Ontario Massage Therapy Continuing Education
NCBTMB Approved
Find Ontario Massage CEUs online today with Massage CEU Monkey! We provide interesting and convenient courses for Ontario Massage Therapists seeking continuing education.
Each license shall be renewed triennially, on or before November 30th, by forwarding to the board a renewal application accompanied by the renewal fee. Any license not renewed triennially on or before November 30th shall expire.
30 Massage CE Hours can be obtained online.
The College of Massage Therapists Ontario (CMTO) no longer pre-approves courses. It is up to the licensee to determine what CEU is suitable.
30 Hours every 3 Years (triennially) as a condition for renewing his or her license.
The courses shall have been completed within the 36 months preceding the date renewal of November 30th.
We offer a variety of Ontario massage CEU courses that you can take to complete your Massage Therapy Continuing Education requirements.
Ontario Massage Continuing Education
College of Massage Therapists Ontario (CMTO) – Requirements
According to the board, every massage therapists licensed in Ontario are required to complete 30 hours of continuing education as a condition for renewing his or her license. The College of Massage Therapists Ontario (CMTO) no longer pre-approves courses. It is up to the licensee to determine what CEU is suitable. The courses must be completed within the 36 months preceding the date renewal is due.
Renewal Information
Along with your renewal application, you must submit a fee of $785. CEUs are no longer required to be recorded and submitted, but you may record them in the new Quality Assurance System through the Action-Learning Plan (ALP) found on the CMTO Website.
The BEST Deal! – $89 Massage CEU Course Package for All Courses On Massage CEU Monkey. Offer Ends This Week.
NCBTMB Approved Courses
All Massage Continuing Education Courses On Website
No Expiration!
This massage therapy continuing education course package is truly the best deal! Get all of the courses on Massage CEU Monkey for only $89. This course package also includes up to 4.5 Massage CE Hours in the Mandatory Ethics requirement needed for many states. Complete courses at your own pace and as you need them to receive certificates. There is no expiration on when to take the course package once you buy it. Offer ends this week. Finish on your own schedule.
Drugs with Severe Side Effects: 1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Unit/Credit.
NCBTMB Approved
1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
Category: Clinical/Medical Settings
The purpose of this course is to educate the student on the side effects of common prescription medications, what other drugs or foods may interact with them, and identify safety precautions to minimize risks of dangerous side effects. A great course for massage therapists who desire to learn more about the harmful side effects of some prescription medications.
Muscle Injuries: 4 Massage Continuing Education Units/Credits.
NCBTMB Approved Course
4 Massage Continuing Education Credits
Category: Science
This massage continuing education course is truly needed for any massage therapist since many patients come in for some type of muscle injury. This course goes over every thing you need to know about muscle injuries. Learn about the different grades of muscle strains, muscle contusions and cramps.
Understand how the repair process occurs and its phases. Learn about the different steps patients/clients can take to speed up the healing process. Finish four massage continuing education units online today.
Pelvic Girdle Anatomy, Physiology, & Injuries: 4 Massage Continuing Education Units/Credits.
NCBTMB Approved Course
4 Massage Continuing Education Credits
Category: Science
Impress your patients with your knowledge of the pelvic girdle! Every thing you need to know about pelvic girdle anatomy, physiology, and injuries are included in this course. The pelvic girdle is extremely important because of the protection and support it provides the lower organs, such as the urinary bladder, the reproductive organs, and the developing fetus in a pregnant woman. This structure also carries the weight of the body from the vertebral column. It is our center of gravity and involved heavily in all walking functions. Finish 4 Massage Therapy CEUs online with this course from the comfort of your home.
Sports Injuries: 4 Massage Continuing Education Units/Credits.
NCBTMB Approved Course
4 Massage Continuing Education Credits
Category: Science
General knowledge of sports injuries and understanding how they occur is key in the massage therapy profession. This continuing education course will help you to communicate effectively with your clients that receive treatment for sports related injuries, which in turn can help lead them to a better treatment plan. Your knowledge in this subject can help provide a better experience at your massage therapy practice by allowing you to adapt your techniques to specific injuries. This massage CEU course is highly recommended.
Rotator Cuff Injuries Anatomy, Physiology, & Injuries: 4 Massage Continuing Education Units/Credits.
