolds that are not cross-linked undergo a more rapid tissue degradation secondary to a critical host immune response. The degradation products of non-chemically cross-linked ECM patches act as chemoattractants and are responsible for critical sequential phases, including vascular recruitment, mononuclear cell infiltration, and tissue remodeling during healing of rotator cuff repair. A recent study compared chemically cross-linked porcine dermis with noncross-linked porcine SIS scaffolds in a primate body wall model, and showed that a more robust cellular infiltrate for different individual ECM scaffolds elicits distinct histological and morphological responses, which depend on the species and tissue of origin, processing methods, type of terminal sterilization, and mechanical loading environment. However, regardless of the source of the ECM, chemical cross-linking is associated with unfavorable host response. The chemistry of a particular scaffold material influences the rate and degree of degradation and remodeling. Scaffolds derived from non-cross-linked SIS are rapidly remodeled and replaced by new host tissue, whereas scaffolds derived from dermis undergo slower remodeling, and may be incorporated by the host to some degree rather than completely replaced. It is likely that, during the process of partial or complete scaffold degradation, different growth factors can influence processes such as neovascularization, cell recruitment, and cell division. Recently, a published histological assessment of a human non-cross-linked dermal scaffold used to augment a rotator cuff repair demonstrated no calcification, infection, or inflammatory response at three months after surgery. The graft material was intact and identified by numerous dermal elastic fibers. Extensive host cellular infiltration was evident along the margins of the graft, with the more central regions sparsely populated. Collagen bundles were well aligned, and little blood vessel ingrowth was observed, indicating the early organization of new tissue. Degradation and remodeling of a scaffold device are associated with changes in its mechanical properties. Nevertheless, the temporal sequence of remodeling events, including the rate and extent of scaffold degradation and incorporation, is not yet established for most ECM products.


Acellular non-cross-linked human dermal matrix

The acellular non-cross-linked human dermal matrix (GJA, Graft-Jacket Matrix, Wright Medical Technology, Inc., Arlington, TN) is a decellularized and cryopreserved, human dermal tissue, processed using a patented technique to remove epidermis and to maintain intact collagen and structure while avoiding intentional artificial cross-linking. The manufacturer states that collagen types I, III, IV, and VII are retained. In addition to the collagen, this ECM contained elastin and the proteoglycan fibronectin and preserved blood vessel channels. GraftJacket requires rehydration before use. The material is a single layer and is provided at various thicknesses (0.5–2.4 mm) and sizes for the different surgical indications. The GraftJacket has been well studied regarding rotator cuff repair augmentation. In an in vitro biomechanical model, Barber et al. demonstrated a significant increase in the strength of a supraspinatus tendon repair when augmented with GJA compared with a non-augmented repair Fini et al. compared the effect of tenocytes on SIS and GJA, and demonstrated that GJA was able to support ECM synthesis better by maintaining higher levels of transforming growth factor ?1 (TGF-?1), matrix proliferation, and lower inflammatory cell counts compared with SIS, although both supported ECM integration. GJA has been studied extensively regarding rotator cuff repair augmentation. Adams et al. investigated the use of GJA in a canine model of full-thickness infraspinatus tear. At six weeks, there was normal chronic inflammation consistent with surgery and repair. By six months, the tendon-bone interface contained Sharpey’s fibers and a robust, remodeled tendon-like structure that still included elastin fibers from the graft. Ide et al. found that rotator cuff tears repaired with GJA augmentation had higher tendon maturing scores than an untreated control defect group. They demonstrated greater mean ultimate force to failure than the non-augmented defect group and performed better histologically and mechanically at every point in the study. Bond et al. reported the preliminary results of 16 patients with massive non-repairable rotator cuff tears treated arthroscopically, with GJA rotator cuff bridging replacing the missing tissue. At a mean follow-up of 26.8 months, 15 of 16 patients were satisfied with their procedure, 13 patients had full incorporation of the graft into native tissue as documented on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and three patients (19%) showed evidence of at least partial graft failure at one year. Dopirak et al. reported on the use of GJA as an interposition graft in 16 patients with massive, contracted immobile rotator cuff tears. At more than two years after surgery, 75% of patients were satisfied with their result. MR scans at 3 and 12 months indicated three failures, two occurring in the first three months. There were no reported complications. Burkhead et al. evaluated 17 patients treated with the GJA graft augmentation in massive rotator cuff tears >5 cm in size and involving 2, 3, or 4 tendons. After an average of 1.2 years, three smaller recurrent tears were noted from 11 postoperative MR scans and computed tomography (CT) arthrogram. Patients had significant improvement in postoperative UCLA scores with improvements in pain and function. Overall, 14 of the 17 patients were satisfied with their results.


Small intestine submucosa

SIS is derived from the tunica submucosa of porcine jejunum after removing several layers of the intestine (tunica mucosa, serosa, and muscular), and is an acellular, collagen-based, resorbable biomaterial. The heterogeneous nature of SIS is due to the different areas of intestinal graft harvest, and this factor limits graft homogeneity. Not all SIS harvests sites were homogeneous, and consequently, the biomechanical property is variable, e.g., samples harvested from the distal portion of the intestine are more elastic and less permeable than samples taken proximally. Dejardin et al. examined the ability of SIS to induce healing and regeneration by replacing a 2-cm segment of the infraspinatus tendons in a canine shoulder model. Sixteen adult dogs underwent bilateral resection of the infraspinatus tendons. One side was sutured back in place while the other tendon was replaced by an SIS implant. The tissue was harvested at 3 and six months for histological and biomechanical analysis. Five additional cadavers underwent this procedure for time zero analysis, and four more were used as unoperated controls. Mechanically, the non-augmented shoulders had significantly greater cross-sectional areas than the regenerated tendon. Histologically, the graft integrated with the infraspinatus tendon. Schlegel et al. produced a full-width infraspinatus injury and repair in a sheep. They placed a patch of SIS over the superficial aspect of the repaired tissue. The control was tendon repair without a graft. The investigators did not study the biomechanical benefit of using the graft devices at time zero. At three months, repairs augmented with SIS were significantly stiffer (39%) than non-augmented repairs, and stiffness was 40% of a normal tendon. Zalavras et al. similarly examined SIS’s regenerative capabilities in a rat model. A midsubstance supraspinatus tendon defect was produced in 40 animals. Twenty defects were repaired with a SIS patch, and the others were left unrepaired to evaluate the natural healing capacity of large defects as a control. Rats were sacrificed at 6 and 16 weeks for histological and biomechanical analysis. The regenerated tendons exhibited neovascularization and tenocytes oriented along the direction of greater mechanical stress, with no evident foreign body reactions. Mechanically, the regenerated tendons had higher tensile strength and stiffness compared with the tendons with full defects, but only reached approximately 75% of the normal tendon. In a sheep rotator cuff repair, Nicholson et al. performed a partial-width infraspinatus injury and repair, investigating the effect of repair augmentation with SIS or cross-linked porcine dermis grafts. They reported little to no difference in ultimate load between augmented and non-augmented repairs at 9 or 24 weeks of healing. However, at nine weeks, most SIS patches were completely resorbed, and fibroblasts and macrophages had invaded the area. In an SIS patch, there is a well-documented temporal course of cellular responses, which is affected by tissue processing. In the first three weeks, a florid host cellular response is noted, with the proliferation of mononuclear cells in the first 72 hours. Some studies also show that 80–90% of the ECM patch is removed by one month and is replaced by host tissue. SIS is available through several manufacturers, each with a proprietary processing and sterilization process. Among the available SIS materials, there is the Restore soft-tissue implant (Ortobiologic Soft Tissue Implant, Depuy Orthopaedics, Inc., Warsaw, IN), which is composed of 10 non-cross-linked layers of SIS processed with peracetic acid and ethanol to remove cellular or immune response-inducing DNA components. This device contains predominately type I collagen, fibronectin, chondroitin sulfate, heparin, hyaluronate, and some growth factors. The implant is terminally sterilized using electron beam radiation and is packaged dry. It requires rehydration before implantation. The use of xenograft ECM in rotator cuff repairs yielded mixed results in clinical trials. Malcarney et al. published their experiences in 25 patients. In four patients, an overt sterile inflammatory reaction at a mean of 13 days after surgery required débridement and removal of the graft. In a report by Zheng et al. similar sterile swelling and painful inflammatory response were observed. These adverse outcomes may have arisen because of the presence of porcine cellular and DNA elements in the Restore device. Iannotti et al. performed a randomized controlled trial to compare SIS augmentation with non-augmented cuff repairs in two groups of patients with tears of two tendons of the rotator cuff; 4 of 15 augmented shoulders healed in the SIS group compared with 9 of the 15 in the control group. Moreover, in the augmentation group, there was one event of erythema and natural drainage, one case of swelling and pain, and one case of erythema and increased skin temperature. The authors did not recommend further use of SIS in human repairs. On the other hand, Metcalf et al. also investigated the clinical efficacy of Restore for rotator cuff repairs in 12 patients who underwent arthroscopic repair of massive chronic rotator cuff tears. The Restore was used as an augmentation device. Postoperative MRI showed significant thickening of the cuff tendon with the incorporation of the SIS graft in 11 patients. In 1 of the 12 patients, clinical failure was observed within three months with complete resorption of the graft. There was no evidence of local or systemic rejection or infection in any patient. This study showed improved postoperative outcomes for patients treated with Restore graft augmentation compared with their preoperative condition. Sclamberg et al. evaluated the use of Restore in 11 patients undergoing open repair of large or massive rotator cuff tears. The device was used as an augmentation graft in four patients and as an interpositional graft in seven patients. MR scans were obtained between 6 and ten months postoperatively and showed that 10 of the 11 patients exhibited large re-tears. Walton et al. (2007) initiated a prospective study comparing Restore with a non-augmented control. This study was stopped when 4 of 19 patients treated with SIS displayed an inflammatory response. Furthermore, patients whose rotator cuffs had been repaired with the Restore device experienced decreased post-repair strength, increased shoulder impingement, slower pain resolution after activity, and no decrease in re-tear rate when compared with patients whose rotator cuff tears had been repaired using standard surgical techniques. The other available SIS is CuffPatch (Bioengineered Soft Tissue Reinforcement, Arthrotek, Biomet Sports Medicine, Inc., Warsaw, IN) an eight-layer acellular, lightly cross-linked SIS device. A non-detergent, non-enzymatic, chemical cleaning protocol is used to remove cells and cellular debris without damaging the native collagen structure. The implant is packaged hydrated and is terminally sterilized by gamma irradiation. CuffPatch is approximately 0.6 mm thick. Valentin et al. in a histological study comparing different xenografts and allografts used to augment rotator cuff repairs, demonstrated that rotator cuff repaired with CuffPatch experienced substantial inflammation when compared with other grafts.

Bovine dermis

The only available bovine dermis is an acellular, non-denatured, noncross-linked collagen membrane. TissueMend (Soft Tissue Repair Matrix, Stryker Corp., Mahwah, NJ) is a single layer of fetal bovine dermis processed to remove cells, lipids, and carbohydrates, and terminally sterilized with ethylene oxide. The device is approximately 1 mm thick and is composed primarily of type I and type II collagen. It is lyophilized and packaged dry. To date, there is little clinical information using this implant. Seldes et al. did publish a technique for arthroscopic rotator cuff augmentation utilizing this graft. A study comparing rotator cuff repairs augmented with patches demonstrated, however, that TissueMend had higher levels of DNA embedded in the ECM when compared with other xenograft materials.

Porcine dermal collagen

Three types of porcine dermal collagen are available as scaffolds for rotator cuff surgery. Permacol (Zimmer Collagen Repair Patch, Zimmer Inc., Warsaw, IN; Tissue Science Laboratories, PLC, Aldershot, Hampshire, UK) is an acellular, porcine dermal collagen matrix. Organic and enzymatic extraction methods are used to remove fat, cellular materials, and proteins. This scaffold is cross-linked with a diisocyanate, and thus resistant to enzymatic degradation. It is one layer and approximately 1.5 mm thick. It is packaged hydrated and terminally sterilized via gamma irradiation. In many preclinical studies, Permacol was reported to have been well tolerated as a subcutaneous implant. There was an absence of cellular infiltration and limited vascular ingrowth into the scaffold. Gilbert et al. in a study comparing the different commercially available biological ECMS, noted that Permacol had no detectable DNA in its matrix. In a relatively recent prospective clinical study of 10 patients, Badhe et al. reported on a 4.5-year follow-up after augmented repair of rotator cuff using Permacol. All the patients had tears at least 5 cm in size involving the supra- and infraspinatus tendons. Imaging (MRI and ultrasonography) identified intact grafts in eight patients and graft disruption in two. There were no adverse side effects attributed to the Permacol graft during the study period. In contrast, Soler et al. investigated the use of Permacol as a bridging device to repair massive rotator cuff defects. The graft device failed in all four patients within six months of treatment. All the four bridging cases had signs of inflammation, and two were revised to total shoulder replacement. Another available porcine dermal collagen is Conexa (Tornier Edina, MN). It is an acellular, non-cross-linked scaffold. It is sterilized via a patented technique and further prepared by removal all the cellular components, and -galactose (?-Gal) residues to minimize human immunological reaction. Both primates and human have preexisting natural antibodies to the ?-Gal antigen. The reduction of the ?-Gal antigen can reduce the immune response to xenograft tissues. The intact ECM supports tissue regeneration. Conexa is ready to use after a 2-minute rinse. This device is available in thicknesses of 1 and 2 mm, and in various sizes designed to meet the needs of specific orthopedic procedures and indications. In a recent laboratory study performed to evaluate the response of human tenocytes in culture to seven commercially available ECM patches, it was noted that Conexa and GraftJacket Allograft evoked the most favorable responses. Furthermore, this study supports the clinical observations that high rates of failure and severe inflammatory response were observed with cross-linked dermal grafts or SIS. To date, however, there are no published clinical studies on the use of Conexa xenograft. Biotape is the third porcine xenograft material (Wright Medical Technology, Inc., Arlington, TN). It is a terminally sterile, acellular, porcine dermal matrix. The collagen scaffold is preserved intact during processing, much like the GraftJacket allograft, and is not cross-linked. To date, no clinical studies are reporting the results of the use of Biotape in the shoulder.

Equine pericardium

The OrthADAPT bioimplant (Pegasus Biologics, Irvine, CA) is the only ECM derived from the equine pericardium. It is a decellularized, crosslinked, terminally sterilized, type I collagen matrix. This product is a very thin (<1 mm) and pliable scaffold. The OrthADAPT material has three subtypes that differ in the degree of cross-linking of collagen strands. The three products are named FX, PX, and MX in order of the degree of collagen cross-linking, with FX being most dense in crosslinking and hence most durable. A recent biomechanical study found that in both tensile and suture pull-out strength tests, the products FX and MX had mechanical properties that were comparable with CuffPatch, whereas the mechanical strength of PX was significantly inferior to FX and CuffPatch in the tensile strength test. To date, however, there have been no clinical reports using this material in the rotator cuff.

Indications and contraindications

The current use of ECM patches in rotator cuff surgery occurs in two different settings: augmentation of repair of severely damaged tissue or bridging a non-repairable defect. The clinical indications for patch use are, however, still being refined because few clinical data are supporting its different applications. For many young active patients with irreparable cuff tears, the only surgical options available are debridement and/or decompression, reverse total shoulder arthroplasty, latissimus dorsi or other muscle transfer, or glenohumeral joint arthrodesis. Most patients below the age of 60 with massive irreparable rotator cuff tears would be potential candidates to use the patch as a bridging device. Older patients are still potential candidates, but better incident-free outcomes are reported in patients aged <60 years, possibly from the more active healing response. Advanced glenohumeral osteoarthritis and rotator cuff tear arthropathy are a relative contraindication, because these patients may develop stiffness and inadequate pain relief. Immuno-compromised patients and heavy smokers are also relatively contraindicated and should be counseled. The best patients are motivated, younger people with unacceptable pain, and well-maintained active motion. An intact biceps tendon is thought to be beneficial because the graft can be sewn to it, thus providing a robust anchor point along the anterior border. This method of graft anchor anteriorly has not been shown to affect outcome adversely. However, we believe that in some cases, in which an irreparable cuff tear has associated severe (grade IV) muscle atrophy, especially with limited active motion, the use of patch as bridging is likely to be successful. Rotator cuff revision surgery without a severe grade of muscle atrophy is considered a possible indication for ECM patches used for either bridging or augmentation, although there are currently no adequate clinical data supporting this indication. The use of ECM for augmentation has been shown to be helpful in patients in whom the repaired rotator cuff has a high likelihood of re-tear. This group may include those cases in which the repair is under some tension, the muscle has fatty degeneration or poor tissue quality, or cannot be repaired without a residual defect.


The use of an ECM in the management of shoulder rotator cuff tendon disorders continues to expand. The use of scaffolds as support and direct tenocyte and collagen synthesis has yielded mixed results depending on the scaffold used. Porcine SIS, although once promising, now appears a poor material as a scaffold. Dermal matrix seems to effect better results concerning reduced adverse reaction and improved clinical outcome. However, these ECM have limited evidence in their favor in rotator cuff repairs, and have not been studied in a randomized clinical trial. Advances in tissue engineering may provide better graft options with improved regenerative capacities. Another vital point to consider is the potential benefits that might accrue from adding additional growth factors or other biological enhancements to the ECM during the repair. Placing and securing the patch graft arthroscopically is technically challenging. The longer surgical time might add additional morbidity without clear clinical benefits. To place the graft patch using the traditional open rotator cuff repair technique would be more reproducible, but exposes the patient to the added morbidity of deltoid detachment. An additional point of concern for patients with sizeable irreparable rotator cuff tears is the severe fatty infiltration of muscle tissue that is often associated with them. Repair of this tendon even with an ECM patch cannot reverse the muscular atrophy, and hence this repair cannot re-establish the normal muscle-tendon function.

The overhead athlete


The overhead throwing motion requires strength, flexibility, coordination, and neuromuscular control. In the overhead throwing motion, high demands and stresses are borne by both the soft tissues and the osseous structures of the glenohumeral joint. Adaptive structural changes occur permitting the shoulder to perform effective overhead athletic motions, but this could be at the expense of normal kinematics at the glenohumeral joint. The musculoskeletal adaptive characteristics could potentially result in altered glenohumeral motion which has been reported in numerous sports including baseball tennis volleyball and swimming. Furthermore, numerous authors have postulated that abnormal kinematics with the addition of altered motion could result in internal impingement with subsequent injury at the shoulder. Most of the common pathologies seen at the shoulder of the overhead athlete are encompassed under the umbrella of internal impingement. These include superior labral anteroposterior (SLAP) lesions, partial-thickness, articular-sided rotator cuff tears, biceps tendon pathology, and capsular laxity. Other pathological processes include posterior glenoid lesions (Bennett’s), tendonitis or bursitis of the rotator cuff, and scapular dyskinesia. In this chapter, we discuss the anatomy and biomechanics of the overhead athlete, describe the pathophysiological process of internal impingement and rotator cuff overload, and review the most common injuries sustained at the shoulder of the overhead athlete.


The athlete must accelerate the arm and ball or racket from a stationary position until ball release or contact, converting stored or potential energy into kinetic energy, resulting in throwing a ball up to 100 miles/h or serving a ball up to 150 mph (240 kph). After ball contact or release, this energy must be safely dissipated. The athlete who participates in overhead sports must possess the ability to decelerate the arm countless times to avoid injury effectively. After a throw, the accelerated arm must be abruptly decelerated through an eccentric contraction. The large muscles create incredible internal rotational velocity, which allows the ball, racquet, or club to move at the highest possible velocity. These muscles include pectoralis major and minor, triceps, latissimus dorsi, and anterior deltoid. The muscles principally responsible for deceleration of the throwing arm are the smaller rotator cuff muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor. This is accomplished by the eccentric muscle action of contraction with simultaneous lengthening. With eccentric contraction, fewer muscle fibers are contracting more strongly than concentric contraction, placing the fibers at higher risk of injury. There are many sports involving overhead motion that place the shoulder at risk. Generally, an injury is the result of countless repetitions and the cumulative pathological processes that may be triggered, often referred to as microtrauma. Most injuries evaluated and treated in sports medicine result from throwing or striking from the overhead position. The highest velocities of arm rotation in sports, as well as the largest portion of injuries in this population of athletes, are among baseball pitchers. However, other overhead sports are also responsible for a considerable number of injuries and amount of rotator cuff pathology. Some of these sports include softball, swimming, handball, javelin throwing, and volleyball.


In overhead sports, the shoulder requires a balance of muscular tension, muscular proprioceptive control, and ligamentous and osseous support. The thrower’s shoulder needs to be loose enough to create high rotational velocities with maximum energy imparted at ball release while remaining stable enough to avoid injury. Angular velocities reach 7.250°/s during the acceleration phase of the baseball pitch and represent the fastest human movement recorded. During the pitching motion, anterior translation forces reach half body weight in late cocking and a distraction force equal to the body weight during the deceleration phase. Velocity can be improved by increasing the arc of rotation. The throwing shoulder, in its attempt to gain a larger arc at 90° abduction in the late cocking phase of throwing, develops several unique glenohumeral characteristics. These include increased external rotation which may be the result of increased glenoid and humeral head retroversion as well as anterior capsular laxity. The coordination and synchronicity between the dynamic and static stabilizers of the shoulder afford enough laxity and stability to deliver the ball at high speeds, yet with enough tension to maintain the humeral head in the center of the glenoid fossa. In these athletes, more motion allows enhanced function (increased arc to accelerate the ball or racquet). However, excessive motion comes at the expense of decreased stability. Altchek and Dines (1995) suggest that failure of this balance may lead to combination injuries such as partial-thickness rotator cuff tears and capsulolabral pathology.

Glenohumeral stability

Glenohumeral biomechanical stability is provided by numerous structures within two types of anatomical restraints: static and dynamic. The static restraints refer to the bone, cartilaginous, ligamentous, and capsular structures. The dynamic restraints include all the musculature around the shoulder, the negative intra-articular pressure within the joint, and the property of adhesion–cohesion. These two groups of restraints work together to maintain glenohumeral stability by compressive forces directing the humeral head to the glenoid. Damage or fatigue to any static or dynamic structure can hinder the physiological biomechanics, making overhead athletic maneuvers difficult or impossible. Limitation of abnormal motion or translation of the humeral head on the glenoid is therefore limited by synchronized muscle firing, stable glenohumeral ligaments, and a competent labrum. The dynamic nature of the repetitive throwing motion places extraordinary stresses on the shoulder, capsuloligamentous complex, and rotator cuff. Thus, maintenance of strength and integrity at the glenohumeral joint is paramount to the success of the overhead athlete.

Capsuloligamentous complex

The glenohumeral capsuloligamentous complex is made up of the capsule and the glenohumeral ligaments (GHLs). The capsule can show significant variability; however, it is usually composed of predominantly type I collagen and is less than 5 mm thick. The capsule has a primary role of maintaining negative intra-articular pressure at the glenohumeral joint. The GHLs are thickenings of the capsule and consist of superior, middle, inferior complex, and coracohumeral ligaments. The GHLs act both to reinforce the capsule and to limit translation of the humeral head at different degrees of shoulder motion, by constraining and stabilizing as they tighten. The shoulder joint is a circular capsuloligamentous complex, and therefore injury or repair in one region can adversely affect the function of another region.

Rotator interval

The rotator cuff interval is the primary restraint limiting inferior translation with the arm in an adducted position and provides no mechanical stability in 90° of abduction because the ligaments are slack at that point. It is the space between the front edge of the supraspinatus tendon and the upper end of the Subscapularis. The interval consists of the coracohumeral ligament (CHL) and the superior glenohumeral ligament (SGHL) and serves as a bridge between the supraspinatus and subscapularis musculotendinous complexes. The SGHL serves as the floor in the bicipital groove over which the biceps tendon travels. The CHL originates on the lateral process of the coracoid and inserts over both the greater and the lesser tuberosities, coursing over the bicipital groove. Closure of the rotator interval results in a decrease in external rotation with the arm in the adducted position to 56.4% of normal motion.

Inferior glenohumeral ligament complex

The inferior GHL is the most critical portion of the overall capsuloligamentous complex because it is the critical structure that prevents inferior translation and dislocation with the arm in the abducted position. The overhead athlete has the arm in this susceptible position frequently, and therefore its function is essential in these individuals. The inferior GHL is a complex because it consists of an anterior band, a posterior band, and a pouch between the two bands. This entire complex forms an axillary pouch and is reported to function as a hammock, supporting the humeral head from below with varying degrees of rotation.

Rotator cuff

The dynamic stabilizers of the glenohumeral joint consist of the rotator cuff musculature and the larger muscles: pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, and deltoid. Deltoid acts as a destabilizer secondary to its proximal pull, translating the humeral head proximally toward the acromion. The rotator cuff functions as a coupled unit, pulling the humeral head toward the glenoid and is most important in the midranges of motion. This is critical, because of the capsuloligamentous structures, by their passive nature, function only in the end ranges of motion. The forces that these muscles impart to the humeral head provide stability via the “concavity–compression” mechanism, which acts to compress the humeral head into the concavity of the glenoid. The effect of the rotator cuff is not just concavity–compression forcing the humeral head into the glenoid; it also produces a passive barrier to superior, anterior, and posterior translation. However, the dynamic stabilizers decrease the amount of stress on the capsuloligamentous structures seen at the extremes of motion, by limiting the ultimate range at these positions. The dynamic stabilizers are also responsible for initiation of movement at the shoulder and the forces of creating acceleration and accomplishing deceleration during overhand motion in sports. When the larger deltoid overpowers a fatigued rotator cuff, superior translation of the humeral head could result in dynamic impingement of the cuff itself. Maintained integrity and strength of the rotator cuff muscles are essential to neutralize superior directed forces of the deltoid muscle. Rotator cuff weakness, fatigue, dysfunction, inflammation, or massive tear cannot resist the pull of the humeral head by deltoid superiorly. The humeral head in this circumstance would be “overloaded” subacromially and damage to the rotator cuff could result from an extra-articular insult. This mechanism is sometimes called secondary impingement. External rotation of the humerus is controlled by infraspinatus and teres minor and reduces strain on the anteroinferior capsuloligamentous structures. The subscapularis is of primary importance in stabilizing the glenohumeral joint anteriorly with the arm in abduction and neutral rotation but becomes less important with external rotation, where the posterior cuff muscles reduce anterior strain. Subscapularis likewise resists anterior translation by a bulk effect of the muscle itself anteriorly and, when contracting, pushes the head posteriorly. The transverse force couple provides stability throughout the midranges of motion formed by the coordinated activity of both subscapularis and infraspinatus. Electromyography has shown that subscapularis and infraspinatus both contract to stabilize the glenohumeral joint in abduction from 60° to 150°. In baseball pitchers, researchers have shown that, during late cocking, as the glenohumeral joint reaches extreme external rotation, subscapularis has the most activity, followed by infraspinatus and teres minor. Supraspinatus has the least activity, and infraspinatus and teres minor work hard to decelerate the arm after ball release and may be subjected to overload and injury. Repetitive insult could result in scarring of the tendon and adherent capsule causing tightness, which may be seen clinically as reduced glenohumeral internal rotation (glenohumeral internal rotation deficit – GIRD).

Range of motion

It is well accepted and reported in the literature that the overhand throwing athlete develops and possesses a unique glenohumeral range of motion characteristics of the throwing shoulder. Generally speaking, these include an increase in external rotation and a decrease in internal rotation at 90° abduction in the throwing shoulder whereas external rotation in adduction is usually unaffected. Despite these disparities, there is overall retention of the total range of motion (ROM) comparatively between the two shoulders. This phenomenon can be thought of as a shift in the position of the rotational arc at the throwing shoulder. The passive ROM characteristics of 879 professional baseball players were reported by Wilk and included means of external rotation (136.9° + 14.7°) and internal rotation of 40.1° + 9.6° at 90° abduction. The external rotation was approximately 9° greater in the throwing versus the non-throwing shoulder, and the internal rotation was 8.5° less in the throwing shoulder in the pitchers. Total motion is generally retained because the loss in internal rotation is offset by the gain in external rotation. With ball release occurring in a similar position of slight forward elevation, the increase in ER at the glenohumeral joint allows more time over which to accelerate the arm (and ball or racquet), allowing for increased velocities at which the arm, and hence the ball, can be propelled. Humeral and glenoid retroversion likewise appear to be necessary changes in the natural history of the thrower’s shoulder. In this sense, it could be reasoned that the athlete self-selects whether these changes occur and whether or not he or she can throw successfully. What remains unclear is at what point expected physiological changes progress to pathological processes. It has been proposed that, if the loss of IR at the throwing shoulder is equal to the gain in ER, this is due to an osseous physiological process that developed secondary to the stresses of repetitive throwing at an early age. However, when the loss in IR exceeds the adaptive gains in ER, this could represent a pathological process and is likely secondary to changes seen in the soft tissues. This phenomenon of loss of IR in the throwing shoulder has been termed “glenohumeral internal rotation deficit” (GIRD). GIRD can progress over time in overhead athletes; however, the clinical significance of this process remains uncertain. GIRD is calculated by subtracting the IR of the throwing shoulder from the IR of the non-throwing shoulder. The original report on GIRD presented a threshold value of 25° as increased risk of injury:

25° was selected because 124 baseball pitchers treated arthroscopically by the lead author for symptomatic type 2 SLAP lesions all possessed a GIRD >25° (mean 53°). Other authors have reported different thresholds of asymmetry as remarkable – 11° and 18° associated with a shoulder injury, mainly labral tears.

The supraphysiological rotation obtained by overhand athletes can be achieved because of these glenohumeral adaptations. Two mechanisms are responsible for the characteristic motion pattern in throwers. It has been reported that osseous and soft-tissue changes occur and are responsible. An incredible distraction force of 750 N has been reported to be absorbed by the posteroinferior aspect of the capsule during the follow-through phase of the throwing motion. These stresses posteriorly can cause remodeling resulting in contracture and subsequent GIRD. Alternatively, the eccentric forces to decelerate the arm, as well as prevent distraction, may result in microscopic injury to the rotator cuff external rotators (teres minor and infraspinatus). This repetitive microscopic injury may result in scarring and contracture of the muscle-tendon unit. The tendons for these muscles are confluent with the posterior glenohumeral capsule and, thus, inflammation and contracture of the tendon may also occur in the capsule, resulting in GIRD. The development of GIRD remains a significant concern for throwing athletes, trainers, and orthopedic surgeons because of these reported associations with injury due to abnormal glenohumeral mechanics, and the uncertainty that still surrounds this topic. Although it is accepted that both processes may exist, debate continues as to whether soft-tissue changes, bony alterations, or a combination of these is ultimately responsible for the development of pathological GIRD.

Osseous adaptations

Significantly increased humeral head retroversion, glenoid retroversion, and ER in the throwing shoulder compared with the non-throwing shoulder were reported by Crockett et al. They also found that IR was significantly less in the throwing shoulder than in the non-throwing shoulder. No significant differences were found between shoulders for total ROM, anterior or posterior glenohumeral laxity, or the sulcus sign. Probably, loss of IR is the normal adaptive process in the overhead thrower and should be considered abnormal or concerning only when there is a loss of the total ROM secondary to increased losses of IR. Furthermore, the osseous adaptation allowing greater ER, and hence a higher arc for throwing, could be viewed as a process that protects the shoulder from internal impingement. Increased humeral retroversion likely occurs at a young age and has been theorized not to worsen, but to result from the throwing arm not undergoing a physiological derotation process during growth.

Posterior capsular tightness

The literature is limited about the glenohumeral range of motion changes reported prospectively. Freehill et al. looked at a cohort of major league baseball pitchers to examine the changes in glenohumeral motion that occur over the course of a season. No statistically significant changes in ROM over the course of a full season were found in all pitchers as a group; however, significant differences were found when the starting and relief pitcher subgroups were closely examined. Interestingly, starting pitchers showed significantly improved IR and total ROM, whereas relief pitchers experienced a significant worsening of GIRD. The authors concluded that this was evidence of soft-tissue changes over the course of a season. Also, Lintner et al. demonstrated that a stretching program could result in protective, measurable changes in ROM. The muscles responsible for the ER during late cocking of the throwing motion also demonstrate high eccentric muscle activity during the follow-through phase and are responsible for the deceleration of the arm crossing at this incredible velocity. Eccentric muscle contraction has been shown to result in increased passive muscular tension and loss of joint ROM. Other studies have demonstrated that repetitive eccentric contractions produce a subsequent loss of joint ROM in the upper and lower extremities.

Injuries in the overhead athlete

Narrowing down the broad spectrum of differential diagnoses is critical for medical practitioners when taking care of these athletes. The presentation of pathology can be a pain, ineffective performance, or decreased ROM. It is critical to determine the correct diagnosis because this will help formulate the most effective treatment protocol. Advanced imaging modalities have been tremendously beneficial, but one must be careful to correlate these studies with the symptoms of the overhead athlete. The importance of this is borne out in the report by Andrews and colleagues who evaluated 31 asymptomatic professional pitchers with MRI. Abnormal labrums were detected in 90%, changes within the rotator cuff in 87%, and cystic changes of the humeral head in 39%. The abduction–external rotation (ABER) view with MRI or MR arthrography allows excellent visualization of the glenohumeral joint and associated pathologies. The undersurface of the cuff, labrum, and humeral head shifting with stressing can all be appropriately evaluated. It is useful in the evaluation of undersurface rotator cuff tears because visualization of delamination can be appreciated.

Full thickness

Full-thickness rotator cuff tears in the overhead thrower are uncommon. These tears, as in partial-thickness tears, likely result from repetitive motion and occur over time. This mechanism is in contrast with the contact athlete in whom a single high-energy trauma can cause the tear. The region of the rotator cuff usually affected is the undersurface of the posterior supraspinatus and the superior portion of infraspinatus. Associated injuries should be sought, such as SLAP lesions. On physical examination, pain, weakness, and rotator cuff inflammation signs are generally positive. Plain radiographs are often unremarkable. MRI is the advanced imaging modality of choice; however, if labral or biceps pathology is suspected, then an MR arthrogram should be obtained. Restoration of the anatomical footprint is the primary goal in surgical repair because this will optimize the contact area and thus the healing environment while producing the best attempt at mechanical restoration of the throwing shoulder. Techniques described include open, mini-open, arthroscopic, transosseous, suture anchors, and single- versus double-row repairs. The surgeon must avoid repairing infraspinatus to the articular margin because this is not its standard anatomical attachment site. Mazoué and Andrews reported the results of 16 professional baseball players with full-thickness rotator cuff tears who underwent repair using a mini-open repair, 12 of whom were pitchers. Of the 12 pitchers, 1 (8%) was able to return to a highly competitive level. Nine of the twelve underwent a concurrent procedure, including a third who received thermal capsulorraphy, so the sample size of only full-thickness rotator cuff tears was small. Nevertheless, of the three with only rotator cuff tears and no concurrent diagnosis or procedure performed, none returned to a highly competitive level.


SLAP lesions refer to injury at the complex of the biceps tendon–superior labral attachment. Although Andrews et al. were the first to describe this lesion, Snyder et al. first classified the various injuries to this complex. They referred to the injury as superior labrum anterior and posterior lesions and coined the term “SLAP” lesion. The internal impingement position of the throwing motion can lead to excessive traction and “peeling back” of the biceps tendon from the labrum, resulting in a type II lesion. Assorted points of view have been theorized as to the “peel-back” mechanism versus a deceleration traction avulsion injury to the labral complex, but perhaps the suggestion that the biceps tendon in the throwing motion is undergoing a “weed pulling” phenomenon allows both theories to be entertained. The diagnosis can be tricky because symptoms can mimic rotator cuff pathology or instability and the sensitivity and specificity of physical examination tests for SLAP lesions are poor. In treating patients, it must be determined whether the labral damage has destabilized the capsular ligaments or whether alteration of the biceps tendon has occurred. The ABER view on the MR image or arthrogram is critical to help diagnosis, but a definitive diagnosis can be made only with arthroscopy. Although successful non-surgical treatment for SLAP lesions resulting in improved pain and function has been reported, return to overhead sports at the pre-injury level was only 66%. Technical points in SLAP repairs in overhead athletes include restoration of the anatomical meniscoid position of the labrum on the glenoid, avoiding suture knots because the rotator cuff would abut after repair, and care not to over-constrain the biceps tendon because this will result in a loss of ER. Some surgeons advocate not placing sutures or anchors anterior to the biceps tendon in throwers because this may also affect the ability to achieve ER by capturing the biceps tendon.

Biceps tendon

Questions remain as to the exact function of the biceps tendon and its importance in the throwing action across the proximal shoulder. It likewise remains unknown whether biceps tendon tendinitis or dysfunction is isolated or exists as part of a spectrum of shoulder pathology. The clinician must evaluate and search for a coexisting diagnosis such as rotator cuff pathology, labral tears, or instability. The insertion into the superior glenoid tubercle–superior labral complex, implicates this structure with SLAP lesions. Although most SLAP lesions in the thrower are type II, intratendinous advancement may be present and needs to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Most biceps tendon pathology is in the form of tendinitis, and therefore non-surgical modalities should initially be used.

Posterior glenoid exostosis

(Bennett’s lesion)

Bennett’s lesion is an extra-articular ossification of the posteroinferior glenoid. This was first described in 1941 as ossification of the posterior capsule of the throwing shoulder. It was hypothesized that these lesions occurred secondary to the pull of the posterior capsule and triceps during the throwing motion. Local irritation of the joint capsule and synovial membrane arising from the presence of these calcifications can result in posterior shoulder pain. The repetitive trauma of the throwing motion to the posterior capsule could lead to a secondary ossification. It has been associated with athletes having GIRD. The clinical significance of this lesion has been questioned because it is a relatively common finding in the throwing population. Wright and Paletta reported that 22% of asymptomatic professional baseball pitchers in their cohort of 55 demonstrated this lesion. However, in the symptomatic shoulder of the throwing athlete, a posterior exostosis could be considered a marker of internal impingement. The lesion could signify the presence of undersurface tearing of the rotator cuff as well as damage to the posterior labrum. For athletes with thrower’s exostosis who have symptomatic stable shoulders, arthroscopic debridement of the rotator cuff and labral lesions is indicated. Arthroscopic excision of the exostosis is recommended if the patient has a prominent lesion associated with posterior shoulder pain, particularly in the late-cocking phases of throwing, and if evocable tenderness in the region of the posterior glenoid rim and capsule is present.


Overhead throwers possess increased anterior laxity. As previously described, this laxity allows the supraphysiological ER to increase rotational velocities through a greater arc of rotation, and impart greater energy to the ball when released or struck. Jobe and Pink postulated that repetitive microtrauma will cause capsular laxity and could ultimately be responsible for secondary pathologies such as labral or rotator cuff injuries. A certain degree of anterior laxity needs to be acquired to perform effectively in overhead athletics. However, a threshold is likely surpassed that predisposes to pain and potential injury. Thermal capsulorraphy has been largely abandoned in throwers secondary to concerns over loss of ER and chondrolysis of the glenohumeral joint. Arthroscopic plication of the capsule alone or with some labrum has been performed, but again loss of ROM and inability to perform overhead sports remain a question.

Scapular dyskinesia

Alterations in scapular positioning can create protraction and increased glenoid ante-tilting. The result is the scapula moving into IR as the humerus moves into ER. At rest, the position of the scapula is altered and has been termed “SICK” scapula. This stands for scapular malposition, inferior medial border prominence, coracoid pain, dyskinesia. The “SICK” scapula position combined with altered motion is termed “scapular dyskinesis.” Inflexibility or imbalance of muscles, as well as loss of muscle activation and coordination, results in an abnormal position of excessive protraction at rest and an inability to appropriately retract during motion. During throwing, the late-cocking and early acceleration phases produce a greater internal impingement, with excessive posterior compression and anterior tension secondary to inability to retract to accommodate the hyper external rotation of throwing. In this setting, labral tears, undersurface rotator cuff tears, and capsular injury could take place. Front-line treatment for scapular dyskinesia is non-surgical modalities. Closed chain exercises are performed to address protraction, retraction, elevation with protraction and retraction, elevation and internal rotation, and external rotation and depression. Open chain exercises can be instituted after an improvement in muscle balance, flexibility, and strength. Tenderness around the coracoid in this setting is secondary to a tight pectoralis minor tendon. This can be stretched by placing a rolled towel between the shoulder blades while laying in the supine position.

Subcoracoid impingement

Subcoracoid impingement is a diagnosis of exclusion. It presents as dull anterior shoulder pain. Neer’s testing is negative with this diagnosis, but pain relief is with an anesthetic injection at the coracoid. Although this impingement of subscapularis between the lesser tuberosity and the coracoid is often associated with an elongated coracoid, it may also be associated with anterior shoulder instability and can be seen in throwing athletes. Treatment generally is non-surgical but, in recalcitrant cases, an arthroscopic coracoidplasty may be beneficial. However, there are no studies in throwing athletes.


It has been well established that overhead athletes develop different adaptive changes at their glenohumeral joints, allowing them to compete effectively in their respective sports. The repetitive nature of these motions and the stresses produced at the shoulder in these athletes place them at risk for potential dysfunction and structural injury. Understanding and distinguishing a pathological process from the throwing shoulder’s physiological adaptive response is a challenging yet critical skill in treating these individuals. Initial efforts at non-surgical therapies should be exhausted before surgical intervention. Advancing diagnostics and surgical capabilities are improving the chances of returning overhead athletes to their preinjury level. Further research on the overhead athlete, internal impingement, and its associated pathologies, and continued advancing techniques for surgical intervention, should remain at the forefront of this challenging population.


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  1. Altchek DW, Dines DM. Shoulder injuries in the throwing athlete. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1995;3:159–165.
  1. Gibb TD, Sidles JA, Harryman DT, et al. The effect of the capsular venting on glenohumeral laxity. Clin Orthop 1991;268:120–127

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Rotator Cuff Massage Therapy CEU

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The Pelvic Girdle Massage Therapy Continuing Education

The Pelvic Girdle Lesson

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Each limb has a girdle, hip girdle or shoulder girdle, by which it is attached to the axial skeleton. The girdle supports three main segments of the limb, a proximal thigh or arm, a middle leg or forearm and a distal foot or hand. The similarity between the two limbs is not only outward, but to a great extent, it is also found in the bones, joints, muscles, vessels, nerves, and lymphatics. However, with the evolution of up-right or plantigrade posture in man, the two limbs despite their fundamental similarities have become specialized in different directions to meet the new functional needs. The emancipated upper limb is specialized for prehension and free mobility whereas the lower limb is specialized for support and locomotion. In general, the lower limbs attain stability at the cost of some movement, and the upper limbs achieve freedom of mobility at the expense of some security. Thus the lower limbs are bulkier and stronger than the upper limbs.

The lower limb is built for support and propulsion. The two hip bones articulate with one another in front at the pubic symphysis, and each is firmly fixed to the lateral part of the sacrum by the relatively immobile sacroiliac joint. The rigid bony pelvis thus produced transmits the body weight through the acetabulum of the hip bone to the lower limb and likewise transmits the propulsive thrust of the lower limb to the hip bone. In sitting, body weight is sent to the ischial tuberosities, and the legs are free to rest. The fixation of the hip bones restricts movements in the hip region compared with the shoulder, but a wide range of flexion-extension movements and a lesser degree of abduction-adduction are still possible.