NCBTMB Approved Course
4 Massage Continuing Education Credits
Category: Science
Rotator cuff injuries are very common and can be caused by overuse, repetitive motion, or due to falls. This massage therapy continuing education course will refresh your knowledge about anatomy and physiology of the rotator cuff and will help you understand how and when people injure these muscles. This course is also key in your communication with your clients and will help understand your clients health issues. Give you patient a better experience with this course.
Key Topics In Healthcare Ethics: 3 Massage Continuing Education Units/Credits.
NCBTMB Approved Course
3 Massage Continuing Education Credits
Category: Ethics
This course counts for 3 CE hours in the ethics requirement, which is mandated for many states. In this massage therapy CE course, we discuss a variety of hot topics healthcare providers and massage therapists alike should have a basic understanding of in order to successfully navigate the landscape of healthcare ethics, laws, rules, patient/client rights and morals in the industry today. Complete your ethics requirement today with this interesting and hassle free CE course!
Massage CEU Course Package – Buy 3 CE, Get 1 FREE!
NCBTMB & New York Approved
Great Deal – Receive a total of 4 Credit Hours – $8.99 per Credit
Your Courses Include:
Massage Therapy Injuries – 2.5 CE
Professional Ethics & Boundaries – 1 CE FREE
Sexual Boundaries Part 1 – .5 CE
Massage Therapy Injuries: 2.5 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Units/Credits.
NCBTMB & New York Approved
2.5 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credits
Category: Health Care Massage
The purpose of this course is to understand the different types of injuries typically acquired in the massage therapy profession and how to prevent them. Key subjects such as self-care to prevent injuries, musculoskeletal symptoms, injuries among professional massage/bodywork practitioners, tendonitis, thoracic outlet syndrome, nerve impingement injury, carpal tunnel, body positioning, shoulder/neck/back pain, tenosynovitis, hand and arm care tips, and more are discussed.
Understanding Breast Cancer: 2 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Units/Credits.
NCBTMB & New York Approved
2 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credits
Category: Clinical/Medical Settings
The key goal of the “Understanding Breast Cancer” Massage CEU course is for you to be able to identify the risk factors, presentation, treatment, symptoms, of breast cancer and how knowing this information is applicable in the the health care setting. The purpose of this course is to provide the student a well rounded knowledge of breast cancer.
Brain Disorders: 2 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Units/Credits.
NCBTMB & New York Approved
2 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credits
Category: Science
This course discusses a variety of prevalent brain disorders and conditions that have an effect on the brain. Key topics include the science behind cerebrovascular disease, ischemic stroke, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, seizure disorder, epilepsy, Huntington disease, demyelinating diseases, multiple sclerosis, CNS infections such as meningitis and encephalitis, mental disorders, autism, and brain tumors. The purpose of this course is to educate the student on the brains anatomy and physiology, while defining diseases and conditions that effect normal functioning of the brain.
Joint Aging: 2 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Units/Credits.
NCBTMB & New York Approved
2 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credits
Category: Assessment
As a massage therapist, understanding the human body is a must, but to really serve our clients we must also know how and why the body ages. This course focuses specifically on joint aging. We will identify different types of joints, define osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and explain preventative measures to protect joints. The purpose of the course is to educate you, the massage therapist, on why and how joints age.
Chronic Disease and the Foods We Eat – 2 Massage Continuing Education Units
NCBTMB Approved
2 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credits
Category: Advanced Science
Discover the connection that has evolved between chronic disease and the foods we eat. In this course, we review topics such as nutrigenomics, health benefits of certain food types, prevention of certain diseases through nutrition, digestive health & wellness, and understanding foods that may be detrimental to human health.
Health & PCOS – 2 Massage Continuing Education Units
NCBTMB Approved
2 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credits
Category: Science
In this course, discover and learn about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) along with the causes, treatments, and outlook for individuals with PCOS. The provider will also learn more about the signs and symptoms of PCOS, common methods of testing, and more.
What to Know About CHF (Congestive Heart Failure): 2 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Units.
NCBTMB Approved
2 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
Category: Clinical/Medical Settings
In this course we review key topics surrounding the condition of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) such as causes, cardiomyopathy, symptoms, stages of CHF, possible treatments, the difference between CHF and heart attacks, and more. Additionally, the therapist will be able to learn about preventative measures and lifestyle changes that are helpful for this condition.
Understanding Weight Management: 2 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Units.
NCBTMB Approved
2 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
Category: Science
In this course the student will learn more about the research behind weight management and weight loss. Key topics discussed include aging & weight gain, causes of weight gain, stress, anxiety, diabetes, exercise, and weight loss maintenance.
Antibiotics: Benefits & Cautions: 1.5 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Units.
NCBTMB Approved
1.5 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
Category: Science
Discover the history and science of antibiotics. In this course we discuss the public health issues and concerns that lead to the major breakthrough on antibiotic production and use. Topics to be discussed include what healthcare providers used to prevent infections prior to antibiotics, the road blocks on the way antibiotics availability, and explore what is happening within the space today. While the benefits of antibiotics have been tremendous, they do not come without risk and danger in terms of public health. This course aims to explore both the benefits and the risks.
Diet & Cancer: The Connection: 1.5 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Unit.
NCBTMB Approved
1.5 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
Discover the connection between your diet and incidence of cancer in this massage therapy continuing education course. The massage therapist can expect to learn about different foods and substances that have been linked to cancer.
Professional Ethics & Boundaries: 1 Massage Continuing Education Unit/Credit.
NCBTMB & New York Approved
1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credits
Category: Ethics
This course will discuss in detail 6 very important facets of professional ethics: Patient rights, HIPAA, nondiscrimination, documentation & record keeping, professional boundaries, and public ethics.
Degenerative Disc Disease: 1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Unit/Credit.
NCBTMB & New York Approved
1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
Category: Clinical/Medical Settings
This course will review the pathophysiology behind degenerative disc disease. The purpose of this course is to help you, the massage therapist, understand the impact of degenerative disc disease on the person and to discuss treatment options available.
Errors Diagnosing Joint Disease: 1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Unit/Credit.
NCBTMB & New York Approved
1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
Category: Clinical/Medical Settings
This massage CEU course will discuss errors and types of decision making errors that lead to diagnostic errors in diagnosing joint diseases and injuries. The purpose of this course is to educate the student on the different types of errors that could be made in a medical setting, and additionally to describe and explain related joint diseases, injuries and conditions.
Massage CEU Combo – Sciatica A&P + Depression A&P: 1 Massage Continuing Education Unit/Credit.
NCBTMB & New York Approved
1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education
Sciatica Anatomy & Physiology
Category: Acupressure
The goal of this massage CEU class is to provide massage therapists with a more in depth understanding of the anatomy of the spine so you can increase your expertise on conditions dealing with the spine. The last section will review useful acupressure points.
Depression Anatomy & Physiology
Category: Science
This massage CEU course will review mood disorders, hormone imbalances, and genetic causes of what cause depression to occur in the brain. In addition, a thorough review of different regions of the brain such as the hypothalamus, amygdala, how depression effects each of these regions, and more.
Massage CEU Combo – Nutrition Research + Tumors of the CNS: 1 Massage Continuing Education Unit/Credit.
NCBTMB Approved
1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credits
Nutrition Research
Category: Self Care
This massage CEU course will cover research conducted on different areas of nutrition such as diets (Paleolithic diets, ketogenic diets, caloric restriction, high fiber diets) and help to identify what the best type of diet for weight loss may be. The effects of diet on neurocognitive function will also be discussed, the role of Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF), including the effects of certain diets on diabetics, and more!
Tumors of the CNS
Category: Clinical/Medical Settings
This massage CEU course discusses tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) and their causes. Hereditary disorders, such as neurofibromatosis, von Hippel-Lindau disease, and others are discussed including and environmental impacts that can cause central nervous system tumors.
Massage CEU Combo – Diversity & Cultural Competency + Transmittable Diseases: 1 Massage Continuing Education Unite/Credit.
NCBTMB & New York Approved
1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credits
Diversity & Cultural Competency
Category: Other
Have you ever encountered clients of diverse cultural backgrounds, and felt unsure on how to best communicate with them? Are you curious about different ethnicities, cultures, and customs? In this massage CEU course, we discuss this and much more.
Transmittable Diseases
Category: HIV/AIDS
The goal of this massage CEU Course is to help you increase your knowledge on HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Pneumocystis, Tuberculosis, Influenza, malaria, cholera, the Zika virus, hantavirus, and leprosy.