Anatomy Of Hip Joint

The hip is a synovial joint of the ball-and-socket variety formed by the globular femoral head cupped into the acetabular or cotyloid cavity of the hip bone. It plays a major role in the static and dynamic physiology of the locomotor system and, although it is the most stable ball-and-socket joint in the body, it still maintains an extraordinary range of motion. Descriptively the hip joint is commonly discussed in the extended position. However, a clear mental picture of the anatomical changes which occur during the full range of joint motion forms an essential adjunct to an accurate evaluation of the functional and pathological problems encountered.

The proximal end of the femur includes the head, the neck, and the trochanters. The neck, which is embryologically a continuation of the shaft, joins the latter at an angle which varies from 125 to 135°. The angle between the plane of the femoral condyles and the axis of the femoral neck is the torsion or declination angle of the femur. It shows a wide degree of variation from anteversion to retroversion with an average figure of 14° anteversion 14. The head forms two-thirds of a sphere and joins the constricted neck at the subcapital sulcus. The joint face of the normal fully hydrated articular cartilage, which covers the femoral head, is perfectly spherical. The cartilage-covered area of the head is derived predominantly from the epiphysis, but inferiorly a tongue of diaphyseal bone extending medially also contributes to the lower articular surface. As the neck is only three-fourths of the equatorial diameter of the head, a wide range of motion is possible before it impinges on the pliable labrum acetabular. The articular cartilage of the head thins toward the periphery and terminates at the subcapital sulcus. This sulcus is more pronounced at the superior and inferior aspects of the neck, where it may be occupied by a small sub-synovial fat pad. In the absence of an anterior subcapital sulcus, a small articular facet encroaches onto the anterior aspect of the neck in 10% of specimens. It is in contact with the iliofemoral ligament during extension but slides under the anterior acetabular margin during flexion and internal rotation. The margins of the articular cartilage join the synovial membrane which covers the anterior aspect of the neck as far laterally as the intertrochanteric line, where the iliofemoral 3 component of the capsule is firmly anchored. Synovium sheathes only the medial half of the posterior surface of the neck.The periosteum of the neck contained no cambium layer, and so lacked osteogenic properties.The neck did not exhibit the massive callus formation seen typically in extraarticular locations.

The greater trochanter, a common traction epiphysis for insertion of the abductors, overhangs the expanded junction of neck and shaft. Posteriorly it is joined by the intertrochanteric crest to the lesser trochanter which projects from the posteromedial aspect of the proximal shaft. The trochanteric line demarcates the anterior point of the neck from the shaft. The upper end forms the femoral tubercle·, and the secondary end continues distally as the spiral line giving origin to the vastus medialis. A muscle, although covering the medial surface of the femoral shaft, does not take origin from this aspect of the bone, but it protects the profunda femoris artery which may be traumatized by drills or screws protruding from the medial side of the shaft.In the anatomy laboratories, we see many examples of longitudinal or oblique splits in the cortex of the proximal femoral shaft following the insertion of screws or pins. With correct and careful technical precautions this can and should be avoided, as it throws additional and unnecessary strains on the stability of the internal fixation. Growth disturbances at the capital femoral epiphysis cause a coxa vara, while growth arrest of the growing greater trochanter produces a coxa valga.

The femoral head is cupped in the reciprocally curved acetabulum, made up of the iliac, ischial, and pubic components of the hip bone. The mouth of the acetabulum is directed laterally, distally, and anteriorly. It has a reinforcing prominent buttress of bone at its superior and posterior margins to counteract the strains and stresses exerted by the pressing femoral head, not alone in the erect attitude but also in the much more commonly utilized hip flexion position. On the convex or male component of all joints, the articular cartilage is thickest centrally and thins toward the periphery. Precisely the opposite occurs on the concave or female component, where the thickest area of .articular cartilage is found at the periphery, adjacent to the acetabular labrum. In the acetabulum the weight-bearing cartilage-covered articular surface of horseshoe outline surrounds the nonarticular acetabular fossa. This contains a fibro-elastic fat pad covered on its lateral aspect by synovial membrane. The round ligament (ligamentum teres) is neither round nor ligamentous. It is a flat fibrous band covered with synovium which extends from the acetabular notch and transverse ligament to the fovea capitis of the femoral head. It serves to transmit blood vessels to the femoral head. The combination of a yielding fat pad and depressed acetabular fossa allows the ligament free movement without exposing it to compression and friction forces between the facets of articular cartilage. Although the articular surfaces are reciprocally and regularly curved, they are not coextensive. In any joint position only two-fifths of the head occupies the bony acetabulum. The bony acetabulum without its peripheral labrum is less than a true hemisphere, which is why such an excellent range of motion is possible at the hip joint. A smaller femoral head with a corresponding smaller and shallower acetabulum is found in females. Labrum

The acetabular notch is bridged by the fibrous transverse ligament, which continues as a sturdy but mobile fibrocartilaginous annulus (labrum acetabular) attached to the bony margin. Because the labrum embraces the head tightly beyond its equator, it increases the depth of the acetabulum and enhances the stability of the hip joint. The labrum is most prominent at the posterosuperior region of the acetabulum, where it is covered by synovial membrane on both its superficial and deep aspects. Thus, the superior margin or limbus is mobile at the lateral margin and may rotate into the joint cavity of a congenitally dislocated hip.


The capsule of the Hip Joint

The strong but sensitive fibrous capsule of the hip forms a closely fitting cuff which covers the lateral margins of the head of the femur and most of its neck. Anteriorly the capsule reaches to the intertrochanteric line, but posteriorly the lateral half of the neck is extracapsular. The capsule is made up of dense, fibrous tissue reinforced anteriorly by the sturdy iliofemoral ligament of Bigelow, below by the pubofemoral condensation, and posteriorly by the thin ischiofemoral element. In the position of hip flexion and adduction, the femoral head may be readily forced through the attenuated posteroinferior capsule. The capsule is constricted around the narrowest area of the neck by the zona orbicularis-a condensed group of deeply placed circular fibers which reinforces the retaining action of the labrum acetabular. The rest position at the hip joint is approximately 10° flexion, 10° abduction, and 10° external rotation. This position allows total capsular slackness and maximal joint capacity with complete muscular relaxation. It is the position classically assumed in the early stages of painless hip joint effusion or while the lower limb is supported by hydrostatic pressure. The longitudinal fibers of the capsule are relaxed during hip flexion but become twisted and taut when the hip is in full extension, limiting that movement by torsional impaction of the femoral head into the acetabulum and producing the “close-packed position”,the terminal position commonly associated with tautening of ligaments and full congruity of articular surfaces. The femoral attachment of the capsule is reinforced by fibrous extensions into the many vascular foramina at the base of the neck. Some of the innermost fibers are reflected in a medial direction as retinacula onto the femoral neck, along which they pass to reach the sub-capital articular sulcus. Covered by synovial membrane, these retinacula are concentrated superiorly, inferiorly, and occasionally anteriorly where they provide a relatively safe passage for the blood vessels to and from the femoral head in both children and adults. In the living, the synovium is loosely attached to the neck and at the retinacular areas is lifted off into pliable folds.


Articular Cartilage

This material forms a tough, springy, avascular, aneural, living layer on the bone ends. It is devoid of perichondrium and lacks the capacity to regenerate. It supplies a yielding cover, which mitigates bone stresses, and a smooth gliding surface which reduces friction and facilitates free movements. Living cartilage, capable of absorbing and losing fluids, displays a temporary swelling in response to exercise. It molds and flattens under pressure but rapidly resumes its original dimensions, especially in the younger age groups. It is made up of a fibrocollagenous framework in a gelatinous matrix containing relatively few chondrocytes. The collagen fibers, by restricting the gelatinous matrix (fluid cushion), counteract the compression and tangential forces to which articular cartilage is exposed. Deeply, near the osteochondral level, the collagen fibers are irregularly oriented but form perilacunar baskets which enclose clusters of cartilage cells (chondrocytes). Superficially, very fine tangentially oriented collagen fibers of 50-100 A diameter form the lamina splendens which is devoid of cells and almost devoid of the intervening ground substance. A transitional arrangement of cells and fibers is found at the intermediate level. The “smooth” articular cartilage has an undulating surface rather like beaten brass or silver. The crevices which entrap the synovial fluid have a peak to valley height in the 2 to 5 mp, range, but as cartilage is elastic, the number and size of these irregularities repeatedly change under pressure. The porosity of articular cartilage allows the low molecular weight components of the synovial fluid, and possibly some fat molecules, to pass through its surface.


Synovial Fluid

This is a fibrinogen-free dialysate of blood plasma containing a high-molecular-weight long-chain polysaccharide hyaluronic acid. This, probably in a protein complex, forms a tough, slippery film on articular cartilage which is highly resistant to rupture even under conditions of heavy loading. Synovial fluid is an excellent lubricant but specifically and only for articular cartilage. We have also concluded that synovial fluid provides nutrition for the avascular articular cartilage, removes the end-products of metabolism, and aids in the dissipation of localized heat. Lubrication in synovial joints is provided by the hyaluronic acid-protein complex in the fluid film (be it ever so thin) between the yielding surfaces of the articular cartilage. How this film is retained under conditions of static and dynamic loading has presented a problem to scientists and still awaits a unanimous answer. The more common current concepts on joint lubrication are classified as hydrodynamic, boundary, elastodynamic, squeeze-film, booster, weeping, hydrostatic, and mixed. The mechanical bearing of the engineer and the synovial joint have many features in common but also have some pronounced differences.

Movements in animal joints are a combination of sliding and rolling but not of continuous rotation. The speed of movements is slow as compared to current bearing speeds. Weights in the range of 200 kg/cm 2 are not excessive. The working temperature is in the moderate range of 98-100 F. The animal joint is not exposed to continuous action under severe pressure as occurs typically at the thrust block of ocean liners. During life, the animal joint is never stationary except for short periods, and while healthy the articular surface is a compliant elastic and living structure.

Hydrodynamic Lubrication; This proposes interlaminar slide in the synovial fluid wedged between two opposed, but not parallel, moving surfaces a hydrodynamic wedge similar to that found in the Michels’ thrust pads.

Boundary Lubrication; This refers to the adsorption of a viscous molecular coat of hyaluronic acid onto the articular cartilage. This produces a physicochemical blend between the fluid and surfaces.

Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication; A modified form of the hydrodynamic type introduces the deformation of the articular cartilage by hydrostatic and physical pressure. It has recently been reiterated that the surface of the cartilage covering the femoral head is perfectly spherical and that it exceeds the diameter of the acetabulum by about 1 p, This incongruous proportion can occur only in the presence of pliant articular cartilage, but the larger head provides “a more even distribution of contact stress” and spreads the load over the largest possible area both well-accepted techniques for reducing surface pressure, attrition, and destruction. Whatever the final answer may be, a compliant, resilient bearing surface and an extremely low coefficient of friction characterize the animal joint-a combination which provides for the highly durable and trouble-free mechanism enjoyed by most of us. Any change in the harmonious reciprocity between the articular cartilage and the synovial fluid leads to a breakdown in joint lubrication and eventual degeneration.



The hip joint is surrounded by thick broad muscle groups which play a vital role in stability, support, and locomotion, but present difficulties in examination and palpation of the joint. Anteriorly the hip flexors are innervated by the lumbar nerve roots. Posterolaterally the extensors and abductors get their nerve supply from the lumbosacral plexus, and medially the joint is hidden by the adductors innervated by the obturator nerve. Anteriorly the sartorius, the adductor longus, and the inguinal ligament outline the femoral triangle containing the femoral nerve, artery, and vein. They are separated from the hip joint by the combined tendon of the iliopsoas. This hip flexor, par excellence, commonly overlies a bursa which in 10% of cases communicates with the hip joint and may appear as a swelling in the groin. The lateral margin of the tendon is often attached to the iliofemoral ligament (iliocapsularis) and may need sharp dissection to develop a line of cleavage during operative exposures. The floor of the femoral triangle is formed by the iliopsoas, the pectineus, and adductor longus. The obturator nerve is not found in the triangle until the adductor longus is artificially separated from the pectineus; this exposes the anterior division of the nerve, crossing the adductor brevis which still hides the posterior division.

The prominence of the buttock and gluteus maximus, an exclusive human feature, provides a protective cover for the back of the hip joint. The gluteal barrier is a thick, coarse-fiber muscle, firmly bound to the overlying fibrofatty layer and to an underlying rich but fragile vascular plexus. All of the superficial layer and the proximal part of the deeper layer of gluteus maximus insert on the iliotibial tract; the distal deeper portion joins the gluteal tuberosity of the femur. The inferior gluteal nerve breaks up rapidly into smaller branches on entering the thick muscle mass and, for this reason, the upper and outer quadrant of the buttock is a favorite site for the administration of intramuscular injections. The posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh adheres to the deep aspect of the muscle but is separated by a layer of loose fatty tissue from the sciatic nerve and short lateral rotator muscles. The neurovascular bundle and the piriformis muscle reach the buttock through the greater sciatic foramen. Only the superior gluteal vessels and nerves pass out above the muscle, all other neurovascular structures leaving the pelvis below the piriformis. In the buttock, the gluteus maximus and piriformis cover the sciatic nerve which overlies the short lateral rotator muscles, but the capsule of the hip joint forms it’s most important anterior relationship because the nerve may be stretched tightly over the flexed joint. During surgical exposures, the piriformis is sometimes confused with a lower detached segment of gluteus medius in this region, but the latter muscle does not come through the greater sciatic foramen.

The glutei medius and minimus, passing from the dorsum ilii to the greater trochanter, cover the superior or lateral aspect of the joint. These two muscles together with the tensor fasciae latae are innervated by the superior gluteal nerve. This muscular trio is the major hip abductor, visualized by the beginner as the abduction of the thigh. However, in the more common clinical interpretation, the thigh is fixed, and abductor contraction prevents sagging of the pelvis to the opposite side. This smooth, balanced action between the abductor and the adductors maintains the pelvis on a relatively level plane during locomotion. To prevent contralateral pelvic drop while weight bearing, e.g., walking, two factors are indispensable:

A stable hip joint which provides a painless fulcrum , and adequate and effective hip abductors. Loss of the fulcrum or incompetency of the abductors is characterized by contralateral pelvic sagging Trendelenburg’s sign. In maintaining a level pelvis during weight bearing, the hip abductors gain additional aid from contraction of the contralateral quadratus lumborum and sacrospinalis groups. This fact is readily confirmed by palpation of the lumbar sacrospinalis muscles while walking, but still, the importance and preservation of the gluteal abductors cannot be overemphasized. The adductors clothe the inferior aspect of the hip joint and the medial aspect of the femur. Arising from the pubic bone, they are the adductor longus and brevis; with parts of the adductor magnus and obturator extern us, all innervated by the obturator nerve, they adduct and flex the thigh.

The ischial component of the adductor magnus reaches distally to the adductor tubercle; it is innervated by the sciatic nerve and adducts but also extends the thigh. The iliopsoas anteriorly and inferolaterally and the obturator externus inferiorly and posteriorly (dependent area) have the most extensive intimate relationship to the capsule of the hip joint. Both may overlie a bursa which sometimes communicates with the joint cavity.


Muscle Action and Movements of the Hip

The active movements of the hip joint are flexion-extension, adduction-abduction, or a combination of the above, namely circumduction, medial rotation, and lateral rotation.

Muscles producing these movements:

  • Flexion: Psoas major and iliacus, assisted by pectineus, rectus femoris, and sartorius. Adductors, mainly the adductor longus may help in the early stages. The primary flexor is the iliopsoas, which is supplied by the femoral nerve (L1, L2, and L3), while the secondary flexor is the rectus femoris.
  • Extension: Gluteus maximus and hamstrings. The primary extensor is the gluteus maximus, which is supplied by S1, the inferior gluteal nerve, while the secondary extensor is the hamstrings.
  • Abduction: Gluteus medius or minimus, assisted by tensor fascia latae and sartorius. The primary abductor is the gluteus medius, which is supplied by L5, the superior gluteal nerve. The secondary abductor is the gluteus minimus.
  • Adduction: Adductors longus, brevis, and magnus assisted by pectineus and gracilis. The primary adductor is the adductor longus, which is supplied by the obturator nerves L2, L3, and L4, while the secondary adductors are the adductor brevis and adductor magnus, pectineus and gracilis.
  • Medial rotation: Tensor fascia latae and anterior fibres of the gluteus maximus and medius.
  • Lateral rotation: The obturator muscles, gemelli and quadratus femoris, assisted by piriformis, gluteus maximus, and sartorius.


Blood Supply and Venous Drainage

The practical importance of the blood supply of some bones and their related soft tissues has led, in recent years, to the spectacular successes of microsurgical operations for the viable transpositioning of tissues from one part of the body to another. In case of the hip joint:

The medial and lateral femoral circumflex arteries are large branches of either the femoral or profunda femoris arteries. They are destined to supply most of the neck and head of the femur, with supplementary vessels in the ligament of the femoral head, usually derived from the obturator arteries. The base of the femoral neck, at the level of the capsular attachments of the hip joint, is surrounded by a ring of arteries. The posterior circumference of the extracapsular arterial ring of the femoral neck is usually formed by a large, well-defined branch of the medial femoral circumflex artery, while anteriorly it is completed by branches of the lateral femoral circumflex artery. Branches arise from this extra capsular arterial ring at regular intervals around its circumference, to enter the hip joint by passing through apertures in the capsule close to its insertion into bone. These ascending cervical branches pass upward along the femoral neck or downward and laterally from it, to supply the trochanters at the base of the neck. The ascending cervical branches of the extracapsular arterial ring of the femoral neck penetrate the capsule of the hip joint along the intertrochanteric line anteriorly, and on the posterior aspect they pass beneath the orbicular fibers of the capsule to run upward under the synovial reflection toward the articular cartilage rim which demarcates the femoral head from its neck. From these vessels arise the metaphyseal and epiphyseal arteries of the upper end of the femur. The upper end of the femur has an anastomotic ring, which is formed by the medial and lateral femoral circumflex arteries. There is also a subsynovial intra articular arterial ring at the hyaline cartilage neck junction. Disruption of this arterial ring may have particular significance in hip diseases, such as slipped upper femoral epiphysis in children, in high intracapsular fractures of the neck of the femur, and in the adult, hitherto unrecognized importance in the applied anatomy of femoral head blood supply in operations for surface replacement of the femoral head.

At birth, ossification of the shaft of the femur has extended to a clear-cut expanded upper end with a curved margin which is capped by the cartilaginous epiphyses of the femoral head and greater trochanter. The base of the femoral neck is surrounded by an extracapsular arterial ring from which, as in the adult, ascending cervical branches pass along the neck around its circumference. They penetrate the cartilage of the head, each branch terminating in sinusoidal expansions. All these ascending cervical branches of the extracapsular arterial ring of the femoral neck give rise to epiphyseal and metaphyseal branches. Within epiphyses, no anastomoses between sinusoidal terminations of epiphyseal arteries are found before the secondary centers of ossification appear. The gross vascular patterns which are established at birth remain unchanged throughout life. From birth until the closure of the epiphyseal lines, vessels within the bone do not cross between the metaphysis and epiphysis, a major consideration in understanding why an infection in bone remains confined to the metaphysis in children.

The greater trochanter is covered with an arterial plexus based on branches of the medial and lateral femoral circumflex vessels and inferiorly contributed to by ascending branches of the perforating artery system and superiorly by descending branches of the gluteal system of arteries. In standard anatomical works, considerable attention is paid to the so-called cruciate anastomosis around the hip joint. The cruciate anastomosis is of little practical significance in the blood supply of the hip joint.


During growth, there is an effective anastomosis between epiphyseal and metaphyseal vessels on the surface of the femoral neck. Within the bone, the epiphyseal plate constitutes a barrier to anastomoses between vessels supplying the epiphysis and metaphysis until maturity when the two vascular systems blend. The arterial supply of the upper end of the femur is derived principally from branches of the extracapsular arterial ring of the femoral neck, and from branches of the subsynovial intra articular ring. Arteries are running in the ligament of the head of the femur supplement the blood supply of the head. Branches from the nutrient artery system of the femoral shaft form a loose anastomosis with descending metaphyseal arteries, but they cannot be traced upward into the femoral neck as discrete trunks. The relationship of the subchondral arterioles in the head of the femur to the main stems of the epiphyseal arteries is clearly shown in coronal and transverse sections.


Complex subarticular collecting veins have been described in many of the bones in the human skeleton. A similar system of veins exists in the head of the femur in adult man. These veins are oriented parallel to the subchondral bone plate of the femoral head. Subchondral capillaries run into venules which drain into this system, the subarticular collecting veins draining off at the fovea and at the articular margin of the head with the femoral neck. In that latter area, a complex aggregation of veins forms in a subsynovial position corresponding to the subsynovial intra articular arterial ring. From this subsynovial Intra articular venous plexus, individual veins of large caliber course down the femoral neck to run through the thick fibers of the capsule of the hip joint at the base of the femoral neck. Within the femoral head, there are some direct connections between the subarticular collecting vein system and the principal veins in the head itself.

The clinical significance of these fascinating, complex subarticular collecting vein systems remains largely unknown, except for the observation of the development of subarticular osteoporosis which appears in the territory of these vessels in a variety of conditions, but most noticeably after trauma.

The human femoral head presents more vascular disorders, of both traumatic and nontraumatic origin, than any other skeletal element. This is partly attributable to the complete intra articular position of the head and most of the neck, a feature which makes them dependent on the long vulnerable retinacular vessels for survival. In all mammalian joints, the subsynovial tissues at the margins of the articular cartilage have a rich anastomosis as the circulus articuli vasculosus, better known today as the subsynovial articular anastomosis. The sites of the capsular attachment to bone are also surrounded by a vascular circle, both of which contribute to the metabolic needs of the articular components. The capsular attachment to the acetabulum is surrounded by a vascular anastomosis fed by both femoral circumflex vessels, by the acetabular branches of the obturator, and by articular twigs from the superior gluteal. It contributes capsular and osseous vessels to the acetabular margin, and its deep ramifications anastomose with branches from the nutrient artery to the ilium on the deep aspect of the acetabular floor. This derivative of the internal iliac is the largest nutrient vessel to the hip bone, and when traumatized may occasionally bleed briskly. The acetabular anastomosis is united by peri capsular branches to a larger and more important corona of vessels which embraces the capsular attachment at the base of the neck the basal or trochanteric anastomosis. It gets a rich blood supply inferiorly from the medial femoral circumflex artery, anteriorly from the ascending branch of the lateral circumflex, and superiorly from the superior gluteal tributaries. Deep to the quadratus femoris additional contributions come from the cruciate anastomosis at the confluence of the medial femoral circumflex, the inferior gluteal, the middle branches of the lateral femoral circumflex, and derivatives from the first perforator. The terminal branches from this basal vascular plexus are capsular, muscular to the adjacent muscles, osseous via the many underlying bony foramina to the cancellous trochanteric bone, and retinacular piercing the capsule and entering the subsynovial retinacula to reach the subcapital anastomosis. This latter vascular circle supplies the epiphysis and metaphysis in the child and the head and the medial neck in the adult.

The vessels in the superior retinacula deriving their blood supply from the upper end of the trochanteric anastomosis are always multiple and are distributed to the upper neck and approximately the upper two-thirds of the head. At the superior subcapital sulcus, the vessels continue into the head on a smoothly curved course parallel to the epiphyseal plate or scar. Smaller branches radiate to the subchondral cortex and the epiphyseal plate during the growth period. The inferior retinaculum has a more mobile, pedunculated fold of synovial membrane enclosing a leash of blood vessels which pass directly to the subcapital anastomosis.Having a double fold of synovial membrane on their deep aspects, they do not send branches to the neck as the deeper vessels do. All articular arteries both pericapsular lind subcapsular are accompanied by thin-walled venae comitantes which often assume plexiform dimensions and are even more sensitive to extramural pressures than the arteries.

The femoral head may possibly get blood supply from the superior, the inferior, or the more inconstant anterior retinacular vessels, from the obturator artery via the ligamentum capitis femoris, or from the nutrient artery in the adult. As in all biological morphology, the vascular distribution shows considerable variations and the individual, partial, or total contributions of these vessels to the capital blood supply are equally variable. 70% or more of the heads depend on the retinacular vessels for survival. Only 5% showed a full head injection through the foveolar artery in the ligament. The remaining 25% exhibited a greater or lesser degree of total head injection. Under normal average conditions, the superior retinacular vessels contribute the major blood supply to the head in both children and adults. The superior retinacular vessels enmeshed in a venous network may pass in the synovial folds and may be partly or even fully embedded in the bone of the superior neck cortex. At the head-neck junction, the intervascular bony ridges reinforce this area and afford a protective covering to the underlying cancellous bone and vascular channels.

Unlike the epiphyseal vessels which anastomose freely, the metaphyseal arteries terminate in loops as end-arteries. In the healing of femoral neck fractures, Open and intact vessels in the inferior retinaculum were more essential for head vitality than any other vascular contributors. The reasons postulated for these findings are as follows:

All femoral neck fractures have an external rotation deformity with or without comminution of the posterior cortex. The associated angulation and separation of the anterior cortical fragments stretch or tear the anterior retinacular vessels. The common adduction or varus deformity has a similar effect on the superior retinacular vessel. The vessels in the more mobile pedunculated area of the inferior retinaculum, having no bony neck attachments, escape laceration except in the presence of more severe capital displacement or rotation. Undoubtedly the vessel may undergo torsional or angular deformity. Faulty acetabulum-head relationship and alignment throw abnormal sheer stresses on the femoral neck. They maintain that this malalignment is sufficient to produce nonunion or later bearing failure complicated by head necrosis. The major blood supply to the femoral head and neck is derived from the subcapital anastomoses united to the pericapsular plexus at the base of the neck by the retinacular vessels. The vessels lying in the pericervical retinacula are exposed to pressure and trauma in practically any abnormal condition of the hip joint. The presence of local hemorrhage and edema may further jeopardize the circulation to the head. In minor cervical or subcapital displacements associated with tearing or stretching of the attached synovium, the mobility and pliability of the retinacula allow some bony or cartilaginous distortion and angulation without vessel laceration. This alteration in alignment and lumen of the vessels may slow or obstruct either the arterial or venous circulation or both, leading eventually to restricted blood flow and subsequent avascularity of the head. Early reduction of displacement is advocated to reduce swelling, and nowhere is this dictum more essential than in acute hip joint injuries. For cervical and capital survival, every effort must be made to preserve the retinacular vessels and the pericapsular arterial and venous anastomosis at the base of the neck. Posteriorly this vascular ring is afforded some protection by the overhanging greater trochanter and trochanter crest, but anteriorly it is exposed and vulnerable on the prominence of the trochanteric. Extensive pericapsular stripping at the base of the neck should be avoided.


Nerve Distribution

The hip, like many other joints, has a rich distribution of nerve endings in the capsule, the ligaments, the intra articular fat pads, and the articular blood vessels, but apparently none in the synovial membrane. This innervation provides mechanoreceptors which exercise reflex, static, and dynamic influences on muscle control and aid in the appreciation of joint position, of motion, and of pain.

The afferent articular nerves, which contain both myelinated and unmyelinated fibers, pass either directly to adjacent peripheral nerves (primary articular nerves) or to nerves in the pericapsular muscles (accessory articular nerves). The nerve to the quadratus femoris (immediately deep to the sciatic) innervates the posterior capsule. The anterior division of the obturator nerve carries impulses from the anterior capsule. Contributions from the posterior division of the obturator supply the ligamentum capitis femoris and haversian fat pad. At its origin, the obturator externus is pierced by this nerve, which has an eventual distribution to the back of the knee joint and popliteal artery.

The muscular branches to the pectineus infrequently joined by recurrent twigs from the rectus femoris nerve, supplement the anterior and the inferior capsular sensory supply. The superior capsule also gets contributions from branches of the superior gluteal nerve in the gluteus minimus. In addition to their afferent sensory branches, the subsynovial blood vessels also have an efferent autonomic (vasomotor) innervation. Regardless of its severity or origin, joint pain is often diffuse, poorly localized, and may radiate to distal anatomical sites. The same trunks of nerves whose branches supply the groups of muscles moving a joint furnish also a distribution of nerves to the skin over the insertion of the same muscles, and what at this moment especially merits our attention, the interior of the joint receives its nerves from the same source.


The lesser trochanter is attached posteromedially to the femoral shaft; therefore a prominent lesser trochanter indicates an externally rotated hip joint confirmed by a foreshortened neck and overlap of the trochanteric and capital shadows. The lesser trochanter is overlapped by the femoral shaft during internal rotation. In either of these positions, the medial shaft, the lower margin of the neck and of the superior pubic ramus form the curved line of Shenton.

On tangential view, the subchondral bone in the roof (dome) of the acetabulum joins the cortical bone in the floor of the acetabular notch. From here it blends with the upper rim of the obturator foramen, where it recurves upward as the side wall of the true pelvis. The cortical shadow now curves laterally to form the floor of the greater sciatic notch and terminates at the lateral edge of the acetabular roof. The bottom of that outline forms the teardrop. A symmetrical right and left teardrop indicate a well-centered anteroposterior roentgenogram of the pelvis. A central displacement of the femoral head interrupts the characteristic outline of the teardrop and, when the femoral head fails to occupy the acetabulum, a wider teardrop shadow is expected and found.

A crescent of perfectly normal trabeculated bone is outlined between the acetabular roof and the floor of the greater sciatic notch; this is not a region of demineralization. The thin cortical bone of the greater trochanter also casts a faint shadow compared to the adjacent bony structure, both in children and the aged. There is a remarkable adaptation of the inner structure of the femur to the mechanical requirements imposed by loading on the femoral head. Condensed pressure lamellae radiate from the thick cortex of the medial shaft to the superior subchondral aspect of the head. Less distinct lamellae curve from the cortex of the lateral shaft to the upper neck and continue in the direction of the epiphyseal scar. The former contributes by its rigidity and the latter by its tenacity to support the weight on the head-a valid supposition while considering vertical loading on an isolated and disarticulated femur. Normally the femoral head shadow overrides the superior margin of the neck; absence of this overriding indicates a downward slide of the head on the neck.

The triangles at the head-neck junction are part of the subcapital tunnel that houses a circular venous and arterial anastomosis. Embryologically the superior triangle is of epiphyseal origin whereas the inferior one is a diaphyseal derivative. In surface replacement arthroplasty procedures the core of pressure lamellae is indispensable for adequate weight bearing, and preservation of the superior retinacular blood supply is a prerequisite for its survival. Excessive reaming at the superior head-neck junction and/ or low osteotomy of the greater trochanter may jeopardize these vital vessels.


In orthopedic literature, the inferior cortex (beak) of the femoral neck is often incorrectly designated the calcar femorale. The calcar femorale is a laminated vertical plate of condensed bone fanning laterally from the medial cortex toward the gluteal tubercle. Proximally it blends with the posterior cortex of the neck, and distally beyond the lesser trochanter, it fuses with the posteromedial shaft. The calcar femorale, representing the original cylindrical shaft, strives to maintain the tubular outline and counteract the posteroinferior compressive forces of the external rotators. In trochanteric fractures, the wedge of the calcar femorale often forces the thin-walled trochanteric crest and lesser trochanter posteriorly off the thick-walled anterior parent shaft. The thick cortical bone of the shaft and neck contrasts sharply with the thin subchondral cortex of the head. The thickness change is also illustrated by the thin cortex on the lesser trochanter and quadrate tubercle posteriorly as compared to the thick-walled parent shaft anteriorly and laterally. In the aged femur, the sparse lamellae in Ward’s triangle are attenuated and occasionally completely absorbed. For this reason, the so-called central or bulls-eye nail provides little resistance to vertical shearing forces in a fractured neck of the femur.

The resultant forces are passing across the joint cavity act at right angles to the articular surfaces at the area of contact. This basic concept is well illustrated in primate weight-bearing joints, such as the ankle and knee, where the retention of the horizontal joint line enhances good painless function. The longitudinal rotary axis of the femur passes from the center of the head to the region of the intercondylar notch. It is also called the mechanical axis and is 90° to the axis of the knee, which is an important relationship in the alignment of total knee replacement. While the proximal femur is intact, the course of this axis is outside the upper two-thirds of the shaft. Hence, internal rotation moves the greater trochanter anteriorly, and external rotation moves it posteriorly. Dissolution of the femoral neck displaces the axis of rotation laterally into the marrow cavity of the shaft. This immediately converts all muscles passing from the pelvis to the linea aspera and lesser trochanter into uninhibited external rotators. They unwind the femoral shaft into the external rotation just as the biceps brachii unwinds the radius into supination. In a fractured femoral neck the normal anterior convexity of the neck is exaggerated, a fact which must be recalled while inserting guidewires. Compression forces on this axis, whether due to muscle spasm, rotation, or direct contact, will collapse and comminute the posterior cortex at its two weak areas. These areas are found where the cortex is thinnest and exhibits a maximal angulation to longitudinal compression forces. They are located laterally where the neck joins the trochanteric crest and medially at the junction of the head and neck (arrow)–the classical site for femoral neck fractures. Needless to add, comminution of the posterior cortex cannot occur without a fracture of the thick anterior neck cortex. Incidentally, the subcapital site corresponds to the posterior margin of the subcapital epiphyseal plate where the head may slide backward on the neck.


Despite innumerable minor IllJuries and insults, the human hip joint operates as an efficient and comfortable bearing for our three score years and ten. This occurs in 65% of the population without the aid of maintenance, overhaul, or replacement of spare parts.


Surface Anatomy

Unlike joints which provide palpable bony landmarks at the subcutaneous level, the hip joint is hidden on all aspects by thick muscle masses which are invariably covered by a layer of subcutaneous fat. Precise palpation of bony points is difficult, and for this reason, many ingenious lines, measurements, and triangles have been devised to compare the relative positions of the available bony structures.



The iliac crest terminating at the anterior and posterior iliac spines, the pubic symphysis, the ischiopubic ramus, and the well-covered ischial tuberosity provide the palpable bony features of the pelvis. A constant dimple overlies the posterior superior iliac spine, which is the surface landmark for the sacroiliac joint; it is also at the level of the second sacral spinous process and the bottom of the subarachnoid space. During hip extension the ischial tuberosity is covered by the fibrofatty layer of the buttock and the gluteus maximus, but in the flexed position the gluteus maximus slides laterally and allows a more precise palpation of the tuberosity. In the standing position a correctly oriented pelvis has both anterior superior iliac spines in the same perpendicular plane as the anterior margin of the pubis. Classically in the female, the spines project 1 cm anterior to the pubic level. Needless to add, pelvic tilt is influenced by other factors such as body build, poise or vogue, obesity, pregnancy, and ethnic origin. The most prominent bony structure on the lateral aspect of the hip region is the greater trochanter; its tip normally indicates the level of the hip joint. The femoral shaft is well concealed by the quadriceps, hamstrings, and adductor muscle masses. Elevation of the greater trochanter is one of the more common manifestations of hip joint abnormality. Generations of medical students have demonstrated and confirmed this sign by the use of Nelaton’s 30 line and Bryant’s triangle. Nelaton’s line, which joins the anterior superior iliac spine to the ischial tuberosity, should pass proximal to the tip of the greater trochanter. Asymmetry in length of the basal (Bryant’s) line is associated with dislocation of the hip joint, femoral neck dissolution, or alteration of the neck shaft angle. Elevation of the greater trochanter is also noticed by slackness at the proximal end of the iliotibial tract. The experienced clinician appreciates this sign, especially in children, simply by placing the thumbs on the patient’s anterior superior iliac spines and palpating the tract and trochanters with the remaining fingers. The resistance offered by the femoral head which forces the iliopsoas anteriorly is located 5 cm distal to the center of the inguinal ligament. Femoral artery pulsations are also palpable on the tendon. Even in the most obese patient, the tendinous origin of the adductor longus is not covered by subcutaneous fat. The fibrofatty subcutaneous layer covering the human gluteus maximus is limited distally by the horizontal gluteal fold. This fold is not produced by the lower edge of gluteus maximus but by the infolding of skin below the fibrofatty layer of the buttock. A similar shadow of infolded skin is often noticed at the proximal margin of the groin creases. The comparative length of the lower limbs is utilized in the diagnosis and management of many hip disorders. However, measurements of limb length present basic problems: Exact bilateral symmetry is rarely encountered in the animal kingdom, e.g., right-handed persons may have a right humerus 5-10 mm longer than the left.  Precise palpation of bony points is difficult, especially in obese patients. True measurements are usually made from the anterior superior spine of the ilium to the tip of the medial malleolus or the femoral adductor tubercle. If possible the limbs should be in corresponding positions and preferably perpendicular to the interspinal line. As the line of measurement passes laterally to the axis of the hip joint moving from full abduction to full adduction increases limb length by 1 to 2 cm.

Anatomical Relations of the Hip Joint

  • Anteriorly, the fibres of the pectineus lie between the femoral vein and the capsule. Lateral to the pectineus is the tendon of the psoas major and lateral to it is the iliacus. Laterally is the femoral artery which lies on the psoas tendon, and the femoral nerve lies deeply in the groove between it and the iliacus. Still laterally is the straight head of the rectus femoris.
  • Superiorly the reflected head of the rectus femoris lies intimately with the capsule.
  • Inferiorly, the lateral fibres of the pectineus lie on the capsule and more posteriorly the obturator externus crosses obliquely to gain the posterior aspect of the joint.
  • Posteriorly, the capsule is covered by the tendon of the obturator externus, which separates it from the quaratus femoris. Above that the tendon of the obturator internus and the two gamelli are in contact with the joint and lie between it and the sciatic nerve.



Embryology Of Hip Joint


Bone, cartilage, muscle, and connective tissue all arise from the primitive mesoderm. All the elements of the hip joint differentiate from a single mass of mesoderm, and in 50 to 60 postovulation days, it resembles its final form. The joint cavity appears after 45 to 50 days in the central portion of the interzone and spreads peripherally around the head of the femur, which is initially crossed by cellular strands. The concavity of the acetabulum appears at an early age and the congruence of the hip is established as soon as the joint is formed. Hip formation begins in the seventh week of gestation. It develops as a cartilaginous analogue at 4 to 6 weeks of birth. At around 7 weeks, a cleft develops in the precartilagenous cells, which thereafter develops into the femoral head and the acetabulum, and this development is complete by 11 weeks to form the hip joint. The femoral head is completely enclosed by the acetabular cartilage, and in the later stages of gestation, the femoral head grows more rapidly than the acetabular cartilage, so much so that at birth, the femoral head is less than 50% covered. The acetabulum is most shallow and lax, thereby facilitating the delivery process, and the hip is uncontained in extension and adduction, reflecting on the hip shallowness. Several weeks after birth, the acetabular cartilage grows faster than the femoral head, which allows more coverage. If the head of the femur is not positioned properly in the acetabulum, or if movement of the femoral head is reduced, normal bone modelling and a shallow hip socket may develop. By 11 weeks of gestation, hip formation is complete. The pelvis and femoral head are composed primarily of cartilage rather than bone. Hence the normal factors such as shallowness and laxity are the main initial factors for the development of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). The first critical period for hip dislocation occurs at 12 weeks’ gestation when the foetal lower limbs rotate nearly 90? medially, so that the knees point anteriorly and the hips assume their normal position in the pelvis. The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint, with the articular surface of the head of the femur being reciprocally curved nearly congruent, which fits into the cup-shaped fossa of the acetabulum, with its centre lying about 2 cm below the middle third of the inguinal ligament. The head of the femur is completely covered with the articular surface, except for a small roughened area at its centre, where the ligament of the head is attached. The articular surface of the acetabulum is an incomplete ring, which is deficient below and opposite the acetabular notch,which lodges a pad of fat covered with a synovial membrane. The depth of the acetabulum in increased by a fibrocartilaginous rim called the acetabular labrum. Hence the ligamentous structures of the hip joint are a fibrous capsule, the acetabular labrum the ligament of the head of the femur, and the iliofemoral, ischiofemoral, pubofemoral, and transverse acetabular ligament.

The fibrous capsule is strong and dense,which surrounds the neck of the femur anteriorly to the trochanteric line and behind to the neck just 1 cm above the trochanteric crest. From its attachments to the front of the femoral neck are many fibres called retinacula reflected upwards as longitudinal bands, which supply blood vessels to the head and neck of the femur. The longitudinal fibres are greatest in number at the upper and front parts of the capsule and are reinforced in the front by the iliofemoral ligament. The articular capsule is also strengthened by the pubofemoral and ischiofemoral ligaments. The synovial membrane is extensive and covers the neck, which is contained within the joint capsule.

The acetabular labrum is a fibrocartilaginous rim attached to the margin of the acetabulum, and hence deepens the cavity of the acetabulum, and bridges the acetabular notch like the transverse ligament, forming a complete circle.

The ligament of the head of the femur is spiral in nature, from its attachment to the ischium below and behind the acetabulum when it is directed upwards and laterally over the back of the neck of the femur. The iliofemoral ligament is triangular in shape and stronger and lies in front of the joint intimately blended with the capsule. The pubofemoral ligament is also triangular and intimately blended with the capsule. The ischiofemoral ligament is spiral in nature at the back of the joint. The transverse ligament is, in reality, a part of the acetabular labrum.


Biomechanics Of Hip Joint


Why biomechanics

Biomechanics is the science which combines principles of engineering, basic laws of physics, and orthopaedic surgery. Biomechanics research enables the surgeon to achieve a greater understanding of the variety of mechanical derangements of the body, to formulate a precise surgical correction of a problem, and to design an effective rehabilitation program. Through biomechanics, the medical scientist can attain a clear picture of the mechanical characteristics of the joint structure, the key relationship between internal and externally imposed loads, and the direction of such joint and muscle forces. In the following chapter, basic biomechanical concepts and methods will be applied to the study of the hip joint. The chapter will examine the roles that muscular, joint, and gravitational forces play in motion, the bioenergetics of fracture mechanisms, the loading behavior of the hip joint in normal and pathological situations, and the basic characteristics of prostheses and fixation devices.


The Hip

The hip is one of the largest joints of the body. Its intrinsic stability is due to its ball-and-socket configuration. The hip joint, however, bears large forces and a derangement of the ball-and-socket configuration can produce abnormal stresses throughout the joint cartilage and bone. Stresses and strains in the hip joint can also lead to degenerative arthritis which when coupled with the already large forces borne by the joint may produce further damage to the hip. The normal hip joint allows for a wide range of motion required for such diverse activities as walking, sitting, bending, and squatting. To accomplish such everyday activities without difficulty requires, however, that the acetabulum remain precisely aligned with the femoral head. The Mechanical Properties of Bone Strength and stiffness, measured as a function of stress and strain, are the key mechanical properties of bone. Stress-strain curves are used to determine the relative loading behavior of cancellous and cortical bone and of other different materials, such as steel, used in prosthesis design. Stress can be described as the load per unit area on a plane surface, as a result of an externally imposed load.

The strain is the percentage of deformation the lengthening or shortening of a material at a point under active loading. Furthermore, specific materials are classified as brittle or ductile, depending on the degree of stretching they can withstand before failure is reached. Cortical bone, being stiffer than cancellous bone, can withstand greater stresses but only comparable strains before failure. When the strain in vivo exceeds 2% of the original length cortical bone fractures, but cancellous bone can withstand somewhat greater strains before fracturing. This greater strain is due to cancellous bone’s porosity- from 30 to 90%-which in cortical bone is only from 5 to 30% in comparison. Muscle contraction also plays a vital role in the supportive functions of the hip joint. During propulsion, bending moments are applied at the femoral neck, and tensile stress and strain are produced on the superior cortex. The contraction of the gluteus medius, however, generates compressive stress and strain that, acting as a counterbalance, neutralize the tensile stress and strain. The overall result is that neither the compressive nor the tensile stress and strain act significantly on the superior cortex, which enables the femoral neck to sustain higher loads than would otherwise be possible.

The testing of bone in vitro demonstrates that bone fatigues rapidly when the load or deformation approximates the yield strength of the bone and the number of repetitions needed to produce a fracture decreases. In repetitive loading, the frequency of loading as well as the magnitude of the load and the number of repetitions, affect the fatiguing process. Fatigue fractures are usually sustained as a result of continuous, strenuous physical activity which causes the muscles to gradually fatigue. When the fatigue point is reached the muscles’ ability to contract and thus store energy and neutralize the stress on the bone is seriously diminished. The energy storage capacity of bone also varies directly according to the speed at which it is loaded. Failure may occur on the tensile side, the compressive side, or on both sides of the bone. In the case of a backpacker who continues to hike strenuously with a heavy pack on his back, abductor muscle fatigue may produce the loading configuration. The high tensile strains on the superior surface may lead to an overload fracture of the femoral neck; fatigue fracture results at the site of compression in a bending bone due to a “slip line” formation in the collagen fibers of the bone.


The Mechanical Properties of Tissue

The collagenous tissues-the ligaments (including the joint capsule) and tendons-are very different from common engineering materials. Collagenous tissues exhibit viscoelastic and anisotropic behavior, demonstrating different loading behavior when loaded in different directions. The most important mechanical properties of collagenous tissues are strength and stiffness. Tendons, for instance, 80% of whose dry weight may be composed of collagen fibers, have a tensile stiffness of 1 X 10^3 megapascals (the pressure produced by a force of 1 newton over 1 mm2) and a tensile strength of 50 megapascals. Comparatively, steel has a tensile stiffness of 200 X 103 megapascals and a strength of about 700 mega pascals, whereas aluminum has a stiffness of 70 X 10^3 megapascals and a strength of 150 pascals. Several theories and techniques of measuring tissue behavior have been reported. Adequate testing, however, should describe the strain or load rate since the ultimate stress, strain, and energy absorption depend directly on the strain rate. In bone, the relation of the orientation of collagen fibers to the mechanical properties of the bony tissue is all important. A rough approximation of the relative modulus of elasticity of stainless steel to the cortical bone to cancellous bone to articular cartilage under compressive loading is 1000: 100: 10: 1.

Bone demonstrates anisotropy: its structure, which is different in the transverse and longitudinal directions, varies in strength depending on the direction in which it is loaded. Strength and stiffness are greatest in the direction in which loads are most commonly applied to the bone. Variations in strength and stiffness for cortical bone samples from a human femoral shaft, tested in four directions, were demonstrated by Frankel and Burstein in 1970. The highest values for both parameters were obtained for the samples when loaded in the longitudinal direction. The direction of the joint reaction force imposed on the head of the femur may also be correlated with the anatomy of the upper end of the femur. The interior of the femoral neck is composed of cancellous bone which is divided into the medial and lateral trabecular systems. The joint reaction force on the femoral head parallels the trabeculae of the medial trabecular system indicating that this system is important in supporting the joint reaction force. It is probable that the lateral trabecular system resists the compressive force produced by the contraction of the abductor’s muscles. The epiphyseal plate is at right angles to the trabeculae of the medial trabecular system and is considered to be perpendicular to the joint reaction force on the femoral head. The thin shell of cortical bone around superior femoral neck gradually thickens in the inferior region. With the aging process, the femoral neck gradually undergoes degenerative modifications wherein the cortical bone is thinned and cancellated and the trabeculae are gradually resorbed. These degenerative modifications may predispose the femoral neck to fracture.

Moreover, experimental studies have also indicated that fracture characteristics depend on the final resultant direction of the joint reaction force on the femoral neck, and not on the total exerted force. Typical subcapital fractures resulted from high axial-to-bending load ratios. Intermediate ratios produced subcapital fractures with a “spike of the neck.”

The average female femoral neck required 600 kg for failure whereas the average male neck required 900 kg. An investigation into the biomechanical energetics of fractures of the femoral neck showed that two distinct mechanisms of fracture were operable. In one type, where a person slips but does not fall, sufficient muscle force must be exerted to fracture the femoral neck. If the average femoral neck of an elderly female requires 600 kg to produce a fracture, then the amount of muscle tissue that must contract simultaneously to produce sufficient fracture force is available in the muscle which spans the hip joint (120-300 cm2 at a ratio of 2-5 kg of force per cm2). Indeed, weakness of the neck and osteoporosis are not necessarily contributing factors because fractures have been known to occur due to muscle forces during electric shock, in the “stiffman syndrome,” and during seizures. Instead of deficient bone strength, such fractures may be caused by aging of the neuromuscular apparatus-the overloading of the bone occurring due to a lack of inhibitory impulses to the muscles during a slip.

Similarly, femoral neck fractures sustained during actual falls do not require a weak bone tissue  as the primary causal factor.  Most of the energy in a fall is absorbed by active muscle contractions: the quadriceps alone can absorb ten times more energy than can the femur during a fall. However, when the level of stored energy in the neck of the femur rises above its threshold level, a fracture will occur.

Similar relationships between stored energy and the ability of the musculoskeletal system to absorb that energy- also exist for a younger person. A typical subcapital fracture was observed in a healthy, vigorous skier who attempted to negotiatea 3600 tums on an icy slope. Although the skier was accustomed to falling in the snow, the event occurred so suddenly that his neuromuscular mechanisms for energy dissipation could not respond in time. Energy absorption-dissipation studies for femoral neck fractures, dislocations of the hip joint, intertrochanteric fractures, and acetabular fractures should account for the role played by muscle forces as well as ground reaction forces and externally applied loads. Neuromuscular control data and the effect of aging on the neuromuscular system should also be taken into account. It was found in one study that patients with diabetes, hemiplegia, and rheumatoid arthritis-all conditions associated with possible neuromuscular pathologies sustained a greater incidence of fracture of the femoral neck than normal. A great deal of biomechanical research remains to be done in the area of hip joint trauma so that bioengineers and other medical scientists can work with accurate bone failure data, such data being essential to the design of sports equipment, vehicles, workplace situations, and prostheses.


Dynamic Loading of Hip Bone

It is true to say that the “static” stress analysis of hip bone has helped to clarify the picture to a certain extent only as the results depend largely on the assumptions made for the loading or the nature of the forces acting on the bone. The forces acting on the femur consist of gravitational forces, acceleration and deceleration forces and forces due to the action of muscles.

All these forces frequently act in a dynamic manner and very often create conditions similar to those experienced under shock-loading, where, from simple considerations of work or energy, it can be shown that the stress reached under conditions of impact may be twice the static stress produced by the same load if applied in a static manner. Present-day literature dealing with the problem of fractures takes into consideration qualitatively the existence of dynamic conditions in load bearing bones. However, the final analysis is always reduced to static conditions and conclusions with regard to failure are drawn in terms of the maximum tensile stress developed in the bone or the prosthesis. It is reasonable to consider that in a simple tensile system of loading, the elastic limit is directly linked with a certain value of tensile stress  but it must be remembered that during the action of the tensile stress such quantities as shear stress and strain energy also reach a definite value and therefore anyone of these may be a deciding factor in the mechanical failure. In a most general complex system of stress, the maximum shear stress and the elastic energy in the materials can be evaluated in terms of the known stress components and the elastic constants of the material. The difficulty lies in the choice of which quantity causes the material to pass beyond its elastic limit or, in other words, is the criterion of failure. In engineering practice having decided on a quantity as a criterion of failure, the actual value of that quantity which corresponds to the beginning of failure is usually taken to be the value it reaches in the simple tension case at the elastic limit. In the case of brittle materials usually, the maximum principal stress criterion is used while for ductile materials the maximum shear stress, strain energy, especially shear strain energy, criteria give satisfactory results.

However, bone, as an engineering material, is not homogeneous and shows a marked degree of anisotropy which indicates that the elastic properties of bone are not the same in all directions. Looking at the femur as a complete engineering structural element, from the experiments on fracturing femurs under various load conditions in the laboratory and the analysis of these fractures as they normally occur in life, it appears that the structure of the neck of the femur and the complete shape of the femur are so arranged as to act as a “shock-absorber” and be capable of absorbing a great amount of elastic energy under dynamic load conditions. Therefore, such characteristics as load-deflection curves must be considered of great significance in the analysis of the load bearing capacity.


Examination of Hip


The hip joint mainly forms the pelvic girdle, articulating posteriorly with the sacrum on either side to form the sacroiliac forms the symphysis pubis. Examination of the hip joint both is mandatory for the students to learn in detail for physical examination and is extremely important purposes.


Examination of the hip joint mainly begins with the patient entering the examining room with his or her clothes on and is verified by examining the patient without his or her clothes. Examination of the hip joint is carried out with the patient standing and lying down. The skin is observed for any discolorations or abrasions, scars and sinuses, along with birth marks and swellings. Also, the patient’s gait is observed, and his or her stance is noted to observe whether both, his or her anterior superior iliac spines are on the same horizontal level, giving the impression if he or she has a tilted pelvis, possibly due to limb length discrepancy or shortened limb. This inspection can also be done from the side to gather whether he or she has a normal lumbar lordosis or any paraspinal muscle spasm is seen. Further, inspection is carried out from the backside to see if there symmetry of gluteal folds on both sides and asymmetrical folds are commonly seen in children with a congenital dislocation of the hip or muscular dystrophy. Also, two dimples are seen from the posterior aspect, which overlies the posterior superior iliac spines, just above the buttocks.



Palpation is carried out both anteriorly and posteriorly.

Anteriorly, the palpation is done from anterior to posterior, starting at the anterior superior iliac spine down the iliac crests tubercles and greater trochanter to the pubic tubercles. Both sides may form tubercles. Both sides may be done simultaneously for comparison.

Posteriorly, the patient is examined on his or her side, from the posterior superior iliac spines to the greater trochanter till tuberosity and the sacroiliac joints.

The soft tissue palpation can be done in five zones. The femoral triangle: It has its base at the inguinal ligament and extends between the anterior superior iliac spines and the pubic tubercles. The femoral artery lies at its midpoint, with the femoral head beneath it. Lateral to it is the femoral nerve, while the femoral vein lies medial to it, which is very commonly used for a venous puncture. The lateral border of the triangle is formed by the sartorius is the longest in the body. The femoral triangle is noted for enlarged lymph nodes, which may be enlarged in infections of the pelvis or lower limb and are located medial part of the triangle.This zone contains only the greater trochanter and the gluteus medius muscle.

The sciatic nerve lies midway between the greater trochanter and the ischial tuberosity. This is usually covered by the gluteus maximus, and overlying tenderness may be seen in a prolapsed lumbar disc or in direct trauma to the nerve in injections. Likewise, an inflamed bursa may be seen over the ischial tuberosity in ischial bursitis.

The iliac crest, when the skin between the posterior superior iliac spines and the tubercles is palpated for neuromas in the cluneal nerves and the bone between them is used for taking a bone graft.

Hip and pelvic muscles, which are mainly arranged in four groups, namely:

The flexor group, which is mainly the anterior group and consists of the iliopsoas muscle, which is primarily a hip flexor; the sartorius muscle, which is a thin, long strap-like muscle along the anterior aspect of the thigh; and the rectus femoris, which the hip and the knee joints.

The adductor group is formed by five muscles, namely gracilis, pectineus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, and the adductor magnus.

The abductor group, which essentially consists of two muscles, namely the gluteus medius and the miminus, of which the medius is the main hip abductor and weakness results in a characteristic “gluteus medius lurch.”

The extensor group is mainly formed by the gluteus maximus hamstrings. These can be easily examined with the patient lying prone. Generalised spasm of the hamstrings is commonly seen in athletic activity to be called a “pulled hamstring” or in spondylothethsis or a disc prolapse.


The range of Motion is usually assessed by active and passive movements as follows.

Active Range of Movements

Abduction: This is tested by asking the patient to stand up and spread both, his or her legs wide apart when the range of motion should be around 45 degrees.

Adduction is tested by asking the patient to cross his or her legs and should be about 20 degrees.

Flexion, which is tested by asking the patient to flex his or her hips towards the chest, and this should be around 135 degrees.

Flexion and adduction are tested when the patient is seated on a chair and asked to cross his or her thighs one over the other.

Flexion, adduction, and external rotation are tested when the patient is seated on a chair and asked to place his or her foot over the opposite knee.

Extension, which is tested by asking the patient to get up from the sitting position with his or her back straight and his or her arms crossed across the chest.

Internal and external rotations are tested with the patient lying supine and prone.

Passive Range of Movements

Flexion (Thomas test): This is a special test to assess the degree of flexion contracture of the hip joint, together with the range of flexion in the hip joint. Initially test the range of flexion by flexing the hip to the chest to note if it is possible to touch the leg to the chest. With the knee at the chest wall, ask the patient to hold the limb with his or her hand and allow the other limb to fall onto the examining table. If this is not then the patient has a fixed flexion contracture of that hip joint.

Extension: With the patient lying prone, the hip and the pelvis are stabilized with one hand on the pelvis, while the other hand flexes the knee to relax the hamstrings. Thereafter the hip can be extended to about 30 degrees.

Abduction: This is tested by the patient lying supine and the pelvis stabilized at the iliac crests. The lower limb is then held at the ankle and abducted in one piece, which normally should be around 45 degrees, which is often limited by pathology than adduction.

Adduction: This is tested by further continuing the above manoeuver from full abduction till the limb returns back to the normal position, and which is about 30 degrees.

Internal/external rotations: These are tested in two ways: with the hips and knees extended. In the first approach, with the patient lying supine, both are held just above the malleoli and rotated to examine the angle at which the patella faces. The normal angle of internal rotation is 30 degrees while the normal angle of external rotation is 45 degrees. In the other approach, with the patient lying supine, the legs hang down from his or her flexed knees. In this position, the tibia acts like a pendulum to measure the angles of internal and external rotations at the hip joint. In yet another measure to test the movements, the patient is supine and the knees extended to observe the upward direction of the big toes, which can be used as a marker for these angles. This also takes into account the normal angle of anteversion at the neck of the femur when the patient is lying flat. Any decrease in the angle of internal rotation may lead one to suspect a slipped upper femoral epiphysis in a growing child. In an adult, osteoarthritis may cause limitation of these movements, though internal rotation is more frequently restricted in that condition.


Neurological Examination


Flexors: These are tested by the patient sitting at the edge of the table with his or her legs hanging down over the edge when the patient is asked to raise his or her thigh while gradually increasing resistance. Extensors: Here the patient is tested lying prone, with the leg flexed at the knee to relax the hamstrings, when the patient is asked to extend his or her thigh during this manoeuvre.

Abductors: Here the patient is lying on his or her side and is asked to abduct his or her leg. Alternatively, this can be tested with the patient lying supine, with both his or her legs abducted gradually against increasing resistance.

Adductors: In continuing with the above test, this test is carried out by placing the hand over the medial side of the thigh, when the patient is asked to pull his or her to pull his or her limb back towards the midline, or alternatively the patient is to abduct his or her legs with gradually increasing resistance over the medial aspect of the knees.

Sensory Testing

The dermatomes of the anterior abdominal wall run in oblique bands, with the umbilicus being supplied by the T10 dermatome. The strip above the inguinal ligament is supplied by the T12 dermatome, and the area between this and the umbilicus is supplied by the T11 dermatome. The dermatome just below the inguinal ligament is supplied by L1 while the dermatome just above the knee joint is supplied by L3, and the area between these two regions is supplied by the L2 dermatome. The posterior primary divisions of the cluneal nerves, L1, L2, and L3, cross over the posterior iliac crests and supply sensation to the area just over the iliac crest, the area between the posterior superior iliac spine and the iliac tubercle, and the area over both the buttocks. The posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh (S2) supplies a longitudinal area along the posterior aspect of the thigh, while the lateral cutaneous nerve (S3) of the thigh supplies a broad area over the lateral aspect of the thigh. The dermatomes around the anus are arranged in three concentric rings, with the innermost being supplied by S1 and the outermost by S3, while S2 supplies the intermediate ring.

Trendelenburg’s Test

In cases of malunited fractures or un-united fractures of the neck of the femur, dislocations or subluxations of the hip joint, coxa vara, and paralysis of the hip abductors, there is loss of hip stability due to an inefficient abductor lever, resulting in a dropping of the opposite half of the pelvis, when the weight is borne of the affected limb. This will render ground clearance by the opposite limb difficult, and to overcome this problem, when the weight is borne on the affected side, the body or torso swings on the same side and the help of the quadratus lumborum is taken to lift the opposite half of the pelvis. Hence the pelvis dips on the opposite side, while the trunk swings on the same side to result in a “gluteus medius gait.” If such lesions are bilateral, the same sequence occurs on both sides to result in a “waddling gait.” This type of a gait is present in osteamalacia patients due to muscle weakness secondary to calcium deficiency. This test may also be positive when it is delayed up to 1 minute by the insufficiency of the gluteus medius. Numerous conditions may give rise to a weak gluteus medius muscle, such as slipped upper-femoral epiphysis, congenital dislocation of the hip, or certain neurologic conditions such as poliomyelitis or a meningomyelocele.


Limb Length Discrepancy

If on examination, limb length discrepancy is suspected, then actual measurements of the limbs may be helpful in these cases. True limb length discrepancy is tested by placing both the limbs parallel and by keeping the pelvis square, both the iliac crests parallel and measuring the lengths between the anterior superior iliac spine and the medial malleoli. To determine whether the discrepancy is in the tibia or the femur, ask the patient to lie flat with the knees flexed to 90 degrees and the heels flat on the examining table. When the level of the knees is seen to be lower, then it is the femur that is shorter, as in poliomyelitis or in a case of a malunited fracture.

Whereas Apparent limb length discrepancy is seen in cases of pelvic obliquity or in cases of adduction contracture of the hip joint. This is examined with the patient lying supine with his or her lower limbs in the neutral position when the distance is measured from the umbilicus to the medial malleolus of the ankle.

Ober’s Test

This is mainly done for a contracted iliotibial band. Ask the patient to lie on one side, with the involved side uppermost. Abduct the leg are far as possible and then flex the knee joint to relax the iliotibial band, allowing the involved limb to drop down to the adducted position. The continued abduction of the leg indicates an abduction contracture of the iliotibial band, as seen in poliomyelitis or a meningomyelocele.

Ortolani click

This test is completed by flexing the hips along with abduction and externally rotating it. It can be felt to slip out of the hip joint to be reduced back into the joint during adduction and internal rotation with an audible click. In cases of congenital dislocation of the hip, abduction may be markedly limited in itself.


This is tested by stabilizing in one hand, while the other hand pushes and pulls the femur when telescoping is felt like a greater trochanter.

Adduction contracture

This is tested by abducting a flexed hip. Abduction is not possible in an adduction contracture of the hip joint when normally, abduction should be possible in a flexed hip up to about 90 degrees.

Proximal Focal Femoral Deficiency

This rare condition may be classified as follows on the basis of the anatomic relation between the acetabulum and the proximal end of the femur: Here the femoral head is present and is attached to the shaft by the femoral neck. The femur is shortened, and a coxa vara type of deformity is present. The cartilaginous neck is not seen on radiographs taken initially, but gradually later ossifies, and in some instances may also form a pseudoarthrosis. This is again divided into type 1a, where the femur is shortened with coxa vara, and type 1b, where the subtrochanteric present. In this type, the acetabulum is adequately present, though dysplastic, and contains the femoral head. The femoral head does not have osseous connectivity with the femoral shaft, which is shortened and ends in a bony tuft. Here the acetabulum is severely dysplastic, and the femoral head may be absent or is very small and not attached to the femoral shaft. The femoral end has a tapered proximal end.This is the most severe form, where the acetabulum and the proximal femur are absent, and there is no proximal tuft either.


Nonoperative: Observation in children with bilateral deficiency. An extension prosthesis may be used in some cases to help the patient to stand up.

Operative: Limb lengthening with or without contralateral epiphysiodesis: This is of two types, A and B, where predicated limb length discrepancy is less than 20 cm at maturity, and it also offers a stable hip and a functional foot, with absolute contraindications for this procedure being proximal pseudoarthrosis or acetabular dysplasia.

Knee arthrodesis with foot ablation is indicated when the ipsilateral foot is at the level of the contralateral knee or more proximal and there is a need for improved prosthetic fit, function, and appearance.

Femoral-pelvic fusion is indicated when the femoral head is absent.

Van Nees rotationplasty is indicated when the ipsilateral foot is at the level of the contralateral knee and the ankle with >60% of motion with an absent femoral head. This procedure is useful in types C and D of the deformity.

Amputation is indicated when the femoral length is less than 50% of the opposite side.



Disorders of Hip


In children


Septic Arthritis

Septic arthritis generally refers to bacterial infection of a joint. Smith first described septic arthritis of hips in an article “Acute Arthritis in Infants” in 1874, and for a long time, septic hip in the newborn was known as Tom Smith’s arthritis after him. The mortality rate during those days was about 60%, as described by Smith. With the advent of antibiotics, the mortality rate was brought down to 1% in the 20th century. However, delay in diagnosis and treatment can cause considerable damage to the hip joint and long-term morbidity. The thick and strong joint capsule rapidly increases the intraarticular pressure that can jeopardize the critical blood supply to the femoral head. A multidisciplinary approach involving the general practitioner, pediatrician, orthopedic surgeon, bacteriologist, and physiotherapist is needed to treat this problem effectively. In neonates, the signs and symptoms are not very classical of infection, and hence more challenging for the physician to diagnose. There is a direct correlation between the delay in diagnosis and worse outcomes. Delay in starting treatment for more than four days, associated osteomyelitis, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) as the causative organism are some of the poor prognostic factors. The goal is to diagnose early and preserve the function of the hip joint.

As we get more efficient in diagnosing septic arthritis with the aid of tools like ultrasonography, laboratory tests like polymerase chain reaction, and improved culture media, the disease pattern also changes. Haemophilus influenzae vaccination has gradually eliminated this organism. Early administration of oral antibiotics by the treating physician sometimes clouds the clinical picture. We have to update ourselves constantly with the changing scenario.




The hip joint may get infected by one of several ways. The bacteria may get directly inoculated into the synovial membrane from the adjacent infected bone. In the neonate the joint capsule is attached close to the femoral head. Therefore infection from osteomyelitis of metaphysis spreading into the joint is rare, unlike in older children, in whom large part of the metaphysis is intracapsular. However, the vascular anatomy of neonates is different. There is continuation of the metaphysial blood vessels into the epiphysis unlike in toddlers and older children in whom there is a barrier in the physical cartilage. Therefore infection can spread into the epiphysis through these vessels and may get seeded into the joint. This pattern of vasculature can also result in osteonecrosis of femoral head due to infection in the proximal femur. The common mode of infection of the joint is through the haematogenous route. Bacteraemia produces intra-articular bacteraemia, which results in seeding of the synovium. The other mode of infection is by direct inoculation through penetrating injury into the joint, which is very rare in the hip, especially in a child. Septic arthritis of the hip caused by contamination during femoral venopuncture has been reported. Once infected, unless the infection is quickly brought under control, the articular cartilage undergoes rapid chondrolysis. This is due to the action of proteolytic enzymes released from the white cells, synovial cells, chondrocytes, and the bacteria. Interleukins and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF?) have also been described as mediators in this process. These proteolytic enzymes can destroy even the epiphysis, physis, and metaphysis of the proximal femur, in addition to the articular cartilage. A rise in the intracapsular pressure due to collection of pus affects the vital blood supply to the femoral head. With passing time femoral head drifts out of the acetabulum as the soft tissue envelope gets destroyed. Neonates who are admitted in the ICU are high-risk candidates for bone and joint infection. There is always an opportunity for bacteraemia due to multiple indwelling lines and frequent venopunctures for lab tests. Premature infants are also known to be at high risk for septic arthritis. They have poorly developed immune mechanisms and low levels of maternal immunoglobins. Breech delivery also predisposes to subsequent development of septic arthritis.

Causative Organism

An organism can be isolated only in 50%–60% of cases of septic arthritis. Causative organisms vary depending on the age; overall, S. aureus is the commonest organism. In healthy neonates, streptococcus and gram-negative organisms are commonly isolated, but S. aureus is the commonest pathogen in high-risk neonates. Kingella kingae has recently been reported as the commonest pathogen in the 6–48 months’ age group. It is an organism that is part of normal pharyngeal flora in many children and is often associated with upper respiratory tract infection. The incidence of H. influenzae has rapidly dropped since the advent of the Hib vaccine. S. aureus is the other organism found in this age group. In children, over 5 years S. aureus again is the commonest organism. Neisseria gonorrhoea can be the offending organism in sexually active teenagers. Salmonella septic hip has been reported from various parts of the world. Salmonella was the commonest pathogen. It has also been reported as the causative organism in immunocompromised children and in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). There have also been reports of several rare organisms causing septic arthritis. S. aureus USA 300 is the predominant clone of S. aureus which causes septic arthritis.


Clinical Features

The newborn child will present differently from the toddler or an older child. Even in neonates there can be two types. The first type is the child who is admitted in the neonatal ICU, who has intravenous lines, and who has several venopunctures for laboratory investigations. These children are prone to hospital-acquired infections, and more often the septic arthritis is caused by MRSA or gram-negative organisms. They can have multifocal septic arthritis or osteomyelitis. The second type is the child who is brought back after going home from the hospital. The common organism in this group is group B streptococcus. Neonates may not show all the toxic features that older children show. They may not have fever or leucocytosis. Instead they may actually have leucopaenia and hypothermia as signs of infection. Failure to feed, regurgitation, anaemia, tachycardia, and pseudoparalysis of the affected limb may be presenting features. The child keeps the hip in flexion abduction and external rotation and doesn’t like the limb being moved. Later there may be fullness over the anterior aspect or the gluteal region or asymmetrical thigh creases. These are late signs as the pus breaches through the joint capsule. An older child typically presents with fever and limp or refuses to bear weight on the affected limb. History of injury is very common in a child presenting with pain. The assessing clinician has to carefully go into the history and find out if the child started complaining of pain and started limping immediately after the trauma. Otherwise this history may completely mislead the physician and cause delay in diagnosing septic arthritis. A careful examination of the normal limb first and then the limb with pain should be done. The painful hip is kept in position of comfort, which is flexion, abduction, and external rotation. Any swelling in the limb should be noted. Often the pain is referred to the knee, but examination of the hip will reveal considerably reduced painful range of movements. In the early stages there will be reduced internal rotation.



On admission, a total and differential white cell count (WCC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C reactive protein (CRP), and blood culture should be done as the first line of laboratory investigations for a child suspected to have septic arthritis of the hip. The WCC is mostly elevated with a shift to the left in the differential.

A WCC of over 12,000/mm3 with over 60% polymorphs should be present. In newborns and immune-compromised children, the WCC may not be a reliable indicator. A rise in the ESR is also an indicator of sepsis, though it is not a specific indicator. An ESR of over 40 mm/hr is a useful indicator of sepsis. Of late CRP levels have been more relied upon than the ESR. CRP is an acute phase protein that is produced in the liver. CRP levels increase within 24–48 hr after the onset of disease and rapidly drop and reach normal levels when treatment is started and the patient responds to the treatment. Therefore it is also an excellent follow-up test to assess the patient’s response to treatment. Elevated CRP is a strong independent predictor of septic arthritis. The CRP level is also a good negative predictor. A value of less than 1 mg/dL gives an 87% probability that the patient does not have septic arthritis. CRP levels are very useful in the follow-up of patients with septic hips in assessing their response to treatment. CRP levels continuing to rise in a child under treatment for osteomyelitis should raise the suspicion of superadded septic arthritis. Blood cultures are positive in only 40%–50% of patients.


Joint Aspiration

Once the presence of fluid is confirmed in a child suspected to have septic arthritis of the hip, joint aspiration should clinch the diagnosis. This can usually be done after applying a local anaesthetic cream and giving some oral sedation to the child. Aspiration can be done with or without ultrasonographic guidance through an anterior approach. The fluid should be sent for gram stain, culture, cell count, and biochemical analysis. In septic arthritis, the total WCC will be more than 50,000/mm3, with over 90% polymorphs. Some authors have suggested even a cell count of over 30,000/mm3 with more than 90% polymorphs should be considered infected, even if the culture is negative. Synovial protein levels are 40 mg/dL or less, and lactate levels are increased in septic arthritis. Glucose levels are lower than serum levels. Synovial fluid culture will be positive only in 50%–70% of cases. Therefore the findings of synovial fluid examination should be interpreted with the overall clinical picture of the patient before coming to a diagnosis.



Differential Diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of septic arthritis of the hip includes all the conditions one would consider in assessing a limping child. However, transient synovitis is one condition which is common and presents very similar to a septic hip. Differentiating these two conditions is vital as the treatment varies from simple rest and observation to emergency arthrotomy and intravenous antibiotics. To aid clinicians in differentiating these two conditions, Kocher et al. brought out an evidence-based clinical prediction algorithm. In their study, they described four clinical criteria, namely history of fever (oral temperature above 38.5? C), an ESR of above 40 mm/hr, non-weight-bearing, and serum WCC of >12,000. When all four criteria have met the possibility of septic arthritis was 99% in their study. However, when the same four multivariate predictors were applied in other institutions, only about 59% probability was arrived at. A CRP value of above 20 mg/L appears to be a strong independent predictor of septic arthritis. A child presenting with fever, raised CRP, refusing to weight bear, and having a raised WCC should be definitely a strong candidate for septic arthritis.

Osteomyelitis of the proximal femur can present with the same findings. The absence of fluid in the hip joint should raise the suspicion of osteomyelitis. Bone scan or MRI will be useful in these cases. Both the conditions can present concomitantly, especially in patients in whom osteomyelitis has been present for some time, and the purulent material has burst through the bone into the joint. There are several other infective conditions around the hip joint which can present very similar to septic arthritis of the hip. Osteomyelitis of the acetabulum, ileum, pubic symphysis, and ischiopubic region and pyomyositis of the iliacus, gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, iliopsoas, and obturator muscles have all been reported which presented like septic arthritis. Inflammatory arthritis such as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever, Perthes disease during its acute presentation, and pigmented villonodular synovitis are some other conditions which can present like septic arthritis.



The first step once a clinical diagnosis of septic arthritis is made is to aspirate the joint and send the fluid for investigation. Empirical antibiotics should be started once the fluid is obtained for culture. The drug of choice depends on the age of the child, the common prevailing organism in that age group, and the antimicrobial policy of the institution. Emergency arthrotomy and Washout should be carried out once the diagnosis is confirmed. It is a simple low-morbidity procedure and can be performed through a small incision. The joint can be drained through medial, anterior, or posterior approaches. We routinely perform the arthrotomy through the anterior approach. A small capsulectomy is made to let out the purulent fluid. The joint is thoroughly irrigated with a copious amount of saline to wash out the bacteria, necrotic tissue, and proteolytic enzymes which destroy the articular cartilage. The capsulotomy also decompresses the raised intra-articular pressure which is dangerous for the vascularity of the epiphysis. The wound is closed with a suction drain. Arthrotomy through the posterior approach may cause damage to the retinacular vessels and, hence, is better avoided. Anterior-approach arthrotomy can be done through a small cosmetic incision.

Some doctors advocate continuous irrigation drainage during the postoperative period. But this method has its own problems, such as the introduction of secondary infection, frequent clogging of the tubes, and development of a sinus tract if left for a long period.Recently there have been favourable reports of effective joint Wash out using arthroscopy. There is still not enough evidence to suggest this method is advantageous over open arthrotomy. Arthroscopic washout may become popular in the future. We don’t routinely immobilise the hip in a spica or in traction unless the child presented to us very late and therefore the chances of extensive destruction of the joint are present. We encourage range-of-motion exercises from the beginning.



As soon as the joint is aspirated, intravenous antibiotics should be started. The choice of antibiotics till the sensitivity results are available depends on the age of the child and the anticipated organism. The drugs of choice are given as:

For Neonates when the causative organisms are Streptococcus, S. aureus, gram-negative bacilli Cefatoxime, vancomycin and gentamycin will be the drug of choice.

Similarly for children who are between 28 days to 3 years if the organisms are S. aureus, H. influenza, K. kingae then Oxacillin/vancomycin, cefotaxime will be the drug of choice.

And In children, who are older than 3 yr, the S. aureus is the main causative organism which is treated by Oxacillin/vancomycin.

  1. aureus is also the main causative organism in teenager so the drug of choice will be same, i.e., Oxacillin/vancomycin.

There has been considerable controversy regarding the duration of antibiotics. Recently there has been a trend towards shorter duration of antibiotics. Intravenous antibiotics should be given for the first 3–4 days and changed over to oral antibiotics once there is an improvement in the clinical picture and a drop in CRP levels. A 2–3-week course of antibiotics appears to be sufficient in most cases, as long as the CRP normalizes and the patient’s clinical picture improves, irrespective of the organism and the age of the patient. A longer duration of antibiotics may be necessary for delayed presentations and in patients having associated osteomyelitis. If there is not expected improvement in the clinical picture, re-exploration and joint irrigation may have to be carried out, and associated osteomyelitis, if present, needs to be decompressed. In selected cases perhaps there is a role for steroids, especially those with septicaemia. There have been reports of community-acquired MRSA infection in older children, in addition to the hospital-acquired MRSA infection in neonates and infants. These patients should be treated with clindamycin. Vancomycin and linezolid are also used drugs in MRSA infection. All patients with septic arthritis of the hip need a prolonged period of follow-up to detect any late sequelae.



The mortality rate has come down considerably to less than 1% compared to 60% in the pre-antibiotic era. However, the complication rate can be as high as 40%. Children who are at risk for poor prognosis are premature and children who are less than 6 months of age, those who present later than 4 days after the onset of symptoms, and those with associated osteomyelitis.


Complications and Treatment

Septic arthritis of the hip in children is a surgical emergency. Though the systemic complications and mortality rate have considerably decreased in the post-antibiotic era, delay in diagnosis and treatment will lead to catastrophic complications, which can cripple the child for life. It has been clearly shown that the outcome depends on early intervention. The younger the patient, the more severe the damage. The complications include chondrolysis, dislocation, osteonecrosis of the capital femoral epiphysis (CFE), incomplete or complete damage of the proximal femoral physis with valgus or varus deformity, increased ante-version or retroversion, trochanteric overgrowth, fibrous ankylosis, shortening of the limb, pseudarthrosis of the femoral neck, and complete destruction of head and neck. The problems can be so varied, no cookbook type of guidelines can be given. The treatment has to be individualized, and the best-available option has to be offered to the patient. Many procedures have been described to treat these complications, but very few publications have given consistently reliable long-term results.



Chondrolysis takes place due to the action of proteolytic enzymes released from the chondrocytes, synovial cells, polymorphs, and bacteria. Streptococcal and staphylococcal infections produce severe chondrolysis compared to septic arthritis due to other organisms. This will lead to pain, progressive decrease in range of motion, and fibrous ankylosis. The actual incidence of chondrolysis is not apparent; in one study it was reported to be 2.2%. In the early postoperative period, walking children should be kept non-weight-bearing and range of motion exercises should be advised. Persisting pain and decrease in range of movements should warn us of the possibility of chondrolysis. Serial radiographs will show a gradual reduction in joint space. If the symptoms don’t improve with physiotherapy, traction, and analgesics, arthrodiastasis using an articulated distractor can be tried. The distraction should be maintained for minimum 3–4 months to see any regeneration of articular cartilage. In established cases with pain and gross restriction of range of motion, the options are arthrodesis and arthroplasty. Arthrodesis is not an acceptable option for most patients at present.


In the acute situation, if the patient had presented within 3–4 days, immobilisation of the hip is not necessary. However, if the child is brought late or if there is any suspicion of the hip subluxation or dislocation, hip spica should be applied. The spica should be changed every 6 weeks till the hip is clinically and radiologically stable. In infants, the capital epiphysis may not be ossified, in which case the status of the head should be assessed by ultrasonography, MRI, or arthrogram. All efforts should be made to reduce the hip and maintain it in the acetabulum. If closed reduction is unsuccessful, open reduction should be performed. The acetabulum should be cleared of all the soft tissues and the head reduced. Additional procedures, as necessary, will have to be carried out. These procedures include adductor and psoas tenotomy, femoral shortening, varus osteotomy, and shelf or Chiari osteotomy for dysplastic acetabulum. On preoperative assessment, hip stiffness, avascular necrosis (AVN) of the CFE, premature fusion of the triradiate cartilage, and cartilage thinning in MRI. Intraoperative findings included femoral head flattening and coxa magna, cartilage thinning, marked fibrosis, and adhesions.


Septic arthritis can result in a variety of anatomical abnormalities due to damage to the CFE and physis. To systematically describe these deformities and plan on treatment a classification system is described as:

Type I: Absent or minimal femoral head changes

Type II: Deformity of the femoral head, with an intact growth plate. Deformity of the femoral head, with premature fusion of the growth plate

Type III: Pseudarthrosis of the femoral neck

Type IV: Complete destruction of the proximal femoral epiphysis, with a stable neck segment. Complete destruction of the proximal femoral epiphysis, with a small unstable neck segment

Type V: Complete destruction of the head and neck to the intertrochanteric line, with dislocation of the hip.

The treatment of each type is given as:

Type I: These hips have minimal avascular insult and have either standard femoral heads or slight coxa magna. They are well contained and do not require any treatment. In these patients, if signs of AVN of the CFE are present, in the form of irregularity or speckling of the epiphysis or delay in the appearance of the epiphysis, abduction splints should be given and the child carefully followed with serial radiographs.



Type II: In type IIA, there is AVN of the physis with progressive coxa vara or valga. There may be torsional deformity of the neck with increased ante-version or retroversion. In coxa vara, valgus osteotomy has to be performed with additional pelvic procedures to keep the head contained. These corrective osteotomies tend to remodel, and the deformities can recur. In these situations, the femoral and pelvic osteotomies may have to be repeated.

In type IIB, there is premature closure of the physis, and hence there is coxa breva, shortening of the limb, and trochanteric overgrowth. Early trochanteric Epiphysiodesis or in established cases the distal transfer of the trochanter has to be carried out. Contralateral distal femoral Epiphysiodesis if shortening is minimal, or lengthening of the affected limb may be necessary to equalize the limb length.

Type III: In type III, there is involvement of the femoral neck probably due to osteomyelitis of the femoral neck with complete slipping of the epiphysis. There is coxa vara with pseudarthrosis of the femoral neck. These patients will require valgus osteotomy with or without bone grafting. The pseudarthrosis is a severe problem to treat and may not respond to bone grafting.

Types IV and V: These are the hips which have been most severely affected with just loss of the head or the entire head and neck. The remaining part of the femoral neck may be subluxed or dislocated. There will be shortening of the limb and a Trendelenburg gait. These patients may have several other radiographic findings like the premature closure of triradiate cartilage, severe dysplasia of acetabulum, false acetabulum, and high riding trochanter. Various authors have described several procedures for these deformities over the past 75 yr. None of these procedures give consistently predictable results.  Non-surgically-treated patients fared better regarding pain and activity but had poor radiographic appearance and Harris hip score. It is not possible to maintain reduction with the small remnant neck in type IV hips, and hence they should be treated like type V hips. The main problems in this group are shortening of the limb and awkward gait due to that and an unstable proximal femur. Several procedures have been described to stabilize the proximal femur. In trochanteric arthroplasty, the cartilaginous apophysis of the greater trochanter is placed inside the acetabular cavity and maintained with a varus osteotomy of the proximal femur. The abductor insertion is detached from the trochanter and reattached onto the proximal femur. The earlier this procedure is done, the better, as remodeling of the new femoral head appears to be better. The disadvantage is that the varus created in the proximal femur can remodel, and the head drifts out of the acetabulum. In such cases, the varus osteotomy has to be repeated. Trochanteric arthroplasty appears to give the best results in these severely affected hips. Another procedure to stabilise the hip is done by sagittally splitting the proximal femur and placing the medial part into the acetabulum by producing an incomplete fracture in the medial cortex. The gap between the two halves is filled by an iliac crest graft, either vascularized or non-vascularized.

All of these procedures may have to be augmented with a pelvic osteotomy.


Ilizarov’s Reconstruction

Ilizarov’s hip reconstruction for post-septic instability includes valgus and extension osteotomy of the proximal femur, which places the proximal femur against the pelvis, thereby giving some stability and also improving the mechanical efficiency of abductor’s muscles. This is combined with another osteotomy at a more distal level for re-alignment and lengthening. This procedure addresses the Trendelenburg gait and shortening, which are the problems in type IV and V hips. When performed in younger patients re-modelling at the proximal osteotomy site and recurrence of limb length discrepancy should be expected, and the procedure may have to be repeated. There is an argument for leaving these severely affected hips alone, as the results are not satisfactory consistently, and just observe them. Most of them do not have pain till much later in life. Total hip replacement can be done for pain in their fifth or sixth decade. In conclusion, childhood septic arthritis of the hip can leave the child with a completely destroyed hip if not treated early. Though the complications are not very common now, late diagnosis and missed diagnosis are possibilities in the neonates. The treatment plan has to be individualised to the patient. Some children may need simple epiphyseodesis of the contralateral limb to equalise limb length discrepancy, whereas others may require total reconstruction. Of the procedures described for type IV and V hips, trochanteric arthroplasty and Ilizarov’s reconstruction appear to be the procedures which give satisfactory results.


Congenital Dislocation


Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) affects 1 or 2 out of 1000 babies. The highest incidence of DDH occurs in:

  • Females (because of ligament laxity)
  • First-born babies (because they are tightly crammed in the uterus)
  • Breech babies (due to ligament sprain for the position)
  • Children in families where there’s a genetic predisposition




The acetabulum is often shallow and has direction anomalies. The proximal femur may show coxa valga and antetorsion. A displaced femoral head and femur are commonly interposed. The iliopsoas tendon can be insinuated between the femoral head and the acetabulum. The acetabular labrum is inverted into the joints; an enlarged ligamentum teres is often restricting.



The diagnosis of DDH is usually made by a thorough history and clinical examination. The assessment of the child at birth should give an idea of hip laxity; it is, therefore, mandatory to do the Ortolani and Barlow test before a kid is discharged from the hospital after being born. The kids with doubtful test results should be referred to an ultrasound screening clinic. Often an ultrasound is used to confirm the diagnosis and aid in treatment in children younger than 4 to 6 months of age. In children older than 6 months, an X-ray is used to evaluate the hip, and its bony development as enough of the cartilage has turned to the bone to be seen on an X-ray. Hip clicks and asymmetric thigh folds and consideration of risk factors along with documentation of examination is important.