The Science of Headaches: 1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Unit/Credit.
NCBTMB & New York Approved
1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
Category: Science
The purpose of this course is to improve the students understanding of different types of headaches, why they occur, how they occur on a physiological level, and to understand the correlation between neck injuries and headaches. This course identifies different types of headaches, why they occur, and how they can be evaluated and characterized. Additional details will be discussed such as cluster headaches, pathogenesis of migraines, post traumatic headaches, cervicogenic headaches, and more.
Future Stem Cell Treatments: 1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Unit/Credit.
NCBTMB & New York Approved
1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
Category: Science
What are stem cells exactly? What is their purpose in the human body? How do they work? How can they help people fight or reverse their medical ailments? These questions and more will be answered with Future Stem Cell Treatments. We will discuss different focuses of medicine such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, spinal cord injury, severe burn wounds, etc., and identify relevant research on the ability of stem cells to help in these areas. The purpose and intent of this course is to have massage therapists walk away with a greater knowledge of stem cells and how they may one day help many people with a variety of different medical conditions. An excellent new area of medicine that everyone in the health care field should be aware of.
Pregnancy & Gestational Diabetes: 1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Unit.
NCBTMB Approved
1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
Uncover the causes, symptoms, risk factors, & diagnosis procedures surrounding gestational diabetes. In this massage therapy continuing education course, massage therapists can expect to learn about appropriate weight gain during pregnancy, medications, and gestational diabetes prevention.
Rheumatology & Diagnostic Errors: 1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Unit.
NCBTMB Approved
1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
In this massage therapy continuing education course, providers can expect to learn about decision and diagnostic errors commonly made in rheumatology. Additionally, providers will be able to identify signs, symptoms, and causes of rheumatologic disorders.
Skin & the Aging Process: 1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Unit.
NCBTMB Approved
1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
Why does the skin age and what causes it to do so? In this massage therapy CE course, the provider can expect to learn the answers to these questions, as well as identifying important structures of the skin. Additionally, learn ways to minimize the aging process.
The Impact of Diet on Behavior: 1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Unit.
NCBTMB Approved
1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
Evaluate pertinent information on the importance of nutrition and dietary habits, and how this impacts our behavior. The massage therapist can expect to learn about different foods & dietary habits that are responsible for improving mood. Learn more about the correlation between diet and behavioral issues.
Weight Loss Medications & Surgeries – Current Treatments: 1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Unit.
NCBTMB Approved
1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
This massage therapy continuing education course explores the pros and cons of various weight loss medications and common surgeries used today.
What to Know About Bell’s Palsy: 1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Unit
NCBTMB & New York Approved
1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
Category: Clinical/Medical Settings
In ‘What to Know About Bell’s Palsy’, the provider will gain an understanding of the pathophysiology of Bell’s Palsy, signs and symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, common treatment options, exercises that are helpful for Bell’s Palsy, and much more.
Lyme Disease Awareness: 1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Unit.
NCBTMB Approved
1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
Category: Science
In this course, we explore important and relevant information about Lyme disease. The provider will develop an understanding of risk factors for tick-borne disease, disease epidemiology, the tick life cycle, disease burdens, Lyme disease stages, signs of Lyme disease, human immune response, treatment options, diagnostic tools, and more.
What To Know About Fasting – 1 Massage Continuing Education Unit.
NCBTMB Approved
1 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
Category: Advanced Science
Intermittent fasting has created much buzz among health and nutrition enthusiasts in recent years, which is why it is important for providers to be educated on this type of diet. In this course, the provider will learn what intermittent fasting is, along with the different types of intermittent fasting. We will also evaluate the pros and cons of each type of fasting.
Sexual Boundaries Part 1: .5 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Unit.
NCBTMB & New York Approved
.5 Massage Therapy Continuing Education Credit
Category: Ethics
The purpose of this course is to educate the therapist on professional boundaries and to identify conduct that may cross the line. Additionally, this course seeks to explain the negative implications of an intimate relationship between a massage therapist and client, and potential legal ramifications.Review tips on how to establish and maintain professional conduct with patients/clients.Other topics to be discussed include, boundary training, real life scenarios, outcomes of boundary violations, opinions from thought leaders about sexual boundary issues, defining boundaries, and boundary violation prevention.