Barlow test: Press on the hips to check their laxity if they dislocate posteriorly.

Ortolani test: Click the hip into and out of the joint by abduction and thus test laxity.



From Birth to 6 months the best method is to use an abduction harness. If treatment is successful, continue full-time bracing for 6–8 weeks and monitor with ultrasound. If not reduced for 3–4 weeks proceed with open or closed reduction. The child should be comfortable in the harness—this before discharging the patient from the clinic. Management of DDH varies by age, but treatment becomes increasingly difficult with older patients. Any infant with hip instability should be referred to a pediatric orthopedic surgeon. Neonates with a dislocatable and reducible hip which is confirmed by ultrasound examination are treated with abduction splinting (Pavlik harness) fitted in the clinic until stability is confirmed. Parents are educated to look after the brace, and infants are not to flex and abduct their hips to greater than 60? in order to avoid interfering with the blood supply to the femoral head and injury to the femoral nerve. Closed reduction is often possible followed by a hip spica. This is usually done in theatres in order to maintain reduction and review radiologically. Ideally, arthrographic evaluation should be done while attempting closed reduction to check for the restraining factors. This can be done by injecting the hip with dye and saline—avoid using excessive dye.The second step in a reduction in determining the stability of reduction, which should be reduced inflexion; if an adductor contracture persists, it may need an adductor tenotomy. If closed reduction cannot be made, open reduction is required. The child should be prepared for this with routine work-up. This is followed by an arthrography and a computed tomography (CT) scan to confirm successful reduction. Most reductions can be maintained with the hip at 80? flexions, 45? abductions, and neutral rotation. There is a natural tendency to allow thighs to fall into a greater abduction and less flexion, making reduction less stable and the chance of AVN more. Care should be taken of this. Change the cast under anaesthesia in 4–6 weeks and follow the shielded AP pelvic radiograph at 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, and 48 months.

From 6–18 months most cases of DDH are managed by closed reduction and spica cast immobilization. Traction is controversial but may be useful if the hip is stiff and closed treatment is planned. Arthrography is useful when the quality of reduction is doubtful. After reduction, the infant should be followed up carefully to assess the effect of time on growth. Setting up home traction may often be more convenient for the family. These are resistant cases which cannot be treated conservatively. Open reduction is often required. If the reduction is well maintained until age 4 the results are good since acetabular remodelling occurs up to 4 yr of age.The aim of treatment is to maintain a good acetabular cup cover.

From 18–30 months operative management is usually required. If the hip is unusually stiff be prepared for an osteotomy to shorten the femur. Manage an open reduction through an anterolateral approach, and it is advisable to combine a Salter or Pemberton osteotomy to prevent a second procedure. The interposed iliopsoas tendon should be released, the capsule should be opened widely for complete release, the transverse acetabular ligament should be released as it will block deep concentric reduction, and the ligamentum teres should be removed. The limbus does not need to be excised. Concurrent osteotomy should be based on pathology and experience of the performing surgeon. Minimal rotational correction of the femur is necessary. Pemberton peri capsular osteotomy is more versatile compared to Salter osteotomy but avoids overcorrection. Plan 12 weeks’ spica cast immobilisation. Follow-up should be continued till growth ends by six monthly follow-up X-rays then yearly follow-up X-rays.


Greater than 4 years old, Treatment is most difficult at this age since acetabular remodeling is minimal. Even a successful reduction may not confer a stable, pain-free hip; therefore salvage osteotomies are sometimes performed to improve joint mechanics. Avoid Pemberton osteotomy if the child is more than six years of age, but select it if dysphasia is moderate to severe and Salter osteotomy for mild dysplasia. Femoral osteotomy is nearly always necessary. If the deformity is severe femoral shortening is performed first, and then the open reduction is followed by pelvic osteotomy. In many cases, despite the intervention, a total hip arthroplasty will still be required due to ensuing pain and limited range of motion that many patients experience.

The Irritable Hip

The irritable hip is a common childhood condition that causes symptoms such as hip pain and limping. Pain isn’t usually severe, but your child may be reluctant to place weight on the affected leg. Occasionally, an irritable hip may also cause:

  • Pain in the knee or thigh.
  • Restricted movement in one of the hip joints.
  • A slightly higher temperature than normal— normal temperature is around 37?C (98.6?F).

The pain may be following intermittent activity and may be felt in the front of the thigh, sometimes as far as the knee. Minimal wasting is detectable, but the most important sign is that extremes of movement are limited and any attempt may be painful. A thorough general examination is undertaken along with X-rays and blood investigations. The condition develops when the lining that covers the hip joint (the synovial membrane) becomes irritated and inflamed, although the cause of inflammation is unclear. The irritable hip can affect boys and girls of any age. However, the condition affects twice as many boys than girls. It’s most often seen in boys between the ages of 4 and 10.



A symptom is something the patient senses and describes, while a sign is something other people, such as the doctor noticed. For example, drowsiness may be a symptom, while dilated pupils may be a sign. Hip pain is of rapid onset and develops rapidly, usually on one side of the hip. Pain may range from mild to severe. Pain may spread to the groin, thigh, and knee on the affected side. The symptoms of pain force many children to limp. Infants may crawl in a strange way because of the pain, called abnormal crawling. In small infants (babies), abnormal crying is caused by pain. It may be more noticeable when changing nappies (US diapers). There is a slight fever (less common). If fever is high, it is likely the child has something else, possibly more serious. Radiographs are usually normal, and the following conditions are considered in its differential diagnosis:

  • Transient synovitis, when the cause is unknown, and it settles down quickly. Here X-rays are normal, and blood investigations are negative.
  • Chronic synovitis of the rheumatoid type is indistinguishable from early tuberculosis, and even other joints are affected later. In such cases a positive serum latex test or biopsy is helpful.
  • Tuberculosis: In its early stages it resembles an irritable hip, and blood tests may show an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and the Heaf test is positive. Xrays may show generalized rarefaction or an abscess.
  • Perthes disease: Here the child is usually 5 to 10 years of age and the irritability settles down fairly quickly. Abduction inflexion is restricted, and radiographs may show increased joint space.
  • Slipped epiphysis: Here it is the gradual type of the irritable hip. Age is characteristic, and X-rays are diagnostic in lateral views mainly.



It is a mild condition that will get better on its own. Complete rest is usually all that is needed. It should start to improve in around three days and be better in two weeks. If the child is in pain, painkillers, such as paracetamol or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), for example, ibuprofen, can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Aspirin should not be given to children under the age of 16. Ibuprofen should be used with caution if the child has a history of asthma or wheeze, which seems to get worse with NSAID use. Antibiotics are not required as this is not an infection.

At-home care:

  • It is important that you encourage the child to rest at home.
  • The child should not attend school or daycare until he or she has recovered.
  • The child will naturally adopt the most comfortable position for himself or herself.
  • Allow the child to gradually go back to his or her usual activities as he or she improves, but the child should not play a sport or undertake any strenuous activities until completely recovered.


Coxa Vara

Congenital coxa vara may be an isolated deformity or associated with other congenital deformities, especially the poor growth of the femur. It can also be a secondary congenital error when associated with some intrauterine affection of the bone, such as achondroplasia. Congenital coxa vara may sometimes also be known as cervical or infantile when radiographs show a particular triangular piece of neck lying just adjacent to the head of the femur which is completely separate from the rest of the bone. This condition is sometimes bilateral and only seen when the child begins to walk or may even be delayed for a few years.

A typical case shows some or all of the following radiological features:

  • The angle of the neck is reduced by more than a right angle.
  • The neck varies in length and may be short and stout or may be nonexistent or even fragmented due to incomplete ossification. In some cases, the neck may form an elongated down-hanging lower lip or tongue.
  • The head is unusually translucent and located low in the acetabulum and may be fluffy in outline.
  • The fragment of bone is triangular in shape and occupies the lower part of the neck, close to the head, which is bounded by two clear lines which traverse the neck like an inverted V. The inner line is the epiphysis, while the outer one is the other part of the epiphysis, and eventually, both these lines disappear at the same time.
  • There is some deformity of the acetabulum due to malposition of the head.
  • In extreme cases, the greater trochanter may be beaked and curved upwards to articulate with the ilium of the acetabulum.



This is an extremely rare lesion and unless corrected a severe deformity and disability develops with time. Hence it is recommended that an initial angulation corrective intertrochanteric osteotomy be carried out at an early stage when a wedge-shaped fragment is removed from the lateral side when it is possible to abduct the distal femoral shaft and fix it with a screw and plate. With this operation, when the limb is in the neutral plane, the vertical neck and epiphyseal defects become horizontal, thus relieving stress and the varus deformity.


Epiphyseal Coxa Vara

It is usually unilateral and seen in males between the ages of 10 and 17. The only abnormality is in the early stages of cartilage formation when there is immature fibrous tissue instead of bone, which is the primary abnormality and proceeds to fragmentation and disappearance of the epiphyseal plate. The aetiology is weakening of the tissues between the epiphyses and the femoral neck, along with the effect of normal stress, and there are various theories for this, such as:

  • Hormonal theory: Although the softening is due to failure of maturation of cartilage into bone, the exact reason for this failure is not understood.
  • Traumatic theory: The epiphyseal line is the weakest area of a normal bone, and this fact is taken into account by many people as causing the deformity.



Coxa vara has to be kept in mind for early diagnosis, particularly when pain is referred to the knee in obese adolescence.

Coxa vara must be differentiated from the following conditions:

  • Tuberculous arthritis: Here the hip is adducted and medially rotated, and the movements are limited in all directions. There is also a considerable lot of wasting and atrophy.
  • Osteochondritis: The main differentiating points are the patient’s age and radiological appearances. In osteochondritis, the head is not displaced but actually deformed and may be outflowing like the “mushroom-type” onto the outer border of the neck.
  • Congenital dislocation of the hip: Here there is a history of lameness from birth, and the head of the femur may even be palpated outside the acetabulum, and telescopic movements can be palpated in the majority of cases.



In about 1 out of 60 cases, the second hip may be affected.



Adolescent coxa vara must be treated as a surgical emergency

Early cases with a minimal slip

Regardless of the degree of slip, all such cases must be fixed with multiple Knowles pins in situ without any attempt to correct the slip. These pins are thoroughly checked for their positions on radiographs and are allowed to be up in 2 weeks’ time, but weight bearing is not allowed for 3 months. The pins are then removed after 12 months when the epiphysis will have fused.

Cases with displacement

Under a general anaesthetic, the hip is gently manipulated and pinned at the same sitting. The manipulation should be done extremely gently by the Leadbetter method of manipulation, and if the reduction is achieved, then the pinning is done at the same sitting. If, however, the radiographs show that the epiphysis is immobile and displacement slight, it is accepted, and pinning is done at the same sitting. Should the epiphysis be immobile and the displacement considerable, the patient is then returned to the bed. There are three main possibilities thereafter:

  • Open anatomical reduction: Here the hip joint is opened anatomically, and the epiphysis is freed from the metaphysis by sharp dissection and thereafter manipulated in relation with the epiphysis.
  • Osteotomy of the femoral neck: In this method, the deformity is corrected by removal of bone, in the shape of a wedge which is based anterolaterally to allow the gap in the neck to be closed. Avascular necrosis is the most feared complication of this procedure.
  • Subtrochanteric osteotomy: This procedure is safe but not ideal. The hip is left as it is and hence it develops a severe limp and permanent disability, leading to an early arthritic change.

Treatment of the healed case in a young adult

Here the head is deformed, the neck is thickened, and the upper surface rests on the upper portion of the acetabulum. Here the choice is between a cup arthroplasty, a metallic prosthesis, or McMurray’s osteotomy.

Treatment of older cases with arthritis

Here the treatment is just like as for treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint. In patients with poor operative risk, palliative treatment in the form of rest, physiotherapy, and a walking caliper is given. In cases where an operation is a must, then a quick method is the best option, like McMurray’s osteotomy, where there is the slightest degree of shock associated with the operative procedure, which gives a strong weight-bearing limb with good function.


Femoral Anteversion

Femoral anteversion is the angular difference between the axis of the femoral neck and the transcondylar axis of the knee, which is excessive medial femoral torsion seen in infancy or early childhood, which results in in-toeing in children. It is seen more frequently in the girls and may be bilateral and may also be familial in nature. It commonly results in tripping, which is the main cause of parental worry as the child grows up, and usually disappears after skeletal maturity. The normal values of femoral anteversion in children are between 30? and 50?. Femoral anteversion must be differentiated from tibial torsion and metatarsus adductus, as these conditions result in in-toeing. Parents are usually worried as the child reaches 3 years of age. In-toeing is maximum when the child is between 4 and 6 years and gradually disappears after skeletal maturity, this fact is reassuring to the parents.

On examination, increased medial rotation and decreased lateral rotation are observed, and in some cases, the increased medial rotation may be so much that the patellae may be touching each other when the child sits down. The child runs with both the patellae medially rotated, and the thighs externally rotated. The prominence of the greater trochanter is indicative of the axis of the femoral neck, while the position of the patellae determines the accurate measurement of femoral intorsion.


This can be done accurately by computed tomography (CT) scans of the lower end of the femur.


The best treatment is to reassure the parents and wait until skeletal maturity. In case of excessively persistent and more than 50? of measured anteversion, a de-rotation supracondylar osteotomy could be considered after discussion with parents.


Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis


Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is a common hip disorder in adolescents and is characterized by posterior-inferior displacement of the capital femoral epiphysis in relation to the metaphysis (neck). In this condition fracture occurs through the physis (growth plate), resulting in the anterior-superior displacement of the femoral neck relative to the head. It is normally a gradual and slow process but can happen acutely after a trauma. It is bilateral in 20%–30% cases. The left hip is more commonly affected than the right for uncertain reasons. The term “slipped capital femoral epiphysis” is a misnomer because capital epiphysis is held back in the acetabulum by the ligamentum teres and the metaphysis displaces.

The SCFE was first described by Ernst Muller, who called it Schenkelhals Verbiegungen im Jungesalter, meaning “bending of the femoral neck in adolescence.” The prognosis for the SCFE patient, when diagnosed early and managed appropriately, is generally good. The consequences of a delay in the diagnosis are an increased risk of further slippage, deformity, avascular necrosis, chondrolysis, and an increased likelihood of degenerative osteoarthritis of the involved hip later in life.

At-risk people:

  • Adolescents aged between 10 and 16 years
  • Males aged from 12 to 16 years (average 13.5 years)
  • Females aged from 10 to 14 years (average 12 years)
  • More common in males compared to females (2:1)
  • American African and Polynesian children


Risk Factors

Risk factors of the SCFE are:

  • Obese children: Two-thirds of patients are over the 90th percentile for the age—most significant risk factor.
  • Family history: There is a 7% risk of a second family member being affected.
  • Skeletally immature children: The skeletal age is delayed by 20 months compared to the chronological age in 70% of SCFE patients.
  • Endocrinal problems: These include growth hormone treatment, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, pituitary tumours, and hyperparathyroidism.
  • Metabolic problems: These include renal osteodystrophy and Rickets.
  • Recent radiation therapy around the hip or chemotherapy.



The exact aetiology is not clear. An abnormal load on the normal physis or a normal load on an abnormally weak physis is suspected to be the basic underlying cause. Several mechanical and endocrine factors are suspected in the development of the SCFE.

The following important mechanical factors are associated with the SCFE:

  • Obesity (single greatest risk factor): Obese children are often found to have retroverted femoral necks compared to other children. This along with excessive body weight increases shear forces across the physis, precipitating a slip.
  • Vertical/oblique physis: The normal physis is horizontally oriented. Altered anatomy with a vertical physis will increase shear forces compared to a horizontal physis.
  • Retroverted femoral neck with decreased head-neck offset: With this type of anatomy, there will be an increased shear force across the physis.
  • Perichondrial ring weakness: The perichondrial ring is a circular band of tissue which surrounds and supports the proximal femoral physis during growth. Gradual thinning of the perichondrial ring with a widening of the physis occurs during the growth spurt. This leads to a thinned, weak perichondrial ring with an increased risk of a slip.

The most common endocrinal factors are outlined here:

  • The SCFE occurring before the age of 10 years should have a strong suspicion of endocrinal causes. These patients need an examination of other hips with follow-up until maturity. Growth hormone increases the physiological activity and longitudinal growth of the physis. During puberty this process further increases, leading to a weakened, vulnerable physis.
  • Hormonal imbalance as the underlying cause: Normally, pituitary hormone activity, which stimulates rapid growth and increased physeal hypertrophy during puberty, is balanced by increasing gonadal hormone activity, which promotes physeal maturation and epiphyseal fusion. A disparity between these two processes may result in the physis being unable to resist the shearing stresses imposed by an increase in body weight, for example, a hypogonadal male presenting with a bilateral slip.
  • Other metabolic and endocrinal causes such as renal osteodystrophy, rickets, and hyperparathyroidism, affect matrix calcification, leading to increased risk. The thyroid hormone plays an important role in the maturation and strength of the physis. The hypothyroid state predisposes the physis for shear forces. There is some evidence that vitamin D deficiency can contribute to the development of the SCFE. The SCFE has also been reported in a rare case of haemophilia.



A slip occurs due to Salter-Harris (type 1) fracture through the hypertrophic zone of the growth plate. This is a weak spot in the growth plate. Normally the hypertrophic zone constitutes 20%– 30% of the total width of the growth plate. In the SCFE, this zone widens abnormally (up to 80% of the total width) with an irregular organization, leading to perichondrial ring weakness. During a growth spurt, the physis changes from a horizontal to an oblique orientation, redirecting hip forces to shear forces. This change along with retroversion of the femoral neck predisposes the hip to the SCFE. Following a slip, the epiphysis is held in the acetabulum by the ligamentum teres; therefore the neck slips anteriorly and upwards.


Clinical Features

The symptoms vary according to the duration and severity of the SCFE:

  • Pain in the groin or hip: The most common symptom.
  • Limp: The next most common symptom.
  • Thigh pain or knee pain: Referred pain.
  • Stable slip: Commonly presents with vague, dull pain with a limp. The symptoms have started gradually several weeks or months ago. The patient will be able to bear weight on the hip and be mobile with or without a walking aid.
  • Acutely unstable slip: Sudden onset of severe pain in a previously asymptomatic hip and the child will not be able to bear weight. This is common after minor trauma following a fall or twisting injury. In an acute-on-chronic unstable slip, there is sudden onset of pain on previously milder symptoms.


Physical Examination

  • Externally rotated limb.
  • Wasting of the thigh and gluteal muscles.
  • Antalgic gait.
  • Shortening: There may be up to 3 cm shortening of the limb, depending on severity.
  • Restriction of movements: Restriction of internal rotation, flexion, and abduction except in a valgus slip, where there is a restriction of adduction and flexion, and in an anterior slip, where there will be a restriction of extension and external rotation.
  • Obligate external rotation while flexing the hip.
  • Trendelenburg’s test may be positive.
  • A 20%–30% chance of bilateral involvement; the contralateral hip investigation is mandatory.



  • Radiological: Plain radiographs, AP view.
  • Kline’s line (Trethowan’s sign): In AP radiographs, a line drawn along the upper border of the neck should cut off a segment of the superior epiphysis in a normal hip. In the SCFE, the amount of intersection decreases or misses completely.
  • Physeal widening.
  • Reduced epiphyseal height.
  • Metaphyseal blanch sign of Steel: Crescent-shaped opacity in the proximal neck where the head and neck overlap. It represents an attempt at the healing process that occurs before the visible displacement at the epiphysis.
  • Capner’s sign: In the pelvic AP view the medial edge of the metaphysis should overlap the ischium in normal. With the SCFE, the metaphysis moves laterally over the posterior acetabular margin.
  • Scham sign: In the normal adolescent hip, an inferomedial neck overlies the posterior wall of the acetabulum, creating a solid triangle. Most patients with a slipped epiphysis show loss of this dense triangle.
  • In preslip: Juxtaepiphyseal osteopenia with decalcification of the metaphysis.
  • In old slip: “Pistol grip” deformity of the femoral head due to healing and remodelling.
  • Lateral or frog lateral view: Most sensitive view in detecting a slip.
  • Can see a slip better as there is anterior displacement of the neck.
  • Look for a step between the femoral neck and the epiphysis.



  • Nonsurgical management: This is no longer recommended.Complication rates were high, which, include a further slip, leading to a severe slip, AVN, and chondrolysis.
  • Surgical treatment: The primary goal of surgical treatment is to prevent further progression of the slip.
  • Stable slips: A single cannulated screw is the treatment of choice. Stable hips should be fixed in situ without attempts at reduction. The screw entry point should be anteriorly on the neck, directing to the centre position in the femoral head epiphysis. The screw should be 5– 10 mm from the subchondral bone in all the views. Live fluoroscopy should be used to avoid penetrating into the joint during pinning.
  • Unstable and high-grade slips (Southwick angle>60?) slips:

Treatment is more complex in these conditions. There is no consensus regarding the best treatment. Controversy continues regarding the number of screws to be used and whether to manipulate or not to manipulate before pinning to obtain better correction of the severe slip. The use of two screws can be considered to reduce the risk of a further slip in high-grade and unstable slips and provides rotational stability for the proximal fragment, compared to the use of one screw. This, in turn, can increase the risk of screw penetration into the joint and chondrolysis. The gentle reduction does not appear to affect patient outcomes negatively. Closed reduction can be considered in high-grade acute or acute-on-chronic slips. This can be accomplished by using preoperative skin traction for two to three weeks or gentle traction or while positioning the patient on the operating table, the ideal position for the limb is in internal rotation of 15? to 20? and abduction of 20? to 30? before stabilization. Any effective reduction is contraindicated in any form of slip which is associated with a high risk of AVN.

The timing of the surgery is relevant for the final outcome. There is an increased risk of AVN if the fixation is carried out between 24 hours and 48 hours. The unstable slip presents within 24 hours; in situ screw fixation can be carried out in mild and moderate slips. In a severely unstable slip, gentle reposition may need neck osteotomy in some cases, and screw in situ are indicated. If present after 24 hours, it is better to apply skin traction for three weeks. Then the patient may need a neck osteotomy and screw fixation.



Osteotomies are bony procedures which attempt to restore the normal alignment with a view to improve the functional outcome and delay the onset of degenerative joint disease. These are indicated in severe slips which are not reducible by closed means or in chronic SCFE with residual deformity causing functional impairment. They are performed at various levels, depending upon the severity of the slip.

  • Femoral neck osteotomy: Complication rates following this osteotomy are high. It may be necessary for severe chronic or acute-on-chronic slip.
  • Basicervicalosteotomy (Kramer technique): This is indicated in moderate or severe chronic SCFE. It is safer than neck osteotomy since osteotomy is done distally to the major blood supply in the posterior retinaculum.
  • Intertrochanteric osteotomy: This is a safer option. It has a reduced complication rate and is indicated in mild to moderate deformity.
  • Subtrochantericosteotomy (Southwick osteotomy): This corrects deformities in two or three planes.
  • Cheilectomy: In a chronic slip, the callus forms over the anterosuperior aspect of the neck and causes pistol grip deformity. This can result in restriction of internal rotation and abduction with impingement. When the deformity is minimal, resection of the prominent bump over the neck will improve the range of movements. When the deformity is severe with associated coxa vara and rotation deformity, it may need additional trochanteric osteotomy.
  • Bone peg epiphysiodesis: This is an option but is associated with a high complication rate. It is not a favoured treatment.
  • Prophylactic pinning: There is no clear consensus regarding who should have prophylactic pinning in a contralateral hip. However, generally, it is recommended in high-risk patients (e.g., the age of onset <10 years, endocrine associated SCFE) because of the likelihood of contralateral hip involvement. Patients with a unilateral SCFE without high-risk factors can be observed. Follow-up is indicated until skeletal maturity.



  • Avascular necrosis: Reported in 10%–15% of patients. The literature evidence suggests that hips with this complication have poor prognosis in the long term with continued deterioration of function. The following mechanisms can contribute to blood supply interruption. Due to haemorrhage inside the capsule with resulting compartment syndrome.

Acutely unstable slips (47% risk): Can cause kinking of blood vessels which supply the femoral head.

Forceful manipulation: Can cause damage to extraosseous epiphyseal vessels.

  • Hardware placement in the superior and posterior neck can disrupt the blood supply.
  • Chondrolysis: Defined as the acute dissolution of articular cartilage, leading to rapidly progressive joint stiffness and pain. This condition is diagnosed by clinical and radiological Examination, joint space narrowing of 3 mm or less. A 15%–20% incidence has been reported. The following causes are suspected in the development of chondrolysis: Implant penetrating the articular surface of the joint. Spica cast immobilisation: Previously used to prevent further slippage in chronic SCFE. It is not used now.
  • The treatment is supportive with analgesia, protected weight-bearing, and maintaining the range of motion (ROM) at the hip joint. Arthroplasty and arthrodesis are options at a later stage if there is continued progression of the condition with severe symptoms.
  • Further slip (1%–2% risk with a single screw) if pins are not placed far enough proximally or are removed early, before epiphyseal fusion.
  • Subtrochanteric fracture: Suspected causes are a low entry point (at or below the level of the lesser trochanter) on the lateral cortex and multiple drill holes which act as stress risers.

Neck fracture: This is a less common complication. The suspected cause is multiple drill holes in the neck and overzealous reaming.

  • Degenerative joint disease: The exact incidence is not known.

Valgus slip

A valgus SCFE is a rare condition where slippage of the proximal femoral epiphysis on the metaphysis occurs. The epiphysis stays in the acetabulum, while the neck displaces anteriorly, inferiorly, and externally rotates, the epiphysis is posterior and superior in relation to the neck. This is an uncommon occurrence. A valgus slip may be associated with obesity or a horizontal physis with increased anteversion; an increased neck shaft angle can contribute to this problem. Frog lateral radiographs are helpful in diagnosis. Treatment of this condition is in situ pinning. In situ pinning can be difficult and may require a more central entry point.


Legg–Calv´e–Perthes Disease

Legg–Calv´e–Perthes disease is a self-limiting, noninflammatory childhood hip disorder of unknown aetiology, secondary to temporary interruption of blood supply to the capital femur epiphysis. It results in the impaired growth of the epiphysis, with eventual healing and remodelling leading to varying degrees of residual deformity. This condition is most common in the age group between 4 and 10 years. It was originally thought to be transient tuberculosis of the hip joint but later proved otherwise. In 1910, Legg (USA), Calv´e (France), Perthes (Germany), and Waldenstrom independently published similar descriptions of what we now call Perthes (or Legg–Calv´e–Perthes [LCP]) disease.



The incidence of LCP varies across each region and country. The lifetime risk for developing Perthes disease is 1 in 1200. The UK incidence rates show varying patterns with low incidence in London and higher incidence in Scotland. In South India, it is reported to be 3 per 10,000. Peak incidence is between 4 and 9 years (the disease has been reported in the age group between 2 and 12 years). 10%–12% are bilateral but at different stages. The boy-to-girl ratio is 4–5:1.  There is no evidence of inheritance.

  • The 80% rule [95]:

– Approximately 80% seen in boys

– Approximately 80% of cases with unilateral involvement

– 80% of cases with disease onset between 4 and 9 years


Risk Factors

  • Family history (1.6%–20%)
  • Low birth weight
  • The Asian population, Eskimos, and Central European population
  • Delayed bone age
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) patients
  • Lower socioeconomic status
  • Passive smoking



The exact cause is unknown, but several theories have been proposed. Historically, the cause was thought to be inflammatory or infectious in nature, with transient synovitis as a possible precursor. Trauma was also thought to be a causative factor at one time. Some authors have found evidence of reduced growth factors, such as somatomedins, in patients with Perthes disease. This could possibly explain the delayed bone age in Perthes disease children. The more tenuous blood supply to the anterior half of the proximal femoral epiphysis and the anterolateral quadrant is most vulnerable due to the vascular embarrassment of epiphyseal arteries. The current belief is that the pressure rises in the immature hip joint during early development due to various reasons and can cause a vascular insult to the epiphysis. This is due to the tenuous arterial plexus on the femoral neck during early development, which is easily compressed and compromised secondary to pressure rises. Disruption of this blood supply is likely due to repeated insults than one major event.

Recently the interest is on thrombophilia, and abnormal coagulation may precipitate vascular blockage. Research has demonstrated a consistent relationship to a coagulopathy involving proteins C and S and hypofibrinolysis. Thrombophilia has been reported to be a possible causative factor in 50% of children with LCP, and as many as 75% of patients with LCP will have a coagulopathy. Factor V Leiden mutation, protein C and S deficiency, anticardiolipin antibodies, and lupus anticoagulant are other coagulation disorders which can be associated with Perthes disease.


The basic underlying event is disruption of the vascular supply of the femoral epiphysis. Subsequently, this is followed by revascularization. There are multiple episodes of recurrent infarction and necrosis over a period of time rather than a single episode. Ischemia renders the epiphysis avascular, but the articular cartilage continues to grow since it is nourished by the synovial fluid. This results in trabecular bone fracture and collapses in the epiphysis. Revascularization proceeds from the peripheral to the central direction. During this repair process, the epiphyses do not undergo normal ossification, which results in excess of calcified cartilage in the primary trabecular bone. This asymmetrical repair process leads to deformity of the head, such as coxa breva (short neck) and trochanteric overgrowth. Symptoms occur when subchondral fracture and collapse occur.


Clinical Features

  • Limp: Most common presentation
  • Hip/groin pain radiating to the thigh
  • Knee pain: Referred pain
  • Antalgic gait
  • Gluteal wasting
  • Restricted ROM: Mainly abduction and internal rotation; can be associated with head fractures
  • Trendelenburg gait in late cases
  • Limb length discrepancy: Late finding


Differential Diagnosis

  • Bilateral Perthes disease: This requires a skeletal survey as part of the work-up.

Multiple epiphyseal dysplasias (MED)

Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia


Sickle cell disease

  • Unilateral Perthes disease

Septic arthritis

Transient synovitis

Sickle cell disease

Gaucher’s disease

Eosinophilic granuloma



  • Plain radiographs: Standard AP pelvis and lateral view of the affected hip. These indicate severity and head at risk signs. These are used as a baseline investigation in diagnosis and management of the disease.

Findings include:

  • Medial joint space widening (early)
  • Crescent sign (representing a subchondral fracture)
  • The irregularity of femoral head ossification
  • Head at-risk signs

Lateral subluxation of the femoral head

Calcification lateral to the epiphysis

Gage sign (radiolucency in the shape of a V in the lateral portion of the epiphysis)

Horizontal physis

Metaphyseal cysts

  • Radionuclide bone scanning: Reveals the avascularity (decreased uptake) in the initial stage of the disease. It is also used as a periodic regular followup scan to follow the course of the disease and prognosis.
  • MRI scan: Gold standard investigation. This is sensitive imaging in LCP. Its use is paramount when initial radiographs are unremarkable and to identify the disease process in different stages accurately. Several classifications are based on MRI, but none of them have gained acceptance due to a lack of prognostic value.
  • Arthrography: Useful for assessment of the shape of the head and its relation to the acetabulum. It is an important investigation prior to considering a bracing or surgery to assess head containability, to indicate the best position of the head when planning osteotomy, and to reveal if there is an associated hinge abduction secondary to the deformed head.
  • Blood tests: For coagulation factor screen.



Despite many studies, there is no consensus regarding the best method of treating LCP.

Non-operative management

  • Pain relief with anti-inflammatory medication.
  • Protected weight-bearing with crutches until re-ossification of the epiphysis.
  • Maintenance of the ROM with physiotherapy.
  • Acute stages may need skin traction temporarily until symptoms settle.
  • Abduction brace or cast: Petrie cast and other abduction braces have been used in the past, but currently there is controversy regarding their usefulness.
  • Bisphosphonates: There is some experimental evidence that bisphosphonates can prevent head collapse and deformity if the structural integrity of the femoral epiphysis can be maintained during the revascularization phase. However, the definite clinical evidence is lacking.

Indications for non-operative management

  • Age less than 6 years at initial presentation with a well-seated head inside the acetabulum
  • Lateral pillar group A: Any age group

Operative management

The goal is containment of the femoral head in the socket. Containment within the acetabulum helps maintain a more normal head shape, improving function and the final outcome.

  • Patients who are over the age of 8 years of chronological age (or >6 years of skeletal age) at the time of onset and have a hip in the lateral pillar B group or the B/C border group have a better outcome with surgical treatment than they do with nonoperative treatment.
  • Group B hips in children who are less than 8 years old at the time of onset have favorable outcomes unrelated to treatment.
  • Group C hips in children of all ages frequently have poor outcomes regardless of the treatment. The operative procedures include femoral osteotomy, acetabular osteotomy, or a combination of both. This depends on which component is predominantly contributing to the deformity and the surgeon’s preference. A preoperative dynamic arthrogram is an important prerequisite.

Types of residual deformity

This depends upon the extent of the disease process affecting the head and the type of closure of the growth plate:

  • Coxa valga: This is secondary to lateral growth arrest. The head tilts externally into the valgus. Trochanteric overgrowth is common.
  • Coxa breva (short neck): This is secondary to central growth arrest in the physis. There will be an associated trochanteric overgrowth in these cases.
  • Coxa magna (deformed, enlarged, and flattened head): This varies depending upon the severity of the disease process and the extent of head involvement.
  • Hinged abduction: This occurs when an enlarged femoral head is laterally extruded and impinges against the acetabular rim when the hip is abducted.

Late Complications of the Disease

  • Degenerative joint disease
  • Femoral head deformity, as described above
  • Osteochondritisdissecans and labral injury

Natural Course of the Disease

In 1971 Catterall showed that 57% of untreated Perthes patients show a good long-term outcome. Long-term studies show that most patients do well until the fifth or sixth decade of life, at which stage arthritis often develops. In children who are less than 6 years of age, the outcome is good, regardless of treatment, due to better remodelling until skeletal maturity. Herring lateral pillar A and Catterall I groups have good prognosis irrespective of any age.

Prognosis is poor for patients with Herring groups B and C disease and Catterall types II and IV. Children older than 9 years at the initial onset will have a poor prognosis. The residual deformity and congruency at maturity and age of onset of the disease are the main prognostic factors in Perthes disease. Stulberg correlated worse long-term outcomes to greater deformities in the femoral head at maturity. Nearly 40% of patients between the ages of 40 and 60 eventually needed total joint replacements.


Disorders In Adults


Avascular Necrosis of the Hip Joint

AVN is the death of the femoral head due to damage to its blood supply, which results in repair and remodeling, followed by the collapse of the femoral head and secondary osteoarthritis.

AVN can result from a variety of causes, as follows:

  • Fractures of the femoral neck.
  • Dislocation of the hip joint.
  • Trauma to the hip joint without obvious fracture and/or dislocation.
  • Osteoarthrosis.
  • Caisson’s disease or decompression sickness.
  • Sickle-cell anaemia.
  • Gaucher’s disease.
  • Chronic alcoholism.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus when treated with corticosteroids. This connective tissue disease occurs mainly in women aged 20 to 40 years and presents with polyarthritis with a predisposition towards arthritis or vasculitis.
  • Renal transplantation, particularly in patients who have survived 6 months, when the hips, knees, and the humerus are most commonly affected.
  • Idiopathic necrosis or osteonecrosis in patients without any history of trauma, which gradually develops pain and limitation of movements of one or both the hips. There is diffuse osteoporosis with loss of trabecular structure, which is surrounded by an area of bone sclerosis. This results in separation of a subchondral bone fragment from the rest of the bone, resulting in deformation of the femoral head.
  • Treatment of congenital hip dislocation and slipped upper femoral epiphysis.
  • Deep-sea divers and tunnel workers.



The classification used in most studies is as described by Ficat and Arlet. This classification which is based on radiographic appearances is likely to be supplanted by more modern classification based on MRI scans:

Stage I Hip pain along with normal appearances on X-ray

Stage II Sclerosis of the femoral head without any collapse

Stage III Collapse of the femoral head

Stage IV AVN with secondary osteoarthritis and acetabular changes


Clinical Features

The condition affects adults of all ages and sexes. They usually present with a dull, constant ache at the hip, which is associated with a limp. This pain affects sleep and may go on for about 2 to 3 years. The changes in AVN may go on without any symptoms or signs. The changes of AVN may be seen accidentally on MRI scans, as the patient complains of no symptoms at all, and these signs may be seen in the opposite hip also when MRI scans of the pelvis are done. The affected hip subsequently develops secondary osteoarthritis after a variable period of 2 to 3 years. The pattern of pain is of a constant nature associated with the AVN type, rather than the activity-related type of the osteoarthritis type. The affected patient may walk with an antalgic gait or a Trendelenburg gait. Attempted movements are painful and restricted, notably internal rotation.



Radiographs of the hip are extremely useful in stages II, III, and IV. A Technetium bone scan may reveal reduced uptake in the avascular area along with an increased area around it, indicating the repair process. The MRI scan is the investigation of choice in this condition, as it can also pick up early AVN before the onset of symptoms.


In the early stages of AVN (stages I and II), core decompression (removal of a core of bone under X-ray control) from the trochanter till the level of the affected area in the femoral head may help to relieve the pain. Core decompression may not halt the progression of the disease, however.

In early cases, the femoral head collapse may be protected by varus rotation osteotomy, but once the femoral head has collapsed with destruction with deformation (stage II), the available options are reorientation osteotomies or hemiarthroplasty when the acetabular side is normal. In stage IV with intrusive symptoms, THR may be the only treatment of choice.


Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Hip Joint

This disease causes less disability in people living in warmer climates and is seen in only 3% of the population of Great Britain and the United States.

The aetiology remains unknown, though there are several initiating factors seen with evidence of immune overactivity. However, certain aetiologic factors may be involved, and the American Rheumatism Association has laid down certain criteria. The details are mentioned in my book entitled General Principles of Orthopedics and Trauma. Various clinical features are seen, and certain extra-articular features are also seen since it is a systemic disease. The extra-articular features may be seen in subcutaneous nodules, tendons, and bursae and the skin, arteries, nerves, lungs, and pleura, along with certain generalized features such as anemia and constrictive pericarditis. The prognosis is difficult to give in individual cases, but death is usually due to bacterial infection and renal disease.

The radiological features particular to the hips are:

  • Subchondral sclerosis with an osteoporotic femoral head, which is deformed along with joint space narrowing
  • A radiographic progression of sclerosis, joint space narrowing, or protrusion of the acetabulum

Treatment of this condition mainly depends on teamwork, with five main aims, namely relief of inflammation and pain, correction and control of systemic manifestations, prevention of deformity, correction of existing deformity, and improvement of functional capacity. Relief of pain may be achieved by rest and splints of various types such as rest splints, corrective splints, and fixation splints. Physical therapy is of value when the disease settles down. Drug therapy is also helpful in the form of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, salicylates, phenylbutazone and oxyphenbutazone, indomethacin, gold and chloroquine compounds, corticosteroid preparations, anabolic steroids, and immunosuppressive drugs, which may be helpful in certain cases. Local injection of corticosteroids into the joints or soft tissues may be of help in certain cases.

Operative treatment in the form of synovectomy is helpful in certain joints like the knees, elbows, and small joints of the fingers, where the synovium is easily accessible. Synovectomy of the tendon sheaths, like the flexors and extensors, when there are pain and minimal involvement of the subchondral bone and tendons of the fingers, is extremely helpful. Synovectomy is extremely useful in the knee joint because a major part of the synovium is readily available. Radical surgery is mainly used to relieve pain, correct the deformity, and restore function and stability to the joint. Usually, arthrodesis or some form of arthroplasty is carried out depending on the individual joint. Synovectomy is not done in the hip joint, as also arthrodesis, which is not done. Displacement osteotomy is not favoured because of the incidence of nonunion. Some forms of arthroplasty are preferred by the great evolution of procedures, though in certain hip centres around the world, Charnley THR is still being done regularly. Cup arthroplasty, surface replacement of the hip, and Girdlestone’s hip arthroplasty are all useful procedures which are being used today.


Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

This form of disease must be kept in mind when it occurs around the ages of 2 to 4, and this differs in some important aspects from the adult disease, and some people still prefer to call it Still’s disease on account of chronic inflammatory polyarthritis along with systemic symptoms. Treatment of this condition is usually conservative, and all the methods described for adult rheumatoid arthritis are useful, except for gold, chloroquine, and immunosuppressive drugs, which are rarely used because of their effect on growth. Surgical treatment is confined to reconstructive procedures early in adult life when the disease is settled. In the hip joint, Cup arthroplasty is the preferred choice, while synovectomy is reserved for the knees.


Osteoarthritis of the Hip Joint

This is a very common disease which is seen in ageing people, very common in the Western world, while osteoarthritis of the knees is commonly seen in the Asian countries. Various theories have been postulated for this condition as follows:

  • Workload and forces acting on the hip joint during walking, which is nearly two to five times the body weight
  • Changes in the articular geometry, such as a reduction in the surface area, symmetry, and stability of their articular surfaces
  • Decrease in the resiliency of articular cartilage, along with the death of the superficial chondrocytes and a decrease in the chondroitin sulphate in the matrix
  • A decrease in the viscosity of the synovial fluid, which affects joint lubrication



The lesion usually starts centrally with softening of the articular surface, when it loses its smooth finish to become opaque when these changes start in the center and spread to the periphery. The articular cartilage thus becomes eroded in the central weight-bearing area, and hence the subchondral bone is exposed and eburnated. Hence there is an increase in the vascularity of the blood vessels, resulting in an increase of the incongruity of the acetabulum, which later affects the femoral head also.

In the more advanced cases, this process occurs inferiorly and posteriorly on the femoral head and is mirrored on the acetabulum, resulting in a thickening of the medial wall of the acetabulum. There is cyst formation in the femoral head along the line of maximum weight transmission, and similar cysts coalesce to form larger cysts on the acetabular side, in relation to the line of weight-bearing pressure. As erosion of the femoral head progresses, these cysts may get de-roofed and eventually communicate with the joint.

Two main processes change the shape of the femoral head, namely initial fibrillation followed by erosion of the articular cartilage and, secondly, the proliferating osteophyte formation within the articular cartilage which is mainly occurring inferiorly and posteriorly. When such a process also occurs in the acetabulum, it results in irregular surfaces distributing weight equally along with minimal symptoms. However, if there is any collapse or wearing away of the joint surfaces, it results in unequal weight distribution and further progression of the disease.



It usually starts with an ache initially along with the limitation of movements, which increases with time by becoming more frequent with the progression of the disease. This is when deformity of the joint sets in because of muscular spasm. The thigh is adducted, and the limb is shortened along with an obvious limp. This hip deformity reflects on the sacroiliac joint, which becomes painful because of increased chronic strain. With continued progress of the disease along with exacerbations, It results in the patient being confined to his bed.

The disease is a progressive one, and hence caution should be exercised in using osteotomy in order to diffuse weight-bearing over the femoral head.


Local treatment

In the early stages of the disease, bed rest with traction is required to relieve pain and muscular spasm. The use of crutches may be helpful in some cases. Also, gentle massage combined with gentle exercises may be helpful in certain cases. Gradually a weight-bearing caliper may be used in some cases in order to prevent undue trauma to the hip joint. Certain cases may also be benefited by gentle manipulation under a general anaesthetic. Finally, the use of a walking stick on the unaffected side may be helpful to relieve pain and improve stability to the hip joint.

Operative treatment

This is mainly indicated for the relief of pain which keeps the patient awake at night. Another indication is a limitation of movement in order to prevent the patient from getting completely crippled. The third and important disability is a bad flexion deformity of the hip joint, giving rise to a pelvic tilt and secondary effects on the lumbar spine. There are numerous types of surgical treatment available, and the correct one may be arrived at after discussing with the patient:

  • A young patient with unilateral affection and a radiological examination shows an old slipped femoral epiphyses when the femoral head is broad and large, along with a small and stout femoral neck.
  • Another variety is when the lumbar spine and the hips become stiff because of fibrous ankylosis.
  • The most common type is the unilateral type in an old patient.


Surgical procedures

Surgical procedures include:

  • Arthrodesis can be achieved in numerous ways to result in a painless stable hip joint, wherein the movements are lost, while the function is well preserved due to the mobility of the lumbar spine. A contraindication to this procedure is a disease elsewhere in the body.
  • Arthroplasty:

Mould arthroplasty: This procedure consists of shaping the articular surface of the femoral head and the acetabulum down to the bleeding bone and interposition of a cup mould between these surfaces. The result of this procedure is much better in osteoarthritis as compared to rheumatoid arthritis.

Girdlestone’s removal of the head and neck of the femur is of value in an elderly patient with bilateral cases with severe pain, as this procedure gives a good result in the majority of cases. Usually, stability which is lost following this procedure may be improved by a bachelor or Milch angulation osteotomy, wherein the femoral fragment is tilted in a more horizontal plane against the side of the ilium.

Single prosthetic arthroplasty: In very carefully selected cases, the replacement of the femoral head by an Austin Moore prosthesis anchored in place with bone cement may be helpful.

Total hip arthroplasty (THA): Although the earliest recorded hip replacements were carried out by a German surgeon (Gluck, 1891), using ivory to replace femoral heads, innovation and evolution of total joint replacement began for the relief of pain was continued by Smith-Petersen of the United States in 1925 using glass. The birth of widespread hip replacement began in the United Kingdom in the late 1950s and early 1960s when Sir John Charnley (cemented) and Peter Ring (uncemented) started hip replacements.

Ring arthroplasty: This was a type of joint where a modified Austin Moore prosthesis and a cup of metal were used and held in position in the acetabulum by a long, thin thread stem in the ilium. Here bone cement was not used to fix the prosthesis, and it had 50% good results.

McMurray’s displacement osteotomy: It had the advantage over arthrodesis and arthroplasty in relieving pain and offering postoperative stability. The main advantage was that it could be carried out very quickly, though it was accompanied by shock. It was carried out through a lateral approach, when an intertrochanteric osteotomy was done with an osteotome, along with the displacement of the distal fragment medially by adduction of the leg by means of a plate specially designed for this purpose. This procedure had good results by redistribution of forces across the hip joint. Good results were also obtained then by an intraosseous neurectomy and changing the weight-bearing cartilage of the hip joint.

Ferguson’s rotational osteotomy: McMurray’s osteotomy had certain disadvantages, such as occasional nonunion and production of gait with a lurch. Hence Fergusson described a rotational osteotomy with internal fixation to avoid unnecessary mobilization of the patient. He stated that this operation was very desirable when there was sufficient anatomy of the femoral head left to save the hip joint with good function and good results.

Pauwels’ varus adduction osteotomy: This operation gave good results by causing a reduction of muscle forces by relaxing the adductors, abductors, and iliopsoas by dividing these; reducing the static forces by moving the trochanter away from the head, thereby increasing the lever arm; and increasing the articular surface for weight-bearing.

Muscle decompression operations: Here the greater trochanter is osteotomized obliquely and allowed to slide upwards with both the adductors and iliopsoas divided, thus producing an effect of reducing the mechanical stresses related to the muscle forces. In other operations, the rectus is divided partially, and the psoas muscle is exposed, which is taut and hence divided. Should there be any flexion deformity, the anterior capsule is then divided transversely to extend the hip joint. Above all, the adductors are tenotomised subcutaneously.




McKee and Farrar is a type of prosthesis where the acetabular component is made up of a metallic cup, and the femoral component is of Thompson’s type, and both these components are accurately milled to fit each other and inserted into the hip joint. With further evolution and designs in THA came the Charnley total hip replacement (THR). This form of low-friction arthroplasty was carried out using a high-density polyethylene cup and a small size femoral head. The results of increased painless mobility were a major contribution to the field of orthopedic surgery since it is still being done in many hip centers around the world. There are different schools of thought on what type of prosthesis is the best:

  • The cement school (Exeter group) uses cement in all patients.
  • In cases where cement is not used in younger patients, its popularity is increasing in all age groups.



  • Intraoperative complications:

Bleeding, Periprosthetic fracture (more with uncemented implants), Neurovascular damage and Leg length discrepancy

  • Postoperative complications:


Infection (infection rate in the United Kingdom 1%), Haematoma and hemorrhage (vascular injuries rare), Swelling of the legs, Dislocation (dislocation rate in the United Kingdom



Nerve injuries (both sciatica nerve and femoral nerve palsy) with an incidence of 0.7% to 3.5%, Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE) and Fat embolism syndrome


Trendelenburg gait, Heterotopic ossification varying from 3% to 50%.


Aseptic due to polyethylene wear or septic due to low-grade infection, Myocardial events, although rare, Periprosthetic fractures: 0.1%–1%, Particle disease (cement disease), a histiocytic response occurring as a result of macrophage reaction to any of the replacement components, which are shed off from the surface of the replacement. Commonly seen in uncemented hip replacements as a reaction to polyethylene particles, it occurs 1–5 years after THR and is seen as endosteal scalloping. An important finding is that it produces no secondary bone reaction, whereas infection shows more aggressive features on X-rays, but sometimes it becomes difficult to distinguish between the two.

  • Limb length discrepancy can be minimized by preoperative templating of the radiographs and taking due precaution, restoring the neck/length/offset intraoperatively. Up to 2 cm of discrepancy can be treated with a shoe insert in the shorter leg. If the discrepancy is more than 2 cm a built-up in the sole of the shoe may be needed. It can be a cause of litigation.


Tuberculosis of the Hip Joint

The primary microscopic lesion, the “tubercle,” was discovered by the French physician Laennec (1781–1836), the inventor of the stethoscope, who ironically fell prey to this disease itself and died at an early age of 45.

The four important common signs which are usually seen are radiating pain to the knee joint which is more common than pain in the buttock, the stiffness of the joint, limp of the Trendelenburg type and deformity along with shortening. Loss of hip movement and shortening may be masked and compensated by pelvic and spinal movements. Tuberculosis of the hip joint is seen much less as compared to spinal tuberculosis, and it usually affects young children and is commonly seen in males below ten years of age, when the lesion is usually secondary to a primary focus elsewhere in the body. It may start in the trochanteric bursa and not bone at all.



The usual bony site of the disease is in Babcock’s triangle, which is the lower half of the femoral neck, just over the epiphyseal line, though in some cases it may be synovial in origin. In neglected cases the pathology is as follows: As the epiphyses and metaphyses are intra-articular, the spread of the infection is usually quite rapid.

When the disease starts near the epiphyseal line, a place where the blood circulation is active and the growing bone is less resistant, an infected area of granulation tissue is formed and spreads towards the joint and the granulations spread gradually under the articular cartilage. These granulations destroy and attack the bones of the joint, which initially result in an effusion, which is initially serious and later becomes infected by with the tubercle and subsequently the entire joint is invaded by the disease. The synovial membrane becomes thickened, oedematous, ulcerated and grey inconsistency, and thereafter the bones are denuded of their protective cartilage which is eroded and result in sequestra formation. Multiple cavities are typical of tuberculosis of the hip joint Cavities are formed in the femoral neck, but many cavities are seen in the acetabular roof. With the progression of the disease, there is an absorption of the femur, with remnants being dislocated from the acetabulum onto the ilium, resulting in a “false joint.” This is constantly pulled up by the muscles, thus resulting in a “wandering acetabulum” or a “migratory acetabulum.”

At this stage, the pus formed bursts through the capsule and spreads along the lines of least resistance, thus pointing at the groin or near the greater trochanter, or it may perforate through the acetabulum to appear as a pelvic abscess. When the disease is still not treated, it results in absorption and connective tissue encapsulation, resulting in deformity and ankylosis of the joint.



Children usually present with groin pain referred to the knee, when these symptom show an “antalgic” gait (limp) and deformity by the child.

The disease is usually insidious and chronic. As a rule, before the definitive signs of the disease are manifested, malaise is usually seen, and the affected child is pale and pathetic, with loss of appetite. One of the first presenting symptoms is stiffness of the joint on getting up from the bed in the morning and is usually seen as a limp the subsequent day. These symptoms may last a few, days when eventually pain is absent, and there is referred pain to the knee. Gradually later the child cries during sleep, commonly described as “starting pains,” which is mainly due to the friction of the dead bone ends, which usually signifies ulceration of the cartilages of the joint.



Limping is one of the first signs which is caused in the early stages by stiffness or flexion deformity, which is caused by the body bending forwards due to inability to extend the hip. Gradually further limping produces pain, with the child being unable to bear any weight on the given leg, resulting in a limp from real shortening. On inspection, there is obvious wasting seen in the gluteal muscles, and the resulting limp is obvious. Palpation confirms that the range and freedom of movements on the affected side are less and limited in all directions as compared to the healthy side. Furthermore, Thomas’s test is positive, showing the range of flexion deformity.


Radiological Examination

In the earliest stages, no abnormality is noticed except for a slight haziness due to synovial edema which is seen as compared to the normal side. With a considerable lot of effusion, the bone ends are farther apart as compared to the normal side, with the bone ends being osteoporotic and the bony lesion may be seen, showing an area of destruction, which is most commonly seen in Babcock’s triangle, at the inferior aspect of the cervical side of the epiphysis. These changes may be seen along with sequestration, which is usually seen in the upper and outer quadrants of the femoral head due to thrombosis of the lateral epiphyseal vessels supplying this area. These changes eventually lead to dislocation of the hip joint, leading to a migratory acetabulum.

The Mantoux test in children may be of some value, though a negative Mantoux test is not against tuberculosis. This test is carried out in 1:1000 dilution, and if it is negative, then it is repeated in 1:100 dilution. The Wasserman test is carried out routinely, and a positive test does not necessarily indicate syphilitic arthritis.



The diagnosis is made from the history, symptoms, and radiological findings. The diagnosis of definite tuberculosis can only be made from the demonstration of a tubercle follicle in the fluid or the tissue taken from the joint, with guinea pig tests. Positive results may also be obtained from the histology of the synovial biopsy or lymph glands.


Differential diagnoses

  • Diseases that produce limitation of movements: In tuberculosis, the limitation of movements is caused by spasm of the muscles.

Subacute monoarticular arthritis is fairly common in children, and if it is nontuberculous it should disappear in a few weeks’ time after some rest, but the child should be examined periodically.

Upper-neuron lesions may exhibit spasms, while there is no wasting and there are lesions in other parts of the limb.

In reflex irritation, as from inflamed glands or injured adductors or phimosis, limitation of movements is not the rule in hip joint disease.

  • Abscess in the region of the hip joint: Here it may be difficult to trace the origin of the lesion, but if the origin is suspected to be tuberculous, it must be differentiated from tuberculous infection of a psoas bursa or subgluteal bursa, wherein the limitation of movements is not generally seen, and it is in these cases that a complete radiograph may be of diagnostic value.
  • Limp, which is associated in several other conditions like:

Congenital dislocation of the hip: Here the condition is present from birth and the femoral head is in an abnormal place along with certain movements increased in range. Here a radiograph is decisive.

Coxa vara: In this condition, lateral rotation of the hip joint is, increased along with a deformity and radiographs are conclusive.

Pseudocoxalgia (Perthes disease): Many repeated examinations may be required as there is less of muscle wasting and radiographs may show more of bony changes, which are not present in the early changes of tuberculosis. Above all, restriction of movements is there in all directions as in tuberculosis.

  • Pain in the region of the hip, which has to be differentiated from:

Osteomyelitis: Here the main feature is tenderness and toxemia, when the differential white blood cell count shows polymorphonuclear leucocytosis, while in tuberculosis there is lymphocytosis.

Slipped upper femoral epiphysis: Here the pain, eversion, shortening with the absence of wasting, and radiographs are conclusive.

Poliomyelitis: It has a more sudden onset and usually in an epidemic, when the muscles are tender and hyperaesthetic, after which the hip joint can be moved freely in all directions.



In the early cases, wherein irreversible changes have not occurred in the cartilage, a good freely movable joint can be expected by conservative treatment.

When the femoral head is affected, and the result is doubtful, a good position of ankylosis is aimed at. In these cases when there is a tendency to adduction, longer length of treatment is opted for.



General treatment

Fresh air, a liberal diet, early-morning sunshine, education, and discipline are of very great importance along with conservative treatment, local treatment, and antibiotics.

Local treatment

This varies according to the stage of the disease:

  • Stage of acute symptoms: When seen early in the course of the disease, when the patient is having severe pain, relief is obtained from traction applied to the limb in the form of bandages and strapping, after which the limb is placed in Thomas’s knee splint to ensure that the traction is applied in the proper direction. The actual pull of the chord may be made by a pulley at the foot end of the bed, and the exact amount is approximately 1 lb. for every year of age with the counter-traction being formed by the weight of the body. The direction can be adjusted by fixing Thomas’s splint to wooden uprights and a splint with crossbars fixed to the bed. This gives rest, relieves pain and corrects the deformity. This traction is inspected every day to modify the direction of pull and thus correct the deformity to an optimal functional position, should ankylosis occur.
  • Stage of cure: When the acute symptoms have subsided, particularly the pain and spasms, and the deformity has been corrected, it is important to decide whether the joint can be saved, which is decided by an X-ray. When the pain is very slight, and the disease is synovial, every effort is made to salvage the joint, to retain its mobility. But if the head is eroded considerably that ankylosis will ensue, then treatment may be opted for immobilization in a plaster cast to decrease the pain present.

Treatment of an average case

Here it is important to decide whether there is any chance of some mobility at the hip joint, when one may consider a synovectomy at this stage, which reduces pain. The operative treatment varies with the amount of disease present, as cavities are looked for and curetted. However, the use of traction in some cases along with an abduction frame is continued with antibiotics.

Treatment of a case with much bone disease

In such cases, ankylosis should be the aim, which is best achieved by immobilization in a plaster spica, with the hip joint fixed in the desired position. It is important to remember that growth is diminished and that the only compensation for this is an abduction osteotomy. The ideal position for this is with the lower limb in a slight external rotation, with a flexed hip.

Stage of convalescence

At the end of this stage, when the disease is arrested, ambulatory treatment is started. Ambulatory treatment is divided into two stages with the aim of gaining full function eventually. The most important thing is a properly fitting splint/caliper so that it sits on the ischial tuberosity, thereby avoiding transmission of the full weight through the hip joint. The patient is advised to wear the caliper for a full year, during which time the hip joint is examined at regular intervals. Gradually the caliper is discarded after six months, while the crutches are discarded after three months.

Operative treatment

The treatment has improved considerably along with the continuation of chemotherapy when tuberculosis is considered as a general disease and the joint disease as a metastatic manifestation of it. The various operative ways can be summarized as follows:

  • Extra-articular focus: Even before the days of streptomycin, the extra-articular foci were excised, but nowadays, this excision is combined with bone grafting with cancellous bone chips and the use of streptomycin and penicillin locally, when the hope of a mobile hip can be obtained.
  • Synovial disease: Here there is a tense, full joint which is ballooned out because of an effusion. Much of the diseased synovium can be removed together with the capsule, as the synovium regenerates rapidly when a new synovium forms. In this stage, only a minimal of immobilization in the form of skin traction is enough for treatment.
  • The intra-articular lesion: When the intra-articular cartilage is involved, it is very unlikely that a good mobile joint is expected. There is still such a possibility of obtaining a mobile joint by curetting the bony focus and packing the area with cancellous bone chips, and streptomycin and penicillin may be used locally in these cases, particularly when the disease is in Babcock’s triangle or the acetabulum. In these cases, chemotherapy is carried long enough so that reactivation of the disease is less likely to occur.



The four main indications for operative arthrodesis are; an adult patient, failure to arrest the disease with conservative treatment within a year, relapse with a recurrence of pain and deformity after conservative treatment, and certain destructive lesions. If the patient is seen when the articular cartilage is damaged severely in such cases, then a bony fusion must be considered. It is preferable to wait until the patient’s general condition is built up considerably to avoid general toxemia of bacillary invasion, which is helped a lot by chemotherapy. It is mainly indicated in patients who have frequent painful attacks with shortening and a tendency to increasing deformity. Various methods of arthrodesis have been described, such as an opening of the hip joint, removal of tuberculous debris, and bone grafting. The ischiofemoral extraarticular arthrodesis of Brittain has the main disadvantage that while fusion is taking place, the hip joint is subjected to adductor pressure, when the bone graft between the ilium and the greater trochanter may lose contact at each end. In both methods, there is a distracting force on the graft, while in the operation of Brittain, there is a force of compression. In this operation, there is a subtrochanteric osteotomy through which the ilium immediately below the acetabulum is incised with a wide osteotome to create a space which is made to receive the flat tibial bone graft.

Another simpler alternative is a McMurray subtrochanteric osteotomy when the disease is cured by antibiotics, and the main purpose is to give a stable weight-bearing surface without a tendency to adduction. This operation is mainly used to correct an old fixed adduction-flexion deformity, as with this the excess of shortening is overcome and the strain on the lumbar spine is relieved.


Secondary operations

This is particularly useful to correct an old fixed adduction flexion deformity, when some form of corrective subtrochanteric or trans-trochanteric osteotomy is used, which mainly overcomes the shortening and relieves the strain on the lumbar spine.



Bleeding into the skeletal tissues may be classified into three categories:

  • Anatomical origin: These may be seen in cases of direct trauma, in inherited telangiectasis, and in allergic purpuras such as Henoch–Schonlein syndrome.
  • Extravascular origin, as seen in Cushing syndrome with fragility.
  • Intravascular origin, which is of two main types:

Platelet deficiencies, as seen in thrombocytopenic purpura

Coagulation defects due to:

Varying defects of deficiency of haemostatic factors, for example, factor VIII deficiency, which is seen in 60% of all cases; factor IX deficiency, which is seen in 12% of cases (von Willebrand’s disease); and other factors (V, VII, X, XI, etc.), which are rare.

Hypoprothrombinaemia, which can occur as a congenital disease or is acquired in the newborn by vitamin K deficiency and by anticoagulant drugs

Hypo-fibrinogenaemia, either congenital or acquired

Circulating anticoagulants, that is, drugs (e.g., coumarin series or heparin), disseminated lupus erythematosus, or inhibitors due to circulating antibodies

A hemophilic joint, also known as bleeder’s joint, was first described by Volkmann in 1868 Later, it was divided into three stages:  haemarthrosis, panarthritis, and the regressive stage. But the most important warning is for it to be operated for a wrong diagnosis.

The clotting mechanism is as follows: Fibrin formation, which is required for final clotting, arises due to a thrombolytic enzyme, thrombin, on fibrinogen in the presence of ionized calcium and a fibrin-stabilizing factor. Fibrinogen is a globulin formed in the liver, and the precursor of thrombin is an alpha-globulin, prothrombin, which is also found in the liver and which requires a normal content of vitamin K and bile salts for its production. In the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin, a substance called thromboplastin is required, which is produced by damaged tissues as well as damaged blood cells such as platelets. The essential factor in platelets to produce thromboplastin appears to be a substance ethanolene phosphatide. In addition to these, factors V and VII, ionized calcium and tissue extracts, particularly of the phospholipid variety are necessary.

In a hemophilic patient, a blood clot will form in the normal fashion if blood is mixed with hemophilic tissue in vitro, but the usual failure of clotting following injury in vivo is the basic disturbance, and hence there are uncertain mechanisms present. Hemophilia is thought to result from a deficiency of an anti-hemophilic globulin, factor VIII, which fails a sufficient amount and the right type of thromboplastin. This condition is due to a sex-linked recessive gene, which is handed down to the male of each family by the female—the primary defect being insufficient coagulation. Other entities are now being recognized, such as Christmas disease, in which there is a deficiency of the plasma thromboplastin component and in particular factor IX. Other syndromes are being separated out, such as pseudo-hemophilia, in which blood vessels are abnormal as well as a lack of anti-hemophilic factors.

The following tests are routinely carried out in bleeding dyscrasias:

  • Bleeding time: Following a minute prick in the skin, a macroscopic clot will form in 2 to 5 minutes. This is normal in hemophiliacs.
  • Clotting time: This is an indication to all the stages of coagulation, though not sensitive enough to indicate those stages when the coagulation occurs very rapidly. The normal clotting time is 4 to 10 minutes, while in hemophiliacs the time may be increased to around 60 minutes.
  • Prothrombin time: This indicates the amount of time required for plasma, with adequate ionized calcium ions added and certain tissue extracts, to clot. This test is normal in both hemophiliacs and patients with Christmas disease. However, it is abnormal in deficiencies of prothrombin as seen in liver disease, vitamin K deficiency, coumarin toxicity, etc.
  • Thromboplastin generation test of Biggs and Douglas: This test measures the rate and amount of thromboplastin generated both in plasma and in serum components. These are inactive in both hemophiliacs and Christmas disease patients.
  • Platelet count: This will show apparent platelet deficiency, which may be either primary or secondary.
  • Capillary fragility test of Hess: This is carried out when a sphygmomanometer is inflated halfway between systolic and diastolic pressures, and the skin distal to this is examined for petechiae formation, and this test indicates the strength of the capillary endothelium, which is particularly affected in vitamin C deficiency or scurvy and is normal in hemophiliacs. Abnormal bleeding into the musculoskeletal tissues can be differentiated into two main defects coagulation defects, and capillary and platelet defects, depending on certain clinical features.

In the population, there are approximately 3–4 affected hemophiliac males per 100,000, and it is estimated that there are between 1500 and 2000 such males in the United Kingdom. It is also of interest that von Willebrand disease, which is inherited as an autosomal dominant disability, is associated both with prolonged bleeding time and with factor VIII deficiency. This occurs with the same frequency as Christmas disease. The inheritance pattern of hemophilia occurs when the recessive gene is on the X chromosome. Since the male receives an X chromosome from his mother and a Y chromosome from his father, the son of a heterozygous female has an equal chance of inheriting the X chromosome, which carries the recessive allele and therefore has a 1:2 possibility of being affected.

This form of inheritance follows the following characteristics:

  • The clinical entity appears almost always in males, with the unaffected mothers being carriers.
  • The son of a carrier has a 50% chance of being affected.
  • Affected males never transmit the gene to their sons but do transmit it to their daughters, who will in time be carriers.
  • Unaffected males never transmit the gene to their descendants.



The treatment is always directed towards correcting the factor deficiency and then attacking the local manifestation. Various materials are available for treatment such as whole blood, fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate, human anti-hemophilic globulin (AHG), and animal AHG.

Clinical Manifestations of Bleeding

Acute haemarthrosis

Acute bleeding or haemarthrosis, is the most common manifestation of hemophilia and this is very commonly seen after a minor injury or even spontaneously, usually seen in the knee joints, elbows, and ankle joints but extremely rare in the hip joint because it is covered by a thick layer of muscular tissue. Chronic haemarthrosis is commonly seen in the knees.

Treatment is primarily aimed at prevention of residual joint deformity by effective treatment of the acute haemarthrosis by factor replacement, planned immobilization, and rehabilitation, along with aspiration when indicated. The commonly seen sites are the forearm, upper arm, calf, pelvis, iliacus, thigh, and buttocks. The mode of affection is a trivial injury or an injection. Clinically there is some pain, and a protective muscular spasm may give rise to a flexion-adduction deformity of the hip, or a neuropraxia may involve the femoral nerve in the femoral triangle. The treatment is directed towards complete rest and splinting and adequate factor replacement. Peripheral nerve involvement is rather uncommon and usually the result of intramuscular bleeding in adults. Hemophilic cysts and pseudotumors are relatively rare in hemophilias.

Fractures in Hemophilia

In general, fractures are a rare event in hemophilia, except for the factor deficiency state, when they unite well, with no untoward bleeding or large hematoma formation. A conservative approach is carried out in their treatment, and open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) is carried out with adequate factor replacement being available for the same. Any antibody against factor XIII is an absolute contraindication for the procedure.

Surgery in Hemophiliacs

Surgical procedures are better understood and evolved and treated more effectively with the availability of more potent sources of factor VIII and IX, to make elective surgery possible in selected special centers for the same. Certain procedures on the hip joint, like cup arthroplasty and THR for pain and limitation of movements due to arthritis of the hip, can be performed today with adequate skill and hemostatic control. It must be emphasized that no untoward secondary hemorrhage or delay in wound healing or bone healing can be avoided by taking adequate precautions in these special centers.


Metabolic and Nutritional Disorders

This includes topics extremely important to us in daily life, including rickets, osteoporosis osteomalacia parathyroid osteodystrophy, gout, haemophilias, neuropathic joints, and Paget’s disease.


  • Rickets: Deficiency of vitamin D causes rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. The bones of the pelvis are soft and porotic. Treatment of this condition is by medication, both preventive and curative, by giving standard preparations of vitamin D (calciferol), splints to prevent deformity and treatment of established deformities by osteotomies.
  • Osteoporosis: Here there is a reduction of bone density (osteopenia), where the bone is generally normal but reduced by unit volume. Clinically it is symptomless and is only recognized by complications of weakened bone when fractures occur from the trivial force. It is treated by the causes of the condition.
  • In osteomalacia, there is a decrease in the mineralization of the bone matrix, with low serum calcium and phosphorous. This is diagnosed by changes in the pelvis, which are most significant when pressure from the femoral heads causes medial displacement of the acetabula, resulting in an acuter pubic symphysis, resulting in a trefoil shape of the pelvis. This condition is treatable by vitamin D given daily.
  • Parathyroid osteodystrophy: This is a condition which is produced by hypersecretion of the parathyroid glands, resulting in hypercalcemia, hyperphosphaturia, and hypophosphatemia. It is a generalized disease when the affected pelvis shows coarse striations along with a large and occasionally filled cyst. Treatment of softening may be improved in some cases by administration of vitamin D and even with parenteral calcium gluconate to increase the plasma calcium.
  • Gout is a metabolic disorder of serum uric acid metabolism, which in severe cases may lead to severe degenerative joint disease, and elevated plasma uric acid may be diagnostic of this condition. Treatment consists of colcinine during the acute attack and phenylbutazone may be helpful in some cases. An injection of steroids may also help some cases. A low plasma uric acid level must be maintained after explaining to the patients the importance of it.
  • In haemophilias, bleeding into the hip joint is extremely rare, and treatment is mainly by factor replacement.
  • In neuropathic joints as in tabes dorsalis or general paralysis of the insane, the hip joint is extremely rare to be affected.
  • In Paget’s disease, there is thickening and softening, and the pelvis assumes a trefoil shape, and the texture is altered. Medical treatment of Paget’s disease has improved considerably with calcitonin, mithramycin, and phosphonates, which are extremely helpful. Internal fixation of fractures, such as intramedullary nailing may help to reduce the pain, and even THR may be considered in some cases where the hip joint is affected.


Paget’s Disease of the Hip

This is a condition which occurs in males and females equally and between the ages of 35 to 50 years. The disease may be gradual, to begin with, pain, and its progress is extremely slow, or the disease may present with deformity and gradual bowing and an increase in the circumference of the head, which is characteristic of this condition. There are many varieties of this condition, such as the monostotic, polyostotic, and facial forms. There are many features which may be seen in the skull, spine, and long bones. The pelvis assumes a trefoil shape, and the bone appears thick and massive with an altered texture. The bony changes are thickening, softening and deformity. In the skull, there is a vascular stage followed by a stage of sclerosis. In the spine, there is thickening and rarefaction with softening when vertebral bodies may collapse. The long bones show a tendency to deformation because the soft bone yields to normal gravitational pressure and muscular stresses. The exact origin of Paget’s disease is not known, but the resultant weakness of the bones makes it vulnerable to stresses and strains, resulting in stimulation of the osteoblasts, leading to incomplete repair of the bone, giving it a mosaic appearance.



In cases of a pathological fracture, the treatment is aimed at relief of pain by internal fixation, and certain fractures may also be treated by intramuscular nailing for the relief of pain. In certain cases, when the disease affects the pelvis with the hips, THR may also be done, with extra care taken to be careful of bleeding.


Meralgia Parethetica

This condition occurs due to compression of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh as it runs over the lateral side of the inguinal ligament, and it can result in neuralgic pain, paresthesia, and numbness over the anterolateral aspect of the thigh supplied by the dermatomes L1, L2, and L3. This pain may sometimes be confused with hip pain, but it may be possible to reproduce the patient’s symptoms by local percussion over the trigger area. Treatment by local steroid injections around the trigger area may sometimes be helpful. In resistant cases, decompression of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh may be necessary.


Bursitis in the Hip Region

Numerous bursae have been described in the hip region, but only three have practical significance, namely bursa overlying the greater trochanter, the ischiogluteal bursa, and the psoas bursae.


Trochanteric Bursitis (Subgluteal Bursa)

This bursa may attain some size and is located between the tendons of the gluteus maximus and the lateral surface of the greater trochanter. In inflammatory conditions, pain and tenderness may be localized to just behind the greater trochanter, which may be elicited by direct palpation or by just rotating the lower limb.

Passive movement of the hip is not painful, and there is no flexion contracture. This condition must be differentiated from epiphysitis, or osteomyelitis, or inflammatory diseases of the hip joint. This bursa may not be the site of tuberculous infection. Radiographs may show calcification in the trochanteric bursa. These bursae may be inflamed in gout or inflammatory arthritis, or they may result after previous surgery to this area, such as fracture fixation or THR.


An incision and drainage must be done in cases of pus. Care must be taken not to go too far in the case of incision and drainage to avoid damage to the sciatic nerve. In cases where no pus is encountered, local injections of steroids may be helpful. In nonsuppurative lesions, rest with physiotherapy may be sufficient.


Psoas Bursitis

This is a large bursa which lies between the iliopsoas muscle and the pelvis. Posteriorly and above is the iliopectineal eminence, while below is the capsule of the hip joint. It usually accompanies the femoral nerve and frequently communicates with the hip joint. Clinically there may be pain and tenderness in the medial part of Scarpa’s triangle, while in its late stages when there is suppuration, fluctuation may be demonstrable. The swelling may be large enough to obliterate the normal inguinal groove, or it may compress the femoral nerve to give rise to referred pain down the leg, usually the knee, as in hip joint disease. Flexion of the hip elicits pain, while with the extension the pain increases. The diagnosis of this condition from hip joint disease and psoas abscess may be extremely difficult. Always remember the presence of an obturator hernia before considering aspiration of the swelling in this region.


The treatment of suppurative conditions is incision and drainage, while in chronic infections, it is complete excision. The bursa is best approached by a vertical incision lateral to the femoral artery when the muscle of the iliotibial tract is retracted medially, and the bursa is thus exposed. It must be remembered that this bursa often communicates with the joint cavity, and hence it may be important to drain the hip joint also in purulent infection of the bursa.


Snapping Hip

In certain conditions, an audible click may be distinctly heard, which may be due to certain intra-articular conditions or extra-articular conditions. The rare, intra-articular type mainly occurs in children when due to slight voluntary movement, the head of the femur may slide over the upper and posterior aspect of the acetabulum so that the thighs are sharply flexed and adducted. In some cases, this condition may occur so frequently as to become habitual. It may be treated by bandaging the hips to prevent extreme hip flexion. The more common extra-articular cause is similar to the luxation of the peroneal tendons at the ankle. The snap may be heard and felt when the knee is flexed, and the hip joint is forcibly rotated medially. This may be seen at times as a tight band that slips backward and forwards over the greater trochanter. This may occur both in children and adults and is due to friction between the anterior border of the gluteus maximus and the trochanter or between a facial band and the bony prominence. This phenomenon is also encountered in arthritis or an effusion in the bursa between the gluteus maximus and the femur. In such cases, a radiograph may be taken to rule out an osteoma or osteochondritis. A snapping hip may become habitual, causing considerable discomfort in highly nervous people. If operative treatment becomes necessary, then dividing the offending band or tendon or surgical excision of the bony prominence may be necessary in some cases. Should an osteoma or exostosis be present, then complete excision offers a complete cure.


Injuries and Fractures around Hip


Fractures in Children

The unique properties of the immature skeleton (increased resiliency to stress, thicker periosteum, the presence of a physis, increased the potential to remodel, age, the location of the fracture, the plane of deformity, and shorter healing times) make femoral neck fractures in children a very important and interesting phenomenon. Femoral neck fractures in children are associated with a high rate of iatrogenic or spontaneous complications. The high-energy trauma and tenuous blood supply to the femoral head and neck are predictive factors for avascular necrosis (AVN), which is the most common and devastating complication in children.

Fractures of the hip are uncommon in children, and their importance is related not to the frequency of the injury but the frequency of complications. Pathologic fractures in children occur in a variety of malignant and benign pathologic processes. Pediatric pathologic femoral neck fractures are particularly rare. Simultaneous bilateral fractures of the femoral neck in children have been described in the literature, which is extremely rare in occurrence. Fractures of the hip in children are of infrequent occurrence. The type of fracture is cervicotrochanteric, and these fractures are much less common in children as compared to adults. Their importance lies not in their frequency but in the significant complications that arise from these injuries, especially AVN of the femoral head and malunion resulting in coxa vara.


Classification of Femoral Neck Fractures

Delbert’s classification is the one that is universally adopted:

  • Transepiphyseal, which is of two types, IA (without dislocation of the epiphysis from the acetabulum) and IB (with dislocation of the epiphysis), with the incidence less than 10%, along with a high rate of AVN
  • Transcervical, which accounts for nearly half of the cases seen with a 50% incidence of AVN
  • Cervicotrochanteric or basicervical, with an incidence of 25% and AVN of 25%
  • Intertrochanteric, with the least incidence of around 10% to 20% and AVN less than 25%

Their classification lies in the importance of deciding to operate versus nonoperative treatment and in the risk of complications, especially AVN. Femoral neck fractures in children are always a result of high energy trauma because the femoral neck of children is dense and hard compared to the adult femoral neck. As a result, these fractures are usually associated with other concomitant injuries, which should also be addressed. In understanding the fractures in detail, knowledge of the exact anatomy is very important, such as vascularity. Vascularity concerning growth centers is as follows:

  • The medial femoral circumflex artery, which is the main blood supply to the head via the posterosuperior lateral epiphyseal branch and via the posteroinferior retinacular branch and which becomes the main blood supply after four years after regression of the lateral femoral circumflex artery (LFCA) and the ligamentum teres artery.
  • The LFCA, which regresses in late childhood.
  • The ligamentum teres artery, which diminishes after four years.
  • The metaphyseal vessels, which also contribute to the blood supply to the head in <3 years and after 14–17 years. When between 3 to 14–17 years, the physis blocks the metaphyseal supply and after 14–17 years, anastomoses between metaphyseal-epiphyseal vessels develop. The growth centers of the proximal femur are as follows:
  • The proximal femoral epiphysis, which accounts for 13%– 15% of the leg length and 30% of the length of the femur. The proximal femoral physis grows 3 mm/yr, and the entire lower limb grows 23 mm/yr.
  • The trochanteric apophysis, which is a traction apophysis and contributes to femoral neck growth. In disordered growth, an injury to the greater trochanteric apophysis leads to shortening of the greater trochanter and coxa valga, and overgrowth of the greater trochanteric apophysis leads to coxa vara.

Imaging of these fractures is carried out routinely to include:

  • Plain radiographs, anteroposterior (AP) pelvis and cross-table lateral
  • Computed tomography (CT) for nondisplaced fractures and stress fractures
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for nondisplaced fractures and stress fractures



It is very important to understand the basics of treatment as femoral neck fractures in children are traditionally considered to have a poor prognosis, with potential complications which include osteonecrosis, nonunion, coxa vara, and premature physeal closure with trochanteric overgrowth and leg length inequality. Complication rates even vary with the initial degree of displacement.

The most important factor in the conservative treatment of an undisplaced fracture is immobilization in a spica cast along with follow-ups regularly by radiographs every three weeks in type IA, II, III, IV, below four years of age, and to evaluate type IA fractures for child abuse. There is an inherent instability of these fractures. The femoral neck in children consists of smooth, hard, dense bone which does not have the typical adult trabecular pattern. Fracture lines are often uniplanar (unlike spiral and triplanar in adults) and less jagged with very little interlocking patterns, which makes these fractures highly unstable. Loss of reduction commonly occurs in traditionally applied hip spica. The pelvifemoral muscles tend to pull the shaft in the cranial direction; as the spica is open at the top, it can never provide stability in this direction. Hence, an inherently unstable fracture (which is usually the case) is likely to displace in the spica. Although nonunion occurs in pediatric femoral neck fractures, the incidence is much less than in adults. The thick functional periosteum in children primarily accounts for this difference. The primary cause of nonunion is inadequate reduction, and most cases of nonunion occur in displaced fractures. In the operative treatment for this condition, there exists a wide variety of treatment options, as follows:


  • Emergency reduction and capsulotomy. Here the main timing of reduction with early reduction done within 24 hours may diminish the risk of AVN by restoring blood flow through kinked vessels. The acceptable alignment in type II fractures is to accept <2 mm cortical translation, less than 5? of angulation, and no malrotation and in types III and IV to accept less than 10? of angulation. A capsulotomy may decrease AVN, and this is usually done by aspiration with a large bore needle through sub-adductor/anterior hip approach or an open capsulotomy through an anterior incision.
  • Closed reduction and percutaneous pinning are also helpful in some selective cases. Multiple screws along with anatomical reduction are the best choice for fixation. Such screws were associated with a 13% rate of AVN and a 14% rate of nonunion compared to a 50% AVN rate and a 40% nonunion rate using hip compression screws.
  • Open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) is indicated in type IV fractures. This is usually done by pediatric hip screws or pediatric dynamic hip screw (DHS) if they are immediately available.
  • Open reduction and internal fixation, which is done by an anterolateral (Watson–Jones) approach for types I, II, and III or a lateral (Hardinge) approach for type IV. The risk of AVN depends on several factors, including age, the degree of initial displacement, type of fracture, time to surgery, and method of fixation. The most important factor is likely the severity of vascular compromise sustained at the time of trauma. AVN develops in approximately 17% to 47% of the cases. This is because the adult hip has intraosseous blood vessels that supply the femoral head, whereas the blood vessels of the pediatric hip cannot cross the open physis. Therefore, blood supply to the femoral head is critical in a child and can be disrupted easily by hip fracture. The presence of AVN adversely affects the prognosis.


Fractures in Adults


Fracture of the neck of the femur is a major public health issue across the world, with significant financial implications for every country due to an ever-increasing aging population. About 10% of people with a hip fracture die within one month, and about one-third die within 12 months after the hip fracture. Most of the deaths are due to associated conditions and not just due to the fracture itself, reflecting the high prevalence of comorbidity in these elderly patients. Because the occurrence of falls and resulting fractures often signals underlying ill health, a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach is required from presentation to subsequent follow-up, including the transition from hospital to community.

The definition of hip fracture in the elderly includes fracture occurring in the area between the edge of the femoral head (sub-capital) and beginning of femoral isthmus (approximately 5 centimeters below the lesser trochanter). This includes intracapsular, extracapsular, and subtrochanteric fractures.


Risk Factors

The risk factors of fracture of the neck of the femur in adults are:

  • Osteoporosis and osteomalacia.
  • Age: The aged population will tend to fall, diminished protective reflexes, and osteoporotic bones. The most common age group is around 75 years.
  • More common in the white population than in the black population (whites have a longer overall lifespan and more risk).
  • Prevalence in women is more than in men (postmenopause risk of osteoporosis in women increases due to hormonal imbalance).
  • Frequent falls—may be due to other underlying comorbidities.
  • Poor living conditions: For example, poor lighting and damaged footpaths.
  • Prolonged use of bisphosphonates (e.g., alendronate) risk factor for atypical subtrochanteric fracture.


Bony Trabeculae of the Proximal Femur

The Singh index is commonly used to assess osteoporosis and is based on the radiological appearance of the trabecular bone structure of the proximal femur on a plain AP radiograph. Six trabecular types are described:

  • Grade 1: Only thin principal compression trabeculae visible
  • Grade 2: Principal compression trabeculae present; other trabeculae nearly resorbed
  • Grade 3: Principal tensile trabeculae thinned and breakage in continuity present
  • Grade 4: Principal tensile trabeculae thinned without loss of continuity
  • Grade 5: Principal tensile and compression trabeculae readily visible with prominence ofWard’s triangle
  • Grade 6: All trabeculae visible and of normal thickness

*Grade 3 or below indicates definite osteoporosis.


Mechanism of Injury

In young patients, this fracture is due to high-energy injury. In elderly patients, it is due to low-energy falls. These pathological and stress fractures may be seen in elderly patients at any age.

Associated injury: There is a 6%–9% risk of ipsilateral femoral neck fracture occurring in femoral shaft fracture patients. The femoral neck fracture takes priority over the shaft fracture in management.



An estimated 340,000 hip fractures occur each year in the United States. About 70,000 to 75,000 hip fractures occur in the United Kingdom, with an annual cost (including medical and social care) for all UK hip fracture cases being about £2 billion. The numbers are increasing in Asian countries with the approximate estimation that by 2050 half of the hip fractures in the world will take place in Asian countries. In one lifetime, men have an estimated 6% risk, whereas postmenopausal women have an estimated 14% risk of suffering a hip fracture.


Fracture Classification

Fractures of the neck of the femur are broadly classified into intracapsular and extracapsular fractures.

Intracapsular fractures

Intracapsular fractures are further classified into:

  • Undisplaced fractures: Garden type I and II
  • Displaced fractures: Garden type III and IV

Garden’s classification

This is the most commonly used classification:

  • Garden I: Trabeculae angulated, inferior cortex intact. No significant displacement.
  • Garden II: Trabeculae in line but a fracture line is visible from superior to the inferior cortex. No significant displacement.
  • Garden III: Obvious complete fracture line with slight displacement and/or rotation of the femoral head.
  • Garden IV: Gross, often complete, displacement of the femoral head.

Pauwels’ classification


  • Type I: <30? from horizontal
  • Type II: 30? to 50? from horizontal
  • Type III: >50? from horizontal

The increase in the angle leads to a more vertical fracture line. Theoretically, there will be increasing shear forces imparted across the fracture site by increasing degrees of fracture verticality. The more vertical the fracture, the more likely it will be unstable and at risk of developing implant failure and nonunion.

AO classification

This classification is not routinely used now. It is used for research purposes. It is based on the fracture location in the femoral neck.

Extracapsular fractures

Extracapsular fractures are classified into:

  • Trochanteric fractures: Further classified into stable and unstable fractures
  • Subtrochanteric fractures
  • Reverse obliquity fractures

Intertrochanteric fractures:

Various classifications have been described for intertrochanteric fractures, but no particular classification system has been universally accepted because of suboptimal inter- and intraobserver agreement. However, the classification systems which are in use are:

  • Evan’s classification.
  • A–O classification: Not widely used in routine clinical practice and it is a variation of Evan’s classification.

Evan’s classification

The Evan’s classification system divides intertrochanteric fractures into stable and unstable fracture patterns. The distinction between stable and unstable fractures is based on the integrity of the posterior medial cortex.

  • Type I: The fracture line extends upwards and outwards from the lesser trochanter (stable):

Type IA: Undisplaced two-fragment fracture (stable)

Type IB: Displaced two-fragment fracture (stable after reduction)

Type IC: Three-fragment fracture without posterolateral support, owing to displacement of greater trochanter fragment (unstable)

Type ID: Three-fragment fracture without medial support, owing to displaced lesser trochanter or femoral arch fragment (unstable)

Type IE: Four-fragment fracture without posterolateral and medial support (combination of type III and type IV; unstable)

  • Type II: The fracture line extends downwards and outwards from the lesser trochanter (reversed obliquity/unstable).

These fractures are unstable and tend to drift medially.

Subtrochanteric fractures

Anatomically the subtrochanteric region includes the area from the lesser trochanter to the beginning of the femoral isthmus. This area of the femur experiences some of the highest amounts of stresses in the body. Various classification systems have been described for these fractures, which include:

  • Fielding classification
  • Seinsheimer classification
  • Russel–Taylor classification
  • AO classification

Fielding classification

Fielding classification is a pure anatomical classification describing the position of the major fracture line concerning the lesser trochanter.

  • Type I: Fracture at the level of the lesser trochanter
  • Type II: Fracture within 2.5 cm of the lesser trochanter
  • Type III: Fracture between 2 and 2.5 cm of the lesser trochanter


Russel–Taylor classification

Russel–Taylor classification is based on the location of the fracture extension into piriformis fossa and the involvement of the greater and lesser trochanters. Involvement of the piriformis fossa dictates the type of treatment for this injury.

  • Type I: Piriformis fossa intact:

IA: Lesser trochanter not involved

IB: Involvement of the lesser trochanter

  • Type II: Involvement of the piriformis fossa:

IA: Lesser trochanter not involved

IB: Involvement of the lesser trochanter

Seinsheimer classification

The Seinsheimer classification system is a comprehensive scheme that subdivides fracture patterns into eight groups. The classification based on the number of fragments and the location and pattern of the fracture.

  • Type I: Undisplaced fractures with less than 2mmdisplacement of the fractured fragments
  • Type II: Two-part fractures:

IIA: Two-part transverse fractures

IIB: Two-part spiral fractures with the lesser trochanter attached to the proximal fragment

IIC: Two-part spiral fractures with the lesser trochanter attached to the distal fragment

  • Type III: Three-part fractures:

IIIA: Three-part spiral fractures in which the lesser trochanter is part of the third fragment, which has an inferior spike of varying length

IIIB: Three-part spiral fractures of the proximal third of the femur, in which the third part is a butterfly fragment

  • Type IV: Comminuted fractures with four or more fragments
  • Type V: Subtrochanteric-intertrochanteric fractures, including any subtrochanteric fracture with extension through the greater trochanter


Clinical Presentation

Displaced fracture neck of the femur: History of trauma, pain in the groin, deformed limb (shortening and external rotation, inability to do a straight leg raise [SLR]).

Impacted and nondisplaced neck fractures: Moderate pain in the groin, pain may radiate along the medial thigh and knee. May be able to do SLR with some discomfort. The deformity is unlikely. Passive ROM (particularly, rotations are possible with mild pain).

Trochanteric fractures: Pain and moderate deformity. Unable to do SLR.

Subtrochanteric fractures: Pain in the proximal thigh, deformity of the limb. Can bleed significantly. Pathological fractures to be ruled out if there is a history of trivial trauma.



  • The vast majority of hip fractures are easily identified on plain radiographs, but a normal X-ray does not necessarily exclude a fractured hip (8% of patients with hip pain can have an occult fracture). Pelvis AP and cross-table lateral hip radiographs are required as the baseline. Full-length femur radiographs are required when there is a history suggestive of a pathological fracture.
  • MRI is the investigation of choice if a hip fracture is suspected and radiographs are normal. If MRI not available or not feasible, a radioisotope bone scan or CT scan or repeat plain radiographs (after a delay of 24–48 hours) should be performed. The sensitivity of bone scan increases after 24– 72 hours after the injury.
  • Occasionally a CT scan may be necessary for a subtrochanteric fracture to identify the geometry of the fracture before surgery.

Management of Femoral Neck Fractures

Assessment includes a formal recording of the following:

  • Close monitoring of peripheral sensation and pulses in the affected limb
  • Pain score and core body temperature
  • Fluid balance and hydration and nutrition status
  • Mental state and coexisting medical problems
  • Previous mobility and previous functional ability
  • Social circumstances: whether the patient is independent or has a career

Initial management includes:

  • Pain relief: Adequate analgesia (e.g., IV morphine). A femoral nerve block is usually effective.
  • Soft surfaces to protect the pressure areas.
  • Keeping the patient warm.
  • Blood tests (full blood count [FBC], electrolytes, and group and save) and electrocardiogram (ECG).
  • Early radiographs of the hip to confirm the diagnosis and chest X-ray in elderly patients.
  • Measures to correct any fluid and electrolyte imbalance.
  • The routine use of traction (either skin or skeletal) is not recommended before surgery for a hip fracture. Foam gutter splints can be used to alleviate heel pressure.


Definitive Treatment of Intracapsular Femoral Neck Fracture

A nondisplaced intracapsular femoral neck fracture

Conservative treatment:

It has a very limited role. This form of treatment includes a short period of bed rest and protected weight-bearing. However, there is a 20%–50% risk of fracture displacement for most frail patients with very limited life expectancy, patients who are nonambulatory with prohibitive medical comorbidities, and those who are not suitable for anesthesia due to medical reasons.

The other group of patients includes those who sustained trauma several weeks ago and can bear weight with little or no symptoms and in whom the fracture is not displaced radiologically. They can be treated conservatively with regular follow-up radiographs.

Surgical treatment:

Internal fixation (osteosynthesis) and arthroplasty are the available options. However, internal fixation is indicated in both elderly and young patients with nondisplaced, intracapsular femoral neck fractures (Garden I and II). There is approximately a 6% risk of nonunion, but this depends upon the age and sex of the patient. The risk of AVN is as high as 15% recorded in the literature in nondisplaced fractures of the femoral neck. Arthroplasty for nondisplaced fractures is considered inappropriate even in elderly patients since it is an extensive procedure with a higher complication rate. Internal fixation involves parallel cannulated cancellous screws. The cadaveric study demonstrated the superiority of three screws over two screws when used in an inverted triangle configuration. It is important that screws be placed near the cortex of the femoral neck because the host bone supports the shaft of the screws and thereby prevents varus and malrotation of the head. The entry point for the screws should be above the lesser trochanter to minimize the risk of subtrochanteric femur fracture. There is less than a 10% risk of AVN with this technique. Sliding a hip screw with an anti-rotational screw is another option more commonly used in the basicervical type of fractures.


Displaced intracapsular femoral neck fracture in the elderly

An intracapsular fracture involving the femoral neck has essentially no cambium layer in its fibrous covering to participate in peripheral callus formation; therefore, healing in the femoral neck area is dependent on endosteal union alone. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the United Kingdom recommends treatment guidelines based on the best-available evidence in the literature. Some of these guidelines are discussed below. The goal of surgery should be full-weight-bearing mobilization immediately postoperatively with a low complication rate. These elderly patients do not tolerate multiple surgeries and prolonged convalescence. Internal fixation in these patients has a loss of fixation rate of around 40% with high reoperation rates. Prosthetic replacements have demonstrated consistently better functional results than internal fixation with a much lower reoperation rate of 2%–10%. Arthroplasty is in the form of hemiarthroplasty or total hip arthroplasty (THA). Hemiarthroplasty is a better indication for low-demand patients with an advanced physiological or chronological age of more than 80 years. It is also preferred in patients with a high dislocation risk, such as Parkinson patients, patients with advanced dementia, and patients with a prior stroke. In patients between the ages of 65 and 80, surgical decision making should be based on physiological, not chronological, patient age. Reversible medical comorbidities in geriatric patients should be minimized promptly. Surgical delay beyond 72 hours has been reported to increase the risk of one-year mortality. THA in elderly patients with higher cognitive function and a more independent lifestyle (before fracture) was associated with predictable pain relief, better functional results, and a significantly lower complication and reoperation rate. THA is also indicated with a pre-existing acetabular disease such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and Paget’s disease. The biggest concern of THA is dislocation, which is around 10% in elderly patients who have difficulty complying with postoperative precautions. The available literature suggests that the mean dislocation rate is approximately seven times greater in THA compared to hemiarthroplasty. The current technique of using larger femoral heads with capsular repair has reduced the risk of dislocation to some extent.

Controversy continues regarding the type of optimal arthroplasty:

  • Hemiarthroplasty versus THA.
  • Cemented versus uncemented arthroplasty: The literature suggests cemented stems have improved functional outcome with reduced thigh pain and better mobility.
  • Unipolar versus bipolar hemiarthroplasty: This controversy is still ongoing. Short- to medium-term follow-up studies demonstrated no clear difference in morbidity, mortality, or functional outcome. Long-term studies suggest lower reoperation rates with better function for bipolar hemiarthroplasty. The preference among these prostheses depends upon each surgeon and patient-related factors.

The SERNBO scoring system has been designed to identify high-risk orthopedic elderly patients before intracapsular hip fracture surgery. It also suggests that there is a role to optimize these patients before surgery. In the Sernbo scoring system, patients with a typical situation and less than 80 years of age are given 5 points, whereas if they are older than 80 years of age or have any related circumstances, then they score 2 points for that particular field. Patients with scores of <15 points on the Sembo score were at high risk, and if they scored ?15 points, then they were low-risk patients. High-risk patients were 4 times more likely to die over time after a hip fracture than patients in the low-risk group. The limitation of this scoring is that it applies only to intracapsular and not extracapsular fractures of the hip, which may exhibit a different pattern of mortality after trauma.

Displaced intracapsular femoral neck fracture in young adults

Who are young patients? This is debatable. Patients who are younger than 65 years are considered as “young” and those over 75 years as “elderly.” Patients between 65 and 75 years are judged to be young or elderly by the physiological age. Those who are active and have high functional demands, good bone quality, and minimal medical problems are considered young, whereas those who have low functional demands (use an assistive device to walk), chronic illnesses, or poor bone quality are considered elderly.

Displaced intracapsular fractures are considered as an orthopedic emergency, and early open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) is necessary. However, there is a controversy regarding the timing of surgery. Several studies have demonstrated no difference in the rate of osteonecrosis following surgery that was delayed for more than 24 hours. Other studies have suggested that early surgery (within 6 to 12 hours) can decrease the rate of femoral head osteonecrosis. The influence of time to reduction and fixation on the outcome has been specifically evaluated in several articles, and until today there is no conclusive data available. The reduction method and quality have a more pronounced effect on healing than surgical timing. Currently, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) recommends that surgery is done on an urgent basis. This implies that anatomic reduction and stable internal fixation of the femoral neck should be performed as soon as the patient is considered stable and cleared to undergo anesthesia. An urgent operation allows the early reduction, capsular decompression, restoration of anatomy, and restoration of femoral head vascularity by unkinking the vessels. A gentle closed reduction should be attempted. If satisfactory reduction of fracture is obtained, internal fixation should be performed as the fracture pattern dictates. If not, open reduction is indicated. The anatomical reduction is desirable, although slight valgus position (up to 15? ) is acceptable. Varus alignment should be avoided. Multiple aggressive attempts for closed reduction are not indicated since there is a potential risk of damaging remaining vascularity to the head and can cause further comminution at the fracture site. There is a 10%–30% risk of nonunion and a 15%–33% risk of AVN in these displaced neck fractures in young adults.

Role of capsulotomy

The role of capsulotomy in the treatment of femoral neck fractures remains controversial, and the practice varies by an individual trauma surgeon, region, and country. There are both animal and clinical studies that suggest that capsulotomy is beneficial. It is believed that capsulotomy relieves intracapsular pressure, thereby reducing the compression effect on ascending cervical and retinacular vessels. It also helps in draining out synovial fluid which is detrimental in fracture healing.


Treatment of Intertrochanteric Hip Fractures

Intertrochanteric fractures occur through cancellous bone, which has an excellent blood supply and, hence, heals well. The goal is to restore the normal neck-shaft angle and controlled collapse at the fracture site. The choice of implant depends upon the fracture pattern and the surgeon’s skills. The implants are divided into intramedullary implants and extramedullary implants. One potential biochemical marker for healing is the patient’s alkaline phosphatase level. The alkaline phosphate levels gradually increase for the first three weeks and gradually decrease back to normal by eight weeks. Persistent elevation after this period indicates delayed union.


Extramedullary devices

The majority of intertrochanteric hip fractures are treated with a dynamic hip screw (DHS) device. It functions by sliding of the screw through the barrel of the plate, leading to collapse and compression at the fracture site. The device is simple with an easy operative technique with an excellent track record regarding long-term results. Immediate postoperative weight-bearing can be allowed depending upon the reduction of fracture with the stable construct. It is important that the tip–apex distance be less than 25 mm with the lag screw in the center– center position in the femoral neck with good reduction of the fracture. Failing to achieve this can lead to varus collapse, screw cut-out, and implant failure.

Studies have demonstrated no difference in the clinical outcome using a two-hole versus a four-hole side plate in stable and unstable trochanteric fractures. A DHS is not indicated in reverse oblique type of fractures due to high risk of screw cut-out and implant failure secondary to lack of lateral buttress and medial displacement of the distal fragment. Also, this device is not preferred in intertrochanteric fractures associated with femoral neck fractures. In this scenario, excessive uncontrolled sliding leads to a high failure rate (up to 25%).

Intramedullary device

Cephalomedullary nails are preferred in the unstable type of trochanteric fractures, which include three-part and four-part fractures, subtrochanteric fractures, trochanteric fractures extending to the subtrochanteric area, and reverse oblique type of fractures. Another indication is intertrochanteric fractures with associated neck fractures. These devices allow controlled collapse, thereby eliminating the need for restoring medial cortical contact either by direct reduction techniques or by medial displacement osteotomies. The nail acts as a lateral buttress and resists varus forces. These devices are weight-sharing in nature. The most important technical consideration is fracture reduction, the position of the screw in the femoral neck, and tip–apex distance, as discussed earlier, for a successful outcome. For most intertrochanteric fractures distal locking is not necessary, but fractures are extending to the subtrochanteric area, subtrochanteric fractures, and reverse oblique fractures are better served with distal locking for rotational stability. The known disadvantages include the risk of periprosthetic fracture and increased cost.




The role of prosthetic replacement in trochanteric fractures is controversial and limited. The following are a few indications where arthroplasty can be considered:

  • Pathological fractures resulting from a neoplasm
  • Neglected fractures with deformity and poor bone stock which preclude internal fixation
  • Several attempts of failed internal fixation
  • Severe ipsilateral degenerative changes in hip joint (relative indication)
  • Patients who expected to have very poor healing (e.g., chronic renal failure and long-term steroid use) with severe osteopenia

Potential advantages:

  • Is an option in severely osteopenic bone
  • Allows early full-weight-bearing mobilization with relatively predictable pain relief


Potential disadvantages:

  • Extensive surgical procedure
  • May need calcar replacing prosthesis
  • Greater trochanteric fracture needing stabilization with internal fixation to avoid limping and pain. The reverse oblique type of trochanteric fracture is considered an unstable fracture. This injury is treated with a cephalomedullary device (e.g., Stryker gamma nail) or 95? fixed angle devices such as a 95? condylar screw or a condylar blade plate. Studies have shown better results with these devices compared to a DHS in these patients. A prospective randomized study suggests superior outcomes with intramedullary devices compared to 95? fixed-angle devices in this type of injury.

Treatment of Subtrochanteric Hip Fractures

Cephalomedullary nail is an intramedullary device that locks in the femur head, for example, a gamma nail, proximal femoral nail, intramedullary hip screw [IMHS]). Cephalomedullary (reconstruction) nailing can be used for all subtrochanteric femur fractures that do not extend to the pyriformis fossa or the greater trochanter. For fractures above the lesser trochanter, a cephalomedullary nail provides a stable construct with the advantage of indirect fracture reduction. For more proximal fractures which involve the pyriformis fossa, fixed angle devices (e.g., a dynamic condylar screw [DCS] 95? angle blade plate) are advised. If the lesser trochanter is intact, and the proximal fragment is of sufficient length, then fixation into the femoral head is not necessary. In that case, a traditional standard antegrade nail can be used with locking into the lesser trochanter. The integrity of the pyriformis fossa to nailing may not be as important as it used to be due to a better understanding of the entry point anatomy and availability of implants with improved designs. The main pitfall of intramedullary nailing is varus deformity due to proximal fragment drifting to the flexion, abduction, and external rotation position due to muscular attachment. Alignment must be restored before reaming and placement of the intramedullary nail. Fracture reduction and intramedullary nailing can be facilitated by positioning the patient laterally on the fracture table.

Fixed-angle blade plate

It is a technically demanding and very rigid implant. These devices need an open procedure with extensive soft-tissue dissection. These are load-bearing devices, and early weight-bearing should be avoided. If a plating device is selected for treatment, dissection of the medial fragments during fracture reduction should be avoided because of the relatively high rate of nonunion (30%) with excessive periosteal dissection. DCS indications are as above for the fixed-angle blade plate. A DHS is rarely used since it is not ideal for subtrochanteric fractures.

Atypical subtrochanteric fractures

The use of bisphosphonates is universally accepted in the management of osteoporosis. The evidence is emerging (although controversial) that a small percentage of patients have been recognized to develop atypical subtrochanteric and diaphyseal shaft fractures of the femur with prolonged use of bisphosphonates. Radiologically they are characterized by focal lateral cortical thickening and transverse fracture.


  • AVN: More common in intracapsular fractures.
  • Delay and nonunion: More common with intracapsular and subtrochanteric fractures. Rare in intertrochanteric fractures (malunion is more likely).
  • Metalwork problems: For example, implant breakage and prominent metal work.
  • General complications: For example, infection, thromboembolism, wound problems, pain and stiffness, and limp.


Stress Fractures of the Femoral Neck

Stress fractures occur in normal bone undergoing repeated submaximal stress. Repetitive loading causes microscopic fractures. As the bone attempts to remodel, osteoclastic activity takes place at a faster rate than osteoblastic activity. When these cumulative forces exceed the structural strength of bone, stress fractures occur. They are usually seen in new military recruits, although they can also be seen in nonmilitary populations, mainly recreational athletes. Young females with this stress fracture should be suspected regarding the female athlete triad (anorexia, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis). When the fracture occurs at the superior aspect of the femoral neck, it is classified as a tension type of fracture. When the fracture occurs at the inferior aspect of the femoral neck, it is classified as a compression type of fracture. These patients present with gradual onset of pain in the groin/hip, which improves with rest and aggravates with weight-bearing and high-impact activities.



AP pelvis and lateral radiographs are useful. They can be normal in many occasions. In these circumstances, a bone scan (very sensitive but not very specific) can be useful. However, an MRI scan is the investigation of choice when radiographs are normal since it is very sensitive and specific. It can detect very early changes in the femoral neck.



Compression fractures are usually stable and can be treated non-operatively with regular radiographic or MRI follow-up. Tension-type fractures can progress. These are generally treated with internal fixation with screws.

According to the British Orthopaedic Association guidelines, secondary prevention has got a proven value in reducing the risk of future fragility fractures. Sustaining a fragility fracture once will at least double the risk of future fractures. In this context, secondary prevention has a role in reducing both the incidence of this serious injury and the overall cost. This is in the form of bone protection and fall assessment. Elderly patients with a high risk of osteoporosis should ideally be assessed with bone (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry [DEXA] scan) densitometry and treated. Currently, bisphosphonates (alendronate, etidronate, risedronate), selective estrogen receptor modulators (raloxifene), and parathyroid hormone (teriparatide) for the secondary prevention of osteoporotic fragility fractures in postmenopausal women are used for bone protection. Since most of these fragility fractures occur following a fall, the underlying cause for frequent falls should be identified, and the patients offered help tailored to their circumstances to reduce these risks.


Dislocations and Fractures

Dislocations of the hip joint are rare, and when they occur, they are invariably posterior dislocations. Usually, the traumatic variety occurs when the leg is bent and thrust backward, which normally happens when a vehicle hits a tree, and this axial force is thrust through the knee. Usually, the impact also causes a fracture of the acetabular roof, which fractures and hence displaces the femoral head. The affected leg is short and held adducted, flexed, and slightly medially rotated. Any attempted movements of the hip are not possible, and radiographs taken show that the femoral head is not in the socket and is above the acetabulum. A segment of the acetabular roof is also fractured and displaced upwards. Any dislocation of the hip joint is an emergency, and hence it is important to relocate the femoral head urgently to avoid circulatory compromise of the femoral head. Reduction of the hip joint is done under general anesthesia with full muscular relaxation. Once reduced, the limb needs to be rested in a splint, preferably with skeletal traction given for three weeks just behind the tibial tubercle. Following traction for three weeks, the hip is X-rayed and mobilized by graduated weight-bearing. Certain complications are known to occur in this condition, for example, a fracture of the acetabulum which may also interfere with the reduction of the dislocation. If this fragment is large, it is preferable to be fixed with screws to keep it in place. Another complication is a fractured shaft of the femur, which is extremely rare and very often missed.

As a result of the dislocation, the force may shear off a part of the femoral head. This fragment may be a small one who falls back in place when the dislocation is reduced, but if the fragment is a large one, it can be excised or replaced, and mobilization is delayed for about 12 weeks. Joint stiffness in the form of AVN may be seen on subsequent X-rays are taken 8 to 12 weeks later by an increase in the density of the femoral head. This may result in segmental osteoarthritis of the femoral head, resulting in a collapse of a segment of the head, resulting in degenerative arthritis. Certain cases may also show myositis ossificans, which is diagnosed by calcification along with decreased movements when the initial injury is because of a massive force. In some cases, an unreduced dislocation may be noticed. In certain cases, nerve lesions may also be encountered, like sciatic nerve palsy, which usually recovers with time, and if no recovery is seen, then consideration for exploring the nerve is taken. Anterior dislocation is very rare as compared to a posterior dislocation. Here the leg lies abducted and laterally rotated and slightly flexed. On radiographs, this variety may be misleading in many cases, and the doubt can be cleared by a lateral film. The treatment of this condition is on similar lines like that for a posterior dislocation of the hip. A central dislocation of the hip joint is usually observed when a patient falls on one side, resulting in a fracture of the acetabular floor when the femoral head is thrust into the pelvis. Usually, the trochanteric region is bruised, and the leg may lie in the normal position. Clinically the trochanteric region is painful. Usually, reduction is tried by the surgeon to strongly pull on the thigh and then to lever the head out of the pelvis by adducting the leg. If the fracture is not reducible, then lateral traction by a pin or screws may be helpful. Once the fracture is reduced, skeletal traction by a Steinman pin through the leg just behind the tibial tuberosity should be given for six weeks, whereafter graduated weight-bearing is permitted. In extremely rare cases, ORIF may also be considered.


Periprosthetic Fractures of the Hip Joint

A periprosthetic hip fracture occurs around a hip replacement prosthesis/implant. Periprosthetic hip fractures can occur either on the femoral side or on the acetabular side; the femoral side is more common. Currently, there is an epidemic of these fractures in the developed world, contributed by an increased number of joint replacements, life expectancy, expectations, and activity level. Surgical management of these fractures can be challenging because of the complexity of fracture patterns, soft-tissue challenges secondary to multiple previous surgeries, deficiency of bone stock, and significantly associated comorbidities in these often elderly group of patients. Rehabilitation can be daunting due to poor prefracture mobility, varying mental status, multiple joint diseases, generalized muscle weakness associated with old age, significant comorbidities, and complex social circumstances. The aims of surgical management include restoration of prefracture functional status, durable reconstruction of the hip and femur, and minimization of medical and psychosocial complications.



Risk factors

Risk factors under the surgeon’s control:

  • Preoperative planning
  • Appropriate instrumentation
  • Gentle technique

Risk factors not under the surgeon’s control:

  • Previous surgery
  • Increased bone fragility
  • Female sex
  • Femoral deformity
  • Difficult dislocation
  • Difficult reduction

Risk factors for intraoperative fractures include osteoporosis, cementless components, elliptical modular acetabular components, underreaming of the acetabulum by more than 2 mm, prior radiation, acetabular dysplasia, impaction bone grafting of the femur, and a revision procedure. Risk factors for postoperative fractures include trauma, age more than 70 years, osteoporosis, osteolysis and aseptic loosening, and stress raisers (e.g., the tip of the stem, cortical breach during revision surgery).

The incidence of periprosthetic fractures:

  • 0.9% after primary total hip replacement (THR)
  • 4.2% after revision THR
  • Intraoperative fractures:

0.4% of primary cemented THRs

3.5% of primary uncemented THRs

The most common site of periprosthetic fractures is the tip of the femoral stem. The most common type is Vancouver type B fracture:

80% of all periprosthetic fractures.

Mortality risk: One-year mortality is comparable (11%) to that of patients with a fractured neck of the femur. Likewise, a delay in the surgical intervention of more than two days significantly increases mortality risk within one year.



Many classifications for both acetabular and femoral periprosthetic fractures exist. The timing of the fracture and the anatomical location are typically used to define and guide management.

Fractures based on anatomical site

Fractures based on anatomical site:

  • Acetabular fractures:


Involvement of the acetabular wall or the columns and Stability of the fracture


Type I: Radiographically stable acetabular component, nonoperative management

Type II: Radiographically unstable acetabular component, operative management

  • Femur fractures

Vancouver classification is the most widely used classification system for periprosthetic fractures of the femur. Duncan devised this postoperative classification in 1995.



Plain radiographs of the hip and whole femur are often all that is necessary for obtaining adequate information on these fractures. Special views of the acetabulum may be required to evaluate the integrity of columns in cases of acetabular fractures. CT scans, including 3D reconstruction, could give additional information on the acetabular bone stock, the integrity of the columns, and loosening of the femoral stem. Blood inflammatory markers, as well as aspiration of the hip joint, might be indicated to exclude infection.



Treatment aims to achieve fracture union; restore anatomical alignment, rotation, and leg length; achieve prosthetic stability and early return to the premorbid functional status, and minimize morbidity and mortality.

Nonoperative treatment

This may be indicated in some Vancouver A fractures or when the patient’s general condition precludes a prolonged surgical procedure. This may also be considered for patients with poor prefracture physical function, especially if they are nonambulatory. Ensuing prolonged recumbency predisposes patients to higher risks for complications such as pressure ulcers, thromboembolism, chest infection, urinary infection, knee joint contractures, malunion, nonunion, and shortening of the leg.

Surgical management

  • Type I: These are acetabular fractures with a stable acetabular prosthesis. The recommended treatment is to minimize loading and allow the fracture to heal before allowing the patient to bear weight fully on that leg. Later, revision of the acetabular component, when necessary, could be technically easier once the fracture has healed. Here are two flowcharts demonstrating the management of periprosthetic acetabular fractures.
  • Type II: The loose acetabular component would require revision and the technical complexity will depend on the type of acetabular deficiency and the integrity of the acetabular columns. A range of acetabular reconstruction options are available, such as bone-grafting the defects, using a multihole uncemented component stabilized using screws, using acetabular augments, using “jumbo cups” with stabilization of fracture in a distracted position, using acetabular cages to stabilize the columns, using cemented acetabular components, and using cup-cage constructs.

Surgical considerations in the management

  • Fractures: Only a small proportion of these fractures require surgical intervention since the majority of them would regain their prefracture functional status with nonoperative management. Patients are managed based on their functional expectations.
  • AG fractures: Nondisplaced fractures could be managed nonoperatively with protected weight-bearing for 6 to 12 weeks and avoidance of active hip abduction. Displaced fractures might require open reduction and fixation using special trochanteric hook-cable plates and cables/screws or cerclage wires to regain abductor muscle function. There may be associated osteolysis of the proximal femur, which may require bone grafting along with a revision of the acetabular liner if the osteolysis is secondary to wear off the acetabular liner.
  • AL fractures: They could be managed nonoperatively since they are unlikely to produce functional impairment unless the fractures compromise prosthetic stability, which occurs if the calcar fracture line extends distally onto the shaft. Such fractures may require stabilization using cerclage wires or revision of the femoral component, along with stabilization of the fracture segment if the prosthesis is deemed unstable.


  • B1 fractures: These fractures are treated by ORIF using extramedullary fixation techniques, including plates, screws (locking and nonlocking), cables, cerclage wires, and cortical strut allografts. Bone grafting of the fracture site using corticocancellous grafts is also considered. A variety of cable plating systems is available which allow screws, cables, or cerclage wires on either segment. Cables are shown to be stronger than cerclage wires. Cables resist bending loads satisfactorily. Cerclage wires or cables are shown to be less mechanically sound than uni-cortical screws in offering torsional and AP stability. At least six cables are needed in the absence of a unicortical screw to improve AP and rotational stability. Besides, cables produce more surgical trauma and increased surgical time. Therefore fewer cables and more locking screws are preferred. The plate should bypass the distal limit of the fracture by a minimum of two femur widths, as suggested by biomechanical studies. Differentiating a B1 from a B2 fracture can be difficult based on preoperative evaluation alone. Intraoperative stability testing of the femoral stem may then be performed through the fracture site if the stem is exposed, or by performing an arthrotomy and testing stability after dislocating the hip. However, this adds additional technical challenges to the procedure. Current evidence supports the use of a lateral locking plate with proximal uni-cortical screws and cables, distal bicortical locking screw fixation (especially in poor-quality bone), and an onlay cortical strut allograft fixed by cables and positioned on the medial femoral cortex. The use of uniplanar or biplanar plates would also lead to satisfactory healing in selected cases. The minimum number of fixation points required for strut allografts has been shown as three each on either the proximal or the distal segment. The advantages of strut grafts include biological fixation modality; osteoconductive properties for fracture healing; augmentation of the often deficient host’s bone stock, thereby increasing the strength of the bone once the graft has been incorporated and minimization of stress shielding since the modulus of elasticity is comparable to the host’s bone. The disadvantages of cortical strut grafts include their limited availability, high cost, the potential for disease transmission, and increased risk for infection.

Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) can be used for B1 fractures. This is technically challenging but has the potential advantage of preserving the blood supply to the fracture fragments and reducing surgical morbidity.

  • B2 fractures: The loose femur stem should be revised to a longer stem prosthesis, thus bypassing the fracture site. About 75% to 82% of all B fractures are reported as having a loose femoral component. This makes the vast majority of periprosthetic fractures either B2 or B3 type. The long-stem revision could be using either a cemented or an uncemented stem. A cemented stem has the disadvantage of filling the fracture site with cement, thus impeding the fracture healing process. Also, refilling the proximal femur with cement after removal of a cemented stem provides a poor cement mantle. Along uncemented stem provides distal fixation, while allowing the proximal fracture segments to be wrapped around the proximal aspect of the stem. A tapered, fluted, modular uncemented stem would provide axial (taper) and rotational stability (flutes) while allowing adjustments to restore leg length and soft-tissue tension (separate adjustment of medial offset possible). A cortical strut allograft may also be used in some cases to augment stability of the construct. The long stem should bypass the fracture by a minimum distance of two femoral diameters with at least 4 cm of diaphyseal fit.

The reported complication rates are higher for cemented revision stems as opposed to uncemented stems in managing B2 fractures. Cemented revisions have up to 62% complication rates with 38% loosening and 24% of miscellaneous complications, including infection, dislocation, and trochanteric nonunion. Uncemented revisions report up to 34% complications, 18% subsidence, and the rest miscellaneous complications. An alternative distal fixation technique involves the use of a distally locked stem. The designs include those that do not allow bone ingrowth and the screw fixation is a temporary measure for stabilization. Their main advantages include the ability to bear weight earlier, improved intraoperative control of leg length, and rotation. They are especially useful for cases with a significant proximal bone loss where diaphyseal fixation could be otherwise unsatisfactory and in the management of infected periprosthetic femoral fractures.

  • B3 fractures: The proximal femur bone stock is insufficient to support the prosthetic reconstruction, which should then be based on adequate distal fixation to provide rotational, angular, and axial support. Reconstruction options include:

Modular, long-stem, fluted, cementless femoral stem with distal fixation and wrap-around of the proximal femur bone augmented by allograft struts

Impaction grafting and long-stem cemented fixation or Custom internal proximal femur replacement with a wraparound of the proximal femur bone over the proximal stem

Proximal femur replacement or Massive proximal femur allograft replacement–prosthesis composite.


Anatomical restoration of the proximal femur bone stock using a modular, long-stem, fluted, cementless femoral stem with distal fixation and wrap-around of the proximal femur bone augmented by allograft struts is often the preferred option in the majority of these fractures since they allow restoration of the proximal femur bone stock as well as early weight-bearing. Proximal femur replacement (megaprosthesis) and early weight-bearing might be the choice in elderly, frail patients with a limited life expectancy, especially when the bone loss extends distally to the femur isthmus. The main disadvantage of proximal femur replacement is a higher rate of dislocation, and therefore a constrained acetabular articulation should be used. The reported survival rate of proximal femur replacement for B3 fractures is 64% at 12 years. The modular, long, fluted stems rely on adequate initial distal fixation for stability and therefore are only possible if the distal extent of the bone loss is proximal to the femur isthmus. When the bone loss is distal to the isthmus, options such as impaction grafting with long, cemented stem fixation, custom internal proximal femur replacement with wrap-around of the proximal femur, and proximal femur replacement using a “tumor-like” prosthesis should be considered. Impaction allograft and long-stem, cemented femoral reconstruction has been shown to produce a satisfactory outcome in specific centers and is an option, especially when the bone loss extends beyond the isthmus. Massive allograft-prosthesis composites have shown satisfactory outcome in mid- to long-term follow-ups in many series, however, their main disadvantages remain a higher rate of nonunion at the graft-host junction as well as at the attachment site of the greater tuberosity, resorption of allograft bone, availability of massive allografts, and potential risk for disease transmission.

  • C fractures: Internal fixation without leaving a bridge of native bone, which acts as an area of stress raiser and potential fracture, between the fixation device and the tip of the femoral stem is the treatment of choice for most cases. A hybrid locking screw-cable plate with unicortical screws and cables for proximal fixation and bicortical locking screws for distal fixation is the implant of choice. An allograft strut positioned medially, or anteriorly would augment the stability of the construct and union rates.

Surgical Aspects of Hip

Total Hip Arthroplasty

Hip replacement is currently the most common orthopedic operation, with patient-recorded outcome measures indicating that it is arguably one of the most successful medical or surgical interventions that are available. THA surgery has excellent long-term survivorship, defined as the time from primary surgery to revision surgery, in both young and old patients. Survivorship for conventional cemented, metal on-polyethylene-bearing surface joint replacements is greater than 90%, 85%, and 80% at 10, 15, and 20 years, respectively. Recent evidence also indicates that cementless stems have excellent survivorship.





Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty


Although the earliest recorded hip replacements were carried out by a German surgeon (T. Gluck, 1891), using ivory to replace femoral heads, innovation and evolution of total joint replacement for the relief of pain were continued by Smith-Petersen of the United States in 1925 using glass. The birth of widespread hip replacement began in the UK in the late 1950s and early 1960s when British orthopedic surgeon Sir John Charnley, cemented stem with the metal-on polyethylene-bearing surface, and Peter Ring (uncemented) started hip replacements.



THA can relieve pain, restore function, and improve the quality of life. Most patients who undergo THR are aged 50 to 80, but orthopedic surgeons evaluate patients individually.

Common indications for joint replacement:

  • Osteoarthritis (main indication)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sero-negative inflammatory arthritis

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or Ankylosing spondylitis

  • Avascular necrosis
  • Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)
  • Post-traumatic arthritis, for example, after traumatic dislocation of the native hip and acetabular fracture
  • Trauma

Displaced intracapsular fracture of the neck of the femur fracture

  • Conversion of an arthrodesis joint (arthrodesis: a surgically induced fusion of the joint)


Symptoms of Pathology

Pain is the most common symptom in a diseased or arthritic joint. The pain is exacerbated by weight-bearing but can be present at rest or cause night-waking. A pain score (0–10) is frequently used as an indicator for assessing the need for operation. Early-morning stiffness is also seen in osteoarthritis.

Referred pain from the hip can be felt in the knee joint due to common nerve supply (femoral nerve). The pain felt in the hip may also be referred from the back. It is important to examine the spine before diagnosing hip pathology.

The patient may also complain of:

  • Joint stiffness/restriction of movement.
  • Instability or giving way.
  • Swelling of the joint.
  • Crepitus/grating.
  • Limited mobility.
  • Limitation of activities of daily living (ADL), for example, dressing, bathing, putting on shoes and socks, cutting toenails, getting in and out of a car, etc.
  • The Oxford hip score is a useful tool for evaluating the severity of symptoms due to hip arthritis and for recording changes in severity/improvement after surgery.


Signs of Pathology

  • Limitation of range of movement: Fixed flexion (Thomas’s test)
  • Effusion: Knee
  • Contractures:

Hip: Adduction and external rotation contracture

Knee: Fixed flexion contracture

  • Scars from previous surgery or infection
  • Sinusitis from the previous infection, for example, tuberculous infection
  • Wasting of the muscles around the joint
  • Limp/Trendelenburg gait
  • Leg length discrepancy
  • Rheumatoid joint: Warm to touch


Radiographic Features

  • Decreased joint space due to thinning and wear of articular cartilage.
  • Osteophyte formation or bony spurs at the margins of the bone due to wear and changes in the alignment and axis of weight-bearing. New bone forms according to Wolff’s law: bone remodels in response to mechanical stress (“form follows function”).
  • Subchondral sclerosis (hardening) of the bone below the articular cartilage
  • Periarticular cyst formation (bone cysts below the articular surface of the joint)

But there is not a good correlation between the severity of radiographic changes and the patient’s pain.



Routine preassessment includes:

  • Blood investigations (preoperative assessment)
  • Plain X-rays: Pelvis anteroposterior (AP) view, lateral view
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)/computed tomography (CT)/bone scans: Can be useful investigations in complex primary and revision surgery



If operative treatment is considered, then the patient is assessed for:

  • Comorbidities (medical conditions, for example, diabetes, myocardial infarction, angina, hypertension, obesity, vascular supply)
  • Medications (e.g., warfarin, clopidogrel, steroids)
  • Skin quality (previous scars, edema)

Initial management:

Conservative treatment must always be considered as the first line of treatment.

Treatment modalities:

  • Rest
  • Modification of daily activity, for example, avoidance of strenuous work, change of occupation
  • Weight loss
  • Use of a walking aid

Medical management

  • Analgesia, for example, paracetamol, codeine
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), for example, ibuprofen, naproxen
  • More specific medication regimes used in inflammatory arthropathies (e.g., methotrexate, azathioprine, steroids)

Surgical management

After a careful physical examination, laboratory tests, radiographs, and where conservative treatment has failed, operative intervention (THA) are considered. Sometimes a knee problem can be felt in the hip and vice versa, and it important to also examine the knee joint. Also referred pain from the lower back should be kept in mind and ruled out before localizing the problem in the hip joint. The aim of that is to give the patient a pain-free, stable, and mobile joint.


Components of Hip Replacement

THA has two main parts:

  • Acetabulum: An acetabular component made of polyethylene or, if uncemented, a shell with a metal backing and a liner which can be polyethylene or ceramic. Metal articular surfaces are now rarely used due to the controversy of metal on metal bearing surfaces.
  • Femur: A femoral component consisting of a cobalt-chrome alloy (for use with cement) or titanium with a porous coating for ingrowth of bone (cementless).

Modern hip systems are modular. They have:

  • A femoral stem
  • A femoral head (metal or ceramic)
  • An acetabular shell
  • An acetabular liner (polyethylene, ceramic)

There are different schools of thought on what type of prosthesis is the best.

  • Cemented school (Exeter group): Uses cement in all patients
  • Uncemented school: Historically used in younger patients but popularity increasing in all age groups

Types of Hip Replacements

Cemented joint replacement

Bone cement is a polymer of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). It is used as a “grout” to fix the prosthesis to the bone. Use of cemented THA varies around the globe despite excellent long-term survivorship. Cement is used in hip replacement surgery in about 70% of THR operations in Sweden, 50% of THR operations in Norway, and about 47% of THA operations in the UK. It is used much less in countries like Denmark (16%), Canada (4%), and the United States (4%) HA, porous coating, or trabecular metal avoid the need for cement as bone in-growth occurs.

The primary fixation is an anatomic or press-fit technique, with secondary biological bone ingrowth producing long-term stable fixation. About 63% of the THA cases in the United States are cementless.


Hybrid replacement

One component is cemented, and the other is uncemented. Approximately 33% of all THA cases in the United States are hybrid.


Types of Materials Used in THA:

  • Cobalt-chrome alloy (Co-Cr): Cobalt, chrome, nickel, molybdenum, carbon, and tungsten. These alloys have excellent strength, biocompatibility, and resistance to corrosion.
  • Stainless steel: Iron, chromium, nickel, molybdenum, and carbon. Stainless steel has excellent biocompatibility, flexibility, and resistance to corrosion.
  • Titanium alloy: Titanium, aluminum, and vanadium have improved resistance to corrosion compared to stainless steel and are ductile and biocompatible. Titanium is used for cementless stems as its modulus of elasticity is closer to that of bone than the much stiffer cobalt-chrome alloy that is used in cemented stems.
  • Ceramics: Compounds of metals and nonmetallic materials such as alumina (aluminum oxide) and zirconia (zirconium oxide). These are biocompatible, hard, brittle compounds with increased wettability (reduced surface tension of a liquid on the solid surface, so the liquid spreads over the surface). The squeaking of the hips has been noted following ceramic-on-ceramic joint replacements. This is now believed to be due to edge-loading and mal-positioning of components. To avoid this, cup inclination for ceramic-on-ceramic bearing should be more closed than for a metal/poly or ceramic/poly bearing.
  • Cement: Used as a grout formed by mixing a liquid (monomer) with a powder (polymer). Cement withstands compression forces. The liquid contains dimethyl toluidine and hydroquinone, while the powder PMMA, with other additions such as barium (radio-opaque, so it can be seen on a radiograph), benzoyl peroxide, chlorophyll (gives a green colour), and antibiotics, such as gentamicin, tobramycin, or clindamycin, which must be heat stable. When a cemented implant is inserted, it is vital that the bone is prepared. It must be washed (pulsed lavage) and dried to produce a honeycomb appearance. This allows the cement under pressure to penetrate the cancellous bone to give a large surface area of contact. A poor cement mantle can cause premature loosening and failure. It is ideal to have 2 mm of cement mantle around all the components.

Cement in revision surgery: Conventional or low viscosity cement can be used. Antibiotics can be incorporated depending on the organism isolated.

Cementing techniques:

The first-generation technique historically involved insertion of the cement and finger-packing into the canal. No cement plug was used.

The second-generation technique used a plug in the medullary cavity of the femur, pulsed lavage, and a cement gun in a retrograde fashion.

The third-generation cementing technique involves using a distal femoral centralizer, vacuum-mixing of the cement, brush-and-pulsatile lavage in the femur, and a cement gun as above.

The fourth-generation cementing technique adds to the third generation a stem centralizer, both proximally and distally.

  • Ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is a polymer which is manufactured by direct compression molding and sterilized by gamma radiation. It also promotes cross-linking, which reduces early wear.

Highly cross-linked polyethylene (HCLPE): This was introduced in 1990 for clinical use in THA, with the expectation that it would exhibit less wear when compared to conventional polyethylene. Laboratory studies had shown improved wear performance. However, increased cross-linking resulted in diminished mechanical properties of polyethylene, leading to mechanical failure.

HCLPE has shown a significant reduction in modulus of elasticity, yield strength, fracture toughness, and fatigue crack resistance. Second-generation HCLPE manufacture now is vitamin-E-stabilized with improved mechanical strength.

  • HA coating [Ca10(PO4)6OH2]: HA is a compound similar to the inorganic matrix of bone. It is used mainly for surface coating of the uncemented implants as these are osteoconductors with a high rate of osteointegration.
  • Head size in THR

Since the era of Charnley, the femoral head size has increased from 22.25mmto 45mmor more. A smaller head size causes less volumetric wear but more linear wear, low frictional torque, and increased risk of dislocations due to less excursion distance. Larger heads have less linear wear, more volumetric wear, low dislocation rates due to longer excursion distance, and less space left for the acetabular component, resulting in a thinner layer of polyethylene. With the introduction of newer polyethylene (HCLPE) the trend is towards using larger heads, but thin layers of polyethylene have increased wear rates. The head size of 28 mm has excellent wear characteristics.






Surgical Approaches

Transgluteal (Hardinge) approach

This is an approach through the abductor’s muscles and has following advantages:

  • A lower rate of dislocation
  • Sciatic nerve injuries less compared to the posterior approach
  • Preservation of the posterior soft-tissue envelope
  • Avoidance of the technical difficulties of trochanteric osteotomy


  • Potential damage to superior gluteal nerve
  • Damage to abductor’s muscles, leading to Trendelenburg limp
  • Exposure of the proximal acetabulum limited
  • Inability to adjust the trochanteric tension
  • Some risk of heterotopic ossification


Posterior approach

In this approach, the gluteus maximus is split bluntly in line with its fibers. Short external rotators are released at the insertion site on the posterior greater trochanter to protect the sciatic nerve.


  • Trendelenburg limp avoided as the abductors are preserved
  • Low incidence of heterotopic ossification
  • A more consistent exposure expected
  • The preferred approach for revision hip surgery


  • Increased risk of dislocation and infection


Charnley approach

The Charnley approach is now rarely used. Here the hip is approached via a trochanteric osteotomy.


  • Easy dislocation
  • Good exposure
  • Good femoral component alignment achieved
  • Favored by some surgeons for revision surgery


  • Increased blood loss
  • Increased operating time
  • Difficulty reattaching the greater trochanter (sometimes)
  • Nonunion (30%)
  • Limp due to nonunion of the greater trochanter
  • Broken Wires



Minimally invasive technique

Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) allows the surgeon to do hip replacement through one or two small incisions. It may be indicated in slim and well-motivated patients.


  • Small incision
  • Earlier recovery
  • Less postoperative pain


  • Requires special instruments
  • Fluoroscopy may be needed intraoperatively
  • Evidence of no advantage over a larger scar and of stretching of the skin through a smaller incision increasing wound complications


Anterior supine intermuscular approach

The patient is laid supine on the operating table. This can be used for primary and revision hip arthroplasty and also for resurfacing. The incision starts two fingerbreadths below the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and two fingerbreadths lateral to the ASIS. It is centered over the greater trochanter. Care is taken of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. An incision is made over the muscle belly of the tensor fascia lata (TFL) and carried on distally. A muscle interval is developed between the TFL, which is situated on the lateral side, and the sartorius on the medial side.


  • Less invasive muscle-sparing approach
  • No limp
  • Early recovery and discharge from hospital


  • Learning curve
  • The higher intraoperative complication rate




  • Bleeding
  • Periprosthetic fracture (uncemented implants)
  • Fat embolism
  • Neurovascular damage (uncommon)
  • Bone cement implantation syndrome (BCIS): An important cause of intraoperative mortality and morbidity in patients undergoing cemented hip arthroplasty and also seen in the postoperative period in a milder form, causing hypoxia and confusion
  • Leg length discrepancy


  • Early:

Infection (infection rate in the UK 1%)  Superficial or Deep

Hematoma, Venous thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism (PE), Dislocation (dislocation rate reported in the UK 2%–3%), Sciatic and femoral nerve palsy <1% and Fat embolism

  • Medium:

Deep venous thrombosis (DVT), PE, Dislocation


  • Late:

Pain: There are several possible causes of pain after THA. It is important to exclude infection, component loosening, periprosthetic osteolysis resulting from wear debris, or a referred pain from the lower back or abdominal and vascular disorders. Iliopsoas impingement and tendinitis can also cause persistent groin pain after THA in about 4% of the cases. This can be due to a large acetabular component, malposition of the acetabular component, retained cement, acetabular cage, and long screws. Patients complain of groin pain when climbing stairs, getting in and out of bed, or standing from a seated position. Clinically, a slight limp, tenderness in the groin, pain on straight leg raising, and resisted flexion of the hip are noted. This should be investigated by radiographs and imaging studies like ultrasound, MRI scan, and diagnostic local anesthetic injection into the tendon. It can be treated by rest, analgesia, or anti-inflammatory drugs, or the tendon can be surgically released in persistent cases.

Trendelenburg gait: More common when the transgluteal or Hardinge approach is used. Heterotopic ossification varies from 3% to 50% (the risk may be reduced with thorough irrigation at the time of surgery).

Loosening (osteolysis): This can be aseptic or septic, Myocardial infarction, stroke. , Periprosthetic fractures: 0.1%–1%.

Cement disease: A histiocytic response or macrophage reaction to particulate debris from the components, secondary to wear. The process can occur as early as one year after replacement and is detected radiographically as endosteal scalloping. Infection may be suspected on Xray, as there is frequently a periosteal reaction.

Mortality: Death following THA is a relatively rare event (<0.5% at 30 days).

Limb length discrepancy: The risk can be minimized by preoperative templating of the radiographs, which allows optimization of neck/length/offset. Up to 2 cm of discrepancy can be treated with a shoe insert in the shorter leg. If the discrepancy is more than 2 cm, a buildup sole of the shoe may be required. It is a frequent cause of medicolegal litigation.


Revision Hip Arthroplasty

The number of revision hip arthroplasty procedures is increasing annually with a rising financial burden on health services, not to mention the heavy workload and physical demands placed on those who regularly perform revision surgery. Over the last decade, the number of cases of revision hip surgery being performed in England and Wales has more than doubled, with 9751 cases reported in 2013 compared to 4516 in 2004. Ongoing research and developments in primary hip arthroplasty may ultimately reduce the need for revision surgery, but currently, the trend is upwards.

Revision surgery is more expensive than primary arthroplasty, owing to the increased cost of the preoperative workup, surgical implants, and longer inpatient stay. One study found the average costs of revision surgery in the UK for aseptic cases to be £11,897, for septic revision £21,937, for periprosthetic fracture £18,185, and for dislocation £10,893.

Hip revision surgery is a specialist area requiring appropriate experience and expertise. Surgeons who perform revision surgery may only be located in specialist units or centers, requiring referral and interhospital transfer of a patient for definitive surgical management. The revision hip surgeon is faced with many challenges, from diagnosing and evaluating the mechanism of the failing or failed implant to the most appropriate method of revision for each individual case. Certainly, those training in hip surgery now and in the future will need to be well versed in the art of revision hip arthroplasty.

In 2013 the average age of a patient in the UK undergoing revision hip surgery was 70 years. The surgeon must bear in mind that this increasingly elderly demographic may have acquired a greater comorbid status and poorer physiological reserve than at the time of their primary surgery. Revision surgery is more complex than primary hip arthroplasty and is associated with a greater risk of complications, a higher risk of failure, and a poorer prognosis. Hence careful patient counseling, meticulous surgical planning, and an interprofessional, multidisciplinary approach for pre-, peri-, and postoperative care and rehabilitation are required for any revision procedure. In this chapter, we aim to give a broad and yet comprehensive overview of all aspects of revision hip arthroplasty, with the inclusion of some of the senior author’s opinions and experience of revision surgery.

Indications for Revision Surgery

There are several reasons why a THR may fail and require revision surgery. The most common indication for revision is an aseptic loosening of one or more of the prosthetic components. In the UK, aseptic loosening was the indication for revision in 55% of single-stage procedures in 2009 and 47% in 2013. Prosthetic loosening is often accompanied by pain and a varying degree of bone loss radiologically. Other indications include infection (causing septic loosening), osteolysis, periprosthetic fracture, component malposition leading to recurrent dislocation or instability, and adverse soft-tissue reaction to particle debris. All of these indications for revision hip arthroplasty are covered in detail within this chapter.

Mechanisms of Failure

Aseptic loosening

For any patient presenting with a painful THR, that was once pain-free, suspect prosthetic loosening. Painful aseptic loosening is the major reason for revision hip surgery. Acetabular component loosening tends to cause groin pain, whereas loosening of the femoral component tends to cause thigh pain. Patients who have radiologically identifiable features of prosthetic loosening, but minimal pain or symptoms, should be closely followed up with serial imaging, as they can develop progressive bone loss or periprosthetic fracture.

Aseptic loosening and osteolysis are the direct results of polyethylene wear. The osteolysis represents a histiocytic response to polyethylene wear particles. There are four main stages in the process:

  • Formation of particulate debris from polyethylene wear
  • Macrophage-activated osteolysis
  • Micromotion of the prosthesis
  • Dissemination of the particulate debris

Wear debris exerts biological activity by being phagocytosed by macrophages, which in turn stimulates further macrophage recruitment and the release of osteolytic mediators (cytokines) locally. These mediators promote bone resorption through various mechanisms, including osteoclast activation and osteoblast inhibition, the end result being osteolysis, aseptic loosening, and ultimately prosthetic failure.


Pressure effects of the uncemented acetabular cup

Fixation of uncemented components relies on biological interdigitation. A stable bone-implant interface is absolutely essential for this process to be successful. The surgeon must obtain rigid internal fixation on limiting micromotion of the components. In the case of the acetabulum, rigid internal fixation can be achieved by two methods, press fit or line-to-line fit of the cup. Press-fit fixation involves implanting a cup with a slightly greater diameter than the surrounding bone, that is, slightly greater than the final reamer size.

Line-to-line fit involves implanting a cup with the same diameter as the surrounding bone. This method, however, requires additional stabilization of the component, usually in the form of screw fixation. Biological ingrowth into an uncemented cup may not be uniform, leaving some areas without bony ingrowth. This can lead to joint fluid entering the bone–cup interface, causing expansile osteolysis and resultant loosening of the acetabular cup. A further mechanism for this can be via the screw holes in some acetabular cups, as they can act as a conduit for a joint fluid. If rigid internal fixation of the component is not achieved then greater, micromotion can occur. Excessive component micromotion may result in the development of a fibrous membrane at the bone-implant interface. In an in vivo study in rabbits, fibrous membrane compression led to bone necrosis and cartilage formation, possibly because of fluid pressure or fluid flow, whereas the presence of high-density polyethylene particles led to the loss of bone with the replacement of bone by fibrous tissue. It is important to note, however, that despite significant radiological changes to the acetabular cup, the patient can be clinically asymptomatic, even in the presence of severe osteolysis.


The relationship to femoral stem design

There is huge competition amongst the companies responsible for the design and manufacture of hip prostheses and huge financial gains for those companies who develop successful prostheses. The incentives to alter a prosthesis are plentiful: innovation, finance, elimination or reduction of implant competition, improvement of patient outcomes, ease of use, etc. However, small modifications to a component’s design can have catastrophic effects, leading to early prosthetic failure. This increases the revision burden further. Two examples of aseptic loosening as a consequence of stem design are given below:

  • The 3M Capital Hip: There were reports of early stem failure concerning Capital THA (3M Healthcare Ltd., Loughborough, UK). Approximately 5000 were implanted in the UK alone, with an estimated failure rate of 20%. At a 26-month follow-up interval, 16% were loose, and an additional 8% were possibly loose.

Several factors were implicated, including the stem design, type of cement, cement mantle thickness, and surgical technique. The modular flanged stems were found to be performing worse than the monoblock round-back versions. In 2001 a detailed report on the 3M Capital Hip concluded that it was not possible to identify a single not a combination of factors responsible for the poor performance of the flanged modular Capital Hip. This example certainly highlights that even small modifications to prosthetic designs may contribute to their early failure.

  • The Charnley Elite-Plus: The original Charnley stem was very successful in terms of both performance and survivorship. However, in 1993 the Charnley Elite-Plus was introduced by DePuy International, as an evolved version of the Charnley stem. It had modifications to the shoulder flange and to the geometry and surface finish of the stem and was made of an improved material with the addition of new instrumentation.

This was another dramatic example of small modifications leading to early failure. Hauptfleish et al. suggested that the Charnley Elite-Plus femoral stem was intrinsically rotationally unstable, reporting an 83% survival at ten years with revision as the end point of failure, and 59% survival with radiological loosening used as the endpoint. These examples reinforce the importance of controlling modifications to the design of hip replacements and the use of a registration system, such as the NJR so that failures can be identified early and appropriate action is taken.


Zones of demarcation

The acetabulum and femur have been divided into different radiographic zones: three acetabular zones, by DeLee and Charnley, and seven femoral zones by Gruen. If progressive radiolucent lines develop in these zones, then this suggests component loosening. This is true for both cemented and uncemented components. These radiolucent lines should be distinguished from age-related radiolucent lines, which have no adjacent sclerosis. It is important to note that the presence of progressive radiolucent lines more commonly forecasts failure, as the presence of non-progressive lines (due to imperfect cement interlocking) was found not to result in a disastrous outcome. A thin layer of fibrous tissue can develop at the cement-bone interface as a response to local thermal osteonecrosis from the cement polymerization. This is a normal finding when it is nonprogressive, less than 2 mm, and present in acetabular zone 1 and femoral zones 1 and 7. It becomes stable by two years postimplantation, but if progressive or involving acetabular zones 2 and 3 or femoral zones 2–6 (subtrochanteric) then it is considered to be a sign of loosening. Barrack et al. graded the radiographic appearance of cementation by reviewing the immediate postoperative radiograph. The Barrack grading system is as follows:

  • Grade A: Complete filling of the medullary cavity (a “whiteout”)
  • Grade B: Slight radiolucency of the cement-bone interface
  • Grade C: Radiolucency involving 50%–99% of the cement-bone interface or a defective or incomplete cement mantle
  • Grade D: Radiolucency of 100% at the cement-bone interface (in any projection) or a failure to fill the medullary canal such that the tip of the stem was not covered One study looked at the relationship between failed Charnley stems and the Barrack grading system, reporting that 69% had a Barrack Grade C or D, whilst only 19% of the failed stems had a Barrack Grade A or B.


Radiological Features

Uncemented prostheses alter the stress distribution to the surrounding bone. Bone resorption due to stress shielding is seen in areas of periprosthetic bone which are relatively unstressed. Metal is stiffer than bone, and so loading forces are transferred from bone and transmitted through the stiffer metal femoral stem, bypassing the proximal bone, resulting in proximal osteolysis and calcar resorption, risking periprosthetic fracture.

Loading the prosthesis distally can result in cortical thickening and sclerosis at the tip of the prosthesis, known as a pedestal. However, most modern uncemented prostheses try to avoid these changes by having only proximally coated stems rather than fully coated stems. This means that the distal part of the component is not loaded, so these distal changes should not occur. The biological fixation of these prostheses is often a combination of the ingrowth of both bone and fibrous tissue. The fibrous tissue ingrowth forms a thin (1–2 mm) lucent zone at the bone-implant interface, which can often be seen radiologically, and does not represent loosening. These lucent lines must be less than 2 mm and be accompanied by a parallel sclerotic line. They take approximately two years post-implantation to become stable, and at this point, the prosthesis is essentially well fixed by strong fibrous tissue ingrowth.


Septic loosening

Unfortunately, deep joint infection remains a common cause for prosthetic failure and subsequent revision surgery. Thankfully it is less common than it once was, but it remains a challenging complication for the patient, the primary joint surgeon, and the revision surgeon. The reported risk of deep joint infection is variable in the literature, from 0.3% to 2.2%. Given the increasing number of primary hip replacements each year, this represents a large number of patients with considerable use of healthcare resources and financial implications. As expected this has a direct effect on the volume of revision surgery, with the Swedish hip registry reporting that 7.3% of total hip revisions are carried out for infection. This revision burden for infection is only expected to rise further as prosthetic joint infection appears to be on the rise, with a projected number exceeding 60,000 to 70,000 patients in the United States by 2020.


Common organisms

Prosthetic joint infection is a challenging complication to treat as the implant provides a foreign body nidus for pathogens to multiply and form a biofilm. The most common organism found on the most skin and mucous membranes is Staphylococcus epidermidis, constituting 65%–90% of all staphylococci. S. epidermidis produces glycocalyx, which contributes to the difficulty of treating this and similar species of bacteria. Glycocalyx is involved in protecting bacteria from phagocytic processes and also facilitates the attachment of bacteria to inert surfaces, such as orthopedic implants, via the formation of a biofilm.

The most common organisms isolated from 112 confirmed prosthetic joint infections; the most frequently isolated organisms were coagulase-negative staphylococci (47%) and methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA, 44%). About 8% grew methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and 7% grew anaerobes. Another study looked at tissue cultures which were positive for coagulase-negative staphylococci and found that approximately 50% of those tissue cultures were methicillin-resistant. Thus the recommendation from this study was to screen for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE), in addition to MRSA.


Time frames for prosthetic joint infection

These are divided prosthetic joint infections into three stages:

Stage I: Acute fulminating Infections, usually within six weeks.

Stage II: Delayed sepsis; chronic indolent infection.

Stage III: Late hematogenous infections in a previously well-functioning hip replacement; these can occur years or decades after the primary surgery.


Culture-negative prosthetic infection

Culture-negative prosthetic joint infection occurs in 7%–12% of patients who have an otherwise clear indicator of infection. It presents a further challenge to the surgeon, as patients may question the diagnosis and need for revision surgery when a pathogen has not been identified. The use of antibiotics prior to obtaining the culture is not recommended as it may contribute to the inability to isolate an organism. The use of antimicrobial therapy was common in patients with culture-negative infection. Therefore it is recommended that a diagnostic joint aspirate is delayed for at least two weeks after the last dose of antibiotics in patients suspected of having a joint infection. It is found that culture-negative infection was associated with a more favorable outcome than that associated with culture-positive prosthetic joint infections. It is highly recommended to consult with an infectious disease specialist when faced with a patient with a culture-negative infection prior to revision hip surgery. It is recommended a minimum of three to five tissue culture samples at the time of revision surgery in those patients whom the pre-revision aspiration has proved culture-negative, but the clinical picture is consistent with infection.


Stem fracture

Stem fracture is now much less common than during the early developmental phase of THRs but is occasionally seen. Early stem designs such as those made of EN58J and 316L stainless steel had relatively high rates of failure. These failures were attributable to the low fatigue strength and metallurgical defects of the materials used. Fatigue fractures were produced by unfavorable biomechanics such as varus malpositioning or loss of proximal cement support, which exaggerated cantilever forces on the proximal stem relative to the well-fixed distal portion. Even subtleties such as words etched on an implant with a laser have been implicated in stem fracture. One study, using scanning electron micrographs, demonstrated a fatigue fracture of the stem which began through these etched characters. Materials such as forged cobalt chrome, high-nitrogen stainless steel, and titanium alloy have high strength and are used for new femoral stems. The use of such materials have made stem fracture a very rare occurrence, with none reported in two long-term follow-up studies of matt and polished cemented stems. However, modular-neck hip stems were recalled in July 2012 due to multiple mechanical complications, including fracture at the stem–neck junction. A review highlighted that several factors had been proposed as causative of this failure, including insufficient bony support at the calcar, obese patients with long femoral necks, the design of components, materials used, and stress risers such as laser etching or manufacturer logos on the components. Research into femoral modularity and its complications continue, but with over 30,000 of these stems implanted worldwide, this is likely to contribute to the growing revision burden.


Ceramic-bearing fractures

The reported fracture incidence of ceramic bearings varies from 0% to 13%. The older generation of alumina bearings was of poorer-quality material and had difficulties with fixation to the metal stem. These alumina bearings had much higher fracture rates than new ceramic bearings. The introduction of the Morse taper reduced the risk of fracture to less than 2%. Third-generation ceramics have better wear properties and continue to show good clinical results. Modern ceramic head fractures are rare when normal physiological conditions are applied to them. Ceramic liner fractures, however, do occur more commonly but can be difficult to diagnose. The etiology of ceramic liner fractures is multifactorial, including dislocation, impingement, malpositioning, and microseparation. Thus proper surgical technique, choice of high-quality alumina of a relevant design, and correct positioning of these bearings are absolutely critical to reduce the risk of fracture. At the time of revision for a fracture of a ceramic bearing, it is of paramount importance that thorough debridement and synovectomy be undertaken in order to remove any ceramic fragments. When the bearing fractures, these fragments spread into the periarticular space and are highly abrasive, leading to early failure of the revision procedure in some instances. The choice of bearing to use in a revision context, however, is controversial, with some surgeons choosing to re-implant ceramic-on-ceramic bearings.

Patients have reported squeaking hips with the use of hard-on-hard bearings, either metal-on-metal (MoM) or ceramic-on ceramic. Ceramic bearings have the lowest wear of any bearing material and have virtually eliminated osteolysis leading to aseptic loosening, requiring revision. The cause of a squeaking hip is most often benign and multifactorial. However, that patients who present with a frequently squeaking hip undergo a CT scan to exclude a fractured ceramic bearing, as this is a rare single cause.  It is important to contextualize the squeaking that the patient complains of and reassure him or her that squeaking does not indicate impending failure and automatically require revision surgery. In many cases, all that is required is reassurance or lifestyle/activity modification. Patients with squeaking hips have been shown to have 30 times more wear compared to those with silent ceramic bearings, but the wear is so low that it very rarely requires revision surgery.


Dislocation is one of the most common complications and reasons for patient and surgeon dissatisfaction following THA. The reported incidence for primary THA varies from 0.3% to 7%, and up to 25% in the revision context. Early dislocation occurs within the first three months postoperatively and is associated with a better prognosis and a lower rate of recurrence with nonoperative treatment than late dislocations. In comparison, late dislocations make up only about 1% of all dislocations, but they have a multifactorial etiology, including polyethylene wear and soft-tissue laxity, which leads to a higher recurrent dislocation rate. Dislocation can be a complex interplay between medical, patient, and implant factors. The use of larger femoral heads has been shown to reduce the incidence of dislocation by improving the primary arc of motion and allowing a greater amount of translation before dislocation occurs. At the time of primary surgery, great attention should be paid to the adequate restoration of femoral offset to restore soft-tissue tension and abductor efficiency, acetabular inclination and version, femoral version, and to ensure there are no issues with soft-tissue or bony impingement. These are all surgical factors that can predispose to dislocation. Some of the most difficult patients to manage are those with poor compliance to hip precautions postoperatively. Poor compliance is common in patients with active alcoholism/drug abuse, certain psychiatric disturbances, and confusional states. This highlights the importance of appropriate patient selection preoperatively and anticipating problems postoperatively. Whether the patient is likely to encounter issues with compliance or not, the importance of patient education preoperatively and postoperatively cannot be overemphasized, as most dislocations occur in the early postoperative period.

The treatment of early dislocations is often nonoperative unless a significant causative problem has been identified necessitating early revision surgery. The treatment of late or recurrent dislocations depends on the etiology of the dislocation. Common causes of late dislocation include polyethylene wear, abductor insufficiency, and component malposition. All of these causes of late dislocation, barring abductor insufficiency, are best treated with revision surgery. The choice of revision surgery is, however, less apparent if the etiology of the dislocation is unknown or multifactorial. The revision surgery options include the use of a posterior lip augmentation device (PLAD) attached to a polyethylene cup, the use of a constrained liner or exchange of an existing liner, and complete revision involving re-implantation of new implants for malpositioned components which have caused dislocation. Other surgical options include the use of bi- or tripolar arthroplasty, soft tissue reinforcement/augmentation with synthetic materials, and greater trochanter advancement. Prevention is always better than cure, and so the focus of every surgeon should be on appropriate preoperative planning, attention to intraoperative technique, and postoperative patient education, and counseling to reduce the risk of dislocation.


Periprosthetic fractures and revision surgery

The incidence of periprosthetic fractures reported in a large study of both cemented and uncemented primary hip replacements was 0.3% and 5.4%, respectively. It is also reported the incidence of intraoperative fracture to be 3.6% in cemented and 20.9% in uncemented revision THAs. Periprosthetic fractures are often complex and may require complex surgical intervention. The treatment of these fractures depends on several factors: fracture location, implant stability, existing bone stock, patient age and comorbid status, and the surgeon’s experience. The most commonly used classification system is the Vancouver classification. This system has three types (A–C) based on fracture location, fixing of the femoral stem, and surrounding periprosthetic bone quality:

  • Type A: Fractures involving the trochanteric region
  • Type B: Fractures around or just distal to the femoral stem

Type B1: Fracture where the femoral implant is well fixed

Type B2: Loose femoral implant with good surrounding bone stock

Type B3: Loose femoral implant with severe loss of periprosthetic bone stock

  • Type C: Fractures that are so far below the stem that the treatment is independent of the hip replacement

Infection as a cause of implant loosening/instability, resulting in fracture, must be excluded prior to revision surgery. Infection is excluded through serum inflammatory markers and microbiology assessment via a hip aspiration or tissue biopsy. If preoperatively a culture-positive result is found then the revision surgery of choice is a two-stage revision, with the insertion of a cement spacer during the first stage whilst fracture union occurs.

Studies have shown that augmentation with one anteriorly placed strut graft, or just two strut grafts has a lower failure rate when compared to fixation with a cable plate alone. An exception to this rule is a B1 fracture through the cement mantle involving a polished tapered stem. In this case, we would recommend revision over fixation. With this type of fracture the stability and integrity of the cement mantle are lost, and even with an anatomical reduction, it is difficult to restore a good prosthesis-cement interface, which is essential to maintain the taper slip principle. As a result, there is a greater risk that these stems undergo excessive subsidence if fixation is used in preference of stem revision.

Treatment involves bypassing the fracture site with a longer femoral stem, which bypasses by at least two canal diameters. The use of this stem augmented with strut grafts is the treatment of choice and has been shown to yield better outcomes.

These cases are difficult to treat and often require the use of an allograft-prosthetic-composite revision, a tumor prosthesis, or a customized implant.

These fractures are treated independently of the hip replacement by open reduction and internal fixation as for a distal femoral fracture.


Failure of resurfacing hip arthroplasty

The commonest cause for the failure of resurfacing hip arthroplasties is their MoM articulation. Elevated serum metal ions and local tissue toxicity with metalosis are frequently seen with MoM hip replacements, including resurfacing arthroplasties. These soft tissue reactions occur as a result of a localized inflammatory response to metal debris. Progressive soft-tissue damage can compromise the results of revision surgery, and so some surgeons advocate early revision of poorly performing MoM hip prostheses. In an asymptomatic patient, there are no proven adverse clinical consequences to these findings. However, concerns still exist regarding the long-term outcome of elevated serum metal ions and this in itself can lead to revision. A recent example of a failed hip resurfacing is that of the DePuy ASR hip resurfacing arthroplasty, a fourth-generation hip, which first became available in 2003 for use outside of the United States. In August 2010 the ASR was recalled by DePuy following device alerts from the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Data from the 2010 NJR of England and Wales revealed a much higher than expected five-year revision rate of approximately 12%. The risk of revision was found to be greater with smaller head sizes (less than 50 mm in diameter) and with female patients. Problems with the DePuy ASR were that the shell deformed on press fit and was less than a full hemisphere, causing increased edge loading, which led to much metal debris and subsequent soft-tissue changes discussed. Monitoring of the serum ion levels (cobalt and chromium) and an MRI scan are recommended to evaluate patients with MoM hip prostheses. If there is the persistent or progressive elevation of serial serum ion levels and features of soft-tissue changes on MRI scan (soft-tissue reactions, collections, or pseudotumors/masses), then revision surgery should be strongly considered. Femoral neck fractures are another complication in resurfacing arthroplasty, accounting for 64% of all the complications in one multicentre study. The reported incidence, however, ranges from 0.4% to 1.64% and mostly occurring in the first year postoperatively. Early revision of a resurfacing arthroplasty with a fractured femoral neck to a stemmed implant can be undertaken if the socket is well fixed. The conversion to a THR of a hip resurfacing, due to failure on the femoral side, is comparable to a primary hip replacement in terms of surgical effort, safety, and early clinical outcomes. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head and neck thinning has rarely been reported following resurfacing arthroplasty. Some studies have reported a low incidence of avascular necrosis as a cause of implant failure and needed for revision at a mean of 3 years. The choice of surgical approach has been proposed as a theoretical link to the development of avascular necrosis, and so some surgeons opt to perform resurfacing arthroplasty via a direct lateral or surgical dislocation approach rather than a posterior approach.


Evaluation of the Failed Hip Replacement

As with any clinical problem, evaluation began with a thorough history and focused clinical examination. Remember that the hip or thigh pain experienced may be referred, and so adjacent joints should always be examined. Always examine for common orthopedic causes of groin pain, such as a hernia. Plain radiographs of the hip (AP and lateral views) can help focus the differential diagnosis and give a great deal of insight into the potential problem with the hip replacement. When plain radiographs appear normal but a high index of suspicion remains clinically, or greater clarity is needed, then further imaging is often appropriate. The type of imaging modality to use is case dependent and dependent upon the working diagnosis of the failed hip replacement. Commonly used imaging modalities include CT, MRI (including the use of metal artifact reduction sequences), and nuclear medicine scans, such as bone scans and leucocyte-labeled scans. There exists a definite need to exclude infection as part of the evaluation of a painful or failed THR. This is covered in detail later in this chapter, but it includes the use of laboratory investigations (white cell count, C-reactive protein [CRP], erythrocyte sedimentation rate [ESR]) and often an aspiration arthrography of the hip. One study also considers a method of evaluating polyethylene wear prospectively with radiostereometric analysis. It involves the insertion of radiopaque tantalum beads into the bone around the prosthetic components and following the position of the components relative to the beads over time. An immediate postoperative radiograph is taken to record the bead positioning. Serial radiographs are then taken over time to further evaluate the position of the prosthesis relative to the tantalum beads. Although it is considered very accurate, the main limitations of radiostereometric analysis are that it is expensive, is surgeon-dependent, and can only be used prospectively.


Surgical Approaches

An ideal approach to utilize would be one which provides adequate exposure to both components, protects neurovascular structures, minimizes bone and soft-tissue devitalization, and allows for the extension of the approach, as necessary. However, the choice and extent of surgical approach in the revision context depend upon several factors: the indication for the revision, previous surgical approach, surgeon experience, and the presence of acetabular or femoral bone loss. Utilization of prior incisions from primary surgery is recommended, if possible, in order to avoid “railroad track” scars with the potential risk of devitalizing surrounding skin, leading to skin necrosis. Interestingly, lateral skin incisions can migrate over time, and occasionally the old scar can be utilized in the revision incision if skin laxity permits the correct facial incision and relevant approach to the hip joint beneath. The revision hip surgeon needs to be au fait with all surgical approaches to the hip. The approaches most commonly used for revision hip arthroplasty include the posterior, anterolateral, and transtrochanteric approaches. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages in the context of revision hip surgery.

The advantages of a posterior approach include a good circumferential acetabular exposure, no disturbance of the abductor mechanism, a lower rate of heterotrophic ossification, and the ease of proximal and distal extension.


The main disadvantage is the associated higher risk of dislocation than other approaches due to loss of posterior capsule and short external rotators or inadequate acetabular component anteversion. The anterolateral approach has a higher incidence of heterotrophic ossification and abductor weakness. The abductor weakness can occur either through damage to the superior gluteal nerve or through the failure of adequate abductor reattachment, especially when leg lengthening is necessary. The anterolateral approach is also much less extensile than the posterior approach. The extended trochanteric osteotomy (ETO) is very useful in revision surgery when there is a need to remove well-fixed cemented and uncemented femoral stems. A posterior approach to the hip is extended distally along the posterolateral aspect of the femoral shaft. The vastus lateralis is elevated subperiosteally, leaving a small cuff at its insertion to the linea aspera to prevent retraction of perforators beyond the intermuscular septum. The perforating vessels are ligated or cauterized. Along osteotomy along the exposed posterior aspect of the femur, just anterolateral to the linea aspera, extending from the greater trochanter to a level on the femoral diaphysis, determined by preoperative templating, is performed. Care should be taken not to devitalize the trochanteric fragments by stripping it of its muscle attachments and therefore blood supply. Once the unicortical distal and posterior cuts are made, a narrow osteotome is used to perforate the anterior femoral cortex through the vastus lateral. Curved osteotomes are then inserted through the posterior osteotomy site to detach the bone fragment by fracturing the remaining bone along the anterior osteotomy line. Weight-bearing may have to be restricted following an ETO until the osteotomized bone heals. One cadaveric study demonstrated a reduction of torsional strength and energy required for a fracture to occur following an ETO, even after stem insertion and repair of the osteotomy. The transtrochanteric approach, once very popular for primary hip arthroplasty, has now gone out of vogue and is now rarely used in either the primary or revision hip context. It is occasionally used in revision arthroplasties to facilitate the removal of well-fixed femoral components and to enhance acetabular exposure. There are various techniques for trochanteric reattachment and fixation. We recommended fixation of a trochanteric osteotomy with a greater trochanteric claw plate with cerclage cables as a successful method of reattachment and fixation. Repair of an ETO with cerclage wires only is satisfactory if the confluence of gluteus medius and vastus lateralis is undisturbed and a sufficiently long and intact ETO fragment remains.



Removal of Implants

Removal of the hip implants begins with careful preoperative planning. This preoperative planning should involve radiological review and patient case note review and ensure that any specialized removal equipment required will be available. Good-quality AP and lateral hip radiographs (+/– Judet views of the acetabulum) are necessary. It is essential that the surgeon has the details of the implant manufacturer, size of implants, type of locking mechanism for the liner, and type of screw heads if used, and this can often be found from implant record labels in the patient case notes. It is better to be overprepared for these cases with backup plans if your primary plan fails. All eventualities that could be encountered should be planned for and related specialized removal equipment and/or manufacturer company representative available to the surgeon. The goals of implant removal are to achieve safe removal with no or little complication and to minimize bone loss. This is because the success of revision hip surgery to a great extent relies upon the quality of host bone remaining following implant removal. The removal of implants is on a spectrum of difficulty, with some removal being incredibly straightforward in some cases to other cases where removal is very technically demanding. There is always the potential for causing or worsening existing bone loss and fracture during removal of implants.


Removal of uncemented acetabular cups

In a cementless cup augmented with screws, remove the liner first to visualize the floor of the cup. Many acetabular liners have locking mechanisms that may require specialized tools or techniques for removal. In other cases, it may be possible to use a small lever behind the rim to pry the liner out of place. If a polyethylene liner has been used then a screw advanced through it will disengage the liner, when the screw tip touches the metal shell. Once the floor of the cup is visualized, any screws, used to augment the cup initially, can be removed. Removal of an uncemented shell can be done using either the explant system (Explant Acetabular Removal System, Zimmer, Warsaw, IN) or curved osteotomes, as described below. The explant system uses a curved blade, specific to the diameter of the shell, which is attached to a rotating handle device that is centered in the liner by a head component of appropriate size. First, a short blade is used to open up the interface between host bone and shell and then a full-length curved blade is used to release the implant from surrounding bone completely. When used the explant system appropriately enables removal of most cups fairly easily with negligible (often just a sliver of) periprosthetic bone during implant removal.


Removal of cemented acetabular cups

Removal of a cemented cup can occur following good circumferential acetabular exposure to delineate the polyethylene, and cement and bone interfaces fully. Curved osteotomes are inserted at the implant-cement interface and used to mobilize the cup. The use of these specialized osteotomes at the implant-cement interface is to preserve as much underlying bone stock as possible. Once the cup has been fully mobilized circumferentially, it can be levered out of the cement mantle gently. The remaining cement is then removed piecemeal with the use of curved narrow osteotomes. Alternatively, in a loose cup, a threaded extractor can be used to remove the implant by attaching it into the polyethylene cup through a drill hole. The cup is gently levered out at its loose cement-bone interface.


Removal of cemented femoral stems and cement

The key principles in the removal of cemented stems are first to remove the stem, followed by the cement mantle, and to preserve periprosthetic bone stock. Once the femoral component is adequately exposed, the focus is on the removal of cement and soft tissue from the proximal and lateral aspects of the femur (the shoulder of the prosthesis). This is achieved through a combination of gouges and osteotomes. The purpose of this clearance is to allow for stem extraction. If a curved stem has been used, then it is essential to remove cement beyond the shoulder up to the point where the lateral stem border becomes straight before attempting stem removal. Attempting stem removal before this step greatly risks an iatrogenic fracture. When extracting the stem, it is best to place your instruments at the implant-cement interface and work outwards from there. This will help to preserve the periprosthetic bone. Following implant extraction, the focus moves to the removal of the remaining cement. This is performed by slowly and meticulously working at the cement-bone interface, using long cement-splitting chisels and gouges. Initially, the cement mantle is split radially at multiple points, followed by elevation of the individual fragments from the bone using gouges. This can be particularly time-consuming but is an important bone-preserving technique when correctly performed. If textured or precoated cement stems have been used then these can be extracted by either loosening the stem from the cement using osteotomes from above or an ETO. Alternative cement removal techniques include using high energy ultrasound (OSCAR) directed at the cement mantle, which heats and softens the polymethylmethacrylate) (PMMA), with little damage to the cortical bone. Our preferred technique involves using the manual technique described above for removal of the cement mantle. This prevents thermal necrosis of the inner bone lining and potentially facilitates better incorporation of a cementless stem. The distal cement plug is removed by drilling carefully through it and then threading a T-handle plug extractor through it. Once the plug is removed, reverse-cutting cement removal osteotomes are used to remove the remaining cement from below upwards through the femoral canal.


Removal of uncemented femoral stems

Osteointegration can make removal of uncemented stems challenging. Removal of proximally coated uncemented stems is usually achieved using long, thin, flexible osteotomes from above. The difficulty with extraction can arise where the distal portion of the stem has a rough surface with bone growth. In these cases or those with fully coated stems, we would recommend an ETO to facilitate safe removal and reduce the risk of fracture.


Acetabular Reconstruction: Management of Bone Loss

The use of a bone allograft is successful in reconstituting both femoral and acetabular bone loss in revision hip surgery, championed by the work of those in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, and from Exeter, England. Impaction allografting of bone involves progressive compaction of morselized cancellous bone chips into the femoral canal or acetabular cavity, followed by implant cementation. Bone used for impaction allografting most commonly comes from a live donor’s whole femoral head, taken at the time of primary surgery. It is essential that bone used to come only from donors who have been subjected to relevant microbiological and serological tests, including blood-borne viruses such as hepatitides B and C and HIV.


Impaction bone grafting of the acetabulum

Firm impaction of the bone graft chips into a contained acetabular defect is the original technique of impaction bone grafting. Impaction is achieved with impactors of different sizes. An alternative technique of reverse-reaming of the graft slurry into a contained defect was tested in vitro and found to have suboptimal initial stability when compared to the original technique. The application of this technique is particularly attractive in young patients as one can reconstitute bone stock. In a series of 28 hips in patients less than 50 years, the 20-year survival rate was 80%, with acetabular revision for any reason as the endpoint, and 91% with acetabular revision because of aseptic loosening as the endpoint. A prerequisite for success in impaction bone grafting is a contained and stable acetabular cavity. This is because movement or shear forces will produce graft resorption and loosening. Acetabular rim and medial wall mesh cages are examples of containing devices that are designed to convert uncontained defects into contained defects. The medial wall mesh is unsurprisingly used to cover medial wall defects and prevents graft migration into the pelvic cavity. If peripheral segmental defects are present, then these can be converted to a contained defect by the application of a stainless steel mesh that needs to be securely fixed to the outer wall of the ilium with screws. The function of the mesh is to contain the graft and to produce a stable platform of particulate bone to support the cemented socket whilst revascularisation, and graft incorporation occurs. With larger acetabular defects a metal reconstruction cage (e.g., Burch–Schneider cage) can be fixed to the pelvis with multiple screws to augment graft stability. The cage helps to contain the graft and prevents motion between the graft and the acetabular component.



An all-polyethylene acetabular component can be cemented into the cage with favorable results up to 12 years. However, there have been reported failure rates of 40% at 2- to 9-year follow-ups.


Revision of uncemented acetabular components

When faced with tackling a revision of an uncemented acetabular component in the context of periprosthetic bone loss. Common options used for revision include hemispherical cups, metal augments, and custom-made cups.

When revising the acetabulum, the remaining periprosthetic bone stock is often inadequate or sclerotic and may prevent optimal bone cement micro interlock. Secure fixation of uncemented hemispherical acetabular components requires intimate contact between the implant and viable bone, as well as mechanical stability. The amount of host bone required to provide durable fixation is unknown, but most surgeons agree that 50%–60% coverage of the shell is necessary. The ability to augment fixation with screws allows for its use in the presence of bone deficiency and has seen good results. In select cases with severe bone loss, the placement of the component at a high hip center has not been found to be detrimental at a follow-up of minimum 15 years in one study. The longterm results of uncemented porous-coated cups in revision surgery have shown good results regarding re-revision rates.

Oblong or bilobed uncemented cups have been used in cases of extensive superior bone loss where hemispherical components would not achieve stability. The results are variable in the midterm for the bilobed cup from 0% to 24% failure rates. In a series with an average follow-up of 9 years, the oblong cup remained in situ without further revision in 93% of the cases.

Cups made from porous tantalum have been used to achieve stability in type 3 acetabular defects as an alternative to bone grafting and cages. Trabecular metal augments act as a structural allograft, increasing the contact surface area with the host bone and are a more stable option with less risk of fatigue failure than reconstructive cages with allografts. Structural allografts have poor results due to the failure of incorporation, graft resorption, and construct migration. The advantage of these cups is that acetabular deficiencies can be independently addressed and reconstructed, providing initial stability and potentially long-term biologic fixation to host bone.


Femoral Reconstruction

The cemented femoral revision provides immediate implant stability and allows for early weight-bearing postoperatively. It also has the added advantage that the cement can be impregnated with antibiotics if revision is for infection. When new third-generation cementing techniques are used studies have shown only a 10% re-revision rate at 11 years. When revising the femur, the endosteal surface is often sclerotic and so allows for minimal micro-interlock of cement. To deal with this issue of poorer fixation, long-stem prostheses can be used to bypass any proximal bone loss and are involved in the primary surgery. The use of a long stem allows for distal fixation in virgin bone that was not involved in the primary surgery. However, it is difficult to pressurize cement with long stems adequately, and if they loosen there will be a greater loss of femoral bone stock than with the failed primary, making re-revision surgery even more complex. A 10-year survival of 91% using long, tapered, polished cemented stems for revision for aseptic loosening has been reported, but with 70% survival when mechanical failure was used as an endpoint. If when the femoral component is removed, the cement mantle is well preserved and the cement-bone interface is good, then cemented revision can be performed. This technique involves cementing the new revision prosthesis onto the existing cement mantle.


The technique involves the insertion and firm impaction of cancellous bone graft chips into the femoral bony, either by hand or by using instrument systems such as the X-Change system (DePuy, Warsaw, IN). Most systems use cannulated impactors that pass over a threaded rod, which inserts into the distal canal-restricting plug Impaction grafting of the femur was first used detailed in uncemented stem revision.



The commonest complication of impaction grafting of the femur is a femoral fracture. The impaction process creates significant hoop stresses in the femur, which can precipitate an iatrogenic fracture. To reduce the risk of fracture, it is critical to locate femoral defects and areas of the ectatic cortex, which might require reinforcement with strut allografts or wire mesh. In vitro studies have shown that the mechanical stability of an impacted graft is related to its compaction. Excessive stem subsidence is another common complication, which is associated with thigh pain, aseptic loosening, and later dislocation. The original technique describes using a polished double-tapered stem where subsidence is considered to be beneficial and integral to the success of the technique.



Reconstitution of the femoral bone stock has been shown to occur in the majority of those patients who have undergone cemented impaction grafting. One large study found the femoral reoperation rate to be 1% at ten years when symptomatic aseptic loosening was used as the endpoint.


Uncemented femoral revision

There are numerous uncemented stems with differing design philosophy and different revision surgical techniques. Hence the results are not the same, and the revision surgeon needs to think carefully about which implant and technique would be appropriate in each case. Some prostheses depend on proximal fixation, whilst others require distal osteointegration to achieve long-term stability. At the time of revision surgery the femoral metaphyseal bone is often deficient and sclerotic, so osteointegration of proximally porous-coated stems is much more difficult to achieve in the revision setting compared to their use as a primary prosthesis. The poorer quality metaphyseal bone makes it difficult to achieve intimate bone contact and implant stability. In principle, one would think that a proximal ingrowth design stem should transfer the mechanical load to the proximal femur and increase bone stock through remodeling. However, early designs of these stems showed poor results with high subsidence rates. The design of these stems has evolved, with new modern prostheses such as the S-ROM which relies on combined metaphyseal and diaphyseal support for stability with better results. The modularity of this system and similar systems allow the surgeon to assemble the components intraoperatively and establish the exact hip center. Extensively porous-coated implants that achieve distal stability and bypass the deficient proximal bone have shown reliable results. The aim with these implants is to obtain a scratch fit over a 5–7 cm segment of healthy distal femoral bone. However, poorer survivorship has been reported in those where the cortical bone damage extends greater than 10 cm below the lesser trochanter. The problems with extensively coated stems are stress shielding of the proximal femur and thigh pain. A low degree of proximal bone loss and thigh pain is seen with hydroxyapatite (HA)-coated stems in revision surgery but with good long-term results. Also, a low degree of distal bone hypertrophy was seen, suggesting a physiological weight distribution across both the proximal and distal portions of the stem to the femur.


Complications and Outcomes of Revision Surgery

It is imperative that the patient is appropriately counseled preoperatively regarding the indication, benefits, and risks of the proposed surgery. Ideally, this should be done before the day of surgery, as the stress and anxiety that a patient experiences on the day of surgery can cloud his or her judgment. Revision hip surgery is a major surgery with a higher incidence of the major complications associated with primary hip replacement. It is important to make patients understand that revision hip arthroplasty is a different procedure entirely from that of their primary surgery. There is the risk of potential major hemorrhage in some revision cases, and in addition to morbidity, there is also associated mortality. It is therefore critical that the patient has a full preoperative workup and a thorough anesthetic assessment before the day of surgery. One large population-based study found that, except for pulmonary embolism (PE), adverse outcomes were at least twice more common after revision than they were after primary surgery. The 90-day mortality rate after revision THR was 2.6% (0.5%–0.9% following primary THR), the risk of wound infection over that period was 0.95%, and the risk of hip dislocation was 8.4%. The 90-day mortality rate following revision hip arthroplasty was found to be almost double that of a comparable population group that had not undergone revision THR. The reason for this may be because with advancing age physiological reserves decrease, and so the risks of complications, including death, will increase with age. Venous thromboembolism is a risk for any patient undergoing lower limb arthroplasty. One of the rarest complications of THA (primary or revision) is that of a fatal pulmonary embolus. A study reviewed 1294 revision hip arthroplasty patients, 6 of whom died and PE was found to be the cause of death at postmortem in only one case. Thus they reported an incidence of 0.07% of fatal PE following revision hip arthroplasty. All orthopedic units should have a policy for venous thromboembolism prevention, usually in the form of mechanical and medical thromboprophylaxis. Dislocation following revision hip arthroplasty is also more common, with a reported incidence in the literature varying from 7% to 10%. One large study examined 1548 revision hip arthroplasty patients and found a dislocation rate of 7.4%. The most important risk factor for dislocation in the revision context is the extent of the soft-tissue dissection and emphasized the importance of achieving the correct soft-tissue tension to limit dislocation risk. Their study also suggested the use of modular acetabular components with an elevated rim to help reduce the dislocation risk.

Nerve injury is uncommon. However, as expected the sciatic nerve is the most commonly injured due to most revision arthroplasty now being carried out through a posterior approach. One experienced revision hip surgeon presented a personal series of 441 revision hip arthroplasties, reporting nine recognized cases of sciatic nerve injury in that patient group. Sciatic nerve injury is most commonly due to excessive tension on the nerve during revision surgery. It is paramount that the patient is informed of this uncommon complication preoperatively, as not only can it have significant sequelae but also can result in legal proceedings. Despite these complications, the outcome from revision hip arthroplasty is positive for the majority of patients. Most patients have relief or reduction in the symptoms which necessitated the surgery, and greater than 90% of those revised for infection will have eradication of infection.

As developments continue in revision hip surgery and greater knowledge and expertise is gained, it is clear that revision surgery will continue to become a more predictable procedure, with even better results and outcomes for both patients and surgeons.


Computer Navigation in Hip Arthroplasty


Total hip replacement arthroplasty is one of the most successful orthopedic operations performed, and the longevity of the implants depends on accurate component placement. Accurate component alignment is associated with reduced mechanical wear, dislocation, and revision surgery. Traditionally, accurate component alignment relies on the surgeon using jigs and referencing these from anatomical landmarks. However, this leads to wide variability in component position. Computer navigation systems aim to optimize component placement and optimize longevity.



Hip arthritis is a major cause of disability worldwide. Over the last 30 years, total hip replacement surgery has demonstrated significant clinical and commercial success. In the United States, more than 200,000 total hip replacements are performed annually, a figure set to rise as the population ages. Most implants have shown good long-term results with a high level of patient satisfaction. The results are improving due to better implant designs, materials, and manufacturing and better patient education. Computer-assisted navigation and robotic positioning have been pioneered by Professor Justin Cobb and his team at the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and academic orthopedic surgery at Imperial College London. His department is at the center of a revolution in orthopedics, optimizing hip and knee replacement function through accurate and precise 3D positioning. The key to the success of a total hip replacement is accurate alignment and stability of the components; a poorly aligned acetabular cup increases the risk of dislocation, reduces the range of motion, and can also accelerate component wear, leading to early prosthesis failure. It can also result in impingement, osteolysis and leg length discrepancy. It is difficult to accurately predict acetabular and femoral component alignment in some patients and complex and revision cases. The measurement of acetabular component position from plain radiographs can also be inaccurate. Orthopedic procedures dealing with a non-deformable tissue such as bone are suitable for computerized guidance based on preoperatively and intraoperatively obtained images. Computerized assisted surgery can take some forms ranging from active and semi-active robotic systems, which rely at least in part on the robot performing part of the procedure, to the more passive navigation system, which does not perform any part of the procedure. Navigation systems work by providing information and guiding surgeons using conventional tools to perform the surgery, and we have previously described the role of navigation in hip arthroplasty, knee arthroplasty, and osteotomies. Navigation in total hip arthroplasty has been developed to allow proper placement of the acetabular component, measurement of limb length changes, enablement of minimally invasive surgery, and proper placement of components for hip resurfacing procedures. Hip arthroplasty is suited to computer navigation as specific targets for component positioning have been defined. The orientation of the acetabular component is probably the most important factor in successful hip arthroplasty, and not surprising, computer-assisted navigation for acetabular positioning has received the most attention in the literature. A “safe zone” for acetabular cup positioning is 5?–25? degrees of anteversion and 30?–50? of inclination. Components positioned outside this range were approximately four times more likely to dislocate.


Limitations of Conventional Alignment Jigs

Most surgeons use intraoperative alignment jigs to place the acetabular component referencing the position of the patient on the operating table. In the lateral position vertical orientation of the cup is usually judged from the floor and anteversion from the patient’s superior shoulder. However, it is now known that the exact position of the patient’s pelvis on the table is difficult to judge with drapes, particularly in obese patients. Additional technical challenges include dysplasia and altered patient anatomy, the absence of usual landmarks as commonly encountered in revision cases, poor surgical exposure and obscured view with hemorrhage. The surgeon should not assume that the orientation of the pelvis is in line with the table or the patient’s body. In the lateral position, the lumbar lordotic curve flattens, and the pelvis may be flexed forward by as much as 35?. Also, the superior aspect of the acetabulum may be tilted towards the foot of the table by 10?–15?. This means that cups placed with alignment jigs may be excessively retroverted and too vertical. Digioiavcfurther demonstrated the high variability of mechanical acetabular alignment guides in the lateral position. They found significant variability in pelvic orientation resulting in unacceptable alignment in 78% of acetabular components that had been placed with mechanical alignment guides. The conventional instruments are largely similar between manufacturers and have not changed significantly over the past 30 years. Using conventional instruments to guide implant placement can result in a malposition, even in experienced hands.


Types of Computer Navigation Systems

Following advances in 3D sensor technology, it became possible to develop computer navigation systems. These systems have been in use in hip arthroplasty since the 1990s. Navigation systems use optical or magnetic sensors to determine and track the 3D position of bones, surgical instruments, and implants. The preoperative or intraoperative data obtained allows the system to build a 3D model of the pelvis to guide component placement. The imaging systems that are used during computer-assisted navigation surgery can be divided into image-based and imageless systems. Image-based systems require the collection of morphological information by preoperative computerized tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans or using intraoperative fluoroscopy. Imageless systems use a virtual anatomical model which is embedded in the software and is supplemented by intraoperative registration data of anatomical landmarks. The most common means of doing this is using infrared light-emitting diodes or reflective markers on surgical instruments and at bony anatomical landmarks, including the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle. Infrared cameras that are coupled with an emitter and the navigation computer track the movement of the markers; however, an uninterrupted line of sight must be maintained. The line of sight does not appear to be a problem with magnetic sensors, although they are less commonly used, as electromechanical devices in the operation theatre may interfere with their accuracy. Imageless systems appear to the most popular systems in clinical use, judging by our experience and the published literature on navigation. The accuracy, however, depends on the ability to identify bony landmarks, and this may be limited by soft-tissue thickness. Image-guided systems are more accurate but involve preoperative planning, associated costs, and radiation.


Computer Navigation in Total Hip Arthroplasty

Total hip replacements are being performed in younger and more active patients, and there is a need to improve the accuracy of the surgical technique to optimize the survival and function of implants. Computer-assisted or computer-navigated surgery provides the means to allow this more accurate placement of implants. There are some navigated systems available. An increasing number of commercial navigation options are now available, usually designed by implant manufacturers to be used solely with their systems. These systems develop a 3D model of the patient’s pelvis and map the position of the surgeon’s instruments about this model and are used to guide component positioning. Computer navigation of the acetabular component first requires registration of anatomical landmarks so that the computer can determine where the pelvis lies in space. This is usually done by registering the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle. By referencing these landmarks, the anterior pelvic plane is created, which is used for referencing cup position. For imageless systems, registration is accomplished with optical trackers mounted to the pelvis. An optical pointer is then used to register the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle either through small incisions or simply by palpation and then registration of the soft tissue directly over the anatomical landmark. For imageless systems, the registration part of the process is usually done while the patient is supine to access the opposite anterior superior iliac spine. The patient can then be turned to the lateral decubitus position, which can be a problem when there is an optical tracker mounted to the pelvis. The transverse acetabular ligament has also been used as a reference point to assist in determining the true version plane of the acetabulum. The transverse acetabular ligament is the part of the acetabular labrum that bridges the acetabular notch and is often used as a reference point for cup version by surgeons using a freehand technique. When the transverse acetabular ligament is registered along with the superior aspect of the acetabulum, the result is the creation of a true acetabular inlet plane. In this method, 82% of the acetabular components were placed within the safe abduction zone, and 71% were placed within the anteversion safe zone, as defined by Lewinnek. Suksathien compared the acetabular component positioning and the operative time in two consecutive groups of short-stem cementless total hip replacements performed with and without navigation. According to the criteria of Lewinnek, 100% of the navigated hips were in the safe zone for both abduction and anteversion compared to 48.4% of the non-navigated hips. The mean operative time was 110.67 and 107.09 minutes for the navigated and nonnavigated groups, respectively, and this difference was not significant. There are studies; however, that did not find any difference in inclination and anteversion between navigation and traditional total hip replacements. Leg length discrepancy following total hip replacement can contribute to poor hip function. Abnormal gait, pain, neurological dysfunction, and patient dissatisfaction have all been described as a result of leg length inequality. Manzotti showed that significantly better leg lengths could be achieved using a computer-navigated system compared to freehand techniques. However, this study failed to show any significant difference in functional outcome between the two groups. Ogawa retrospectively compared leg length discrepancy in 30 navigated total hip replacements with 40 conventional total hip replacements using a simple manual measurement device. The postoperative discrepancy was not significantly different between the two groups; it was 3.0 mm (range 0 to 8 mm) in the navigated group and 2.9 mm (range 0 to 10 mm) in the conventional group. Xu conducted a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials looking at computer navigation in total hip replacements and reviewed 13 studies that met their inclusion criteria. They found statistically significant differences between navigated and conventional total hip replacements in the number of acetabular cups implanted beyond the safe zone and operative and leg length discrepancy. No significant differences, however, in cup inclination, anteversion, incidences of postoperative dislocation, or deep vein thrombosis were found. This concluded that the use of computer navigation improved the precision of acetabular cup placement by decreasing outliers and decreasing leg length discrepancy. Minimally invasive surgery would appear to be the ideal technique to utilize the accuracy of electronic navigation. The smaller operative field naturally makes component positioning more difficult with freehand techniques.


Computer Navigation in Total Hip Resurfacing

Hip resurfacing has a place as a bone-conserving alternative to total hip arthroplasty in the young and active adult with the degenerative hip disease. The larger head diameters offer greater postoperative stability and may decrease wear rates. However, hip resurfacing is inherently more difficult to perform than traditional total hip arthroplasty because of the limited femoral resection that makes the acetabular visualization more difficult. Preparing the acetabulum before addressing the femoral head creates limitations regarding exposure and mobilization of tissues, thus posing a technical challenge to the surgeon and increasing the risk of component malalignment. The orientation of the acetabular component is probably the most important factor in successful hip resurfacing. It has been shown that increasing the inclination of the acetabular component above 55? in hip resurfacing leads to an edge-loading effect with a much greater release of metal ions. Elevated serum metal ions have been associated with the local pseudo-tumor formation and have unknown systemic effects that may include carcinogenic potential. Errors in component positioning during the surgeon’s learning curve are common in hip resurfacing. Navigation of the acetabular cup in hip resurfacing follows an identical procedure to total hip arthroplasty. Imageless navigation in hip resurfacing has been shown to help avoid component malposition during the surgeon’s learning curve. There is a risk of femoral neck fracture associated with hip resurfacing, with a prevalence reported from 0% to 17%. Among other factors, several studies have suggested that notching of the superolateral aspect of the femoral neck and varus placement of the femoral component increases the likelihood of femoral neck fracture. Preparation of the femoral side is, therefore, an attractive target for computer guidance. The key step for navigated preparation of the femoral side is the guidewire insertion into the femoral head to determine implant orientation. Online display of the actual wire position in three dimensions allows for immediate correction and best match with the preplanned pin alignment. The wire is then over-drilled and replaced by the instrumentation guide for femoral head preparation. Navigation has been shown to improve femoral implant position. A meta-analysis based on seven studies, 520 patients, and 555 hip resurfacing arthroplasties concluded that computer navigation systems make the femoral component positioning in hip resurfacing arthroplasty easier and more precise.


Limitations of Computer Navigation Systems

There is an increasing body of evidence, including randomized controlled trials, meta-analyses, and systematic reviews, that has been published on navigated hip arthroplasty. The most consistent finding from these studies is that computer navigation improves the accuracy of acetabular cup positioning and minimizes outliers in both total hip arthroplasty and hip resurfacing. The accuracy of femoral component placement in hip resurfacing can also be improved with navigation and errors, during the surgeon’s learning curve minimized. Computer navigation is not a new concept or technology and has been around since the 1990s. Despite greater availability, the use of these systems is limited, and uptake has been slow as they are perceived to be cumbersome, time-consuming, and costly. There is a general reluctance of the surgical community to accept navigation as a routine part of the arthroplasty process. Experienced surgeons can be reluctant to change tried and tested methods. However, there is substantial evidence that computerized systems can improve component positioning as compared to freehand techniques. If we assume that optimal component positioning leads to better outcomes, it is logical to predict a resurgence in interest in computer-navigated hip arthroplasty. The results of long-term clinical outcome studies comparing navigated against non-navigated hips are awaited. Computer navigation can improve the quality of prosthetic joint arthroplasty similar to the use of intraoperative fluoroscopy in fracture surgery. There are, however, various obstacles to performing computer-assisted surgery. Additional equipment is needed in the operation theatre, which may have to be modified. A technician may also be needed specifically for the navigation equipment. The additional navigation steps throughout the procedure add time to the case, which can be important from an anesthetic point of view and also concerning getting through the operating list. The surgical approach has to be considered carefully as imageless techniques require registration with the patient supine. The patient may then need to be repositioned into the lateral decubitus position. Personnel in the operation theatre need to think carefully about moving so as not to interrupt the line of sight of the sensors for imageless techniques. All systems increase the operative time. Both the additional equipment and the increase in operating time contribute to the extra immediate and ongoing cost of computer-navigated surgery. Some studies have reported difficulty in accurately registering the pelvis using imageless navigation systems. These factors are limiting a more widespread uptake of navigation.



Although there is proven improvement in the accuracy of component alignment with navigation, this has not yet been conclusively shown to translate to better functional results and improved survival of the implants. Long-term studies with large numbers will be needed to demonstrate this before navigation, and its limitations become more readily accepted.


Minimally Invasive Total Hip Replacement



Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is one of the most successful procedures introduced in the twentieth century. THA can be performed through a variety of different exposures. Sir John Charnley, who introduced cemented THA more than 40 years ago, championed the merits of transtrochanteric osteotomy through the lateral approach. He believed this approach not only provided excellent exposure of the acetabulum but also allowed the surgeon to restore the abductor mechanism by trochanteric advancement optimally. Unfortunately, complications such as trochanteric nonunion and heterotopic ossification (HO) were not uncommon, and today this approach is rarely required for primary reconstruction. Von Langenbach first described the posterior approach for total hip replacement (THR) in 1874. According to Tronzo, at least 13 distinct variations of the posterior approach to the hip have been described to date (including those by Kocher, Gibson, and Moore).


Most orthopedic surgeons prefer an anterior or posterior approach, usually through a skin incision of approximately 20– 25 cm. Development of a minimal-incision posterolateral approach to THR began in 1996. The rationale behind a mini-incision for THA is to reduce the operative time and intraoperative complications and improve recovery. Minimally invasive hip surgery is a poorly defined, heterogeneous group of procedures which aim to limit soft-tissue dissection in the insertion of a hip replacement. To date, interchangeable terms “minimally invasive” and “minimal incision” have added to the confusion. Some centers define minimal-incision surgery as having a wound less than 10 cm (Goldstein); however, most would argue that the underlying dissection is more critical and advocate the term “tissue-preserving THA” (Belsky). As a heterogeneous group then, a single definition is difficult. The minimum length of the incision that can be used without skin stretch is determined by the diameter of the acetabular component that is to be used. For the cup to be inserted without touching or stretching the skin edges, the length of the incision must be equal to at least half the cup circumference, because each skin flap must pass around one-half of the component. Based on an acetabular component diameter of 56 mm, Goldstein estimated that a 4-inch incision is required to avoid contact between the cup and the subcutaneous fat. Developments in surgical methods and instrumentation have allowed surgeons to reduce the length of the incision through which the operation is performed. Although at present the nomenclature and classification have not been finalized, we use the term “minimally invasive THA” for any procedure in which the incision and surgical access are modified in an attempt to reduce the tissue trauma associated with hip replacement. Most authors who have reported results in this field have used a wound of 10 cm or less, and this is emerging as the upper limit of incision length for minimally invasive surgery (MIS) hip replacement. Several different techniques for MIS hip replacement have been described, making it somewhat difficult to compare results between centers. The different techniques have recently been classified into two main groups: the minimal approaches and the micro minimal or two-incision approach. The minimal-incision approaches are small-incision modifications of the standard posterior, anterolateral, and anterior approaches used for THA. The minimal micro approach is a new development that utilizes intermuscular planes to gain access to the hip joint and avoids the conscious detachment of muscles and tendons. The underlying aim of MIS hip replacement has been to reduce the tissue trauma associated with THA, which, it is hoped, will confer benefits on both patients and healthcare providers, but unfamiliarity with the approaches also has the potential to increase complication rates, and this needs to be audited closely. In the sections below we set out the potential advantages and disadvantages that we believe MIS hip replacement may have over standard incision techniques and which form the basis for ongoing research being performed at Exeter on the minimally invasive hip replacement. The orthopedic literature is deficient in well-designed studies to support the clinical superiority of minimally invasive THA in the early postoperative period. Most of the available evidence is derived from retrospective cohort studies or personal case series from the pioneers of the minimally invasive approaches. Randomization was to undergo THA through either a standard 16 cm incision or a short incision of less than 10 cm. The authors concluded that minimally invasive THA performed through a single-incision posterior approach by a high-volume surgeon with extensive experience in less invasive approaches was safe and reproducible. The mini-incision group was found to include thinner and healthier patients than the standard-incision group.



Potential Advantages for the Patient

A reduction in tissue trauma associated with hip replacement has the potential to reduce blood loss and transfusion rates, to reduce postoperative pain, to hasten recovery of normal function, and to improve scar cosmesis. The cosmetic advantages to the patient are obvious, and they may play a major role in the introduction of MIS hip replacement into widespread use, particularly in health care systems in which market forces apply. Three studies have reported the positive attitude of patients towards the scars that result from MIS hip replacement, and indeed, one of these studies suggested that the cosmetic benefit may be the only clinical advantage of MIS hip replacement over standard incision techniques.


Potential Advantages to Health Care Providers

The introduction of minimal-incision methods into other fields of surgery has been associated with faster recovery times and a reduction in the length of hospital stay in the postoperative period. Surgeons face increasing pressure to reduce the costs of operations and the length of stay associated with each procedure. If MIS hip replacement is associated with a shorter hospital stay, then it is likely that increasing numbers of hip replacements will be done using smaller incisions. Two-incision MIS is less invasive, but fluoroscopy is required for reaming and proper placement of the acetabular cup, which is disadvantageous because of exposure to radiation. In the direct lateral approach, acetabular visualization is better, but there is difficulty in reaming the femur. The posterior approach is most favorable for MIS, but postoperative posterior dislocation is more common.

The potential disadvantages of these approaches include reduced visualization, a possible increased risk of neurovascular injury, and component malpositioning, thereby compromising the long-term results of an already successful procedure.

Patient Selection and Indications

Patients opting for THA with a low body mass index (BMI) (<30) and without any comorbidities are preferable. Indications for THR are degenerative arthritis, inflammatory arthritis, and avascular necrosis (AVN). But severe deformity and protrusion are avoided. Patients for revision, tumor, and congenital and developmental dysplasia of the hip are contraindicated. Patients with BMI >30 are a relative contraindication.


Instruments for Minimally Invasive Surgery

Direct Anterior Approach

The anterior approach uses the internervous plane between the femoral nerve (lateral border of the sartorius) and the superior gluteal nerve (medial border of the tensor fasciae latae [TFL]). The space between the TFL and the sartorius muscles is developed by splitting the fascia of the anterior TFL and then sliding medially. Access to the joint capsule is achieved through the interval between the TFL and gluteus medius muscles and the rectus femoris muscle of the quadriceps femoris. Because this approach requires no splitting of muscles or precise cutting of tendons, it is considered the optimal MIS-THA approach. According to its proponents, the direct anterior approach is the only true MIS-THA technique because the hip joint is closest to the anterior skin and the overlying fat tissue is thin in this part of the thigh.


An advantage of the anterior approach is that the operation is done with the patient in the supine position, which means that a bilateral procedure can be performed without any need for redraping or repositioning. Carefully selected and otherwise healthy patients may be candidates for simultaneous bilateral elective THA. To avoid transecting branches of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN), the skin incision is placed more laterally than in the traditional Smith–Petersen approach (see the images below). The proximal femur can be easily exposed by extending the incision distally, and proximal femur fractures are easy to access. In addition to the primary incision in line with the femoral neck, a distal lateral or a posterior superior accessory portal is created to allow the introduction of a reamer or a broach. Preparation of the femur can be difficult with this approach. The direct anterior approach has the advantage of preventing injury to muscles and their attachments to the pelvis and femur, thereby helping restore their normal tension and the dynamic muscular stabilization of the hip joint immediately after the procedure is completed. Patients do not require hip dislocation precautions postoperatively.


In cadaver studies, this assumption has not held true. The direct anterior approach seems to preserve the gluteus minimus muscle and tendon at the expense of increasing damage to the TFL and rectus femoris muscles. Damage to the gluteus minimus occurred in 8% of the cases, damage to the TFL in 31%, and damage to the head of the rectus femoris in 12%, whereas in 50%, the piriformis or the conjoined tendon had to be released to mobilise the femur anteriorly in preparation for the femoral rasps. The piriformis tendon was sectioned for enhanced visualization in muscular males. Surgeons do not routinely repair posterior structures if they release during the direct anterior approach. A potential disadvantage of the direct anterior approach is that it is more technically demanding and requires extensive knowledge of hip joint anatomy in the supine position. Additionally, the LFCN is at risk and, rarely, the femoral nerve. Potential complications associated with fracture table use include intraoperative femoral and ankle fractures. The major contraindications for direct anterior MIS-THA are related to previous acetabular fracture associated with posterior HO, pelvic deformity, or posterior acetabular defects for which extensive posterior access may be necessary.


Anterolateral Approach

In the anterolateral approach, the patient is placed in the lateral or supine position. To determine the surgical landmarks, the most proximal border of the greater trochanter and the anteroposterior midline of the greater trochanter are marked. The skin incision proceeds from the anterior tubercle of the greater trochanter and angles towards the anterior superior iliac spine. This approach uses the plane between the gluteus medius and the TFL and usually only requires elevation of the anterior third of the gluteus medius. Abductor muscle function is maintained, and the posterior capsule is left intact, and the hip is dislocated by flexion and external rotation and adduction of the limb. The anterolateral approach provides good visualization of the acetabulum. Compared with the direct lateral approach, it results in less abductor weakness; compared with the posterior approach, it yields lower dislocation rates. Sectioning of muscle and tendon or the greater trochanter is not required for implantation of components. The anterolateral approach places the superior gluteal nerve at risk during proximal dissection.


Posterior Approach

The posterior approach (also referred to as the posterolateral approach by some authors) is the workhorse for conventional THA.  An 8–10 cm incision is made over the posterior trochanter, the gluteus maximus, and the capsule. The dissection proceeds to the gluteus maximus fascia and the TFL. The TFL is incised laterally, and the fibers of the gluteus maximus muscle are split in line with the muscle fibers. The short external rotators (e.g., piriformis, superior gemellus, obturator internus, and inferior gemellus muscles) are elevated as a single flap from the femur and reflected posteriorly; this, along with the posterior hip capsule, is repaired at the completion of the operation. Posterior MIS-THA uses the same plane of dissection as the conventional posterior approach but is designed to minimize the soft tissue dissection. The gluteus maximus split should be kept to a minimum, and release of the gluteus maximus tendon insertion and quadratus femoris muscles should be avoided. The anterior capsular release is critical: releasing the anterior capsule facilitates femoral mobilization and easy delivery of the femur into a small wound. The following differences in muscle damage have been observed between posterior MIS-THA and conventional posterior THA:

  • In posterior MIS-THA, no incision is made in the TFL, the gluteus maximus muscle is split less than 6 cm, the gluteus maximus tendon is not released, and the quadratus femoris muscle is not released.
  • With the posterior MIS-THA, the femoral preparation is compromised about what it would be with conventional posterior THA because the quadratus femoris muscle is kept intact and the lesser trochanter is not visible, but the acetabular landmarks are the same and are in the visual field.
  • For both posterior MIS-THA and conventional posterior THA, meticulous posterior capsular closure with the short external rotator reattachment is critical. This repair reduces the risk of postoperative dislocation from 3% to 0.85%. Curved inserters facilitate correct acetabular cup positioning and help avoid a more vertical inclination of the acetabular component. Femoral components must be aligned with the posterior cortical bone of the femoral neck for the correct version, and the lateral edge of the stem must be under the tip of the greater trochanter to avoid a varus position. Posterior MIS-THA does result in less pain and better function in the first three months compared to conventional posterior THA. In gait studies, the posterior incision yields result equivalent to those of the anterior approach. The major disadvantage of the posterior approach is the cutting off of the external rotators of the joint and opening the posterior hip capsule (which may result in posterior hip dislocation). Intraoperative damage to the inferior gluteal nerve may lead to a limp as a result of the impaired abduction. In cadaver studies, abductor muscle damage occurred in every posterior MIS-THA despite direct visualization and placement of retractors to protect the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles.

A major factor in the pathogenesis of thromboembolic disease during THA is an intraoperative distortion of the femoral vein as a result of retraction and limb positioning, which is thought to be especially likely with any posterior approach.


Girdlestone Arthroplasty


Girdlestone resection arthroplasty is considered a salvage procedure mainly aimed at pain relief and control of infection, which results in 2 to 3 inches of limb shortening, and thus patients require a walking aid postoperatively.

Gathorne Girdlestone was born in Oxford, and he joined Sir Robert Jones to set up the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopedic Hospital at Oswestry. William and Charles Mayo met Sir Jones in 1906, and William thereafter published an article titled “Present- Day Surgery in England and Scotland” in Journal of the Minnesota Medical Association. William also observed that Sir Jones’s ability to use splints, plaster and alternative means for immobilization was particularly skillful and was impressed in his Sir Jones’s decisiveness, details of the operation, and treatment and thus considered it an ideal model of practice, which it is even today. Eventually, William and Charles did consider orthopedics as a legitimate and independent specialty. Finally, Sir Jones visited the Mayo Clinic in 1928 to establish guidelines for orthopedic education. Modern technological advancements in revision hip arthroplasty have revolutionized the treatment of failed primary total hip replacements, and hence the decision to undertake a Girdlestone procedure is taken as a last resort, as such patients have a high anesthetic and operative risk. Aspiration of hips postoperatively treated by Girdlestone arthroplasty for culture is particularly difficult, whereby surgeons can reassess for residual infection, which plays an important part before revision. This operation was originally used by Girdlestone (1945) to promote healing in cases of septic arthritis of the hip, thereby allowing free drainage and gradual obliteration of the cavity by granulation from its depths. Later the operation was used in non-infective cases as a primary treatment for osteoarthritis of the hip. With the advent of total hip arthroplasty, this procedure has mainly remained as a salvage procedure. Essentially the operation entails removal of the head and neck of the femur, along with excision of the superior lip of the acetabulum and interposition of soft tissue, essentially the gluteus medius muscle between the raw bones.



The patient is in the lateral position, with the affected hip uppermost. The patient is made more comfortable with the leg resting on a platform, just as in total hip arthroplasty. The hip is then opened up by a Gibson’s posterolateral incision, followed by splitting the gluteal aponeurosis and the fascia lata below, through the gluteus maximus proximally to the level of the greater trochanter. The hip joint is then exposed by detaching the gluteus medius and the short lateral rotators from the trochanter. Once the hip joint is thus exposed, all the affected pathology, such as the infected prosthesis from the femoral cavity and the acetabulum, the bone cement from the femoral canal, and the head and neck of the femur, resection of the upper lip of the acetabulum, implantation of soft tissues, and closure of the wound in layers are carried out. In some cases, the wound is closed with deep tension sutures and the skin with interrupted skin sutures. In certain selected cases, it may be preferable to leave a small polythelene tube beneath the muscle for drainage.


Postoperative Management

Dressings are normally given in a spica fashion, and the limb rested in Thomas’s splint, or the lower limb is maintained in an upper tibial skeletal traction with a weight of 8 to 10 lb. The knee is held in 5? to 10? of flexion. After four weeks, the traction and splint are removed, with the patient left free in bed for hip and knee exercises. Thereafter graduated weight-bearing is carried out. The most important step in this procedure is to not leave any spikes in the bone but to leave a smooth, sloping surface to avoid this complication. Another problem is the tendency for the leg to lie in external rotation. If this is troublesome, then a transfer of the psoas may be considered. In many cases, weight-bearing may be delayed for two months, when a weight-relieving caliper may be considered.


Hip Resurfacing

The concept of hip resurfacing was developed in response to the need to conserve bone in young patients undergoing hip replacement surgery. As material fixation techniques improved, younger and younger patients elected to have their hips replaced, thereby leading to the need for revision later in life. It was argued that hip resurfacing saved femoral bone stock for use in subsequent revision. An increase in the size of the femoral head component also allowed a much better range of movement and functional improvement in younger more athletic patients. At its peak before the recognition of aseptic lymphocyte dominated vasculitis associated lesions (ALVALs) and the effects of metal wear debris, hip resurfacing was the replacement of choice in the mid-1960s age group, but now its use is in a sharp decline in the rest of the world for the above reasons. Hip resurfacing (metal on metal [MoM]) is a procedure where less bone is removed from the hip joint as compared to total hip replacement (THR). The femoral head is capped, but the femoral neck is still preserved. This procedure is aimed primarily at active young patients, where the worn out or damaged hip joint is replaced by a new metal acetabular component which articulates with a replaced metal femoral head.



  • Younger patients with high physical demands
  • Good bone stock
  • Non-inflammatory hip disease as usually bone quality is not so good in rheumatoid patients
  • Absence of infection
  • Near-normal anatomy as for any other joint replacement




  • History of metal hypersensitivity
  • Poor bone quality, as it will not hold the femoral head or acetabular component properly like osteoporosis, slipped upper femoral epiphysis (SUFE), narrow femoral neck, and small femoral head
  • Chronic renal failure
  • Femoral head cyst found during surgery— the risk of neck fracture
  • Large body mass index (BMI)
  • Leg length discrepancy
  • Avascular necrosis (AVN) femoral head
  • Inflammatory arthropathy



  • Tall and thin patients.
  • Short femoral neck.
  • Women of child-bearing age: metal ions can pass through the placenta and reach the fetus, but their effect is unknown on the fetus.
  • The British Joint Registry is the largest joint registry now in the world, and it shows that the proportion of hip implant patients receiving large-head MoM prosthesis has dropped to 2% and appears to be still falling.


Theoretical Advantages of Hip Resurfacing

  • Bone preserved as part of the head and neck remains as bone stock.
  • Normal anatomy is maintained by maintaining offset, leg length, and anteversion.
  • Metal wear particles are very small (50–500 nm), so they do not activate inflammatory response (0.5–1 ?m).
  • Due to bone stock conservation, revision is easier.
  • Metals have good fracture toughness.
  • Proprioception is preserved better than in THR.
  • Biomechanically femoral loading is more normal and minimal stress reported.
  • Adhesive wear can be shielded by high carbide content with a cobalt-chromium-molybdenum fluid film, and polar-bearing articulations are theoretical achievements giving less wear.
  • Reduced length of stay in the hospital makes it cost-effective, and patients quickly return to activity.
  • MoM implants have properties of polishing out isolated surface scratches, called self-healing.


Current Concerns

  • Recent reports suggested high failure rates associated at the union–head interface and evidence of corrosion on the surface of the stem.
  • Metal sensitivity is also an important issue. When MoM implants (hip resurfacing) work well, they give years of trouble-free use with very low levels of wear. However, they can fail to increase the amount of wear and producing a small number of debris particles of cobalt and chromium ions that make up the implants.
  • This debris can trigger a cascade of phenomena, causing bone erosion and loosening of implants. The British Joint Registry has informed that 3% of implants loosen at nine years; however, implants fail due to other reasons as well. So, the overall failure rate is about 1% per year.
  • Metal ions are of major public concern, although they are not proven to be causing any serious side effects.
  • Ions may cross the placental barrier in child-bearing-age women.
  • An adverse soft tissue reaction (ASTR) or an adverse reaction to metal debris (ARMD) can occur. An ARMD is a joint failure–associated pain, large sterile effusion of the hip, and macroscopic necrosis/metallosis.
  • AVN/collapse can happen and may present as periprosthetic fracture and may happen as late as 2–3 years.
  • The femoral neck fracture is the most common mode of failure (1%–3%). It happens in earlier months postoperatively. The Australian Joint Registry found an increased incidence of fractures in females.
  • Femoral head loosening (0.4%) may happen due to less cement mantle and if the depth of cement penetration is less.
  • Acetabular loosening is much higher in females.
  • An ALVAL is a delayed hypersensitivity reaction causing immune activation and osteolysis.
  • A pseudo-tumour is a granulomatous mass or a destructive cystic lesion which is neither infective nor neoplastic—usually 1% risk at five years. Formation of a synovial biomembrane produces collagenase, IL-1, and TNF, causing osteolysis.
  • Risk of neoplasm is a primary concern for the long term, but this is unfounded.
  • Chromosomal abnormalities are more common in the blood due to increased metal ions, and local tissues are subject to potential metaplasia/dysplasia.
  • Revision is more likely in female patients and is more likely due to pain, increased abduction angle, and a small femoral component.


Patient’s Perspectives

  1. What are the benefits of improved function (bone stock preservation) with reduced risk of dislocation? What are the risks of having MoM implants—metal ion toxicity? The risk to patients having these implants is less, as always discussed with younger patients.
  2. How many will fail? A failure rate of 1% is usual according to the British Joint Registry, although failure from all causes is 3% approximately. It is used in younger patients with high demands, accounting for about 45% of the patients less than 55 years of age in the UK.
  3. How long will implants last? Implants are supposed to last quite long if they do well.
  4. How well will these implants perform? Are they any better than conventional THR? If they do well, they do very well for a long time with a good range of movement so that patients can take part in all types of sports.


Operative Technique and Considerations

  • A surgeon should have a minimum experience of 200 conventional THRs before starting hip resurfacing.
  • Adequate exposure of the hip joint is mandatory.
  • A posterior approach is preferable to expose the area around the neck as centralization of the peg is mandatory for good results.
  • Femoral head preparation is mandatory according to the acetabulum preparation. A 6 mm difference is usual in Smith and Nephew or Birmingham hip resurfacing, between femoral head and acetabulum. For example, if the femoral head size is 52 mm, then the acetabulum reamer size should be 58 mm.
  • The femoral head size of 52 mm is the lowest size one should aim for, as any size smaller than this means that correspondingly the neck is of a smaller diameter and may not be the ideal case to do hip resurfacing. On the other hand, the acetabulum should be large enough to allow at least a 58 mm acetabular component (52 mm femoral head + 6 mm= 58 mm). This can be a challenging situation if the bones are small.
  • The most common reason for failure in smaller-sized components is a fracture of the neck of the femur or femoral head collapse, with 56% of aseptic revisions in femoral head sizes under 50 mm femoral head implant diameters being undertaken for these reasons.
  • Close attention should be paid to avoid notching of the femoral neck during the surgical procedure or varus malposition of the femoral component, which has been shown to increase the risk of a femoral neck fracture.
  • Coagulation of trochanteric anastomotic blood vessels is not allowed to prevent AVN of the femoral head.


Assessing a Patient of MoM in Clinic

A thorough history of the patient who has had a hip resurfacing done is taken. This includes his or her physical activities, any allergies, medical problems, and medication if any. Any systemic feature like increased temperature, localized hip pain, or swelling is also noted. Thereafter the patient is investigated along the following lines:



The primary aim is to exclude infection of the hip joint and assess metal wear and bone lysis:

  • FBC, ESR, CRP, IL-6

Full blood count (FBC): A white blood cell count is helpful if the infection is acute.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR): In the absence of other illness, an increased ESR suggests a hip infection.

C-reactive protein (CRP): This is an acute-phase reactant. It remains high in infections of hip joint resurfacing. Sensitivity is 96%, and specificity is 92%.

Interleukin-6 (IL-6): IL-6 is produced by monocytes and macrophages. It increases production of CRP. Recently it has been shown that it is a more accurate marker than ESR and CRP.

  • Radiograph of the pelvis at yearly intervals is done to see the changes occurring gradually. A lateral radiograph is more helpful to show hip retroversion.
  • DEXA bone scan: Increased bone mineral density in Gruen zone 7. It is low-dose radiation, and it has shown preservation of bone mineral density in the femoral neck.
  • An ultrasound scan is done to rule out any pseudo-tumor. It may need a further magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan if a mass is found.
  • Serum metal ion assessment: Usually above 7 ppb (parts per billion) is significant. See if it is gradually increasing.
  • MRI (metal artifact reduction sequence [MARS]): MRI is done to see pseudo-tumors and other soft-tissue mass.
  • Computed tomography (CT) scan (MARS): CT scan is done to assess the bone stock, which may supplement MRI.
  • Bone scan: This may be positive in late cases. There may be increased uptake due to loosening.
  • Hip aspiration: It is useful when clinical or radiological evidence of infection is there or if the ESR or CRP is increased.



Every year in Britain around 70,000 hip replacement operations are done. MoM hip resurfacing is done for active young patients having hip osteoarthritis. The concept of hip resurfacing was developed in response to the need for conserving bone in younger patients undergoing hip replacement surgery. It gives an improved range of motion, improved gait parameters, ease of doing the operation, and decreased morbidity of revision arthroplasty. There is a reduced dislocation rate due to large head size and an increased excursion distance. There is normal femoral loading, decreased stress shielding, less risk of infection, and fewer chances of getting deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE).



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